Underground waters and subsurface temperatures of the Woodbine sand in northeast Texas

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Sargent, Elwood Cather

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University of Texas at Austin




Accompanied by 9 fold-outs. Plate I : Geologic section along the strike of the Woodbine sand from McLennan County northward to Sherman, Grayson County. Plate II : Geologic section from Hillsboro to Freestone County. Plate III : Geologic section from Grandview, Johnson County, through Keechi dome, Anderson County. Plate IV : Geologic section from Midlothian, Ellis County, into Cherokee County. Plate V: Geologic section from Dallas County through Van field across east Texas geosyncline and Sabine uplift into northeastern Louisiana. Plate VI : Geologic section along the strike of the Woodbine sand from McLennan County northward to Sherman, Grayson County. Plate VII : Geologic section along the strike of the Woodbine sand from Anderson County northward through Van field to Paris, Lamar County. Plate VIII : Isosalinity lines in the Woodbine sand province. Plate IX : Reciprocal geothermal gradient lines in the Woodbine sand province. The University of Texas bulletin ; no. 3138 : October 8, 1931

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