aIR MINISTRY No. 2970. ' 9/2/10 -No. 1. AIR MINISTRY AID MINISTRY OF HOMA SECURITY COMMUNIQUE. Last night before midnight there was some slight enemy activi over the West and North-East coasts. In the N.H. a few bombs wer dropped in Yorkshire, but these caused no damage’ or casualties. Yesterday afternoon an enemy bomber was shot down into the se off the East Coast by R.A.F. fighters. This makes a total of three enemy aircraft destroyed during the day. No 2. 4U _ _ • OFFICIAL ADMIRALTY COIfeiUNIQUE. A heavy bombardment of the Italian naval base of Genoa was very carried out by our naval forces at dawn this morning. No details are yet available., but preliminary reports indicate that the operation was highly successful. The bombarding force consisted of both* • heavy and light units, ADMIRALTY* S.U.I, 9/2/41 - No. R. No, 4* • * 4 NOT TO BE PUBLISHED BEFORE THE '.'C.RNMIG P.JtJRS 0? LEERU. E JC HOLIDAY, _ OR BRO/xDCAbT HTFCRE 7 a.M. ON THAT DaFE, EAR, DAI LIS TO LIVE AND DEj'Z) STOCK, Interim pay wnts To paaaeys. Nhen the War Damage Bill Becomes lo.w, agricultural live and dead stock, including crops and growing crops, will be insurable under the "Business’ 1 Scheme operated by the Board of Trade. To avoid any interference with the food production campaign which might be entailed by a delay in the receipt of compensation for damage, it has been that the Ministry of Agriculture arranged may make interim payments to farmers in England and Wales in advance of the compensation to which they will be eventually entitled under the Scheme. In considering whether such shall be made in particular the payments cases Ministry will have regard to whether urgent payments are desirable in the national interest. To take advantage of these arrangements, a farmer whose live or dead V stock has suffered damage since the outbreak of war and who wishes to have a payment on account of his compensation should apply at once to the Ministry’s Livestock Officer for his district. A list of the names and addresses of such Officers is being sent to local Branches of the National Farmers* Union. Interim payments will also be wade to Scottish farmers, and applications should be made direct to the Secretary of the Department for Agriculture for Scotland, St. Andrew’s House, Edinburgh. ++++-;--;-+-i--b++++++ L WPSTRY OF AGRICULTURE. Z 9 2/41. N 0.5. NOT TO BE PUBLISHED BEFORE THE HORNING PAPERS OF MONDAY, FEBRUARY IOTH OR BROADCAST BEFORE 7 A.M, ON THAT DATE. TRADING -./ITH THE ENEMY: NEU ORDER. The Board of Trade announce that they have made a new Order which revokes all previous Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) Orders. The new Order contains the names of some 2,700 persons in neutral countries with whom it is unlawful to have dealings of any kind, There are some 80 additions to the names previously published and a number of deletions. The Order is being published by H G M. Stationery Office under the title of the Trading with the Enemy (Specified Persons) (Amendment) (N 0.2 Order, 1941, (Statutory Rules and Orders, 1941? No w 79)» It comes into force on the 10th February,, Copies may be obtained from H.M. Stationery Office or through any bookseller. BOARD OF TRADE. . - No, 6. MOTOR FUEL FOR FARMERS Farmers and others engaged in agriculture are reminded that applications for motor fuel allowances for use during the months of March and April, 1941, should he made to the Divisional Petroleum Officer on or about the 10th February. Early application is important to ensure the issue of the coupons before the beginning of the new period. The appropriate application form R. (M.5.)6 can be obtained at Local Taxation Offices or at Post Offices at which motor licensing business is transacted and also from the County Secretaries of the National Farmers’ Union. The Registration Book of any registered vehicles properly included on the form R(M.S.) 6 must be submitted with the application form. It should be noted that farmers’ private meter cars and lorries operating on carriers A.B. or 0, Licence should not be included on these applications. The "F” unit coupons issued for farmers’ petrol requirements for the current valid 28th period are not after the February, 1941 , and in accordance with the requirements of the Motor Fuel Rationing Orders any such ”F” coupons which are unused on that date must be returned to the Divisional Petroleum Officer. ++++++++++ PETROLEUM DEPT. 9/2/m - NO, 7, GENERAL BERGANZOLI CAPTURED It is learned in London today that the Italian Corps Commander (whose capture at Benghazi was announced in General Wavell’s Communique yesterday,) is General Annibale Berganzoli. MILITARY AFFAIRS No... The War Office announces that Brigadier J. A. Manifold, D. 5.0., M.8., late Royal Army ' Medical Corps, at present Director of Hygiene, The 'ar Office, has been selected for promotion to Major-General on Ist March, 1941, on which date he will take up the appointment of Deputy Director of Medical Services, Scottish Command. He will be replaced in his present appointment by Brigadier D. T. Richardson, M.C., M.8., late Royal Army Medical Corps Brigadier O.W. McSheehy, D.5.0., 0.8.E., M.8., late Royal Army Medical Corps, at present Deputy Director General, Army Medical Services, The War Office, has been selected for promotion to Major-General on 26th March, 1 9UI on which date he will ? take up the appointment of Deputy Director of Medical Services, Eastern Command. He will be replaced in his present appointment by Brigadier A. Hood, C.8.E,. , M.D. , late Royal Army Medical- Corps. AR OFFICE. 9/2/41 - N0,16. FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE IN DERBYSHIRE AND NORTH REDINI- OR. YORKSHIRE In consequence of outbreaks of foot and mouth disease which have to-day been confirmed among pigs at Breadsail, near Derby, and cattle at Guisboiough, North Riding, the movement, exceptby licence, of cattle, sheep- pigs, goats and deer is prohibited in all districts lying within approximately five miles of Breadsail and fifteen miles of Guisborough* MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AM) FISHERIES 9.2.1j-1 - No. 20. FINE PREVENTION (BUSINESS PREMISES) ORDER, 1 9UI Notice to The Petroleum Industry, By dated 31st January,l9Ul. The Minister for Homo Security has designated the Secretary for Petroleum as the Appropriate Authority for all sections of this Industry (excluding service stations, retail garages and commercial consumers). Any person or firm engaged'in this Industry (not excluded above) and who has not been so notified through a Trade Organisation should at once communicate with Petroleum Department Fire Prevention Officers, Room M, 26, Shcll-Mcx House, Strand, W.C.2., stating briefly his tyre of business, location and whether a scheme is now in force at the premises concerned. PETROLEUM DEPARTMENT. 9.2,41. - N0.21, AIR MINISTRY BULLETIN N0.2971. H.Q. . R.n.F.-■ Sunday February 9th, 1 MIDDLE East CCMj.UWUE. Eritrea, and nbyssinia: Aircro.ft of the Royal Air Force continue to harass the retreating Italians in Eritrea. motor transport } troops, Enemy gun ei ■placements and other military objectives in and around Keren were repeatedly attacked throughout February 7th and Bth. At Karora, which is on the Eritrea-Sudan border near the coast, an enemy concentration was bombed. Further south, at Alomata (Abyssinia), our aircraft attacked the landii\. ground and destroyed eight C.A.l33’ s » South of Lake Tana our aircraft attacked a camp near Danghila, causing considerable damage. Landing grounds near Dessie were also raided, bombs falling among hangars and buildings. From all operations under review only one of our aircraft is missing. Eleven prisoners have been captured from the Capronis shot down near Dif on February 3rd. It is noAV confirmed that one C.R.32 was also destroyed in the same engagement, Malta: Malta was raided by the enemy on the night of February 7th and Bth, and a number of bombs were dropped. There were no R.A.F. casualties or damage. In the communique of February 3rd it was stated that one of our fighter aircraft was missing. This has now returned to base. AIR miISTRY No, 2972 9/2/41 No. 22, AIR IgNISW OMIUNIQUE Although weather conditions were again unfavourable a small force of aircraft of Bomber Command last night carried out attacks on industrial targets at Mannheim, Yesterday single aircraft of the same Command bombed objectives at Rotterdam and Flushing. Aircraft of Coastal Command on patrol yesterday attacked enemy supply ships escorted by destroyers off the coast of southern Norway, From all these operations one of our aircraft is missing. 9.2.hl . “ No. No, 23. 2,3. AIR MINISTRY BULLETIN No. .2973 Air Ministry News Service On Saturday the navigator of a Coastal Command Beaufort sat in the rear turret and worked out the courses gun which the aircraft from Norway, while he brought s .fely home also kept watch for possible enemy attackers. The Beaufort had attacked a German convoy which was the coast of Southern and the pilot his hugging Norway, saw bombs explode among the ships. > Shortly afterwards a Messerschmitt 110 attacked the Beaufort with both machine-guns and cannon. It was quickly driven off, but not before the Beaufort had been damaged and the wireless operator fatally wounded. Nor the return journey across the North Sea the rear gunner took over the Radio and carried on with the signals to his base. navigator went into the rear turret. In this with his charts his knees he worked out cramped space on the courses, and gave them to the pilot over the inter—communicatioi telephone. At the end of the flight the Beaufort made a perfect landing. 9/2/A1 OFFICIAL ADMIRALTY COLWNIQUD An enemy aircraft of the Heinkel 111 K type, vdiioh approached one of our in the North Sea to-day, was promptly shot down convoys into the sea by H,l/LS, PYTCHLEY (Lieutenant-Commander H. Unwin, R,N.). There were no survivors from the enemy aircraft ADMIRALTY , S.W. 1. jL 2. U1N0.._27 NOTE ON CENTRAL ANNIBALE BjXGAFBOLI Born 1884. Served in Libya in the Italo-Turkish war 12 1911 - - and in Italy in the war vr ith Austria from 1915 1918. - Promoted Colonel of 6th Infantry Regiment in 192.6. In 1935 he was promoted Brigadier-General and appointed to the command of the 11th Mobile Brigade. In 1936 he commanded the mechanised column in Italian Somaliland which took part in the successful advance on NIGHELLI in the Abyssinian War. After a period as 2nd in Command of the 2nd Mobile Division he was transferred to the War Ministry. When Italy intervened in the Spanish Civil War Bergonzoli was appointed General of a Division and sent there in command ? of the Ist ‘’Volunteer" Division. He was defeated at the battle of Guadalajara. He commanded the Lit erio Division in the Aragon offensive of March 1936. In 1939 he was promoted twerps General and appointed to the command of the XXlll(Blackshirt) Corps 4-4-+•+++ + ++ +++ MILITARY AFFAIRS(MINISTRY OF INFORMATION) ,9*2.24-1 - No. 28, El Agheila is a little town of less than 1,000 inhabitants with barracks for the Carabinieri, a wireless station, and an emergency landing ground. It is the scat of a district Governor (Mudir). The town stands at the southernmost point of the Gulf of Sirte, 175 miles by road from Benghazi and 10 miles from the border of Tripolitania. As one travels westwards it is the last place of any importance before the Desert of Sirte. Military Affairs (MINISTRY OF INFORMATION.) 9/2/41 - No.2Q. OFFICIAL ADMIRALTY COTE'UNIQUE. More detailed information has now been received concerning our operations against the Italian bases in the Gulf of Genoa. This shows that the bombardment and bombing were even more successful than was at first thought. Our forces, under the command of Vice Admiral Sir James Somerville, K.C.8., D.5.0., consisted of H.M.S. RENOWN (Captain R.R, MoGrigor R.N. ), H.M.S. MALAYA (Captain A.F.E. Falliser, D.S.C., R.N.) , H.M.S. ARK ROYAL (Captain C.S. Holland, R.N.), and H.M.S. SHEFFIELD (Captain C.A.A. Laroom, R.N.), with light forces in company. Military targets in and around the port of Genoa were subjected to a bombardment in which over 300 tons of shells were fired.. The follo\/ing results were observed. The Ansaldo Electric Works and the Ansaldo Boiler Works were heavily hit and large fires started. The main power station of the also the port, which supplies power for railvzays, was severely damaged,- and set on fire. Many hits were also made on the dry docks and on warehouses, and harbour works surrounding the inner harbour. Here too considerable fires broke out. The main oil fuel installation and oil tanks were repeatedly hitj as were a number of supply ships, and the main goods yard of the railway. Several tons of bombs and a large number of incendiaries were dropped by naval aircraft the oil refinery of the at and other targets on A.N.I.C. Leghorn, in the vicinity. The A.N.I.C.- refinery is one of the largest and most important oil plants in Italy, Other naval aircraft attacked Pisa, where the aerodrome and railway junction were hit. This railway junction is the intersection of the main west coast railvxay from Genoa to Rome and the south, one and the most important of railway routes across the peninsula from Leghorn to Bologna and Venice. Two Italian aircraft which attempted*to interfere were shot down. One of our Swordfish aircraft is missing. The next of kin will be informed as soon as possible. No other casualties were suffered by our forces in the course of these most successful operations, ADMIRALTY, S.W.tb AIR MINISTRY BULLETIN No. 297*4. 9. - N0.30. 0.30, Air Ministry News Service, GERMAN RAIDER DESTROYED. Three Spitfire pilots on patrol off the East coast today (Sunday) intercepted and shot down a Junkers 88. The German’bomber was sighted two miles ahead and the Spitfires rapidly Two of the British fighters attacked, one on each side, and when the enemy bomber turned to get away the third Spitfire caught it. Rapidly losing height and with smoke pouring from it, the Junkers 88 was chased by the Spitfire until it disappeared into the sea. The British fighter pilots report return cannon and machine-gun fire but the three Spitfires returned safely. TEO SPITFIRES OVER FRANCE Two Spitfires of another squadron carried out an offensive patrol over the Calais today (Sunday). area One shot up an enemy anti-aircraft gun position in a field and machine-gunned troops there, and the other raked a ship. The fighter pilots separated over the enemy coast and one sighted three gun emplacements in a field. He swooped down and caught about 25 German soldiers crossing the field towards the K guns, He raked them with bullets and then fired into one of the gun positions. The German troops flattened themselves on the grounds As he pulled out ‘of the dive he saw his fellow Spitfire pilot a few hundred yards away. They joined up and the second pilot dived on ship a moored in a canal mouth about half-a-milo away. This ship put up a -terrific barrage, but the pilot dived .through it and machine-gunned the decks. Meanwhile, the first pilot machine-gunned a launch the shore towards drawing off from the ship. He came down to 200 feet and saw his bullets enter the launch. The pilots report that the sky seemed full of bursting anti-aircraft shells but they returned safely home. AIR MINISTRY N0.2975. 9.2.41 - No. 3'l No. 31 AIR MINISTRY AND MINISTRY OF HOME SECURITY COMMUNIQUE. There has been some enemy activity over this country during daylight today, mainly near the east and south-east coasts of England and the cast coast of Scotland, but no bombs are reported to have been dropped. An enemy bomber was shot down into the sea off the Essex coast by R.A.F. fighters this morning. (NOTE: This refers to the Junkers 88 already announced). 9.2.41 - N0.32. ** » OFFICIAL ADMIRALTY COWUNIQUE. The* 3oard of Admiralty regrets to announce that H.M. Trawlers ALMOND (Temporary Skipper A.E. Johnson, R.N.R.) and. ARCTIC TRAPPER (Acting Skipper H. Holden R.N.„R.) have* been sunk. The next of kin of casualties have been informed. ADMIRALTY S.V.I.