Ayurvedic Medicines and Fee Structure




Shankar, Jishnu
Ranjan, Rakesh
Nik Ilieva, Gabriela
Joshi, Himanshu

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Diagnosis in Ayurveda is based on the ancient conception of ailments in the body generated by three primary kinds of elemental humours: those that accrue from kapha (phlegm), those that are generated by pitta (bile) and, those that result from imbalance of the vata (air). The primary cause of an ailment in the body is regarded as an imbalance between these three fundamental elements. Diagnosis, again, involves three kinds of preliminary tests: by examining the pulse, by looking at the physical features of the patient, and by asking pertinent questions to the patient. While this may sound fairly simple, the exact method of examining the pulse, for example, comes from a long period of experience. Similarly, drawing conclusions from the physical appearance of the patient requires a lot of knowledge and experience. These video clips throw some light on how Ayurvedic doctors use this knowledge for patient treatment.

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