DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON May 29, 1967 @@IGE IDE±ffIfm -# MEMORANIDM FOR MR. WALT W. ROSTOW THE WHITE HOUSE Subject: Appointment with the President of Romanian Ambassador Petre Bal aceanu, May 31 at 5: 30 The President has agreed to receive departing Romanian Ambassador Balaceanu (pronounced Buh-Luh-CHYA-Noo) on May 31 at 5: 30 for a brief farewell call. The Ambassador has served in Washington since 1961. He speaks adequate Engli sh. No interpreter is required. Mr. Walter J . Stoessel, Jr., Deputy Assistant Secretary for European Affairs, will be present . Enclosed are a talking paper and biogr aphic information on the Ambassador . Enclosures: 1. Talking Points . 2. Biographic information. DF.CLASS!FIBD " E.o. 12958; sec:3.S State Dept. Guidela . , By--J:t-_,NARA, tc. •· \ '-'O t --fONFI PENTI AL .. GROUP 3 Downgraded at 12 year intervals; not automatically declassified