PHONE IT IN I .... .... News 9181-61 * After IO P. M. .... 9187 Classified Ads .............................. .......23164 Display Ada .................................. Circulation ............................. . S tir EJailu E exm j T h e f i r t t C o l l e g e D e l l y in t h e S o u t h AUSTIN, TEXAS, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1928. EIGHT PAGES TODAY No. 62 TEXAS Bf ATS FROSS TO LEAD CONFERENCE D/?. WISE TO SPEAK ON RELIGION MONDA Vestris D isa ste rs i e w s t a k e n f r o m d e c k o f s. s. b e r ­ l i n . TCAP SHOWS LIFEBOAT NUMBER 13 JUST BEFORE 23 PASSENGERS WERE TAKEN ABOARD. BELOW SHOWS CARL SCHMIDT BEING RESCUED AFTER FLOATING IN HIS LIFE BELT FOR 22 HOURS. Lecturer Secured By Committeemen On Religious Life Dr. Stephen S. Wise of New York will arrive in Austin early I Monday morning and will speak in the University Methodist Church at IO o’clock on the subject, “ Docs Religion Help or Hinder Man?” I lie lecture will be delivered under the auspices of the committee on leligious life, of which J. W. Ramsay is chairman. Wise is a Rabbi of the Free l i m r i A i Mf T i n B B f Synagogue of New York and pres- ident of the Jewish Institute of the Jewish Institute of Religion. He is considered one of the out­ standing religious thinkers of the country in addition to being gen­ erally recognized as enc of the foremost orators of America. MEXICAN DEAN TO ARRIVE IN AUSTIN TODAY SCHEDULE FOR FORUM TALKS IS OUTLINED Theta X i’s to Hear Dr. Ettlinger Tomorrow The second week of Forums which are being sponsored by the council, inter-fraternity co-operating with the Y.M.C.A., announced by M. D. has been Woodbury, associate secretary of the Y'.M.C.A. The various fratern­ ities and boarding houses, with their speakers for week of Novem­ ber 19-25, are: ll. T. Ettlinger; Monday, November 19, Theta Ai, Foster’s boarding house, Clyde Littlefield. Tuesday, November 20, S.A.E., E. K. McGinnis; Chi Phi, Harris M&Stersoft; Beta Theta Pi, Dean J. A. Fitzgerald; Phi Delta Theta. Dean T. H. Shelby; Omega Beta Am o Nowotny; McDonald boarding house, John Bagwell. Wednesday, November 21, Tau Delta Phi, R. H. Griffith; Delta Theta Phi, WL L, McGill; Sigma Eta Chi, Lawrence Wharton; Pi Kappa Alpha, L. T. Belmont; A l­ pha Rho Chi, John McCurdy; Hue- leit’s boarding house, C. IL Shiv­ er; Hessey’s boarding house, R. H. Montgomery; Merge Ie boarding house, O. R. Chambers; Little Campus, Dean V. I. Moore; Y.M. C.A. dormitory, D. A. Pe wick; Copeland** boarding house, J. WL Calhoun; Phi Gamma Delta, WL T. Mather, Professor Julio Rueda Here For Series Of Lectures By JO H N W O O D R U F F Professor Julio Jimenez Rueda, i dean of the National University of Mexico, will arrive in Austin ! this morning to be the guest of the University for a week. Senor Rueda comes as a lectur- ; er and good-will emissary from the institution, and during i Mexican his stay here will deliver a series of addresses on his country and the ! its problems. In addition to lectures which will be open to the public, Professor Rusda will make several other appearances before Austin organizations. Considerable interest is being shown in Dr. W ise’s lecture by many people in Austin who have heard him in New York or else­ where, as well as by many who know his excellent reputation as a public speaker, stated Dr. Aaron St hacffer. Dr, Wise wi I be guest Monday morning at a breakfast given by Dr. and Mrs, Max Bandman. A luncheon will be given in his hon- ; or by the University Menorah So- I ciety and Patron’* League at 12J* o’clock at the Cafeteria. r n ski- !- mission will be by card, thus* who are planning to hear Dr. Wise should obtain cards at once {tom Dean Moore’s office. Coach Clyde Littlefield who of may bring the University championship Texas her first In spite of breaks since 1920. and losses, the youthful coach has kept his men fighting to come through with wins in the pinches. to REPLY TO HONOR QUERY OF PRESIDENT Rabbi Wise was born in Buda­ pest, Hungary, March 17, 1872. This will be his first trip to Tex­ as. orts degree from Columbia Uni- j Questionnaire Return versify in 1892 and his doctor of Turn to Page 2, Col. 3 He received his bachelor.; of; r t r t o k A * A f i a n d n i c t t i a r a i f l f I m Cl V i n , ^ Requested by Benedict the The lecture of EDITS NEXT TEXAN! series of three will be given Monday after- noon at 5 o’clock, on the subject, j “ Ethical and Social Problems of! THETA SIGMA PHI Mexico,” This will be followed by the second Tuesday evening at Fireside}** o’clock, “ Political Strife in the Nineteenth Century,” The third and concluding address of the se­ ries, “ Mexico Today,” will be giv­ en Thursday night at 8 o’clock. The three address will be given in Garrison Hall auditorium. All lectures will be given in Spanish. El Club Mexieano, organization of students of Cie University who give a bun- live in Mexico, will co-ed journalism fraternity, cast anxious eyes on weather fore­ casts as orders are issued that ev­ ening gowns will be their official regalia all day Monday as a part of their lf the present cool snap continues, shivers and shakes and chattering of teeth will relieve the tedium editorial work as the pledges edit in B. Hall Neophytes of Theta Sigma Phi, Turn to Page 3, Col. I initiation program, ______________ the Tuesday Texan _ sinci' on,L,8B °* thl “ue5ti‘m' n sires regarding the honor sys- tem had been turned in to the president’s office Saturday, Presi­ dent H. Y. Benedict urges that students and faculty members re­ turn as soon as possible the ques­ tionnaires submitted to them. All the questionnaires must be in President’s office by Wednesday, November 21. Students to whom question­ naires were not mailed, or who have misplaced the copy of the Daily Texan in which the ques­ tionnaire was printed, are invited to call by the office of the Presi­ dent, room 115 of th" Education Building and secure copies. ENGINEER MEETING i Monday night. I Violet Howard, Kathleen Eiland IO F EA I URE MOVIE ar?d Verda Baker are the three pledges who will don the decol- That this is the last chance for students to express their opinions Jette and chase news stories Mon­ as to what shall be done with the day. After the Texan is safely to is pointed out by honor system bed, the same three will be sent in search o f the wily hot-dogs with I President Benedict, who feels that which to relieve hunter p a n * of I these questionnaires if answered the workers around The Texan o f. I J* * number of atu- ; dents would give a fair represen­ . . . , , t e e Monday night. / nf K„ .. Margaret G lascock Dorothy, Q{ thc ^ , . tation of .student opinion. Tho student branch of Ameri­ can Association of Mechanical Engineers will meet at 7 o'clock Monday night in K Hall, A movie* of “Story of the Cadillac Car,” which explains in detail the manu­ facture of an automobile, will be the principal part of the program. This association’s members are senior, sophomore students in mechanical engineer­ ing. junior, and ion_ and Ruby Lerna « O j n„ircs turm,d jn by saturday, 55 Fentreaa three initiate, who were deprived from faculty members. Stu- of the opportunity to edit a Texan i dent officials had returned 29, last year wHi augment the s t a f f ’ and only five of the Texan ques- cf Monday night pledge workers, tlonnaires had been handed in. EX-ENGINEERS PLAN _ ' THANKSGIVING MEET “News of the meeting o f the Texas ex-engineering students to be held here on Thanksgiving Day is still spreading by mail and by mouth,” states Dean T. U. Tay­ lor, dean of the College o f Engi fleering, “and we expect to have all the ex-student engineers here at that time.” Thanksgiving morning the ex- students of the College of Engi­ neering will meet at IO ©’clock in the Engineering Building. HOGG CLUB HOLDS SPECIAL MEETING A special visitors* meeting will He held by the Hogg Debating d u ll Monday night at S o’clock in the University Y.M.C.A. audi­ torium, according to Morris Hank­ ins, president, ♦Bs dge O. S, Lattimore will make the principal address of the even­ l y Y m m m «*§*h" Ex-Htudents Association, By­ ron Skelter, president of the Stu­ dents’ Association, and John A. McCurdy, to ail students and fa c­ ulty members to attend the recept In dia]tion to be held in the Main Build Mrs. Arnold Romberg will be be leader at the international Re­ lations Round Table Group at a meeting which will be held in the Cafeteria at 12:30 Friday. will be the topic for discussion arid two papers on the subject will he read. j mg- Thursday evening from 8 until j IO o’clock, November 29. Ushers Wanted for Texas-Aggie Battle On Turkey Day Ai! students wanting to ush­ the T exas-A. &M. game er a t Thanksgiving who have not turned in their name* will be given until T hursday noon to fig s up with A m o Nowotny, assistant dean of Wien, or phone Head Usher AI Lockett at 23911. A meeting all ushers will Thea Goldschmidt has charge of Friday, November 23, Acacia. | the reception committee. The re- j da Chi Mph Thursday, November 22, Lamb- W. A. Felling; S ig­ el*;’/ mg line w in be composed of j ma Nu Billie Disch; Sigma Al- j administration officers of the U n -Ipha Mu, Berry Whitaker. ; ive raj tv, student officers, ex-stu-j J dent officers and members o f the J D. C. Reddick. | faculty. A special effort is be-1 i i ng made to have professors who I have been bere for j years in the reception line so that j each former student will he wel- j corned by someone he knew when I he attended school here, The dif- schools jfo rest departments and I also will be represented, j A negro orchestra will * time southern selections* d ! two-ho ut* rec* J. Frank Dobbs, Texas author­ ity on folklore, win address the members of the Sunday Club at their regular meeting this evening at 6:39 o’clock at Gregg House. the lost 2f> * D O B I E SPEAKS O N - FOLKLORE SUNDAY e eld­ ing the Main ———-o talk, ------ .Supper will be served,- after after which Dobie will subject m his field, according to Ag«e» Williams, chairman o f the e n tm a in rn n n t commit1 Building rotunda i f i f i f i f i f be held ii VOLUME XXX A M - ll B E S U R E A N D M E ET T H E B O YS t h i s M O RN I N G A T T H E T R A I N . ¥ if * if lf The E yes of ¥ if if if # I j T e x a s A r e * ¥ # * # Upon That I p ^ Team of Ours i f * * * * I ' * Which W ent to if if if if if ! V IC T O R Y * * i f * * A g a m s f T. C. IT. * * ¥ * * i Yesterday. if * * y. * I Be Patriotic ¥ * H ¥ -V I And Meet * *Y* * * * i The Train at * if if V # i I I The K a ty Station W hen It A rrive$ *f lf lf lf. if. This Morning if if. if y. # To Bring the if if. if. if. if Victors Home. i f i f i f if if * Meet the Train. I if if. if if if : But Let the if if. if if if S B oys Sleep i f i f if if if Until About 7 i f if if if if [ o'Clock and | if. if. if lf if Then Show Them if if if if if B y Cheering if if. i f if. if Just W h at W e ¥ ¥ # ¥ * % I J Think of if i f i f i f if Them. if. if i f i f if Let’s Get Tlyat i f i f i f * if Championship. P A G E 2 taste I THEA GO LD SCH M ID T S ociety E d i t o r Telephone 6033 Chi Omegas Entertain at Austin Hotel With Dance T he m em ber* of th e Chi O m ega so ro rity e n te rta in e d w ith a d an ce S a tu rd a y night on the roof of the S tep h en F. Antrin Hotel. SOCIAL CA LEN D A R F r i d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 3 Kappa Sigm a d ance a t C ountry C lub from 9 to I, the Mr- Dunlap', house dance at the D rW dll H o tel from 9 to I. S atu rd ay , N ovem ber 24 Get man a t W om an'* Gym ­ Mrs. J. J . Terril}, Mi** Roby T erril!, Mr, an d Mrs. 0 . O, N o r­ wood, Mr*. Golbeck, and Miss G e rtru d e Roe w ere chaperon* fo r ; th e occasion. *»ue«tc: L anham Connor, Altun Eel der, [ B e rt Rf pi :-y. Alec T errell, Jo h n ; F red M eredith, Joe ; Terrell, Newton Burnette, Ju d d , t M ays, B arb Shipm an, o*ut>> s ' s^ae McGehee, H ow ard Adam*, to o . P ierce L angford, H ow ard W alk er, < iaudie Loft***, G r e s h a m * ^ pickerel, Jim m y C rite*, S u g a r l>eitrect, B us T em ple, Dawson D n n c tn , C an d ier, H ard y M oore. .Jim m y H u ffe n d tc k . I Camp I HW*** s k ip p y | * g ory, Bus nasium , 9 to 12, Bill H am blen, A rth u r John T . * T ? ‘ ’ o r S ta r . B a r k .r , t a n k ., B ™ '* W i« »"<* 9 * v « » * ° £ J h , ™ , , WII- T u rn e r Wy n n , K®w»ri M a rtin ,: S tark} D or.ran. J I * C r o w d y , j L e w i, U r a n iu m . Bob B e n n et. Clyde H ilb e rt. K v .r- R f * " * O elr-.hy HIU ( lark, fe r r y e t C om er. I hart ie C d*. Jim ro t.-j W indrow. D ale M iller, Billy >*»*-■ H a r t n.. L am ar H am ilton. D en n is! Lyon*. ( h arlie Ai B ailey, G eo rg e H ardaw ay, O 'C onnor, Blair Lewi*, G eo rg e ! Mc R eyn old s, Jam es S t r i f e s , Mat*- G eorge H u te h in -o n . Buda B oyles, G eorge Armlet end, Jim K inkaid, rice Y oung Jo h n C anaday, B u b b a C row der, Jack M atthew-, Pal Powell, P ete Staples, Billy GU ne, Don C lark, Jim m ie G a rra rd , George Wroten, Putti® Mi G ui­ le, ugh, S h o rty T e n n a n t, Tom Hoi le a n , Bill H olleran, Boh Jo h n so n , Bob Sw variogen. Jo h n K eevil, Scot W ilkey, T axi Pity den. H ugh Thom pson. Lew?.-, Br® kr fo rd . Elm ore lo v e , Hop B rian, G as Jak<* Jo h n K endall, G ordon P atto n , Jack M ann. P a tto n , Jim m ie Dick An ley, Jack Noble, G eorge B arrow . Kl eve W ray. Ja c k p ren d erg n st. R ats T aylor, V. R. H ood, Jack R ice, Ja r! Gik-e, Jo h n n y W alker, Marshal! W alk er, Sam Saxon, L u r tan Tom h*.? one, B illy High tow er, C lay to n T a y k d , Jim m ie Stevenson, M ar I av lur. G ordon T af'kehury, * B o lin g B rash a n d , F rank G u th rie, E w ell S trong. ( iarence F a d ham , J. R. Vei - i»lank, H arold E lam , Tom C olter, M aurice S p e a rm a n , Demon D u n , Trust* B aker, F ra n k C heath am , C larkson G roos, Norm Roes, Tom Chiesmart, E lm er Badder^, Bobbie M aster son, Boo tale W allace. I —......... —o * - —■■■ , THANKSGIVING DAY PLANS DISCUSSED (Continued From Fftge I) n a axion and re fre s h m e n ts will be rerv ed . Im m ediately a f te r th e recep tio n e t th e Main B uilding, a d an ce at th e W om an’s G y m n asiu m , an d at th e W om an's B u ild in g , will be given in visitor#, honor o f th e wilt la*t from IO u n til 2, and mu­ sic will bt* fu rn ish e d by tw o o r­ c h e stra s— Steve G a r d n e r ’s orches­ tr a and th e A g g ielan d o rch estra. A dm ission to this d a n c e will be $2.50, said Alton L o c k e tt, m an­ a g e r. T he c o n tra c t f o r d e c o ra tin g the h a s been W o m a n ’* G ym nasium a w ard ed to T ee-W a a -H iss. P rac­ tic a lly every p a rt o f th e G ym nas­ ium will be d e c o ra te d , u sin g the c o lo r schem e of o ra n g e a n d w hite, an d red and w h ite, re p re se n tin g b oth schools. to By fa r th e la rg e s t re p re s e n ta ­ tio n o f ex-student* y e t a t­ ta rid a T hanksgiving L o n ghom -A g- gie gam e is ex p e c te d th is y e a r if av ailab le in fo rm a tio n hold* tru e R ecen t letter# fro m .student* in all p a rts of th e c o u n try to th e ex- s tu d e n t- o ffice hav e sig n ifie d the in te n tio n of m any e x e s to atten d the reunion. '* ;U," ■ " T U E D A U T T E X A N SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1928. _.l "ti qg-w F a c u lty W oman'* F lu b , 2 0 1 0 initiatio n c e re - Whit.!*, m ony f o r th e following: P r o f e s s o r j yards and lin e plun g es and an end Jim e n e z B e a d * , o f the U n iv e r s ity j ro n by H ughe* placed th e bail of M ex ico ; sc h o la r fro m V ert r e c ,, a t p re se n t a m e m b e r o f ; reinaiBte(f aik an e® . H ughes a d d e d ! * ', . the S p a n ish faculty of th e U rn- v et.4 ty ; M. P. Slaver, also o f th e j "#7 e- Spa rush I a c u ity ; and S e n o r C a r- j onside, lo# Caataneda, librarian of G arcia L ib ra ry , Professor C ola lin d a , w ithin a y a rd o f th e T X M ', g o al. I .Spain; Mise M ay - Omptasir, K in g h it the line fo r th e I taking the m arched down th e field plays to tho T ex as 15 yard line, Grubbs, G riffith and Toler ear- ; . fed the ball on these gains but ; aft :*r four fir st downs had been m J reeled o ff, th e L onghorn • tighten- S T . A U S I IN S I O D A Y j < Texas wa* a t che , C hristian line fo r good g am s and I H B a*com W atts, d ire c to r. j j r ;or church a t l l a. rn., Mrs. poun d in g I hud the ^ ™ ihe T *C’U* i2 y *** ,ine as th e qu r te r e p > «, T «rs# do n ta a t r, K m . Fellow ship . h a lf-h o u r fo r s l ­ STUDENTS TO HEAR REV. B. K. TENNEY Th® R ev. B. K. T en n ey , s e c r e ­ ta ry o f th e P resb y terian S y n o d o f T ex as, w ill prea- h th e m o r n in g and e v e n in g sermon* a t th e U n i­ v e rsity P re sb y te ria n C h u rc h Sum biy. T he R ev. T enney is a g r a d u a te o f th e A u stin P resb y terian T h e o ­ logical S e m in a ry . He h a s beer; d o in g w o rk w ith stu d en t church** o ver th e s ta te . S tu d e n t service# fo r th e e v e n ­ i ing s t a r t a t C o'clock, w h e n lig h t s u p p e r will be se rv e d . A t 6:39 o ’clock the students m e e t f o r a d e v o tio n a l program w h ich w ill be f e a tu r e d by special n u m b e rs by of th e q u a r t e t t e choir. th e / u > v < n A M - / - r e O M K / R O N N U E L E C T S t th is | point d id n ’t co un t. ic th e flees pa-scd was?cd no tim e ad v an cin g second period, Perkins fo r 22 y ard . Line p laya! and art end ru n f a r eight yartia bai! c lo n e | by H ughes p u t th*- ram j enough fo r R u fu s King to his way o v e r fo r tao ch d o w a. j Hughes’ too guided th e e x tra p o i n t ! but Texas w as o ffsid e and th e a T.C.IJ, wan to kick again#? a s tif f n o rth wind in th is period. forced line. T X .Lu lo st a golden o p p o rtu n ­ ity in th e th ird period. Totem i n ­ tercep ted a pa.*-rf on th e ir own 40 ! T h e Frog* sm ashed yard th e ir way to a fi?*i down on th e Longhorn 40 y ard line. T hen G r if ­ fith fu m b led , Cowley re c o v e red and the F ro g s w ere once ag ain on E pw orth T eague a t C:30 p. r n .J to | M ifa V iola Kell urn, p resid en t. ______ _ U N IV ER SITY C H U R C H OF C H R IS T W. D. B ills, M in ister Bible school a t P:45 a. nu P re a c h in g an i w orship at l l a. in. and 7:30 p. nu Y oung p eo p le’s m eetin g 6 :39 Ladies’ Bible class T u esday at p. rn. - B* ra* W ednesday a t 7:36 p. nu the S u nday m o rn in g serm on will be th e th ird o f a se rie s on “ P r a y e r .” # FIR ST C H U R C H O F C H RIST S C IE N T IS T S erv ices S u n d ay a t . , . l l a. rn .,t . . „ . . % - itgain re so rte d to its a ir a tta c k O m ic ro n Nu, h o n o rary H om e ; th a t had fa ile d in th e firs t p erio d . I E co n o m ics Society, e le c te d o f fi- Two heaves, G ru b b s to R o b ertso n in- cera f o r th e coming y e a r a t th e j each af-J m e e tin g follow ing new m e m b e rs T hursday n ig h t. ir u tia tio p o f i this fo rw ard m arch w as tim e, n e tte d 23 y ard s b u ll r u in e d : | when G ru b b s fu m b led a back p a ss T h e n e w officers a re p re sid e n t; Mrs. vice p resid en t; v u ’e Prpw dent; L o usie : ' “ n i* I fo r a 15 y a rd low . L ater * U r k j . I OU#ie „ in U N IV E R S IT Y P R E S B Y T E R IA N C H U R C H L . ii. W h a rto n , P a >»or , 0 :4 6 o’clock, s tu d e n t devotioB- IO oV leck. B en d ay al a e rv k e ; ‘ '» * » « » ! " <>'' lo rk > th is q u a rte r. B row n, I by th i' ^ , , B e a tty « . £ . ; . in le rc e o te d ^ re ia ry o f th* S ynod o re t a t > o f th* Sy> ■ I c t T e x a s; “■ . H' K‘ T « 1“ y * f ,* d .« k . » c W su p p e r 6:S0 «V>«ck. stn- m e e tirg a f th e P re s b y te ria n S tu d e n ts’ A s­ evening so c ia tio n ; 7 :3 0 o’clock, fo r o- H O S P IT A L L IST Ten U n iv ersity stu d en t* w e re on GRADUATE SCHOOL TO MEET TUESDAY T h e G ra d u a te School will h a v e th e ir T u e sd a y , a t 4:30 o’clock. fa c u lty re g u la r m e e tin g «- L u cy Monkhouae and R o u n d tre e o f the Zeta T a u A lpha house hav e gone to San A n to n io fo r th e w eek-end. H en ry Slavik. Red Caum, Bob the h ospital list S atu rd ay . A t Se- ‘ S chm idt, O. F . J o n e s , aud Ch est im to n ’* In firm a ry w ere th e f o llo w - ; A llen, aUc nded ti • footb all iram*.* ing: M arvin E ric so n , E d g ar W ahr- m und, B ry so n Paddick, S. D. ch house. Roulaiu A rly s Clit ra u lt, Dixie G ra- P o lly ! ham. St, D avid’s H ospital htis the follow ing: A. M. D a sh ik i, W ayne B. Tyson, H o w ard Blttmm, Ju a n i- ta B atchelor. rom the J ncaa 'U -ftl. f ° r t ^ ^ Lu° “ le T h eru ra M o o re , •, » ^ « b * **• I -o----- The Mode of the Hour .O’rf* O’ Ste V K n itted sw e a te r suits I ra n sp a ren t V elvets C hiffon evening frocks A t your F av o rite Shop Q I lath m u w ile v fa lc n , f/ n d Uh ' JiJmJsmI ck-j*0-- «Ar„:wn* (jtffwO** V . B a n k B l d g . Bob C a rr, A l Le S ta id , G erald Levy, A lton la o ne, Bob S tallin g s, Bill Snick, Mio: B u rn e tt, VU Moore, Claude Meadows, Earl T aylor, R aym ond F ish er, T hom as Lynch, Laiilie C>’P ry o r. Randolph Ma jew-ll. Ollie F o re ­ man, Jack D avis, W alter H ow e, Elliot S te rn s, Bill G ranger, Sid H e a th y , S o n n y Johnson, F ran h K night. J irnmi«* Maxwell, Macon Hady, Wood ie B unn, An unusually s tr o n g lo n g h o rn team this year c a u sin g a n added in in te re s t fo o tb a ll, a n d an in te re st In U n iv e rsity (. re a rin g of cx-H tudents, d u e pei‘hap*| fair* to recen t U nion cam paigns,S a re a ttrib u te d a# th e reaso n s for * k>r *y, th e large hom e-com ing th is yaar, J De B o n a, ,><‘B o n a * hom e-com ing th is yaar, • (Troup un,, orpuuizatw .,, — N um efedlt fu n ctio n * for ' J -or fo rm e r stu d ,-n t. a r r | p o rte r. planned. the Javk M ay er, Jo h n n y E ste s, F rank E ste s, I t W. Spillm an, [(ugh C lark , W a lte r C hristie, Roy K othler. Jo h n Bag well, Hugh J e v ; a tt, Bob K in g b a tk , H a rry Zea- , nan, Bill E llis, Mike Muse, Bob ] Evans. J We Hr K incaid, B urt Dyke j Brites B ledsoe, Pipkin, j Billie G rah am , Tom H ollow ay H arry C rew daon, H erb ert C u rry , M eredith H opkins, Tom Seal, Oscar C an n o n , Dick W ag g o n er, Ford W ag g o n er, Cecil I J ttle to a , Bill R yan. Jim m ie • Pat Coon. J o h n T. Post, H olland A special p ro g ra m f o r th e en­ tw o days h as been mapped tire o u tf including b an d co n c e rts, a w elcom e from old professor*, an A.jfcM. parade, th e L onghorn-A g- kft«*$ football g am e, a im! re ­ ception and d ance. the T he (las* of ’27 is p lan n in g a special g e t-to g e th e r, AU old B. l u l l men, who in fo rm e r day# re ­ sided in B. Hall w hen it was used as a d o rm ito ry , h av e been invited to ap*nd th e ir tittie in A ustin at th e L ittle C am pus d o rm ito ry , * the la st In 1926, the Longhorn# m et th e A ggies in the th e ball and M em orial S ta d iu m , was for e x -s tu d e n ts tim e i’osaitra Shelley, W allace, Cow boy Sewell, Ike Sew ell. D e x te r A tkinron, Jim in y l>avi#, C laybu?g re c e p tio n F rk h a rd t, F ra n k M cClendon, O tto j larg ely atten d ed . Ramsey, H e n ry Mi Callum , E ddie B euiar, F re d B arrow s. Ben Do­ h erty, B B. Di I w orth. ■o- K atherine Rose of the A lpha le ft F rid a y night Phi ho urn* to j spend th e w eek-end at h e r hom e , ft in Dallas. F o r Wom en W h o W a n t to Go and Do— W ith o u t F a tig u e E N N A JETTJCK. H E A L T H S H O E S Cinderella S lip per Shop 101 E. 6 th A t the Louise Shop B E T T Y LEE SPECIAL SHOE SALE W id th -AA— A — B C ALL S IZ E S Fifth Avenue’s Sir art est Shops Sell These Shoes for $10. that express true elegance not a phrase — a fact the n ew est m o d es— in coats «.. SEE OUR WINDOWS O ffering the much talked about "Louisette d ress” and sport frocks in latest shades of im ported and domestic fall m aterials. Come h ere for Sunday Dinner Turkey Dinner A special from 1 1 :8 0 to 2:00 arid from 5:30 to 7 :30 at 50c at th e b est eating place in student town. i i C A C T U S T E A RO O M (Thro the a r c a d e n a z i to Texas Book Store) * -— Lkz w « * - y - You’ll Stride With Pride in r *:\? Pep or Punishment? W hich do your shoe,- K e ­ lt’s sim ply a matter of correct fit. Elum Jettick ss came in sizes t o IO . Widths A A A A to EEE We Kit the Foot Also the Purse S L IP P E R S H O P yHMSW# s**mdi» |#ui. jxti'*> -Out (Soot #ff (jmgrt&s F. M Y H A T S H O P Announces a Great Clearance Sale of fine looking Hats Sale starts M onday morning, N ov. 19 at 9 A . M. It s b een our policy— alw ay s to c a rry a co m p lete up-to-date good looking line of H ats. O u r H ats in th e p ast have alw ay s given good satisfaction. O u r custom ers tell us e v e ry season th a t M y H a t Shop c a m e s th e best line of h ats for low est prices. We a re going to give you a big surprise in our C learan ce S ale— W e have a large stock of s m a rt h ats in a variety of colors including sizes. You can select y o u r h a t dui ing th is C learan ce S ale fo r a little m oney— it w ill p a y you to a tte n d this i K ona fir!#* -Cl ion ra n r Sai l * i Jo e L ea. B m Y eager, M u rray B u tle r. S tu b b y Lewis, Blair LoorL, B ruce R ob ertso n , Sonny P o lla rd , R u tled g e, Loa iv C harles P o llack , P ag e, C h arles Ad d e te r. Page, Allan lo u is Gibson P ay n e, David P h elan , B JI Ro**, Phil W harton, W ilkin- Jam * Come fry-. R ichard Rowe, Riddle, Hill Comegya, B dl M u r­ phy, S ta n le y Cox, Billy H a rg ro v e , P aul Greenie®, Jo h n S in te r, R ow ­ la n d B oyd, Tom m ie H ughes, Bill F ord, M,ak# S c a rry , Bud Yourn-. Billy D evereaux W ait lo n g h o rn , Bal D u n can , B dl Elkin*, Max E v ew b u rg . Goo* Seay. B e rt W inston. P in t W ebb, Dick O ’B rian , R us-el Kleig, R u in * M anly, J a c k Calkins, P au l W a t­ son, T om S ta rn ex, Bill B ond, D avis S carb o ro u g h . H arrier B row n, M arvin B row n. R alp h B row n. H ugh D unlap, C la rk f him ell, O. E . Em m ons, A llan F a u st, G lenn F lynn, Jo e L u th e r, M arion M obley, Boyce Pemb« r, A llan S t e e n . Ben Whets® ll, P. E. R o h e itu o n . H erb T tg n e r, Sherm an B e d w e ll, Sleepy M adison, Jo h n n y Pilatev , D o u r N ew ton, J u n k e r S p en *. Spud Bell. Bdl Bell, G eo rg e G reen , Tom G reen, Jimmy G reer, Duke VV ii* < >r?. T iny E van s, Ijogan K tiapp, C arlisle C raven*, P in k y W ynn, S p e rry Bes*wit. Lewis D ay, Ambrose D olp h in . Travis Dal- phitt, Tom Brown, H o w ard L ee, Joe B u rr e ft. Runt W illiam*, C h a r Ie* H ud d lesto n * . Ox H iggins, Dusty Rhoiul , Bill B a rn h a rt. A Idredge G eo rg e, E rnest G uinn, G ra d y Davis, G eo rg e H ag an , J® ha ny H udson, J im S tu b b s, She it ie T ay lo r, T au tx r H ancock, Ed Cowan, C a rlto n W e a ­ ve**, Jim m ie kin. T ed I-ace, Tom P ic k e tt, Duke K earney, C harlie J e f f r e t , B unny J e f f re*, Chick P o tte r, RHI D erby Tar,lac E dw ard*, B erk eley Bell, Dye A n d erso n , Bob S to n e, Floyd H ughes, M iller, Joe WYuk, J immy Pi W < H. C. F o ster, E dw ard G reen , B obbie Seal. Jake- R ah* n b u rg , Baul E e k e K Jim Seal, Abe Ma­ son, C h arlie P o teet. F ra n k L an e C h u rch ill, Tim W illiam s, Jo e C ox, Lee Mgno.i, S earcy F e rg u - f-tm, W in sto n C hurchill, J o e Sp a J J lag, Thaw Stubbs, Bill Abbott, J C arlo# Bug#!., A rchie W oods, S tud Sn*'n. H en ry Roger«, P u n k j Biggin#, Gail W hitcom b, W ray ; R y a n ,' Gcmiy Brown, Mono M. • | D onald, Tom m y T read w ay , Ja k e j L ooney, J erry Rice, C a rro l Bon- f. nest, R o b e rt Sm ith, Ed P lu m iy ,] J . P Dnwydron, Pet* Gie-o< kt% I C a rl CtfeetJ, Bob H am ilton. O la ha rn M rC allu rn. €' hurl i e I Mi (boa*®. Jim m y MtC ailuro, T in y I G-zoch. Dick B rew er, C h e ste r Al-1 U n , R onald Byron, Sonny H aven*-! bu?g, W. J , K e ilft F ra n k Lloyd | I to r i r O M erolacs, R o b R hea. | Jrram y P ay n e, Ralph Ho«'»dl, Leon J W althaJj, I Are William;-. Hheba P e te C row ell, Marvin W a tso n , I I t a l f l y - Piggy Will tam s. Roam*! F eater, W heeler Bell. P hil L ester T a b b y R aym ond M eCuilum, Strsn^r. Jim rn.n M et adjum. J introit ^ fH o v ter, J u k e s G ordon, B irk A l Hblver#, Ho wand H a fG jKSb, W illiam Wfflteues*, G ap C ote- jaiaa, H a rry W illiam s, J a c k Ft*** O tto S tu b b te - r r o n in . t e a l P e rry , C a rl H illia rd , K ott Sigma Epsilon Chapter of Kappa Delta sorority honored its | pledges with a formal dance at the Attltln Country Club Friday, November 16, from 9 to I. Music was furnished bv Steve Gardner's | | orchestra. The ballroom was dec- and white palm . chrysanthemums, carrying out t h e I sorority colors. A buffet suppc*" I was served elu ring the evening. .'irs. Grey Go. due The chaperons were Lewis, Mrs. Franco • Messrs and Merriam? ' An­ derson. Lynn. Dillingham, Curtis Mouth, W. T. Rolf:*, Dean H. T. Parlin, Dr. anti Mrs. H. Y. Bene­ dict, Dean and Mrs. V. I, Moore, j Miss Iiul*v Terr ill. Mir- Jbseo'uhe . . . , Theis, Mr. and Mr.. Ara > No wot- ny, Dr. and Mrs. IL W. Harper. . SUNDA*, NOVEMBER 18, 1928. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N WTOIESS SAYS KaPPa Delta Entertains H A L D HAD NORMAL MIND Lloyd Pledges at Formal Dance I I n s a n e A s y l u m H e a d orated with | | a i So c ie t y M U PHI E P S I L O N TO G IV E P R O G R A M T O D A Y tory Bob Jack Patton, Baffed Clark, Jimmie Davis, S. Y„ Alex Mu Phi Epsilon will give a pm- andor. Jimmie gram at the University Conserva- Green, A rthur of Music on Guadalupe t hrone, ( a i! Olsen, Challie Mill- street this afternoon at 4 o’clock. House, Spinks, Marlon The following will entertain: Mar­ Stacker, Skeet Tat lor. Bill Bar­ jorie Woods, Mary Aden Everett, bour, Glen Higgins, Hhyce Pvin­ and Mrs, A della Broman. All te r, John Sheffield, Joe Steiner, members and their guests are in­ Joe Kelson Wells. Shinny Clark. vited. Mat vin T urner, Laurie Barret, Oui.; Dyer, J. S. McKinnon, Lewis Tidwell, Mr, Boyd,/Bob Carr, Roy Mildred Washburn, Mary • • • • the Tri Deb I Hazel Mockbee, Pi Phi pledge, this week­ is visiting in Dallas end. Lucille Camp of the Pi Phi house is visiting in San Gabriel for the week-end. Mary Jones and Dorothy Snider of the Pi Phi house are visiting in San Antonio for the week-end. Katherine Johnson of the Pi Phi house is visiting at her home in San Antonio for the week-end. Thistle weight Chiffon Stockings by “ Propper*’ ............. Special Evening Shades M ourn * “Flesh” “Silver** “Gold'* “E b o n if" Gives E x p e rt T estim ony Sportal to ffc* Doily Texan. PARISI N O V . 17. —That Wil­ liam J. McDonald was of sound mind at the time he bequeathed $1,125,009 to the University for an observatory was the - T. , testimony of Dr. Charles W. Cass- H ner, superintendent of the State Hospital Jot the Insane at Wich­ ita Falls, in the will contest which closed its third week Saturday. expert I .. _ , , at The statement came thi? close of the reading of a lengthy hypothetical question propounded by counsel for proponents as a summary of evidence developed thus fa r n the trial. An insane delusion cannot exist in a ration­ al mind, Dr. Cassner said, adding th a t the m entality of a person suffering from a delusion would be impaired and would be notlee- ble to the layman. Dr. Cassner was placed on the stand as an expert witness. He was on the stand when court was adjourned fo r the week-end. His testimony will resumed Monday. The ju ry was allowed to disband over the week-end. be k, Bank-. OHI of town guests were: Violet Forsythe, Doris Hoefgcn, (T’ftine Rorkafellow of San Antonio, Pa Camp, Jimmie Trosper, N. D. Rockafellovv, Frank Woods, and Homer Mitchell of San Antonio, and Ed H a m s of Temple. Joe Everton, T O G O T O A B I L E N E D E A N F I T Z G E R A L D The ghost list, m .tuueu: I flan McArron, Pay Moray, Don ( lark, Bbl C ark, Bruno W ink5cr, Glenn Wallace, Bob Rhea, Earl Ckmnney, Jam es D trr, Marvin Watson. Sheet Tay­ lor, Paul Fly. Al Bailey, Gail Whitcomb, Jack Wingo. Deane J- A. Fitzgerald of the School of Business Administration will go to Abilene next month to atteud the convention of the Tex­ as Hotel Association which will meet there December 3 and 4. Dean Fitzgerald will speak on “Cooperative Courses in Hotel Administration.” Mac Burnett, Searcy Ferguson, Jack Kenney, Dick Thompson. Dick Decker. Frank Cheatham, Nona Recs, Billie Cline. George Hutcherson, John Cariaday, C. B. Maynard, Gerald Rice, Jack Mat- has been started for thew.-,, George Haddaway, Thomas Uhe co-operation of the School o f J. T .; Business Administration with th Crisp, Allyn Gordon, the Looney, Bill Graham, Cecil Little­ to ton, Lewis Day. George Greer, Herman Crawford, Spurgeon BJRI, Gordy Brown, Ed Plumley, efficient A move Dorothy Lynn Hay is visiting at ' TAW', this week-end. She is a and Alpha Delta Pi pledge. Margaret Scott of bouse will spend several days Cleburne. Donald Green of San Antonio, visited his brother, J. E. Green. at Mrs. Roberts’ last week. Alvine Lovell has returned to from her the Alpha Phi house home in Temple. Mrs. Robert Barham and Miss Vivian Franklin of Houston were rn Austin for the Chi Omega da nee. Mrs. Barham Iras former­ ly Helen McDonald. Mary Nell Jones and Bernice Hamster have gone to Bastrop for the week-end. Frances McClellan of the Phi Beta Phi house is visiting in Dallas this week-end. Paul M attoon of the Deke house left Friday for Dallas, where he will spend several days with his Hope Thompson, sophomore en­ gineering student, i spending the week-end at his home in Sun An­ tonio. Miss Elizabeth Jackson, national inspector for the Chi Omega so­ rority, is visiting at the local chap­ te r house. Elizabeth Kline, Phi Mu of Southwestern, is visiting at the lo­ cal chapter house. Emily Frances Key, Zeta Tun Alpha, of Lampasas, was princess of Lampasas at the Cotton Palace in Waco. Elizabeth Ann Harcourt, who received her bachelor of arts de­ gree from the University in 1922, F pow in New Yolk City. Her address is Apartm ent 42, 544 124th Street. Major S. N. Ekdahl attended the football game in Fort Worth Saturday. hotel parents, SLIPPERS For the Elegance of Evening inaugurate .s* Thanksgiving th e se a so n o f im po rt an t occasions . . . .occasions on w h ich yon will want to look y o u r best. F o o t w e a r plays an important role. FRENCH BOOT SH O P SLIPPERS ARE R E A D Y In the subtle metals . . . . SILVER and GO ED . . . or the p o p u l a r CREPES and SAT­ tinted INS . . . . jewel shades . to perfectly m a t c h the dress or acces­ sories. . . 873 CO-EDS BUY M ondays - W ednesdays & Thursdays at Woods Ballroom Classes O ^ ^ 0 p * 111* = = = “ PETITE” For dancing fe d tim flattering strap model in SILVER KID 13.50 white moirp, w i t h strap and heel of sil­ ver or gold kid jewel buckle ........ 12.50 (Tinted, $1.00 E xtra) MMM = ■ M U * I l l I I I I I SS I of loss three stages: First, W arren McDonald, Jack Cow­ ley, Henry Steinle, Bob Sckmidt, Otho Jones, Nelson Greet, Bill Camp, Douglas Newton, Herbert Tigner, John Terrill, Alec Tei rill, Marvin Brown, Sherman Bi rd well, Bill Bond, Ted Maybuta, Jimmie Grit®, Louis* Patton, Valle Henry, Arthur Dieter!, Ralph Brown. Muiphy Townsend, Dallas, con­ testants’ counsel, entered objec­ to proponents’ hypothetical tion question on the grounds that it was argumentative and included Hugh Dunlap, Atjfan Steele, in alleged facts not in evidence Bill Abbott, Blair Lewis, Steve the case. Dr. Cassner said sen- ile dementia could be classified Wray, Harold Elam, .lack Rice, Giles, Gotch Brelsford, Potty in Emmet Grumpier, memory of recent events, careless- McCullough, ,Ryan- 5 ° " * ness in personal appearance, and I Brock, Bobo Carson, Lamar H am ­ disregard of punctuality; second, ilton, Stubby l/w is. aggravation of these symptoms; and third, total loss of mentality. On cross-examination, Dr. Cass- n e r said he had never seen a pa­ tien t in the first stages of senile dementia entertaining a delusion, He said most of his experience had been institutions and his contact chiefly was with pa­ tients at the stages when they re­ quired attention. Frank Estes, I ^owie Bonner, V. R. Hood-, James Perry, Harwood Phillips, George Robinson, Ike Sewell. Johnnie Estes, John W ill­ iams, Robert Frazier, Harold le s ­ sen, Bob Kinzbach, Harold Fro- man, Donald Legg, Donald Rey­ nolds, Wade Robinson, Bill E r­ win, George Robinson, Rufus King. Dexter Shelley, Cowboy Sewril. _A.n,ley> adjudged ferry B urnett, Kleberg Eck­ He added, however, that he had h a r t, Pat Coon, Bill Shuart, Car­ dismissed as sane many patients rot Cox, Bill Edwards* Jimmie who had been insane ERtffendiek, Charles Ne ce .Mer, in county courts. He was of the Jimmie Green, Johnnie Wilcox, opinion that a man with a dolus- .pinky W ynne, Tom P k k ctt, Doc ion would not try to conceal it] Anderson, Joe Marlin, Jim Lump- and if he did conceal it the delus*- kin, Hayden Thompson, Alan Shi- ion was not at the stage where vers, Frank Rugsby, Otho Stubble- field, Mac McGehee, Boyd Dillon, it was uppermost in his mind. Burt Dyke, Jessie Daniels, H arry Williams. insane in Carl Mounts, Cap Coleman, Jimmie Parke, Loyd Mann, How­ Joe Hornsberger, ard Hoffman, Freddy Merideth, Bill Hambey, W alter Fiegel, Bill Newton, Mar­ lin Sandlin, J. M. Burke, John Couch, Alton Burdine, Jap Ar­ nold, Dick Fairchild, Wray Ryan, John Upham, Bowlin Boucharde Jack Noble, Jimmie Miller, Paul Hawk, Bill Murphy, Bill Hargrove, Jimmie Payne, Deacon Russell, Jack Foxworth, Wilkens Oomigys, Jimmie Johnson, Lion Walthall, 0. CT. Trant, Bill Scurry, Gibson Payne, Elliot Stevens, Henry M oo re, Max Eversburg, Tom Davis, Tommie Hughes. Big ’Un Rose, Archie Franger, Winston Massey, Wat Langham, Caude Johnson, Lot joy Comegas, Vie Moore, Billie Wilkerson. Adrian Parks, Jake Patton, Hugh Students hotel managers of the state further more administration. in- tending to enter the field of hotel management will he required to apply their business adm inistra­ tion to practical hotel work for two summers and one semester be­ fore receiving their degree. This plan is one of the chief topics to he discussed at the con­ vention. Hotel managers and bus­ iness administration professors from all over the state will attend this convention. A .& M . TICKETS Eight hundred seventy-three co-eds have secured their tickets to the Thanksgiving game, ac­ cording to Wiley Glaze. Girls who have not obtained their tick­ ets will be placed in the mixed tho official rooting section, as section for girls is closed. Tickets for University men will be placed on sale at 7:30 o’clock be Monday morning, available until Wednesday a fte r­ noon. The mixed section will br Fold on Thursday, and all students who do not have a blanket tax may get tickets a t this time. and will Tickets m ust be obtained in perron, and only one ticket will be given for each blanket tax. -------------o------------- W A L T H E R L E A G U E T O SPO N SO R PLA Y Several University students and eX-studens will take part in a play to be presented at the Luth­ eran Concordia College on Novem­ ber 21. The play ‘‘Promoting Romeo” will be given by the Aus­ tin W alther League, a Luthern young people’s organization. The following students are tak ­ ing part in the play: Alice Knippa, Erna Ritter, W alter Wukaseh, Herbert Haschke, William Eilers, Jr., Olga Manz, Marguerite Wolf, and Oswald Wolf. l f we ca n n o t fit you, W e w o n ’t tell y ou . ENNA JETTICK’S H ealth Shoes C in d erella S lip p er Shop IQI E. 6th Thirty-Nine More Juniors The Junior Section of the 1929 Cactus will close when thirty-nine more members of that class sign up for their pictures. » / , The production schedule of a book the size of the Cactus requires a very definite time limit on the various sections. , ■ r * V . The first thirty-nine juniors applying after pub­ lication of this announcement will have a place in this year’s book and the section will then close. TEXAS STUDENTS PUBLICATIONS, Inc. Most M odem Improvement in Shoe Construction Shoes . . n e mo constructed that they SUPPORT ail of the weight placed on the feet and! at the san* time do not hamper free circulation of the Hood or FJCERCl .CISE of tbe foot muscles. Both of these are necessary for foot-Healch and the construction used to ^complish this in “Foot-Friend" shoes, is the result of Dr. John M. KID., a noted joint B-Sc-, IX C , I a d ar! if Idf and bone W* C*o Fit to W -A A A to EEE Width* T H E Y + H C V jjfV' v , , . , ^ * ‘ . > - *- -bt \ ' V ” opinion professional Dr. J. S. Fuller of Paris, expert Friday witness for proponents, was again placed on the stand, again saying it was his personal and that McDonald was of sound mind. He told contestants’ attorneys that he never examined McDonald’s mental condition. If called on to jdo so, he would have expected to examine him thoroughly, adding th at he never saw aqy peculiarity which caused him to question his mentality. He said he was not an alienist and was not receiving compensation for his testimony in the trial. ------------—o--------------- MEXICAN DEAN ARRIVES TODAY (Continued from Page I) quet at tbe Driskill Hotel Friday night in honor of Senor Rueda. Monday night Sigma Delta Pi, honorary Span:-rh fraternity, will the Woman’s hold initiation a t Faculty Club for two new mem­ bers and; Prof essor Rueda will be inducted into the organization as an honorary member, accord­ ing to August 0 . Spain, oresident of the Texas chapter of the fra­ ternity. During the time Professor Ru­ eda has been dean of the summer school of the National University of Mexico, he has been associated with a great number of American students, among them being, many students and ex-students of the University. The summer school faculty was organized in Mexico City especially for the benefit of American students and teachers who seek an oportunity to study the Spanish language and the his­ at tory of the Mexican people first hand, Aside from his fame as an edu­ cator and lecturer, Senor Rueda has won a name in Spanish-speak­ ing countries rn ah author and dramatist. Publishers in Mexico City awl Madrid have brought but several volumes written by bn, among which his dram as fig- tire prominently. Dorothy Stevenson and Eliza­ beth Williams attended the Queens Bali at the Cutten Palace at Waco. PAGE 3 : lf .-B W i I c l i I I -.a ■ I H E D A I L Y T E X A N SUNDAY, NOVEMBEI 18, 19: In Tribute >road interests maut* him a well j raveled man, having visited all which ha the Ttremam Ie world except the Orient. On built by pla.n> and specifications plant were also draksi up wat« in journeys he read extensive- drawn up by the Bureau,” Dr. Bureau. For a nunter of ye a t Seguin at the very row figutt of $35y just been completed was Plans of “ The w ater plant TO BISHOP GEORGE HERBERT KINSOLVING, D. Iv*and U'sualy found a cause to Schoeh said. aidWiMi interest in the history of ■ 1.500,000 gallons capacity is very I r.iry emergency plart designed plant of Austin operated “Thi# urihr a tempi This he worked out; modern in design, and was built; the staff of the Bu rver of the clastics, he read ^ r m tne ° ,d Teatament; characters to present day life. Hef tension should he his own memo- ; knew the scriptures and quoted rial. with accuracy atm precision long pa- ■ .wx without ei|ort. the Ore A classic plays and an- In­ ^ other of 4^e Greek Fathers, “dil-i transla- s gently com paling” he read *" of j To th« the his ^ founder of Grace Hall. now a memorial to Mr*. Kiitsolv* to irig, All Saint.; ( hapel, and “ are .Saints is indebted’ large extent Gregg House, the T * His council addresses over a series of years we Hi on erudite these hi, monument, r ™ W o n e , 4 ar<* " * » h . ,.r ah e-w *. s- - a.*.. J s u b le t* of tne faith. and TT 7 Pariah of A ll for equipment for it, work. T h . J WW* " “ " t " " b u ilding erected to h i, unfailing loyalty to , tho work fo r State University . A 1 on •»■»««• »<«*| I c«1,enc"-* on the pioneer in episcopal |() eltflnd (heir a ff(,c tjonat, ,,ymJ J ■ti U ti ax, k co.,.. •’ Church and among the churches of the state. A" h\ n'? * '* h their j regard and estimation onhig ex­ the! In this he was} the Fiasco ‘ h* V ? . ? f ’"’T " ' ,, students at ' h n t y »"d ! . ~7~ Lh , \ *■ ,, . pathy to the son and im m olate family of their Bishop, worker, and great friend. ftljo w ; \ BUREAU AIDS TOW NS IN WATER PROBLEMS This was the m ajor enterprise of his life. Coincident with this wa* his foresight and wisdom in providing an endowment for the Episcopate of which a part of the j present property form* a n u d e - , Extension of the work of the us. His interest and support of | Bureau of Industrial Engineering I church work for negroes, his aid j in the University to include free ! given largely through his friends in the Fast to most of the churches; engineering advice in water sup- built for tho first ir> ye ais of his; *)y, Problems for anY e»*y or mu- m in b try in the diocese all bear • nicipality in Texas has been an- tevtiroony of his missionary inter-! flounced by E. P. Schoeh, director est. ] of the Bureau. „ s “Getting About 99 “ G etting a b o u t” is ju st about the most im p o rtan t thing w e do today. L in d y gets ab o u t in his fam ous ship, “T h e Spirit of S t . Louis” ; car o w n ers get about in th eir autos, b u t the masses do th eir “getting a b o u t” on the stre e t cars. T h e wise people to d a y are jo in ­ ing the m asses riding th e street cars because it s m ore econom i­ cal, reliable and safer, a n d eli­ m inates th e park in g tro u b le of the auto rider. C onvenient to you. ’’Courtesy & Service” N Austin Street Railway Co. S P A G E # C h e D a ily 3Ttxan gWHrfttr of Tm h , Aa* Us, hp th* Ti F a^Ikt Uoai, i»*., af app feiij-fi ani sui-**. cjS w i t a. *m > Ba»ia«a* office*. Bl M IM mmi M U I. Prfeatai' Ar th* Fi%M, XiMftr. Fe***, A. C. K*t«r«4 a* w m d et*** nsttar at a1 Asitia. To m . JI* MIK St FAYNE _ Fdltor-lB-Chi*' X& iot j ELIFF TUE FEE NIGHT STAFF Win. Ray Miller . Mary Pittard ...... J. W. Woodruff . EL S. la*, tm ann ■„, O. V. Maddox Albert Nibiing, dr. Issue Editor ..... Assistant ..... Assistant Assistant .... A«fti*tar.t Assistant What Do You A Know By J. C. WATKINS 1. Foreign comm**!? 2. Prob# continue*? 3. Rico student* ? 4. Plan* crash? “Everybody has been wondering what Coolidge will do after March. Well, one thing certain, a fte r is­ suing that Armistice Day speech, he had no idea of being made am­ bassador to France or England ” After not icing the sarcastic and caustic comment of English edi­ tors on Coolidge'* speech advocat­ ing increased armaments, one agrees with Will Rogers in his statement. During the week, Great Britain’s journalists have been emphasising the “shock” sus­ tained at the President’* declara­ tion*. Concluding a full page ed­ itorial challenging these declara­ tions, the “New Statesman” rays: the “ Still, harking back to speech of the obsolescent Presi­ dent, it would probably be better if the statesmen on both sides of the Atlantic would avoid these na­ tionalistic imbecilities, or, if that 'n asking too much, that their speeches should not be given ex­ tra-territorial publicity.” The Saturday Review, a literary weekly, views the speech as a for­ mal statement of foreign policy which the new administration will take over, and says: “There is so probability that Hoover will be even as tolerant of European weaknesses as is the present occupant of the White House.” The probe continues. Deterro- the ired to get at the bottom of charges that the sinking of the Yeatris was “plain murder,” au­ thorities yesterday quizzed sever­ al of tho survivors, among them tho 18 year old radio operator, who seemed to suffer from lapse < f memory when cross-examined. While twisting in the witness chair Uke a scolded child, an acknow­ the ledgment was wrung from youth by the district attorney that • maybe” the captain had announc­ ed by wireless that he was in diffi­ culty more than lh hours before the ship sank and 14 hours before the formal .HOS. That the Vestrin was working under a “jinx” was abo forthcom­ ing yesterday when a Mrs. Con­ nolly told how the ship had nar­ rowly escaped foundering IO years ago under practically the same cir­ cumstances. She said that while the Vest ria was part of a convoy to France a severe storm was en­ countered : “ It was rn fierce that our con­ voy was* tattered. At its height a cargo of meats in the hold of the Vest ria shifted and the ship tilted heavily to one side. For two or three days the crew worked fran­ tically to replace the cargo and right the ship. One night the situation was so threatening that the passenger* were ordered riot to undress and to be ready to take to the lifeboats. Somehow, however, we got through and the vessel limped storm subsided.“ „ into port as “ Corofort, economy, and some thins different,” is the co-eds' excuse for wearing rolled socks on the Rice campus, according to a news dispatch. The “eds,” not to be outdone, have appeared on the same campus wearing golf knick­ ers with brilliantly hued goif hose rolled down over their ankles. When the plane in which they were engaged m aerial machine gu& practice fouled a target tow- Bise and crashed into M atagorda Bay, two army aviators attem pted to escape death by in parachutes. The wind, however, carried thew far over the bay. and Hwy w ert both drowned be­ lo u t help could reach them. Tbs*- tragedy increased the death by J g «"*” * * jumping -'G , THE END OF AN OPPORTUNITY Probably the roost renowned rabbi in the world today. Dr. Stephen 8. Wise, founder of the world famous Free Synagogue of New York City, will lecture here tomorrow at t i o’clock a t one of the campus churches for the benefit of those who wish to hear something of the modem aspects of religion and how modem think­ ers view religion and its place in the world of today. Rabbi Wise holds a bachelor of arts and a doc­ tor of philosophy degree front Colombia Univer­ sity. During the life of the late Woodrow Wilson, Dr. Wise was closely associated with him, and was in constant communication with him during times of great tension. Besides being the author of Several books on religious subjects, Rabbi Wife in a constant contributor of magazine articles to sev­ eral of th* new thought, sometimes called radical, organs of the nation; his name is included among those who lead the group of modern intellectuals. Perhaps never again will the majority of students of the University I of Texas have such a wonderful opportunity as of j hearing a man of su< h intellectual ability as they will tomorrow. The ; University officials have found it impossible to suspend classes for the I hour of the lecture, but any professor or student who aspires to the I higher things of life would do well to take h cut and hear Dr. Wire. Off £ * $ W/SE thin chance STUDENTS MISSING EXAMINATIONS DUE TO SICKNESS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED Casualties at mid-terms during the la*t few weeks have resulted from the prevalence of the influenza epidemic on the campus. Cer­ tain professors, noting these casualties, have been unjust enough to to award unconditional grades of “F” without affording a chance make up examinations missed. There is, of course, nothing that the unfortunate students can legally protest, the complexity of the Uni­ versity system being what it is, but still it remains that a recognized principle of justice has been violated. Jn making up the final grade in such cases, the fact th at absence a t the mid term was due to causes beyond the power of the victim Pi avoid should he taken into account. Acceptance of such a solu­ tion will demonstrate that system has not entirely smothered consid­ eration of the individual in even such a large institution as Califor­ nia.— The Daily Californian. INTELLIGENCE t e s t s A craze for intelligence tents has come to many colleges and univer­ sities of late. These tests are applied to to determine whether or not their native intelligence is sufficient to warrant them to become undergraduates and graduates that will reflect credit on the ruse ves and their Alma Mater. freshmen Obviously the system is an attem pt to do away with haphazard se­ lection of freshmen, and thus finally to give a more highly-polished finished product. The very idea of having an impartial test, in which ail potential freshmen must qualify, is a laudable one; but in view of present systems it would seem that the conventional intelligence test does nob add any more to a university’s knowledge of a man’s capabilities than the results of his entrance examination* would. Before one is admitted to a university he must have passed certain examination*. In many cases these are not set by the university in question, but there is such an interchange of students, say among the states of the United States, th at a university will recognize the exam­ inations set down bv whatever state from which the candidate may come. It must be admitted that a man’s intelligence can be judged to a certain extent by his ability to get good grades in his examina­ tions. Now, either on top of these entrance examinations, or in disre­ gard of them, the intelligence test has been brought into use. It* weaknesses are obvious. The first ami most important of it* weaknesses is that an intelli­ gence test does not measure “ native intelligence” comparatively, un ­ less those taking the teat have come from district* which have the same or nearly the same cultural environment. For example, one would naturally expect a city-bred person to have different capabil­ ities as compared to a person from a Saskatchewan wheat farm or from a (’ape Breton mining town, even provided their “ native intel­ It would also be reasonable to suppose that a ligence” is the same. child who was given mm hanieal toys to play with, would develop dif­ ferently from a child that was given, say dolls and picture books. It would seem, therefore, that an intedligence test measures not “native intelligence,” but rather the “ result of one’s cultural back­ ground.” One cannot but admit that it would be a real step forward if a means were discovered to measure the intelligence which has been so one’s heredity. Scholastic qualifications would then not mean much as they do now, but by an “ intelligence test method” one could discover whether or not a person would be qualified for en­ trance to a university provided his scholastic standing was not of the best, or else his standing was not recognized by the university into which he seeks admission.— McGill Daily. AFTERNOON TEA At the peak of the afternoon rush in a huge city hall all wheels the stop. silence reigns. Business men call a recess in the midst of an j important conference, soccer and cricket matches have “time out.” ■ Buying and selling, bargaining and exhorting, quibbling and argu- meats cease. Even the students and their instructors rest, regardless of the importance or necessity of the work. A pause com es in every­ thing, for all England i t having its afternoon to*. This is a custom that would be of profit to other countries, if we judge the resulting benefits correctly. So many people of the United State# realize the value of this custom to such an extent it grows more prevalent each year, In the medical, business, and educa­ tional worlds the need of a few minutes of true relaxation is under­ “ Afternoon tea” affords such a period, not stood and respected. akin to the dull leisure of the average young person, nor like the forced rest of old age, but a recess thought, given entirely to diversion and recreation. The stimulus of the tea also adds to this idea of complete relief and relaxation. from work and that Even though there is a large amount of leisure time to be had, and though one may hold aversion for the beverage, perhaps this short pause in the afternoon would be of advantage to everyone. We would all do well to recognize “afternoon tea.”— M F. in Minnesota Daily, BULL BELLOWS Br ALEX MURPHREE THOUGHT FOR TODAY IN SPITE of wind and rain and snow, In spite of hail and sleet, i ll alway*, like the woman who Has got the smallest feet BAYLOR WINS! POETIC justice has been done Coolen, eooloo, cooley .* Baylor played old SMU and won, Hooray, hooray, hooray I The score was two to nothing, Hooray for Nemesis! We’ve been wailing for a fo rt­ night For something just like this! Oh, H, M. II., might beat us With the aid of referee*. But it took our old pal Baylor To split their B.V.D.’s! We knew that they could do it, We hoped it anyway, But if they hadn’t done it, ’Twottld be the deuce to pay. And if the Baylor player®. Were not such husky brutes We’d send them candy for their throats And posies for their snoots?. BULL BELLOWS’ DAILY MATRIMONIAL COLUMN Editor** Not*;,-—We’re getting just gob* of answers, if it w eren’t such a private matter we’d print some of ’em. Write to the peo­ ple below, call them, or address to Matrimonial Editor, Bull Bellow i, The Daily Texan,— A.N.M. “ I want a real he-m an—one who will knock m<* down and d ra g to me around. But I want bim be kind, sometimes. I want him to have some brains.”— Rat* Logs­ don, Kirby Hall, phone 3587. “ The man I will m arry must have some goal in life, and high morals. He shouldn't drink but he can snv.Ee and swear some. He must be taller than I am, po little v. a rt apply.’ *—E lr/, a beth Denning, 70” W. Twenty-fourth Street, phone 7012. n ted “The man I marry must have red, curly hair, a few freckles will be tolerated. He should have a good business sense and enough money to furnish me with a house uith furnace heat He must have moods I wouldn’t have a man who talked baby talk.” Evelyn Heath, 2620 Salado, phone 22452. intelligent. and be “ The girl I marry must never wear knickers under any circum ­ stances— it won’t bo tolerated.”— William Filers, Jr., 2H14 N. Guad­ alupe. THE DAILY DIARY O F A WINSOME MORON SATURDAY, November IT.— I went to the Hancock to see the this afternoon, but I vaudeville wish I hadn’t. It wasn’t that the bill was bad, although something could be said on that side too. It was because I wont with Byron Skelton arui he kept lo-'king at * girl in the lower left hand box. She was sitting in the second row of seats in the box and IMI have to admit sh? was easy the eyes, but the way that boy looked ai her you would have thought •*he was G retch en Smith. on OUR OWN CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT WANTED— A girl, by a lone­ some freshman. Must be either red-headed or blonde about five- feet, three inches tall with a cute figger. Call 4432, Clifford Bratev, Jr. H DON’T DRINK AT HOME SAY RUSSIANS t x FAYNE DELIVERS :a t i o n a d d r e s s I s WL P ayne, professor of b lit Friday fo r Seguin b i will deliver on educa- i* t the dedication of high school Payne delivered the recent Sag. the ap vets to a f ti* The Russian government is trying to reduce vodka drinking sn the I C0URtlY but they are. re-opening the government distilleries to export liquor to the many Russians who live in other countries. Sort of considerate of the father country, isn’t it? It expresses the feeling: “Sure, go ahead and drink all you want' to, boys, but do it over at the neighbor* house ” A monument to the taxpayer is proposed by a Filipino legislator. Wa suggest a statue of two corporation lawyers figuring up a big f t m ’s tax. Ladles Used to lave the gentlemen a fte r dinner to tell their stories and smoke their cigars. Now they leave the gentlemen after dinner tell their stories and smoke their cigars, Sr S '-. .1 / 'N / TOQQV, S h EJKiE , BUT i AM GOING W ITH BEE H E TO T h e C i n e m a t o n i g h t * ' j * y ■ - i i i — . / . / ' , I'* let • His outspoken adherence to the! Evangelical tradition exemplified; in bi* seminary, Virginia Thee-1 logiest! Seminary, his courage in j debate; his warm friendship* and ’ loyalty; his generous impulse not I issue* separate people, j to ; though the issues had to be fought through: all these splendid char­ acteristics made him a great in­ fluence in the House of Bishops and and friend to the English bishops in any relation arising between the two great branches of the Angli- j can Communion. a trusted counselor to In, politics Bishop Kinsolving wa* a Democrat and a supporters of hi* party. His relation to the s th** south and his devotion causes of the south made him be­ friends. He loved by northern knew’ detailed southern history. His fine memory, never dimmed, recalled anecdotes and specific in­ cidents in a charming reminiscence. He believed with ail hi# soul in ; the entrustm ent to the individual the keeping o f his own conscience and had an undisguised repug- i nance for laws limiting personal I introduce liberties or effort*H o casuistic methods of church or j state. He was n learned man. His ap-; preach to any question was that j of an enthusiast*!' scholar. His! Official Notice VOLLEY BALL PRACTICE Seniors, 4-4:45 Monday and Juniors 5-6. Tuesday and Thurs­ Sophomores, 4-5 Monday; 4-6 Freshmen, 4-4:45 Tuesday and General extra practice, 5 6, F ib Wednesday. day. Wednesday. Thursday. day. All practices must be in by F ri­ day, November 30. MISS KIRKNER. TWENTY additional big, husky guards are required for the A. 11 ii M. game. Services will be paid for and workers will be able to | see part of the game. Applv at once. WILEY GLAZE. chain, fratern ity charm, WILL the girl who lost a gold and cameo, please call at secretary’s j office, a t the Woman’s Gymnasium add identify the articles. training for women must ALL doctor’s excuses in physical be made up before November 29, or they will be counted as absences, jj Som eone, w ith a perverted sense of h u m or has called various people over the phone a n d represented himself to be sp eak in g for the University D ru g Store. I h en they h ave berated th e person b ein g called a n d urg ed him to H E call a n d p a y his account. mmm-■a " ' ' *i'-' ' , \ \ e will p a y $ I 00.00 for th e arrest an^ conviction o f the person or persons r n guilty of this offense. F or 43 y e a rs this store h a s rendered honest, efficient, service an d w e ex­ pect to so continue. University Drug Store P* W . M cF ad d e n & Co. Wk ....*" I I . I * //AROLD TEEN—THE CURE WOULD BE WORSE THAN THE COMPLAINT, SUND , NOVEMBER IS, 1928. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N PAGE S p v. A* - i s * One More And It’s Ours * ' . « - FOR T E X A S I WILL . ;______ SAFETY LOSES CHAMPIONSHIP FOR PONIES Baylor 1/psets AGGIES SCORE DThSin I UNIMPRESSIVE I m VICTORY MAROONS BEAT ALAMO MULES E A S I L Y . John Kelley W eber, form er stu ­ dent of the U niversity, was o ffer­ ed the judgeship of the San An­ tonio C ourt Tuesday. W eber de­ clined the position because he said he was already under too much strain from personal business. 2 -o FO R M E R STUDENT DECLINES OFFICE W eber took his L.L.B. degree from the U niversity in 1922. He was presid en t of the A.E.F. Club In 1921, was a m em ber of the American Legion, S peakers’ Club, and the Rusk L iterary Society. W eber is now chairm an of th e B exar County Dem ocratic Com­ m ittee. RUSK SCRIBE WINS IM PEA CHM ENT T R IA L D. I. Horowitz, re p o rte r of th e Rusk D ebating Society, was ac­ quitted in the im peachm ent tria l held last night a t re g u la r m eeting of the club in Rusk Hall, Law Building. The mock trial was the featu re of the m eeting fo r the e n tertain m en t of the new m em ­ bers and visitors. the E dgar Pheil and R obert McKee in were elected to m em bership the club. H odges, James S ta r In A u s tin High V icto ry The com bination of Jam es bal!, or or Hodges c a rry in g the Hodges p a s sin g to James, or vice versa, sp elled defeat for Alamo the th is afternoon and Heights Austin H ig h Maroons came off of M em orial Stadium field with a .12-6 v ic to ry over the Mules. The M aro o n s scored before the battle b e c a m e warm, when sev­ eral of th e fam ous James to Hod­ ges and H o d g es to James passes placed th e b a ll in scoring position and S tra n d tm a n plunged over the line fo r th e firs t touchdown. A us­ tin High sc o re d two more touch­ downs in th e second quarter with the James a n d Hodges carrying final ball for lo n g Maroon touchdow ns were made in the th ird q u a rte r, Hodges c a rry ­ ing the ball o v er both times. Lock­ hart kicked successfully for two extra p o in ts a f te r touchdowns. gains. The Nuem an scored Alamo H eights’ only touchdow n in the latter p a rt he of the sec o n d quarter when score. l e f t end for the circled Captain N u e m a n was the only con­ stant t h r e a t th a t the Mules had on the fie ld , his spirited dashes often g o in g fo r long gains. Austin H ig h made 22 firs t downs to l l for the San A ntonio boys. B O B C A N T R E L L san S p o rts Editor C O N S E N C E S T A N D I N G T exas.... HL 5 A rkan .. .... 4 s.M.q. T .C .U .... 4 4 B a y i o A .& h t .... 4 4 3 ... 4 2 2 2 I P. W. L. T . P c t. . 8 0 0 . 7 5 0 . 6 2 5 .5 0 0 . 5 0 0 . 3 7 5 .OOO I O I O I I 0 2 2 O I 2 4 O 4 O R ic e I I S A R D A Y ’S R E S U L T S T e 6 , T .C .U . 0. Bar 2, S .M .U . 0. A.I 19, R ice 0 . A s s a s 4 5 , R olla M in e s 6 . B y F R E D H A R T M A N Special D aily T e u n C orrespondent smashed University B ears •rn M ethodist M ustangs here WACO, Nov. J 7.— The Baylor the ; ihampionahip hopes *\f ‘•ti* Senth- >- 1 lay when they won the game 2-0. Quarterback Sam m y Reed a t ­ tempted t« pas? from behind his own goal line late in the final per­ iod, but Lucas and Douglas, Bay­ through lor ends, to block the pass. It fell into the end zone and B aylor was awarded a safety. sm ashed O w ls U n ab le to Cope W ith A ir A tta c k O f B iblem en 'lf)*rial ta The Daily Texan, loosed a profusion COLLEGE STATION, Nov. 17. R esorting to the air, the Texas Aggies of passes to defeat the Rice Owls on Kyle Field here S atu rd ay 19 to 0. The game was th e final game of the season fo r the Aggies on their home gridiron and was viewed by a crowd of 5,000, am ong the spec­ ta to rs being 500 o r m ore Rice from students and o th er Houston who came, special train . fans ny Eigtyng years arc an aw ful long tijta w ait, but it appears as if I long w ait has a t last i relet! in a m anner th at been sa tisfi^ e ry Texas fan. Then Longty apparently have won th eir t conference cham pion­ 1920 when B erry M. ship W hitaland his powerful O range arui VA eleven le ft destruction in its wake. S tarting and out win powerful the Ste era ie w eathered all games I ^a(I to be made. w ithotfrious injury, two set­ backs | ’t discourage a d eterm ­ ined C|ge and W hite machine, and th o rn in g they are sitting on topj the pile, with prospects of firing the ^ year there. team , in The Aggies scored As only seconds rem ained in the contest Sammy Reed passed to Love on the B aylor five yard lino. Field Judge Lipscomb shot to the gun as Love was throw n every the ground. The crowd surged the q u a rte r save the third when onto the field b u t R eferee Boyn­ only Rice th rea t p f game ton ruled th a t the pass was in­ came. The Owls, principally due complete, and th a t one more play the fine broken-field running to Lipscomb, who and line plunging of B raden, Rice was standing w here Love received the ball, ruled th a t Love had made ! q u arte r, advanced the ball to the there the catch, and the gam e was over. Aggies’ 15 yard line, b u t th e ir attem pted saw the ball go from one end of passes to get the ball across Tail- 12 the field to the o th e r with each lug. out of 2 0 passes attem pted and I team using every pass known to muffle IS first downs to fo u r for football strategy. S. M. U. had Rice. an advantage from the point of yards gained, b u t the fig h t and determ ination o f the Baylor team held the M ustangs each time they threatened. It was a fra n tic game which The Owls tried the air With fie- J ri he Aggies com pleted they were held, the in and veteran year as To $h Clyde L ittlefield must go a Ut deal of praise fo r the the Steers this year success S tart!his second a V arsipotball coach, L ittlefield eleven had aiverful with vli to fight. The young blood i broke sent some qe veterans to the bench- Then rid-se&son two stars w ent out vvinjuries. To fill their shoes, ilefield sent two youngs­ ters, Rett and Perkins, into the fra> have them make good. play of Jak e W ilson, sophomore SCHURCH W ILL HOLD Then cf; a series of heart-break- j quarterback, stood out over every lug tuf enough to m ake any I player in the gam e. His punting coach e h ea rt, but L ittlefield J in the second and fo u rth quarters kept Baylor out of danger a fte r kept (ling his men in hopes the M ethodists had passed their th a t tlfreaks would finally come way into B aylor territo ry . On his waj two occasions he kicked over 60 yards from close form ation. Redman Hum e, the g re a t Meth­ the odist back, was injected into game in the third q u arter, but a fte r carry in g the ball twice he was injured and had to be carried the from the field. Each tim e red headed Pony carried the ball he was sm othered by the Bruin the forward wall. quency hut were unable to com­ pte ta their tries with any m arked success. For the Aggies, Davis a t q uarter, and P e tty anil Tracy at ends as well as Burgess, fu ll­ back’, and Conover and Mills at halves, flashed in th e Aggie air attack. Braden was outstanding on offense fo r the Owls while Schoenfield a t end starred in the Owl defense. SPECIAL SERVICES — o---------- I— The U niversity F o r Baylor Alw' a clean palyer, he has taught! men to play clean, and above has p|d sportsm anship winniij Of course, he has w ant­ ed histn to win, but never has he ailed them to re so rt to un­ fa ir dirty tactics. The work of Rotchey Koch and Charley M orris in the Baylor line com pletely stopped the S. M. U. running attack. B ut fo r passes the Ponies w ere haltered. In the air the M ustangs gained 298 yards, the attem pting 50 passes during ju st three end As th e gam e neared an Coach M orley Jennings sent in Robert K iersky and Gatewood Newberry, backfield men, in the place of P aradeaux and W inton, linemen, when it was evident th a t every S. M. U. play would be a forw ard pass. Thopesky little B aylor B ears wild scram ble. ceria iii earned the h e a rtfe lt friend* of Texas fa n s y ester­ Jed to lose by m ost any day. score, inspired B ruin eleven played^ Ponies on even term s, and thiook advantage of every­ to come they could th in g t throug^ith a 2-0 win. Redm an Hammon a t tackle fo r the Mus­ Hume ted plays tangs starred all the way. He against!® B ears, Reed couldn’t threw Virgil Gilliland a t the line get aw|with anything, Love and of scrim m age practically every Jloppen ere stopped when the the j time he attem pted to carry the I ball his way, and the Baylor flash Ponies t dangerously n ear final miser. Reed was try in g a was shackled. Louis Paradeaux, his j B aylor cen ter, who was not despera pass from behind in the Texas gam e last week, was and and Lucas own gd line, forced into th e lineup early in broke Douglas B aylor ends, the first q u a rte r when Stafford he through© nail him before was injured. He played brilliant- was ahi to g et the pass away. The crap ended a few minutes! I ly kh* rem ainder of the (tame. _ .IIT later, al the championship hopes o f the curies into nothin&ss. flitted o ff . A t It the Aggies broke into the wiicolum n, when they gave the R i| Owls a thorough clean­ ing y e trd a y , 19-0. The F arm ­ ers gets signs of coming to life; when tty tied S.M.U., 19-19, an ti they cafe com pletely out of fin fdeepinispell yesterday. Hu*m looks lir a big day here Th; giving. IF It Melts In Your Mouth D elicious Pop Corn Popped by Poppe Shoppe Som ething S u p erior f o r Y o u r In terior’' sms T h ree* rn wonderful newcomfort- factors not combined in any other automobile A new adjustable front seat— electric windshield wiper with two blades— rear seats am ply wide fo r three adults— all unite to launch a new epoch in style, com fort, perform ance. Is it any won­ der that Am erica is according it the m ost enthusiastic reception ever given any fine car? OI# Sihtrjinniversary ilTY SERVICE CO. W I T H Ai A S T S It PIBCB B O D I E S SY PI SM Bit COVERT AUTO COMPANY 311 W est 4th Street, Austin, Texas. Telephone 6S34. PORKERS B U R Y MISSOURI MINERS UNDER 45-6 SCORE P resbyterian Church will hold special services tonight, tho them ? of which will be “ To Live Is to G ive.” A male q u arte t will furnish special music. The services will be in connection with the program of the Presby­ terian Young P eople’s C onference of the Synod of Texas. Tuesday night a t 7:30 o’clock the Young People’s Association will have a Scotch house party. At the end of the p arty the young people will divide into d iffe ren t Scotch clans for the clan m eet­ ings. B y J O H N N Y E R P S p ecia l D aily "texan C orrespondent F A Y ETTEV ILLE, A rk., Nov. 17.— A rkansas h efty R a z o rb a c k waded, splattered and wallowed th eir w ay fo r an easy 45 to 6 win here over th e Missouri M iners the today. Heavy rains during last 46 hours had changed the spic and span tu rf into a quag­ mire o f mud and w ater puddles. The heavier P orkers started th eir “ big parade” with the gam e less th an five m inutes old. Bevo B eavers and Dick M iller led the attack before the dazed Miners. tide the Seven tim es crim son rippled over the M issourians’ goal line with reserv es playing p rac­ tically the e n tire second quarter. o—----------- DEUTSCHER VEREIN H O N O R S SC H U BERT C om m em orating the hundredth j anniversary o f th e death of F ranz ' Schubert, G erm an composer, a “ Schubert A nniversary Evening” will be held W ednesday night a t 7:30 o’clock in the g irls ’ stu d y hall o f the Main Building u n d e r the auspices of the D eutscher Verein. Dr. J. M. Kuehne, p ro fesso r of, physics, will open th e program with a talk, “ S chubert and His W ork.” The rem ainder of the en­ terta in m en t will consist cif musi cal selections composed by Schu­ b ert. W e F it B oth T h e F oo t and t h e P u r i e in » E N N A J E T T I C K ’S Health S h o e s C in d erella S l i p p e r S h o p IQI E. 6 t h $1.50 Value SPECIAL lonery I Pound Paper (72 Sheets) and I Box Envelopes (50) Now Only $ 1 .O O Announcing Reductions in Prices of from $5.50 to $9.50 For A Short Time Only. THE GLOBE TAILORING CO. OF CINCINNATI Makers of “Needle-Molded” Clothes A uthorize us to make the above reduction in prices on Suits and Extra Trousers on their various price ranges. Reductions in proportion on orders for Suits and Overcoats too. LOGICAL REASONS For Placing Your Order, T h eir Fall and Winter line is still a complete and representative assortment of the season’s best pat­ terns. “Needle-Molded” Clothes are Tailored and T rim m ed up to a standard— appealing to the man seeking quality garments. This material reduction is offered you at the oppor­ tune time when no doubt you need a suit and over­ coat. Come in and be measured today— and SAVE THE DIFFERENCE. Delivery in two weeks from date of placing your o rd e r is assured. T V . I • 11 u r i l l K a a n l f l t t t m v A IH I ‘Uncle Tom's Cabin’ Held Over Through Sunday and Monday at Crsent ^SC O R ES^FT H I FR O M ‘UNCLE TOM’S CABIN’ |) SHE’S A KNOCKOUT SUNDAY, NOVEMBI18, 1928 lf have seen here this year. It’s fast but we don’t mean like you might 11 think. It never drags, and the t jo k es don’t depend on su ggestion o f lew dness to pat them across. Ruth Muse is the most attractive person who has appeared in Aaa* | tin this year. Leat rice Joy “Alan-Made I Women” is the picture attraction. ( a ith synchronized mu«:eal score. in — R. M. C. ‘TH E RED D A X ’ H E R E MCOMBER 26 Charles Farrell,,o won over­ night fam e with p erfo rm a n ce as tho street cleaiHn “ Seventh H eaven,” and )at#dded to his laurels as in “ S treet .he aa A n g el,” g iv es ariot rem arkable portrayal, as a Ram Prince in ‘‘The Red D ance,” starring Do­ lores Del Rio, w h is com ing to the Hancock choateovember 26. ta ri zn ?f oh o f the -famous book bv Harriet Beecher ’HIS is a atone from the great “ep ic,” “ Uncle Tom ’# Cabin,” pie­ fife > we. which has been held over by the Crescent for two days* extra show­ ing in order to accom m odate crow ds o f Austin people who still want to gar it. The Wert na presents the wedding o f George and El WM, G eorge being played by Arthur Edmund Careme, who has herein the b is t role in his career, without a doubt. D UTH MUSE, known far and wide as T ex a s’ Personality Girl, is the little lady who: packs such a terrific wallop fo r the au­ diences who see the vaudeville at the Hancock, where she is ap­ pearing. She sings, you know, for su rely you’ve heard h er either over radio or on Brunswick records. THEATERS W ITH C. B. “WHITE SHADOWS IN THE SOUTH SEAS.” All that ii mend* Mitt, inc lacing the gr»m* skirts. You ’em h e a r swish., because i f s rn sound pic­ tu r e . Monte Bino and Rxquc! Torres. Sunday through W ed­ nesday. starting T hursday: “ T H E W IN D ,” Dor­ othy Scarborough’s novel with LII Han Gish and Lam Hanson. A t the Queen. then A rid “ BEVENUE.” F a ir to midd­ ling hot and even m ore so. Do­ lores Del Rio and a wagon load o f men. Here day. And starting Wednesday: “ D E T E C T I V E S .” With Far! abominable that Dante the ' G eorge K. Arthur. A i through T and M ajestic. VAUDEVILLE. The Texas Personality Girl floors "cm. Ad­ vise you to aet this bill by all Here Sunday only. means. And then Monday only: “A SH IP COMES IN,” with Ru­ dolph Sehildkraut—-t t would take a ship to bring in either him or his name. Tuesday night only: “ NAUGHTY MAR. I ETTA,*’ operetta. Wednesday and Thursday; the Curtain Club presents “ SA TU R D A Y ’S Friday only: C H IL D R E N .” “ T H E FIREFLY,” m u s i c a l com edy. At the Hancock. Tuesday J the And then “UNCLE T O M S C A B I N ” has bee* hold over? You can m e it either Hun day or Mon­ day. through Thursday: a personal appearance of “ Tarzan rnan,” FR AN K MERRILL. And Friday and S atu rd ay : “ LAND O F T H E SILVER F O X ,” with Rin-Tin-Tin. At the Crescent If you h a rt not “.eon this one, do ho now. Show ing Sunday and Monday. L a te r in the week; “ TELLING T H E WOULD,” with William Haines and Anita Page. At the Texas. “ B E N HUR.” sy Story Stars Great A d r e a d in R o l e o f Love and Hate Chaotic, wild, passionate-—nice adjective* ail o f them O f they aren’t adverbs) and each one ap pile# to the picture now showing at the Majestic theater, Dolores Del Rio in “ R evenge.” that The spirit in much of L iszt $ “ Hungarian Rhapsody,^ It H authentically gypsy but to most o f you It mart he the remembered moral code o f the gypsy l f some­ what differen t from what yon are used to. it w on’t avern real. that Dolores, who comeg right up near the top o f the b est movie actresses, there is to o much action in the picture to g iv e her an opportunity to portray great em otional streak. As is w ell-east but AUDIENCES HERE Second Picture in W eek To Be Continued Beyond Booking J through Sunday and Monday be “ Uncle Tom’s Cabin” will I f held over for cob finned showings to enthusiastic Austin audiences at the Crescent, th eate r, according to announcem ent by M anager Ft. G. Gladstone. The appreciative ac­ clam ation accorded this film dur­ ing its run ? brough the pa »t week I to gether w ith the desire ex press­ yet ed by m an y who have n o t I seen the picture has resu lted in the g re a t epic’a being held over, he said. unparalleled I all its va­ Made alto g eth er on grand scale,• “ Uncle T om ’s Cabin” rep resen ts the fam ous book by H a rrie t Bee­ in an cher Stow e Slavery in manner, rious aspect® eeipeii in fo r the! artistic trea tm e n t w orthy o f it, as the m ovies know so well how to do it in epical form. The p ictu re has its thrills and its p athos and it# hum or. enough: picture. It is a good is “ Uncle Tom’s ( ’abin” the second picture which ha# showed in A ustin within two week# th at! has been held over fo r continued showing# on public dem and. ‘TAR ZAN ’ MAN AT CRESCENT SOON Frank Merrill, whose in numerous great daring aerial work international playa has won him popularity, ap­ lo pear in person at the C rescent theater f ir three days T uesday, W ednesday, and Thursday. is scheduled M errill, whose great work irs “Tarzan the M ighty” will be follow ers readily recalled by a1! of the aerial picture, baa proved that nil his heroic stunts have not been reserved foe a ctin g be­ fore the moving picture cam era. IU- will perform some novel stu n ts and tricks while here; in fa c t, we are inform ed that he la g o in g to offer nome cash prize contest# cm the ( ‘reseeet. stage that w ill be open to anyone caring to enter. II® ©specially invites the lad hts. Rase ha, the bear tam er’# daugh­ ter, she is plenty un tam eable, if you should happen to ask me. She fights and I have an she would bite if given a chance, and nobody could tame her except Le* m y M ason. idea B ecause o f its exotic color and the p erfect casting o f M iss Del Rio as the gypsy maiden, the pic- Y ou’ll Stride With Pride E N N A JETTIC K’S Health Shoes C inderella Slipper Shop IO! F., 6th All Sizes-— All W idths Those o f you who have hearty Ruth Muse o v er the radio or on one o f her records don’t want to miss this w eek’s Vaudeville. You don’t want to miss it anyw ay. It’s good. Ruth is three tim es a J good in person as *hf Is over the' radio and ten tim es better than) her records. We mean that s h e ! is just about the b est that bas hit the Hancock stage this year. She isn’t the headline aet, but Ro far as we are concerned, sh® head­ been the bill. W e have lined hearing Ruth sin g several years, and we ‘bink abe gets bel­ ter all the tim e. She is T exas’ Personality Girl, and she certain­ ly lives up to that name. She won the audience over in a time that was loss than no time. fo r The opening act, Ha/.7.0 and Co., tore Is well worth a1 though it in n o t a great picture seeing, — A. N. ML A HARIX Y A POLLARD^ PRODUCT !OOj/ Theatre NOW Showing 4 Days Only With Monte Blue & Raquel Tres D E S P E R A T E pearl pirates . . . shot- be dark • • . thrilling struggles in the ocean's *ths . . . and a rom ance of rom ances played as?st a se t­ ting c f v/hispermp palms and blae la m . . . A film wonder, TWO Y EARS IN T H E R IN G . 3 Vitaphone Specialties FLORENCE BRADY SEE and h e a r Dick Rich and Orchestra FOV MOVIETONE NEWS H om e o f P aram ou n t P ictures Publix \ Theatel CHARLIE CHAPLIN SUNNYSIDE W ED ., T H U R ., FRI. Karl Dane Gee. K. Arthur — in— “D E T E C T I V E S ” The star o f “ Ramo­ na” and “ R esurrec­ fiery as a tio n ” Gypsy B eauty— SAT, SUN.* MON., TUES. * ' Ona o f the Publix T heaters A n E d w in Ca re w e P ro d u ctio n THD& FUNNY Funny musicians THS TEXAS KADIC •TfRS^AUTY GI KL RAIZ® AHO CO. SAO*A^-SCVfiTY ■ INTEXTAJNER.S A t t e n d B etter Seat* **** Early Shows Due to I Ilia change of booking in New Tw it 1 ***— Vaude­ ville w ill play Ant­ lia f fe r y Saturday a** Sunday only. T H E T E X A S N O W O P E N S DAILY A T 3tO Q t. M. s u n d a y , n o v e m b e r i s , i b m . T H E D A I C T T E X A N - ' TWO MUSICAL PLAYS AT HANCOCK THIS WEEK IN ‘NAUGHTY MARIETTA' RED-HEAD IN THE MUSICAL COMEDY PRESENTED NEXT FRIDAY EVENING Naughty Marietta I uneful Stage Production of V ictor Herbert When Vinier Herbert's “ Naugh­ ty Marietta” comes to the Han­ cock theater on Tuesday night, local music lovers and theater­ goers will be given an opportun- j fore- j ity to enjoy perhaps the most work of America’s master of rhythmic measures whose melo-| dious refrains set the whole world humming. For many years the music world has responded to the haunting in­ fluence c f Victor Herbert’s musi­ by; cal phrasing, which is said many critics to be the best of its kind ever produced. Born in Dublin and educated in Stuttgart, Victor Herbert had the rare advantage of Irish light­ someness and German thorough­ ness. He leaped to prominence in Stuttgart, while still young, as a virtuoso on the 'cello, and for a year or so wa.s a member of Royal Orchestra in that city, to their a distinction accorded only those who are masters of art. After many discouragements, Herbert wrote his concerto in E attracted Anton minor, which •Seidl, at that time director of the Philharmonic. An engage­ ment with his orchestra followed, and a year later Herbert was made its concert master. At one time Herbert was one of the most popular 'cellists in New York and was in constant demand for con­ certs both in and out of town. But the popularity of his first comic operas, whose tunefulness delighted the public ear, kept the virtuoso so busy writing down the notes for new lyrics that he eventually gave up the 'cello. “ Natoma” was produced in February, 1911, with Mary Gar­ den in the title role. This was the one serious opera among a host of lighter ones that Herbert wrote over a per.od of ten or fifteen years. Herbert melodics have become familiar to every American household, and some of them are on their way to become the the American folk songs of future. theater Among the best of all the Her- i i t melodies are in his “ Naughty Marietta,” to be offered at the on Tuesday Hancock night. A magnificent company with Ferdinand Zegel, Era Briggs, Aim'1** Tbiriani, Dan Marble, and Julia de Revueltas in the princi­ pal roles, presents the operetta, aided by its own splendid orches­ tra. -o— IS TEXAS THEATER 5 SCREENSFM JUS ‘BEN HUR’ NOW Starts Week of Film Hits A t Campus-Side Opera House to THE FIREFLY’ TO TAKE PLATFORM ON TUESDAY NIGHT Rudolf Friml Lyrics Are Feature of Snappy Operetta “ The Firefly,” spectacular mu­ sical comedy by Rudolf Friml, will be presented at the Hancock theater Friday night. November The cart includes Viola Kauff­ man, a beautiful young artist, whose theatrical career has been meteoric, not only posses a sen- rational soprano of rare quality, but histrionic ability which is ex­ traordinary developed in so young is vivacious and a singer. She possesses that quality which is so desirable in an artist, namely, a C h a n n in g personality. Miss Kaufman made her debut in Offenbach’s two years ago as the “ The Tales of Hoffman” “ Doll,” and it was in this role that she won outstanding recog­ nition, and from that time has J made rapid .strides to stardom. I * At the beginning of Miss Kaufman’s career she was given an audition bv Mr. Pierre De Reeder who fey many seasons has directed the Schuberts’ produc­ tions of New York, and he pre­ dicted for this young artist a most brilliant career. in Miss Kaufman will appear in the role of “ Geraldine” the tuneful and brilliant musical com- <‘dy, “ The Firefly,” by tin Friml, mous composer, Rudolf who has written the great suc­ cesses “ Rose Marie,” “ Vagabond King” and “ Three Musketeers.” fa­ Miss Kaufman sings the mous song, “ Sympathy,” which is one of the big musical treats of this lavish production, “ The F ire fly ” lured on board a plague ship, I aah cd to the mast and set adrift. The ship wrecks on the reef of a tropical paradise where, after a series of thrilling and romantic adventures, he is adopted by a native tribe and wins the love of the sacred village virgin. What happens when pearls are discov­ ered on the island, his fight be tween greed and a desire for civ­ ilization and his love for th'* na­ tive girl forms a story of intense! dramatic appeal. Monte Blue plays the role of is the white man. Opposite him Raquel Torres, one of the new sensational dramatic “ finds” of the season, Robert Anderson is also in the cast, A large group of native islanders supply the au­ atntos- thentic and picturesque H EN D ER SO N T A L K S A T A M A R ILLO M EET Dr. J . L. Henderson, professor of secondary education, has just returned from Amarillo where he spoke on “ Early Adolescence" at the Annual Texas Congress of Mothers and the Parent Teach­ ers’ Association which met Novem­ ber 12-15. Four hundred fifty delegates from all parts of the state were in Amarillo for the meeting. One day of the session wa * given to the discussion of the pre-school child, one to the ele­ mentary school child, and one to the high school child. Mrs. Noyes I). Smith of Austin is president of the association, but was unable to attend on accourt of illness. A number of dele­ gates attended from Austin. PRICES 7 5 c to $ 2 .5 0 Hancock F R I. NOV. THE SEASON’S O UTSTANDING M USICAL EVENT VALENTINE ENTERPRISES, Inc., The Brilliant Musical Comedy ii FIREFLY ” By ROUDOLF FRIM L Composer of Rose Marie The Vagabond King IThe 3 Musketeers M aSS VALENTINE C o n t a c t * ** AZIOLA KAUFMAN, the charming Geraldine in Rudolf Friml’s gem of the music world, “ The Firefly,” which will be pre­ sented on the Hancock stage Friday, November 23. The only rec­ ognized titian haired prima donna in America today, she has an entrancing beauty that hits become no less than a sensation. She is 19 and not in fftve. MCLAURIN SO C IET Y T O M EET T U E SD A Y McLaurin Law Society will meet Tuesday night ai 7 o’clock in the Law Building, according to J. A fa- an announcement made by Rauhut, president. Scarbrough’s “ The Wind” will also be a “ sound” picture, and will star Lillian Gish with I,ars Han­ son. N arrow and E x t r a N a rrow , W ide an d E x t r a Wide, They look risjht A n d Fit Right. E N N A J E T T I C K S H O E S C in d e r e lla S l i p p y S h o p 101 E. (Uh Can a Girl Ask a Man to M arry Her? Find out how Bobby did it. See uSaturday's Children By M A X W E LL AN DERSO N (Co-author of “ What Price G lory” ) MARY RYAN I Classified Ad Section Telephone 2-3164 or 2-3165 ANNOUNCEMENTS AUTOMOBILES DRESSMAKING la! gathered on T E X A S R E SEA R C H BU R EA U . Mater* subject. South- western history and biography a specioHg. Reasonable c h a rk a . 706 W. 24, I ’hone 76*7. any A SURE W A Y to roo m s is to d ia l T e x a s C la s s ifie d d e p a rtm e n t. re n t th ose 2 3 1 8 4 —-The F IR S T C L A SS dressm aking. W ork g u a r­ anteed. Do all kindn of tailored work and alferationn. Dunner evening drogues a sp ecialty . Phone 2262*. L e t an expert R;/Ic T rain er TRAIN YOUR RIFLE Maybe when you m il*, ie riot y ou * fault, Will your gun (h oot str a ig h t when it is accurately atoned? it WE CAN ADJUST IT NEW SIGHTS We Inane Hunting L icen se BOB PERLIS 111 E a st 6th Phone U386 SPECIALS I92fi Chevrolet troupe Good R u b b er. New D uco. 1927 Chevrolet Coach New Duco. 1928 W h ippet S p o rt R o a d ste r _ $365.00 $385.00 $500.00 A Bargain KN1GHT-WHJPPET CO. 309 W. 5th I* ho ne 23161 P L E A T IN G , hem stitching, silk , cotton, gold, silver. Buttons covered. 60 v a ­ rieties. Rhinestones Phone 8862 Mabel Gannaway, 716 C on gress, Over tf Beacon's. set. LAUNDRY HOME LAUNDRY I l l PH O N E 3 7 0 2 LOST AND FOUND HEY FELLOWS M ake th at d an ce in rn LO ST: Brown Leather bill fold rontaining currency and valu­ reward. able receipts. Phone 4525. Waller Wukaseh. Liberal 2847-?. j Id JS T A b ile loather ease con ta tnt Ag a Finder J pair of shelled rim g la sse s. please call Helen Green et 7012. LOST- P air g la s»e » in Mark leather c a-*. Between Lib and Garrison H all, Phone 0681. FOHN tit A hat. Owner may have sam e by properly describing and payin g for this ad. Call at U niversity C afeteria. L U ST — Sm all notebook, black containing leather c la ss Finder please call D usty Rhoads 7629. tooseteaf notes. at L O ST — A log log slide rule with name Jon es. on case. Reward. Kenneth Phone 9693. ments, L O S T : Complete set of d-awing instru­ drawing room or P. K. No. 2, Reward if returned to lilt, Ii. Hsil. J no. Canadsy. in sophomore lither L O ST ; L ight coat in G irls' Study Hall som etim e last Saturday. Fin der please notify Bonnie Bell, Kirby Hall. —nov.2;> L O ST : M ack suede containing g la sse s, on campus, probably in g ir ls ’ if returned to B purse Study H all. Reward Rail 109. LO ST ; rob! earring, end brown v elvet belt with jeweled buckle. L ost it Satu rd ay German. Reward if return ­ ed to It. Hail 109. L O S T : Green Schaefer in catalogue room of L ibrary. fountain pen Finder please coll 7927, Reward. LIGHTSEY W e r e s e r v e a n d d e l i v e r c a rs. P h o n es 8 5 4 5 Sc 3 4 4 4 FOR SALE TOR SALFI— A 1*21 model Htudt baker. touring, good condition. Bargain for caeh. $ 125, (all i m 85. 2607 Nueee*. FOR S A T E — Xatiioa sold ort 12 monthly paym en ts, either M ajestic, It. C. A.. < r Atw ater Kent. Phone for dem onstra­ tion. J. R, UEKI) MUSIC CO., Phone az ti. COAL AND WOOD Beat grades—quick service University Coni and Wood Co. 606 San Marcos Phone 7741 WOOD Good oak wood blocks. Quick deliv­ ery. W. CS T E A K , Phone 4786. WOOI>—WOOD—-Nothing bat hest grad e*; Postonk, Cedar, cordwood. Mocks $h.50 f or cord. Rick 32.00. West Austin Wood lf Yard Phone 7486. H IGH EST clothing anti Mug *717. PR IC E S paid shoe*. for cn*t-»ff 407 E ast 6th or ti L O S E S o m e th in g ? F in d th at lost article with a Texan Clestt&ed APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR K E N T : F «ri4 *b # d south a l t a i r * Sleeping apartm en t. Newly paper®*!. porch. Call S t 1 * 1 * U niversity Arc. FOR R E N T : Furnished or unfurnished 2004 apartm en t close to U n iversty. Sabine S tre e t. Phone 613*. ing rc?< in. FU R N ISH E D apartment for rent of liv­ b re ak fast nook, bath. and kitchen in new modern home 2202 Nueces, * turning porch. from cam pus. two blocks A C O N V E N IEN T , roomy apartm ent for Sm all fam ily. Two blocks west o f th * U n iversity. 2813 Nu®*®*, Phone 6 *1 6 BOARD & ROOM BOOM AND BOARD reasonable. Located convenient cam pus ar A town. H U Colorado. I m to U P P E R C L A S S G irls; Approved h ouse; Mrs, S i r shoer, 240 7 furnace Leat, WF iii*. Phone * * f i . P h one 2 3 1 6 4 . AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES ARE YOUR FENDERS DENTED? WE FIX ’EM BODY AND FENDER REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. AUTO PLATE GLASS REPLACED FOR ANY MAKE CAR WELDING AND BLACKSMITHING OF ALL KINDS SPECIAL PRICES ON OPEX LACQUER; ANY COLOR Powell Garage and Body Work* 413 Colorado P ito n ? 6705 TAILORING CALL WEST END Quick Bervie* — Cheap M ata* Cleaners, D yer* and H a tte r* Phone I S H COACHING - COACHING IN MATH an d p h y sic *. E d ­ 310 W . 2 * . phone w ard JE. Limon, 9 04*. ^ M i- DON'T forgot tp If tHe imp* t o tho Qu««a l o t a h I* in tiro Classified Sadiron. fro* « * t j l l *■ NOTICE SPECIAL Starting W ednesday, Nov. 14, for one week only, we will g iv e pair rubber heels for 25c CAPITOL SHOE SHOP 1010 Congress WHEN the boys ge t through using our policeman, will you kindly return him. IL A. Vt•* will appreciate the favor. Pfeifer Music Co., Phone 3656. ROOMS FOR RENT LOOK! An ideu! place for a quiet bop l a private bema. 1907 Rio Grands. Phono LA RUK MCBROOM, nicely furnished. t e a c h e r T h r e e from cam pus on Rio Grande. U niversity g*ris or blocks Phone 5681. W AN TED: Two or three boys to sh are suite of two bed rooms and bath w tb E verything new an d 2408 Rio Grande, Pbooa two other bove. convenient. 9397. TWO ROOMS, quiet, sleep]ag One block e ast com paa. Private 2 2 1 * Ton* Greco. parch , aa - P booa trance. 2-3320. FOR R E N T ; Until November 16tH, fu r­ nished house, ail conveniences, tit u p * iversity neighborhood. Phone 9181-101 APPROVED H O U S E : Pleasant sleeping porch, g ir ls ; board if desired Block of com po*. Reasonable ra te *. SOI E ast 25, phone a i l * . TWO C LEA N , furnished room*. B roth - east exposure. W alking distan ce o f reasonable. W a ist U niversity. K en t and light furn ished. Phone $611, FOR B O Y S: two modern room *, or down, all home. N ear U n iv ersity . Phone 6100. con ven ien s**, S S t f i»* wyiinr^t la p riv e t* m M a c e o * FOR R E N T —One mom to men, private 2693 furnished. E v e ry th in g Wichita, phone 4288. home. WANTED GARAGE W A N T E D — Wanted to rent a S tate g arage near S I I W rit 2 2 1 -2 . location and price. Address box WANT to m ake $5 to $1.2 on Thanfcaghf- in g ? P leasan t work. No investment. — A., .. See M anager T e x a s Book Store. ■'....-f........... S T U D E N T S , H av e your themes r e p o rt* notes, etc. typed by a University M g**. resaro n U * Ie aced \ rate*. D ial T S I * Tar CALLIHAM. .ii^iniiiw.miinmwiiira1 Cheapest ty p ist. .» WANTED—Boy*, between 9 nod IS, to work Mg Day. Here’s a d b m s * * SOHI O 4» & S JT s p e n d * J ply at once, B. pleasant wark. lo*#. It has been declared of Victor Herbert that out of a stone he uld bring forth tunes unsurpass­ ed for their rare combination of lightness and tunes that embody the personality of the jolly, kindly man whose lyr- A IMEE TORRIANI, who plays the part of Lizette in “ Naughty Marietta,” Victor Herbert’s greatest operetta which comes to Up.- enno-i ical airs have so long been sung the Hancock theater for one .performance Tuesday night under and whistled everywhere. sale now. the local arrangement of Miss E ra Worden. Tickets on substance; CHARMER AT QUEEN O AQEEL TORRES, one of screendom’s newest charmers, makes her official debut in “ White Shadows in the South Seas,” star­ ling Monte Blue in the sort of thing he can do at last, as the white man's race throwing a pall over the innocent purity of the South Seas. You know how pure these island women are in the movies. It’s made with sound. gether to avenge a wronged child,: phere. and as a result of his chivalry is j Coming Thursday, Dorothy mm One Performance Tues, Nov. 20th 8:15 P. ML HANCOCK QUEEN PRESENTS MOVIES IN SOUND ALL THIS WEEK Monte Blue Film First, j Then “ The W ind’ On Thursday Thrilling adventure and exotic I romance feature the new Metro- production, - Mayer ; Guidwyn Sooth the J “ White Shadows of Seas,” which comes to the Queen theater today. It is a sound pic­ ture. The plot is built on the regen-i eration of a white man, who, aft­ er hawing sunk to the level of a to- beachcomber, pulls himself “ Ben I fur” with Ramon Navar­ theater the first of j cis X. Bushman is * the ro, Francis X. Bushman, chariots, her voluptuous vamps as the b l­ and Carmel Myers barging about, I tie Egyptian who makes eyes at holds down the silver screen at i our hero, Ramon Novarro. Era li­ the Texas villain, j I Messala, and he just about makes j this week. This picture has been touted! a mess out of Mr. Navarro, if It J about tho country as the* best of I hadn't been that Navarro** char-1 its sort that bus* happened recent-hot wheels were equipped with! j ly. Later in the week you can see I sort of Cecil de Millenium, little short of cataclysmic is fit’s i little Anita Page in “Telling the j effect, you may be It is spectacular, of course; spurs— but that's another story, sure. 41 } World” with William Haines ft is s Carmel Myers does the last of one o f the incidental.-.—A. N. Bf. u Business Directory* / P r, E, B. Crowder, protist SOS Searhrough Bldg., A m li*, Tm Ibr*. L y o n an d L y e * Stsrgoadas r o t * B ld g ., M umm t i 54 PLUMBING E. RAVEN— PLUMBER P lu m b in g R e p a ir s CLEANING AND PRESSING S A M P . P A C E d ro n er. Hatter, A! ter aliens Open Sunday* and Holidays Witt noon. Pot Pressing-— 806 Congress Phono 2*2039 . OPTOMETRIST p C 2eautifullu Staged anet Costumed special Marietta Orchestra 'UMagnificmtSinging Entemble * P e, I i Vs- J CHARLES F. HORNER. C J i f f « r i o n 1 A . B U R S T Y N . O . D . C a r e fu l e y e e x a m in a tio n . C o rre c t r o d c o m fo rta b le g la ss e s. 6 1 8 1-2 C o p g rro * i y f AND ONLY APPEARANCE IN AUSTIN MAIL ORDERS NOW SEATS NOW SELLING STEERS ON TOP AS MUSTANGS LOSE TO BEAR, X T H E D A I L Y T E X A H SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1928. 2 6 Teams Entered In Intramural Cage j Tourney at Present %Cl0TZneuOVm F0STERS BOOK PRINTING AND DISPLAYS S t a r t s Dec. I 7. Steers in Front By BOB CANTRELL 26 for j they T e s ts touch- shattered the running. championship The day o f mf rat'Urn tm not pass­ ed. Baylor has virtually won a conference Texas, for when the Bears handed th e Posies a 2-0 Beking yesterday afternoon, «Ii hope# of the Ponies fo r the title j and left only Texas and Arkansan I in f a m e : through in fine form , even ss wa- expected. they would win by one down. and they did. tain Rufus King a ho through the Frog line for the la*t yard for the touchdown in second period a f te r Hughes bad men’s carried the bali to the Toads' one spit* yard line. It had been said tbs* : VV,th only one more week re. team s 'flaming for entries, It was Tap- have erifered the in tram ural bes­ crashed kethall race fo r this year, accord- in# to a rep o rt from the office of the B erry M. W hitaker, m anager of intram ural athletics. De- the sh o rt tim e left, indies- th at the final num ber, ; one of the b im * * k te ta that It eBte« d f„r | „ t ye„ . Th„ fin a || has received this year when they eked out their 2-0 win over the 8. M. U. eleven, doped to win by : alm ost any score. The M ustang/ ! were played on equal term# by the Bears, and spree J netted the Bruins th eir two point*. ! It was an attem p t tu pass from behind his own goal brie that cost Need the game. Lucas and Douglas. Bear ends, rushed Re**d before he could g et rid of the bait. The Bear, (rave the dope b u rle t wi„ to p th,. l| „ f M th(U A num ber of the a last-m inute lions are team s Williams Plans Device O f Cattle Brands For (dub N um bered among the charters U» 0. NATIONAL GRID RESULTS Wisconsin id . Iowa 0. Indiana 6, N orthw estern Illinois -IO, Chicago 0. Iowa State 7, Kansas Aggies 0. Oklahoma 7, Kansas 0. Carnegie Tech 27, N otre Dame 0, M innesota 52, Haskell 0. Ohio S tate 30, Muskingum 0. Michigan 3, Michigan S tate 0. Grinnell 7, W ashington 6. St, Louis 12, lanais Ville 0. P urdue 14, W abash 0. St. Xavier 20, C entre 7. Quant ico M arines 17, Lo Joya 7. Princeton 12, Yale 2. H arvard 0, Holy Cross 0, Colgate 80, Syracuse 0. D artm outh 28, Cornell 0. Brown 20, New H am pshire 0. Pennsylvania 34, C olum bia 7. L afay ette 7, Penn S tate 0* Navy 57, Loyola 0. Army 32, C arleton 7. New York 27, Missouri 0. Georgetown 12, W est V irginia K* ntucky IS, V. M. L 6. F lo rid a 27, Clemson 6. T ennessee Bi V an d erb ilt 0. V irginia Poly 13, W ash and Colorado Teachers 58, W estern Urn 7. S tate 0. U tah Aggies 15, M ontana S tate C entenary 64, L ouisiana Poly Duke 14, North C aro lin a State T u lsa IS, Oklahom a B aptists 7. 2 . 12. 13. A bilene C hristian 19, West Texas Teachers 12. S tetson 15, Miami 6. Miss. A. & M. 15, A u b u rn 0. B landford 12, W ash in g to n 0. Oregon 12, Oregon S ta te 0. How ard 7, Fisk 0. South Carolina 6, F u rm an 0. N orth Carolina 30, Davidson 7, Maryville 18, C arson Newman Conn. Aggies 24, Rhode Is~ William and M ary 68, B ridge­ 12. w a te r 0. The fa ct th it A rkansas, t h e ! F o u ndation will m eet Monday n ig h t from 7 to 8 o’clock. PROSPECTS IN BASKETBALL ARE BRIGHT menaci o f all the o th e r confer­ ence team s, will play th'- Long­ horns here instead of in F ay ette­ ville is a t least consoling. Thomas A. Kouxse, in debate ’ public the week­ coach and in stru cto r speaking, is spending end a t his home in F o rt W orth. The cabinet o f the Wesley 5 b r . p ly a M a t t e r c f F i t l f y o u r »hoes fit p r o p e r l y , N o m o r e t i r e d a c h i n g f e e t . AU sizes- Al! w i d t h s E N N A J E T T I C K ’S H e a l t h S h o e s C i n d e r e l l a S l i p p e r S h o p IQI E. 6 t h Brock Leads Longhorn Cagers in 1929 Season B y S T U D N A S H TEX A N SPORTS STAFF th e Despite loss of several stars, am ong them Joe King and Jo h n n y Estes, Coach C aptain basketball Fred W alker’s team will be entirely capable of taking ca re o f itself this year. 1929 Holly Brock, one o f the fastest and m ost sp ectacular players ever seen on th e local court, will b*- and playing leading th e Steers one of th e positions. Brock has been a sta r ever since he cam e to the U niversity, and in this, his last year, he is expect­ ed to do g re a t things. forw ard AS EVER AND ALWAYS W H E N Y O U C O U P P R IC E S GO D O W N ” R EA L V ALUES IN LA D IES’ H A T S A N D SH O ES A T PO PU L A R PRICES i I en try f e l t i. S aturday, N ovem ber| T ”’1* ” °* ' Ht_ or* ,ln iM d ! , , nd 0. tournam ent will a le rt I ■ “ * CIuh ZI. The on the Monday following Thanks-! the purpose of fo sterin g arts per giving, with the finals scheduled for March. j boriks, are 37 Johns 40, Johns Hopkins 0. taining to th e production of fine W estern M aryland 10, G ettys- T « « , .f o r m e d f o r . WilHam, 40, A m heret 15. faculty m e m b e rs'b u rg IO. are; and fo rm er students of the Uni- Susquehanna 28, O allaudet 7. IO o’clock now working out daily, the fresh-! venally, according to a broadside man gymnasium being available I recently issued by the club. The club will function in each; from 6:15 to n ig h t M anagers of team s must sign fo r the floor and will be able a 45-m inute period only. L ater,] and typographical the W oman's Gymnasium may be second, by available several nights a week, thai and, exhibits and lectu res pertinent to these in* tores!*, Thi.x is the first in advance, sponsoring to hold design; sp o rt it for I subject m atter, printing, binding to r 8. two Tech 6. the various ways— first, by the publication of W esleyan 12, Bowdoin 7. T ufts 31, Mass, Aggies 6. the use of books th a t typify the best stand- Indiana C entral 13, Manches- however, arris of bookmaking, in regard to ! Hamilton Ix>well Tech |jL Union 6. I 14, W orcester counts toward the general trophy; U niversity faculty mem bers in to be awarded at the end of the the c h a rte r group are Dr. W. J. year, Twenty points will lie given B attle, p rofessor of classical lam- fo r entrance, 20 to th** w inner of triag es; Dr. H. Y. Benedict, p res each division and IS to the run- nor up, and ten to the w inner of F annie Rat ch ford, W rcnn libr&r each league, with five to the run- fan. net-up, according to the present | rity re g en t, is also a c h a rte r mein- 6. Heating system. The champion# ber*. of the University will be given gold medal*. ident of the U niversity; and Miss j The device of the club was ric- j rign* d by David R. Williams. Ju dge R, I,. Batt*?, U niver- 0. Intram ural basketball four divisions: namely, m ental, fratern ity , and Sunday school. ; are —— in I "* is d epart j The league winner* play fo r the independent, ■ division championship, and the di-i In tu rn there virion w inners play fo r the Uni- ------- -— -——~ j 6. league* with th ree divisions, v errity championship. W es tern Reserve 20, Oberlin 6. Ohio We -Ie van 7, Ohio U. 0. Built?! 24, E arlham 0. M inikin 14, Bradley 6. Lawrence 0, C arroll 0. Denison 0, C incinnati 0. Lafe Forest 18, N orthw estern Collage 0. De Pauw 10, Muncie? Normal 0. John Carroll 32, St. V iator 6. Oskosh T eachers 14, M lwaukee ‘ gies 0. Colorado U, 24, C olorado Col- Hampden Sidney 13, Richmond ] lege 19. Roanoke 26, Randolph lf*. Mf). M iners 6. Arkansas Georgia Tech 33, Alabama 13 Louisiana U. 13, Georgia 12. Tuiane 41, Sewanee 6. I Macon Col. 0. Illinois Wesleyan l l , Illinois South Dakota S ta te 26, North D akota Aggies 6. La Crosse Teachers 6, Colum­ bia Col. 0. M onm outh 20, C ornell C ol. 0. C hristian 0. i 9 A tlantic K ing 19, Milligan 7. 25, L enior Rhyne As a ru n n in g m ate for his cap­ tain , W alk er may have “ S u g ar” Camp, Jo h n Looney, Thud W hite Birm ingham S. 0, Springhill 0.1 or Lames L. Miller. Any one of is fully able to lake Mississippi Col. 20, C hattanoo-j theHe men j 'a r e of th e assignm ent, and Camp St. Thomas 5«, C ooper Union looked <*Pe ' ‘a l|y fr» d last seasou. Big ’U n” Rose, F rank CKct- tham and Leo Baldwin are a trio of cen ters th a t would do cred it to any team , and Jam es Fomby, who comes up freshm an team , will be an o th er asp iran t for j the position. R u tg ers 7, Lehigh 3. M iddlebury 6, V erm o n t 6. S pringfield 12, P ro v id en ce 6. Villagrove 14, Grove C ity 13. M anhattan l l, N ew Y ork City from the 0. College 10. Schuylkill 49, A lb rig h t 0. and M arshall F ran k lin Dickinson 7. 27, Tem ple 6, Geneva 0. Sw arthm ore 13, U 7. Boston U. 12, N orw ich 12. Drexel 13, H averford 7. Brooklin 12, New Y ork Ag- “ Red” W ray and Nona Recs are j both le tte r men, b u t they will j find plenty of competition am ong the group o f guards who starred j as freshm en last year. Coach \V alker is optimistic O’ el J indications I the prospect®, and point to a good Orange and White. all year fo r WHEN YOU GJI U P P R IC E S GO D O W N U P S T A IR S O V E R W O O L W O R T H ^ ELM.Scarbrough & Sons Tile “Collegiate Shoppe” N* A B Ne it’ no a nu fo wi an wi lei ev rn: rn an co s t I ga th eh of wl hi; gr W I . pr V i B fo * £rs ' Courteous Service T. H. Williams & Co. Dependable Quality a n k sg iv in g S a le o f D r e sse s This Sale comes at an opportune time for the College Miss or Matron to pur­ chase our new models at a big reduction from our usual regular low pricings. M aterials Are: T r a m ga rent Val rein Printer! Velvets ('repr Satins ( a n t