Tuesday, 18 January 1966 ~ -::;-.,. 1:00 AM .-,, ' ­ DECLA,SS!FJFD E. 0. 12356. Ste. 3. 1 M£1Vl.ORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT ..N~J 8 8 -/¥/ f3y_~ i':ARA. O:ltc ~°Y-1'2-ff South Vietnam Communist; guerrilla activity has intensified over wide areas of the country 441'! the ev-c of the Tet cease-fire. A series of incidents near Saigon during th~ }'as.f..two d::i.ys has resulted in heavy civilian casualties. Tl1-:.: Soi.?.H11 v ·ictna.mese Army Special Forces camp at Minh Thanh received rr10:..·'.:a::.: and small arms fire early yesterday, and an outpost north of the canl.? was probed. Elements of the Viet Cong attacking units, estima. ted to be fiv.:: companies, were also reported on the nearby airstrip. Air strikes we~e cc..11..:; d for, and a reaction force was dispatched to the area. So far, l.4 1!.e~enders have been killed and 27 wounded. 1'·t.vo Sol:th Vietnamese were killed and 21 wounded when a command post in Qvcr\'j N~a.i city received 20 to 25 rounds of mortar fire and light :)•01.Jh~ ?robing attack last night. Nine rounds of the mortar fire landed in ~n orphanage compound during the attack killing 3 adult civilians and WOl.l.ndinlj 5 children. A nearby ob~ervation post manned by a Regional Force c..Dmpun}' of about 100 pe'rsonnel was overrun. Casualties for this action h~VoC' not yet been determined. JI'\ 1hua Thien Province~ northern South Vietnam, a special forces patrol b~sc h--ienned by 53 South Vietnamese and 2 US Special Forces, was attacked .fa, ,... i:e.n hours yesterday. Thirty air sorties were flown in support of the c....a~p. Four South Vietnar.nese were killed and 6 wounded. Viet Cong c...~sual:ies are not known. In the same province.11 Viet Cong were killed :in~ one-ci.ay combined US/South Vietnamese search and destroy operation. 'y An ~utpost" 50 rT.t-iles west of Saigon wo,s overrun early yesterday. Seven h.curs late< & South Vietnarr~ese reaction force had reached the camp and re:pocted 13 Vietnamese killed, 8 wounded and 7 missing. They also re pocted thdt 9 civilians had been killed and 5 wounded. A large number of Selll.th Vie~namcse youths were captured by the Viet Cong. "fwe.niy one operations of battalion size or larger are in progress at the pre~e..nt hme. US forces are participating in seven of these operations. A c.omhined operation involving 2 US Marine and 4 South Vietnamese b ill.Lons~ which began on January 9 south of Danang, was terminated ye~ie!!:day. Viet Cong casualties were 34 killed, 29 captured and 221 si.is.pe.cts detained. US casualties were 4 killed and 51 wounded. Three ba.ttalior..s of the US 1st Infantry Division continue Operation Buckskin 2.D miles northwest of Saigon. Casualties to date are 13 US killed and 95 wc1,...,"lded, 2 South Vietnamese killed, ll wounded and l missing, and 48 -· ~,...., .. ca* Vi