I i■J ' I rn ■ Today's Editorials Proof!eat R aiicry I* D angerous Volum e 39 Famous Swim Star Enrolls In University Woman's Dorm “Eeek, help, police! A man’s up And girls flitted madly for h ere!” cover. THE DAILY TEXAN AUSTIN, TEXAS, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1937 Six Pages Today Price Five Cents The Weather T uesday: Partly cloudy and wartnor. No. l l Japan Bombs Stamps, Esquire, Rides— A.&M. Won't Have Nanking and Largest Texas Band Canton Thrice S This Fall, Hurt Says the latest issue o f Esquire, find your lost blue I hat, tell you where you can pay your fees four days late, or find you a ride home if you don’t like the Mr. Zivley’s Secretary Can Supply Them All from the U niversity, having started here as a fresh­ man in the same class with Charles N. Zivley, mana­ ger o f the Union, and now her boss. >HE WILL SELL you a three-cent stamp, lend you Hut people who talk to her over the counter of • — T r irty C hinese Die University. In N ipponese R aids O n P i i l r n w R a i l w a y * the m anager’s o ffice in the Texas Union don’t u * u w 1 X d U W d y * u3ualiy w ant a ride home. They’d rather stay and 1 R alph F l a n a g a n , F ree-Style C ham p, M a r t s W ork H ere * The intruder was aa disconcert­ ed as the girls. He hadn’t really meant to embarrass anyone, least o f all him self. He was only a j ; ux a n m m s e u . n e w as o n ly a the w orst of some inform ation he had gotten from an upperclassman on how to * r e * i v i e d freshman making . I I J I BAH to attend a class. Ralph Flanagan, national and Th< direction8 had been to find Olympic middle and short distance ; the oldest building on the campus, free-etyle swimming champion, be- and surely this one had fitted the a*rat a student of The .University o f Toras yesterday when he went through registration lines to en­ roll in pre-medical courses. As the boy with a wildly beat­ ing heart rushed headlong down | the stairs, he was m et by an older firmly woman who grasped him description. Flanagan, who was expected ; by the arm, led him to the front j « ... re- « . , Saturday, was delayed, ne said, by member for the good of all that four train stops am. a wreck, to- boya were not allowed above the talin g thirteen hours, on his way j f !rst floor 0f the W oman’s Build- here. He le ft Miami, Fla., his j ing. home, W ednesday. w door and asked him to please „ j — -■ ■ When asked why he had chosen r* a a a -..l— I t, . , . g a n s p i t e d ^ h a t ’'he th o u g h t1*! ”a * * ,Z o O C O I I i p l c t C fine school, and that it had a good j medical branch, which he planned J to enter later. He wanted to re- ' main in the South, he said, so he can practice nine months o f the year. Registration; 903 Over 1936 The 21-year-old champion, over j Only fourteen students regis­ tered by special permission Mon­ day, bringing the total registra- six fe e t " tall, with reddish-blonde hair, is not at present in training, since he has ju st finished compe­ tition in the National A.A.U. meet. He rests three months o f the year, Monday nighti xfcj* ^ 9 0 3 more he explained, and wfll *o than had re, istered the training again preparation fo r spring meets. first day after the close o f offi- into | ^ in , „ in Decem ber U. T. Hopes High combination with In John student must secure special per- “Hondo” Crouch, U niversity free- nblsjon f rom the registrar and the style flash; Mike Sojka, breast- dean and instructors concerned, stroke star who recently defeated Late regigtration a ig0 inflicts neg- the national champion, but was ative hours, Max Fichtenbaum, disqualified fo r an incorrect fin­ assistant registrar, said. ish; Adolph K iefer, Olympic back- atroke champion, and other out­ standing swimmers enrolled here, the U niversity should distinguish itself in swimming contests within th e n ex t three years, Tex Robert­ son, swmming coach, believes. P easan ts M ystified NANKING, Sept. 27.-— (IN S )— Nanking’s rem aining half-million residents fled underground three tim es today when Japanese bomb­ ing planes swept over three time? to raid Pukow. A t least fifty Chinese, mostly coolies, were killed. Several B t H. R. KNICKERBOCKER NANKING, Sept. 27— (INS) — A score of peasant shacks smashed flat. poverty- stricken fam ilies ruined. One lit­ tle girl blown to bits. One cook and one soldier killed, and twenty men, women, children wounded. dozen a n d This was the n et score chalked up today from the promise of the Imperial Japanese flyin g corps to wipe out the city o f Nanking. Because three Japanese fliers were burned to death when their plane was shot down Saturday, j the raiders today split into two groups of nine and eleven, avoided J the defended center of the city, j aim in g at the Pukow ^ o f ^ i m e be- B ut they missed their targets t h e M BUCC*e ^®d_ only in desolating a group o f straw cabins of the poorest inhabitants. the stricken district I visited im m ediately raid. a fter Crowds o f dumbly wondering cool­ ies surrounded the bodies of the victim s while survivors dgedged ponds for more corpses. the No “ Why” was the question w rit­ ten m utely on the suffering faces to of bereaved families,, unable understand what possible motive figures were available on the number o f blanket taxes sold aa no students came to the Texas Student Publications O ffice to fill out a Daily Texan Delivery card. All students who pay their blanket taxes late are h e lm e te d ; *r°"! far ,w a y to call at the office of the Texa< to come and ram death upon in- Student Publications, Inc., and fill out an address card for de- liven- Of The Daily Texan, Wood- row W alter,, circulation manager, sch° o1 aI'd said. One bomb, landing in a school nocent persons. :;reck,ed J * d°*en ca.b‘ ms surrounding it. Neither mili­ tary nor political nor any other purpose could have served such a bombardment. Debate Try-Out Plans Changed Angered by a new Chinese ad­ vance north of Shanghai, Japanese aircraft, artillery and warships subjected that war-front to day­ preceding, long bombardment fo r said the Japanese army spokes- squad man, a giant offensive “which will be like a river breaking its dikes.” When he goes into training, he swims aJ>out four and one-half miles a day, Flanagan says. All his coaching has come from Steve Forsythe, Miami Biltmore Hotel coach, to whom he attributes his j success in com petition, which he began in 1928. At the University, he will be under the guidance o f Robertson, whose team s have won last two Southwest Conf cr­ the anes .championships, maintaining the T ex a i record o f having never lost a conference title. ask for more of the inform ation she so efficiently dispenses. Her name is Miss Marjorie Ruth Vogan, and you have seen her here at her desk by the window, typing a let­ into a ter while she telephone held betw een her ear and shoulder. She is the assistant to director of the Texas Union by official title, but she says she is a little o f everything around the place. talks Miss Vogan is as much a part o f the Union as the architect who designed it, and then som e. She was on the campus as a student when there was no Union and when the old women’s gym shack was there instead of it. Then she saw the student activity building under construction. When it opened in 1933 she was given the position she now holds. She has a bachelor o f business administration degree “ Giving accurate information is o n e of the services of the Union we try to make as efficient as possible,” Miss Vogan de­ clares. And she can tell you just about anything you want to know regarding The University o f Texas. Some of the questions asked her are rather stupid som etim es, but her tem per is always horizontal, her blue-gray eyes never angry. Press Release Claims 190-Piece Aggie Group Is Tops in State; U. T. Leader Shows List of 199 By ERNEST SHARPE I _ _____ I S THIS where I pay m y tuition?” or “Is this where I pay m y dormitory rent?” are some of inquiries made of her. “T h ey ’re cra zy ,” shouted Longhorn Band Director George E. Hurt Monday night, when informed that A . & M. the recent exasperating Questions about lost letters and telegrams, note- College claimed the largest band in Texas. T h e highly-touted A . & M . band cast the gauntlet full books and fountain pens left in the lounges, tele- phone calk asking for P re sid e n t C alhoun's f i r s t , in the face of University s Hurt and his Longhorn cohorts e-in an effort to retain their su- nam e, all kinds o f inform ation is asked of her and the other Union em ployees. prem acy o f m usical realm s, which they have held fo r m any years. Aggie au th o rities have blared to the world in a press release that they w ere still the la rg e st band in Texas with their m em bership totaling 190, and expecting ten more. Is she satisfied with her job? Certainly. I f s the environm ent, not the money, that keeps her here, Miss Vogan says. She likes Austin and th e student? who go and come year after year. She’s a par, of the Forty Acres. Reagan, Johnson Hughes Head New Council “ If we know it we tell them; if we don’t we get it fo r them ,” is her slogan. - New University Radio Program Starts 5 I Fall Broadcasts Over KNOW October 15 Beardsley Wins In Texan Contest W alter Beardsley, University student from Algona, Iowa, will receive two tickets to the Texas- L.S.U. game n ex t Saturday in Baton Rouge, La. Beardsley is the winner o f the misspelled words contest appearing in last Friday’s Texan. S i " ’ SSTC S Cactus Desires Photo Snappers Behind News From its new studio atop old B. Hall, The Daily Texan will pre­ sent, Friday, October 15, at 6 o’clock, the first autumn broad­ cast of the U niversity radio pro­ gram, “ Seven Days on the Forty Acres,” Dick W atts, director, has announced. All students interested in tak ing pictures for publication in the j communities, Cactus, University yearbook, have {held semi-monthly, been requested to m eet in Jour-1 The nalism Building 3 a t 3 o ’clock 3 at 3 T h u r s d a y afternoon, George Chamberlain, editor, said. Rules for a camera contest will be an­ nounced. Mr. Hurt declared al­ though the Longhorn Band works ; under a heavy handicap, it will dance sity top the A. Sc M. aggregation for Wednesday after- by fifty members when all tho informal m atinee that planned noon from 4 to 6 for the entire shouting ^ over. University w a , endorsed by the , council. „ ^ .. . Accepting the The program being sponsored by the Dean of M en’s Office to organize the unorganized men on {vicious gusto, Mr. the campus moved forward Sun- day morning when the regional executive council o f the Men’s In­ ter-Community Association assem­ bled for breakfast in the Univer­ sity Commons and elected o ffi­ cers. The council was the guest of Dean A m o Nowotny. challenge with ro a red , “They’re crazy I W hy we have 199 rig h t this m in u te, and we expect fifty m ore!” “ W « c a n ’t le t A . Sc ML b ea t th e s e w ord s M r. u»!” W ith la st c a ll issu e d Hurt H u rt th e fo r O fficers elected were Sydney Reagan, president; H. M. John­ son, vice-president; and Harry Hughes, secretary-treasurer. The council is made up of the presi­ eleven University dents o f the and m eetings are m en to jo in th e L o n g h o r n B a n d . Mr, H urt w ill r e m a in a t his o f ­ fic e in B. H all 2 5 a ll d a y T u ea- day to r e c e iv e th e a p p lic a n ts. . . instructions! The community presidents will & place rn The University hag ftt jgagt ^ c aver . As a m atter of I act, o f meet this week with the registrar m ust representa- i Texas band, fives o f each house in their com- check his grades and certify that munities. Those houses which have not chosen representatives are asked to g e t from the Dean’s O ffice. conUn- the Longhorn bandleader, The eleven com m unity pres!- j “A. & M. puts a premium on band and dents are membership by giving the boys . I; J _ George Barnhardt, for m ilitary science and Frank Luckett, district 2; Harry Hughes, district 3; Bennie Bray- drill practice, both o f which are kal, district 4; Frank Newton, dis- required in their curriculum.” trict 5; H. M. Johnson, district 6; Lon Sailers, district 7; Sydney Their m ilitary routine alone i t Reagan, district 8; Killough Smith, a special inducem ent to the A. & district 9; Paul Coy, district IO; M. students to join their band, and Orvan Jones, district l l . their districts district Mr. Hurt thinks. _ . credit In d u c e m e n t M ilitary ;ued I* J in The Men’s intram ural ath- Inter-Community This year is the first time in A sso ciatio n was organized under the history of the University that the supervision of the Dean’s O f­ it has had a bigger organization fice to make it possible for unor- than A. & M. “ One week ago we ganized men to participate more [only numbered 156,” Mr. Hurt effectively said; “and the student body was letics and to give them inexpen- becoming anxious over our pros- sive aociai activities. Intra-com- p e d s for the two hundred we an- m unity contests w ill be conducted ticipated. But a steady stream of the to stimulate high scholarship. The association will seek better ranks.” Talking about the situa- housing conditions in the Univer- tion Monday night in his o ffice, gity community, and will assist Hurt said, “ Only five minutes the University relations ago a new man came in and asked new members has swelled Hurt said that when one more M em bership in the organization band member turns in his card to includes all men students not add to the 199 that are already housed in dormitories or frater- enrolled, the Longhorn Band will is gov- be the first band in Texas to have pities. Each community em ed by three councils, the exec- 200 members, utive, social, and intramural coun­ cils. N ew U n ifo r m * O rd ered Merchants’ prizes winners are: Moses Hochman, “ Two chicken chow mein sub gum dinners at the Tower.” Mary Louise Weir, “Free wash­ ing and lubrication job at Austin Goodyear No. 2, Inc., Service Sta- tion.” The studio also occupied by the Light Opera Company, is being shared with the Texan through the courtesy o f Herbert Wall, Light Opera Company director, and W alter Kerr, president. Plans remodej aild acoustically equip tbe £0_ fj00r room are being car- The deceiving test proved too ( r*ed out w -tb ^ COOperation of hard a nut fo r the collegians to u ba Departm ent o f Physics and crack; but Beardsley s answer was the neatest and most nearly cor­ rect and he was awarded first prize on this basis. Wendell Lowrey, “ Two lu n ch es, ^ p Boner, sound expert at The Texan Grill. th e F ir st m e e tin g o f the radio • t a f f w ill b e h eld T h u rsd ay night a t 7 o ’clock in J. B . 6, fo r fo r m u la tio n o f plan* for th e f irat b ro a d ca st o f th* se a so n . W a tts h as ask ed h ead s th e m a v a ila b le to b r in g w ith c a n d id a te s fo r a ss ista n t p o si­ tio n s. Contributions will be divided into classes, and the number and types o f prizes will be published later. The Cactus the right to use any picture submit­ ted, Chamberlain said. reserves Work o f photographing the fra­ ternity and sorority sections of the Cactus was begun this week. As the groups must be finished according to schedule, members have been requested to have pic­ tures made immediately. Burt Dyke, business manager, spent the week-end in Fort Worth discussing with Bruno Lore, art­ ist, plans for several sections, and the work of writing copy and get­ ting pictures for sections will be started within the next week. these S ta ff heads include Margarette Garrison, news and dramatization; W inM ra*are"reqacsted t o n n e Bob E c k h a r t, humor; J o . Bald- and Alice Mary 'w in, music; Post Office Rating Raises Box Rentals Debaters wishing In 1932, the Olympic veteran the University debating attended his international first should m eet with T. A. Rousse, m eet, but won no contests. To coach of debate, today in W ag­ 1986 he was again a member o f goner Hall 101 at 4 o’clock. The the team , and this tim e placed sec- end in the h alf mile, fourth in the I place of m eeting was previously announced as Garrison H all I, but 400-m eter and fifth in the 1,500 a conflict in schedules necessitates meter. the change. S et N e w R ecord* to try-out Mr. Rousse will announce plans Since that time he has set eight for the coming try-outs, sched- new records, two o f them world records, and won every event he uled for October 19 and October 26 in Garrison Hall I, and will entered in th e National A.A.U. allow the contestants to draw for m eet only three weeks ago. He the sides o f the question they wish swam the mile in 20 m inutes 40 to support. Speaking positions seconds, breaking the world rec­ will also be selected for the pre­ ord of 20 minutes 57 seconds, long liminary try-out. held by Jack Medica, He also set a new world’s record in the 1,000- yard contest. Thirty Americans narrowly es- caped death in the first raid on Canton. R efugees from the Yang­ tze valley, they had just left the station Canton-Hankow railroad when thirteen Japanese airplanes began aiming their deadly missiles at the building. A t least eighty were killed in first swoop. Most of them the were poor non-combatants resid­ ing in the slums around the sta­ tion. Only six were killed in the station Itself. Miss Weir’s placing was the second in three years, since two years ago, she was the winner in j a similar contest sponsored by the Texan. Lowrey’a solution o f “certain common, everyday words as they are spelled by The Daily Texas as contrasted by Noah W ebster,” won him his two lunches award. to Journalism Building 108 to re ceive their tokens. —o ........... ...... — Special to Carry Fans to O. U. Game Adams, features j„„„4„ .____ . , , m Two experim ental broadcasts of . Recent advancement the University P ostoffice t w « nn th* Fnrtv A PTP*” c ‘ass 0T w e um vsrsny I o sio iiic e has raised box rental rates, be­ ginning October I, to 76 cents, $1.50, and $2, according to the committee inN preading the tr u th ! to j o in ” size o f the box. about the University. public in These com petitive contests will reduce the number to tw enty-four speakers, which group w ill consti­ tute the debate squad for the year. The debaters attending today’s m eeting will be instructed in the points which the judges will stress in selecting the speakers for the final elimination. Time lim its for the contestants have been set at five m inutes and the speakers will discuss the ques­ tion, “ Resolved: That the Unicam­ eral System of Legislature Should Be Adopted Several by States.” the If, for any reason, a speaker should be unable to attend today’s m eeting, he may enter the elimina­ tions any tim e before the first try­ outs by giving his name to Mr. Rousse. ..........•—O’- .............. P ra th e r H all Elects 1937-38 C ouncilm en fourth floor of W ren n Books M oved Into M ain Building A football special fo r the Texas- Oklahoma game on October 9 from Austin to Dallas has been the arranged and sponsored by Most o f the books o f the Wrenn Austin Junior Chamber of Com- Library have been placed upon • merce, Joe Stanton, secretary of the shelves in their new home on the organization, has announced, The special, which will be op­ the erated over the Katy lines, will Building. leave Austin Saturday, October I constructive cher Stark Library have not yet 9, at 6 o’clock in the morning and ; forthcoming been placed which line the room and extend at ceiling. Large wooden to boxes stand in the middle of the room w aiting to be opened, and the books within to be put in their proper places. l l o’clock. The return trip j after the gam e may be made either Saturday at midnight on the special train or on Sunday on one o f the regularly scheduled t rains.. The books o f the Miriam Lut- is scheduled to arrive the bookcases the Main the in in Dallas | body throughout the winter o---------- —— ‘ Ropes Used to Maneuver Boats When Dr. Webb Shot Rapids D R. WALTER James M etcalf, inspector o f the United States Border Patrol, and Thomas Skaggs, assisted by Joe Lane, who w as in charge o f the party. The party the river on May 16 w ith two steel boats— the B ig Bend and Cinco de Mayo. entered The expedition camped at the entrance of the gorge the first night. It thundered and lightned all night, and there was a possi­ bility o f high water, but the next morning Coast Guard airplanes signaled that there w as no danger. F ive officers fo r the 1937-38 school term were elected at the the Prather charter m eeting o f Hall dwellers, Monday night in Prather Hall. The officers w ill serve with the councilmen the other two men’s dormitories, Brackenridge and Roberts. from N ew officers are: Clyde Logue, president; Don W ebster, v ice­ president; Fred Much, secretary- ser- treasurer; D. H. Arnold, geant-at-arm s; and W alter Caven, postman. Dick Rubottom, assistant dean of m en, spoke on dormitory life. -------------- o-------------- C U R T A IN C L U B T R Y O U T S The list of new members o f the Curtain Club will be announced Thursday s in Texan. Try-outs fo r “First Lady” w ill be held this a ft­ ernoon at 2:30 o’clock and tonight at 7:30 o ’clock in Texas Union 303, John Con- nally, president, announced la st night. PRESCOTT Webb, professor o f history and consulting historian o f the National Park Service, who made the perilous trip down the Santa Helena Canyon last May. Rays that he w ent through the greatest or­ deal before he entered the canyon. “ An article by Dr. Robert T. H ill, who made the trip in 1899, gave me the idea,” said Dr. Webb, “but after I had made my plan? and began to hear the stories of all the boats and lives that had been lost on the other trips, I wished many tim es that I had cot begun my plans.” One o f the purposes o f the trip was to find out whether it would be practical to open the canyon to tourists. Dr. Webb stated they found it would be possible to put a horseback shelf three miles up the canyon from the mouth, and that it might be possible to open the traffic limited boat mouth to the rockfall. from Dr. Webb wa* accompanied by D R. W EBB described the can­ yon as “a huge mountain which had opened to le t the river through.” The walls continue to •ise as you go down the canyon mtil they stand 2000 feet above you on either side, and there is no possibility o f g ettin g out until ou g et to the mouth.” “It was at the first series of apids that I felt most squeam- See ROPES, Page 5, Col. 8. 28 H A V E P IC T U R E S T A K E N Only tw enty-eight students had pictures taken for their blanket taxes between opening hours and 3 o’clock Monday. As Saturday was the deadline for these pic­ tures, each o f these students was charged 25 cents. Others who have not had the pictures made are urged to do so by the early part of n ex t week. first Seven Days on the Forty Acres were made during the summer, the from H ogg Memorial Auditorium, the second from the studio o f KNOW. The aim o f the director and Ed Syers, editor of the Texan, is to ferret out the “ news behind the new s” and to form, present along with humorous skits and mu­ sic to complete a well-rounded pro­ gram. in dramatized it W atts has repeatedly expressed his hopes that talent, ideas, and be student criticism will from the Czech Club Elects Pechacek as Head Ernest B. Pechacek and Dr. Ed­ uard Micek, chairman of the De­ partment o f Slavonic Languages, were elected president and chair­ man, respectively, o f the Czech Club at the initial m eeting o f the year. Dr. Micek has served the club fo r more than ten years as its chairman. Other officers elected included: Libuse C em y, secretary-treasurer; Henry Chovanec, reporter; Evelyn Koemel, historian; Yarlslan Zivney, custodian o f special funds; and sergeant-at- Charles Chernosky, arms. The president selected George Kucera, Frank Kokas, and Min­ nie Musil to form the membership committee. Following the introduction o f all members, a short program con­ sisting of acrobatic stunts were presented. o-------------- U w eil Nail®, postm aster, said that he did not know definitely the postoffice would be when in moved into its new quarters the N ew Main Building, but that the same numbers that patrons now have will be used as far as possible in the new postoffice. The windows of the postoffice The executive council will meet Sunday morning at the home of Mr. Hurt announced that mora new uniform s have already been ordered and he is prepared to ac­ commodate all newcomers. He will remain in his office, B. Hall 25, all day Tuesday to take care of them. MOREHEAD REPORTS HERE are open daily, except on Satnr- j)gan Am o Nowotny. days and Mondays, from 8:30 o’clock in the morning to 4:30 o’clock in the afternoon. The o f­ is opened at 9 o’clock on fice Monday morning and on days fo l­ lowing holidays, and the closing these days hour on Saturdays o’clock. On dows are closed at noon. 4:46 {present special session the is the w in -[Texas legislature for the United of A. & M. solicits For every new member Richard Morehead, graduate of that the Department of Journalism, the Longhorn I will »R.in « » it t in covering the [‘bandieadei- i . confident that t h . University body will student “match ’em and raise ’em fiv e.” school It spirit of The U n iv ersity of Texas has had a re b irth , and they shall not be denied the greatest band in the state of T exas. is his belief that the Press. -privi by the _______ Church ‘Rush Week’ Tonight To Aid U. T. Underprivileged IN HONOR o f the starving A nne- j necking (no, n o t necking, please!) D a l l a s C l u b T o n i g h t nians and for the under-privi- tour, a novel m eans of tr a n s p o r - : H u r t t o A d d r e s s ta tion w ill be furnished sponsors, but that must remain leged o f the campus, the Students’ Association o f the University Pres- byterian Church w ill re-stage rush J surprise. 11(> n aiias week Tuesday night, Septem ber! 28, a t 7:30 o ’clock. Six days’ ac- n p H E SCHEDULE o f entertain- i friendg 7 n ti vi ti es will be crammed into two jubilant hours, and the social com­ m ittee guarantees that eclat will rise in crescendo until climaxed by a “ Big Dog Dinner.” ; George Hurt, director o f the a ;; Longhorn Band and sponsor o f clubf wil] speak to n igb5 their students Texas Union 316 at 7:20 o’clock. Mr. Hurt, before bo­ A mens includes positively erything that rush week stands j coming the Longhorn Band d ireo for, even to not attending a foot- the Dallas ball game. The S. A. of U; P.C. poignantly regrets that a Mr Hurt is desir0VJS 0f obtain- discrepancy rides for th e band m em bers rushee* the privilege o f seeing the who could n o t otherw ise be able Army-Navy football game. Al- to attend the Oklahoma-Texaa though the night’s program at Dallas. He will a-k the in- eludes a pledge-night G erm an, a cooperation of those going to Dal­ reliable source in th e p lenipoten- la s fo r th e gam e to take a band ta ry ranks of S. A. of the U P.C. m em ber on a share-expense basis, reports that this feature w ill be th u s band stre n g th to p arade in Dallas and a t the Pan-A m erican Exposition There will be rush parties, given by a varied assortm ent o f soror­ ities and fraternities. Each guest, upon arriving at the University be Presbyterian Church, w ill whisked away to one of these gala entertainm ents. the TechnicmI High School band. A fter the rush parties, the en­ , or> was director of in dates will deny | the Da]las enabling ---------- fu ll and the tire group will tour the City o f indefinitely postponed, the V iolet Crown and adjoining i Tickets available “ free- purlieus. They will visit many gratis” if you have a pull with points of the which will be the crystal ballroom [ S. A. of the U.P.C. Giles A vriett the Driskill H otel, Barton ; is president, and Clark Redman is of Springs. Dripping Springs, and chairman of the social com m ittee. Lookout Point. For this rubber- [ Drew will be sem i-form al interest, among one of the high-moguls of local are Jak e Pickle, president o f the S tu d e n ts’ A ssociation, will also give a b rie f ta lk showing the ad­ vantag es of home-tofwn clubs and th e service? th ey *,can render t« the University. )J ) J > I> I f ) ) \ } I I t J \ I J telegram Flanagan, who last Tuesday sent Robertson a reading, “Have sent credits but have no there m yself. way of getting Would like very much to com e,” and whose transportation here was subsequently provided by friends, thinks the campus is “ sw ell.” He hopes to go to the next Olympics. -------------- o--------------- - Press Societies To Give Dance Students and faculty members o f the Department o f Journalism will be guests of Theta Sigma Phi and Sigma D elta Chi, honorary and professional fraternities, at the “Journalism Jam boree” in the main ballroom of the Texas Union Friday night from 8 to l l o’clock. Roy R. Rubottom, new assistant dean o f men. will be given o ffi­ cial press welcome b y the two fra ­ ternities, Mr. Rubottom is a char­ ter member o f the S.M.U. chap­ ter o f Sigma Delta Chi. A floor show w ill be presented o f Theta under Sigma Phi. Other entertainm ent will include dancing. the direction All students in the Departm ent o f Journalism will receive bids to the Jam boree, Joe Belden, presi­ dent o f Sigma D elta Chi, has an­ nounced. * The guest list includes Presi­ dent J. W. Calhoun, V. I. Moore, A m o Nowotny, Miss Dorothy Ge- \ I bauer, Mrs. Kathleen Bland, Miss ♦ I Mary Bawley, W. D. Hornaday, ^William L. McGill, Mr. and Mrs. ’aul J. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. De wi t t Reddick, Granville Price, Vliss Lorena Drummond, Miss A f- son Wynn, Burt Dyke, Louis faethe, Miss Mildred Basford, francis Burt, Nan Pearce, Wood- >w W alter, O. P. W hittington, j and Raymond Rimmer, I P A G E T W O The F in t College Daily in South Allred Faces Legislature With Definite Stand on Social Security “ Those wbo say these things ; mg o f the Senate committee c u r -! mara* capital ©f Italian Som ali-1 “death sen ten ce” upon some g i - j est and enlightenm ent com pany ----- , . „ — The purpose that Dean Parlin had in originating Plan II was to It is good to see that several provide a four-year course de- voted to independent groups have which allowed the student c o m -; organized and hope to take active intramural*. Among them parative freedom in choosing his Par^ are the Co-Op houses, Progressive courses. The plan does not in Czechs, Newman Hall, Jesse An- elude a major course and a minor drews-Unit II. Austex, L ittlefield, course, and is not aimed at any W oman’s Building, Czech Club, in- professional Graduates, Kirby Hall, and the Commumcations betw een As- holding companies and imposing a mended to broaden fields of inter- Jumping Jacks. Where are S.R.D., Grace Hall, and Carol Quebe- deaux’s Independent II team? the W heeler-Rayburn act o f liberal education, a n d !roo™ W h e r e Is S .R .D .? constitutionality is only open field, but t h i s 11116 • o f it is Plan II IOO of V i s i o n s : freshman student.; who must be in the upper quarter of their high­ school graduating class to be el­ igible for the course. to --------------0..............—- First Day of Special Session Hears 'Selfish Interests' Flayed By International N#w» Sorel** James V. Allred Governor the tax appeal pitched his to Texas Legislature today on the basis that legislators must stand oither with the “ selfish interests” or with those “who have suffered and Bow suffer social injustices,'' In the social security program, said ha, “there is not going to be any turning back." Financial Needs Confront Solons in Called Session “I take my stand with the old folks, with the underprivileged children, with the blind, and with those who have suffered and now .vice report. suffer social injustices. For them I shall continue to f ig h t ” Q udtion shown , — *• a Noted principally for its failure to get along with the chief execu­ tive, the Forty-fifth Legislature came back to Austin today for its most difficult assignment, accord­ ing to an International News Ser- Called into special session at high noon today to raise taxes, confronted I the Legislature was , Th‘ ' E S S ? w lT n it w h e t h V r ^ l To*p«y*th* .o r t o f .id to de- Lady Demos Meet in Negligee Court ‘Re-Deal’ Sought for Many F.D.R. Issues one Sept, FORT WORTH, 27.— (IN S )— Dressing gowns, negli­ gees, and pajam as were returned their accustomed uses today to glamorous morning a fter when they were the official re­ galia o f the state executive com­ m ittee o f the wom en’s division of the Dem ocratic party. The women closed with 27.— (IN S )— The Supreme Court, with its membership changed for the first time since President Roose- velt took office, will convene one week fo r an eight today I ®>®nth* *es»ion which m .y agrin , 5 M c . F e n c e s H».« j bring the court to f . p . w.th th , WASHINGTON, thfir two S e p t from m eeting,” kell Edm onton o f Sen Antonio, I chairman, called the session to or- der. Jubilation o f N ew Deal advo- I cates over replacem ent o f retired Justice Willis Van D evanter with Mr. R oosevelt’s own choice, Jus­ tice Hugo L. Black, was tempered allega- somewhat, however, by | Hons o f the new justice’s connec­ tion with the Ku K lux Klan. Hundreds Killed In Ethiopian Raid laws again will run the gauntlet of constitu- D JIB O U T I, French Somaliland, tional attacks in the high court. Many New Deal ---------- . i j , . M,v , , . c®l3dien* u;ider R ior the ating retirement act. ferocity against g o _ : h . .Red, t h . blind, d e n t a t e t v . m en.,- vt*mild I - . i i - j I* I, i, whether th . member,. Ith* J ’*0*1* “ A “* ust- *1.500,000 as individuals, are for or a gain st!* -J s_* Tv 2. To pay the cost of aid to de- pendent blind, .le o anthorixed in . year. , r0Qnd ! 500,000 27.— (IN S )— Rising with j Attorney-General Cummings al- Sept. desperate their ready has started an administra- Italian conquerors in the north, tion onslaught upon form er 5-4 Ethiopian tribesmen have massa- ; decisions by seeking reversal o f cred the entire Italian garrisons past decisions in tax eases, and civilian population in Makale, j The possibility, however re- Adowa, and the holy city o f Ax- mote, that Black m ight resign or be forced o ff the bench either be- oum. the Ku Klux Klan tais seaport today by railroad pas- charges or attacks on his eligibil- sengers arriving here from Abys- j ity, cast a haze o f uncertainty sinia. This was th e,rep ort brought to cause o f 3. To match retirem ent funds “You and I are either for or w^jc^ i>exa8 teachers are contrib- constitutional against providing money for dependent and neg- amen(iment voted at the last gen­ blind, eleetion> *2.000,000 a year. t l e d children and for our share , ^ o f the teacr.ers ^ To augment Texas old age I am for it. Where do you stand. j penaion fundS( $ i f500,000 a year. help retire the state’s de- “I appeal to you as loyal, pa- triotie Texans to carry out n o t 1 any given amount from Ho­ my program, not your program, thing to $15,000,000— the site of but the people’s program, the p r o - d e f i c i t . jawmafeer* met under a pe gram they ordered at the polls, a program that should be free o * 1 ^ ,n ,r nu KH# *t*t# r f mind. Al uliar public state of mind. All politics or personalities.” toll at several hundred, although : slated to be argued an accurate check could not be I to n a lity of P.W .A. made. They placed the Italian death ; The first major New Deal issue is constitu- loans and grants for construction o f public Four hundred Italian wounded power plants in com petition with the j privately owned utilities. T h e court has accepted appeals o f the Another revolution is raging in j Alabama power and „ , Italian ; Iowa City light and power com personal sponsorship o f the spe- lobbyists, assert that w ithout ques- troops and airplanes have been pany for argum ent in Novem ber, cial session which opened to d a y .; tjon there is a feeling among the sent to preserve order. issue, In the reported massacres at however, is the expected appeal “We are here to carry out the j pC0p}e at large for economy I governm ent; yet those same peo- Makale, Adowa, and Axoum, the 1 during the t e m o f cases involv- people’s program.” the 1 pie dem anded the enlarged gov- 1935, j setting up federal regulation o f .observers, His very first words denied any down through the ranks o f th e jT ig r e Ethiopian tribesmen were aided ; mg by colored deserters Italian army, passengers said. le ft for Djibouti yesterday, travelers asserted. Those who say no new taxes are i em inent a1 services, over the fate o f New Deal laws. j Overshadowing province, where False Prophets g o v ern o r, from from the in ... 5 ^ necessary were branded prophets.” “ false j public reaction was attnb- luted largely to the second-guess ^ apparently think it would be bet- rently investigating expenditures ’an^* and Addis Ababa have been gent ic combinations. -f " b d ter for the state rn the long r u n ,by state departments. Composed broken off. The the for old people to continue in w a n t j of sen?.‘ors who voted for the blind and the needy chil- in Texas dren to suffer. But they do not j history, the committee now claims represent the masses. They repre- that given another the sent forces of reaction and fu- j Legislature could save stupendous tilely hope for the ’good old days' j sums of money by cutting down on when someone told a destitute state expenditures. The com m ittee people who could not assist them- j chairman, T. H. Holbrook of Gal- selves, that it was their duty to veston. has generously placed the support the g o v ern m en t” Reds and Rebels Both Claim Gains runs through the heart of the sec­ tion said to be in revolt. j possible savings at $5,000,000 j possible savings at $5,000,000 a; MADRID, Sept. 27— (IN S) largest appropriations The possibility t o l O f l T f l n h telegraph chance, s i k v a b a y i for /*»♦ ~ both clarifying and restricting the National Labor Relations A ct loomed large in discussion of the possible attitude of the court on New Deal questions. ing various phases of the labor I act are pending. They include ; right of federal judges to enjoin j “sit-down” strikes, a further d efi­ nition of what corporations are A half-dozen questions involv­ a year new Two unexpected N eeds of the governm ent, he >'**?■ Mid. W W . 11,626,000 to pay a debt of . H o w e v e r , the com m ittee a only tacks on the A ta*rn and Toledo j front* failed today, but im p o rta n t, insurgent gain* were recorded in lf ? * “ d the mountains and along the sea- in Generalissimo Francisco coast Franco’s push toward Oviedo and th . o'd orc assistance specific pre-seasion recommenda- Hon* would be for the savings of ag* assistance; a more conservative amount. for aid to the I Around $900,000 a year by aboll- " o a t for aid to d i l u t i o n ° f *fc« llQ“ ° r fund; $2 ,000,000 m oney for old 1300.000 a rear biind; $1,600,000 dren; $1,500,000 for teachers re- $80,000 a year by aoo m on of the Gljon. tirem em , or a total o f $S,926.„000 planning board; perhaps $ 10,000 j Capture of six villages and the press ammunition dump at Om a, which fo r social security. supplying rebel forces the French And the ch ief recommendation border, was announced by the Ma- liquor board— drjd governm ent. the a£ ent8; Rnc* other smaller amount? kad been And “how shall we raise by various consolidations. | south o f Jaca, near — abolishing the a y ear k? a - , i------- - insurgent m oney?” cutting out “ My views are well known. I have tided to make my tax rn es- Iva oo«si hie would run into the greatest d iffi-j Rebel assaults on governm ent S* « h » iiv iv « I merce that they come under the to enjoin . labor board hearings. Black Expected To Call F. D. ' a!ti'■• *inc* th st b o,rd "'** !e t entrenchm ents W ASHINGTON, 27.— (IN S )— Justice Hugo L, Black, named as the alleged holder of a *n J life membership in the Ku Klux w h? n0U Aragon were “ com pletely repul- ■ Kiftn, will seek an interview with President Roosevelt by telephone A violent insurgent attack on when he returns from a European it was pre­ loyalist positions dom inating To , edo m erd y further south trip on W ednesday, dicted in official circles today. Sent. the are still in the majority j,ad|»> aajd the loyalist bulletin. m erieally in the Texas House, inc JDrainu Behind the . >;k p,aced ^ scenes pre-season t„ „ N o. j The City o f Newport News will land the form er Alabama senator in N orfolk, Va., on W ednesday, scheduled if she keeps to her crowing o f the Atlantic. While President Roosevelt will be nearly 3,000 miles away when the justice lands, friends and po­ leaders here pointed out litical that a telephone interview could be speedily arranged. Mr. Roose­ velt has withheld comment on the Black matter until the latter re­ turns. Critics o f the justice in Con­ gress eagerly awaited his return to determine whether they will demand an investigation, when Congress reassembles, or move toward impeachment proceedings. special session of Congress within a few importance to weeks lent added v „ m r demands already made by sen The probability of a *»d representative, for on ' in v estigation. They ere m a rten of "public ‘re- eord. I still think we ought to I .-I* * raise this m oney from those who are able to pay; from increased . taxes on the earnings r f p jp . hne .. corporations. 'More’ than*'*0 sto les have an incom e tax law. I* think ♦ n . this fairer than a general tax. We can finance this security program and balance the budget without a general sales ta x .” Message Is B r ie f The rr.es-age was brief— about 1,500 words. unusually The present presents, he said, “an extraordinary” occasion. “There is still too much m isery, the » » »»«• The m, nt ’s resistance,” and there was governor wants a higher co rp o ra te; onjy a slight change in the loyal- for «V#* I income tax; many House members ist lines, Madrid said. __ _ J would up the taxes on natural re­ sources, tV.e t. TM rtr, y,af„ rRi r* - 1 -------------- o- Endeavour Sighted In Mid-Ocean Hitler, Duce Make T riumphal Entry LONDON, Sept. 27— (IN S) — Discovery of the m issing yacht BERLIN, Sept. 27.— (IN S )— Into a capital decked out’ for a I Premier conqueror, _ by the British tanker j Benito Mussolini and Reichsfueh- : rer Adolph H itler rode in i v . but j>ne into time their - - o d report caused ' The fam ous their w ishes near]y two weekgf was safe. . l * i— m unitions plant snd too much want among too many g n(jeavour I in mid-ocean wa* re- returning people in Texas. Many o f our old ported today in state folks are still in dire need. They cheyenne. sloop was located ; today, acknowledging the cheers are either not on the old age as- g0UthWMt o f the Fast- j of more than a m illion persons sistar.ee rolls at all, or the pay- 2g0 went# made to them are too small net lighthouse, on the so u th w est-. lining streets resplendent with adequately to sustain them. U n - . ern tip o f £ ng;an(|, the Cheyenne _ flags and bunting and the Golden derprivik-ged children in poverty- reparted. stricken homes are entitled to our j help. The blind cry out for justice, : ^ urry 0f excitem ent in shipping the second Already Texas has delayed longer circje«, than most of the states in putting subdued pending official confirm - these features of the social secur- ation that th f f ormer contender ity program people have made known at the ballot box. You and I m ust meet this challenge w ith; for stand action, or breaking faith with the people. No Turning Back far as I am Eagles o f N azi Germany, another ’ The two dictators, together for lives, celebrations were came to Berlin from Essen, where .U o w .d the e ffe c t. Texa* f OT ^ America’s cup, m issing world again to know Naziism and Fascism remain pledged to war j against Bolshevism and to support of Generalissimo Francisco Franco until he scores a nationalist vic­ tory in Spain. No Third Party, Farley Predicts concerned, th e re is not going to be any turn- SPARTANBURG, S.C., Sept. ing back. The- people have ordered fearing on (I N S )— Stopping here thi? social security program. You hjg way to Greenville where he is j countless thousands of troops and and I recognize our responsibility t0 dedicate a new Federal Build- blackshirt guards assigned to the afternoon, Postm aster processional route might not be by passing an old age assistance jng this is r rt yet adequately General James A. Farley declared su fficien t to guarantee Hitler and law, wk iv? third party Mussolini safety, Propaganda Min- financed; by passing a ister Paul Joseph Goebbels com ­ tho riling aid to the needy blind m ovement mandeered all Berlin's shops and and to d ependent children, b u t for J 1940. factories. fla tly which not one penny has, as yet, i The postm aster general By conducting H Duce into the been p rovided; by passing a law declined to com m ent on the possi- heart o f the gigantic arras factory, solemnly obligating the state to bilbies o f a third term for Presi- contribuH- to the teachers* r e tir e -! HM « 0rt“M DAY by DAY Glovers Will Meet At Gymnasium This Afternoon as yet. On the last day, October four delegates from Tau Beta Pi 16, the entire group will attend chapters all over the country are expected to .ttend th. throe -de, « l. Ark»nM .-T«xu football gem. 1 A majority of the delegates will meet in S t Louis and board a spe­ cial train for Dallas, where they will attend the Greater Texas and Pan-American Exposition on Oc­ tober IS. convention in the Texas Union, said John A. Focht, professor of highway engineering, who is fac­ ulty adviser. will hold their initial meeting of the new school year today at 5 o’clock in Gregory Gym 314, the: boxing room, Father J. M. Riach.; ^club sponsor, announced Monday night. A meeting of the University The University Golden Gloves chapter was held Thursday night, and general plans for the con­ vention and the welcoming of delegates were formulated. The first day of the convention will to San Antonio, include a trip after which som* form of enter­ tainment will be held here. Spe­ cific plans for each evening’s en­ tertainment have not been made Spinks, graduate The University chapter delegate to the convention this year will b * Ed student. Other faculty advisers of the fra­ ternity are P. M. Ferguson, as­ sociate professor of civil engineer­ ing; Leland Barclay, instructor in civil engineering; and M. B, Reed, assistant professor of electrical engineering. Today is the day for all you good to intramural managers gather round and discuss the intra­ mural situation tor the coming year. The place— the new lounge in Gregory Gymnasium. The time — 5 oclock in the afternoon. It is most urgent that all you managers be there because plans for the en­ tire year will be discussed. Tennis Doubles Now for some real good dope about tennis doubles. Those en­ trees are due Wednesday, Septem­ ber 29. In looking over the win­ ners and statistics In this particu­ l a r sport last year I found that 343 teams entered and 587 lndi viduals competed. a re not back F o r the w in n er*— E llio t en d S h u lts, fr a te r n ity and U n iv ersity in ch am pion *, sch ool: H . Y arb o ro u g h and H. G rig g s, w inners o f the d orm ito ry division, will, h ow ever, once m ore be in our m idst. F or the w inners in the in dependent d i­ vision L e o R eek n agle w ill be a b ­ p artn e r, sen t, b u t his J a c k W oodw ard, ag a in p resen t is (D o n ’ t know whom he will team P erm ley this y e a r ) . up with an d T ow nsend top s in the C lub division, a re h ack , bu t now th at the C lub and D orm itory h ave becom e one u n it I h ard ly look to give m uch fo r tro u b le. those two Let me impress this one point- you don’t have to belong to any organization to participate in ten nis doubles. You are just as we! come as those playing under the banners of some organization; in time, th* present fact, at I wouldn’t be if you surprised wouldn’t be more than welcome. So, let’s get together and get those entrees In by Wednesday, Septem­ ber 29. T h is Zone Proposition Here is the final dope on this dividing the campus into zones. At a meeting held last Thursday tem the Men’s Inter-Community Association. They even went so far aa to give it a nick-name— Mica. Now here is some news— these Mica boys are going to form a new division, which will now give the intramural program four j divisions in plac* of three. The campus has been divided into l l areas with 300 to 400 men to each area. f a s t from which This gives each a r e a a larg e group o f m en to form th eir o rg a n isa tio n . P re si­ d ents an d m an ag ers in each area a r e now 'callin g the m en in their p a rtic u la r a r e a s to g eth er, and o rg a n isa tio n gettin g is un d erw ay. Not to complicate things too much, but if a rooming house de­ cides they want to organize among themselves they may do so; how­ ever, their teams will be entered in the independent division and not the Mica division. Do I make myself clear? B y L Y N N JA C K S O N Texan A tho fiat* Sport* Editor It wa* a gala day all around for the Longhorn football team Mon­ day. First, they received assurance that they will have the support of th* highest official in Texas when they play the Louisiana State Uni­ versity Tigers at Baton Rouge Sat­ urday. Governor James V. Allred at­ tended practice and, in a short talk, praised the Longhorns' show of spirit, which was as surprising In the 25 to 12 victory over the Texas Tech Matadors last Satur­ day as the victory Itself was to Longhorn fan*. Second, the team went to the movies— of themselves. Using a telephoto camera, the film was ex­ posed Saturday, rushed to Kansas City for development, and returned in time for Monday's practice. v ~ Dana X. Bible, ..ead coach, showed th. player, their own m ovies-tm t | 4f the players did not fail to point out Mistakes the players made in the season opener. . . . •J rn The University of Texas Sport* Association for Women has scheduled tryouts soon after the first of October. Prospective mem­ bers should be on hand at the proper time and place so as not to miss the opportunity for membership, which will not be offered again until the second semester. Freshmen are not eligible until after the first semester but should in the mean-, time be perfecting themselves in their chosen sports. Texas Netmen Play Durant Teachers Today The University of Texas tennis team will play its first exhibition of the 1937-38 school year, when they meet the Durant Teachers College netmen of Durant, Okla., this afternoon at Penick Courts beginning at 1 :30 o'clock. U.T.S.A. is an organization ad­ mitting only skilled members and in this way differs from intra­ murals, which are open to the un­ skilled as well. There are six club* in U.T.S.A., and each Ii looking forward to a good year. Bow and A rrow Bow and Arrow, the youngest of these clubs, was organised last spring with Lorraine Smith as leader. Miss Thelma Dillingham, sponsor, said that tho department will furnish bows and arrows for The members of the Texas team should be in top condition for the exhibition, as most of the men v......J I those trying out for membership.; have been playing all summer in shoot from the SO and tournaments throughout the coun l Bt1m wUh members lines try. V a rsity S m ash es F ro sh Third, everything was cording scores and a committee judging the form. About fifteen new members w ill be taken in and even ojd ones must try out to qual­ ify for membership. Miss Dilling­ ham said that this year the club wilt conduct several formal tourna­ ments, with awards being given to the highest shooters at the annual T-Night banquet. Last year Mary Russell won the golden arrow. in a clicking mood in practice. All the offensive plays worked fairly smoothly—-with the brigade of Longhorn backs, working behind timely blocking, time and again slamming through the opposing freshmen and their “ Charlie Mc­ Turtle Club will hold try-outs Carthy s’’ sprinting on October 6 at 5 o’clock at the around end on reverses, and throw- ing accurate passes straight into swimming pool of the Womens the hands of ready, willing, and Gymnasium. Miss Margaret Hod- gins, sponsor, asks that girls not able receivers. be afraid to try for the club as those who fail will be given special in their weaknesses instruction gains, for Dr. D. A. Penick, tennis coach also announced Monday night that in the final match of the fresh­ tennis tournament Reuben man Ryskind of Eagle Pass was victo­ rious over Joe Ball of El Paso, 6 - 1 , 6 -2 . Dr. Penick said that after watch­ ing the tournament he was well pleased with the showing that the freshmen had made and that the squad as a whole looked good. o----------- League Committee Condemns Bombings John Peterson, Hugh : »P>>n the next Wednesday night On the tossing end of the passes were Beefus Bryan, Bullet Gray, each and Iud Atchison—with showing up well ft, passers, c h a r - md may eompete for membership | em ley Haas Wolfe, and other classy backs at 7:15 o'clock. Prospective mem- four hers must perform with missed very few of the heaves. strokes: back or elementary stroke, crawl, and breast­ stroke; and three dives: running, League’s Far Eastern front, or dive, and an optional dive. beth “ Skipper” Baker is leader of tenses. the club for 1937-38. The squad, devoting the entire afternoon’s practice to offense, worked plays off all three forma­ tions— the double wingback, the single wingback, and the short punt. GENEVA, Sept. 27.-— (INS) — The League of Nations’ far Eaal­ advisory committee today adopted a resolution condemning Chi- Japanese bombardment of nese open towns, V. K. Wellington Roo, Chinese the advisory sanctions front, back committee sidestroke, demanded i n v o k e delegate, standing that I Tee Club will meet on October France, Soviet Russia, and Swe- .ignified their 6 and IS for try-outs. The try- "'.liminess to asron.rte themst. ve. °JJZ , outs will bo under the direction of ln * o!emn Fram es Preston, president pro Ianese » « " “ *>»• Thc » » » ' « - immediately adjourned presum­ tem, and Miss Clara Rause, visit­ ably to draft the manifesto of ing instructor in the absence of condemnation. Miss Leah Gregg. immediately Eliza-1 against Japan for her alleged of- it was voted to call this new sys The movies, first of a series, will be continued throughout the year—with the grid players get­ ting to go to the shows at least once a week— on Monday. squadmen showed spirit In practice. With shouts bordering on the vocal range of a tribe of Indians, they pepped up the practice no end. The also Even Governor Allred com­ mented on the fine spirit the Longhorns show in practice—as well as in games. The squad will Thursday midnight Rouge. leave Austin for Baton . — i - , - —o - 1 - — -— P. T . Sections Close In Early Choosing The number of women section­ izing for physical training Mon­ day totaled 1054, 334 more than signed up on the first day of last year. Some sections in fencing, recreational and tennis, golf, sports for the first quarter and fencing, archery, and rhythmical gym for the second quarter are already closed. It is Important that the re­ mainder who intend to take gym sectionize Tuesday between 8 to I o’clock or 2 to 5 o’clock in the Women’s Gymnasium since classes start Wednesday and cuts will be given for absences. Temporary arrangements for those not having health grades will be made. Auditor’s receipts are necessary. Authority on Water To Talk October 6 W. D. Collins, chief of the Water Division of the U.S. Geo­ logical Survey, will deliver a lec­ ture Wednesday night, October 6, at 8 o’clock in the Chemistry Building auditorium. This talk will be under the auspices of the De­ partment of Chemistry. Mr. Collins is recognized as one of the outstanding authorities in the United surface waters. His lecture, the subject of which will be announced later, should interest the general public as well as the chemistry students. States on R ac q u et Club October 5 and 6 have been set by the Racquet Club as days for tests for new members, Jo Polk, leader, said. All old members must try out and if they have fallen down on their form during the summer vacation, they may be replaced by others who prove bet­ ter. Miss Shelia O’Gara sponsors the group and at present the four officers are the only official mem­ bers. Sixteen girls will be taken in during the first try-outs. Miss Polk said that she is look­ ing forward to a good year for the club. Several of the members took part in tournaments of vari­ ous ranks this summer. Among them were Marjorie Murray and Edith Fordtran of Galveston and Mary MacQuiston of Dallas. The committee In charge of try­ outs for Orchesis, dancing organi­ zation, will meet this week to make changes in their requirements and policies. Miss Mary McKee spon­ sors the group and Leah Nathan is president. Mary Jane Allison, Bit and Spur leader, has announced try-outs for October 8 and l l . She invites everyone interested to try out, as new members will be very wel­ come. Qualifications will consist j in of speed and horsemanship mounting and dismounting th e ! horse, walking, trotting, and can- j tering around the riding ring, reigning the horse down the field, j making a figure eight, and riding j the horse bareback in a canter. Miss Anna Hiss is sponsoring the club this year, with Miss Tooley Williamson as her assistant. M E N O R M IC E ST. LOUIS, Sept. 27.— (INS) —Shock caused from the snap of a mouse-trap which caught his finger today was blamed for the death of William Rauss, 61. The coroner’s report stated that the | shock of the trap brought on fatal heart attack. Texas School of Fine Arts (Inc.) accredited by The State Department of Education F o u r y e a r co llege co u rse In m usic, speech, and public school m usic. S p e cial work fo r children in m usic, speech , an d d ra m a tic s. Practice Pianos Available JU ST SOUTH OF THE CAMPUS 2010 Wichita Phone 9935 Arrowood Broadcasts In Summer Series Dr. C. F. Arrowood, professor of the history and philosophy of education, broadcast about forty- two times from the station op the campus of the University of Illi­ nois in Urbana this summer while teaching “ The History of Educa­ tion in Europe” in the summer term of the College of Education there. During the thirty minutes of each broadcast, he wore a lapel microphone, which left him free to move about the room. S IC K L IS T Side G lances S t. D av id ’ s H osp ital T. M. Corofffint Steve Debora Gene Workman Mary Hearne Hollis Leathers R oss May E lb e rt Joe Roach S eto n In firm a ry J . D. Swanton A Albert War- Steven Stuart Jack Shelton •haulier Sco ttish R ite D orm itory Ruth Lewriffht Dorothy Nagle Mary Jo Wick# Melisa Colwell 111 a t Home Jen n ie L oa Featheratone MVLiss Vaughan Ruth Marie Hulett Robert Hilterbrand Bill Newkirk I found out today that the Ran­ gers, on* of the leading independ­ ent teams of last year, are again back with a strong organization. Also noticed that Bobby Kamrath, Texas’ number I tennis player, is on their eligibility list. F o r t h * new -com arst T h * C av ­ a lie r * w ith th irty -aigh t m er ap­ p ear to be stro n g . Then com es the S o n s of A lec, att en gin eer­ ing o u tfit— a n d who ever saw Called for and Delivered . . . . ............................................. 4 0 c CASH Sl CARRY MEN’S W oo l Suits Cleaned and Pressed Dresses PLAIN ONE PIECE Cash and Carry CALLED £35 DEL . . . 55c PALACE CLEANERS — EN D O F L A V A C A -— P len ty o f S a fe P a rk in g S p a c e 216 W. 19th Phona 2-3666 an en gin eer th a t w a sn 't tou gh when the going g e t* tigh t. “ Blind Tom” Earl White — re­ member the umpire who called so many of those nice fast ones right across the plate, balls,—is back, and from that bloody look in his eyes he is again looking for on* of those umpire jobs. Business Men I o I e a c h a t I e c h , - T * r n r f * $ t LUBBOCK, Sept. 27.— (INS) A practical innovation in class­ room instruction will be offered the freshman class at Texas Tech­ nological College enrolled for th* introductory course in business administration. Dr. J. C, Ellsworth, head pro­ fessor of economics and business that administration, emphasized due to existing business condition® in West Texas, he baa asked fif­ teen local business men, repre­ senting all different phases of business, to lecture during the se- mester. The meeting will be taken up with the election of officers for the coming year and with welcom­ ing the new men who are candi­ dates for membership of the club. Ways and means of securing equip­ ment for the new Golden Glove physical culture classes aljno will be discussed, “ We urge every University man interested in boxing to attend the meeting,” Father Riach said. The physical culture classes, In­ augurated by the Glovers this year, promise to evolve into a miniature “ Fite Kite,” as the best boxers in th* classes will be pitted in a No­ vem ber ring carnival; the winners , in this tournament will become 'full-fledged Glovers, eligible to the boxing season, be- Offered for the fffgt time this ; compete fall, the cour.a will be followed . dnning in December. by a similar one rn economic prm- ciples and theories the second se­ mester. _______________ __ Tau Beta Pi’s To Convene H ere Dean Moore Speaks To Newman Club Members of the University chapter of Tau Beta Pi, honorary fraternity, will be engineering 16. to the national convention of t h e fraternity. Approximately eighty- A talk by V. I. Moore, dean of student life, two songs by Betty hosts October 14, 15, and Jo Weems, a talk by Father J. M. Riach, and plans for the fall for­ mal made up the program of the regular meeting of the Newman Club at l l o’clock Sunday morn­ ing in the clubroom of Newman Hall. When Service Counts Plans were made for the fall formal to be held in the main ball­ room of the Texas Union on No­ vember 12. Betty Jo Weems, 12-year-old actress, sang two songs. She was accompanied by Rosemary Mathias, j Father J. M. Riach, pastor of i St. Austin’s Chapel and faculty sponsor of the club, closed the meeting with a short talk. Count on Us J. B. SMITH CLEANERS 925 W est 12 P h.2-1033 CAMERA DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Argus Cameras, new __________ $12.50 Argus Enlargers, n e w ____ .. 12.50 60.00 Graflex, 5x7, used ................................. Voightlander Brilliant F4:5 Skopar Lens. Reg. $29.59..... 25.00 E. K. Cine Kodak, 16mm F I :9. Cost $150__________ 45.00 Just Received O C T O BER ISSUE O F A M E R IC A N P H O T O G R A P H Y M A G A Z IN E 36 Exposure Cartridges, Dupont Superior Film.... 50c p a r a 2 5 1 0 G u a d a lu p e SAVE ON LETTER WRITING Let the foIVi and friends Bade home, know w h afi going on et the University by sending them The Daily Texan. A r­ range tomorrow to have It mailed to them daily. 2 Semesters *4 .0 0 I Semester *2.50 MAILED ANYW HERE IN U. i The Daily Texan JOURNALISM BLDG. 108 The f i r s t C o lle g e D a i ly fti t h e S o u t h Phone 2-3164 — THE DAILY TEXAN Phone 2-3165 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1937 Official N o tice o’clock. Brin* auditor** receipt*. ANNA HISS, director o f physical training fo r women. TRYOUTS fo r the University De­ bate Squad ha* been changed to W a g e n e r Hall 101 a t 4 o’clock instead of Garrison Hall I as origi­ nally planned. THE PLAN II English test will b* given Tuesday, Septem ber 28, 4-6 o’clock, in Garrison Hall I . This test will not be repeated. P lan H freshm en who intend to debate coach, take it are urged to be in G. H. I T. A. ROUSSE, - prom ptly a t 4 o’clock. b er 28, a t 4 o’clock a t Garrison H all I . The firs t elim ination con­ te s t will be held Tuesday, October 19, 2 o’clock in Garrison Hall I. Each co ntestant will be allowed five m inutes. The question is*. Re­ solved: T hat the U nicam eral Sys­ tem o f Legislatures Should Be Adopted by the Several States. T. A. ROUSSE, Coach of debate. junior women FRESHMAN, SOPHOMORE, and student* m ust sectionize fo r physical train in g classes for the first sem ester a t the Women s Gymnasium Tues- ALL CONTESTANTS fo r the in­ day. Septem ber 28, and from 8 to ter-collegiate Debate Squad will 12:30 o’clock and from 2 to 4:30 draw fo r sides Tuesday, Septem ­ DR- R O* FLETCHER, assistant professor of E nS1lsh* THE POSTPONED psychological exam ination of freshm en who are entering the University fo r the firs t tim e will be held as follows: I. Tuesday, S e p t e m b e r 28, 2:30-5:00 p. rn. F or any who have not had the algebra test and for others with initials A to I who lack the second test only. 2. W ednesday, Septem ber 29, For any who 2:30-5:00 p. have not had the algebra te st and for others with initials G to L who lack the second te st only. rn. Septem ber 8. Thursday, 80, F or freshm en 2:30-4:00 p. with initials M to R who have had had the algebra test. rn. 4. Monday, October 4, 2:30- 4:00 p. rn. For freshm en w ith initials S to Z who have had the algebra test. The division by letters is m erely a device to distribute the num ber to be tested. Any student who can not come at the period desig­ nated for him should report at one of th# other periods. Pleas* note th a t only two periods are des­ ignated fo r the small num ber who have not had the algebra test. Freshm en who can not come a t any of these periods because of a conflict w ith work, laboratories, or other U niversity appointm ent* will please w rite a note to the su­ pervisor stating the days and hours available fo r this exam ina­ tion. All will please re p o rt prom ptly at the beginning of th e period* listed, H. T. MANUEL, supervisor of freshm en tests, S. H. SIS. p a g e r o m Proofless Railery Is Dangerous X T OTHING is more admirable in a pro- fessor than an outspoken and intelli­ gently critical attitude in the presentation of his subject. To allow a great deal of freedom in this respect is second only in importance from an educational standpoint to freedom of the press. U ID N U N C B y H a rry Q u i n AST WORDS (thank the L ord). However, on the othr hand, nothing is the L more reprehensible than the use of Petite, sparkling perso n alised Mrs. H. J. class room for airing vehement personal Lutcher S tark figuratively patted John McCully on head fo r w hat he said about Panhellenic’s rt- opinions without pretense of backing them fusel to witnesss th e Longhorn’s first expugation with fact. Alert criticism is a bulwark in Saturday. Johnny smiled. American education, and Americans, for democracy S sake, demand that all their A n d th e s e a r e p e r t o f th e se m e w ord*, b e t we institutions remain within range of public p ro m ise o n ly a n in c h a n d a h a lf m o re ex p o u n d in g approval or disapproval. c o n tin g e n c y . . . . . . . . L ong h o rn * C o ry p h e u s, D a n a X . B ible, said , “ I re . _ T* unabU to attenci th# garo. wil, Professors on the University campus ^ S h o u l d O c c a s i o n a l l y indulge in criticism OI | 0wt*vub a™ H OWE VER, it is unfortunate when a University professor—or any Indi- ▼idual in a position to impress the minds of . . „ . . listeners, gives over his le c.u tes co caus c ^ w,tUl> attacks— attacks predicated with no a t­ tem pt at provision of either premise or oonclusion, A thinking class should only conclude th at the speaker’s points are groundless and irresponsible. . ___ , , , A RS I TY SHOW,” not unlike T heta Sigma Phi’* Time Stagger* On o f 1936, made us sit and think, between laughs, th a t we have a bigger gym, . After referring to one branch of the na- raore'te a utifui co-ad,, alm ost as much c o lk g i.u i.m , tional government with deference-one pro- Jesg more books th an W arner Brothers* Win- fessor recently referred to the President of field College. We need Chuck Daly and Professor the United States as “th at Bolshevik in Fred Waring. (Hope C h ark s Zivley reads th is). Washington ” Even though we do have the beautiful co-eds, to W aring’* . surely there would be no objection t a j Now pecubarly, definition holds th at bringins; his Lane ,ister, . j.* ... m i. „ . i , * Such things appeal to Bolshevism in v o lv e s the end ox disruption th a t little columnizing of organized society. And, at the same time, part of our nature, b u t we have a movie review er nothing could lie more in this category to pat picture show arran g ers Novy and Lissner than the use of public position to aim de- on lh* back* rogatory personal opinions at one of the mainstays in the American governmental system— opinions graced by no attempt a substantiation of fact, nor explanation for copy providers. reasons involved in the statement. Dreary Sunday afternoons with girls a t rush u d tho.?ht, of .heir bejng ttr*a* S tu d en t P ub lication *. In*., every no o ra ­ t e s excep t M onday. i* published on the campit* o f E ditorial office#. Journalism Building IG I. IC I, and 101. te le p h o n e s 9171— 848 an d *1 771— 15*. (A fter IO p.m .. *177) D ep artm en t-—Jo u rn alism an d C irculation A dvertising Building I0# P hone 2-8164 and 2-8165. §**,* esievao ro e national Apvewagwg av National Advertising Service, Inc. Cs&f* PublUksn ktp reu u ta tlt* 4 * 0 MALSON A v* N tw VORK, N. V. CsicAse . I m im . Loc Assent . im r»*sei*ce Printed by th e U niversity Pre**, A C. Wright, manage*. ED SYERS. -.E d lto r-m -C h ie f Joe B elden- ..Associate E ditor H arry Qum. Copy E ditor John M et aby___ Sports E ditor Lynn Jackson....... Associate Sports E ditor E lizabeth Keeny. ...— .Society E ditor Lois Sager __ _ ..A ssociate Society E ditor »,, Dick W attn — — Radio Editor Jim A nderson...— t rfT. „^^.^...T «?iegraph E ditor M argaret!# G arrison _ --------------- F eature E ditor Pericles Alexander— ________ A m usem ents Editor Associate Amusements E ditor Ole ut! Sanders E IT H E R F A L L or T ex a s T e c h b r o u g h t a d ev il o f a lo t of c ric k e ts to A u stin , l e f t th e m on th e d r a g to p e s te r s tro lle rs-b y . W a s n 't it A eso p w ho fa b le d a b o u t th e boy in th e b a k e ry w ho th o u g h t c ric k e ts good lu c k ? N ear uncontrollable penchant strikes a* each tim e gardeners pass and leave the hedge along th e m ain walk from the Texas Union to the Main Building smooth atop. We w ant to hop up slid walk m iracle-like on it. Personal N ote: We hope two Thetas have fu n on our $10* Things*. K appa’s nickelodian. Conscientious and p re tty Ellen Hum phries. Deke's field glasses s t th e football game. P.W .A. sign* still d etractin g from Main Building’* beauty. Journalism Building’s one narrow stairw ay. Th# l l o’clock .nile. Girl* who m ust atten d every German. Sleep. A Paris seer says the world will come to an end Monday afternoon, September 27, 1937. This event should attract wide­ spread attention and it is hoped th a t we’ll have a nice day for it.— Atlanta Journal, There will be no w ar says Hitler to Pacifist George Lansbury. Meanwhile the Spanish form of peace has spread to mys­ terious China.—Los Angeles Times. The other day a Kansan had removed from his ear a bug which got in it 49 years ago. A thing like that can become aggra­ vating after a while.— W ashington Post. STAFF FOR THIS ISSUE " NIGHT ED ITOR — ..........;......... J. B. BILLARD Bob Baskin Head C opyreader Assistant* ....................... .......... Donald A itken, Clarence La Roche, Lillian Muel­ ler, Kell C herry, Lillian Yale*. M&rg&rett* Garrison, N ight Telegraph E ditor ..................... Jim Anderson Assistant* ........................ Jam es Williamson, A rth u r W hite, Charlo* H acker, Clyde Melton, Roy Hodge®, Jack B utler. Night Sports E ditor A ssistants... ................... Joe F rantz ....... ........... — F rank Chappell The duke forbade photographers to take pictures of Wally in her bathing suit, but he didn’t say w hat was the m atter with the bathing suit.—Dallas Newt, League ie too ineffective to play rig:,, .eld even, in the present world set­ up. So they let It keep score in the wars. •—Detroit News. • • • a ARRANGE NOW FOR YOUR PHOTO IN THIS ANNUAL A v o id the Inevitable last minute rush to have your photograph made to be placed in the photograph section of the 1938 C a c ­ tus. A c t now while you have your choice of appointment hours. C o m e to Journalism Building 108 for studio appointment, or call 2 -3 164 for information. THE Cactus 1938 " THE STORY OF THE YEARS AT TEXAS" JOURNALISM BLDG. 108 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1937 Phone 2-3164 THU D A IL Y T E X A N Phone 2-3165 The First college Daily in the South P A G E F IV E Addenda on...The Lively Arts Caliban N o w Colonel N eikon Face That Launched a Thousand Plays L e ft — A s Mer' cutie, in “ Rom sc end J u lie t ." L e ft — A s ti A rch du k e, in “ R eunion in V ie n n a.” H. E. Professor Blames Japan’s Military Party Checks Bouncing Back to Bursar B elow — B a rry m o re p lay s the u n f o r g e t t a b l e S v en g eli, hyp­ notic te rro r o f tw o gen era- tion s o f screen fa n s, in the silen t version of " S v e n g e li.” sta g e end A b o * * — A i J e f f * th e g re e t direc* "T w e n ti­ to r in eth C e n tu ry ." L e f t — J o h n B e r ry m o re es h e re * atty lo o k s . — A s N ico­ irapres- ma "M a y - in tim e.” R ig h t— A s C olonel N eilson o f S c o tlan d Y a rd , in d isg u ise , in "B u lld o g D rum m ond C om es B e c k ." P R O F IL E , C O U R T E S Y O F JO H N B A R R Y M O R E — V e n o u s role* B a rry m o re has ap p e are d in. T o d ay he com es to the S ta te T h eater Where to G o They'd Rather Bust in Own Way It seemed like a good idea at the time, the idea of a course on "H ow to Stud y ," aud so it was o f­ fered in the School of Education. Maybe it w as a case o f the spirit was willing b a t flesh w as weak, b ecau ie#the flesh failed to sign up fo r the course. the As a resu lt, the eour?»e will not be offered because of in sufficien t registration , Dr. B. F. Holland, assistan t professor of educational psychology, has announced. The C O U R SE PO STPO N ED in Girl two-hour course Scout leadership training, E du ca­ tion 216, which w as to have been offered this fall, has been post­ poned until the spring term , Mrs. Violet H. Spiller, A ustin Girl Scout director, has announced, j Mrs. Spiller will sponsor instead a Girl Scout Leadership Club, m eet- j mg every T uesday afternoon. Mem­ bers will particip ate in such activ­ ities as h an dicraft, hiking, sin g­ ing, dram atics, and m arionette mak ing. ------------- o—------------ EX H A S A R T IC L E P U B L IS H E D Louis Davis, ex-student o f the University, was the author o f an article which appeared in the Ju ly issue of Spur M agazine. The title of the article w as "P resen t Tense in in Tahiti.” Mr. Davis is now Smyrna, T ennessee, where he is gathering m aterial fo r a book which he hopes to publish soon. He received a bachelor o f art# de­ gree in 1936, is ju st n atu rally one o f the big dances o f the year. You will ju st naturally g et a foot stepped on. B u t who cares? I t ’s the chance of a lifetim e to add phone num bers to th at little blue book. N O W ! ALAM SAXTEK • A N D R IA U S D S O W EN JO A V I S , J * . ♦ A i t R io A L I W Y N 1406 Lavto* Your Florist for Mots Than 50 Years ORCHIDS AND GA RDEN IAS DAILY D a y P h o n e s 2 - 1 1 4 7 an d 2 -1 1 4 8 N ig h t P h o n e s 2 - 3 S 2 5 a n d 2 -3 8 4 8 Flowers Telegraphed to AU Parts of the World Main her of F.T.D. A U S T I N F R ID A Y A FT’N NIGHT OCT. I Jackie Coogan and His Melody Men Thursday, September JO G R E G O R Y G Y M 9 -1 Admission $1.10 FOUR HOURS D A N C IN G and 45-MINUTE FLOOR SH O W featuring LUa Lee Princess Luana Thayer Foster Don Eddy and Lillian Tours Uaivarattr Girl* rn*? Attend wiCh per tole Hon Anepia#* I Boa H ut Tempi# GREA TEST SHOW ON i* E A R T H ' g i g a n t i c h o s t of m l W V E L U M NIVER B E fO K J ON THIS CONTINENT Cal. U n McCoy A N«w Rough Riders & ling— Attame champions_ tao clowns—rte H O Ft S C S — I OOO M K H A e C R I s A M IM ALS-m > T M C R O * O f K LC PM A M T a— W O NL C ’S U U W M tt t TCNT-T m u * S T A S E S . H O O S N tP P O D K O M f c o m t e s - a T R A IN S u t O o e U e - U m c t* M M I R A I L R O A D G A R S L O A D E D W I T H W O N O K R S I V I R Y P R O M L A N D Tic he*# on set# Circue D or et UM Renfro Drug Co., 6th ta d C o n fr •*• St*., « • well es on the show ground*. .COME TO A U S T IN ’S G A Y E S T D IN N E R C LU B DINE AND DANCE I I * You’ll Spend Your Most Enjoyable Evenings Here M usic for D ancing by A V A LO N D IN N ER C LU B O R C H E ST R A C H IC K E N , S T E A K ; IT A L IA N , C H IN E SE D IN N E R S S M IL K S N O R TH ON D A L L A S H IG H W A Y D IA L 2-0442 FO R R E S E R V A T IO N S ^ JO H N Ii w O V r f k * J O W a p a s t . ' s a g - A LSO 3 Sto o p ** Comedy Novelty and New* STATE A ustin Com m unity Show San A nton io H ighw ay, 2 M ile* South. C h ill*, T h rill*, S p ill*. Som eth ing New and D ifferen t. T onite I Invitational Derby Night HAVE US DELIVER YOUR M I L K /Mo o re D A IR Y P R O D U C T S VHOHC 2 6 2 6 4 I The only stock of National Coi- * t loge Fraternity Jewelry in Austin. J W e deliver while others art * thinking about it. Com e in and look— Com pare our prices. * : M cK in n o n ’s Jewelers— Optometrists 607 Congress Ave. j J — L A ST D A Y — “ V A R S IT Y SH O W ” DICK POWELL S T A R T S W E D N E SD A Y 25c T IL L I wtrw iiii»h ia s4 w i, *Wrm» | ' • N t t - r a S G p J O A N . B L O N D E L L . M A R 6 M T L I N D S A Y P l O B — . D UKE E LL IN G T O N *! — BAND— BB I T O D A Y . W E D N E SD A Y ! 15c _ 2 Sc _ _ _ _________ E X T R A ! PH IL S P IT A L N Y ’S b a n d _ A L L C IR L "M U SIC A L CH A R M ER S" A Pp PTI* • I I i p - 1 o p S p e c i a l Bar-B-Q o n Bun 15c Tip-Top Bar-B-Q Plate 35c San d w ich es o f AII K in d s P len ty o f P a rk in g S p ace T I P - T O P Sandwich Shop PH. 2-7741 C . E . P earso n , M gr. I Mile Sou th on S an A nton io H ighw ay W e proudly announce the visit of CHARLES ARMOUR internationally famous designer to our Second Floor . . . where he will hold a itylo clinic Tuesday. M r. Armour wiH not present a fashion show, but will be pleased to confer with you regarding Autumn and W inter modes. A s one of the outstanding couturiers of his genera­ tion, Mr. Arm our thoroughly understands the fash­ ion desires of Am erican girls as shown in his youth­ ful, vivacious styles for Collegiennes.. We are certain you will find his individual aspect on the most flattering modes for you both interesting and illuminative. PAGE SIX the First College Daily in the South Phone 2-8164 THE DAILY TEXAN Phone 2-3165 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1937 . . . . M a n y C am p u s O rgan ization s M e e t T o d a y . . . . Rushee®’ B ids W ill M a k e T h e m P ledg es E a rly T h is A ft ernoon Tho final and fatal atap of rush week will be taken this afternoon between J and 4 o’elork, when rushee* walk into the office of Mrs. Kathleen Bland to reach for th# envelope that will hold their bid to one o f the fourteen campus sororities. Beaming with self assurance, in pledges with their bids still their hands will start on their merry way from the office toward the aorority house where actives are waiting to welcome their new' pledges with a buffet supper to be given at 6:30 o’clock tonight. and members who for the last week have trained their energies on the rushing of freshmen and new students in the University. Patronesses and alumnae, ar x- j Iou# to meet the girls chosen b y 1 the active chapter Members, will attend the entertainment. Week It at G r a te fu l End The closed house, planned for •ach sorority bv Panhellenic, will be an informal entertainment for j p th . mutual celebration of ex-ru.h- J ^ O T L v O - C U S D y J T P a t e r n i t i e s Sunday Dinners Are Given ^ T L 1 • J • Edited by ELIZA BETH KEEN EY Campus fraternities are getting into full swing with entertaining guests at Sunday dinner at the various houses this year. L ast Sunday, only the second of the semester, found girls at dinner tables of most o f the fraternities, although tome few of them have not yet started feeding the co-eds Sunday noon. Among those who entertained are t the following: Phi Kappa Psi With the melee of rush week y r come to ii grateful end, sorority _ Francis Connelly^ Beth_Ryburn, j U . ilri', hive ."tilled their rush talk into mild discussiona of the girl? | Winnie Brooks, Ann Roberdeau, rushed so violently by many so-1 Rose Poole, Marjorie Stevens, Jo- rorities as they while away the sephine Marchman, Martha Shu- hou-s until 2 o’clock when the of- ford, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Gran­ a d a 1 list of pledges will be re- berry, Jane Grider, Hortense Tel* leased from the Office of Dean of Women. the j lepsen, and B. Thompson. Phi Sigma Delta .lean Iippe, Mrs Paul K Lippa, q £ y r r\ -pf C « .„ J I . S t u d e n t Q u e e n R f t C nurt 1 > l e r Iv u s e V ^ O u r t Katherine Booty, University sophomore, has been chosen to reign as queen of the fifth annual Texas Rose Festival in Tyler, Octo­ ber 8 to IO. Miss Booty has chosen A. D. Clark, Jr., University stu­ dent from Tyler, as king o f the festival. Clark and Miss Booty will he crowned October IO. In addition to the coronation, the festival will include the Mississippi State-Texas A. M. football game and a parade o f rose-covered floats. A b o u t I JDiversity P eople- By DOROTHY STRACHAN Two University exes who drop­ ped in to see the game Saturday were Hubert Hopper from Houston and Tommy Talbot of Luling. Mr. Talbot is an assistant football coach at Luling and also pastor of the Presbyterian Church there. Among the freshmen who have registered are the following out- of-staters: Elsie Holme*, who hails from Yazoo City, Miss.; Elena Paulovna Pirmova* from Boston, Mass.; and Hal Stevenson, who calls Colorado Springs, Col., his stomping grounds. Sunday Club Reception The Sunday Club, organization for Episcopal students, will hold a reception in honor of new E pis­ tonight at 8:30 students copal o’clock, at Gregg House. L. Theo Bellmont, director of physical training for men, made the welcoming address at the meet­ ing last Sunday. The club de­ cided to have a picnic next Sun­ day, when students will meet at Gregg House at 3:30 o’clock. The meetings every Sunday will alternate with discussions and so­ cials. S. A. Club to Elect The University of San Antonio Club will meet tonight at 7:30 o’clock in Texas Union 311 for the election of officers for this year. John Ford, president, an­ nounced yesterday. Evelyn Jedlicka E. G. Smith, professor of mar and Peggy Webb, popular Alpha Phis and University sophomores, made a quick trip to San Antonio Tues­ day afternoon. Clubs, societies, and church or­ ganizations have started getting their groups together and making plans for the year. Presidents are calling meetings for the near fu ­ ture, and are trying to lay out the procedure. And today is filled keting, and his family returned I with meetings and socials of many Saturday from a month’s vaca ; ° f those organizations. Among tion in Cape Cod. Mr. Smith spent j them are the following: l l summer! the early part of the motoring to Ontario, Canada, and I F irst meeting o f the Valley Club to Michigan. He returned to Ans- wilj be tomght in Texas Union a v X aRf.y tin to teach during the second se- * hls Kiester of the summer session. o f at 7 V a A i l V a O A Q y e . . . . _ Gertrude Wertheimer, twin sis- f.,r* { i • ter of Gold* Wertheimer, decided „ . . . to stay in Houston this year instead J of re-registenng a - J , J . . TT . W . ,___ , in the U m ver-; I . •ej . . y TV. i tion calls for election of new of­ « j fleers at the second meeting with , only those who have attended one previous meeting eligible for nom- ination to office. , " , " . , .. a, ' Florence Ave*, junior from La more tbftn 125 Valley stu- Marque, ju st c a n t quite make up | dentg enrolled in the University, her mind but she thinks she will j the Valley Club ha8 one of the jargegt potential memberships of go home for a short visit this com- any gectional club on the campus. ing week end. Vale.ka Ad*m», who was reg- An*v student from Willacy, Star, istered as a junior in the College I Hidalgo, and Cameron counties is of Pharmacy, was forced to with- eligible for membership in the or- draw from the University because ganization. of illness. She hopes to return the second semester. L ast year’s officers were Milton r t V l nrlr 0 clof K; " * Ur* ed t0, *5 8S, th* <*>*> , j las on Bobbie Holts went home to Dal- sophomore from Goose Creek, is helping to Saturday for several days, organize a club composed of stu- Sunny Murphey spent some time dents from Baytown, Goose Creek, in San Antonio. Verta Broussard, and Pelly. H. West, Jr ., of Brownsville, presi- dent, and Shirley Lissner of Mis­ sion, secretary. Fort Worth Club A complete reorganization of Fort Worth Club will take place tonight at 8 o’clock Union 809. in Texas man, Bob Hollis. Carver, and Oruijle Election for the fall semester will be held. Retiring officers are Richard Standifer, president; Ma­ rion Lowdon, vice-president; Dor­ othy secretary; and Trueman Powers, treasurer. Jean Hausman, for Arrangements the dance, tentatively scheduled for Thanks­ giving, and a picnic to he given sometime next month will be made. The dance probably will be held at the Driskill Hotel with a local orchestra playing, Standifer said. Baptist Reception An informal reception for all Baptist students in the University will he held on the lawn of the University Baptist Church tonight at 7:30 o’clock. introduced Autograph books will be distrib­ uted at the beginning of the eve­ ning in which each student is to write the names of guests who have been to him. Pauline Banks, Mary Evelyn Bieze, Karen Crouch, and Doris Hughes in get- will be group acquainted games. A musical romance read by June Ward, a girls* octette, and a debate will he on the program. leaders The reception committee will consist of Genevieve Gunn, Rannie Hewlett, Argie Fay Smith, Helen Van Eman, and Daisy Bell Pier­ son. On the program committee will be June Ward, Ward Black- lock, Frank Heard, Felix Gresh- iiimimmmiHiwmiHMiwmmiiimmmnmwuinmttiftiHmiMfismrttm CLUB NOTICES imtamiiimimitfHmittiMmnmmfmmtmmmmmuimHmmmmmim Delta Sigma Pi, honorary busi­ ness administration fraternity, will meet Tuesday night in Texas Union 301 beginning at 7:30 o’clock. All Students interested in fly­ ing or any other phase of aviation, including model aircraft construc­ tion, are invited to attend the or­ ganization meeting of the Aero­ nautical Society to be held Thurs­ day night at 7:15 o’clock in Engi­ neering Building 217. / HAROLD CROCKETT, vice-president. S ig m a G a m m a Epsilon Sigm a Gamma Epsilon, honor­ ary geology fraternity, will meet at 7:30 o’clock tonight in Geol­ ogy Building 9. Plans will be made for holding the national con vention, which will be on the Uni­ versity campus during the Christ­ mas holidays, J . H. Bartley, presi­ dent, announced. Members of the club will speak, TODAY IN B R IEF 8-12 30— Sectionizing of wom­ 'Women’s en’s P. T. classes in Gym. IO— Child Study Association cof­ fee at home of Mrs. Marvin Hall, 1505 Northwood Road. All in­ terested are invited. ut____ *_ n. 2-5:30— Psychological 2-4:30— Sectionizing o f women’, o t* -i P. T. classes in Women’s Gym. exam ina­ tion— for all freshmen who have not had the algebra test and all others with initials A through F who lack the second test— at Hogg Auditorium. 4— Men student* in inter-collegiate debating meet in Garrison Hall I to discuss plans for try-outs for the Uni­ versity squad. interested 7 :30— Sigma Gamma Epsilon, Geology Building 9. 7:30— University of San Antonio Club, Texas Union 311. 7:30— Rio Grande Valley Club, Texas Union 208. 7:30— Fort Worth Club, Texas Union 309. 8— Walther League of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church will entertain in the league hall. All Lutheran students in the University are invited. 8— Reception of all Jewish stu­ dents at the Hillel Foundation. 8—Wesley Foundation and Uni­ versity Methodist Church are uniting for a reception at the Wesley Bible Chair. 8:30— Episcopal student’s recep­ tion at Gregg House. 8:30-11— Reception of All Saints’ at Gregg Episcopal Church House. and refreshments will be served. Austin Ju n io r Leagu e The first fall meeting of the board of the Austin Junior League will be at IO o’clock this morning at the home of Mrs. O. D. Weeks. Wednesday morning at IO o'clock, October 6, all of the league mem­ bers will meet at the Public Lfc brary. Rehearsals for the play, “ Cin­ derella” to he given October 4-6 are now in progress, with Miss Sue Roberts in charge. The schedule for the produc­ tions will be Monday, October 4, at 4 o’clock at Senior High School; Tuesday, October 5, at 4 o’clock at Allan Junior High School; and Wednesday, October 6, at 3:30 o’clock at the University High School. F r* nc* ‘ D' " ' V n'1 Eiois* Garrett were among those who visited in Houston over Sat­ urday and Sunday. Mary and Elizabeth Huggard spent the two days at home in Brenham. HEAR JIM M IE LUNCEFORD AND RIS ORCR€ST*A playing for the D A N C E N EX T SATURDAY Oct. 2 Gregory Gym 9-12 $1.00 per sou pl* tax ax* rapt that Between class hells re- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Berdel, mind the students that rush week , Robert Kaufman, Dorothy Trot- is over and college life is well nWf David Straus, Arnold Aran- under way, the wearer of the key, , 0Ttf an(j Bobby Lowenthal. the kite, and the arrow, will form a miniature Panhellenic to discus? the prizes that come to know during the ast three days. have ertson, and Mrs. Vick Creal, Lucille Cobb, Mrs. Dean Rob- Eugene Talbot. Aran Skaggs, Delta Theta Phi Pi Kappa Alpha sororities Over a coke in the Union, they ancj RrUg^ Patterson. , ^ * • • Sigma Alpha Mu Alpha T a u Omega The jjCon> and Dr. and Mrs. Aaron mSv talk of Betty Lou k ar.ary o. Tulsa, Okla., the little brunette Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Klelnman, whose striking personality has set Fairstein, Rhea Cohen, Doris Greek members a-rushing. exhausted Greeks may discuss the Shaffer, merits of Katherine Booty, who will leave the campus in & few days to be crowned queen of the rose festival in Tyler, Frances Drake, Genevive Ma- j ors> Mary Storm, Martha Wig- J gins, Isabelle Thomason, Dorothy They will tell how Margaret House, Mary Nell Goolsbee, Vir­ ginity of Dallas and Naomi Smith g-jnia Schreiner, Mary Lou Stuart, created a flurry with two black Gene Gregg, and Pauline Gill, baby chicks in a cardboard box at the Theta house Sunday aft- Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Long, ernoon during the rush parties, Jan e Green, j i Peaches Brewer, Brownie Green, Joe Nash, Mary As a member passes her ru sh -; Williams, Helen Haggard. Mary week competition on the steps of j oe Mc Angus, Lucy Blewett, Cor- I Garrison Hall. she may pause to rjne Talley, Juan ita Harrison, Sally express her excellent opinion of McLaughlin. Mary Helen George, Alice Cordelia rushee. The competitive Greeks will have a word of discussion over the little blonde rushee from Port ^ ] J Saints’ R e C t O T Arthur, Doris Reynolds. j Thompson, and Amelia Harlan. Temple Mary Montgomery, More R u s h e e * D i s c u s s e d Sigma Alpha Epsilon Lee McCelvy, student# A w n . f i r :, will f . t h « to dto. To Be Host Tonight S o r o ritie s A re A n xious been chosen by Beryl During the hours of suspense cuss “ which Wray Betty Black, Helen Robinson. Alice Ann Nit- The Rev. Chester L. Hults, the schke, Mary Pearle Lynn. Emily went” 71 ew rector of All Saint#’ Episco- Miller and Ruth Suehs when thev signed their preference P* Church, who took over his du- card, at H o ff auditorium Sunday September I, will be host at night. And many girls will men- “ reception given by the church rn tion the name of Ann Painter, lo- f ° r th* University House Tuesday night from cal rushee to l l o clock. The reception, - a y wonder what color rib- although especially fo r students, thev bons have Buckley, by Barbara Holleron, o r j informal. There will be dancing as by Betty Jam eson, all San An- Part of the entertainment. tonic rushee*. Mr. Hults is a native of Bath, N.Y. He graduated from Colgate People are anxious to know ex-1 University in 1928 and received 'be bachelor o ' divinity from the actly how Jeanne How^e of Am- arilfo listed her preference of so- Yale Divinity School in 1931 and stu - ! did post-graduate work rorities, and Fort W’ orth the dents are wondering what the Epircopal Berkley Divinity School home town girls, Katherine An- and New Haven. During the time demon and Betty Banner decided he was in college he was debater. to do about sororities. co .ege The prolonged rush week this daily, and leader of the Glee Club, year had more than its share of Mr. Hulls began his first pas- characteristic incidents. Again tora! work at Yale as assistant at came the annual mistake made by Christ Church at V e st Haven, a little girl who knocked on the ' onn. In 1931 ne became rec,.-’ door of a sorority house to inter- of the Church of the Resurrec- rupt a tense and very private lion in Baltimore, Md., and re­ meeting when she came to the mained there until September of house for an open house date -his year, when he came to take that was to be given the next up his position at Au Saints’. He night. The Pi Phis featured the w*&« married in 1929 to Miss Ruth Big Apple dance at one of their I Allen, also a graduate of Colgate, parties, and trucking was a pop-; His home is at 2706 San Pedro, ular sport among last-date rushee* at many houses. Girls are still en- tertained by the thought of *he A i c t h O u l S t S tO C j l V e Theta daughter who insisted that the delighted Osiers not wire her d o m e d V 3 t R e c e p t i o n mother that she had decided to j wear the same kite she had worn, b a c a o ., aba wanted to worry ber | cuainted .. wi„ be prewnted a if'w more day* with tr.p news _ th., aha w a , p W p » , A nn,ber ■»- rority. the conclusion o f a recep tio n a t , h ; A one-act comedy, “ Getting Ac- at \ associate editor of ______ * * * ’ t the at . . . ! } 8 o’clock. i* open in the public and will be N O TIC E Classified Advertisers You can run your classi­ in fied very economically The Daily Texan: READER ADS 20 W ords— Maximum 1 time ______________$ .40 2 times ____ 55 .70 3 t’m e s 6 times 1.00 ........ ..... D ISP LA Y I col. wide x I in. deep, 60c insertion. No refunds for cancella­ tions. Responsible for one incorrect insertion only. A L L A D S C A S H IN A D V A N C E M essenger service until 4:30 p.m., weelc-days. Coun­ ter serv ce until 6 p.m. Dial 2-316b for further information on messen­ ger service. COACHING in Trigonometry, Analytic Geometry, College Algebra, M athe­ matic# of Finance, Differential Calculus, and Integral Calculus. Ja m e s Hurt. Phone 2-4443. COACHING in Spanish gra mmar and tran slation . 2206 Nueces, 2-979J. COACHING: French, German, L atin, Greek, T ran slatin g: t-0892, evenings. D ancin g Learn to Dance— 3 Lesson s 13.58 Student Ballroom C lasses Monday and Thursday— 7 :S0 p m AN N ETTE DUVAL DANCING SCHOOL Phones 2-3854, 6908 108 W. 14 V isitors Welcome HOUSTON CHRONICLE, Ft. Worth- St»r-Tel«sr*ir,, early morning delivery, prompt •ereiee. Call S. S. Pettus. 8943 For Sale Barber Shops HAIRCUT 25e 4 0 * Went 24— Roar V arsity Theater Beauty Shops R E ED 'S BEA U TY SHO P, 2811 North tion Cali ^ 60c. 7121- GIVE HER a wire-haired Fox Terrier stock. Registered. puppy. Beautiful 209 E ast Milton. p u p s: FOR S A L E : Thoroughbred Scotch Collie Three months old. 806 Crockett Street. Phone 8490. John Adrian strain. ST U D E N T S: Don’t rent or new typew riters. See the largest stock of second-hand machine# in town. All mod­ els. Buy like rent at Craddock's Book Store. 821 C ongress. 2-7712. buy Laundries Phone 2-5164 n -I / a I i l y I " I e x a n v I a s s i t i e ( I J d I A , I u d s Phone 2-3165 j5ga*=ggawrrrir -Tmrnr—^— --------------- ------------- Announcements Cafes Cafes Shoe Shops W anted RILEY'S 2120 South Congress S H O E REBU ILD IN G IN V ISIB L E HA LF-SO LIN G Pick-up and Delivery Goodyear Shoe Shop for the Shoe" "E very th in g 2326 Guadalupe SA V E : Ladle* H e*! Caps, 15c pair. Half sole?, 50c pair. Shoe# dyed, 85c. Heath Shoe Shop 2 1th and Guadalupe, west of Lockhart Creamery. WA N TED : One or two boys in private horn* of two. Private entrance, private bath. 2307 Rio Grande. W anted to Buy HIGH EST CASH PRICES PAID FOR second-hand clothing, shoes, and suit Phone 4597 | cases. We also buy m usical instrum ents. A. Schw arts. Phone 8762. Rooms a F, u i r * bedrooms, connecting bf th- » ? iC4ly furni' £ 25GS Rio Grande* Phone 2-8228. ^iYm r u bath, private entrance and Telephone 6038. room, private garage. BEDROOM with private bath, Men stu- OUR PLACE IS CLEAN OUR FOOD IS THE BEST You Can’t Beat Our Fried Chicken, Steaks or Mexican Foods Sirlon Eat Noon Luncheon And Have Your Coffee Cup Read Free DINE A N D D AN CE N O C O Y E R C H A R G E Coaching Lost and Found Typewriters VICTOR Adding Machinee Rented-P.* paired Ask about the RentaJ-Purchase Plan TU RPEN S T Y PEW R IT ER EXCH ANGE i NEAR U N IV E R SIT Y : Sm all apartm ent. Phone 210 W est 19— Phone 6116 204 Archway. paid. Bills 2-4615. LO ST : Fountain pen. probably at #ta- dium, brown mottled E versharp ad­ justable. Return to Journalism Building 108 for reward. L O S T : K ap p* Sigm a fraternity pin set with pearls. Initials W .A.L on bot­ tom R egard for return to W. A. Lan- dreth. Phone 2-0668. LOST SA TU RD A Y: Yellow gold w rist watch with black hand between Dormi­ ll and Drag. Reward. Carol tory Unit R ogers, Dormitory II. 2-5401. 15 LO ST in Section l l . Stadium Saturday jewel Elgin wri«t watch, (stainless steel back. Reward. Phone 4907. 1610 Brazos. Plumbing E . RA V EN — Since water heater repairing, 1890 — Plumbing. piping, ran ges, heaters connected, sinks, sewers unstopped, 1403 Lavaca. Phone 6768. gas W. G. ANDREW ARTHA: PLUMBING and Gas Fitting, Hot Water Heaters 408 E ast 18th Street. Phone 2-2808. Professional T Y P E W R IT E R S Sold-Kented-Repaired Supplies TURPEN'S 210 W. 19 Phone 6111 New Portables Term s Like Rent A L L M A KES Sold— Rented— Repaired Low est P rices, B e st Service S T E C K '* Phone 5834 D O N 'T RENT A Typewriter When you can Buy one Rent at Sears Factory Rebuilt Just Like New DR. F M, ST EIN , Foot Specialist, Chiro­ podist, 820 Littlefield Building, 6th sod Congress. 9:00 to 5:80. Night, and Sunday appointments. Phone 2-5004. U N D E R W O O D R O Y A L and L. C. SM ITH Records G ET "L A M P L IG H T .” “ Got a Date With t h e An Angel,” — Hal Kemp. " I t ’e N atural Thing to Do,” "A ll You Want to Do Is Danre.” — Bing Crosby. Records at J . R. Reed Music Co. 806 Congress. Service Station! Sold On Easy Terms 'Z j.Z j.95 CASH for Scrap Gold, R ings, Chains, Pins, watches, etc. 821 Congress. 2-7712. GI^ T ing bath, P rivate home. 2410 nice modern rooms adjoin* Hie r u ran at. ROOMS; Private home, entrance#, adjoin­ ing baths, quiet U niversity residential large enough ] * * c _ oa* reasonable, garage, 2915 W est Avenue. Phone 2-5583. Furnished Apartments FU R N ISH ED Apartment, for three. 2 rooms, hall, private bath. Reasonable. neighborhood. University 1915 Nueces. Phone 2-7748. BLOCK CA M PU S: Beautifully furnished ; cottage. Also lovely room with private heat. bath; private 1920 Speedway. Phone 6818. entrance, furnace — - — - SIN G LE or double southeast room, un. • ta,r? t®4* * apartm ent between Cap*. . car Hna. Private entrance. Bills paid. B re ak fast ®reanras« optional. Phone 2-9674. U n iversity ^ Lavac# LARGE, AIR1 ROOM, private home, pri* v a t* entrance, quiet and eonfortabliL U niversity. excellent Phone 7689 or U niversity Station 206. location. 2 621 G, a n o a A a a i m a n l o a r a g e A p a r t m e n t W ANTED: One or two men share 2 large roms, shower bath, with law | ,or** student. 2 % hlocks campus. Very rea­ s o n a b l e . 2 - 4 7 4 8 . BLOCK U niversity, rooms, nicely large cool furnished, all Opening }nt0 r*reption hall. Adjoining hath. Ju n - three *et»K>ra, gradu ate* call 7749. M EN: One or two quiet, employed stu ­ dents. $8,50 each. Twin beds, linen, ga GARAGE A P A R T M E N TS: Boys, 120-126. j { « rP '*h*d . Private home between Capitol One block campus. Room, private bath, I U niversity. 1508 Colorado. 7504. private entrance. Maid service. 208 Elm- I wood. Mrs. Colwell. 2-8648. — TTT----------- ---- ------------- ---- -— — ! BO Y S: Three room s, new twin beds. aO conveniences, double garage. Univer­ sity neighborhood. $10 per boy. 265 E ast 30th. Phone 8268. G arage Rooms FOR R E N T : 2 single rooms apartm ent. Garage, private bath and in garden LARGE ROOM, twin beds, private bath. from cam pus. 2600 Whitii 2 blocks Phone 6760. entrance. Telephone 7294. new garage apartm ent. N ICELY FU R N ISH ED BEDROOM in Shower, twin beds, private entrance. 804 West 22nd. Phone 2-6806. G A R A G E R O O M S Brand new, nicely furnished. E very­ thing new and clean. Twin beds, showers. Porter service. Rates rea­ sonable. 912 Nueces Call 9749 Rooms ROOM for rent in private home, private entrance. 708 W est 26th. BO YS: Two southeast upstairs rooms in quiet private home near U niversity. Twin beds, private hath, new furnishings. 803 E a st 32nd. 2-3091. FOR B O Y S: Newly decorated comfortable $7.60- rooms. N ortheast Cam pus. $19.00. Garage. 409 E a s t 30th Street. Room and Board U N IV ER SITY G IR L S : Modernistic bed* room, adjoining bath, approved house, Meads option*!. 4 block* west Univep* sity. 2106 Mi Pearl Street. Phone 2-9828, G IR L S: Suite of rooms with two attractiv e south pri­ closets, Urge blocks vate bath. Approved house. 3 campus. 608 W est 24th. 2-9168. FOR TWO MKN stu d en ts: L arge room. 2 or 8 meals, garage if desired. Pri­ vate home. Dial 2-1597. W A N TED: One girl roommate to take meals in private home in quiet neigh­ borhood. Phone 7804. ROOM AND BO ARD: Withdrawal of boy leaves vacancy 2 blocks north of Uni­ versity. 2608 Guadalupe. Phone 2-8211, Board HOME-COOKED m eals fam ily style to a limited number of men stu * dents from 12:80 to 2 :0 0 . 2005 Guada* Jupe. served Notice Classified Advertisers! Effective Immediately M E SSE N G E R SERVICE Until 4:30 p. rn. Counter Service, as usual, to 6 p.m. D ial 2 -3 1 6 4 Co-ed Handbook T o Be Out Tuesday The 1937-38 r 0-ed Handbook fo r - i i i ba rnady Tuesday, Miss Dorothy G ebauer, Pean of Women, announced Mon- distribution j'clod« * am ' ‘ The party, given by the Wesley Foundation the University Methodist Church, is intended to help new students at the Univer­ sity get acquainted. of Other entertainment will . . . in- W E L D O N 'S "S m a rt H airdressers” CREATORS OF SM ART PER M A N EN T W AVES AND C O IFFU R ES C O M PLETE BEA U TY SE R V IC E IN- C H ID IN G A BUDGET BOOTH 2 Doors North of V arsity Theater 2402 Guadalupe Phone 4782 . . C l.fto . J o b . B L U ,, J ,., D orothy C am p bell, T e rry C a rte r, . located T IT T L E 'S PER M A N EN T SHOP Nueces. is now Phone 2-0106. O perators: Mrs. M. E. Tittle, V irgie Bruce. Dell Burger. 2802 a t This book is compiled each year godson by the Co-ed Assmebly to answer Cgtharm E vant, Frank Mason, an questions concerning women stu- dent*’ organization? and to guide women student* in their choice of different part* of the state , campus activities. '* --toeitje are ad new stu ­ They come from cities in C* ddi‘ > Cleaners J. 8. SMITH CLEANERS One Day Service DRISKILL HOTEL LAUNDRY 6444 119 East 7th 926 W est 12 Phone 2-1088 FITTED , C A LL US. Locksmiths PETM ECK Y ’S FIFTH S T R E I T SHOP. ICI W EST 6th PHONE 2-7981. K E Y S R A Y W IL L IA M S O N SERVICE 2 Blocks South Campus 19th Ut Guadalupe Street# 24 H O U R SERVICE C O N G R E S S TAXI Phone 4375 31st A Speedway-—19th A Guadalupe Taxi Hillel Foundation Reception Tonight All Jewish student* on the cam­ pus ar# invited to meet tonight from 8 to IO o’clock at the Hillel Foundation, ar­ ranged by Rabbi A. V. Goodman to help student? become better acquainted. reception in a Entertainment and rafreah- snaate art being planned. P H O T O G R A P H IC HEADQUARTERS Everything th , Am a­ for teur. Film, Developing Set#, P f fifing Paper. Fresh Ch* m ica!* Enlargers, T ray s, Trim m ers, etc. ITV develop Films. Ellison's 6! I Co nr rebs ITS DOLLAR WISE to use the Texan classified section. Low rates—complete University coverage—reader interest—all combined to make this Austin’s most profitable advertising medium. Reach 10,000 students and faculty members by advertis­ ing in the paper they A L L R EA D !! C A L L 2-3164 TO DA Y - wWE DO T H E R E ST