Bobcats Defeat An Editorial Longhorns 27-24 In Second Game Union Building Location I T T i E faculty building com m ittee will decide upon th e loca- tion fo r the S tu d en t U nion B uilding a t th e ir m eeting th is I 1 Teachers Take Early L e a d I aftern o o n . The com m ittee h as done nothing officially as A n A H rdrt O f f R e la te d I Ye t» b u t ^ has k ^ 11 suggested, unofficially, by some m em bers com m ittee th a t th e building be placed on th e south- A n d H o ld O f t B e la te d J ^ ^ j east co rn er 0f th e cam pus p roper. The suggestion of this, ! or any o ther equally undesirable location seriously jeopard- Steer Rally f C o t i s e r High M a n izes th e u tility of th e building. Earl Taylor Leads Texas In Scoring; Rose, Rees Star By W ILBURN VAN FL E E T T«ran Sport* E ditor T U io h uildinnr ic* n r im a f ill/ t i T his building is p rim arily fo r stu d en t use and the location should be chosen w ith some consideration for the in terests of th # stu d en t body, an d w ith some reg ard fo r th e use to • w hich the building is to be p u t. The stu d en t body is paying its sh are of th e building proper, and will have som ething in th e neighborhood of $10,000 per y ear to invest in fu rn ish - ! ings and m aintenance, two fa c ts th a t m erit fu rth e r consid­ e r a tio n . second gam e on SA N MARCOS, Dec. IO.— A b e­ lated Longhorn rally th at w as cut sh ort by the fin al gun w as not en ou gh to overcom e an early lead piled up by th e San M arcos Bob­ ca ts here tonigh t, and the Steers lo st the their schedule, 27-24. The Longhorns H owever elaborate th e building program of the U niver­ sity may be, th e fact rem ain s th a t th e center of cam pus lite and cam pus activities is on th e G uadalupe S treet side, and will rem ain so fo r y ears to come. A ccessibility to visitors will be served best by locating th e building oh the w estern fro n t of th e cam pus. The building will be used every day of th e week and every ho u r of th e d a y ; ex-students, p aren ts, guests, faculty m em bers and stu d en ts will find th e ir con- sw ept o f f their fe e t by a d e - 1 venience but poorly served if the building is placed a t or w ere term ined fig h t on the part of the I n ear the suggested location. The situ atio n would be bad enough if Speedway w ere to T eachers for th e first 33 m inutes o f the gam e, but the crowd of rem ain open to trav el, b ut th e closing of th is stre e t in the San Marcos fa n s found the gun very n ear fu tu re will com pletely isolate th e proposed loca- tion. The en tire cam pus population lives, so to speak, on very w elcom e the w estern p a rt of th e cam pus, th is side is the social and brought the score from 24-11 to business cen ter of th e en tire U n iversity neighborhood* Any 27-24 in the last seven m inutes of location on the opposite side of th e cam pus will w ork a play. real h ard sh ip on those fo r whom th e building is being greet­ ed and dim inish th e value of th e b u ilding as such. Slick Floor Check* Play as the S teers T he stu d en t body and ex-students have responded nobly to the repeated call fo r financial su p p o rt of th is union pro ­ g ra m ; th e S tu d en ts' A ssociation is behind th e Union Build­ ing w ith the resources derived fro m the A ll-U niversity dance. W ith no intention to question th e motives of th e com m ittee, we urge th a t th e U nion B uilding be located on the west side of th e cam pus and so situ ated as to face th e main walk. To select any oth er location will be d efeatin g th e very purposes Sought to be served in th e erection of th e building. Let chance I ju stice be done to those who are paying th e bill and whose to escore by bad passing in terests a re to be serv e d . ______________ _______________ Regents Get New Union Building Plans Saturday Women’s Activities Unit Discussed By Board At Meeting May Accept Bids Board Will Also Consider Financing of Men’s Dormitories P lans for the new W om en’s A c­ tiv ities B uilding w ill be presented to the Board o f R egents fo r their consideration at th eir scheduled m eetin g Saturday, it w as learned T uesday from reliable sources. A rchitects are exp ected to he p resen t to discuss the plans w ith tho R egents, and it is expected that bids w ill be called for. H er bert M. G reen, La Roche, and Dahl o f D allas designed the pro posed structure. C onsideration o f a proposal for the fin an cin g and construction seven new dorm itories for men is due fo r consideration by the Re been gen ts. This question has held under advisem ent the board fo r som e tim e and there is reason to exp ect Chat d efin ite a c ­ tion m ay be taken at the next m eetin g, it w as said. by Borrow ing of m oney for the available fund also has been d is­ cussed by the R egents at past m eetin gs w ith no d efin ite action having been taken. S p ecification s fo r the 5 B ^ c k Figures, A lias 5 Law yers, H au n t Buildings of each J Five blaek-shrouded their with through a noose w ere fig u res necks seen inding in solem n d ignity over ( e paths of the cam pus and through the room s of the U ni­ 10:30 versity o'clock Tuesday m orning. E s­ corting them w ere five black- robed figures san s the m asks which characterized the fir st group. buildings at When the tour of the build­ ings on the hill had been com ­ pleted, filed the procession around the E ngineering B uild­ ing and down the hill to the Law Building w here the robed class figures entered all the rooms and them ­ introduced selves. They w ere the C hancellors of the School o f Law, in itia l iqg the follow in g new mem bprs: Ray Preston Bland, Ear­ n est Howard Folk, G eorge Cuthbert K ing, G eorge W il- Iit*in Parker, Jr., and Charles George R ussell, Plans for New Students’ Dance Finished Tuesday Committee Will Decorate Gym in Orange And White trip: The gam e w as played on a floor th at w as slick w ith oil, and it w as lard for either team to m ake its o ffe n s e fu n ction . T im es after time the Longhorn plays which d e­ pend on speed for their e ffe c tiv e ­ ness w ere broken up w hen men slipped and fell. The T exas men w ere erratic d uring the fir st part o f the gam e,! and’'su ffered alm ost every they had and fum bling o f the ball. On the other hand, the Bobcats w ere m ak­ in g their passes good, and once they g o t th eir hands on the ball, they hung to it like leeches. The B obcat at their best tonigh t, and w ith the expection o f four shots, all their field s goals w ere made by beau­ tifu l long range shots. T exas g o t her sharpshooters w ere taste o f w hat she probably will encounter in con feren ce gam es th is year, when the Teachers began to stall early in the gam e. They had pil­ ed up a 7-1 lead in the first few m inu tes o f play, and im m deiately started stalling. B ull E lkins and Sugar Camp cu t loose w ith a couple o f quick baskets, and spur­ red them on to fig h t again. By the tim e the h alf ended Couser G lover and Brandt had connected for a couple of lon g baskets, each to run the score up to 18-10. first The second h alf began with the T eachers resum ing their stallin g tactics, seem ed and the gam e about to end w ith the score re­ m aining 18-10 or in that neighbor­ h o o d , until the leaders cu t loose w ith a couple o f plays that netted tw o baskets in quick succession. A t th at tim e, W alker pulled the entire team , and sent in a team com posed P eterson , Rose, Cheatham , R ees, and Earl Taylor, w ith in stru ctions to start m an-for- man play. Camp w*« su bstituted for P eterson, and then the fir e ­ w orks started. o f Earl T aylor con n ected fo r a basket b efore R eferee B oggess as­ sessed the fourth p en alty of the again st him , and V ining night Turn to P age 2, Col. 5 * School of Law, State Bar Edit Law Publication Hardwicke, Hallen Prepare Special Articles For Issue The first num ber o f volum e eigh t o f the T exas Law R eview , a join t en terprise o f the S tate bar and the School o f Law, con tain ­ ing m aterial prepared by m em ­ bers o f th e bar and p rofessors and stud en ts o f the School Law, has been published and o f is b ein g distributed. The issue is a com paratively large one, covering J 7 1 pages, and includes tw o lead in g articles. It in clu d es the custom ary “ Bar S ection ,” editorial n otes, four com m ents, tw enty-five n otes recan t cases, and three book re­ view s. leadin g One o f the articles, “ E volution of C asinghead Gas Law,” w as prepared by R obert E. Hardwicke, a p racticin g attorney o f F ort Worth. P rofessor John E. H allen of the School o f Law is the author o f the other leading article, “ Fair C om m ent,” d ealin g w ith d efen ses to libel and slander actions. ’ „ _ The Bar S ection , which w as ed­ ited by th e late A. H. M cKnight . of Da las, contains a sum m ary of ,, , the first annual report o f t e e ' T exas C ivil Ju dicial C ouncil, headed by Mr. Chrestm an, which m et recen tly in D allas. P rofessor B ryant . Housemothers Hear Rush Rules For Pan-Hellenic T en tative rushing rules for P an-H ellenic w ere read by Mrs. F. A. Goldbeek, a ssistan t dean of o f for Plans th e new students' held N ovem ber 9. chairman o f the dance, has dance w ere com pleted at a m eet­ the o ffic es o f the E x-S tu d en ts’ A ssociation, Joe Fisher, publicity in g of the gen eral dance com m it­ tee held at 2 o ’clock Tuesday in locker room s which the A th letic Council w ill build under the w est stands o f the Stadium w ill be presented to th e R egents fo r approval. A u­ thorization o f an expenditure of not more than $ 2 5,000 in the con- struction lockers was the granted by the R egen ts in a meet-1 noum>pd .. „ intr P o t i o n fo r the deeorat.on th ou gh t lik ely that b id . fo r is building of the lockers w ill advertised fo r a t the n ex t m eet- ; goin g forw ard rapidly, said Ralph j H ill, chairman o f the decoration inf? com m ittee. P resen t plans call for the decoration o f the orchestra platform with Spanish m oss. Au­ tumn leaves w ill be used in the decoration o f the w alls, and the ceilings w ill be decorated w ith or­ ange and w hite crepe paper. is the; be I o f the W om an’s Gym nasium R eduction o f sum m er an- It .. . Socialistic Doctrines Discussed by Thomas the fu rth er w om en, at the m eetin g o f m eetin g o f the housem others at school from tw elve to nine w eeks is in line fo r consideration. the Alpha D elta Pi house a t 1803 T his m ove m ay becom e necessary W est A venue at l l o ’clock T u es-' yjecaust. 0 f iack o f su ffic ien t ap- to support a tw elve day m orning. The purpose o f the pr0priation m eeting, at which M iss Ruby Ter- w eeks’ term , rill, dean o f w om en, also w as p resen t, w as to help fam iliarize the chaperons w ith the general conditions of rush week and to dis­ cuss the rules to be enforced. The ten ta tiv e rushing rules for I P an-H ellenic are as follow s; . the R ushing d ate; February 19-21,: tea date 4-7, dinner 8-11, s ile n c e i all other hours; no rushing until W hile the noise from ping-pong rush w eek; m anless rushing; no gam es and daily razzing w as per- p led ge m ust be m ade until regu- m ealing the lar bids are ou t; silen ce to be ob- ■ U niversity Y. M. C. A. Building* served; no d ates to be broken; list | in the little private o ffic e o f V o f rushee* m ust in Dean j M oore’s o ffic e February I ; n e c e s - I the j sary grades available dean February IO; all letters to rushee* m ust be in the post o ffic e n ot before February 12, nor lat- j cr than February 13. reply by m ail from rushee* quired. A. “ B lock” Sm ith a prom inent m an was discu ssin g with the m in­ isters of th e U niversity neighbor­ hood national, religious, social and econom ic problems. This m an, tall and erect, with Im m ediate re- from be Freshm an co n feren ce to be call- ed February 18; bids m ust be in o ffic e o f dean o f women before 9 o ’clock Saturday m orning, F eb ­ ruary 22; p referen ce slips will be - sen t ou t by m essenger to boys or rushee*; eat h rushee m ust at once, in presence o f m essenger boy, sign w ith big her p referen ce and return it to the Thom as, S ocia list candidate m essenger boy to be returned once to d ean ’s o ffic e . a t , . , By GLENN BURGESS In 1928, he becam e th e candi first he is floor o f p resid en cy o f the for date o f the Socialist Party United the one S tates. A t present o f the tw o execu tives o f the Lea gue for Industrial Democracy, i non-partisan organization, and un der the auspices o f this organiza is holding open forum s tion he over the U nited S tates in which he discu sses h is ideals which he high forehead,* prem aturely gray I admits m ight not work if put int" I air, sincere gray e y e s that can practice. “ H ow ever, we m ust set an ideal, and our su ccess w ill be break into a twrnkle, is the lead m easured ^>y how close we com e to er o f a party in the U nited S tates th a t alw ays has been considered that ideal, he said. radical, y e t he is toleran t o f oth- som ew hat er s’ b elie fs, con servative, and w orking for a principle along non-1 d iffer en t from the p revalen t ideas partisan lines. He is an interna a b o u t socialism on th e University tional fig u re who is alw ays busy cam pus. F or in stance, it is g'ii- Norman orally accep ted that when am ial for ism con ies in, religion as we now it m ust go. T his is the p residency the U nited obtained from European attem pt' S ta tes in 1928, is not too busy to give th e rep resen tatives of col- at socialism . T he religious o rd ers of Europe have been so stron gly le g es individual atten tion . tied up w ith the ex istin g govern- sen ts a stead y clim b toward sue- m cnts th at it seem ed to a t t a k tho cess and esteem by his fello w men. < hurch also, Mr. T h o m a s p o i n t e d H e was born in Marion, Ohio, the j out. He gave the L abor p a r t y of home o f W arren G. Harding, “ I England as an ex a m p le o f a so- le ade rs are j The doctrine* being proposed by i. The life o f Mr. Thom as repro- is Norman Thomas* arc thin gs, y e t im pression o f Rushee* m ust be at hom e (ad ­ dress on file in dean’s o ffic e ) S a t­ urday m orning until preference slips are signed and brought to the o ffic e ; on ly one call w ill be made upon each girl. A t 3 o'clock in the aftern oon, II s This W eek On The Campus 11 o’clock— M eeting o f the housem others for women stud en ts in the girls study hall, Main B uild­ ing. I o ’clock— M eeting o f Austin chapter o f the A m erican S ta tis­ tical A ssociation at U niversity Commons. 3 o’clock— M eeting o f house m others in girls’ stud y hall, Main Building. 8 o’clock— M eeting o f U n iver­ sity Dam es with Mrs. M. Jones. 5 o ’clock— M eetin g o f Mortar Board in g irls’ stud y hall, Main Building. 5 o’clock— M eeting o f the Ju ­ nior R iding Club at W est*afield R iding Club. 5 o’clock— M eetin g o f Robin Hood a t the archery Held. o’clock— M eeting in basem ent o f o f Tur- s . W om an’s 5 tle tte B uilding. 7 o’clock— M eeting acher V erein in Main 105. of D eut- B uilding 7 o’clock— M eeting o f Orchesis in dance studio. by the Sm ith S cien ces,” re­ view s “ From the P hysical to the Social Jacques R u eff, tran slated from the F rench by Herman G reen, initial publication by the Johns Hopkins In stitu te for th e S tudy o f I a w . Instructor Sol Goodell review s the first tw o volu m es^ of “T exas J u - : risprudence,” the new pedia o f T exas prepared by ney Company. Gas,” by A. J. Thus*. Jr., is re-J view ed and criticised by P rofes- A. W. W alker, Jr., w ho, aor A . w . w an ter, j r ., — » | R id in e teae es t at course. law now bein g; the B ancroft-W hit- “T exas Oil and en cyclo­ A lbert P. Jon es o f D allas is chairm an o f the board o f stud en t editor* who furnished the m a te­ rial for the n otes and com m ents section. Mr. G oodell in-chief o f the R eview . ta editor- s PA N -H E LLE N IC M EETS I delivered papers for deeply religious. JUNIOR CLUB MEETS rushees w ill call at g irls’ study hall | knew Mm. H ardin g a£ a boy knows cia fistic party whoso to receive bios; open house .Satur­ day night at 8 o’clock. a man. him when he w as ed itor o f th e j A gain, th e public feels t h a t So- Marion S tar,” Mr. Thom as said. I ciafists w an t equal w ages, o f land, etc. from the Marion distribution The Ju nior Riding Club will m eet this W ed n esd ay aftern oon a t 5 o ’clock a t the W estenfield their ride, th ey w ill have a b rief bus- m ess m eetin g to d iscuss for a supper fo r one of the m e e t - ; ordained as a P resbyterian minis- property, then tax the rental va uc j ^ gm ail C ongregational churches in gs in the n ear fu tu re. High School in 1901, he w ent P rinceton w here he received his cording to the use that is being versj^y C ongregation al bachelor o f arts d egree in 1905, made o f it. In 1911 he received hts degree of m aking use o f it, then give it t o j o f thi& m oney w ij] be used doctor o f d ivin ity from the Union those who w ill, the the land ac- Udiej4* Aid s ocje ty 0 f the Uni- Church l f the owner is not Saturday, D ecem ber 7. A p ortion for church, to persist in keep ng •!l' and ^ rem aind er fo r the upkeep I can grant ^broughout the U nited States. If the iarid 0Wtl'U h e support o f the local _ | A bout $100 w as made at by M akes $ 1 0 0 P r o fit j ter, which callin g he follow ed un ‘We C hristm as bazaar given plans T h eological Sem inary to; w ant to d istrib ute the of th a t property. G raduating P reced in e cr w ants and w a c ,ub. _ _. „ , . C hristm as B azaar —_______ o_________________ ! til 1918. D u r i n g th e w ar, he be- , one ex c e p tio n to th is ru le , COM M ITTEE M EETS ; cam e in terested in the The U n iversity building c o m -I problem s connected with industry and social th a t is th e case o f the p io n e er go- ing into a new country an d niak- m ittee w ill m eet th is W ednesday and published “ The W orld To-1 ing it p ossib le for others to live aftern oon a t 3 o’clock to discu ss; m orrow ” and later becam e aas©* there; but should th e grandcbil- M embers o f the P an-H ellenic i th e plans and location Council w ill m eet Sunday a fte r-; S tu d en t U nion B uilding, noon, D ecem ber 15, a t 3:15 o ’clock announced T uesday. in the U n iversity Studio to have I M embers o f the com m ittee are pictures made for the C actus, H i!-! Dr, W. J. B attle, chairm an, Miss ; C ity. of it th e e ia te ed itor o f The N ation. w as In 1924 he ran fo r governor o f I the land dren w ho did n oth ing to obtain N ew York and in 1925 he ran a N ew York and in 1925 he ran a close race fo r m ayor o f N ew York j of eq u ality in w ages can be work-1 “ I do not believe that a 7 o’clock— M eeting o f the Y. “ W e changed the thinkings ed ou t. W . C. A. junior council in Y. W .i da W offord, secretary, announced Mary Edna C-eaf o g . and Dr. I). I o f m any v oters of th at city ,” Mr arise, I g , A , room, Maiji Building. _ [T u e sd a y . t B. C asteel. ^ Thom as declared. s / w „ r J , , , think we would have to Turn tp Page 2, Col. I Should such a condition Philipp reap the b en efits also? to practice the ny*tem Christm as program which will be Ten Publications To Take Place of Single Catalogue A decision by the U n iversity com m ittee on official publications w ill a f fe c t all future catalogu e publications to the ex te n t that there w ill no lon ger be a general catalogue* o f th e U niversity, E. J. Ma thew s, registrar and chairman o f the com m ittee on publications, an nounced T uesday. ....................................................... ............ ♦ The new method o f publication ^ • j f {jj0g Club ^wil1 cnable studenfcs to concen" trate on the catalogu e representa­ To Give Second Concert Tonight Co-eds to Stage Program In Fredericksburg High School The G irls’ Glee Club w ill leave this aftern oon at 2:30 o ’clock by bus for Fredericksburg, where they w ill give their second out-of- tive o f the d epartm ent In which th ey are in terested w ithout having to search through a general ca t­ alogu e. This m ethod of issuing a catalogu e for each school and college in the U niversity is th at now used by Columbia U niversity, C ornell, U niversity of Southern C alifornia. U niversity o f M inne­ sota, and the U n iversity o f W is­ consin. For adm inistrative o ffic er s and M embers o f the facu lty there w ill be bound volum es containing all ten o f the sm aller ones. town con cert tonight in the high school auditorium gram , the m em bers o f the club The ten bulletins which take the A fter the pro- J place o f the general catalogu e, with their dates o f publication are as follow s: w ill be served refresh m en ts by the senior class o f the high school be- fore the return to A ustin. The follow in g w ill make the F irst Soprano— Alma (a m p , E thel C hildress,Em m a Jane Edge, Amy N ell G urley, M argaret Halm , Mary A lice H art, S helley Jordan, Mary S teger, A llene W eaver, and j Helen Wood. I Second soprano— Florence A t­ kinson, Anno Brown, Jan et Shep­ pard, and Gertrude U m lang. F irst alto— V irginia Decherd, Hazel Freem an, Ad aline H arvey, Melva M atthews, and Irene Zer* cher. Second alto— Ada Bliss, Jack C lem ent, A delaide R ogers, Irene Sanders, M argaret S t Ullin, and F lorence W eym outh; and Mildred Kidd, accom panist and soloist. G ilbert is director; Schramm A deline H arvey is president o f the club; V irginia D echerd is man- ager. The program which will be given in F redericksburg will be the sam e which w as presented in Elgin N ovem ber 25. ---------------o------- — — Contributions For Legal Review Due I. Fellow ships, scholarships, tu torg^jpS> assistan tship s, and funds, January 15. loan 2. A general inform ation bulle tin containing all rules and regu lations and general inform ation in regard to the d iffe r e n t schools and colleges, April I. 3. Bulletin of the C ollege o f A rts and Sciences and the School o f Education, May I. 4. C atalogue o f the School o f B usiness A dm inistration, April 16. 6. C atalogue o f the C ollege o f Engineering, May 8. 6. C atalogue o f the Graduate School, June I. Law, A ugust !• 7. C atalogue o f the School of 8. C atalogue o f tho C ollege of Pharm acy, March 8. 9. C atalogue o f the C ollege of M ines and M etallurgy, F eb ru ­ ary 15. 10. C atalogue o f the School of M edicine, February I. issuance o f The date o f the sum m er school catalogu e has been to changed March 15. February from I -------------- o -------------- Phi Lambda Upsilon Pledges Students All law stud en ts who exp ect to have th eir contribution considered for the n ex t issue o f the T exas Law R eview m ust have them in the o ffic e o f the board o f student editors b efore the C hristm as holi­ days, G ilbert Adams, secretary Of j are, 27 active chapters the board, announced Tuesday. the U n iversity E lection o f Stu art Buckley and Roy S. Sullen* to Phi Lambda U psilon, national honorary fra ter­ nity in chem istry, w as announced by Edgar E llis, president, T u es­ day. Pi chapter was established at in 1920. There and one alumni chapter in the national or- g an iza tio n . A lp h a A lpha a t Rice I n s titu t e and A lpha D elta a t Ok­ la h o m a A g ric u ltu ra l a n d M e cha n ­ ical College a r e th e only o th e r c h a p te r s in th e S outh. Those persons who are trying out for the stu d en t board m ust have con trib ution s in the f ir it two stud en t ed ition s o f the Review in order to be eligib le, Adam s said. Hill T alk s to R usk M em bership in Phi L a m b d a Up- silo nis based on a high s ta n d a r d of scholarship, on p e rso n a lity , and Literary Society on Ken , p- J . O O T OM H t s F E E T | \ WILL IP I - CAH RM O ' 4 keg. * ^HE*S * A CAGEV t WQEM I J ty a fte r a stable government has been established there. Christmas program will be fea­ tured and each member la re­ quested to bring a g ift costing not over IO cents. MRS. PEARL ECHOLS, HOUSEMOTHERS for women student* m eet Wednesday, De­ cember 11, a t 3 o’clock in the girls’ study hall. Mr*. Noyes D. Smith is th e speaker. RUBY R. TERRILL, cats, and made their long shots They played a flat-footed game, • and were able to hold their foot- • • T E X A S f ---- E lk in s , C a m p , f ~ — F o m b y , c ...... E . T a y lo r , g f R e c s, ------ W . T a y lo r , g C h e a th a m , g V in in g , f -— ----- R o se , c T o t a l s iT)* o n t h e F t F tm P T I 0 0 0 I 0 F 2* 2 0 1 4 0 4 6 t *on during f lo o r w ith a P* 2 5 Paren^ ease as th«y ®*M)* ^ e’r ac' 2 4 ( urate Pas8€8 over the court. The I ®°l>cat8 made only one substitu- ti game, and th at 2 5 wa8 w**en Evans? was sent in a fte r «I B randt had committed too many ? ? " ; ifoul* Orchesis Members W ill Meet Tonight C O M M IS S IO N M E E T S “Twelve Tests of Charact*? was the subject discussed a t ta meeting of the Freshm an Cot mission of the Y. W. C. A. TuJ day afternoon a t 5 o'clock in tj offices of the Dean of Worn a assists Ruby R. Terrill, dean of women, Dorothy -JP k batler, and Runners in Silk Hose Repaired 12 H O U R S E R V IC E 9714 The Varsity Shop 9714 2314 Guadalupe — We Deliver— the last immigration Mexican immigration was held down to nearly half during the June, fiscal year ending through a more rigid enforcement of law. Work of the immigration border patrol, which guards the Canadian as well as the Mexican border, included the capture of 30,000 smuggled aliens and 360 persons who were promoting the smug­ gling. Seven thousand miles were traveled by the patrol during the year. nearly Official Notice The Y. W. CL A. Junior Coun­ cil will m eet at 7 o’clock this Wed­ nesday night in the Y. W. C. A room in the Main Building. The Home Economic* Club will have a group picture made Satur­ day afternoon a t 2 o’clock a t the Cactus Studio. Each member is requested to be present. THE University Dames will meet Wednesday, December l l , a t 3 o’clock with Mrs. M. Jones. A E P I T A P H N o. 3 4 H e ro lie* a ro u g h A n d r e a d y to n o f to il W h o s te p p e d in to A b u r n in g v a t o f o il. lugging mf* hard for your ■ d ip lo m a ? Don’t le t w ro n g food h o ld y o u b a c k . H e a v y e a t i n g hinders your best effort. Shredded W heat d o e s n ’t tax digestion or slow up thinking. It’s a big help at grind-times. Shredded Wheats*! A complete meal with milk or cream OVER the HILLS and far away! Holidays nearing— day* and nights full with engagements. No time for a motor to get off its feed, because every minute counts. So fill up your tank with HUMBLE LINE and flash away. Over the hills or over the plains, ifs all the same to your motor when tank. F ish lik e Gasoline is in your fuel F is h lik e starting, fish lik e pick-up, flash- like speed are yours at the touch of your foot ob the accelerator. Old car or new. Humble Flashlike Gasoline gives it speed, power, pep, and sparkle. Die HMatte 1%*, m n f 'v j if teS ere-ee ffm aes am ble OH & Refining Company BUSY? O F COURSE YOU ARE! Here** a box of 24 Christmas cards Just what you need TAKE IT HOME Courteous Taxi Service is Essen­ tial. For Real Courtesy. Call a Black and White Cab DIAL A lto D riverless Fords LIGHTSEY’S Drive Yourself System BUSINESS SERVICE DRESSMAKING ROOMS FOR RENT TYPEWRITERS A U ST IN T Y P E W R IT E R CO. Re-»t, re p a ir— B u y , sail all m akaa. Phone 6 SOS C .a g r c a i WANTED LOST Sc FOUND W E pay th e highest prices fo r east-oA clo th in g and shoe*. G in sb u rg , 407 E a s t 6 th S t.. P h o n e 8717. W OOD, He?t (trade— L ow est price., 611 W 6th . P Boite f i n n H ig h e s t P ric e s P a id f o r se c o n d h a n d c lo th in g a n d sh o es. G o ld in 's C lo th in g E x c h a n g e , 2 0 7 C o n g re s s . P h o n e 2 0 0 2 2 . ANNOUNCEMENTS T E X A S RE SEA R C H AND COACHING BUREAU — M aterial g a th e re d on any su b je c t. C oaching in all b ran ch es h r ex ­ p e rts . F ir s t class ty p in g of p ap ers and th e s e s. T elp eh o n e 6684. 709 W est 2 4 tb S tre e t. MADAM JE W E L . th<- Rifted ndvi cr. If you a re in tro u b le o r d iffic u lty o f any kind d o n ’t f a i l to p a y h e r a v isit Colored a d m itte d . 30» HL l e t . P h o n e 20664. W HY W ORRY— Bee Mn*. B ichei— S p ir- **ual M edium . R esidence 208 Wei*t 7th. Ring 8892 fo r a p p o in tm e n t. H o u rs 10 a m. to 9 rn. L iv e d ay s by a p p o in tm e n t. CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS M EN’S Wrist Watches, special *4 95.—-I. I.AV EK. 217 E- Oth. Phone 8229. PA R R O TS, can aries and cages. G ifts to he tome rem em bered. -C. J , M A RTIN & SO N *. Dog, B ird and P o u ltry Supplies. BR ID G E S lip p ers m ake an ideal Xm as G ift. *6.60.—C arl H . M ueller Shoe Store. GIVE; DAD a t r e a t — a com fy ch a ir c a n ’t he b e a t. H om e F u r n itu r e Co. Business Directory ---------------------- o p t O M K f K i s v " F R U IT CAK E— A bowie m ad e f ru it -a k e w ill fin d th e way to hi* h e a rt. Phone 4026. H IG H E S T cash price* paid fo r second hand eh 'tk in * and «ho*a, We buy and •all. A. S w art* . 417 E aat 6th, P hone #76» makes— your photograph t h e W ISH th at every mother for Christmas. Christianson ami Le- merman, 994 1-2 Congress, Phone 22567. Of flea boom fro m 2 p m . to 7 p. rn. O th e r h o u rs by a p p o in tm e n t only T e n y e n ta in A u n tie DR. GUFFIN D E N T IS T MADAM LOUISE Palmist and Clairvoyant 1804 Lavaca St. Advise on all affairs of life, Busi­ ness. Love affairs. Family troubles. Sunday 2 to 4 P. M. TYPING YOUR P h o to g ra p h y by E llio tt's . I n tr o ­ d u c to ry o ffers F o u r 8x18 P ro le s * tonal P h o to g ra p h s, one co lored in oil, a t • b a r­ g ain . P h o n s * -3 8 9 8 1813 W . 8 8 th S tre e t. P au l M. H s rg ia . G round Soot new N ail* B u ild in g , opposite N ew G rey h o u n d S ta tio n , 61#—613 B raaoe S tre e t, Telephone* 9542. R eaidenc* *608 A u stin . T exan. TOR S A L E — V icto r p o rta b le . C heap fo r „ r * * b . G o o d ««i*< iron o f »n- 118. P h o n e 9626 a f te r 7 p. in. -luded. record?. PHONOGRAPH RECORDS D E S. LY N N ft L Y N N D e n ta l Surgeon* 181* N orw ood B id e. LOST Sc FOUND F O U N D : A s l u s h i n g ss* tm f irs t Goer o f B„ Hall- O w ner i n y Lav* tas&# fey t „r g aib ag a* 119 B R ail sr.* p aying th * ad. D. B. H A R D EM A N . P resent th is ad *t th e C arta* Pre-sir*# Shop and get wait presawft. E a t a t H u i - 't s . S tu d e n t ©*-»«d and operated. - . I — LAUNDRY H o m e l a u n d r y i l l P H C N E 3 7 0 2 A. B U R STY N , a D . Examination ami glasses fitted la hour* n o tice A f* 1-2 G i n f r t l l FLORAL F L O W E R W OODM AN’S flo w ers, w edding bmiq je ts , o ra tio n s. d e s ig n s. a r tis tic F lo ra l T eleg rap h © silv ery . g r e ta . P h o n s 9369. S H O P - ta b la Ma F O R COA I— COK E A NO W O O L U n iv e rsity Coal 4 W end Go, P h o n s 7741 606 Ban M arcos PLUMBERS tin g s . G as E. R A V EN , P lu m b in g r e p a irs , G ar setae' a le rio n w a te r heal Price* reaso n a b le , 1491 L a v a c a S w e e t. P h o n e 6788. h eater* . N ice BEAUTY PARLOW B L U S B O N N E T T B E A U T Y S H O ? Shan-fK u set* J 1. OC— H a ir w aves SI Penna a# i".! waves 17.59 and JIO I 1502 Lavas* / F*on« CAM PUS DRUG STORE, Inc. “The Collegians Store” Phone 2-1191 MW W e d n e s d a y , d e c e m b e r i i , i « 9 . t h e D A I E Y T E X A N Isadora Duncan Dancers to S H O T S FR O M T H E S H O W S Theaters HANCOCK— Th* Isadora D an- can D ancers, night perform ­ an ce on ly. Thursday and Friday: V au d eville w itli Har- headliners; ris and Stiari, “ S e v e n screen, the on F aces,” w ith P aul Muni. M AJESTIC — “The C areless A g e ” w ith L oretta Y oung and D ouglas Fairbanks, Jr., today through Friday. Q U E E N — “The Tam ing o f th e Shrew ” w ith Mary Pick- ford and D ouglas Fairbanks, now through Saturday. TEX AS— “ C han ning S inn ers” with Ruth C hatterton, C live Brook, Mary Nolan, and today and W illiam Pow ell, Thursday. Dance Artists Feature Three Music Masters With the app earan ce of the Is­ adora D uncan D ancers on the to* Hancock Opera House stage night at 8:15 o’clock University folk are presented with an unpar- allelled opportunity to see and appreciate for them selves what is perhaps the world’s greatest organized group o f terpsichorean I artists, the eleven girls who com­ prise the group having been rear­ ed and trained in the art o f the dance by the great Isadora Dun­ can herself. The is headed by Irma Duncan, adopted Isadora Duncan, daughter with special features being given by Little Tamara, baby of the group. company of and screen Selections from the composi­ and tions of Chopin, Schubert, in­ Schumann will be used for terpretation, with en­ a finale titled “ Modern Russia” which was worked out by Isadora Dun­ can before her death. O pening T oday “ C areless A ge” — L o r e t t a Young, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and Carmel Myers take over the Majestic Theater today with “ Careless A ge,” detailing some of the various heights and depths which modern youth per­ sonified is supposed to be hurling itse lf through— and regretting it. Miss Myers offers the song re­ lasting past of this production, honor­ passions dominated the life o f Isa­ in g with “ Melody Divine” and dora Duncan— her art and chil­ “ Say It With a Solitaire” at odd there In her philosophy dren. moments when she is not vamp­ ing the gullible Fairbanks donkey was a unique co-rningling of these away from Loretta Young. That’s two passions. For her, the dance was the natural heritage o f every stick the story; perhaps they'll child, the supreme art, embody­ I f Loretta Young sings, to ing within its field all ochers— mu­ this picture iB good; otherwise, it even sic, drama, painting, stands on its own merits. sculpture. The teaching o f the dance was to her the foundation of a child’s education. Two profound “ Charming Sinner*”— A lthough being this film was w orthy placed am ong any critic’s best p ictu res of the y e a r when it was lines going around speaking its in th e fin e st “ K ing’s H engiish,” its approach as a silent picturer is looked on w ith d istin ct tre p id a ­ tion. T h a t Isad o ra Duncan p u t these theories into p ractice w henever and w herever possible, is publicly known. From th e tim e she flash ed, like a m eteo r from o u t the w estern skies, an a rtiste th a t was A m erica’s own, she divided her career betw een public appearances F o r one thing, sound pictures and founding schools, te ach in g her in te rp re ta tio n of th e dance. In A m erica, F ran ce, and G erm any she organized and e ith e r directed them personally or placed them of h e r assist­ und er ants. guidance —c. b. and * * * it. of w hich are re-show n as silent pro d u ctio as all possess one o u tsta n d ­ ing flaw : the action of such film s in is carried on alm ost wholly su b titles while th e p ictures m ere­ ly rep resen t charm ing g roups of people stan d in g around in nicely posed pictu res talk in g to each o th ­ in er. As a resu lt, scenes th a t the talk in g versions len t advance­ m ent and un ity to th e plot are ju s t over-long close-ups of one o r tw o ch a ra c ters m oving th e ir lips. Ruth C h a tte rto n is a delight in th is picture o r in any o th er one. a sm art “ C harm ing S in n ers” is an d pleasing film — and rec­ is om m ended by th is d ep artm en t. A t th e T exas to d ay and tom orrow . — bill. N ow Showing “ Tam ing of the Shrew ”— Doug las F airb an k s and M ary Pick ford continue to whoop it up a t the Queen T h e a te r in th e ir all talking version of S h akespeare’s a “ T am ing of th e Shrew ” w ith scenery high m o rta lity ra te on and sets as well as on various T H E A NSW ER (Q ) How would you tam e a shrew ? (A ) Let the shrew tam e you. A fte r all, “ A woman is ju s t a woman, b u t a good cigar is a sm oke.” GLEN E. KAHLER. ta k in g su n d ry cranium s, Doug and Mary to en th u siastically see who can sp lin ter the more fu rn itu re and crack the g re a te r skulls — everything num ber un­ added to g e th e r to tallin g an tu rn s of W CECIL B. D eM lL L E ’S W W D ram atic S e n sa tio n ■ ^ DYNAMITE J These schools m et w ith popular approval and success. This is a t­ tested to in th e cordial reception and su p p o rt accorded them by th e g en eral public and some g o v ern ­ m ental agencies. T hey a re being m aintained now by fo rm e r pro­ teg es o f Isad o ra D uncan, and de­ spite th e fa c t th a t th e ir fo u n d er no longer lives, th ey are a ttr a c t­ ing th e in te re st of a r t lovers of the world. The d ancers ap p earin g u n d er Mr. H u ro k ’s m anagem ent w ere se­ lected as th e m ost ta le n te d o f the school. T hey w ere tra in e d since early childhood by Isad o ra Duncan and have absorbed th e g re a t tech ­ nical knowledge o f th e ir te a c h e r— the vital and passionate love of grace and b eau ty which h as im ­ m ortalized th e nam e of Isadora D uncan. —-c.b. bounded sto re of h ilarity fo r a u ­ diences from the title to th e final fade-out. T his should not be missed. picture — c,b. fEATR£. S ta rtin g S atu rd ay m orning with b e n e fit m atinee. Pease P. T. A. School C hildren 10c JACK HOLT — IN— M H M “ F L I G H T ” HANCOCK TONIGHT PRICES Lower Floor $2.50 First Three Rows in Balcony.— 2.00 Next Two Rows in Balcony 1.50 Remainder B alcony Second Balcony ...... 1.00 .75 D U N C A N DANCERS FROM MOSCOW Delightful people with an intimate prob­ lem you’ll love to know. Most Unique and Fascinating Attract! oft on Tout. »T«OP: T he Isadora D uncan in one D ancers appear the perform an ce tonight at fe a ­ Hancock Opera H ouse turing Irma Duncan and Lit­ tle Tam ara. L eft: Y oung D ouglas F air­ in banks, Jr., who appears “C areless A g e” at the Ma­ jestic T heater tofUy through Friday w ith Loretta Young. Right D ouglas Fairbanks, him self, w ho co-stars w ith Mary Pickford at the Queen T h eater now through Satur­ day the “Tam ing in Shrew .” o f Com ing V au d eville — The H eadlined vaudeville which plays the H ancock on boards this week will be th e last o f th e season. by Val H a rris and G ertru d e Shari, and com edians K itty Doner, A m erica’s forem ost male im personator, th e bill should be one of the best of th e year as well as th e last. e x tra o rd in a ry , Mr. H arris and Mist Shari have Anilin’* Finn*! Eh (arterin mr ut mmount.ria u rn V > M A TIN EE EV E N IN G IO® & 40c 10c St 50c FOUR MORE DAYS Together— For their first and last A ll-Talking Picture DOUG FAIRBANKS DOUG MARY PICKFORD ■ MARY I ‘Tam ing of the “Tam Shrew ” ! s ing A ll-Laughing ■ Ail- r.ik .i FRIDAY NITE 1 1:30 MIDNIGHT PREVIEW B eautiful BILLY DOVE p a i n t e d a n g e l s * f IS Show ing D ec. 22 / "H A R M IN G SIN N ERS’ red-hot-head of the Pacific C oast.” The bill is com pleted by Louise and Al Rudaek in an eccentric dance spot, P erm ane an d Shelley in a novelty tu rn , and the Toil. Davies Trio in a th rill o f d a re ­ devil s tu ff on th e m otorcycle. All in all, i t looks like v ariety and plen ty of e n te rta in m e n t. At the H ancock T h u rsd ay a n d F riday. And, rem em ber, it’s th e last bill — bill. of th e y ear. (ou can't make a mistake whenijou f a y i t w ith F O W E R S A T C H R IS T M A S Always appropriate, always appreciated, flowers are the ideal Christmas remem­ brance. The beauty of these gay blossoms reflects the sparkling spirit of Christm as;1 Bring in your Christ­ mas list, and let us ‘Say it w ith Flowers NOW SH O W IN G N ine out of ten h o rn e a have it! The problem o f the flirt­ ing husband. Among the s i n n e r s in S o m e r s e t Maugham’s p la y are C liv e B ro ok R u th C h a t t e r t o n W rn P ow ell M a r y N olan ■■■ u. w *.— — sBBBssssBsm tem m m m asm * . ;; benedicts H old deception T onight on Hancock Stage Tonight FTY rn.CAMPUS Dr. and Mrs. H. Y. Benedict will entertain with a reception at the University Club this Y/ednes- da.v evening, between the hours of 8 and 11 o’clock. This is an the Zeta Tau Alpha province con- annual a ffa ir given by Dc. and I ventioa which was held in New Mrs. Benedict honoring the Uni­ versity faculty. Alexine Crawford and Winona the Glasscock, delegates K appa ch ap ter of Zeta Tau Al* from retu rn ed Tuesday pha, C raw ford, Glasscoclc R eturn T uesday Orleans Saturday and Sunday. from / 4 B r EVELYN CALHOUN Kappa, the University chapter, and Lambda, the Zeta Tau Alpha chapter at Southwestern Univer­ sity, will entertain the convention next year in Austin or in Beau­ mont, Miss Crawford stated. Dean Charles A lexander Puckett of the College of Mines and M etal­ lurgy, was on the campus Monday* F aculty W om en Plan Supper * The Woman’s Faculty Club will give a Sunday supper with a Christmas program December 15 at 5 o’clock at the Faculty Wo­ men’s Club, 2610 Whitis. Members may bring guests if reservations are made before Fri­ day, December 13. A program consisting o f Christ­ mas carols, which will be sponsor­ ed by the Leo School of Music, and o f recitations, which will be given by Rebecca Schofield Nelson o f the Speech A rts Studio, will be presented. Ooy! An old fashioned Chicken Din­ ner w ith hot biscuits.— J u s t like m other cooks it a t home.— Drive out fo r your next dinner p arty . Green Lantern On* Mile Oat on Oak Hill Road Phons 2-244? One of the attractions a i Ye Quality Shoppe is the Candy from Seven Countries-—d if­ feren t and delicious, for eat­ ing, fo r parties, for a gift. It can be boxed simply or gorgeously in imported con­ tainers. This is suggested as a g ift fo r one person or for a househofd. 1104 Colorado St. Two Brides-to-be Honored Tuesday Afternoon at Tea The old Driskill home on W hitis Avenue, now the Faculty Women’s Club, was the scene o f an attrac­ tive tea Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. Paul J. T h o m p so n and Mrs. Joseph S. Moss were joint host ess e s honoring two brides-to-be, Misses Mary Margaret Glasscock and Millivent Hume. A larg e house-party composed of jo u rn alism alum nae and p a ­ tronesses and o th e r A ustin wo­ men, frie n d s of th e hosts, a ssist­ to ed in receiving those invited call. A t th e te a tab le Mrs. Glasscock and Mrs. George H um e, m oth ers of the honorees, presided th e f irs t hour and w ere relieved la te r by Mrs. W alter McNeil and Mrs. T ruem an O’Q uinn, two bridee of recen t date. The te a tab le a p ­ pointm ents w ere b eau tifu l, being centered with a ta ll, silver cande­ labra holding seven red candle^, 1 the base of th e can d elab ra re stin g I in a bed of C hristm as greens. An ice course c arried o u t th e C hristm as colorings. Callum, Joe Gilbert, Molly Con­ nor Cook, 0 , B. Williams, A, P Wooldridge, Robert Cofer, S. J Smith, IL B. Cranberry, Earle B M ayfield, Lewis White, Hal Arm strong, W. E. McCaleb, C. N. Avery, Ordo Creighton, J. W. Mc­ Clendon', Ben Bailey, W. D. Hun­ ter. Misses Gladys Whitley , Dr. Annie Webb Blanton, Mary Lou McDaniels, Lorena Drummond, Antoinette Kuehne, Grace Graf- iua, Lorraine Barnes, Virginia Mon tague, Ethel Mary Franklin, Mar- getta Patterson, Marion Griffith, Josephine Corner, Mary Miller Cox, Mary Ann McClendon, Mar- c ita Bailey, Isabel Maltsberger, Anne Elliott, Violet Howard, Et­ na Bishop, Marian McCook, Gretchen Sm ith, and Lillian Wes­ ter. U niversity Dam es H old P a rty T oday The U n iversity Dames Club will have a C hristm as p a rty th is Wed nesday a ftern o o n a t 3 o’clock at th e hom e o f Mrs. M. Jo n es, 2104 San G abriel S treet. A bout fifty m em bers o f the club, which is composed of m oth­ ers and relativ es of U niversity stu d e n ts, arc expected to atten d , Mrs. Jo n es said. * * * D elta Z eta To Give B uffet Supper A group of girls, filled m any V itaphone spots here in late m onths. Mr. H arris is the en ­ old m an who w ise-cracks so gagingly and who is assisted by such b e a u tifu l girls. Miss Shari is th e la te st o f his help-m ates— The house p a rty included Mes- and she is re fe rre d to, very coyly, I dam es H. Y. B enedict, Lynn ll u n ­ ter, Paul O’Quinn, Ja n e Y. Mc - in th e press blurbs, as the “ little assisted in th e dining room . Com posing the group were m em bers of T h e ta h o n o rary n atio n al Sigma Phi, journalism fra te r n ity fo r wom en, and A ustin girls. D elta Z eta will e n te rta in with a b u ffe t supper F rid ay , Decem ber 13, from 7 to l l o’clock a t 2608 G uadalupe S treet. * « » & * N From Our Select Stock Diaries Bridge Sets Pillows Pennants Seal Jewelry Desk Lamps Fountain Pens Pen Desk Sets Portfolios Pocket Lighters Leather Goods Book Ends and hundreds of other beautiful and useful gifts l l -Ll HANCOCK INTERSTATE BIG TIME VAUDEVILLE ' T H U R S. FRIDAY LAST OF THE SEASON This is the last V audeville of the season. Don’t miss it . M ISS K ITTY DONER A m erica’s G reatest Im personator in “T w enty M inutes in Paris Frank W eldon at the P iano in in in in Tom D avies Trio Harris & Shari “ The W hirl of D eath” ‘The W estern Wildcat* Lo 1 se and Rudack Permane & Shelley “P ersonality Steppers” “P ulley-P ulley” on th e Screen “SEVEN FACES” with P aul Muni who plays Seven Characters ALL TALKING The Miracle Man of the Screen E l i z a b e t h A r d e n t ti Bedtime Treatment , . . is based on three fundamental steps—Cleans­ ing, Toning and Nourishing. These steps supply every need of the skin to keep it clear, firm and smooth. Elizabeth Arden recommends for your care of the skin at night: Venetian Cleansing Cream. Removes impurities from the p o re s , s o fte n s a n d soothes the skin, leaves it pure and receptive. $i, *2, *3> Venetian Ardena Sk inT onic. W akens swift circulation, firms and whitens the skin, k eep s it c le a r and fine. *>75* Venetian Orange Skin Food. T he best deep tissue build­ er, nourisher the skin, fills o u t lines a n d w rin k les. f i t *1.75, *1.75, $4.25. E l i z a b e t h A r d e n ’s Venetian Toilet Preparations are on sale at T. H. WILLIAMS Congress at Fifth E l i z a b e t h A r d e n , 6 7 3 Fifth Avenue, New York l o a d o m ; 2 5 (Ad Bond Street a rue de la Paix STA RTS TODAY You Can Coma Before M. f o r ^ C Coming ^ S aturday! BU D D Y ROGERS and bis new Girl Friend, in Para­ Jean A rth u r m ount’* “ H alfw ay To H eaven” ju«t sud h< O NE KISS for­ lot# of thing* got tx- should b* vo rtBwm- I..-M«l I And it wa* tho #tart of more high prw- pleasure making *ore than in ymi've years. seen A F irst N ational V itaphone ALL TALKING Picture W it h DOUGLAS FA IR BA N K S JR LORETTA YOUNG and Carmel Myers a d d e d HITS! “Three Ace*’’ S p o tlig h t Subject * JOHNNY ARTHUR In th e Talkom edy “ Lovers D eligh t” FROSH iINTRAMURAL CAGE TEAMS FLASH POWER IN TUESDAY WINS PRACTICE WITH 40 I m m *m m • t mm*mm m m *m m • mu* mm mm*mm m m *m m *— J « » • — • ___ — - T H E D A I L Y T E X A N w r r g j WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER H , 19*9. Frat Teams Pile Up Scores A s Race Gets Started P i K. A . 2 2 , A c a cia 2. C hi P h i 8 , B e ta T h e ta P i 5 . Intramural Sport Scores F IN A L S T E N N IS D O U B L E S In d ep en d en t C lat* A L C. D. defeated M usketeers, 6-1, 6-1, 6-4. F r a te r n ity C la it A D e lta T h eta P hi 1 3 , L am bda Phi D elta T h eta d efeated D. K. Chi A lp h a 2. D. K. E . 17, T au D e lta P hi *. S ig m a A lp h a Mu 8, D e lta T au E., 6 1, 7-9, 6-2, 6 -3 / in d e p e n d e n t C la n B Beverly House defeated L, I)., 6-4, 7-5, 6-4. D e lta 7. S ig m a E ta C hi IO, S ig m a Chi 5. S to v a ll H^m«e 12, S u n d a y HANDBALL DOUBLES D e p a r tm e n ta l Joseph and T iem ann C lub 2. J to n io 6. c ial S c ie n c e C lub 6 , P r e sb y te r ia n S e m in a r y 1 8 , S o ­ L ittle C am pu s B. 1 3 , S a n A n ­ to Alley W ith th re e new •« « « .« . »»,»»• • ( E n r ) , Bowlin* (A cad.) defeated Faobion md N i 11 i (E n g .), 23-21, 22-20; M ontgom ­ ery and M ontgom ery (E n g .) for- and Tidwell ! felted P eterso n and (E ng.) d efeated Cook and Mool- (E n g ,), 21-18, 21-17. Run- de. (E n jt.) t „ n<| T (lrre, and T arres (E n . !fslU.A M ein, r an d M illen 21-12; Moore J , . i e , (A cad ) defeatcd C an. last n ight, race th e I into action ing got in tra m u ra l b asketball well u n d e r way. L ast ni*hV ,j Kame* b rought forth nome pow er- IMM; fol acerin* m ach,n e , an d irreal defenaive clu b ,. Several o f ; ^ o v er­ th e gam es w ere won whelm ing scores, b u t th e major- ,ty of th e g am e, w ere d e e d e d by def„ u d 0 r o „ an d H opper, 21. close scores. 21-18, non and Jensen j 21-15; Hancock and Reich (E n g .) (E n g .), ,, j ^ by , . ^ , None o f the te a m , th a t have 'F ra te rn ity C l . . . A up gam e- like though ap peared in the date have flashed a n y th in g cham pionship basketball, the D eke, and Pi K. A^» th a t will m achines pow erful “ cttu.HC p lenty o f trouble b efore the season is over. The m ajo rity of , , , the te a m , .how lack of p ractice and in d iv id u a l1 team w ork, w ith sta rs stan d in g o u t in a n effort t o | D, |t « T a u D elta d e fe a te d T au Delta Phi, 21-16, 21-10. Half Moon d efeated Lam bda Chi p , K. A . h « « | Alph^ 2 , . 12i 2 1 . 10. 8-21, detected T h eta Xi, 21-15, 21-7. D elta Chi fo rfe ite d to A. T. O. . I ,{. A. d efeated B etes, 21-12, 21- d e fe lle d S . A. E „ K 21-4, 21-15. Chi Phi d efeated Sigma E ta Chi. 21-2, 21-10. Aca- 21-11, t cia d e fe a te d ,*Sigma Chi, t0 . T hree clubs, i t tw o . , -et fra te rn itie s „ } - ' “ ' ________ __________ « AI I V C ' T I T H I I J K SHOWN AT T.C.U. rhe n„ifv r , xa„ ' FORT W ORTH, Dec. IO.— The cup, aw arded by one th e b est I ■ • l A n j l l \ independent, w e r e " and swamped last night, each of the _ th ree q u in tets scoring only tw o points, while th e ir opponents had th e ir way w ith th e scoring end of th e gam e. The Pi K. A. quintet, sen t team, on looking the floor w ith a fast-b reak in g five ! Spmetmf and a g re a t defense th a t pletely stopped th e effort* of the $300 silver loving Acacia q u in te t in its efforts to score. The D. K. E. five, winners o f the f r a t title la st w inter, again looms with a pow erful five b u ilt aro u n d Dick Leary, a man capa­ ble of m aking a V arsity squad anyw here, and should go fa r In the race. com ■ AGGIE CAGE PRO SPECTS GOOD FOR 1930 SE A SO N Spatial to The Dud* Texmn th a t announcem ent COLLEGE STATIO N, Dec. 10 j — Prospects fo r th e 1929-30 baa-; J ketball season of cue I exas A g­ gies su ffered a severe jo lt w ith the Joe j Brown, v eteran c e n te r o f th e p ast two years, will be unable to p a r­ ticipate in basketball th is season. Brown, a senior and pivot m an I on the Aggie gridiron eleven dur- • ing the football season ju s t closed, will undergo an o p eratio n fo r ap ­ pendicitis coming C hristm as holidays and has been advised leave by physicians to basketball o u t of his ath letic pro- giam this year. d u rin g th e W ith Jerom e th e release o f H arris, le tte rm a n from San A n ­ tonio, and Brooks C onover, Dal­ las, from d u ty with the Aggie grid team , Coach John Reid has com ­ pleted his squad of candidates for the season and w ith an eye tow ard the opening gam e of the season with the Sam H ouston B earkats Decem ber 16, is rapidly w hipping his charges into shape. The A g ­ gies will play only fo u r gam es be­ fore C hristm as, two with the B ear­ kats and two w ith C entenary. Both series will be played in the M emorial Gym nasium a t College S tation. « In addition to C aptain H arry K eeton, F o rt W orth, all-South- w est guard last season and one of the high-scoring men of th e con­ th e letterm en back fo r ference, com petition this season are Johnny Konecny, B ryan, v eteran guard of 1926-27 as well as o f last y e a r; Jerom e H arris, San A ntonio, who last year sta rre d a t g uard a fte r being sh ifted from c e n te r and fo r­ w ard ; Cecil Hoke, Shiro, an all- sta te high school from John H. Reagan high school a t Houston. forw ard Freshm an num eral men on the Aggie squad this season a re Bob Hurling, H ouston, g u a rd ; C harles B eard,F o rt W orth, g u a rd ; George C arp en ter, H ouston, fo rw a rd ; Les­ te r V eltm an, San A ntonio, g u a rd ; F red K eith, D allas; and Robert “ L efty ” M artin, H ouston, f o r­ w ard ; C. D. K au fm an , g u ard fro m F o rt W orth; and Bob H ardcastle* H ouston, forw ard. ----------------------- o-------------- Earle Leads In Frosh Field D ay W ith 2 W ins W ith only a sm all n u m b er of th e m em bers o f th e F ro sh fo o t­ ball squad p re se n t, S h o rty A ld er­ son was forced to do aw ay w ith eight events o f th e fro sh field day y esterd ay a fte rn o o n , and only fo u r of tw elve w ere com pleted. T he rem a in d e r o f th e events w ill be ru n o ff F rid ay a f ­ tern o o n , a t which tim e th e cham ­ pions in the various ev en ts will be announced. the Scheduled In y e ste rd a y 's co n te st Oochey tied fo r E arle and Big ’Un O’Brien honors as th e b e st c en ter, w ith Unk B arton g e ttin g honors a s the best p u n te r on th e field, b u t Red S ta ffo rd g ath e re d in th e laurels p u n te r. as Oochey E arle grabbed honors as th e best place k ick er fo r th e day. th e m ost accu rate T W E L V E S T U D E N T S IL L S tu d en ts who w ere rep o rted ill a t St. D avid’s H ospital T uesday were C urtis B eaty, In a Hoch, E lizabeth Law, J. E . M cCarroll, Josephine Use, D ella C ochran, Edith Jo hnston, H elen Looper, and Zollie Steakley. N icholas M ayrath, B etty Mussel, and Rob­ e r t M itchell are ill a t Seton In­ firm ary . PK: th e Houston Post-D ispatch to Cy Leland of T exas C h ristian U ni­ versity as th e m ost valuable play- c r in the S outhw est C onference in H unter, F o rt W orth, guard. th e 1929, is now on display in trophy ( ase a t T. C. U. Am ong the prom ising squadm en a re Edwin season I from last Stovall House and L ittle Cam­ pus both showed good clubs la st night in th e ir wins. E. J. M athews, re g istra r, re­ tu rn e d Monday from San Antonio where he was called by the death of his m other, Mrs. I. P. Mathews. TELL YOUR FRIENDS T o M eet Y ou at th e D R U G S T O R E on S P E E D W A Y IT ’S A F R IE N D L Y P L A C E HIRSH DRUG STORE D ia l 2 -2 6 2 2 2 6 1 0 S p e e d w a y Track M eeting C alled Friday By L ittlefield Head T rack Coach Clyde Lit­ tlefield has requested all men in terested in track to m eet in G arrison Hall 101 F riday night a t 7:15 o’clock. Pl atis fo r the 1930 track season are to be outlined and prelim inary a r­ ran g em en ts m ade fo r th e Illi­ nois Indoor Relays. Since th e close of the. football been *eason, th ree men have the c o n stan tly a t w ork on track , and Memorial Stadium it is expected in first class condition by the opening of th e tra c k season. to be Sophomores to Be Aid To Toads In Race Sperial to The fat ifs Texan FORT W ORTH, Dec, IO.— The T exas C hristian U niversity H orn­ ed Frog* cage squad is bolstered this y ear with a num ber of prom ­ ising sophomore*. These men who are up from th e freshm an team of last year are McCullough, E lk ­ ins, G reen, W oolwine, and W right. T hree o th er men, although not sophom ores, are out for the team fo r are the firs t and Provine. Buck, McDairmid, All th re e showed such promise In in tram u ral basketball last year th a t they were invited to Join the v arsity squad. tim e; these and Green of Of the sophom ores, McCullough of Bryan F o rt W orth N orth Side are showing up exceptionally well. The fo r excellent m er has developed an eye fo r the b asket and in addition Im fa st and has a good dribble Green handles the bail b e tte r than a l­ any man on the squad, and played though guard , if his goal shooting can be improved he will be sh ifted to forw ard. Ell ins of Waco is lug and should make a good guard a f te r a y ear o f seasoning. Wool wine of N orth Side, and W right of F o it W orth Polytechnic a re both fa st on the floor but lack ex p er­ ience. he has always Buck of C rosbyton, who is out fo r the varsity fo r the first tim e was a sta r in in tra m u ra l basket- bal Hast year. He is 6 fe e t inches in height, and a fte r a y e a r u n d e r Coach Schm idt, should make a valuable man on th e varsity John McDiarmid of F o rt W orth C en tral is an o th e r in tra m u ra l sta r who is o u t for varsity fo r the firs t tim e. He U an o th er 8-foot er, and has a good eye fo r th e F o rt basket. Cecil Provine of and is a good d rib b ler W'orth h a o l e s the ball well. HARPER ST IL L ILL Dean IL W. H arp er, dean of th e G raduate School, who was ill last week, is still unable to come to his office, His condition ta re ­ ported to be im proving, and it '$ believed th a t he soon will be able to re tu rn to his work. NEW W AY CAFE Specializing in Mexican Dishes The Original Mexican Cafe in Austin 108 W. 5th St. Watching THE STEERS Football M e n Numerous On First-Year Squad W ith 40 candidate# rep o rtin g the first aftern o o n , M arty Karow sta rte d hi# Frosh cagers o ff in high speed y esterd ay a ftern o o n and kept them going until he call­ ed it a day a t 5 o ’clock. M arty wa* drilling team on shot* from the floor, and a num ber o f the men looked like good fu tu re the varsity m aterial this early in the season. The old Freshm an Gymnasium, rapidly becom ing overshadowed by by V a n Fl e e t scheduled In te ra c tio n a l lf ame# th a t will* Mid much prestige to the South- j th*’ the new gym nasium Just to re ar of the wooden h u t, was crowded with the prospective v a r­ sity men, a# Karow started the afte rn o o n ’s drill, in tersectional Ktamhng o u t in the squad of cager* w ere a nu m b er of football men who have ju s t finished th eir work on the grid. E arn est Roy, and Rickard nonchalant hack, Pflughaupt, linem an, were the most conspicuous of th e gridatera on the floor. for west have been next year. S. M. U. lead# the list with th re e m ajor gam es with N otre Dame, Navy, and Indiana, abd the Aggie* come second with gam es with N ebraska ami T u lare. ; Rice ha# scheduled tilt# with Se­ w anee and Iowa State, and ie car* rying on negotiations with Van­ d e rb ilt and Arizona. At present games Tex a.- has A# s'*on as the men have been and scheduled with O klahom a out long enough to develop, an all- C entenary, arid there itill ar* sta r team will be picked from the two open dates on the 1930 card. I th e squad which will scrim m age A rkansas arui Texas probably will V arsity q u in tet T exas not play next year, fo r the P o rk ­ School for Deaf Gym d u rin g the ers scheduled T. O. U. on the old J u s t a t th e pres- T exas date, and does not w ant to week’s practice, drilled on play the Longhorns on the Open- J t n t , the men will be of j the fundam entals of the gam e and ing Colorado w ants to play T exas on will spend the g re a te r p a rt of th e one of th e other open dates, but th em ­ as yet no game ar- j selves with cmphiouM on speed and Winged. tim e scrim m aging am ong date. The U niversity has been scrapping form . the in to Men ---------- th is year, fo r receiving equipm ent the The conference officials M on-1 first two days include John Pierce, dgy p u t an end “ a ll-sta r” Ralph G reer, Joe Fisher, H enry games during the holidays a fte r Hopkins, E rn e st Koy, Max Lea- It probably would be m an, John M< (Tennon, John Mun- th ia year. m good thing if th e rule were in \ gy# Roswell P atterso n , Ed P ru e, effect the senior Young Durham , Hill DuBoae, El­ crop in the conference this year b ert Stubblefield, J. Hoi mo*, Rus­ is adm ittedly in fe rio r to the rec­ ty Russell, Jam es R aster, Ira Gol­ ord* set b y the* respective team* den, Buford G reen, R. L. Hughes, T he game betw een the star* of C harles Bankhead, Hugh Buckner, the Big Ten and of the Southw est Dick Hays, Sam Hill, H arold Line, will n o t be a tru e te st of the Grady Mathis, JI. H. Milam, H a r­ stre n g th of the two conferences. Byard ry N aylor, Ed Bopper, Sm ith, Hub W ilson, T. E. Ber- gin, Lewis Jacobs. Ed W atkins, Mac C arroll, Phil L ester, Jjtck Spark.-, Dick P flughaupt, Gerald Knapc, Jim m ie B u rr, Red S ta f­ ford, Charles W olf, Allen C un­ ningham , J. D. Voyles, Will A r­ nold, and IL O, Y'oung. Bool plays a p retty good brand In ­ d ustries a t Kingsville has been adm itted to the T. I. A. A. T h at athletics, and a f te r ja to th a t conference should The College of A rts and en tran ce im the prove to when* it is one of leading school*. Johnnie R ailton, G rubbs, T. C. U., q u a rte rb a ck ; Recs. Texas, and Iceland, T. C. U., h alfb ack s; Beuiar, T exas, fu ll­ back. left-h an d er dg-luxe, possesses a typical loft)* t e n d e r ’* car. Monday aftern o o n , 4Boh Jahne, big bread and b u tte r to m an from Giddings, decided ju*e to the aforem entioned c a r see John n ie j tgo see C urtis Beaty. (hasn’t got the best of batteries , I n his car, and as a the Crank m ust be used long and fast to get results. Bob tw isted a couple of tim es, th e m otor s ta rt­ ed, and the big end of the crank | A tk|ni(> j c was hurled head. He F irst strin g ; Rose, Texas, and Schoonover, A rkansas, ends; Ham ­ mon, S. M U., anil Brumbelow, I t , C. U., tackles; Beaty, Texas, and Saunders, S. M. U., g u ard s; c e n te r ; G rubbs, in the vicinity of hi# j T< c Rees, fell out on the ground J Texas, a n d Wilson, Baylor, half- Ralph D orsott, big advertising : man on The Daily T exan, sub- tJ q u arterb ack ; the following: resu lt Rice, .... a nrj Alsahrook, A. T . c . U „ a long gash above his eyes, back„. shelley, Texas, fullback. wa* g roaning m ightly when H unt, an o th er candidate fo r . Second strin g : Ieong, S. M. U., M., en d s, a. w, a.w.v, JJncle Billy’* pitching sta ff, came M „ o r e > and Brown, along. H unt took in the situ a tio n j Texa#, tackles; Koch, Baylor, and and grabbed the crank to s ta r t g u ard s; B u rn ett, Abe car, th a t he m ight take Bob Texas, c en ter; q u arterb ack , Mills, to the doctor. A nother tw ist, an- A. & ML; Mason, SI M. U„ and! and p eykinS) o th er cough from the t ar. ytaifback#; M iller, j an o th er boy was sittin g on the ground holding his Head. About th a t tim e along came Big Henry Mills and picked them both up in hm c a r and carried them to the doctor, w here th e best that could be don* was five stitches in Bob’#! head and three sn H u n t’s. Mora, d o n ’t fool with a left-hander, or T he Colonial G ardens, Inc. “ For R efreshing E n te rta in m e n t” Arkansas, fullback. Open From 11 a. rn. to 2 a. rn. ’’Alt” T o a tte d S a n d w ich es Mexican Dishes S teak and C hicken D in n e rs F o u n ta in D rinks P riv a te D in in g R oom s The Colonial Gardens 2811 Guadalupe St. of his possessions. in, but selections are the general , A fl-conftrencp Still com ing •gun is dying out Ox Higgir fo rm e r guard all Sou’ n w e-te rn fo r the S teers, send* in the fol- • low ing; F irs t team : Rose, Texas, and L o n g , S. M. U „ ends; Brown, qTexxs, an d H am m on. S. M, I .. .’tackle#; Brumbelow, T, C. U.»I apid B eaty, T e x a s guard#; At- T . C, IL* c e n te r; Mill#, A. M., quarterback; Mason. S. M. and W ilson, Baylor, halves; S helley. T exas, fullback, jg jg g e o n d team : Schoonover, Ark- aifcd Aisabrook, A, & M., Moore, T. C. LL, and Gard- Jones,! ISsunders, S. M. U.f T exas, eeot-rr;- n te r , A rk an sas, 'Mice, and tackle#; When you are in a hurry to make that 8 o’clock class, drop by PETE’S PLACE for a quick breakfast O n e E g g I ’ Shelton Jewelry and Optical Co. D iam onds— W a tch es— J e w e lr y Sm all S to r e — Sm all E sp e n s e S m all Profit 1 2 5 E . 6th St. P E T E ’S P L A C E Dial 2-3014 ‘Y en D on ’t W a it e n U t M nch Frau Delivery STEER SWIMMERS! ■ T O MEET ST. EDS Plana w ere com pleted T u esday n ig h t by T exas Sw im m ing Club fo r a dual m eet w ith th e S t. E d s sw im m ing team to be held a t th e a t 8 St. E d s P eel F rid a y n ig h t o’clock. T he m em bers o f th e T e x a s club will assem ble in fro n t o f th e Y. M. C. A. a t 7:45 o ’clock and go d ire c t to th e St. E dw ards pool fo r th e m eet. T his is th e f i r s t m eet o f th e y e a r fo r e ith e r o f th e aq u atic o rg an izatio n s, an d th e m eet prom ises to be close, as b o th clubs b o ast of some o f th e h e st sta rs in th e South. Miss M ildred V, Spragg, n a tio n ­ al in sp ecto r o f th e Z eta T au A l­ p ha so ro rity , who h as been in A u stin since Sunday m orning, le ft T u esd ay n ig h t f o r S hreveport, La. SAWYERS Rainwear; ‘ m o o b r a n d s l i c k e r s ^ C * * I T . R # f w » B n w l S l l f k t n h i r t w u C ' J la,ting raputatlnnan tharampua O • l a d i n g r . p u t . t t o n mn t h . rm m p tn a m a n g >• att-al r n , and raKagat m a n a n d » « m a \ ~H a ra r a in g a r m r n ta o f good a p p e a r a n c e a a ( wall rna to n g Ufa a ra a m a n ita !. J Saw y er altahaaa a r a git p a n * to at i n g , r n a m a .’ w all-en t g a rm a n ta . ^ g r a n t o r , I l a k a e p jaw akan! ti I a l. d ry a n d w a rm a a d a r a I n Im h a d lin e d o r u n lin e d , b u t t o n , o r r la ,p a tm y o u p refe r, in a w ide .a r i e t y o f a tjd e , fo r e .e r y p u rp o se ( o u r . In u re o f ro to r* . S h o p a w v g ry -* w here c a rry t h e m . H M. SAWYER^ Ce SON MAV, MMASS. (AST CAMBRIDGE mr* Te»% «* T CVtr-av* WK. 8* UMM SS* tea Km—*} Tihi PK PK Quality Coffee Sc >K For a Man’s Christmas Rumidors with one pound of Blue Boar Tobacco a t ................. $5.00 Prince Albert in pound jars . . $1.50 Edgeworth in pound jars . . . . $1.50 Cigars in 25s and 50s .......... ...................... $2.25 and $4.50 Bill Folds $1.50 to $10.00 Cigarette L ighters 35c to $7.50 Toilet Sets $1.00 to $5.00 Pen & Pencil Sets, $3.50 to $20.00 Desk S e t s $ 5 .0 0 to $ 20.00 I Let U s Show You These Items University Drug Store P. W . McFadden & Co.