Summary Hydrogeologic Assessment U.S. Department of Energy Pantex Plant, Carson County, Texas
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In 1990, the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) and the Department of Geological Sciences (DOGS) at The University of Texas at Austin and the Water Resources Center (WRC) at Texas Tech University began a five-year program, funded by the Department of Energy (DOE) through the Governor's Office of the State of Texas, to characterize the geohydrology of Pantex Plant. The purpose of this work, which is summarized in this report, was to provide data and information that would assist in the remediation of contaminated sites at Pantex and support the State of Texas in its review of the Department of Energy's (DOE's) remediation program. The results of this investigation describe the physical setting and heterogeneities that control movement and distribution of contaminants and the processes that affect rates and fate of contaminants. The fate and distribution of contaminants, the selection and application of appropriate remediation approaches, the evaluation of the effectiveness of remediation technologies, and the proper monitoring of the affected environment all depend on knowledge of the controls and rates of active processes at Pantex Plant.