FsF ^ CORNWELL'S RIPTIQNPHAftMACY nob S^S­ 0I&> AVE. MlftHB 281). Athome every day lgUnlv,mtys Istance Telephone and .t.:: --. < PsyStatio Hot abdCold Drinks fa Season Make OUR STORE YOUR ttCADf{UARTER$. -r--There are Shoesand Shoes," But for style, fit, and wear there -sr, are none equal to the— .— Nettleton's ­ -, Men's FiratShoe^ Areyou acquainted with / our scheme pf saving you half the . coBtrof your Shoes ? "If not, come in and let us tell yoti about it. ^king&^QHF; -MEN.S1 %"?-­ FURNISHINGS, HATS, AND SHOES f«rv/ STUDENTS' CHOICE gpfP $06 Congress Avenue NE 73 'VARSITY '... BOYS.... r II quality and price is of any Consideration to you, Note these! ...... We sell only first class lines. Hats; etc.. andthe volumeof business we do Injttoae|ines calls for im­mense purchases, which give -5, X..-. us the advantage of/* iowei' "Jl pricethan twsmaller buyer hencew.e can\ and do seli tbe Same or betted grades ft andgive you a larger assort­ v&r ment to choosiefrom. We guaran our $15 06 to <&« $25 00 Suits good as the I' made to order kind at $3/ .00 .00. anda fi . to iMo-y>. and a perfect tit; we 7, ' make them fit; your size/may • he here without altering.. THE NEW SUITS lATSANDNEW^SHOES' ARE READY ­ SCARBROUGH :f -1#1-^MmL: -HICKS x ' OP THE Associated Press in* Texas AfternooriRr&s Appear Dally In The Tribunfe^ W A--&>&$•: • -$:i «. *» »v>v •& CORNWELIL^ RELIABLE DRUfi STORE Mwn.vom-*r-:-*. *£i tiUNNAkLVS CANDIES. The tno»tooisplete lln» of Toilet ArtielM, Stationery, ttne Bo* Fijwr. eU. Volume I AUSTIN, TEXAS; Number I WE MAKESPECIAL PRICE!TO STUDENTS Te r\ UNIVERSITY-OPENING. member, ~-;3Sh are a j|ecide^ly cPsmo:" ^while if you may be seen repeatedl^ politan. It is clrawn f?om many' loitering abouOlfe eorridors until^ On Wednesday, Sef>temBer.'25th, walks of life, and c^ntains as many^ iew momehts;^ thep. the eighteenth annual session of the differentr)iffoi.or.f 'ntioMntoricharacters o. as inaividuals. your seat.een'apicdoual£ ikvAnftnt."-at University of Texas began. The For the governmtent of thiswpdy the outlook for a large attendance had University authorities lay flown ho been promising, and-the few old stu-. ironclad rai^s bjr. regulation.dents~who. had theiajreturned^were sudent is expect^ to know the rules bt given the advantage of your mis-prepared for the laicge number of of gentlemanly induct and ip gov­beliavior. -J,--7—-• -W --j­ unfamiliar'facelnthat filled the cor­ ern himself accordingly. Those In dealing with your fellow-st&­ridors. ,The expectations of -the about you will ftel inclined to help dents let simple courtesy be your friends of the"Unj.veisity for ai^/at­jrou whenever,th^y feel that you need rule of action.' Remember alwaystendanFe imieh larger thah that of it^ but th^^wi^-^iot-thrust themr, •.that.gfcntlemjBtt.ly conduitJs what is You arc qordially invitcd to^ ; last year were fully realized, and at selves unasked ii|to your private af-expected bf you, and by the stand-make this -store your head-the"close of'Wednesday, October 3d, faSre. Until ybu ^ prove ybursell laf' quarters; for the term of the' registration had reached 588, as otherwise, ^ you ^re:' sil|)J)dsed to ttredj ahd by them you .miist itand or ai last year. be a gen-your ar- 1900 and 'o.ii jL. ...-p:-' -^ Since fall. It was riot until Saturday.'how­ For years we have been,if students ever, that tEe old'studen have in all p: unknown recognized a»^the U return with a satisfactory degree-of house in Clothing, Furnish-; both io you ^d to themselves, rapidity. Since then they have been been itchmg your con- ings and Hats for men. A prediction as to the outcome ofcoming iifrott every train* so that duct . fo:and an. estimate the season is not possible at present Our stock for the fall and. perhaps 50pr cent of the faees sre of: jour cliarai because of the unsettled condition of winter months is complete.­now familiar. _ A few of the old footsteps are you .into im­ the team"and the lack of knowledge Correct styles' shown in guard, faithful and true, were here proper and questionable paths, you of the game. The prospects are eni­ at the opening and busied/themselves are likely,1,stime unhappy Bnorning. each department.•> couragin^ in some respects, in others in shaking hands, with/their com­ to wake lip td the fact that their radesof last year and inl\making the confidence in and respect for you discouraging. H-RRELU WILCOX ' As to the first, the men are for thenewcomers.,feel welcome. • Saturday are gone, Snd that you are a stranger most part very conscientious arid -•t­night a mass meeting was* hield un-andf-virtually an outcast in an insti­eager" to learn. The material; is YATPft'der the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. rtution where all are expected to be strong and heavy, and there is con­for the benefit of the Athletic Asso­ friends and comrades. Your com­ r; siderable of ciation and the literary societies, panionship in th& company of your CORNER DRUG' after.which an was „ But the Wen are lacking in 1 opportunity fellows will be unwelcome, and you knowledge o{< the ~ essentials of the given for the old students to become will be made keenly to'feel that your STORE .game—due no Soubt^.o the fact that acquainted with the new. \ - "18 absence is fat preferable to your, they have not .had the^ {meliminaiyThe Course Committee has been presence. Do hot, therefore, mistake tld boy. dughtio"be able wprk for the first time, a few comes -useless (ft -far ( as. advancing . , . . . , to determing'-for himself. As a rule the runner1b coaegirfr iing may •ndrinrtppriqfriai^^^^ ., . be ttered. . The conditions which .,, • ^ .• "• , , 'Ail of theserfalilts can be-eradi of the professor in charge of a school coi rront them are unfamiliar t'o cated befotst >the end of th6 season, OF AUSTIN, TEXAS. about matters pertaining-to his own but it will take a great deal of coach­ tlfem, and the proper course, of con­ department.; Dp not imagine that ing to cure all the defects. r --CAPITAL $l50f000.< duct may appegr doubtful -eewwheer­ because,. |£is ain. In some moment "of-misapprje­ studious that he is distant add un-j will come out as candidates.; 'There.)!; hension they may be led to v a social. ()h the contrary, you will BOARO OF DlRECtOR^i .J »re two teams, but t^e-moment a false step, resulting in their lrre-r usually find that upon. closer~p^ n^nehowsup^wellorivwliatiBteto trievable. injury; and The Texan, ornton,' % P. Wwjldrid^, quaintance those who are apparently earnestlydesiring that this may be the Second teafh, he will Jnp. |3. Pope, ' , R. L. Brawn. •Cold and distant are the most lova­ iv^^i;.!uii1ces^.the:.iollowing • 'ob^ .... n|.'1 "V waiting for him oh the first tea? ^ bje and compaHionable of meet. The team will-welcome •'/itwre servations: ^ _ THE BUSINESS OF fHE FACULTY strive after complete-cheering-and enthusiasm, from the The conditions which confront tho"rouglmes8 in.your work. "This students cm;the_grand stand. NANt) THE STUOENTSrOF THE you are those of a miniature world. -MIVER8ITYS0LICITE0. The studentbody contains all classes can only be attained by close" appli<-. -If.all the forces wliiph ari|7neces­^ kinds, o£characters such 'as may cation and attention to duty. Study sary to the makings of a guccesaful ^— ~ be itoet in ttie ordTnSry~#aIks of life, each" assignment of work with : the team will pull together, we will have save only that .the:hopelessly pernii closest appticatiok-of which you-are a_.record whiqh no one ne^ 'be SPAULDING'S^ endeavor'. to ashamed of at '.the end bf the season^ cious a*re eliminated, and t^at those capable; .arid master SWEATERS -wh4~g«in'r:'-^'-\ ••fr I0C COLLARS' A'i -' GOOD. fl6 THE ,-7 L) '.*v B^ST AT 25c ?ri " Raatz $ O'Reiffu Jgue-.••••• • i •» .!Tfie Dictators of Moderate Prices" HOTELS ' EUROPEAN PLAN RESTAURANT A LA-CARTE" -" 7 ft. M. TO 9 P.M. (j.'L.PETERSON Prop. : _ Ok Armstrong Boy y I SPECIAL ORDERS IN ­ IP m T " CLOTHING fe: ; ' No. SOS CONGRESS AVENUEJ» i M-' CJTY NEWS AND CIGAR .. COMPANY -First NatiaMtSMjj —t1—Building Cand Ganthcr i Candiesand ne of Station^ J. W. goltor, lttM»gJ; B. Clark, Proctor and gec'^'bf toi-iaLbQardhae^yetiee^ ^l,EaCulty. '' Subscription Price,/..$1.*25 PerYea« for The Texanrthe.management has Jno. A. Lomaxpilegistrar.'-'^' "T" been at an unusual disadvantage ; EMTO!.Hlf-CU IEFJ^ .. A.THLETI0 ASS06Mrri0N: Fritz G. Lanham.-preparing this' frfst number, for pub-Iv ''**' T. U. Taylor, President.^ . I ­ !* t| r ***** -BUSINESS ilAi»AOEi<8: licationL Students possessing liter­ . W. R. Schreiner, Vico-Pres. }~~~ JJo'nt'F. Highley,,, H. LeeBordk)?. ary talc rit-have conie nobly to; our ;H. M McMahon?,Sec'y. rescue;!uid we desire to take this op-For Mfed: . i TKe-Fall StylB aSfe Ai.l, STUDENTiTare respectfully invited now rea.dy.Vici'Stoclc, Box . _.ip band j» centributiftns -of a newsy poftuni :y. tp, express our apprecia-ATHLETIC OOFNGiL^'t^ Calf/ I|eavy Calf, wiiEh: Ligfht ^aHtelefrJsc the boxea. anjd Soles They have • in thB^offEdttoHi ail'thu'ear hiarks of $5.00 Shdes. ,Chief, Room 17. $. Hall. ] The. Texaii-^wifl-'prove the best... ^ JVM>' It's the'styl,e to we;ir .the WALK ' , AU^exctsapke?;^ lege Weekly in1 the South, when the kbo%H>s^ll,erf8e^,3) "'IVK VKsr^r v A. C.-ElliSv Members.' :loy al:support and hearty encourage­ lEfla Congress Avenuef, . v S. E. Mezes,"^ ment1 of; theKitudent ,body l: are so Entered at the Austin postoffiee as seti-W. H. Richardson, Jr., kiild;lyrfprbffered to make it.succiess­ oird-class mail matter. A. S. Walk^r, ~{ Alumni ... fulf -If any of the articles which T. Ii Brooke, ! Members.-^x^ Vol. I.yV ' OCT. 6,1900 No. 1, Have been so nobly^TTfftTttpJteil fail Taylors /) „;•••« , 14 . to appear in this ii^ue7*we" ask the 'v -J. H. Hart, I • |^"dfnt AVENUE"It is but the r4|onabie tauty of. pa rdofi of those~whd have sought to ^ 'R.-\V; Fran,klHi, j i^nibers. oae assuriring-edjtonal control oljjL help us, and state in our d;efense that ;m)DTballteam. college ^]eekl\:'To;QiitliTO ]ts"pohw t4ie omissions are att ributable to our • • Ui-;; . .. -. • • 3V. R..Schreiner, Captain.<-rr^; so fur as the may be able, and make great hliriy a;id lack of space. / A,. M. Burton, 3I/inager. —,kcioAvn -tile interests to? .which the 1 ... -i... ' r-ll -O; BASiBALL TEAM, ^ ^ -THE G^UMA-N /^s£ar^,±owever, to state t^atiuph 'a Jno.:S. Bouglas^.Csptain7. paper as The Ranger i&tolbe pub­-'"Wednesday night the first .gerinan ^ E. T. Moore. ;Jn,.Manager.I-^Sg'L lished in the interest of l^ie students of' l900-1901 was given by" the stu-IJ.TERARV SOCIETIES.. -" lif tile, illniversify of Texas, 'Jt k dents'at~Eighth Street" Hall. It was . AUienacuin-^-W7. W. Woodspn,-AMERICAN ottiv p^ct primarily arid urcimate y mit a-r jgulargerman of the German -^vv ^residenti;' to please the student body.. A Texr C ub, but those in attendance ' '•K Rusk—tI." M. Arnold, President. Balls, Receptions and Banquets\ -a. ta an'b k^gn sense of honor ar it seemed to enjoy it hugelyT The Ger­T; * ASH BEL. ^----' Specially Cater«4,For r-f fair criticism* make this the on man C|ub is beeclming'more popular Lulu Bailey, President, r • :' -Ka y J—v requisite for a good college paper, es>eh year, and-it affords very sat.is\ • yes Susie Weld, Secretary. ->•— it is now proverbial that there aie ' 'ory means,of passing Saturdays v (GIVE THE -Y-c-• t.^. -•3'-. t" " -"• ^.Tr^:"7~T7'l:^' stjtejf-questioiu In ma!:• ov»M\iu|s. There will be a call meet­illi W. H.-Bnrbeer Pfesidenfr teZ-s pertaining to the welfare of-Hie ing af ^lie German Club,soon to. re-1-ej Driskili Steam Cautidrv MAGAZINE. " v.­ -si udi-nt l)odv,.Wwever, it is our our-rdf^fiiii^g.for the yesi# i"' \Wilbur ••Jrrh'o#.in attendance 'Wednesday v YOUR-PATRONAGE J~ r>.H: Stay, Busincrfs Manager; .serifs in the light' of good jtydggtonf evening wereHisses^Petty, Hot»pcr,; -lat OUR WAGONS W^-LL GALLand thoughtful consideration to' 'lie Rutherl'orcl, . Hancock, Swaneoat, EVfeRY HOUR, j , shcir establishment. the proper one. .sm Hector, Waggenor, Wilkinson, Katie Wever. were proR^ectft 'for t ITiuiiilton, -H7ilZl^inv=Mi^ffimil-^PhiWlta^Tbi'ta:; PHONE 444 ton, Minnie Rose, Cha])nian, Ward, Bet aVheta Pi:':M ous session brighter. Our footbSH teamLhidV fair to be tha peer of aiiy Gilespie, and Cobb; Messrs. Ardry, : KfippnV'Sigma; J rrf^ f in *iiie South; our inatriculatioiii Ix-Caiiip, Brvan. Robinson, W. Fisher, Sigma .\lplia Epsilc (jjcbliainJj ^.Eishc'r, Goldbeck. Sigma .Cl\i, ; rWat^n, ;ai|7^^"afpve~alFt^TpK^p ifaaibajEj-affliwr,tSimtcme, Barton,* Sisnia -Sti.2 dehtlT^i^seenis 'tinitOT'^d['''754 I take"pTetfsure 111 aittiOt sions of ihejjast^haw^been bc BoothsThompson, Arth ti-r Jfeetar/ Chi Phi ' andi—^.B W/­ X*h avjiy ^Avery;!R^tor, Mills, and BoAvinan-.-. Phi Phi Phi.­ complete line of Samples for '1; " V Alpha Tivu Omega the .present season, which I \; 4-'1 HsE-GlKE-€LUB. • " Tlii'ta Nil"Ep'siinn-r^^^^^S^"-" _shave now on display ready ,V jlI -I ht'lpfiUnees^ar^peM5a1tii^ -^lor inspection. I .guaranteeI"111' -The G.lee Club heliql its initSaident; body, and we feel that the «est. MFKTINGOF THE ATULETK1. X: you perfect^ satisfaction as to -''tic inoeiTijlf Wednesday afk'rnoon in tlji' sioTf^of ' l00-t)l ivill He an eponh-OOTNCIL. fit, style aSrid1;general work-~"r"" auditoHiifii. Xli.e constitution was i n our h jjstory: ^}<4^jA;:r_ tfianship, and save you •wnend^ so as to pe/niit. the Pro­-i-can Kcjo cing"lTi the renewed ltrralt§ Oni .^rTiursday .af_teifrroon,"Jn •. the money. I nvestigatethe suits gram ifaminiittee.to test the voices _ or or the stiidentrbody,triistipg to be jt lifigents' rboiiv. there -was n special which ! make to order—for, of applicants for membersb^r. factor in the promotion of volli gp meeting of the Athletic. Council for §$1o.7Q'^tip«. and trousers at^ |^.hJreday. a second meeting was 'J"ir spirit and coitiiiion brotherhood, Th«: the purpose of transacting some iiu-$2.95 upJ-...-v; • : f .V ;1 I Texan inbrnits ijfe"dgstitfifesJto y^du|h "purtaiVtbusine^The^tiriTe^ftfrlTO" cants f-et-e"adniitied. nDfifector Peii­ the well-fonnded' hope that any de^' inegfijig ras'.'consullied chicfllr.with.-'a A. G. GERJES Jil ser^mg enterprise may be given into discussion of finances, there being a eelleii; club As , ])ronii.singJ ^ lie the hands of the students to the dis-debt of about $800 td be met. The Men's Outfitter 1610 Lavaca Street: earnestly rrequejjts al|:Who.'a • < v Big" Sam 'has recovered from his illness and is playing the-game fof keeps. • v.' -~-r ' Tom Connolly of the Class of '$9 ..will l>e a ^'floater" in the fiextvLegis­r' lature. ' ••--• • -ry f" -Miss-fear! Eleanor' Norveil is \ with Miss Morrjs at 2104 Nueces e 7-ftiTcet:: - ­ \= Student Hargrove-will spend his afternoons-, in the 'employ of Mr; Gerjes. ' ~ jde,nt Prather left Thursday lit for ja\short btismese^tpip Waeo.­u~ , tho^e fteriSSin citizeiiff weyen t if! ifrtv Broiiiberg, Duncan and McMahon jrn^ght their / brothers...back with tiiomi;hiS'iyear. ,v ­; (iatcs Thomas and FeK# Smith ¥av^; accepted posftiops in "the Vic= "toria high' school.'. . ' ''The Chesg Club has perfected its -organization,, and will' welcome re­criifts to its ranks. :- Megsrs.. ..Connor and. Hall both foriii^r-^ewaneestudehts^ha fi* tered the tjniversity. J-' J. P. Haven of the -BniversitjFof­ -Missotfri ^ias matriculated in the j ^A'PAdemie Department, ; ­ Russ-eLI); Coulter" a new studeiitj has received the' positiop.,-0f stenQg­ / ",to the president; 1 --­ 'm -Harris Watson, familiarly"knqwil as.-"Wat:" will attend this Medical Department this sassion. It has lieen learned upon.good an-, uirity thatw this aft­ernoon. -• -* , ,W.e areiold that Berry McAlisfer, Who hasj)een Missouri.State Univ^F-' fiity's half-back,"will be \with, us this sesfiion. ' ^ ; \ The Freshmen had a good, oppor­tunity to' liold a meeting.at Some place other than room 44 Thursday afternoon.---: —j-—-^*, Doiighis says that his $10,000•arm' is all right. The report that has been ^circulated is as; baseless as y drunk­ anFs "dreani." -^Iixsrs^Eera; /• ;H; 11. Ctnntmng^-of the Cla«s of-.Beafl"have quite reeoveml from 04 has been elected city attorney ot their . recent sicknesfi;flnd,ace 8 )le to ; I.K'nison.7 -v Presume their work. i;| AfcCul]ough,.lias' recovered fi hjurietsustai'p^dMa-^recent prac-1 appointment, to Wfst Pointy and vtic ' "' f-' tue gt).me. ^ coniequejitly wijp liot lyk rri the Uni- Ji -vortjtty th|'p :xai;i|o^. ;r \ .^Vsecfet­.'of good health is spending your life Mr. Kstis Piiyhe of (ialveston. who on a ranch. ^ -' h.as for. some time attended the"" ^5 vv-ersity of .VirgiiiiW.willM a,student :V?k /'ificky":Durervl5^~-''Babe^ .at'-'Texhf s vear. to".. 'iL • . . ' . ,®»5» •" Freshinen a'R*-lieret y 'iristructed to-refrain from... dodging ? electric tans. ; We Juarn 'tliat t^nejjias been ofthifi(^fense^' Le'wis l^bx, 'of last yti&rs gradu­ atmg clas^, ha# been appointed aSr sistaiit cbeftiist'of' theTortland'C'e uirtt>ntc'ompany,'.of-Da]las^:c; frr-^fiss Lewis,, one-.of th^" brightest students 'Varsity-ever ihad,^as,re- MatamoiroB in, 1836. -1 escape jw&s made/by the aid of :Mr. 1'otter, who wasJat that time :'^£ipned "at '^i&taig»ros. ' *" r I The scrub teaqa is pitying, nnusn­ally snappy ba^l.-Their ..offensive defensive work ofth€>Vakty regulars is not • surprisingly • stellar.\ It is just a week ulitil we 'meet Vanderbjtt on the gridiron. Dfcny yours'elf a few luxuries now and take the trip to Dallas and assist iii cheer­ing o^r team to. viptory! , i \ _ morn­ing issued the imperial edict that no shift-waist inen would hfe allowed to attend his.. Jaw classes. Ask^jTim Gcildbeck if it isn't true. lv~ "T^' ...... .. • ,. • V-* . •, ^ ""ST . Just before the football game this afternoon those gligible to play on the baseball team will make an effort to defeat"-the ineligibles in a game It will be a fierce contest. 4 * f 5 ' TJ—, ' , ' ? ^ "-rOlff.students will be gkd^o learn that Lewis Featherst?)ne will retnrn to th'e JVarsity about November 1st. He' has been doing heroic work in relieving the Galveston -storm "suf­ferers.-• -* v . ;fc>; • • .' . -•-Professor Sliurter reports a most ]pteasahtvacation this "summer. .Mrs. Shurter will return to Austin about the first .of -November.,, She is tit present-enjaying a visit to relatives 11* New York. . ­ The registration greatly exceeds that of the corresponding day of last year. Texas isnow well to the front. The-numbef~of matriculates from other States is much larger than any previous-ye^r. : farewell to frei&ilorfv Wednesday,by a soda-pop party an^tfre^fowm yells which iver

cpupiedl, and very' much so. 1 r" .v' I """.Everybody is now" occupredl in straightening, out conflicts. -It is whispered', that trap-doors will be;, made, So certain amtytiou^ Sogho-. /niores-can attend two' clasSes at the sante hour of tiie samej d^jvOii dif­ferent "floors* Telgphopes win also be instituted, so as to enable Atwo-Jold.^ Hltieh-^ttdOTilig students, ^y other ingenious siig­genbion will be gracefully accepted. The Tri Sigjlias; had their first meeting at the home of Mrs. Wvehe on Rio Grande Street. The new IfalHtes are Misses Win­ifred ThanwsnMollfe^hropsliire, -Arine Sheppard, Mvra Poster,. Es­ther. .pibson, Jean Bprrumr Stella Gillespie, Malcolm Moore,' Octavia Nicholsj Annie Ludlow, Lueile Wa­,then and:Francis •Cobli--r-;::--^"Tr^ -It irgtage-whispfered Hiat we have *6ne of the inen tKat eviSf^raced tftovHalL • r--j. ——.,^,-*#1£Kf . j:r«T-. •• -5:' B. .HALL. NtiTES.fg:';, ­ _ "0 how those boardtew^Bli^®^ ' When they hear the dinner bell." "Three times a day" there's 1 grand march at B;'Hall when the bell announces alike prpspect. The "There is not eiipQiu^i 'enthvisiasm" dining room will only ,li'ecom'modate over football. Tho^e, who frequent Wie practice-games should remember about pne hundred and fifty, and as that a good old soul-strrring; cheer-'-ife T.uikber of boarders exceeds ,will enable _the me* to play a.fiiuch more snappy game. e Poindexter made qitite an interesting address to the students last -Sa-furday--night.'.-/^r.TRM^greatly enjpyed. The, purp^ee ;^ Judge JMnde^ter's visit was tp place his son iiKthe connected with large, law firms. Thomason, ,oue of our star debaters, is located at Gainesville. aTVfl t.ViP in ->T-­ On the -morning , of the 13th at -Dallasj thp TpitpII high g^hoiyl and Wall school of Honey Grove will play a. game of football. It will be a gifeat game for .'Varsity men. as nearly all Wall' schooL,graduates come to'the University. -1 ' '. . /W X It is our purpose to set aside this •yeara yrt'tpirTif.-TOiTTipaqs for ttrr publication of up-to-date ar dent body.. This department is tobe kjnown as the Students': Fornm. football schedule-at this ^rly date tiirned from Europe andr^-ill l«-m ittit we expect-Botne big-gaffica lim Alistlll aUTnTff~+illP r^vRfTi^?lOP ' ir» • —--, Austin during i;he eomirtg year. season, : Everything is arranged |pr -^/illiH -Keller, ir brother of the. J; at Dallas, and a large fanyu's and popular half-back of;•erowd is expected-on that'occasion. lasfyear'n team, has cast his Jot yffth Manager Barton has also made'siiiis­the rtieii of the' L'aw"Department. factory arrangementfii for the game M^th-A;-and M^at San^An'tonio on "Rummy" Palm will return from the 27th. A 1 arge/delegatipn of stu- Duren and Allen created, a beer fain­Sa,n Antonio^ especially, 'since it is ilie, in Germany during thp summer.' pmYe^fy. day at.the Fair to' be held •..v"'Miss Jessica .Clarft Has been sjert-j -Iff-that cityi:-^­n '.I' ^ ouslv. afflicted with h^r eyes.'' N.o'' r brighter woman ever«tt(?jidfid.;Var- GRACE HALL Nfsity, and we trust she will recover :'^S" : anrjf| , •• \ is^brim full. Mo^t of Z" H>»rry Bloombargh fi^is Entered •the old stu'dentls are back ari'd also" th^JJnii^rsity^nd is-gontinuing his jewLones. The nast work in elieniibtryp' T?c expects tg return this-jear f the; Medical t)e-week has I been one of joyful rer partmentL unions tq^ the former -arid tearful IcCall, 'a graduate of of hprnesicjcness t<) the latter, Austin/ s and aiL.Qld football -Snch, thus afflicted, can be seen and .entered _the. law":depait-~ heard-on .dark^o^^^^ benioahin^ the existencr^an^teHtetuaL^ v, in the engineer-j ®r MmtS^:«w5^^>;=8ftstL'V-8titutipn Piitside^ , their own ba6k| i tig "department' is , three times 7 ' The October number of the Texais " yard:; Those of the,joyous reunjons sreat aslit 'was th^e?years agG.\,...^. i Historical Quarterly will soon be wear plaeid smiles of cpntentment, i.j!' '"i • -r.­ -Frmz Dohiiri<;ii,: who 'capttirea fi rst"honors iff '97, has been spfend^" with thei ing a few days with his Varsity letter.from >£lon. E. M. Potter, de­ friends. He has been pursuing scribing tl-jte escape of Karnes and Grac¥^Hall-is eettl: graduate stHdiea_ia Germany, jmd ffeal, ,Te^as commisBiongs,^fjom solid stadf and this number/iTiH, a ciiso of"".fight for food." 1'hosejjyho arrive first get a square meal^ those whe come next get none. . Kind of a ca^, of "One little pig went to market, one Jjttle-pig stayed at home." > ^^^hstan^ng^he.dif^l^-of rattending to the wanta of the inner man,., the B, iiall people keep up the good name of that ancieilt dt­adel. . They are organizing an. or­chestra, and the senses of the dwel­lers rpiinO about .will . soon be. ains of the ^Qrnet, Ttronibone, fid/lle, etc. If you wljoiild visit the Hall about 3 g. m. in _the:lilorning; you would probably^hiriktlmt.yVrt transported ..to tire teneinent liousc in the city; You .would lind nH'ii i asleep on the beds^ on ^^.trc'sfies on _ eadfl equipped only with springs, and upon pallett on the floor. You would find rooms •ith a bed or p. table, and -another with nothing at'all There! are a number Pf new 4dn­dents in ths ILili. The companion­ship will""probably-pr<^,ve:7j£:^gredt thingr for them, and as tk lJerequire^to^llo_any^'faggilT|f ujiper elassnien except in Special *casQ^will"ha^"no'^SvfMclrs""" Mr7 Sarrir. Nethei|y, Whose "lipth 3th hardly pertheptiilp^ltalrgprie away. lie gave his iboni up in search of-more (fnTrtSarlj^Jhr S«m jn a~sticklerforliixary^'pu-know,i /One of the great dra< !buil^ing^is tHe admirable conditiqn of; the accottstif:g';'_lThose students who are 'inclined to niake"¥ dliturt)­ance in ]the halls"should bear -in mind "tiiat" they dfiturb "feVfery man along tiiat hall. . This: .is| no nioire \than courtesy The Hall shelters ikin<3#;df Of course there isre »o here. But there -is taleht'oT" all dentsrf "flossifers," fools.—all united dess Athena, jSr-^ar« t) it i fc*A STUDErtTSt OLD ST>HD -1608 LAVACA STREET. m ^ l^lne Stationery and .7 Engraving House. 1121 Chestnut Street/­' Philadelphia. ; College IoTitationa Stationery y Programme* Buquet Kairaw-^--Prtiternlty^ * Sngnvlng ~ . c Weddtftg IntlliiUaU Seoe|itlon Oarda V' And Monomm OteU of Am* AadresrDie* --4i:l VtoUhtg 0«d» HEBALDRY AND GENEALOGY COATS OPAHMS PAINTED FOR FRAMING ' , All work is executed in the establish­•ment -unae)r-the^p«fBor»al supervision of Mr. Dreka, and only 1 ri tK£ best manner. : ""'•'•• The reputsrtTon of this house is a guarantee of the quality. -jSS.MEW SERVICE VIA Sam aniqnio VIA WACO, •.A. & A.p. «md SOU*PAC4 AND TO , AUSTIN. Vra CLQIN AND H. AT. C.^ ! Through Tourist Sleepers -TO­CALIFORNIA^ Via SAN ANTONIO AMO SOU. PH& Quickest and Bsst kin# tol ' MEXICO' sSiw; 'KATY BLYER" X~r' ALk TRAINS HAVK KATY CHAIR C/tRS MM Lttftf JONES A SPECIALTY iM-»»6 B«at Nlnth Street, Anitla Taalttie iorlm>ofr3& "~J.? jg i-w' -Brpdiictiye of 13* :i --mj Countjofaiiy. Paper Put Is Austbu a^OBMe ' I?':.'? V'^­THE TEXAN ferV^.i in the anticipation of a brilliant vie1' nothing will give .you better^train-I;; tory,. The Victory wap won^ and the; ing thai dlaaa,1 systematic' writing THE OLD • students have not relapsed into ;tiie for the Maga^nfe ^^ PALAC lethargic stateirottl whiph'they tad All contributions must bfe in by awakened,' but once aroused to an the 17th -of October J' . _ : • • • i-••• • -• v-• interest, in this,liife, they aspire to Write for it. 1-* meet on equal terms the best de bal;ci-s bur countr^ can afford.'• -NOTES. . The members of ;the societies who IS NOW LOCATED AT Ai «'• r-:—X: have returned thfs year show more 1005 CONGRESS AVE. Tolbert La Prelle is located in-Sti evid^iice of in^regt in their reapec- Louis. ^ J -t ivC'Societies thaif has been seen "in smm and students Semp Rigp'is practicing, law in 1» e been in the University Sfiii A'V " "~r ' "" " i Over five hundred ^llarThais been tv/o or/three years and who havenol- Hartford Jenkins is -teaching f spent during the surmner in refitting before connected themselves with ~r school in Williamson County. J " * the gymnasium.""'A new bathroom, I he societies in interest oij) -Hon. John Plea&ants is as enthu­ containing eight'shower baths, fitted w-n lv, are_fii!i enrig with energy into, siastic a football^rooter as ever. .,* ft with hot and cold water, had been the sc»."it:i v intVivpts and activities ••.£ built-in the-northwest room. ,The lh«. jtjuiv _Tb(; Jvreghman ciass /)t Snake Jones is a nominee for the walls and.ceiling of the gymnasium this year also promises some excel­Legislature; so is^Stew-art Clark. •V.< proper, have been calciminedand the lent material for representatives in "7= . Judge D. A. McFall is-a promi­ "whole place~cftaned~iifi4 .the. oratory and debate contests. nent candidate for speaker Of the .One •hundred' -and fifty large, airy, All this material witybe in demand, House. r^—?—tW well ventilated lockirs have been and that at its rieyy best" develop­ built and placed in the locker-room. ment. 7" "VT/"?'''< v Raymond Eeller is in C. P. Diaz, They will all be fitted with the most Mexico^ in the employ of a railroad ThiB'yeaT-theSout^ernOratorical jmproved combination locks. An -companyT • --.""J" contest will be held in our own au­office for the director has been ar­ ditorium, and though we fully be­Lamar Bethea .is practicing law in ranged; and a portion curtained" off; lieve ill theXsentiment, "Let him i , Bryanj Texas," in parnership with lor the physical, examination of the bear J^egalinwhq merits it" we e " Nail ' n; students. . feel it is our duty to place a repre­Will Bradyris-nominated for su­ Regular clasq work will be re­sentative in that contest who,will quired of all freshmen two hours per merit the palm. perintendent of public schools of ;week. --_ -Travis County, c^.,' eh . C,1. Mp'|t/likely Baylor will meet^us Before entering the class each still-again 'this year in Austin,, and^-if There will be thirteen of tfie dent will receive a careful physical she d6es, the victory must he ours. alumni of the 'Varsity in the lower examination,' and will' be-given a We owe this to ourselves because we k house'this year; ^ copy of his measuibme^t^ and a list are able to Win it;vahdio th6' XJni- Judge A. S. Walker has receivedof the movements.prescribed by the yersity because it ^ill show,.that in :the nomination; jfor.judge of the Fif­ directoHo;X^^is^i^vi3^njB6ds.'" this.Hue asjn 4II others she has no t^-third.Judicial. District. _t, He, will a^so reqeive,a chart witiu-his peer in the State. ^ ' ' -' measurements platted in the form of Debating " contests wYth other. George?Galhut a good issue for the firstst month.: Kmniet't McMahon, academ. j>i.cinaiion, an old academ.; K ooftiiselor, Judge Clark, in a Speech WeealPiiestlyinvi: •' 4-Vi»'W . • l-l_ ' .' •»! .to fnake president;, «us however, after a ,to the societies^ was taken up and your contributioys atr once:. j e!.^rss 1 ""ted by. those ijitereited until. , See anyi of the editors and they ^iidontfrdf'ih8kliiiv«mty -had will be-glacl to>give.you any suggesh WE WILL tiiOH8 or aid yithii tlieir:power, ^ }ordiamon North and^South Texatf. _ ^— \§f w htwuh H0U8TQN-1» DENVER, QALVE8TON...DENI80N, Via HouatOn and DkllM. QALVE8TON-1W 8T. LOU18, Via Hoaaton anil and Parli HOUSTON wis AUSTIN. Tha H. A T. 0. TmcAM vu, HoDltODuvuiwu,<. Branbam. Anatln, Oonlcana •zataaohla, Fort Worth, ? Banal, «iv«» Flrit-Olaaa Barvloa. C. W. BgIN; S. P. B. TIORSE, Traffic ManarQr. Qen'l Pa*a.andrfkt. Act % HOUBTON, TBJEASi DAILY TRAIN 8ERVICE EAST AND WE8T VIA Southern oonxi«otloii m»d« at Haw nith allUxtM t S^v^ll^Deijanw I and run «+aT*5^r~~r^ *"i."" Vwice» Week,leftviCK at 8:53 p. m. for the East, and 9 $6 p. k.-we* toS ""i «8:BS I ' ' " ' • modern with ^n*®^K®® and equlpped ^tK ilT r«qaJ^^n£hiaJtraIn._ \ ext^charge, nrst-olaaa tiokete From fioqston. 47 ho^ to Loa Angeles; 64 hoora to San EVanclsoo ' C W t»eaJM ^fOTto^^i^;^bourBtoS«rf»tfoU PJfcj&ig