(Eftt Bn ilia %exalt First College Daily in tho South AUSTIN, TEXAS, TUESDAY, MAY 2, 1922 . - c r o w n ra in c o a t w ith, in itials F. W. on inside o f back. F in d e r phbne 6314 and. receiv e re w ard . — 2 N o . 155 Fort W orth Has University Club In New Building Members o f the University Club o f F o rt W o rth have recently opened a new club hou'-e in the Metropoli­ tan Hotel Building of that city, ac- i »rding ti* a le t t e r received by Pres ident Vin so n fro m l e o n a r d Withing- ton, p resident of the organization. The club is com posed of more th an 400 U n iv ersity and collegial.' g ra d u a te s in an d n ear F o r t N\ orth, including a lim ited nu m ber of asso­ ciate m em bers. In his le tte r Mr. W allington says, “ We wish to ex ten d to you, mem­ b ers o f y o u r fa c u lty , athletic teams ' and o th ers v isitin g in, or passing ' through F o rt W orth, an invitation to I visit the club an d m ake it your head- this city." The j q u a rte rs w hile in lounging eq u ipped with is I club j rooms, c o n fe re n c e library, gam e room s, ca fe and ladies room. J I t is also sta te d th a t any of the stu- ; d en ts o r fa c u lty of the JJniversity ! of T exas who a re in F o rt W orth a ; g re a t deal will be welcomed into m em bership in th e club. room s, The clu b also asked to be p u t on the m ailing lists of all the U niver­ sity p u b licatio n s, b u lletin s, etc., and asks faculty consent to m ake luncheon addresses when in the city o f F o rt W orth th a t m em bers of the V on Boeckxnann- Jones Co. P r i n t e r s L et U* W atch Y our T eeth DR. GUFFIN and associate* O L I/'M E X X II j-M- nnl i cl­ a t iity L WORKERS DISCUSS'', C. F. O tey re tu rn e d from a sh o rt visit w ith frien d s and relativ es in R unge, Texas. A nna Belle Ferguson of D allas, a the fo rm er U niversity stu d en t Is g u est of Lois Sm ith. C harles and F red T e rry w ere called to A. & M., w here th e ir b ro ­ th e r is very ill. . C ornelia Hood sp ent the week end oney Taken in at Entertain­ ments Will Be Used for Furthering Campaign i b l i c a t i o n of a Bulletin in the Interest of the Union Is Considered By H. C. Stilwell the Education Build- M eeting in g yesterd ay , th e executive com m it- [e o f the M em orial Union D rive dis­ u sed the ad v isab ility of holding a u d e n t convocation in the n e a r f a ­ ire and took up m a tte rs of d etail 5 to c a rry in g on the cam paign. Entertainm ent Receipt* Basing A m otion was discussed and lopted s ta tin g th a t all the money om stu d e n t en te rta in m e n ts should jyears o f experience in m agazine w ork, > given over ju n io r academ ie to th e p erm an en t cam- i Jam es Willis Posey, iign fund fo r carry in g on the cam -; stu d en t, has announced t h a f h e wi* xign. This is to be done in o rd e r I ^ * tak en ja t all money edges m ay he used in the a c tu a l ex- h o r" “ » * « * ’«. a b j e c t to the actu* of t h e stu d e n t body at t h e elecfn t enses of co n stru ctio n on the b u d d ­ candidacy upon p(|itor o f th(. u la te r o n , n c e in ^ . i e stu d en ts arc A n other m otion was adopted sta t- g th a t all form s of e n te rta in m e n ts the b en e fit o f th e drive veil for k to be encouraged id th a t all those given fo r Chis p u r- »se g et in touch w ith the W ays and cans C om m ittee as m oney will be ken those which have e approval of this com m ittee. from only Convocation Plans The feasib ility of holding a con­ n a tio n w as discussed and it was cided th a t a convocation should be Id some tim e in th e p re se n t term , te r enough sen tim en t been had it a pep m eeting. eated to m ake (C o n tin u ed on page 4) m in DEMURS TI H T D T W H VIDERBIIJ THIS WEEK e x a s Speakers Meet Louisiana T eam Wednesday and Ten­ n e sse e a n s Thursday May 9. Ile was an associate edi Posey is a t p resen t assistan t ediC of the m agazine and has done m i^ of the ed itorial work d u rin g the p * year. J fl­ and co n trib u to r d u rin g 1920*21, 8 ,^ has had two y ears o f experience the staff of the Daily T exan. D u r^ the sum m er of 1921, he served as .A sista n t issue editor. Ile is now the ju n io r a c a ­ from assem blym an demic class rn the S tu d e n ts’ A ssocia­ tion, and a m em ber of S cribblers, h o n o rary w rite rs’ society, and holder of th e Ben H ur S hrine Scholarship. He has been a self-su p p o rtin g stu d e n t th ro u g h o u t his U niversity work. the is being sup­ P osey's candidacy the p resen t ported by m em bers o f Longhorn staffs who believe th a t his acq u ain tan ce with the d etails o f m ag­ azine m anagem ent and his in te re st in th e Longhorn the developm ent of M agazine to a college m onthly o f the first class qualify him for the position he seeks. ________ *$arge Ride Plans ^ Are Discussed At Frosh Meeting fe foi ora tha th o u g h th e rise in the C olorado has n ecessitated a postpone- rid e of °* v er £fent which was scheduled on freshm an barge the Social the C alen d ar for F rid ay , the m em bers o f th e class who assem bled y esterd ay at the Law B uilding arran g e d fo r a realization of the b arge ride scheme a t a date in the n e a r fu tu re . A com m ittee in charge of Bill M yr- phree has m ade arran g e m e n ts fo r a tw o-hour trip up Lake A ustin, w ith a I stop a t Bull C reek. An o rch estra and refresh m en ts, to g e th e r with the dane-; ; ing, will co n trib u te to a g en eral goodj | tim e and g et-to g e th e r o f th e class, ac­ cording to M urphree. j John M ayfield, p resid en t o f the freshm an class, has called a n o th e r m eeting fo r W ednesday a t 5 p. rn. in the Law A uditorium because of th e fact th a t only a sm all m ajo rity o f the class w ere p re se n t a t the m eeting yes­ terd a y . He expressed a hope th a t the freshm en co-eds would he p re se n t a t Al J body b u t h er fa th e r. She w as fo rc e a into m arriag e, d eserted and abused by h er husband, and fin ally th ro u g h th a t had alw ays been s u p ­ the a r t pressed she m ade h er fam e and like all good sto ries Jived happily ever afte rw a rd . a n d a , , m a A t i n p I t * . Mapper* and F lo p p e rs C atcher* and Stopper* Cleaner*— we are — ---------- o---------- -- Bigg* Co. H ill] RIVER SHOULD REACH CREST THIS MORNING ic rice expected lf no more rain* have fallen during the night the erect of the river’* to be reached thi* morning. Continued rain* a* far a* Marble Fall* dur­ ing Monday afternoon promised a steady rice through the night. A 22-foot rise was reported in the Llano River IOO mile* north of here. At l l p. rn. Monday the stage of the river at the Viaduct was 22.4. W ater at the Dam wa* at 69.5 feet, a half foot higher than at 8:30 p. rn. The boat house pier gave way at 7:30 p. rn. permitting a deluge of driftwood to drift to the dam. No danger is expected^ however. CHOSEN ON BASIS OF KICH CRUDES Men Win Coveted Place in Honorary Society of Law School C HA N CELLOR S ELECT Paul G. Brown J. Lea D o ter! Hubert W id. Green F. Warren Hick* Marion Roy McClanahan S. Edward Mann Oscar Morgan Powell George Warren Scarbrough Age*ilau* Wilson Walker C hancellors, th e h o n o rary society of the School o f Law, ann o u n ced its election o f men from th e senior Law class of 1923 by tap p in g them on M onday m orning. The fin al selec­ tion from th is class will be m ade a t th e law b an q u e t n e x t fall, w ith the provision th a t n o t m ore th an fifte e n can be selected from senior class. any a T he C hancellors is th e h o n o ra ry j legal o rd e r o f th e Law Sc hool o f j th e U niversity, whose purpose is to j honor and rew ard by election those law stu d en ts who, by co m b in a­ tion o f co n sisten t scholarship, p e r -' sonality have shown them selves m ost likely to isu c -j geed and becom e a c red it to th e ir for* p rofession. m em bership is an av erag e g ra d e of 90 law co u rses up u n til th e sp rin g term o f th e m iddle law year, th e o r the fall te rm o f th e sen io r y ear, T he p re re q u isite achievem ents in ail and Y our Good A p p earan ce m eans th a t you a re n o t only ca refu l o f y o u r d ress, b u t o f your h air, nail* an d o f y o u r skin. IS HOME WITH H S Won Three Out of Five Game* Played on Southern Trip PUT HEDEJU 15 0 IT Texas Can Afford to Lose But One More C onference Game and That to A. & M. By Carl Swartz Standing the Southwestern of Conference B aylor U ............ .... IO T exas U ....... ...... ...... 7 T ex a s A. & M. 5 Rice Institue... ..... I S. M. U ................ ...... I A rk an sas U ....... .... 0 Won Lost Pct. .836 2 .778 2 .500 5 .200 4 5 .166 .OOO 6 Coach Billy Disch and his U niver­ sity o f T ex as diamond crew re tu rn e d a f te r to A ustin Monday morning w in n in g th re e of the gam e* played on th e ir southern to u r la s t w eek. five Meet Kangaroo* Thursday o f re q u e s t At the u rg e n t his friends who a re in te re ste d in k eep ­ ing the o ffice o f th e M en’s C ouncil out of politics* M ajo r T . Bell o f T e­ naha, has announced his can d id acy for th at position. Mr. Bell is ru n ­ ning absolutely in d ep en d e n t o f an y political clique and is b asin g his carn­ a l on his m e rits fo r th e position, ^her than any po litical affilia tio n , jet'll en tered th e U n iv ersity in th e te r of 1916 and rem ain ed h ere jil the fa ll o f 1918 when he en- th e U nited id soon tea. He w as r the signing o f th e arm istice an d P,t to work in E a s t T ex as. H e re - red th e U n iv ersity In th e fa ll o f T92i), choosing the Law D e p artm en t, where he h as rem ain ed uhfcil th e p re se n t tim e. to tak e b oth a B achelor o f A rts. th e service o f d isch arg ed if a T he L onghorns wil meet th e A us­ tin College Kangaroos here T h u rs­ d ay afte rn o o n in a non-conference g am e an d n ex t Monday will play th e S o u th w ester University P ira te s on C lark Field in another non-confer­ ence gam e. These two gam es will serve to keep the Dischraen in trim s tu d e n t j fo r th e ir n e x t two Southw estern Con- B ell in te n d s ; fe re n c e gam es of the year— to be law d eg ree an d a p lay ed on C lark Field a week from d eg ree and I F rid a y and S aturday. _____ (C o n tin u ed on page 4) —— ■— —- o------------- Game Can Be Lost to A. ft M. Bell has been v ery active in stu - j T exas can lose one of the A. & M. dent a f fa irs every since e n te rin g th e U niversity. He is a m em b er o f t h e . gam es, b u t the Longhorns m ust win deb atin g team th a t m eets T u lan e J U niversity on M ay 3 a t New O rleans. In recognition o f th is ach iev em en t he was elected to m em bership in Delta Sigm a Rho, h o n o ra ry public speaking society. A t th e re c e n t Phi Delta Phi, h o n o rary leg al fr a te rn ity election he was chosen a m em ber o f th a t o rg an izatio n . H e is also a m em ­ ber o f th e S p eak ers' C lub and served as p re sid e n t of th e m iddle law class in th e fall of th is y ea r. Bell has also in ath letics be­ ing on the cham pion V a rsity b ase­ ball squad of 1921 and also a m em ­ ber o f th e in tra m u ra l a th le tic team * H r reached th e finale in th e B oone extem pore speaking co n te st and r e p -, ^ oup *dvertl81nK ° f th" nominees o f WILL HE DISCUSSED IT COMMITTEE MEET All Candidates on the Barb Ticket Are Urged to Be Present resented the S p eak e rs’ Club in th e in terso ciety d ebate in 1918. . pinna for the e x te n s .v . in te re st tak en . th e B arb C onvention will be m ade to­ n ig h t a t a m eeting called by Jo h n K. W eber, chairm an of the B arb cam paign com m ittee. This m eeting will be held in room 157 of th e M ain B asing hts cam paign on his p ast record a t V a rsity an d th e fa c t th a t he has m ade no pre-electio n p ro m is e s ,, Bell re q u ests th e co n sid eratio n o f all i Buildingr- atartinK students. . f | ( p i l l l j p r p (1(111110 l U l l l l J ( j | | f l | | 0 L U *............... - a f l# p M ajor Bell an d Felix R aym er will in New O rleans W ednesday night re p resen t V a rsity th e re in a d e ­ late w ith T u lan e U niversity on the the Texas question, him igration jp eak e rs upholding th e n egative sidep pf the question. . «», M____. ._. . ... A nother T ex as team com posed of (udson F ra n c is and Jam es H am ilton yill m eet V an d erb ilt sp eakers in de­ late a t the U n iv ersity B aptist C hurch] A uditorium h ere T h u rsd ay night. The! l a i t . I „ ©Bowing will serve as ju d g es: W al- ;<*r B r e m o n d , A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l VV. A. Keeling, Ju d g e W. C. M orrow , Rev. Shumaker, and Rev. Stephens. Music vill be fu rn ish ed by the W ichita High School o rch estra. «.... j O riginal p lans called fo r a tria n g u ­ lar d eb ate betw een th e U niversity, Tulane and V an d erb ilt, w ith each chool keeping a team a t hom e, and having one a t one of th e o th er schools a t th e sam e tim e, d eb ates b eing held sim ultaneously a t th e th ree schools. A change o f plans throw s the local debate a n ig h t la te r th an th e d eb ate tw een V arsity and T ulane W ednes­ day night. D uring fo u r y ears th a t Mr. T em p ­ l e s has been connected with th e p u b ­ ic speaking d e p a rtm e n t h ere, V a rsity as debated eighteen tim es, w inning ixteen debates. THE WALTER TI H A R D W A R E A N D , B o r l a n d a n n o u n c e his can- lidacy for V a rsity yell leader, sub- the action of the m ale por- **ct trig G uoda, Gun® ;on 0f the student body in the ’gen- ^ j c po Automobile A irai lection of May 9. _______ . T hrough some mistake the name B ourland w as p resen ted to Eugeni.* Marshall of Hearne has authorized th e announcem ent of h e r candidacy fo r chairm an of the Worn 7 nweir, Darn nom inee t o r vice president o f th e S tu d e n ts’ A ssocia­ tion, au th o rizes his an n o u n cem en t as candidate in election May 9. stu d e n t the tarb C onvention as “ R undell” and supplem ented by q u alitie s o f person- a n ’a Council fo r 1922-23, subject to the action o f th e stu d e n t body, May a lity and ach ievem ent. E lection to basing h e r candidacy on the plat- C hancellors is con sid ered to bo th e i d a t the B lrb Conven. highest honor in th e Law School. Tho m em bers selected M onday w in i fo rm >d , , , » Tater th e te lle r changed it to “ Row­ lan d .” N e ith e r Mr. R undell n o r Mr. Rowland is a can d id ate. He h as a signed sta te m e n t from the executive com m itte saying th a t such a m istake was made. the n u cleu s o f th e o rg a n z a - h these pests. T h < -*-fu H | ;e. r,-d j perm it Us to insist th at all w in d o w be screened from top to bottom, that cisterns, wells, etc.f be screened. O il: or drain ail standing water, and re­ In other move ail w ater containers. words, if you do not the breeding of mosquitoes and fliea on your premises you will not only pre­ vent disease but add a g rea t deal of com fort to your home. Remember that it is easier to prevent disease than to cure it, and you may by your own efforts save much suffering and expense. Therefore we insist th at I you begin now a fight for health pro­ tection and home com fort during the hot summer months. perm it * “ Help us make Austin and espe­ cially the University community the cleanest and most healthful spot In Texas.” t Y oung M en ly Priced It will only be a m a tte r of a few d ays until th ey will a ll! be gone— and we are not likely to be able to offer th is ! g ra d e of c o llar a tta c h e d oxford cloth sh irt a g a i n s o o n 1 , a t so low a price. O xfords of Soft Brown C alfskin. In sm a rt English w alk­ ing last and ru b b e r heel ta p .— They are re ally m ost ex­ ceptional values at this low price o f.............................. $6.56 106 W est Gth S tre e t The H om e of * Q u a lity — Service— S atisfaction THE A U S T I N N A T I O N A L B A N K R esources $ 8 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 C H IN E SE D IS H E S F acu lty and S tu dent A cco u n t Solicited are now served in ad d itio n to o u r re g u la r A m erican dishes W hen dow n tow n call around If w e are not already laundering your shirt! and collars w ou ld like an opportunity to dem ­ onstrate to you a R eal L ive E xam p le o f Q u ality and Service. lf you ex p ect to get good space for your advertising, see the business m anager o f the I exan today for all your advertising. A ll Sunday advertising m ust be in the business m an ager’s office by 8 :3 0 a. rn. Saturday. W e m ust know w hether to print an eigh t page T exan by Saturday m orning. O therw ise, you w ill not be able to get your advertisem ents in the S u n ­ American Cafe 300 Congress Avenue, Phone 3472 a t 8 a. rn., IO a. rn., 11:45 a. rn., 12:45 p. m 2 p. rn., 4 p. rn., 5 :4 5 p. rn. C ourteous and C arefu l D rivers Buick Cars Used in This Service $ 5 .0 0 R ound Trip; $ 2 .7 5 O ne W ay d a y ’s T exan . W e Pay— 4 Per Cent on Time Deposit*. 6 Per Cent on Guaranteed Land Notes (no d elay) Diam ond Merchants THE HALLMARK STORE •I S Congress Ave. C o m e r o f E a s t 6 th a n d B r a z o s ( D r is k ill H o le , Please accept this as a personal invitation to visit oui nk, Sincerely, GEO. W . WALLING, Jr., V. P. H. A. TURNER, Cashier. Manager, Texan R E A D T H E A D S IN T H E D A IL Y T E X A N I c S A L I? H i ON you, the 5518 or 3434. latest Paris styles. Ring — 7 LOST— In Education Building Sat­ urday, bl$ck raincoat, had some checks iii pocket. Leave at Texan — 2 office. J. E. Butler. LOST— Brown raincoat with, initials F. W. on inside of back. Finder phbne 6314 and. receive rew ard. — 2 Your Good icarance A p p t means that you are not only careful of your dress, but of your hair, nails and o f your skin. University Girls frill find per­ fect satisfaction in our equip­ ment and service. MARINELLO Ladies* E n t r a n c e of D riskill P h o n e 4 0 1 4 CLASSIFIEDS STUDENTS— God* first claa* bar­ ber service a t the Hall of Fame, Palace Barbet Shop, next doer to —SI Kress. DR. WILLIAM E. BERGMAN, suite 905 Littlefield Building, dental surgeon and pyorrhea specialist, of­ fice phone 2538. Austin. Texas. —tf ate, satisfaction assured; HEMSTITCHING— Charges moder­ sewing machines rented and ai Household Specialty Shop 1700 La­ tf vaca. Phone 7086. repaired ! FOR SALE— Am leaving town, will sacrifce m otor eande at a bargain j E xtra equipm ent and in good eondt- 30 I lion. Phone 6957, LOST- A Gamma Phi Beta sorority pin. Phone 5501 or 3149 and re­ - 4 ceive reward. GIRLS— Have your commencement dresses made in the latest vogue styles, by an expert, who will give For M other’s day flowers, Phone 6964, H yde P ark Floral Co. DONNELLY A W HITE Plumbing and Heating Contractors 905 Congress Ave. Phone 181 Y o u r F r ie n d s , Von Boeckmann- Jones Co. Printers THERE’S an unusual tasti­ ness about the cake we bake th a t will please you and your fam ily and your guests. The butter, eggs and milk as well as th e fruity flavoring used in our pastry g uarantee the pure wholesomeness of our b a k ­ ing products. LAST-SUMMER ORGANDIES LIKE NEW The slight stains, dirt and pres- piration m arks can be removed by o u r scientific dry-cleaning process which handles the finest, sheerest of materials. Then a fte r our careful pressing you'll have a dainty new sum­ mer Brock without any of the trouble of shopping. NICK LINZ 2652 611 Congress T H U R L O W B. W E E D E m b a l m e r e n d F u neral D irector! M o d e r n F u n e ra l Home. S u p e r i o r AmbuTaace Service. L a v a c a a t 1 7 th P ho ne 6 0 8 0 SWANN FURNITURE AND CARPET COMPANY We Build More Homes 401 Congress Ave. ITS UNUSUAL Call Us Today STATIONERY Let Us Watch Your Teeth DR. GUFFIN and associates D e n tis ts Phone 7839 — 612 H Congress We do your work now I T V V E U • B E F E O W E L L Pliofi»S67J u o i-g L .v m aS t This Ad Won First Prize in the Contest of the Associated Retail Credit Men I BOX (a) 50c PAY A PENNY AND GET AN­ OTHER BOX T H I AM YOUR CREDIT MAKE of me what you will— I shall ce fleet, von as clearly as a mirror th ro w . p m K I S t n u , ^ j g g I shall be strong a carefully or I shall tCounci! Votes 75 Instead of I shall redound to y Usual IOO Points to Those I shall be as a millstt Making A rchery Team At and guard me ^'Jyou neglect me. y ‘at me right, or kyjne. ch I shall precede y. At th<; reKUlar meetin* of th* w. ain behind you in the memories of A A- 1 lluncil Tuesday evening at b y lelping hand in your new home or 1 7 A B , it was voted to give fifteen A r i f distrust to be cast upon you. em honor to your memory or I shall be a blot on your name long a fte r your face is forgotten. I abjoints for keeping two weeks n f I am your friend and helper every day and your tower of refuge in time of misfortune. I am jnore than the ability to purchase goods on time I am a com­ posite part of your character. I am your credit. promptly. Build me right and keep me right by setting your obligations Written by Qrvte D. Hunter. C. F. Otey returned from a short in visit with friends and relatives Runge, Texas. Anna Belle Ferguson of Dallas, a the form er University student Is guest of Lois Smith. Charles and Fred Terry were called to A. & M., where th eir bro­ th er is very ill. . Cornelia Hood spent the week end in San Marcos, Mildred Morris has returned from Houston. J. B. Williams spent the week end in Austin with his parents. # Alice Johnson of M artindale is a guest at the Phi Mu house. ------------- o------------- Payne Will Lecture to Chapel Attenders During Present Week Beginning this m orning there will be a series of chapel talks of unusual interest both to students of literatu re and to those interested in religion. The speaker will be Prof. L. W. Payne, Jr., and his topic will be “ The Bible and Modern L iteratu re.” An exam ination of the program outlined below will give a general idea of the character of the talks. Dr. Payne is an unusually attractive about lecturer and is these lectures so th at all who are fo r­ tu n ate enough to hear them may ex­ pect a real treat. enthusiastic The lectures will be delivered each m orning in room 107, Main Building, beginning a t 8:35 and lasting tw en­ ty minutes. list of lectures: Following the is In the Beginning: Alfred Noyes, “ The Origin of Life,” Gen. I. . God: Alfred Noyes, “ The P a ra ­ dox,” en. I. C reated: A lfred Noyes, “The Loom of Y ears,” Gen. I. The T errors of Sin: John Mase­ field, “The Hounds of Hell,” Psalms 22. G ods E verlasting Love: Francis Thompson, “The Hounds of Heaven,” Luke 15, Psalms 139. ----------o---------- For good home cooking* pleasant surroundings* g rea t­ est convenience. Cactus Tea Room. M a je stic recent “ Fool’s Paradise” combines most of the elem ents th a t have made Ce­ pictures cil B. DvMille’s unique in the mdtion picture field. He has good actors in Theodore Kosloff, Mildred H arris, Dorothy Dalton and Conrad Nagel, and their ra th e r f a r ­ perform ance m akes fetched plot sufficiently convincing for the fabric of beautiful and elab­ orate settings and m asterly episodes th at have been built upon it. The story involves the infatuation of an ex-soldier fo r a little French dancer who visited his hospital In France, and tangles with th eir des­ tinies thoes of a beautiful girl of the Mexican border, and her lover who keeps a cantina ju st across the riv ­ er. Poll, the girl m arries the blind soldier, making him believe th at she is the French dancer, and loses him when her affection leads her to get his sight back fo r him. However, a closer acquaintance with his idol brings his back in re ­ pentance to the girl on the border, and he succeeds in winning her back. Q u ee n a t Hope Hampton, starrin g the Queen* gives both thrills and pleas­ ures, in her new picture, “ S tard u st.” This production is taken from the novel by Fannie H urst, and is well directed and lives up to true story. the Hope Hampton, filling the role of Lily, had from childhood led a mis­ erable life of to rtu re, from every- J body but her father. She wras forced j into m arriage, deserted and a b u se d ; by her husband, and finally through I the a rt that. had always been sup ! pressed she made her fam e and like •ll good stories lived happily ever afterw ard. Flapper* and Floppers C atchers and Stoppers C leaners— we are Biggs Co. HUlyer’s flower* m ake old love new. Phone 6160. H A L T ! We have those New Straw H ats to suit your taste.— Pan­ am a and Sailor. Ask for J. Darrell Jones ‘The Man Who Advertises” A t Scarbrough** T o d a y 2 to 6 p. rn. THE WALTER TIPS COMPANY HARDW ARE AND MACHINERY Sporting Goods, Guns and Ammunition Automobile Accessories DRUGS PRESCRIPTIONS WOODIE GILBERT DRUG CO. Phone 5345 6th and Congress Motorcycle Delivery TOILET ARTICLES CANDIES KUMM DRINK AT THE NEW FOUNTAIN JOSEPH’S PHARMACY 7 th and Congress F o u n d e r* ’ D ay B a n q u e t visiting the walls. Members of the Phi Gamma Del- fratern ity and alumni ebrated with the annual Found- Day Banquet Saturday night at Driskill Hotel. The fraternity tors of purple and white were c a r­ li J d OM io the decorations consist - '■ of large baskets of flow’ers and Judge Ben $ m er'; on Powell of Austin was toastm aster, ddes the active chapter the fol- ing alumni were present: Billy ck, W alter McAUistsr, Kotsie gore. Pat Swearingen, Je rry Bel- r, Kenneth Bourn and J. P. Bar- y of San Antonio; John Lockhart J Skipper Gouge of Galveston, d W ard of Paula Valley, Okla- ma, Felix Thaxton, H arris Brush, ige Ben S. Powell, Dr. E. D. Shur- and William B erry W hitaker mney of Austin, Jack Vo'well of Paso. ■ill u s : OTI D ig no w ity-B og le in VIi-ss Ina Bogle, daughter of Mrs. (iinie Bogle of Austin, was mar- i!i to iii San Antonio, April 22 itain Edward ll. Dignowity of San tonio. The m arriage was very etly solemnized the presence only the immediate fam ilies of bride and groom. Mrs. Dignow- was reared and educated in Aus- and attended the Austin public ools and the U niversity. She has n a teacher in the public schools San Antonio for the past year, jtain Dignowity is of a prom inent deer San Antonio family and is raduate engine**! of H arvard D ai­ nty. ^ois Foster has returned from her ne in Sari Marcos where she spent week end and had as her guests •fyle Canady, Selwyn Sage and y Belle Taylor. kites E dith Krhard, a member of bps Alpha sorority, who received degree from the U niversity last [liner, will retu rn to h e r home in tople, Texas, Tuesday, a fte r visit- Mary Power, 2403- Rio Grande, several days. dr. and Mrs. Joseph Gresham of son, Texas, announces the birth a daughter, Dorothy Elaine. Mrs. !«ham was form erly Bill Baker of •khart. Mildred Morris has retu rn ed from home in Houston where she spent I I ast week end. While there, Miss rris attended a vocational confer- e for high school girls. day Bi lic Taylor is withdrawing rn school on account o f ill health, I will return to her home in Como, • dssippi, today. Eva Howard spent the week end the San Marcos S tate Normal the guest of Julia Brown, who fumed with h e r.fo r a few days. of W ichita Lllan Montgomery jUs, a form er student, who received law degree in 1921, spent the »k end in Austin. ■. and Mrs. Joe Gilbert leave [esday fo r El Paso, where Dr. Gii- rt will at end the Texas State Med- Assoeiation Convention. ■Mrs. Ralph Bailey of Charleston, Kith Carolina, national officer of Ii Mu sorority, is a guest at the Ii Mu house. [Marian Gaines who came to attend Sigma Chi dance, has returned her home in San Antonio. (Mary Ramsey has withdrawn from moi and will retu rn to her home Dallas. [Mrs. F. B. Davison of Texas City Is been visiting her daughter, Flor­ a e . H iliyer’s flower* persuade ’here argum ent* fail. Phone 60. T o r Flower* Fone 8261.tv r e c r e a t i o n t r a i n i n g S C H O O L O F C H IC A G O (Successor to the Recreation Dept. Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy) One and two year courses in * Recreation and N E W S C H O O L O F C O M M U N IT Y D R A M A T IC S AND P A G E A N T R Y BOO S. Ha lated St., (H u ll H o u s e ) , Chicago. Write for circular. — PRE-WAR PRICES on Best Quality Pencheck Gotham and Roxfara Men’s Union Suit* at $1.00 per Suit Senior Collars and Ties for Every Department UNIVERSITY TOGGERY SHOP 'Cleaning and pressing of die better kind” 2302 G uadalupe Phone3090 CO-OP Associated Retail Credit o f Axu/A S M •i., . , . . 1 ■ Membership of 75 Leading Merchants. M M M ■<*- A- ♦ _ * - -ivyyI * A * ' / . . VV . ' i V* [A' : / ' jT#T‘ • i I For W omen P O R T Curl Swarts, Editor Victor O. Cook, A w itU a l T H E D A I L Y T E X A N MEMORIAL UNION WORKERS D IS C U SS CAMPAIGN PLANS CEREMONY FOA SENIOR (Continued from page I) WEEK WILL SYMBOLIZE RIFT TO JUNIOR GIRLS ! the campaign during the The purpose o f thfo convocation !s to arouse sentim ent among the stu- dents in order that they will work Swing-out on F rid Ay Afternoon; Interscholastic League have been ov on mer, calling m eetings of the alu m n i; in the various towns over the and in general working on the among people outside of the U n iver-; week senior girls whether state j drive i Senior w eek is on and ior Initiation Thursday ....... ....... sum* Election of Officers and Jun- “The bars o f against Mexican prejudice contestants in the this taking racial all ereo me to a large e x te n t/' declared Dr. E. D. Shurter, state chairman of the Interscholastic League, yester­ day, in discussing the Mexican girl declaimer fronrMcAHen High School, district No. 32 o f the Interscholas- their degrees in June or August are Memorial Union Bulletin . . _ * . . Xeile Collins, president o f Cap and I tic League, named Celestine Con- to Mexican Youth* F or Men Gown, says that plans have been laid in order that those who are for the proper celebration of the oc about , t i , the , Un of the c o r n a d a * / to get out some kind of a bulletin which will explain all the Union working on the com mittee and other j canion, students as well may know about what the building is to be. The two bulletin boards which have been used the Memorial Building* universities have proved a stjcceesr and it is planned to secure more of Several m eetings are scheduled for th** next few days, the most iruport- in showing advertisements of ant of which o f is the **nior Swin* other > 0 u t on Friday afternoon at 6 o'clock “ Previously to this, it has been hard to get the school* o f the Rio Grande Valley to recognize talent in Mexican students, and we have had a hard time in making the con­ test* as equal as they should be/* BASEBALL TEAM IS HOME WITH ITS VICTORIES ( Continued from page I) their final two games of the season,] to b . Ployed on Clark Field tw o) weeks from Friday and Saturday against the Baylor University Bears, to win the champion­ conference ship. Field Bear* Lead C o n f e r e n c e leading The Bears are^ now in the conference percentage*, having won four conference victories last week. Two of these games were won over the Rife Institute Owl* at Houston and the other couple o f Bear victories were scored over the Texas Aggies at Waco. Lyons and Tanner, turned in remarkably good .n e e , against the Owls and the Far- eely mers, each p.tcher quell.ng each nine I buBU ng com m ittee and he two Bear p i t c h y J w T 5 the in which every girl o f the University said Lr. Shurter, and continued his it was one i» expected to participate. An elab- statem ent declaring that orate field program has been laid of the hopeful signs o f growth o f W here Society Brand Clothes Are Sold ^ perform . r,,an o f the building. James R. Bev- w d l 7 T t / n t X I £ « * em wUl b s h.dd on the so lth ' „ chairman o f the plans a n d ,,* ,. of th„ Main BulldJng> where th e ; been stated lx)nKhorn Band and thl. Bluebonnet building will be ready soon D e v o t e T im e to P u b lic ity d ra,t :,f the ProP°!'e,J Chain will be the main features. Each has been junior and senior girl asked to drop a nickel in the box at Miss Newton's o ffice to be used for the Bluebonnet Chain. ^ ^ ' K h™ to Austin in the past, there being a Mexican boy in the contest for junior boys’ from the state high school. However, this year, in the opinion o f Dr. Shurter, will probably be the turning point in this phase of district competition in the League. JSk HOME S T E A M L A U N D R Y 211 East Fifth St. Phone 3702 icGood Work Our Hobby H o le p ro o f /fo s /e r c / y ’ New Shipment Just Received QUEEN Today and Wednesday HOPE HAMPTON IN STARDUST Also Comedy THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I AM A LIFE MEMBER OF THE DON’T WORRY CLUB AND THAT I ALONE CAN FORFEIT MY MEMBERSHIP M. SILVER, Organizer HEADQUARTERS IN DRISKILL BARBER SHOP READ THE ADS IN THE DAILY TEXA1 D I E IS H I E D TO UR BT COMMITTEE Arbitration Board Decides That Run Made by A d a m s Should Count Protest entered by the Laws in the ninth inning o f the baseball game Saturday with the Engineers, when a run scored by a Law player was not allowed by the umpire, was up­ held yesterday afternoon by an ar­ bitral com m ittee, and the Laws Were declared the w inners of the game by the score o f 4 to 3. free The dispute arose in the lest half o f the ninth inning, when the score was atanding at a tie, 3 to 3. Adams, first man up for the Laws, walked, Hooten followed him by also draw­ transportation, placing ing a Adams on second. Then, on a passed ball by the E ngineer catcher, Adams rounded third and crossed the rub­ ber. However, the umpire refaaed to allow the run to count. Tile Laws* m anagem ent then .nerved notice that his team waa playing the rest o f the gam e under protest. The contest w ent two more Inning* before it wa* called on account o f darkness, with the score still 3 to 3. The protest entered by the Laws was placed before an arbitral com­ m ittee yesterday. Thft committee, composed o f Coach W. J, Disch, R. L. Murphree, Rube L e is t e r and P. D. Moore, ruled that the run should have been counted. The Law* were given the gam e by a 4 to 3 score. By virtue o f the com m ittee’* ruling, the la w s were declared to the win­ ners o f intramural baseball the championship. ------ T exas U niversity waa barely out­ classed by a margin of nine point* in a contest at Camp Mabry rifle range Sunday morning, April 30. The total score o f 678 to 669 Was high consider­ ing that rain greatly in terfered . Jam es R. Beverly of the University tied MoCallam of the Austin Rifle Club for first plat-** with a score of 139 out of a possible IfiO point*. Beverly Is from Dalhart. The next in order for the University riflemen were Mayfield o f El Paso, 134; Hard- wicke of Dallas and Johnson of Hen­ rietta tied for third with 133 points, and Bose o f San Antonio was fifth with 130 points. — --------- o- ------- FIRST INTER-SOCIETY DEBATE IS ON TONIGHT Lesley Cooper, Moulton Cobb and G. Hubert Nelson o f the Hogg De­ bating Club will meet the team of the Rusk Literary Society composed of C. L. Phlnney, F. G. Wilson and E verett Jones in the first of the in- tersociety prelim inaries in the Law Auditorium tonight at 7:30 o’clock. The team representing the Hogg De­ bating Club will uphold the affirm a­ tive of the question, Resolved, That all political prisoner Senator Buckhanan of /th e leased. com ptroller’s departm ent, Mr. S teb ­ bins o f Stebbins & James and (J. (J. Taylor will act as judges. The de­ bate is not open to the public. should be r The winning team will meet the winner o f the Atheneeum-Spea cera’ context May IO. dnrt” lr ,th" ■ " g i m t Tanner turned in the better perform ­ ance, twirling a no-hit, no-run game against Rice and shut-out against the Aggie* in the .Saturday battle which wa* won by the Bears, 1-0. Boar* P la y S. M. U. The Bear* have two more confer­ ence game* before they m eet the Longhorn*, both with the weak Southern Methodist University Mus­ tang*. Only a radical reversal* of past performances would result in a Mustang victory over the Bear*. Longhorn supporters are not expect­ ing the Bears to lose either game the against S. M. U. and expect Bridgemen to go into the Longhorn series here with a standing of 12 games woo and 2 lost. A lab am a S ta te W eak Disch men would start against. Heim* Odom, Longhorn shortstop, knocked a homer over the left field fence at Alabama— a feat which had not been done this year and which was done only twice last season. Manny Ponsford, Longhorn south­ paw, fanned the Alabama State third baseman, who had not been fanned once this season, twice during the Saturday game. STACY WINS CUP FOR -0— Murphree and Hemsell placed sec­ ond and third respectively yester­ day afternoon. Besides the competition between the linesmen, the winners of the cups offered for the best end, the best parser nod the best field goal kicker will be decided this afternoon. RUSK MEMBERS HOLD ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE Open house, an annual social eve^fc o f the Rusk Literary Society, was ob­ served last Saturday night, the met}. beni and the r co-ed guests present numbering sixty or seventy. One of the surprises o f the south­ ern trip, according to the Longhorn players, was the fact that the Texas nine found the Alabama State nine the weakest team met on the tour—* LOSES TO LOCAL CLUB! 'and the Alabama club waa expected {to prove the strongest team that the VARSITY RIFLE TEAM DELEGATES RETURN FROM Y. W. C. A. CONVENTION One extremely welcome surpn was the presence of Ernest Ma former Husk man and Varsity" deba­ ter, now practicing law in Fort Worth. Another unexpected feature o f the program was the rendering o f sev­ eral musical selections by Bill Camp, Glen Wilson, Frank Day, and Louie Approximately two thousand rep­ resentatives from all parts of the United States and from foreign coun­ tries gathered at the national Young Women’s Christian Association Con­ vention held at Hot Springs, Arkan-] Dunbar, members o f the Glee Club. *as, from April 20-27, according tot Regular member* of the Rusk w h o the U niversity delegate?, who returned j spoke at the Saturday night gathering ) Friday. were: Jack Wood, J. P. W atson, Ev- The representatives who have re- erett Jones, Nowlin Randolph, Carl Phinney, Blake Johnsont Meredith Posey, Per rival Foreman, and Brady Cole. turned are: Gertrude Butler, Bernar­ dine Applfey, E stelle Eli rode, and May Lee Guthrie Miss Josephine Budd has stayed over for the Sec­ retary's, convention and will return later in the week. O N E M O R E SPORT --------------o-------------- BIBLE CLASS M E E T IN G U .in * rn h i. .a b je c t the booh R evelation* Dr. E. O. W ebb will ppeak b efore the Leader’s Bible Class at the V M C . A . reading room Monday even- log at 7 o'clock. Mr, Lawrence Wharton spoke be­ fair representation of the fore a Bible d a t e Friday evening. He spoke on the first four books o f the Old unix the first five books o f the New Testament, Swimming is the only intramural j sport which remains to be held, Ber- j ry Whitaker, director of intramural athletics, announced Monday. Con- in swimming will be held .b o u t the middle o f May, he stated. The point standing o f the various departments, as announced yesterday by the intramural athletic director, is as follows: Engineers 306, Laws 221, P re­ med* 197, freshmen 187 1-2, Busi­ ness Administration 176, Pre-Laws Juniors 141 1-2. Sophomores 36, Seniors 12, Education I. 138, PUNTING EXCELLENCE! tio n ; Eugenia Marshall, chairman o f the W om an’s Council; Charles C. Denman, chairman o f the Men’s Council; William Harry Jack, editor- in-chief of the Daily Texan; H. G, the Stilw ell, m anaging editor D aily Texan*; Carroll Williams, edi-j tor o f the Cactus; Maurice Crain, editor o f the Longhorn; A m o No- w otny, Fred Cole and Bran Pool, yell i leader and assistant yell leaders. Punk Stacy, Longhorn backfield man who will be eligible for the T ex­ as eleven this season, yesterday a ft­ ernoon won the loving cup offered for the best punting ability. The competition was a part of the spring football training tournament which started yesterday. The competition for the cup offered for the best lines­ man was postponed until this after­ noon. of At the m eeting Friday it was de­ cided d efin itely that the drive should not incorporate a plan to raise mon­ ey for a gymnasium , separate from the Memorial Union Building, and it was also decided that no money or pledges would be taken this year, all the time and work being devoted to carrying out publicity work and inform ing the student* of the union. There will be a meeting o f the ex­ ecutive com m ittee heads in a few days to lay out a definite schedule o f the work o f each com mittee as there has been some confusion late­ ly over the overlapping of the work o f these com mittees. ADVERTISING PLANS WILL BE DISCUSSED AT COMMITTEE MEET (Continued from page I) frage arc the two factors which have influenced the Barb Campaign com­ m ittee in its decision to wage a spir­ ited cam paign.” This afternoon at 5 o'clock there will be a m eeting of the Cap and Gown Association in the Girls’ Study Hall and again Thursday afternoon j at the same tim e election of officers for the com ing year and the initia­ tion o f junior girls. The senior song to be sung is here j given and all senior girls are partic-; ularly requested to learn it: F afew ell, farew ell, dear junior, Farewll to you, dear girls, Four years w e’ve trod these sa- . cred halls, Four years w e’ve these walls, toiled within Four years we’ve headed duty’s call and now 'tis done. leave to you the Farewell, we torch And duties that ofttim es will irk; We pray that you will never shirk. — ------------------o-— ---------------- S IG M A D E L T A P S I T R Y O U T S B arb Ballot Candidates whose names will ap­ pear upon the official Barb ticket, and the o ffic es which the^e candi­ dates are seeking are as follows: Archie I). Gray, president o f the Ira Allen, Students’ Association; vice president of th*- Students’ Asso­ ciation ; Katrina Kirby, aeeretary- treasurer "of** the C a d e n t / A s s o d l- ! tTyt Ut for raembe™biP ™ Sfrmm J * First tryouts for Sigma Delta Psi, honorary athletic fraternity, in both senior and junior memberships, will on Clark be held this afternoon Field at 3 contests scheduled for this afternoon are in the 100-yard dash, broad jump and high jump. AU m en who intend to o ’clock. The ta Psi are requested to turn in their names today to Coach Clyde L ittle­ field. I HANCOCK “ OPERA HOUSE1 1 Last Time Today CONWAY J HARLE SHADOWS OF THE SEA' A d d ed A tt r a c t io n The Original Tom Thumb Midgets in Person C o m in g Wed Thur*., F ri. and S at. MAE MURRAY IN “FASCINATION” Dr. T. F. Cox Dentist Scarbrough Bldg. The personnel o f the Barb Cam­ paign Comm ittee which will direct the political destiny o f the candi­ dates o f the Barb Convention is made up o f the following men: John K. W eber, chairman; Roy D. Jack son / Earl D. Smith, Gilbert Newsome, H. j A. Hendricks, and Lloyd J. Greg-| cry. VARIOUS BENEFITS OF RADIOS ARE DISCUSSED Radios from the point of view o f the market, religion, and of am use­ m ents was the subject of an address given by James Hunter, a former stu­ dent o f the University, to the mem-! hers o f the New man Club of which he is a member. Mr. Hunter, assistant state mar­ keting agent, is interested in using the radio system as a means o f get-! ting o u t' up-to-date reports to the farm ers o f the state on the selling prices o f Texas products, so there will be no loss in shipping the g o o d s.: To fu rther his plan he has made ar rangem ents with the University for] the use o f the University radio sta-j tion. C-*M»SK NOW SHOWING D eM ille ICT! OK {Jodis p a r a d is e Consistent Advertising Pays Advertising one time -&T Does continue to pay. pays it Continuous Advertising pays more each and every time. ADVERTISE DAILY la The DAILY TEXAN with Dorothy DUtoo. Atadroi Ham*. Conrad Ht&l. Thoodot* JCoobfF. JohnD«w