S t e f t a i l i j ® c x a n First C ollege D aily in the South A U STIN , TEXAS, SA T U R D A Y . NOVEMBER 25, 1922 VOL. XXIII. No. 53 BfllLY TEXAN TO FEATURE ISSUE Benedict Addresses Frosh On History And Traditions Centering Around Varsity CO-EDS IN T FI WILL APPEAR IT I. & M. Benny Is Preparing Book on University of Texas Austin To'Greet Visitors To Big Turkey Day Game Last R ally W ill Be M onday N ight— Much Spirit Is Shown I I . I. First R otogravure Section Pro* duced in South Is Feature WILL Ut SIXTEEN PUSES Individual Pictures of L ong­ horns and A ggies to Be Included by The first rotogravure section to be j issued by any college paper in the South, and as far as is known the first section of this type produced by any college paper in the United States, will be distributed the j Daily Texan on Thanksgiving Day. Thi? announcem ent was made Friday, by Wm. H arry Jack, editor-in-chief,! and Tomas G. Pollard, business1 m anager, who together with Henry) and C. Fulcher, m anaging Victor O. Cook, sports editor, have! completed the arrangem ents new section. editor, for E ig h t P age* of R o to g r a v u r e The special Thanksgiving Day edition of The Texan will consist al­ sixteen pages, eight together of pages of rotogravure and eight in the regular news and featu re sec­ tion. The entire issue will feature J the annual game between the Uni­ versity of Texas and A. & M. Col­ lege, with special stories and p ie-i lu res of both teams. There will be II 5,000 copies printed in this edition, allowing a surplus for alumni visi­ tors, The first two pages of the roto gravure section will be taken up with group and individual pictures of the Texas Longhorn football team and pictures of the Texas Cowboys and the yell-leader. The next two pages in de­ the section will voted to similar pictures of the A. & M. football team , and also special views of the Longhorns in action in the season. A previous games of num ber of miscellaneous pictures of interest will appear on the rem ain­ together with greetings ing pages, sup­ from various advertisers and porters of the institution. be The athletic authorities of the University and of A. & M. co-opera­ ted with the editors of the Texan in securing m aterial for the section. JUNIORS TO GLT TAGS WHEN DUES ARE PAID Membership in th e Club W ill A dm it C ouples to M ask D ance Every possible effo rt has been made this week to give every junior girl an opportunity to pay her dues to the Bluebonnets. This organize lion is to be perm anent or­ the ganization of junior girls and will have charge of all the class func­ tions. Until the girls have joined, their the Bluebonnets by paying dues, they are not eligible take to Junior j part in the Week, of which the Junior Prom is possibly the best known. When the girls pay th eir dues, they receive tags which adm it them and th eir escorts to the junior ma.sk dance to be held December 8. This* dance will be given by the junior; r e - 1 girls and each junior boy will ceive an invitation. The, individual girl? will favor junior boys prefer- ably. festivities of AU girls who have not yet paid seem ; their dues may do so Kathryn Leerily the W oman's at Building Dues are fifty cents a year. by at freshm an Members of the class wert* addressed by Dr. H. Y, Bene­ dict, Dean of th* College of Arts tho and Sciences, Friday night Y. M. C. A. auditorium . Dr. Bene-j diet's subject was: "H istory and T ra­ ditions of the U niversity." Dean I t present preparing a Benny book on this subject which will com­ prise tour p arts: The H istory up to the the opening; the University; the University as an edu­ cational institution; and the student i life. finances of is D iic u i& e i F i n a n c e s The firs t part of Dean Benny's speech dealt with the history of the founding of the University. "In 1881, the first appropriation was m ade," said Dr. Benedict, "and amounted to the enorm ous sum of $496. "A fte r Texas’ Independence was law %stablished, Congress passed a locating the seat of governm ent in Austin, which was called W aterloo. There was a great amount of controversy and argum ent as to where the University would be es­ tablished, but it was finally decided to locate it in Austin. then R o b e r t s F o u n d e r he In 1881 "Governor Roberts was the man directly responsible for establishing the University. suc­ ceeded in persuading the Legislature I to pass a law legally establishing the University. There was much trouble in getting appropriations, bu t later the $125,000 legislature effo rts of I and then, through the Col. minikins, appropriated $200,000. W ith these sums the first building, were constructed. loaned i A. & ML W a * B r a n c h “ A. & M. used to be a branch of I the U niversity,” said Dr. B enedict,1 “and still legally is, though no m o re ; than legally.” little Very of Dean Benny’s speech dealt with tho traditions of the University, the "Eyes of Texas" being the only one he touched upon. I According to Dr. Benedict the "Eyes of Texas," which we hold so sacred, was w ritten as a joke, and made its] first appearance at a minstrel show.] Kaufman Klub W ill Give Weiner Roast in Early December M eeting for the second time this year the Kaufman Kounty Club m et Friday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Un­ like its namesake the K. K. K., no masks or other paraphanalia were worn, and no oaths required from the new members who were received into the Klub— the only requirem ent being that the applicant should be a resident of Kaufman Kounty, The K. K. K., although only a little over a week old, has become quite a hus­ preparations were ky infant and made at this m eeting to put on the best "w einit* roast" th at any organi­ zation bas ever attem pted. To see that every member of the Klub is advised as to the date and to be doubly sure that there would be plenty to eat, the president appoin­ ted on the social comm ittee the fol­ lowing, S. B. Dickson, Mamie Abler Mary Louise Clyette, and Gordon Wells. No other meeting of the Klub will be held until a fte r the "weinie roast." in East Woods on D e c e m b e r 9. S U N D A Y S C H O O L PICNIC to Barton Springs Dr. Payne’s Sunday School class from Congress Avenue will hike .Saturday bridge afternoon. The hikers wilt roast weiners and marshmallows a t Bar­ tho ton Springs. Each member of class will invite a girl and meet at the church a* 5 o’clock where the pumicers will take a *+reet car for th* bridge. Forenoon Dance May Be Held as Thursday Event for Definite announcem ent that there will be an All-University dance Saturday night and th at plans are being made a dance to be held from 8 to l l have Thanksgiving morning been made by the committee in charge. Contrary to form er an­ nouncements, all other All-University dances will be held the W oman’s Gym due to the courtesy of Miss An­ na His* and W.A.A. Plans for the dance Thanksgiving morn­ the ing are only Social Calendar Committee has not yet given its approval. tentative as these and in That the dances are growing in popularity is shown by the in­ crease in the num ber of stu­ dents who attend them. With the W oman’s the new floor 250 Gym will In order to reduce the couples. num ber of stags, cents admission will be charged w heth­ er they bring girls or not. As usual the Apaches will play. accommodate fifty Co-eds of the University who are to sit in the white section at the A. j & M. game held a poppy rally F ri­ day night, m eeting at the gymnasium Ex-students and friends of A. & M. College or of the Texas Univer­ sity coming to see the Texas-A. &; M. game next Thursday, will be wel- an<* marching to Clark Field, where corned by form ation the Austin Chamber of the marching and “T ” Commerce, according to the secre- were practiced. tatZ ’ ... . . The visitors arriving by tram will . „ . At the Thanksgiving game the co-i be given cards of welcome on » e | « d8 wlU dem onstrate their ability to trains running into Austin. These work together, and perform clever cards will give inform ation concern- stunts, which should make the Exes ing the checking of baggage at the and ?tudfnt body proud of the f a c t ; Chamber of Commerce which will be • • open on Thanksgiving Day until a ft­ it ut ion. er midnight, the open house in the Woman’s Gym between the hours of The girls, who will be dressed in IO and 11 o’clock a. rn. when the ychite, and carry orange decorations, University ex-students will meet old friends and the way to get on Clark Field to avoid the rush. , t that Texas is a co-educational around . in- ... r. i , MAKE APPEARANCE will enter Clark Field at the south­ east gate, marching the j field to the 50-yard line in front of the grand stand. Here they will j form a huge "T " m arching to the center of the field. A song will be sung, and stunts, which members of J the gym s ta ff refuse to divulge, will Southw estern C onference Only One That Has be perform ed. They promise, how- M uddle I over, that it will be even more et- i I fectivo than the balloon ascension in ———- 1920. WESTERN TITLE IN DOUBT Not Toe c heer leaders, Bee Lytle and Dorothy Fisher, have special costume* presented to them by E. D. Rather, m anager the Co-op These costumes have not yet had of Because of the muddle that may result in the Southwestern conference race, football fans of this district may be interested in knowing th at a sim­ ilar situation exists in the W estern ] Conference, with the exception th at C om m ittees f o r Y early Func­ tion A re A n ­ nounced Perigrinus, the patron saint of the School of Law, will make appearance of the year at the annual jgbuts banquet of the Law School which is to be held at the Driskill Hotel on December l l . its one neared in public, but will make their that* conference ' n M argaret Iteam s tb at there arc three *a *r to finish with per- Thanksgiving lead fifty taken up F ifty cents was Tickets for this event were placed th The followers of Perigrinus have wbo did not pay this on sale Thursday and from all in- cot will dications the interest of the juniors Field. has been aroused in th eir first law banquet. Bellmont, mascot of the W. A. A. / ’ ' f Percentages. will also have a costume exactly like M ajor John L. Griffith, commis- e of the cheer leaders. The mas-j aioner of Athletics of the W estern tim co-eds onto Clark Conference, announced Tuesday th at ] there was no provision for playing a from post season game in case the existing each girl at the rally. Those girls triple tie for the championship re­ cents, mains at the end of the season. Iowa, asked Governor N eff and the judges whieb wm be use(j f or decorations Michigan and Chicago have team s un. of the Supreme Court to be present, V)V;n be expected to do so Saturday. J defeated in * th at conference so fa r and the speeches of the evening will Tho la , t rftlly will be held Monday and each has one more game to bs be made by the guests and a speak- night a t 7 0»ci0ck. A fter meeting played. er elected from each class in departm ent. g ^ nif the girls will again go! M ajor Griffith points out th a t there ^ Clark Field to go through their j have been several disputed titles dur- The chairmen of the committees jjo g ra m again. Since this is to b e ]in g recent years and th a t no steps are as follows: Invitations, F. WL the most im portant rally of the year, j have been taken toward a post season Hicks; program , Lee D itte rt; re e re -h , is imperative th a t all girls who] game. In 1919 Illinois lost to the ation, Gladys Row ntree; finance, A.; have white section tickets be at the twice defeated Wisconsin team. But since Illinois played seven games D. Moore; within the conference th a t year they Coffee. were popularly aw arded the cham ­ pionship. Last year Iowa won on a ! percentage basis, though they did not meet Chicago, W isconsin, Ohio, or Michigan, any one of which would 1 have given them an awful battle. Old Liveoaks May Be Sacrificed To Science arrangem ent, A. B. raUy. the Field was not ^ven a name. Last of of the noble liveoaks and which imposing once are con-1 therein. It is said th a t the biology building Longhorn Rifle Club to Use Camp Mabry Range for Practice grove crowned the hill on which the Uni- was planned to be located where the versity of T.exas is situated, three trees are, because a north light is beautiful old trees on the northw est j essential fo r the work to be Persons interested to be ducted com er of the campus sacrificed for the projected Biology : in the preservation of the trees stat* Longhorn Rifle Club is ready for Building, unless plans to save them that it would be possible to locate are quickly fulfilled. The trees are the building a > me where else where work on the range. Rifles and the free by said to be among the finest specimens of their kind, and I down and yet where the necessary j the governm ent. When the members their history is interwoven with th at north light may also be found. A wish to practice, they can see Jam es of the U niversity; w hether these sen-1 movement now on foot to have tho Beverly, f ustodian of the rifles, at be a1- proposed building so Located started B. Hall and sign up for the neces- tim ental considerations will lowed to in terru p t res- progress as represented by the build- imously passed by the faculty, thp tricted to use of the range at Camp ing of the projected edifice is yet to text of which follows: | Mabry and the range is open a t ill be determined. the march of November 14 with a resolution unan- sary equipment. Practice largest and the trees would riot have to be cut j amm unition are furnished "W hereas the group of three live-J time. is G r o v e C o v er ed C a m p u s oak* qn the campus northw est of the Those who wish to join the d u b At one time the entire hill o n 1 Chemistry Building and the liveoak may see either Jam es Beverly or which the University is built was cant of it are trees of such extra- H. II. Welborn. Miss Grace Mo strength andiC lellan, who is an expert shot and covered with a thick and imposing ordinary beauty and grove of very fine liveoaks. When are endeared to the University by member of the d u b , stated that she stationed the associations of so many years would be glad to instruct any girl* General Mf.gruder was a who wished to join the organization, here with a detachm ent of the Con- that their destruction would be The Rifle Club m et in the Y. M. federate Army during the Civil W ar grievous loss, th erefo re he ordered the cutting down of sev-! new ‘Be it resolved th a t eral trees fo r the purpose of building j of Regents be petitioned so to plan; members were adm itted and plans a blockhouse, and since his time the and place work of destruction has gone stead Building and any other buildings tty forw ard, until now not a trace j that may be subsequently erected so remains of the once beautiful grove U s to save these trees and give them except these three lone trees, soon ample room for grow th." to be sacrificed to the ax of the con­ struction gang. the proposed Biology. for the year were discussed. the Board C. A. Friday night. Several W hether they will live on in ac- CLUB TO HOLD PICNfC These trees are especially dear to students and ex students of the Uni­ versity, for it was under them that team s of the Longhorn form er years used to sit and wait th eir turn at bat, when the athletic field of the University occupied the north side of the campus and Clark baseball The Lower Rio Grande Valley cordance with this plan or be sacri- Club will hold a picnic Saturday af­ aced in th© path of onward march­ terneon a t Barton Springs. All stu ­ ing sciences is a question which are dents whose homes are in the Valley are uiekly fulfilled. The trees are are invited to attend, regardless of whether or not th eir names are on now in the hands of the Board of the club roll. The party will assem­ to Regents of ble a t 3 o’clock at the end of the them goes the appeal to the walk from the Main Building to trees. W hat their action will be has Guadalupe Street. not been indicated. the University, and save OKLAHOMA U. ANO AGGIES TIE Aggies Win Cross Country Meet in Oklahoma Friday Tex** A. A M.’* c r o w c o u n tr y team won the S o u t h w e s te r n C o n ­ f e r e n c e eros* co u n tr y m ee t w hich we* 1ield at S tillw a te r , O k la h o m a , F riday. T h e A , Sc M. tea m , led fin ish ed w ith by C aptain H eard, 28 point*. in T h e U n iv e r s ity o f T e x a s e n t r y wa* secon d the m eet w ith a total o f 37 p oints, w hile O klahom a A . db M., tit l e w in n e r last year, and co n sid e r e d as a stro n g c o n ­ te n d e r this fa ll, w as third. WORK TO STRENGTHEN CLARK FIELD BEGUN Proposed R ecom m endations of A rchitecture Class W ill Be F ollow ed Other C o n f e r e n c e Games Will Be Played Thursday Oklahoma A. & M. and th* Uni­ versity of Oklahoma played a S to 3 tie in their game Friday afternoon, marking a game in which each team wa- fighting to the utmost. Field goals were the only kind of scoring that either team could accomplish, both teams showing a strong de- their goal lines were defense when I in danger of being crossed for I touchdowns. Oklahoma A. & M. is the only team in the Southwestern ( ’in ference which had a game sche­ duled for this week. Big G a m e s T h u r s d a y the It is on next T hursda\ th at the big games all over the conference will i take place, and it is for these games respective Southwestern thai J Conference team s have been prepar­ ing during this week. On the re- ■ suits o f the Thanksgiving Day ! clash« s hinges the championship of the Southwestern body. Work has been started the on •strengthenng of the bleachers on con­ Clark Field which have been structed to take care of the large num ber of spectators that will be present at the A. & M. game. This the early work will be completed p art of next week. a It was in devoting for letter week to hard preparations T" University students, the main game of next Thursday will b* the Bible- played in Austin, when coached cadets from Aggieland in­ stronghold for The strengthening of the bleach-I vade the Longhorn era on the grounds is a precaution the yearly combat, Both A. & M. the which is taken every year by the ath- and Texas have been the letic council. w ritten on October 24 to Professor Turkey Day clash, and when the two F. E. Giesecke, of the Engineering teams line up against each other departm ent, th at L. T. Bellmont, next week there will be a real game University director of athletics, pro- from sta rt to finish, posed that members of the architec- B a y l o r - S . M. U. G a m e A t t r a c t iv e ture class inspect the bleachers. The Baylor and S. M. U. will be in letter which Mr. Bellmont wrote a t another Southwestern Conference game Thursday th at will a ttra c t the th a t time follows: the attention of sporting fans over the Thanksgiving game, I would appre- state. Baylor at the present time is d a te your cooperation in inspecting in a tie with Texas for first place standing. The the Clark Field fo r the contest and aug- j S.M.U. Mutarigs, who had been show- gest any other braces th at might be ing up to advantage this year, fell necessary. Scott Yeaman the j University of Arkansas sprang an contractor." It was upon this proposal from Mr. unexpected 9 to 0 victory over them. of Thanksgiving Day will take place a t Fort Smith, Ark., between Oklahoma : A. & M. the University of I Arkansas. Rice Institu te, the other member of the conference, plays th* I University of Arizona, a non-con­ Bellmont that inspection was the made, and engineering students ta k ­ recom­ ing p a rt in this inspection mended reinforcem ents certain in parts of the tem porary bleachers. the by the wayside last week when The third conference two weeks before the conference erected on tem porary "About game seats and in is ference eleven, on Turkey Day. I Longhorn Band Will Complete Plans for Thanksgiving Game Members of the Longhorn Band j will meet Saturday a t the Law Build- J ing at 2 p. rn. to complete plans for the Thanksgiving game. The com­ m ittee that was appointed by presi­ dent Maloney Thursday night to confer with L. Theo. Bellmont and other athletic authorities regarding the part the band will have in the program of the day will make its re ­ port. Erwin F. Smith, m anager of the organization, stated last night th at it is imperative that all members of this m eet­ the organization attend ing, so th a t all arrangem ents be­ tween the band and those in charge of the holiday celebrations may be completed. Former Director of Co-ed Athletics Is Visitor on Campus Miss Eunice Aden, who fo r fif­ teen years was director of physical training for women at the University, is spending the week in Austin. PREPARING FOR GAME C oaches T aking A ll Precau­ tions to Insure Classic C ontest T hursday Although they have no game sche­ duled fo r this week-end, the U niver­ sity of Texas Longhorns will be working harder than if they were in a real clash in preparing for the big the game of next Thursday with Texas Aggies. The Orange and White players have been going through intensive afternoon workouts all this week, and the shadows of night have not served to halt their practices for th* Aggie clash. A painted ball has been brought into use by the coach­ es, and the men are kept a t their posts until some time a fte r darkness searchlights on has fallen. Large Clark Field also are brought into use for this night practice. camp The Longhorn coaches are taking Miss Aden, who resigned her po­ no chances for the A. & M. game, sition in 1921 in order to s ta rt a but are putting their men through girls’ summer camp on Medina Lake, every phase of the game in an effort which is the only girls’ In to have them in tip-top shape when Texas, was a t the University when arrives. the time fo r the the W oman’s Gym was in the base­ There probably will not be such ment of the Woman’s Building. She intensive workouts in the three days idea of having cabins fo r got the the girls from Dartm outh, and p u r - ; of nex* the men will be chasid Mammy Cabin from a fam ily j watched carefully against any possi- of negroes, and had it hauled to its j bility of growing stale. Too much present position. L ater she secured practice car. prove as harmful a i not an appropriation for Oak Lodge, a n d ; enough, and the Texas gridiron in 1920 had the house boat installed I coaches are watching carefully tor on Lake Austin, for the use of Uni- j any detrim ental signs thai might he versity girls. J caused by orerpcaetlea. game rw w -... Battu (Texan T?fV 44&K*, 19*4*2 ^ SEEKS TO PAST Bi B u t hs buhl - > N N o r ICsr ash T h # < bf> Q TO P l/r T h ir st G LASSES O N , I'M z ; o A f * 4 * 6 ^ Hts BV&S A,6£D >v"™ ^rfevr^/v- v t SHfSi-L Bt 6 ^ AO To Do it, 5/H Bur My SVS /IO. s Right * PU" IM SUftfi THS') /VSSD /ftfttStlCAJ W Sift --------- ; jhux i r ^ > p K S££ A I>£M. *M V t n w g - iH&ouGtt vT'TREM * ' AiEfecy o w i n BS THAT I VS I BssAi MlS//Vtt>fc'W£C> — Outwitting * m ha any j ack R4sr«r-to-eto«f this hike m eet et the W om an’* Gym at 2 o’clock MAHY McKAY. Editorials ENT A RGING THE CAMPUS this The aggressive policy of the University Land Acquisition to pur­ Board in its attem pt chase the additional acreage for the c a m p u s , as authorized by the Legislature, promises an early completion of im­ portant movement. Although the board over a year ago be­ gan its task of enlarging the forty-acre tract by the addition of 135 acres, its work has been delayed by various technicali­ ties and necessary formalities. With the successful prosecu­ tion of the board’s present plan5*, the University will ac­ quire the required room for its future grow th. Detailed plans and arrange­ ments for the University's de­ velopment necessarily must await the purchase of the re­ maining tracts of land. Tenta­ tive plans for a Texas stadium and a Texas Memorial Union are being m ade; but the ac­ tual realization of these pro­ jects must await the enlarge­ ment of the campus. The ear­ ly construction of a new build­ ing on the present campus is this b e i n g arranged for, but one building will bring rela­ tively little relief to the over­ crowded plant of the Univer­ sity’. The unsystematic and faltering support of the institu­ tion in the past naturally has resulted in the plant and fa­ cilities being far unsuitable and inadequate to the pressing needs and requirements. When the enlarged campus has been recured, the Univer­ sity can proceed to formulate a comprehensive program and future develop­ plan for its ment and growth. A proper slogan would be “a greater University' greater for Texas” a ALL SE N IO R S, Sorority and F ra ter­ n ity m em bers who have not had their pictures taken for the C actus must do so this week. The studio in room 216 M. B. will be open on Friday and Saturday o f thin week for the taking o f such pictures. This is positively the last chance to have the above named pictures made, LEW IS N. W HITE. NEW M AN CLUB m embers desiring to m ake the trip to San M arcos on Sunday, N ovem ber 26, report to the club rooms a t 7 a. rn. on Sun­ day. Lunch be and furnished. car* w ill JEROM E J BYRNE. P l K A PPA ALPH A nounces the ste e r in g o f fra tern ity an­ pledge relations w ith Dortch M cElhannon, PE N N Y B A C K E R . Very called m eeting. o'clock M. B. 148. im portant 5 at Friday P R ESID EN T. CLASSICAL L A NG UA G E DEPA R TM EN T TO MEET Members o f the cla ssica l la n g u a g e departm ent w ill m eet Saturday e v e n ­ ing a t 7 p. rn. in the Y . M. C. A . au­ ditorium . The c h ie f fea tu re o f the 'T r ip to G reece even in g will be a with Dr. B a ttle .” A num ber o f new photographs o f unusual b ea u ty w ill make lectu re stand out as a d elig h tfu l d eparture from the general routine o f form al dis­ courses on foreign lands. T he Hing­ i ng o f Latin and p leasin g song?, eonverse w ill also add to the n o v elty o f the occasion. illustrated thin J. S. KOENIG Chiropodist and Foot Specialist 4 1 8 L ittlefield Bldg. P hone 4 8 5 5 SB" I C leaning MI ■ MIKUSH! a D yeing KELLY SMITH P hone 6598 I A lterations Rug C leaning LOOK THINK H aircut Shave f T* I omc T he Little D epartm ent Store W ith a Big Purpose H igh G rade M erchandise M oderately Priced 902 C ongress A venue Ideal Gifts at This Store SILK U N D ER W E A R Second Floor N ew U nderw ear J u st R eceived. C repe de Chine and Silks, Ra­ dium finish. This T E D D IE S Som e lace trim m ed, som e ta il­ ored, som e hand-em broidered. is a Som e hem stiched. m ost w onderful assortm ent. A ll sizes. W hite, F lesh , Orchid, $2.15 D on’t Fail to S e e T hese O thers ........................ $ 3.98, $4.85 Just Arrived P H IL L IP P IN O GOW NS H and-m ade, hand-em broidered. T hese are so pretty and dainty yo u c a n ’t resist them . M ost at­ tra ctiv e. F our sty le s . $ 2 .3 9 A few m odels .......$3.25, $4.85 B uy th ese now— th ey m ake ideal g ifts I I Bloomers— Extra f i n e quality Crepe de Chine; hand embroidered, lace trimmed, flesh color only $2.98 lined — Silk Corduroy, extra quality, well made, American Beauty, Copen Rose ............................. $6.45 —Imported J a p a n e s e Robe hand made and hand embroidered, exquisite model. — Cheney Silk Kimonas Japanese style and design $10.95 Cozy Barber Shop 2 4 0 4 G u ad alu p e New evening dresses, fashioned of Satin, Crepe de Chine, Laces and Metallic Combinations in Maise, Turquoise, American Beauty, Orchid, Lavender, Pink and Black Sizes 14 to 42.................................. $19.95 to $42.50 T here has never before been a sale lik e this— so m any D resses, such w onder ful styles, such stupendous valu es. W e firm ly b elieve the facts ju stify us call ing it th e G reatest D ress S ale ever held in A ustin. A Superlative Event In A D V E R T ISE IN TH E T E X A N THURLOW B. W EED Em balm er and Funeral D irector M odern Funara) Hon*# Superior A m bulance S e r v le t L a va ca at 17th P h o ne 6080 THE TRADING POST 3 2 0 C oncrete Ave. That Toe the Mark It s a Dandy •Another New Fall Oxford— A Norwegian Tan Calf, plain toe Oxford— rolled edge a t $10.00 •Also, in black. •Yes, wool sox, and a good one at that, for $1.00 . CARL H. MUELLER © O S C O M O S P E S S A V E . Home of Good A t M ueller's Shoe Store STARTS 8 :3 0 THIS M ORNING NONE C. O. D NONE ON AP- PROVAL ALL SALES FINAL Former Prices Up to $39.50 Made of Chiffon V elvet, Canton Crepe, Satin Faced Canton, Crepe Romaine, Spanish Lace, Duvetyn, Matelasse, Poiret Tw ill, Char­ meuse, Beaded Georgette, Brocaded Crepe, Tricotine. The Styles: Even hems, the loose paneled fronts, side and back draped models, circular effect skirts and basque effects—and dozens of variations of every fashionable idea used this season in the better dresses. Stunning Afternoon Dresses Business and Street Dresses Different Styles— The Greatest Display, the Most Astunding Values Austin Women Have Ever Seen— It Will Pay You to Buy Today. BMP” rr*££2*. SOCIETY F A I R F A X N I S B E T , S o c ie ty E d i t o r . O f f i c e T e l e p h o n e ( f r o m 5 t o 6 ) 5 1 2 1 R e s i d e n c e T e l e p h o n e 4 2 1 7 I l f tMttmtaminmnnHmiiiimi— iiiii MiiliiimiiMlliiiiwiiiiiiimwnmnwiwriniwwwaru iBuiHwiiiiHiui)>i«BiiitwiiMtiiwwwwiiHuiiiiw»M rtHM«m w n m w * m n iwnmiam>w«i.su>aiut»niim iiinm iiiim Hiii,iiiininii-iri;nuini>m »i«ntH >m tM H M »HW STRUK OF HIRD LUCK K angaroo Star D eclared e lig ib le N ear Close o f Season In* T H E B A I L Y T E X A N ■ a B r & coach is a pitcher with the C hicago5 White Sox and could not rep o rt until a fte r the post season series for the Championship of Chicago which came late in October. This threw the work of organizing the team on to Pena. JOEKEL REVISITS CAMPUS mrnI KM Scarbrough’s Man’s Shop Fred Joekel, C. S. '16, now with the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Sur­ vey, was on the campus about the middle of the week. He is now tem ­ porarily located at Taylor, Texas, making observations on the strength of the magnetic force, finding the dip and variations of the needle. He is making a re-check of several gov­ ernment magnetic stations in Texas. I BIO PIC TU R ES — LITTLE PRICES"! T oday-Saturday ‘i s Matrimony a Failure?1’ W ith T. Roy Barnes, Lila Lee, Lois W ilson and W alter Hiers The jazziest smile picture ever made. Extra C om edy and N ew s M AJESTIC Today “HUMAN HEARTS” with House Peters A nd A ll-Star Cast F ab les and N ew s THEATERS T H E A T R E S H a n c o c k T h u r s d a y , F r i d a y a n d S a t u r ­ d a y , “ T h e F o u r H o r s e m e n o f t h e A p o c a l y p s e . ” Q u e e n I n d e f i n i t e e n g a g e m e n t s t a r t i n g M o n d a y : “ T h e P r i s o n e r o f Zen- d a . ” C r e s c e n t T h u r s d a y , F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y , a n a l l - a t a r c a s t in “ In t h e N a m e o f t h e L a w . ” • M a je s t ic T h u r s d a y , F r i d a y a n d S a t u r d a y , H o u s e P e t e r s in “ H u m a n H e a r t s . ” T e x a s “ Is M a t r i m o n y a F a i l u r e ? ” Q U E E N Today “The Prisoner of Z enda” S e e A lic e T e r r y , R a m o n N a ­ v a r r o , S t u a r t H o lm e s , L e w is S t o n e , R o b e r t E d e s o n a n d B a r ­ b a r a L a M a r r in t h i s g r e a t m a s ­ te r p i e c e . H ere’s Good N ew s. By Sp ecial perm ission o f the M etro Pictures C orpora­ tion o f “T he Prisoner Z en d a ” w ill play A u stin tw o m ore days— F riday and Saturday. tEGULAR QUEEN PRICE A ttend the M atinees STUDENTS Make our store your downtown headquarters. D rugs Cold D rinks Cigars JOSEPH’S DRUG STORE 6 2 2 C o n g reu Phone 433 6 STUDENTS We welcome you to the University and invite you to visit our place. Short O rders— C igars—-C igarette* Stationery— T oilet A rticles WAGNER’S CAFE A cross th e Campus on S p eed w a y Dave Pena, form er varsity star who is now football coach a t Austin College, has had a streak of hard luck. Ju st when it seemed th a t bel was to win a championship his first season it developed that his sta r play­ er is ineligible and all games played this season have been thrown out of standing. The action * the official came as a complete surprise to Austin College officials as earlier in the sea­ son the player in question had been declared eligible. The player in question is Hub Hol­ lis, veteran fullback and captain of the team . Hollis played baseball with a professional team in Oklahoma d u r­ ing the past summer and had received pay for his work. However, he had not signed a contract and as the rules; were interpreted this fact saved him. j Now the coaches of Trinity and Sim­ mons Colleges have pointed out to the officials that a ruling was passed about a year ago th at to play for; money, with or without a contract, makes the player ineligible. The ac­ tion of the eligibility committee leaves the title of the T. I. A. A. be-! tween Simmons and Howard Payne, both of whom have been defeated by Austin this season. S t r o n g T e a m W hether or not Pena get's credit for coaching a championship team , he certainly will get credit for putting out the strongest team the T. I. A. A. has known in years. Austin has lost only one game this season, their first game which was against the Long­ horns on Clark Field. In this game the Longhorns the kangaroos held to a 19-0 score, the best showing they have made for some years. Austin defeated Howard Payne a fte r th a t team had walloped the Farm ers in their opening game by a 13-7 score. They also took the ram paging Mus­ tangs from S. M. U. into camp by a 10-7 score. Other victims of Pena’s fighting eleven from Sherman are Daniel Baker, Simmons, T. C. U. and South­ western. The present season has been the most successful the Kangaroos have experienced in many purple moons and even if they do not get credit for the championship of the T. I. A. A. it is p retty certain th a t Dave Pena will have a home there for some tim e to come. Most of the credit for the coaching goes to Pena because he has been in charge of the team most of the season. The head S jrL s *’ " T W W e t A fle w C *w s*.*«W f.tfw rtf lg»«rf«tv*v m Mea** t fien d s 4 ' Q u a lity millS J* The Finest Thing in DRESS CLOTHES is a dinner suit from Scarbrough’s, for by its lines it is at once distin­ guished and by its price it is at once acclaimed. The new models just received present several variations, all acceptable to the man desiring to be unimpeachably correct in his evening attire. $35 $40 T uxedo Ties Tuxedo Shirts T uxedo V ests T uxedo Collars P aten t Leather Dance O xfords w ith $7.50 hollow heels SCARBROUGH’S THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK Resources $8,000,000.00 Faculty and Student Accounts Solicited DRUGS, SUNDRIES, SANDWICHES FINE CANDIES, SODA Our Prescription Department Is Unexcelled W w W w lw S ® Wm MI J -LU ii* l f f i l i i i *1 f ilii* j ffihil I -* Ilffflftl lf I Mf BH i STUDENTS! “ l f it is in tow n— w e h a v e it” EXTRA HIGH PATENT I AUSTIN. TEXAS GREENWOOD DRUG CO. Phone 9191 FREE DELIVERY 922 C ongress A ve. Ifs MADE In AUSTIN San Antonio-Auatin Capitol Bus Line Have seven cars leaving daily for San Antonio from Avenue Hotel and Rogers* Cafe as fol­ lows, 7 a. rn., 9:30 a. rn., l l a. in., I p. rn., 3:30 p. rn., 5 p. rn., and 7 p. in. Leave San Antonio 7 a. rn., 9:30 a. rn., l l a. rn., I p. in., 1:45 p. in., 3:30 p. rn., o p. rn. Fare, one way $2.75. Round trip $6.00. To Serve You Better We have added Chili, Sandwiches, Coffee and Hot Chocolate to our quality line of drinks. Special Chicken Salad Sandwich............... 15c Get acquainted with these good things to eat and drink. PALACE OF SWEETS 420 Congress FRESHMEN: Follow the Upper Classmen and you will EAT at THE BON TON CAFE F09 Congress Avenue A cordial invitation is extended to you to visit the new* est dairy lunch room in the neighborhood. Open Sunday Till 1 0 :3 0 p. rn. LOUIS P. MEYER “PASTEURIZED MILKS i f W here Q uality P redom in ates.” Phone S706 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED No drugs used in examination- no time lost from study WARD & TREADWELL OPTOMETRISTS 7th and Congress Avenue THE STUDENTS' DELIGHT MAVERICK CAFE Open All Night 6 21-23 Congress A ve. Fay and Frankie Piper of Dallas will he the guests a t Mrs. Legg’s next From here they will go to week. San Antonio, for a few days to visit and Marion with Elizabeth Litly Mrs. W inthrop Leach, who was formerly Polly Seale, a student in the University is visiting her sister, Mrs. L. L. Click of Austin. Fanelle Dornak is visiting a t the She will stay Chi Omega house. over for the Thanksgiving game. Bernie Caldwell has th** dengue and recovered is attending from classes. Alice Beaton of Corsicana a t spend the following week Zeta Tau Alpha house. will the Francis Mayfield will the guest of Deborah Doke at Mrs. M. Muckleroy’s during the Thanksgiv­ ing holidays. be Fay Underwood has recovered j from her recent illness and is tending classes. a t­ Mrs. M aurice Adams, who was form erly Zulieka Corley, will spend Thanksgiving with her sister, F ra n ­ ces Corley. Mrs. Adams is a mem­ ber of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority. Mrs. Brown Kennaid of Anderson is visiting her son John a t Mrs. W. P. Gaines. Edina Hogan is visiting a t the Kappa Alpha Theta hyuse over th e week-end. She came to be present a t the Ribbon Club dance. Kimbro G arrett, who was acci­ dentally shot last Sunday, at Seton Infirm ary wrhere he has un­ dergone a serious operation. is Mary Sullivan and Claire Mc­ Donough of Galveston will spend the Thanksgiving holidays with M artha Sullivan. Mary Buckner of Moody, w’ho graduated in August, and is a mem­ b er of the. Gamma Phi Beta sorority. is teaching school in Moody. Stanley Hornsby of Austin has vithdrawn from the University on account of illness. Edwin Asbury and Rolyn Bond of Dallas will be guests in Austin next week. Howard T. Hill, the Grand Coun­ fratern ity , is sellor of the Acacia visiting the Texas chapter. Alpha Delta Pi sorority was en­ tertained Thursday evening by Dr. J F. L. Griffith. Mrs. Dominguez of Kerrville visiting her daughter Alice at Kappa Delta house. is the Fanelle Dornack of Sour I^ake is visiting at the Chi Omega house. Theodora Cammack of Dallas will be' the guest of Murrell May all next week. Dr. and Mrs. R. L, Bradley of Ros­ well, N. M., will visit their daughter Roberta during next week. Julia Lobban of San Antonio is spending the week-end in Austin. John Corley Jr., of Mexia is spending the week-end in Austin. Margaret Marsh of T yler will visit a t Mrs. Legg’s during next week. Lorraine Robertson is ill a t her home in Lockhart. Ed Robertson has gone to Dallas fo r a few days on business. Annie Woodson from Temple will in Austin as spend the week-end the guest of Dorothy Branch. Ben Proctor of W ichita Falls will spend the week-end in Austin. TEXAS REVIEW Will BF OFF PRESS SOON A utum n Issue Contains A rticles by A m erican and E nglish W riters Copies of the autum n Issue of the Texas Review, quarterly publication of the U niversity of Texas, will soon be ready for distribution, according to Dr. R. A. Law, professor of English in the University, and editor of the publication. Articles contributed by w riters from various parts of the United States and England will ap­ issue. O ther pear members of the University English faculty on the staff of the publication are J . F. Dobie, associate editor, and Miles L. Hanley, managing editor. the current in Charles E. Young, of Iowa State University, ha^ contributed an a r ­ ticle on “ Edmund Rostund.” Articles by two professors of Smith College, M assachusetts, will also be published; namely, “John Taylor, W ater P oet,” by W illard Thorp, and “ On Being Curious” by Stanley Alden. Stanley T. Williams of Yale University has i ontributed an article on “ Whitwell Elwin, A Critic of the Eighteenth Century in L iteratu re.” is "The Birth of W riting from England, Will Hays comments on an account of Mi alt Whitman th at was w ritten by an alumnus of the University of Texas. His subject the Bible.” V erses by H. M. Jones, pro­ fessor of com parative literature in the University of Texas, are con­ tained in the Review. Another in­ structor, B. M. Woodbridge, who is now on leave of absence at Read Col­ lege, Oregon, has contributed an a r­ ticle on “ M aupassant’s Realism.” There is an article on “ Spanish Nov­ elist: Juan V alera,” written by Clyde Chew Glasscock of Rice In stitute, “ Sketches of Texas P rairie” is the title of a poem to appear, w ritten by G. B Bond. The poem was awarded three first prizes in a competition open to all Texas citizens and Amer­ ican College students. ---------------- p---------------- S T U D E N T S MAKE SURVEY The students of the civil engineer- ig departm ent are now making a urvey of the northwest corner of be campus so th at they may fur- bsh H erbert Green. University ar- hitect, with additional material to rork with in his plans for the nsw ii ology and Botany Building. INDOOR BASEBALL IS ORGANIZED BY GIRLS Indoor baseball team s of U niver­ sity of Texas girls have been organ- ied for this session and are under the direction of Johnnie Gilkerson, of Jayton, m anager for this sport. A definite plan for match games has jbeen worked out and the winning team will be awarded a silver loving cup. The team s which play on Mon­ days and Fridays will m eet the teams which play on Tuesdays and T hurs­ days in several m atch games during the term . Competition between the teams is made stronger by the fact j th a t those playing on the different I days are under instruction of d iffe r­ ent members of the staff of physical training. Parcel Post Laundry Cases your laundry Mail home. We have gov­ ernment approved mailing cases. Prices $1.75 and $1.95. Also Trunks and Leather Goods Robt. Mueller & Brother A ustin Trunk Factory 5 1 0 C ongress A venue A Brand N ew Constitution of Texas and U. S. A n n otated by J. W . M offett sale We have just published this book and have had a wonderful among Texas Lawyers. For the student of government, law or History, this Is an essential work. It is an­ notated tc date, and in­ cludes much material of histories' value. Let us show you a copy. GAMMELL BOOK STORE t i I C ongress Exchange Slurs on B oth Elevons In d ic a te Fight B etw een T hese T w o R ivals Tbalheinrter and W hite Show G ood F orm in D efeating Stacy and Penick COMICS Thanksgiving Comes on 30 Nov leaving th ere after ONLY 4 shopping days to T hank s­ giving and 23 days to Christmas. Take a tip-^—com­ mence NOW and do your shopping. You Suit and Overcoat Buyer* Don’t let a few dollars “STEER” you into buying some cheap, unknown, unnamed brand of clothing. TRY BUYING QUALITY— and you will find satis­ faction th a t cheap clothing never gives. HICKEY-FREEMAN make the FINEST ready to put on clothing in America. Come in and see these clas­ sy suits. are the young m en’s Style Leader—their $45 and $50 suits are fine products of hand tailoring. We Fit You Perfectly. 4000 shipment of Holeproof just in THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS CHAPEL NOTICE of Th# leader of Chapel Friday wai Miss Alma S u c k of Brownwood, who has charge the work among the students in the Baptist institutions in West Texas. She spoke on one of P au l’s most well known chapte rs in which he gives the recipe for happiness and sue* cess. He exhorts to “joy in the Lord” with the promise th a t the true to every one Lord will be upon Him. He who depends urges contentm ent upon the basis of alliance with God. From this chapter, Miss S u c k produced the failure form ula th at “ Life plus multiplied by God equal success.” The speaker this m orning will be Rev. O. P. Campbell, who has charge of the Bible Chair and the educational work o f the U niver­ sity Baptist Church. T hey lik e to go to th e “ Cac­ tu s” on Sundays. S p ecial din ner, 12m . to 2 p. rn. O pen eve nings till 7 :3 0 p. rn. DONNELLY & WHITE Phone 6131 Plumbing* and Heating Contractors 905 Congress Avenue PALACE BARBER SHOP “ The Old Reliable” “ Hall of Fam e” BILLY W O LF, Prop. A Strictly Up-to*Date Shop “ Next Door to Kress” wmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmm Prevent Collision I with a Green & Red, slow g or stop signal A . W . H A R T I Tires, Accessories and repairs | 305 E. 5th St. Phone 8065 | I FREE An 8x10 enlargem ent with every d ollar’s worth of Kodak Finishing. K odaks L oaned Texas Candy and Gift Shop In F ro n t of T ex a s T heatre Sanitary P lum bing, Steam and H ot-W ater H eatin g. M odern E lectric A p p li­ ances. John L. Martin P h one 3563 4 1 0 C ongress W ork H eretofore H as Been R estricted to P la c e O ut­ side o f A ustin P h o n e 4 5 2 5 T h e B u sy C o rn er 23rd and G u a d a lu p e SERVICE— SA NITATIO N DRISKILL BARBER SHOP Driakill H otel Phone us your drug wants We Deliver Anywhere MATTHEWS DRUG CO. Phone 6 645 M E E T YOUR FRIENDS AT LET US DO YOUR DIRTY WORK HOME STEAM LAUNDRY “Good Work Our H obby” 21 I East Fifth St. Phone EXTRA SERVICE Authorized Ford & fords* Mar THREE BLOCKS EAST ON FIFTH STUDENTS in The merchants who the a d v ertise Texan are support­ ing your school be­ sides offering you value received for your money. EXQUISITE CANDIES A special assortment of these delicious candies on sale Saturday at