No , .3 .Lhr Hinir.1try fro . 7768 At cluBJ.r. lnst night: a r:1ingle (3ner.1.y ;.1ircraf-t droppc;d ·bombf: harmlessly at a point on the E~rnt of "Sn2; 8.nr1- wns destroyed , LD.ter a i'ev~/ enemy ~1ircrnft flew over the Horth cinil Ea3t of Englund , Brnrib.s -v,rhich ·1~rerc drop11t.d cL:w1cd .rnme d::..1m0ge ,:..1nc.l n :.:l1i1Dll num-bor of casunl s . --- oOo --- - UB/42 No . 4 NOT FOR PUBLICATION, BROlillCi\.ST , OR USE ON CLUB T.L\PES BEFORE 00 • 30 B. S , T. ( i . 0 • FOR MORNING Pi.PERS ) ON • :MO:Nl)AY , I.1.UGUST 10 1 1942 . THIS EMBARGO SHOULD BE RESPECTED OVERSEAS BY PREJ?ACING ANY MESSAGES FJLED 1VITH TBE EMJ3fiRGO LOSSES AT TOBRJJK The c o.pturo of Tobruk on J-uno 21 involvod tho l oss of oloments of the fo l low:ing :- United Kingdom; 201st Guards (Hotor ) . 32:nd Army To.nk Drigo.d.0 , . South I..frica ; H. Q. 2nd South Afri cD.D. pivision . 4th Sou th I..frico.n Inf o.ntry Brigado . 6th South Africo.n Info.ntry Bri gndo , Ind.i nn; 11th Ind.ion Infantry Brigade. In thoso mn.jor forrnations forning tho go.rri son of tho fort -vrore inc orporo.tGd battalions of the Royal To.nk Regiment nnd of the follm:-r ing Info.ntry Regi ments ,- Unit od Kingdom.; Coldstromn Guo.rds , Soots Guo.rds (doto.crunont o~J..y) Tho Worcostershiro Rog jJT1ont . Tho Queen ' s Ovm Co.moron Hi gblo.ndors . Africa; Dio lviiddollondse Regi ment . Royu.l Durbo.n Light Info.ntry, , Tro.nsvo.ul Scottish. South .African Poli ce Bo. tto.lions . KD.ffrario.n Rifles . Indian; Mahro.tta Light Infantry. Glll"'lma Rifles • Apo.rt from tho Field l.1.rtillory a:nd J\nti- Tnnk Artillery o.nd Royal Engi:noors incl uded in tho o.bovo fornn tions there vrnro in tho gnrri.son uni ts of modi'U.r.1 o.nt i-aircro.ft n.nd CoD.stul Defonce ., Survey DJ1d Soa.roh1 ight Artillery and Royo.i Eng:i.noors I togothor vii th Si8}1..LU, Scrvioo Corps mrl Modico.l Ordno.noo , Po..y , Provost , Pionocr o.nd PontcJ. uni ts , r:10st of '.7hich ....-roro United Kingdom t roops . ++++++++++++++ WAR OFFICE No. 6 THINK BWOP~ USING i1. LIFT Before you press that button to call tho lift - stop to think. Riding up or d.o-rm may bo more cotrrortable, but fowor lift joUJ:.noys nean very substuntial ocononios in tho uso of fuol. , It is estino.toa thn.t in tho greater London o.roa alone there somo 20 ,ooo lifts, A lift of ordinary si.ze docs an o..vorn.gc of 2~ journeys for a unit of electricity. Normally a lift -rrill do about 200 jou.rnoys a day. - This means that London•s lifts do 4 nrl.llion trips a day and consu.~o about 200,000 units of electricity. In terms of coal this roprosonts some 50,000 tons a your. Talking to tho 1':Iinistry of Fuel and Power an expert on lifts said:- 11Gct tho lift m-mors to r-nko tho rules and I am sure the public ,.-rill follovr anything that is roasonn.blc. Whore a building has a number of lifts I suggest that tho cxpor:inont is tried of rutting out 40 or 50 percent of them. It will soon bo found if the remaining lifts are reasonably ablo to deaJ. ~ith the daily traffic. Lift drivers should be instructed not to go up iirith a tiny load, but to to got o.n avorn.go load. Hany people Yrill dec:i,do not to Yrait and -rrill prefer to walk - which vdll be all to tho good • . The greatest problem .rill bo in connection Ytith l:i£ts vrhich nre operated 1 1 by the passengers. The public shouJ.d rDD-ke it a rule never to use a lift to go up to any floor · lm-rcr than the third. A lift should never bo called up empty to take pooplo dovm froo anything but the topmost floors. Ho...-rwer, a lift coming dO'wn should alrrays bo stopped when people arc \-ra:ltmg at other floors to bo taken dovm. More eloctricity·iq used by a lift going down partly orapty th~n -v:rhcn it is full, This is because tho ·.-might in tho lift does not equal tho counter- balance woight and the motor has to pull it." A Director of a Weat End stores said:-· "Evorything possible is being · done to cnoourago fuel economy by loss use of the lifts. We have put notices on all of thom indicating tho way to tho stairs, and I rui1 satisfied from m:m observations that moro · and more people nro vralking." An official of tho Retail Distributors Association said:-· "Stores all over the country have cut out fully hall their lifts. I do not think the shopping public mind in the slightest. 11 l\lCTNISTRY OF FUEL AND POWER _,.. Ui sn J~l l c n ·..'ilkins rJn , H. P . \dll b r eirtdc nst o..ft cr the 1 cP cl ' Ck ~t10,.rs t .__,Qay o_s f e l l ; JS:- I r ci·-1ci-1b or lxd n · ~:n -.·r,_t crl(·,; St J.ti c.., n the chy o_ft<._;r · ·10 of tho worst of t h ~:; Lond·:::-n lJli t zos i n 1941. I Sj_)ok c t o ·n iJ :.-10.n ·..-h~ lJccn throu gh i t y:i t h u s t h:"1t n:i.cht ,-..nd. ·,.~·ts , ; .d.n ~-· 1f f f ur s ·--ic: rest .. AS a cr of f o.ct, she hac1 c1 nc v ery vcll anc1 I saicl s ·:_£lct hin;: nic e ab,Jut h er bro.v ery. She so.i c1: ·'Oh ,-:ell, 1:hat els e; c Julcl ,~nc du?" ~ I 'vc n L -o.ys r cnenbcr cd th'.1t. I t h i nk it i s t y p i c :.--.1 . f tho :-1.ttitudc oi" British ~.rcuon t o t he -rro.r. N fu ss , n o hcroi cn , j u st a j ub t · I) <._) don e n.nc1 n n he[jtit at i n n.bout cl~)in~--: it. Jnd thr'.:1:.; 1s tho ;,·:.Ty· t l-:.1.,;y ' l l c.· thi s n c1:: c 11r,u ls ·r y j Db ')f f:Lr c [~.1D.rd rk tho.t -the Jfi.nist e-r .·,f E ~ ,_c '.'3 t_;curity h'J.S j u st put , . , n t heir p l o.t c , -..\:; :i_J<...';,.. , :t"Jl c of' t ' d s s ~·n ll Is l ~-,ncl have 8c :c [~ L )t t , C::U t here o.rcn •t reci.lly c.: n -u[·:h of u s t ,:.:; :-,: r Junc1. Our r:,;r c o..t cnt r1c.'}~'; r fr ,'u the Luft uo.ffc i s n ·t hir h cxpl ,:,s ivc l:mt fire . The: Fire Guc:~r c7...s n.r l, too t hi.n 'n the r;r ound. Sone of the centres c;f ·ur cit ies .'lrcn 't neo..rl:? · rc l l en u ,, J1 ~,;uo.r(lca.. Thor u jus t a r cn 't cn -:.' 1J.c,;h ucn , s0 the 1!\J1.10n h av e t . s t ep i i:-1 . Of c •.u r :3u firo cur'.rc1in:::,: b.ns its chn.:_:;cr s . Inc1occ1 in r o..i ds •:;re o.r c n.1 1 in c1o..r~~e:r a nyvei.y. /.c11c1 in -chi c -..'o.r t hl..,r c is n thin~· ne:r o.lJ : ut y_rc:1:·:ien clJ i nc~ dJ.ngcr, us ·,.- r k . J. oT . r; . :·10.n o.nt i -o..ircro.:f't [ Ul1::1 ~ ·:.H.N.s. do no_int cno.ncc v ork on c1ept :~ c ho.r [iCS o · .r. A • .1.1. . F ::te Cl.rive L ):.:i..cls ,_ f b o:. 1bs o.b" ut, _n:nc1 e;c up i n nc-1. : ' J_;l an cs ":ti t h t est ~)il ts . ~I.1h:mc.anc1s ;f u uncn Trork in oxp l o si v cs 1 f a ct ·~)ries . ·:ou cn in the N . l'i'1. S . ·. /'.Jrk i:n t h e b litz, drive petr ~l rro.gons, l ny f i ol c.1 teloph ncs , :· 10.n n bile c :-'n t cens . cbclco the b ou1Js o.s de s pn.tch ri ders . AnL1 1.ho.t o. fine shrJv t he y;cncn i n the .!':nbulo.ncc Service put u p - rco.dy t o ncet c.ny clc'::tncer, t · · h c l r, :µ-he i n jur0c1. Ther e a r c hwidr ccls Jf t h . ,f '1 : .n un o.lroo.c1y c1s i n £; fir e guo..rd Y/ or k . I c1r:n 1t kn cY,.t y;hat · :u ' cl havo cl. n o 1tith Yt.1t t hcl.:.. So n ~lJccl.y c.'.Ul p r et end t ho.t t her e i s ['...Djthin ver y nrn: t o F cnon al). ·u t the c10.n 2or side of it. .I cn.n i.LK'-cin c s ,~no ~Jf y ~1u di. c.:J."'u 1:ct tinr· ·-n · a bit so..,yin •7 t o n.e : 11 I d Gn 1t n i nc1 D-h ut tho a.:m;~cr, l)ut can y Ju so~ nnyb oc1y with fi gure ny runninc r r oc1f t ops i n the cl. ,_"\.r k 11 • ·.{e ll, t ho.t i s a f :Joint, lJut I t hink y )U Fill fincl that the nu·.: pl ~:.ns ~r e r o~s ona1) l c o.nc1. s ensfolc. ]Dr me t h i ne , y 'U' 11 be vcl l trf'.inc c1 and pr [teti sec1 f or Y'~u r cTm g o ·;cl n s \te ll ns y ur c n.l.ntry ' s . ~ ."c nrc ng o. Sl)Ccio.l p o int Df t ho. t. It's U j;, t J the Seni ,:r lvi r c c;u~:.r cls o.nd t he Heo.c1 Pirc Gu ards t o s ee t ho.t peop l e a r o 2;i v en the ri3h t j ., ! S t rJ d rj, c..n:.. _ thn t 1r0ncn, o.n (1 nen t oo, -Tth c o.r c n 't ns o.cti v e o.s . nc c t h c;y ·..rerc , o_re c i v cn VGr k 1:·.ri t h in the ir pcri1ors. 'Jc ar o n.3 the L;.,co.l 1riti c s t - - . n1)point y:c:)ncn supervis ors aI-OCinlly t ~J n.L':lrn sure 'tho.t in fi:rinz turns of duty pr .)pcr c :m sicler ntian is Eiv cn t , thu s of h en.1th uf \.'·--:i r10n fi r0 e,uo.r clz. /rronen - 2 ..... , Y!omen ·who go ou.t to vrork or business vrlll have to clo Fire G-uc.ll"'U. :1 t their place of vrork . The order n~kcs it compulsory f1 or 1:xopcr slccr:,ing and ',?o.shing focili tics to be i:::,rovided for tho uomen l: irc C}uord3 . Jmd Yrc 1 h:wc r eme;mbercd 2.11 the things that CV,.;ry -,7Qln'.Jll liL::.; to do , '.7hcthcr she iG mar r i ed or :>ingle . ]·,I~kine 2nd. mendinJ clothes , shoprin;;, e1nd z.,o on . Nc:1rly every i;1D11 c~1n find ::.;umc ·vcromtm t-;) -:~o thc~~o thinr.,:~:; for hiii1 . So -rrc have sni:1 thc.t, while c. :,Dn iI1ny bG cxc,;-:rtcd if ~1c is doing r.:- G--i - hcur ,1;.;ek on vi tDl ·,10T ·, rork , o rrcmnn m~y ·be cx::;mptccl if c:ho i ~ do:Lnrr 55 huurs \'.ihcthcr 0 1 • on ~,7&r work or nDt • No ..,·r0r 1on is l inb1c if she h::.f3 ._.,_ child 1.-u1c.lcr 11+ living ·v-.ti th hor nnd 1 in hsr c~..'i.rc , A m~.-irr iC;c1 vrnm..'..:n li.viri..g o. t hoE1c h::s to do J.·. 1t:r ")1'i1-:/ n;_-;Dr her home , whilo n single ',7om~m livin,~ nt hone c,:m ·be cDlL,-.1 f'ur :1, .ty only in the rcsiclcntic-.1 p:-:-.rt.::, , 1.ot the b J.:JinCf.3D ··;;:-,rt:3 of her circc~ . 1 Al thou.7,h the mm-.; t duty o \i01ff.:.n c~u1 bC:;; ~1 ~1kcd to do is l+B h0tU" S n month, -rrhich ir. 0friout o:no l1ight 8 1.-✓-cc...-k , I cluit~:; rc,~;liss· thot even tl:nt 1n2y be more tho.n a bit of a. nuis.s.ncc times . ".-:2 rccosni2,c th:,·'.t ·a"11crc •,·ion~en -,--.;ork d: bu3 i ness -0rcmis0:-; thoy find_ it ~-: h:--,rd ;k,1J to fit in their housohoLL shopping . ~~!c; ha~~.3 pro-;ridcc1, Jl.:he:rc-forc .• ~h-:~,t ;_.:,~i_th2r on Saturd~y from 12 noon 1.-.uc iTGC J-::., 1• f· 1 one 1 corn11.· v1ons rnaK.__: l L- 0 o- t..L.0<.;,r 1 ::.--i::.'~ ..1..1.--. 1 ;,,O b,,. p . m. or on seq,__: o·.:;1 ]1:;r 'J.DY ..1.. ;1 .J.. • ' • .J.. \?omen s:10.ll -oe exempt f r on: fire ~,r·:..Ncntion duties c-utsid.c th0ir ~.'rorkin.s hours • But there ·.-rill be. .':;. .sati~:_;f,.wtion ::.n ,1 ir;.z the job - nnd cn,joyins et b i t of comrndcship :-md compcmy -Jbil~ Y'-'U J.o it , Se:tisf:·lct i on , too , later on, in l ooldn~~ b.~ck lmcl :-:, '"!ying to unc::~clf thDt. :i.t 'X- "TI ' t only the Rus3inn ·,,-'Jmcn who s ·hod in th(; hot. ..:;pc.;tr., :::::n::l d.ic1 th0fr :-3tuff . After· the l ctst -~--mr childrcm e:skcd 11 \lhnt ili.d y,m do in the Gr.:;,'.lt :.·:.1.r , ::::.'o(1c.l:/'? " ·.7cl1, 2ftcr thi s one there Hil l be milli onrJ ·of childr en uho ' ll t:1:-;l~ : n\;h~:t clic.1 you do in the Grea t \[:::tr, :Mtunrny? " - or for t:h0t r:1:.-.1tt ~:r t:c~r.').nriic- 11 • It ' 11 be pl errnrmt to be cb l c to sD.y : " Oh n~thins r:11._,Lch; I Jtrnt hcl 1:cd to the Luft-r:..:ffc 11 • - - - oOc--- BRITISH BROADC:1-\S'rING COR?GTU\ TI ON During tho nighi~ 7/8 August cner[[>r r os i tions .in the northern ~::;ectcr vrere enge..g ecl by our artillery ~ P::ttro°l '1. ctivi ty continue(l in all sectors, Yesterday there vms nothing t o report fro:n our land forces . Durin.g the a.ay there \:a::., sorc1.e a ir :-..otivi ty in the battle w""."ea ~ A light borr:.ber m1ccessfu,lly attaGkecl '.1. s:rr12:1ll ene1:w v essel .-~nd scored. t\iO direct hit:; . Ene~-ny fighter forrri:Ltion,;.:\ C\,... cr I;[n].-t "L ·.:ere e1ig..=1.ged, 311d. three }:.ics2ersoh.r~ri.tts '\7er e shot do:,;,':'7. i~1 con1b'1. t. NOT FOR PUDLICJ\.TION, BRO~J::Cl'i.ST, OR USE ON CLUB TAl1 ES BEFORE 0030 B.S.T<) · (i.e. £'011 !T1PIUNG P11..PER8) ON - lfONDAY_., . .,\UGUST J<2.t._, 194e THIS EHBARGO SHOULD BE EESPCCT1~D OVI~I?SE!;.S BY PREF1\CING ANY iffiSSii.GES FILED . :'ITH THE El:i!BI\.RGO idr Iiinistry B~lletin:Wo.7764 Air J.!Iinistry Net'ls Service . . . ·. ,N . .. . . - HEAVY DAliAGE ·IN THE RUHR Pho:t J8,TD.phs n ,::vr .been to.ken of the vest ern encl. ,f the 1:rhore the o:t: DJ.isburg, Ruhrort, Heiderich unc1 Hn.nb 8.rn f orn n. s:in::;le in_d ustrial c onccntro.ti on cf the r;reo.test inportance to the ·whole econ cuic systen of Gen:.1o..ny. In this aren., as o. result of BoDJJer Co1.nnnc1rs recent o.ttacks, cla.i~l,.\'.30 whiqh. is certain to o. fo.r reaching eff oct ::,n the eneny' s rJro.d,_uotion of' o.rr..1m-1ents ~nd nuniti on s ho.s lJeen done. The ..i\.U6tUS.:t Thysscn steel works o.t Eanborn, ,me ::if the lo.rre8t .steel rrcrks not only. in Gernaey but in o.11 German- occupied Europe, been hit ngnin. · The ·works Ytere clo.naGea ~n l't:'1.rch of this year;· but this time o. ve-rr-J henvy boub ho.s fallen deacl in the centre r· f t h e hu[;C r olling nills.· The roof inc: is ao.n.-:t[!,ed ever o.n o.rco. of abnut 15Q 1 000 feet, o.ncl, ~~rho. t · is evcrt LKTo significo.nt, very hco.vy c1o.nar •;e cnn qe soon in the Dic\.cUo r:.f this area. This cl.oJ:10.2;c:; o.lone shnulc1 r,rcatly pr'x1uction;· f' or a l ~'DZ tine, in a plo.nt uhich produced railli ons cJf t : :.,ns ,,f steel · c~ncJ. pis irs n every yeo.r - steel nnd ir0n \"rhich ·wore usccl in hunclr0ds of arr.1S :factories. The;re is other,·e as -;.~ell. T_h o sheet nelting r,1ill ho.s lJeon hit lJy o. heo.vy bom.b, 62,500"-'sq. feet of the r:..:·of have been·stripped o.nc1 the greo.ter. po.rt of the roof SUlJ1JortinG structure ho.s been rer.10vec1. The r oof of the parrer h ouse o.·lsc shc.r1 .rs signs •)f clD.tmr,c, Repairs nre still in pr:Jgrcss on the stool strip rollinc nills and the finishing · 0 nill, ?hich ,.:rere in March r-)f. this yoo.r. Five other steel works in the H'J.nb orn-Duisburr;-Ruhrort o., incurred s ·ne In the ti(;'Uenkrunp district of DuislJurg there has b eon ·a direct hit on o. c 0llicry, the Zcchc Diergardt, Schacht III Cc.1 lliery, \lhich has destroyed nearly o.ll the pit head ·:buildings· and equipn1~11t · nnc1 nac1c .the wh·-= le c no.l-1nine unserviceable. · · · A t;v-·.1-bay shed· in a zinc anc1 sul:~huric acid T.torks in the Duisburg- Mciclorich district has l1een o or.-rpletely cleJ:iolishec1 o.nd other shoc7E have been cl.·--ino.[~ea.. An extraction plant in a to.r distillery in the sm:ie district has b ccn demolished ana. another builcline ho.s b eon c"1..'1:m.agec1. Canouf'lat;cd to.nks in tho '\t'Jrks shJW' signs _,f do.r.1n2;e. Tvro lJays .,f a shop in the KesseJi'o.lJrik lJoiler vn rks i:n the Hochf'eld district ~~f Duisburg have been clestrc,yocl lJy fire, o.nd repairs being na~e t o the r cc)f of a third bay. Bn:Llrl.i.ngs in t\70 chcmic8.l fact ories been destroyecJ. ,)r damaged, as ·well o.s buJJ rli..nss in a nunber ·.f ,.gnn.11 unic1entif'iea __W( >rks. - 2 - The nc·,-✓- photosrnphs rcvcnl th0t in· cm nttnck r.1mlc before Morch of this · y◄ c[ : r there \!C\s i\ direct hit on the end of a rnngo of coking ovens in the Ncunuhl Cokcin.s plnnt: sonc ovens ,'"tppeClr to been blmm in. . In the [!,rec, t Duisbt'.irg-Ruhror't inl2.nd ri vcr port n nu::1bcr of rmrchouscs hnvc been burnt out or ·.~;rcckcd by high explosives: -b.10 rnil-r:['.y sheds hnve been c1enolishecl. In the. Knsslcrfdld--Noucn:knr:.1p inlo.nd hnrb our, just south of the Duisburg-Rubrort i'nl,:md port, o. -.-,hole group of silos nnd s torchouscs ho.s been conplctcly destroyed by fire• · The roofs of two lo.rge vmrehouscs in the scme hnrbour fnllcn in, o.ncl other buildings hnve been guttec1. 1:Iony od:_1 inistr0:tive buildJnr~s hnve been destroyed. or_ clnrangcd, including nn .,_·, .R .P • building nnd [\ tro.o cl.c'pc t. Thero is nlso extensive dnrwge to cor::1 ncrcinl build.ing3 2nd houses in Clll the· ~corms -rrhich J:invb b0cn photogr2phcd. . . ./,t Obcrhnuscn, n fcu nilcs to the of Duisburg, there is henvy clrn:1n50 ~·-.-'.both to· industrinl buildings ond to houses, Drn12ge extending over · nluost the ·i--rhole 0f the noin rnilwny station crm be seen: two thirds of the 1i1:'.in buildings -rmrc [{utted £\lld o.nother s to.ti on buildin3 ·,-r:is,10s t entirely roofless• Four of the seven plCltforns sho-.-v" the uorks of considernblc dnucigc by fire . o.nd the Doutsche Bo.bcock .nnd \Fil_c_o.x boiler ,;rorks boen qxtcnsi vely dQnetged ·b y high explosives, blnst, Dnd fire. Two buildings of' o. tor •.;forks hnve bcc11 b~rrned clo·an and n zinc rolling nill hos bcon dnqt.\~cd qy fire. ,. 1: .L f.innl survey cf the do.1.wgo clone in Dussclclorf on the night of July - 31 shows thtit the folloning fnctori~s, in o.dc1ition to those nlreo.dy reported, ho.vo .been bndly drn,mr;cd: - .. Seven sheds in the .t,ugust Schmitz ':/nlzunschincnfnbrik ( rolling nnd other netnl working n nchinery) hnve been cor,1pletcly dc1,1olishcd, ond .'.mother hn·s been seriously ~anaged. T:.ro_ )5nys of o. four-boy shed in the Deutsche Rohrcnwerke (steel.tubes) nre ·,destroy~ct'. · .In tmothc:i:- plant belonging to tho snne fin:1 there is. roof drn:mge to , o l:.:1rge · -rr,g rkshop. ... In ::.l fc:ctory. 'rxuking roof-:foltinG, the Do.chp2ppcnf,1 brik L. UpfLnbncr, three . bp.ys of the mnin bu_ildings 6re dnL1ngcd nnd n suoller building gutted • . In tne V, Woeste I-'io.schincnfnbrik,. cmeinoe;rins works; the end of the mnin shop is burned . out, . In the Silicn works of Heinrich Koppers, t-,-ro builclings nre dnmDgcd. There .vrns great dnr:10-ge by fire in a plant 1.;,rhich is probnbly thc1 t of the 'Olox Po:tro'leu~t Conpnny • li long builc.1ing in the · petroi0im receiving depot in the suburb of Neuss hns been . destroyed:·, .. ( Besides dcinngc to ind.ustrinl pl~1nts, ·s0L10 350 business prettlses nnd houses hrwe been d~stroyed, t:nny othor h ouses hnve been ; uninh£i.'bi tnb:le, The 1Jerkzeug }faschinenfcbrik Schiess . Defries, n no.chine ~cool uorks in Dusseldorf 1 in w•hich, ns o.lrcody reported, four lArge 1~uildi;ngs were "vlrccked nnd others d"Tnogcd . also Lk'1do tmgnr.;t~c ~~1incs. --oOo-_; __ . 9/8/42 - No.16 .l\.LLIED 'JAR PRODUCTION The Combined Production 2nd Resources Board announces from Washmgton the appoint11ent of an American Steel Mission- to Great Brita:in in a move to this bn.sic vro:r production problen of the tvro countries on G. united basis. The l:iission ·will study British methods and requirements ond investigate 1:ieans of increasing the quantity of steel needed f'or the United No.tions' vro:r effort 1 and to obtnin max:unum efficiency in the U.S. allocation of the combined pr0ductive capacity of the tvro countries. It ic hoped that o. Britich Steel Mission will go to the U.S. to llk' a similar study there- -vrhen the .Amcricm group retm·ns to the United States. The appoi:ntmcnt of the Mission and arrangements for its visit to Britain vrcre coupleted one week after the Conbined Production nnd Resources Boo.rd h1d held its first forno.l r.1eeting. Sir Robert Sinclair, deputy for the British Minister of Production ( Captain Lyttleton) on the Comb:ined Bonrd., arrived in .Araerica on July 25. Hr. Donald Nelson, Cho.irnan of the \Var Production Boo.rd, is the .Ao.ericon nember and Hr. J3ri1es M. Knowlson, Vice- Chairnan of the War Pr·oduction Boo:rd, is his deputy. The nission will study: ( 1) ways to increase the total production or steel in the u. S. and Britcdn, (2) the British systen for control of steel production, allocation roid distribution, how the tvro nations' steel C3..Yl. be brought into better balo..ncc, so tho.t pl.s.tes, sho:pcs., struct1.lro.l steel etc. will all be produced in a proper ratio, (4; vrhethcr increo.sed proc1uction ru1a. savings of ship1Jitlg space CCJ1. be effected by sending nore in[sot steel 3.Yld. less finished weapons to Britain ,'.U!d vice versa, (5) what steel products con best be in the U.S. and wh.1.t c3.l1 best be jn Th."'itam, ( 6) which theatres or WGJ.."' should be supplied fron 3.l1d which fron the U.S. in order to save shippmg spaco, (7) methods used by to collect steel scrap and the use of scrap) (8) British progress in reducing steel consumption by substitution, simplifying specifications ond eliminat:ing wasteful machine operations and meo.ns of pooling such information by the tvro colmtries, ( 9) what pcrcent[\.ge of British steel production is used for vrru." production o.nd what percentage is essential civilian production, (.10) menns of obtaming savings :i.n the use of scro. . ce alloy steels The members of the Mission Chairnru1.; Mr. Charles R. Hook (Middleton, Ohio), President, Ar,1cric811 Rooling Hill Co.; Paul F. Schucker (Wash:ington)q Chief of the Lend Lease & IL1port section, Iron & Steel branch, W:xr Production Bo.JJ:"d; Lt. Colonel Paul P, Llewellyn ( 1lfo.shing_t-on), .Arrey'; Capta:in G. A. Duncan, No.vy; Hr. 1.Talter S. Tovrer (New York City) ,.President of' the .Americ311 Iron & Steel Institute; Mr. E2irl C. Smith ( Clevelo.nd., Ohio), Chief 1.-lcto.lhu--gist · to the Republic Steel Corporo.tion. The l.lission vrill be accompanied by a sto.ff of six. ++++++++++++++++++ }ITNISTRY OP Il1FORHATION ·J/_8/42 - No . 18 • CuT fighters ·were in uct.ion ·::;vcr the .Alaraein front ye~1terday ( August 8) , Ensrny air activity \✓-et8 0::--1 2.n incrce:sed scnle . In the ec1.rly morning our nircrnft s·_1_ccessf'u.lly bcrn-~Jed ,J.r.. enemy f'-boat, the ,-,_ttack being fol1ovred by explrJ2ion2, and. smoke tJ 'robruk hr>.rc,ou.r YI0.2 ,'1[,Din ·t.he chief C:b;]ccf.:i vc of our bomber:-~ during Fr1day night ( 7/Eith 1\ug·x, t) . .Lcffr clouc1 over the t-'1rget .Jre<1 h.'..1mrereLl cipere1tions , but f:ires were seen to bre2-k cut in the ,jetty area, and. bcmb. bursts "\-Vere observed c:mong shipping a~wl along the uoter front . N~1v ul ~drm. . . nft attackccl l"- ~bout,s i.n Mersa Mntruh harbour , clG:.Jtroying one of the vessels -r.ri. th a rlirect hit . Other bo,nbers r:.1id0d shi:pping o.nd lighters at P,2rdia • Our aircraft in-terceptci.J..:i nvef.;p 1->y enemy fighterrJ over i✓ll'tl to. yesterd~\Y' r:1orning . In the Gnsu:tng ce:mbats three L:Iesserschmi tt 109s ·uere ;~hot dorm o.nrl others da111agc a. . From all c:pcro.tion::3 f.L v:,; 0f our o.ircraft ore missing , but tho l)ilot of onG ii~ ·believed to be . 9/8/ 1+2 - No . 19 R. A. F . Middle East Serv ice Air Mi nistry Bu lletin No . 777 O BOMBERS VEFSUS LIGHTERS OFF EGYFTIJJ\T COAST --~-- --~--- A s ev ere blm-r has been dealt to .{'-.xis supplies by t he destruction of ov er ti..:renty enemy pm-rer lighters off the Li byan and.· Egyptian coasts duri ng t he past three ',?eeks . This is equivalent at the most conservat i ve estimate t o the loads of at least fifteen hundred three- ton lorries sont ·to the bottom. "The daily and nightly sjnkings of power li,ghtei-'s by our aircraft must be a sourc e of anxiety to the enemyi' , said a 3enior officer of the R. A. F . as they have lost almost a score off the coast in the past three ",7eeks , while in enemy occupi ed. harbours seve:r:al mor2 have 1)een dc::;troyed or dama~ea.. Several ty--_pcs of aircraft , inclua. ing aircraft , Royal .Austral ian Ai r Force light bombers ana.. Royal Ai r Force long- rang e fighters have been responsible for the marked succens of these offensive operations . Several thousand tons of supplies have b r:cn sent to the bottom of the sea , and i7hat is equally iuportant , nwnerou::; lighters have b een destroyed and s0t on fire , or left ridc.Ue·i --.7ith c annon shells and machine gun bull ets . · Si nce each lightu· carri e;:, -~he equivalent of ninet y three - ton lorries and c an also hand.le medium and large tanks , the value of these successes cannot be una. cr- cstimated. :r,rany of th e lighters attac ked carried their mm guns a.rid uere protected by :'lak ship$ and fight r;rs , Despite these precautions , the -tol l taken is rising daily, ,~.rith a peak on August 7, '..rhen fi vc vcssele. Ytcre =1.ccounted for in h.relve hours . . On the same night an attack by naval aircraft on l{crsa Hatruh resulted in a fur:cher l ighter being c1ostroyea.., and at dff.m on August 8 1 an Australian lJCmbcr squadron wrote off another . Tho lighters 1.:rere b ch:ccn one hundrea. and. t--1w ln.mdrcd feet long , and ··:rcll protect cd 1 hut a_C:;termined attacks pressed home in the fac e of heavy opposition have achieved inspiring resultR . r Ple~se check with 9/8/42 - No. 21 broadcast The Rt. Hon. L.S • .Amery Secretary of State f'or Indi~, will broo.dcast :in the 'Ho1:1e Service 3.f'ter the 9 news tonight as follows :- The serious news which you have hcarc1 fron India ho.s, no doubt _7 raised in· your rainds sone questions vrhi~h 'r should like to ru1swer. The first is this& \fas the British Governraent' s offer which Sir Staff'ord Cripps discussed · vri th Indie,n leaders in the spring a genu:ino offer of full freedor.r? I onsvrer _ enphatically ' Yes'. In broad outline what we offered was that Indio.ns should lmve full opportunity m-nediately a:rter the wro:, of attaining to' the ·so.ue · independence, the sane co~plete freedom fron all outside control, as is enjoyed by the Dominions, or for th1t 1::10.tter by this country, under a constitution to be freely devised by Indians ar1ong thenselves. V(hY, then_, you will ask 2 did Gandhi nnd the Congress turn this offer dovm? The offer invited the Indion political leo.ders, pending the t:i.r4e when a new o.greed constitution could be franea_, to participate dm."ing the wo:r in responsibilc positions in the task of governing Indio. and in 9m"ry:ing on her Wf:ll' effort; but within the existing constitution. The negotiations broke dovm beco..use the Congress leaders at the last moment demonded that the Governnent of Indio.. should be ho.nded over .to a g-roup of Indian politicians responsible to nobody. This would been the negation of .. But, you nay ask, do not the Congress Po.rty and M.r . Gandhi represent t~ voice of L'rldia? It is true that Congress habi tuo.lly SJ?eo.ks ana_ acts as if that were tho c2-.$e. But it is not. They by no neans represent the whole even of Hindu Indio.. The g-rcat MosleL1 coi:1munity 3 95 r.:iillions strong, vehenently oppose their claiu and would not subnit to Congress rule. The Depressed Classes, rrr who:r:1 there soL1e 45 millions, and many other elenents in India also oppo_se it. The fact is that the rejection by Congress of o~ proposals profqundly disappointed public op:iniori in India DJ1d has seriously shaken the credit of the Congress leadership. It is in order to rega:in prestige for h~~self and his . associates md focus attention upon thenselves as the chanpions of India against &a-called British oppression th..9.t M.'r. G...mdhi ho.s determ:ined 1-1:pon the kind of open with Govern.t:1ent which is raost calculated to arouse mass enotion. That is the real of this latest move. The Congress leader_s are far too intelligent men to that the present system of governr.1ent--- in India , could suddenly be brought to an end ·with no alternative in view save the an:a.rcey to which Mr. Gandhi to look forworc1 with such corwlacency. They know - and all India knows - tho.t there is not the slightest chance of an agreed provisional governi~cnt coming :into being on the disappearance o1 British rule . If' they believed this, surely their obvious course would be to bring the nenbers of such a governnent together now 3nd let Indio. know- in advMce to whOD. her fortunes are to be entrustedo How f n:r will this cariTpaign do d.._' to the wo.r effort in India'?_ Certo.mly the Cong-:r-ess intencl that it should do drunage. Active prepo.ration for this c3L1paign h~1,s for some time been• :in progress. It is known that it is :intended to foment strikes, in industry, cornmerce, and in the administration, to cause :i..nterrupticn of tro.ffic and utility services, to cut telegraph a.nc1 telephone v-tires und to picket troops o..nd recruiting stations. All this is to /be 2 l:x1 cone ncn-violcntly but bitter c:X~;?ericnce h~w shrnm hmr eC1..sily the non- 1.riolcnt '.LCtivj_ties of excited crewels c.:-:.n le ,'.t.d to te;rrorisn, riot 2:.11c1 blo,x1shedo If thi_s . ·c:J:ip:::.ign -v-rere tx spre~1.d it \70ulc1 pc~.:llyse; not only civil .:.•.6.ui.11ist:l."'t:'.tion but the y;holc of Ii1dic:.' s· vrc-x- effort. It ·.rould. stoi· th(: out:~ut of mmitions :.mcl Fut c.~ stop to recruit:\ng. It nould _irnobilize the C'XDE;cl_ ['orces. Its Guccess wm1.lc7. l)e the Trorst stab fu the back that could be dGviccd _,.. to ~tll the callc.1.nt nen, Indicill or Bi-·itish, An0ricci.n er Chinese, novr cmgagcd < :i, ·. IriclLm ::1oil in the task oi' defendinc Tl'}.flio. :.::.nd of prcpo.ring fron India o.s their to c-trike o.t the E:mei.];f. ~· -·· -~ _··:~ . It ~,7ou.J._d __ r~1ee.J.1. ~he_·betro..70.l cf' Ch:h1a and Rusc,io.. (mc1 the enslc;,venent of _,. ··· 1~rta_i~~ h~rself ~to ~thG J.:~~~cuiese, Tl1e c:~-.1rJC..ign rJ.tJ_s·t the·re~or8 Dl)t -oe 0,JNlcJvreC. t(J s1.icc·e6d. The Gaverru;1ent of Indb. hCcve t2:kBn pr:>r.1pt :mc1 -fina action .3.-,.'l'J.d h.:.we , . I _believe, saved Inc1i2. -'...'..ll.d. the i\.lliecJ. c.'.:l.use fron a grave'lster. There uc.y :'{l':.t be r .. certLin ne:.:12,ure of trouble. It :i.3 t uo eorly yet to speak with :. my D.CSUl':.:.nC,; 0But I believe it will not be trot,ibl _:; the:.t c~nnot be r1eoJ.t ',Jith by the Governncnt of India tr.1rough t1;e ~fiolice :md the com~·ts . . :.~To) vrhD.t extent, you l~l:.tV D.Gk :1e, l3 this GovE,rn.nent of India, of which I ;1,Peo..k, . c:n Indio.n Govsrnnent'? · · It id. o. Govcrnnent cf ·1rhich eleven . out of :fifteen ;::1,:~ nl:icrs Indians - r1cn :in no vro.y lcBs wholche::.D.~te;rl. .in · th.Ji.,-:- belief -- ~: -i n ·Inc.1ic.' s n:J..tione-1 {1.spiro.tions thm the Congre;js Jertck::ro , but st:.. .tes1~1cn -/rith 1 .t:L.- ·. sense · ~ bo t .11 1· o:t"' reo.1 ..1 . ·- ,.. ~ ·.., and 01 responsioi.1..i t y 1,. . or .c-1-11c • • . . ,, or~ · the- peOJ} 1 G 01,. . ·Jn'lliCc ,'.lnd f oz· the counon 6 o-::: fretcJ.0;~1 in 1Thich v;e .'.}re a.11 engaged. ~i:hcy uill k,'.ve the SUF)ort j_n_ this ;issuo of the no.jority of sober ~.ricL :r.espons:i.blc ue:n c·.nc. woncn in Inc.1i~1.. ·· .. 1/.1ho:t of' t~ future? I 2n. confident th:-1.t the forcss of stc.i.bi1ity :.1.nd c:Jnstructivc pc.triotis:·_1 will pr·i;vcd1 :in· India , ;:-.s · ii1 the ,-r0rld, DVer reckless tot:1litr.ri,m ;--1ethoo.3 ::-nd m.1bitions. ;n1en the hour of ·.mrld. victor:V··co1;ies, 2-ci 0 ussur1:; it yrill ; then it vrill be for Indian sb.teo:G1e.nship to 1710.kc · thr.: fulh-,2,t use of thD.t opportunity.?to Hhich vie J?lcdgccl ourselves :ll'ld to which m; rcn::.d.n- pledge cl, to devise for In{~i:J. a consti tu-1.iioncil fronework v.ri thin -vrhich s}1c: c::.'11 live at pO.'...t CG ond :in unity of spirit ·;-rithin her ovm borclers , .~mc1 {clw h~r ri,}·htful pl.'.:'.ce c.r.1ong the free no.tions of the British Cor1:r.1onvre.::tlth iii~d - of the ·:rorlc1. +++++++++++++++ IlIDIL OF}i1ICE .• \··- ~ ~ ..: -.--.. f' ; : ,· · 1 •· · . I• •'. :·.r· . . . 1?loaso chock with 1Jroaclcast ,.......~.......... ,..____._,.~-............... ---- ·-------- ........ Follqrring is the script of Mr ,. L. S • .1\mery ' s (Secretary _of State for India) broadcast in the Empire Service at 8. 30 p . m. tonight ,. .t .. :You have -heard _that yesterday the All-India Committ9e of the Indian Congress Party committed its~J..f to a mass struggle on the widest possible . so.ale against the existing Government of India · unless that Government \-ras preparoa. :to b0\7 to 11r. Gandhi ts demand that British rule in India. shoul~1 •immediately. cease To un,der~t~nd the reason and purpose of this thrc~t , ~ot only to the internal peace of India_, but to the whole Allied cause , I· must ask you to c ast your minds · b_ack so~c four months to vrhat is usuo).ly described, or rathqr mis.described, as the failure of Si;r Sta-ffora. Cripps' mipsion. .. I n'f _·-+ndin., It is that Govornnont vrhoso authority has boon challongod cind. -rrllich has noted in order to n.ssort its cliroct QJld ir.-:u-.1oc1iato responsibility for· tho i.ntorno.l poooe of India for Indio.. ls socurity against O.[£[;,l'J... CSSiono His Ifajesty 1 s Govornnont in tho Uni tcu;' Kingdor.1 2t8.ncl., of course, unt.iavor:in[.;ly .in support of tho o..ction -rrhich tho Govcrnnont of India taking. But it is tho Govor:t1..nont of Indio. ~.-rhich ms 6.ctod and -r,hich closorvos th:0·. grati tuclo of Inc1ia,., of the Enpiro Cl.:ncl of the Uni tod irations :for its couro.rso o.nd pronptitudo. That ,Gov0n1r.1ont, uay + r .a :J..ncl you, is ono tho substa.n~ioJ.. r.1ajority of rmosc nonlJors - eleven in fo.ct out , o:C fifteen - aro Indians, non in _no ";rn.y loss ,;rholohon.rtoi m their n:J.tionn.list convictions thD.n tho Congress loaclors, but sto..tcsnon ,;Ti. th vric1o politico.l and 0-;dninistrutivo exporionco ond with a both of' roali~y an1 o_f responsibility for tho wolfnro of the L)ooplo_ of India nncl for tho oonnon 9aus9 of huno.n frooclon in i,1hich ·:ro are n.11 ens aged. They ,;rill h..'lvo· .tho SUPiiort in this iDsuo of tho vas~ rnjori ty of sober rD.nd responsible non nnd",,-ronon in India. Neither the . r~s1Jonsible dcr.1ocratio Incl.inn ninistrios - in ·tho Provinces 1,-rhcro O:-:-ngrcss has not prevent0cl tho. w:orking ·or self- · govornnent ~ Pro.vinccs vvith n. I)opuln.tion. of nortrly 100 nillion; ·nor tho 95 nillions of jJoslotl.S,; nor· tho 40 nillions or· noro of tho Do-pressed ClD.SSGS' Yrhose len.dor., Dr. iu.1.boc.lJmr, -holcls·-tho Lb.bour portfoliq in_ the Govornncnt of Inclia, nor thq. Indin.n Christin.ns, J\Qr n.11 tho vo.riod clenonts thd · forn tho lx1.0kbono of Indiu' s groat voluntary J.\XCT:J ... none of those lJUt .'.".J:8 c1out>ly. conocrnocl to prGvcmt tho ·SUOOCSS of a r.1ovcuont which proposes ~9 l)arn.lyGo tho li;Cc of Incli-'.l in order to socuro tho ends of' the Cor1cr-rross lenders, . - Tho forces of stability mx1 constructive 11n.triotirn:1 Yrill in Ind.iD., as in tho i.;10rld, over. reckless tot:llito...·ri3,n nothock n.nd ru.1bitions.. ·when tho hour of -rrorld · - victory cones,.· as , n.ssurocny it vill, then i ~ will bo f o:r Inclin.n sta~sn.n.nship to nake tho fu1.lost uoo of that O1T~ori.iun:i ty _t() i.i1ich VO hQ.VG 11le:dgoc1 ourse 0$ a:r.d. to yJhroh VO ra_mm l)lccirroct , to (iav:LuO f'o:r ll1.l~h.:.'.. ~1. ,09113titutionn.1 1'1 rr.L1oyrorl<: -vn nm Yili.J.Ch slio 1 Ot.-'\Tl live at o.ncl 111 tho uru. t;y of S-J2ll"J..1~ with.J.n hor o-vm. l,orclors , nnd take hor ri.sht:rul 11.laco n.nnnz tho f:r-oo nEttions of' the british Connrron.lth and of th.G ·w0rld. UIDIL. 0FFIC2 :OOR PUBLICJ:.T ION I B.ttO.:,.:CCA8r, OR USE ON CLUB T1\P?S BEFORE oo.}O B.s.1. (i.e. FOR MORNING P..\PERS) ON M_ONDJ~Y-l,fi.UGUST 10, 19L1-2 THIS EMBARGO SHOULD BE RESPECTED OVERSEAS BY PREFACING .ANY MESSAGES FILED ~!ITH THE EJ:11Bi:.RGO. £AVJNG Yf{~TE: Alii:1Jl~_T..£_ TEE SCOTTISH PEOPLE For generations the Church of Scotland has rightly guard~d its doors against its pul1:i t being used. by the State. It ,.:-as therefore an unusual event ·,:hen, to-day (Sunday) Sir James Marchant, of the Directorate o,f the and Catheg.rcl. Recovery Bon.rd of the Hmistry of Supply, spoke from the chnnccl of the GlasgoYr / on the National Sn.J.vage Campaign. He 11 It is from the sounding buard of this sacred place, so dcnr to the soul of Scotland, uhich -rrill add strength and significance to my s:unple plea. Ju1.d through you, ns loyal free people, Tre -.-rould appeal_ to every simill\r congregation in Scotland, and to every citizen in your native land. nyou noticed that the dernands upon our man n.nd ,J01nn.n porrer is so pressing that our from i'\merica anc1 other lands, arc being cn.lled home. J'uld tho demand upon tho cl:iminishing natural resources of the vrorld, o.nd upon every scrap of material hitherto wasted in home, office, shop and fn.ctory, is equally intense and ilnpcrative. · "Scotland has already a_one much in tho direction of salvaging, but vider and more persistent efforts ar.c 1;-.rc have not the ships to bring scrap, ·waste, or ravr material from other lands. Yet let us note 1rith shrune, that 50,000 tons of bones a. year are being brought 10,000 miles across the treacherous seas from the Argentine and India, at the peril of the liv~s o~ our brave All that could be provided freely from our O\m h9mcs, if ,;re diu. not carelessly c1estroy them. Y.1hy should our Merchant Navy risk its ships and lives to bring over this cargo of bones from Inc1ia, 1rhen 4,000 tons arc lost monthly in the homes of Britain. "Search your cupboarc1s ancl yffi'ds for every vorn-out garment oncl scrap of rag, every bent nail, every bone, all vegetn.blc refuse, all kinds of rubber articles, every inch of pn.per - · all nov be saved ancl given Ul), to save our ships, our lives, our country. 11 Vlill you set yourselves the religious dut.y which is congcnin.l to your proverbial thriftiness, to save all waste, to preach the _d uty of saving ·it to your neighbours, and by example and. by service in collccting,conriorva ovGr'fihing that vaste be not ,-:asted in careless hand.ling. Off yourselves as Salvage Stmrards Y.rherevcr thoy arc needed, · I repeat, as a religious cluty. "Let me end with the words of the Right Rev. Paul de Lo.billiorc, Dean of Westminster: utThis prosaic salvage ca.:mpaign, is redeemed from all suspicion of triviality anc1 niggo.rdliness in proportion, n.s there fn.lls across it at least tho shn.darr of tho oxa.mple cf Jesus Christ. ' 11 };Jnf.CSTRY OF SUPFLY Air ~\iinistry No. 7773 Aill. l·ilNISTEY AND 1IINISTiff OF nmrr~ SECUlUTY cm/NW'H(i{JB 1 This murninz; two oncny fighters drcppccl b cnbs ho.nnlcssly n.t a r1cint en the south ccr~st cf Englc:u1.c1. · In the early o..ftc rncon .:mother :pcli r of enemy fi ghters 1rn.chinc- gunncd o.nd dropped bombs D.t D.nothcr point on ti1e south, doing soE10 dc..'l..TDD.20 Gnd cD.u~:.dn 0 scn',C cCLsuo.l tics., in.c luc1inG n. sn'l..11 l1.lU11bcr cf pocple killed.· Ycstcrdo.y evening r..11 cncny fi ::J1t c r Vl[:':.S destroyed by nnti-aircrn.ft gimfirc off the south oast coo..s t cf EnL_,; lanc1a This evcnin~ an encr:.w lY'nhcr vvr.-...s shct clown i.nt o tho sco. by our fighters off the C['_St ccc- st. Nor TO illi USilO DEFORE DELDTERY Follovdng is script of; by Rt.Hon. L~S. lu~1ccy (Sccrcto.ry of Stnto for India) en Columbia Drondco.sting System n.t 1.15 n..1::1.. on ?A:onc..hy, August 1 O, 1942. You hnvo hen.rd tho.t the All Incli2. CcDnittoc cf the Ccngrcss Party decided yosterda.y t c stnrt en the ~idest possible scnlo o. m8.SS strugg le in order to paralyse tho existing administration of Ind.fa unless the Govornnent of Inc1in. surrenclorod uncondi tionD.lly to n. dor.1n.nd which Nr. G.'Lnd._hi hin.self adr:uts vveulc1 mcnn ru1archy. Prepn.rn.tions fc:r tho cnmpnign were o lrcrdy ·well ndvPnccd. They included tho fem.anting of strikes, tho stoppo.gc of the functions cf Gavonuncnt by tho callin~ cut of Gavcrnncnt servants, tho interruption c f rnilwcy traffic,. the cutting of and telephone wires, the picketing cf troc ps and recruiting stations., These measures pro:tiosscdly to be n on-violent, but bitter oxpcrienco of sii:1ilo.r movements 4l ho.s shown h0vr socn non-violent r.nss c1cucnstro..ticns into tcrrcrism, . riot n.nd bleed.shed. Ylh.' lt Indio. is up a ~n.inst is ncthing less thn.n c.. deliberate ~"1...inpo.itn to sabcto.go her Ymr off ort nnc1 the vmr cff crt of o.11, IndilUls, Bri tish 1 Americans er Chino so, vm.o, on Indinn soil and vd th the whole hearted support of tho Gcvcmracnt of India mid of tho loyal Md responsible clon cnts who fonn tho vast rxi.jcri ty of the people cf Indfa, are tc-&-w engaged in the present struggle f or human freedom. It is a direct stab in tho back tc Russin., China n.:rtl t o o.11 tho United Nations. To such D. challcn::;c there can be only one o.nswcr. Th':1. t is t c rhcot it unflinchingly anc1 swiftly lJofo ro its prcpam.tions c ompleted and befo~ it cD.n mcmontum in of 8.ppn.ront Gcvcnment hesitati on. Till the lnst possible mcmont the Gcvommcnt cf Inc1fo., th e utrn.c st patience, held their hmd in the hope th::'"l.t wiser counsels might Now in f cf the crimin8..l f olly C'f tlXJ of the mc vomont they hwo acted: not tc punish, thcu gh fully entitled tc d e s c , but to prevent. They have discc:nnoctcd tho loD.dcrs from tho i gn c nmt nnd]y svvaycd masses vhcm troy ·wished t c n~Jco the instrur.1onts of their ·wicked purpose. They hn.vo cut cut tho fuse loo.ding t c the ox-plosive rn.·1 tGrin.l which vvns tc h."lve sh."l ttercd the structure of India's int c rno.l Wh..'1.tcvcr tri~ ub1c mn.y still 0nsuc from the n.ctivitics c f minrr Ccn 3rcss f ollmvors it is trcublc with vrhich, I firr.1ly believe, the Government of Indio. is fully c cmpetcnt to denl. I wc ula_ h.'W<_; ycu n c tc th.":. t this nmtt cr hns been dealt vvi th thrcu[!,hc ut, not by the Bri ti. sh Gcvcmment, but by tho Gcvcrrunent cf Indio. in tho exorcise cf ·its cw:n ai rcct irm-noili. rcspcnsibility f er tho pea ce nnc1 0 cGd G-avcmment of India : md for Indir1.'s sk1re in the c ommcn wn.r effo rt. Th[l.t Gcvernrncnt c onsists cf tho Governor General [Lnd fifteen Executive Ccuncill c rs cf ~h em eleven Indinns. The IndiD.n members c f the Executive n.rc men c f hi gh nbili ty a nc1 ·wide pc li tical and n.dmini$trativc experience. They constitute, C\.S they rir;htly clc'Lim f or themselves, the strcng~st nnd most roprosentri. ti vo Govemmont IndiD. h .'t.S over enjoyed. They D.rc just n.s wholc·..11.on.rted in their dosirc f e r I:ndiD. 1 s c omplete s c lf .... gcvornmcnt n.s o.ny ffDmbor of the Congre;ss · Party. Dut tbey D.rc stn.tosmon Yd th a sense of roD.lity 8.ncl c f their responsibility f e r the welfare of their Ind.inn fellcw-c ount:cyTi1cn and for the c crru:.1cn cn.usc -vvhich is Inclio. 1 s as much as yours in lm1c ricn er ours in Dri tain. In support cf tha:i the dis turbcrs cf India's peace stand all tro more sto.blo clements of India's mterrml life; the democrotic Indinn Govcmmcnts .of flour grca t Provinces with over 1 00 million pe ople; the 95 million Wicslems; the 40 milli on er more of tho depressed c.:ls.sscs whose loader, Dr. Ambcdkn r, holds the Portfo lio cf Inbcur Member in · the Gcvcrnc r-Gcncral' s Executive; o..11 tho olcmcnts whcsc voluntary patri ctis:m hCt.s provided an n.riw d over a rnilli cn 1ron; n1t'1ny of the most radical sections e;f the Indian labcur r,1cvcmont. Ycu nc.:cd n et fear that India is not fully capable c f h.mdlinc; this trcuble by norsolf' • "vVhat then, y ou will ask, Vias the iden. behind this crunpai~? Did its prom('ters believe thn.t the oxist:ing G-: vcr.omont c f India c culd n.bdicato at this cf ri.11 moments and leave Incliu t c c cnfusicn ond chn.os? Of course n e t. They clever m:m, fD-r t ,;~ intolligm'lt t o imn.s;ino th."lt the present system cf · Gcvo:n:unont cf Ind in could suddenly be b:IX'ught t c a n end Yd th n o ~1 to rnrl ti vo in vievY, save the · anarchy tc which :Mr. Gnndhi seems t c l :~k f n rwurd with such c cmplD.ccncy. They knew '!M and all Indin. knr::- ws - trot there is n ot the sli ghtest ch.mce cf n.n n.g rcod prcvisi0nn.l g-cvcrnment O" int0 boin2; on tho dis:::tpricanmoc of British rule.. ' /IT - 2 If they b e licvocl thi s , surely their cbvi cus c ours e 1rould b e t c b ring tho mon bors c f such [l gcvcrnrn.cnt t -::-scthc r ncvr a nd let India knew in [lc1v£mcc t c whom her f c rtuncs t c be entrusted. They kn(,'Y/ tlln t f or o,ll thoir p r ofcssi c:ns of ::.:on.l f ·: :- r the Allied e e they c culd n (~ t rn1cl o. rifle e r 0. rocrui t t c tho fcrccs \1hich Indio.. is puttin g in tho field bu t cc:: ulcl nnly dis or gnnisc the whole ,_: f th8.t s p lendid aney c f whic h Indio. is sc ri c;ht}y p r oud. It is$ I fc [L r., difficult t r" resist the c ~nclusion thn t the c1emD.nd itself was csscntin.lly cnly a do1!lonstra ti nn, put f cr wn.rd t o cc ve r 6n c1 pr ,,viclc s nrnc s crt of p retext f e r a cn.rn.:paign vvhich vva s r os c lvccl upon, in f\.ny, in orde r t 'J cront c ru1 o.t r:1r sphero cf unrest n.nd bi ttornoss, in vrhich tho C,::n c;rcss Pc. rty mi:;ht fi gure n.s the chruapicn of Inclfo.n r0oiat~ce t o s .~ co.llcc.1 Dri tish c:pp r ossion, cmd s o rcgcdn s cmo cf tho prestig e which it l ost by its rojocti ,:-n of the for-ro 0.ching Md g0ncrcus proposals recently put f r::r wo.r d by the :Jrit ish Gcwcrrn~cnt thrr::u gh Sir Sto.f:ford Cripps, ThCLt. C[l.mpn i [:n ,vill fc~ il. It must f if cur c cmn on 00-usc is n et t c suffer irrctricv0.blc cfon.'lgc . ~1ut the rtls GU,i clccl o.cti cn cf the Con 0 rcss loaders ·will not nffcct, one way e r other, the lJ r wd pur pose, n.likc c f tho Dri tish Governmei:it and o f the G,~v c m mcnt cf IncU o., th1t ·whon tho vict o ry is -rv0n shall vn. thout dclcy h_'WG the fullest c:i; ['lWtunity t c a ttn. in t c the c cmplctc control e;f her own destiny nrnon :::; th e fre e n0 ti·_, ns •~f the J.)ri tish Ccn11""1cm·v00..lth o.nd. o f the wo rld within 2. c ons ti tutL,nnl framevro rk c f her own devising. ThD-t is cur pledge t o Indio. o,nd t o the -v,rr- rld . J]y tho. t p ledge we INDL'l. OFFICE