More people are smoking CAMELS than ever before! TEXAS RANGER It's so different such an interesting place! "There's always something new at N~lson's." 4610 San Antonio Hiway NELSON'S TRADING POST IS ALWAYS YOUR SOLUTION IN DISCOVERING "THAT UNUSUAL GIFT" handmade ste rling silver je,..;elry with jade and purest turquoise. . .. choice potteries and baskets... I our purses and billfolds have that dis­tinctive something that puts them in a class by themselves. handmade moccasins, handmade dol!s from the .Indian reservations, handmade ties, .. . HUNDREDS OF ITEMS AT THIS NEW INDIAN AND MEXICAN STORE NELSON'S TRADING POST NEXT TO "THE TOP HAT" THAT WAS NO LADY, ETC. • • • "If there be anyone in the congrega­tion who likes sin let him stand up­what's this, Sister Virginia, you like sin?" "Oh pardon me, I thought you said gin." I say, old man, I hear you are going to Paris. Are you going to take your wife?" "My wife! You wouldn't take a sand­wich to a banquet, would you?" -Green Gander. "Well, Ruth, my old bosom friend!" "Yes sir! I used to be seen at more first nights than any other man in town." "Oh, a dramatic critic, eh?" "No, I was a bell boy Falls." A young lady went into a "Have you any Lifebuoy?" "Set the pace, lady," said drug clerk, "set the pace." in Niagara drug store. she asked. the young -Pitt Panther. Little dster was entertaining the vis­itors until her mother was ready. One of the ladies remarked to the other with a significant look, "Not very p-r-e-t-t-y,'' spelling the word. · Answered the child: "Neither are you, you old w-i-t-c-h." Jack: "But,