Microstructural and Mechanical Properties of Al2O3/P2O5 AND Al2O3/B2O3 Composties Fabricated by Selective Laser Sintering
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Lakshminarayan, Uday
Marcus, H.L.
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The feasibility of processing ceramic powders by Selective Laser Sintering has been reported in an earlier paperl . Material systems we have investigated include alumina based systems with ammonium phosphate or boron oxide as low temperature binders which are the systems discussed in this paper. With bOth systems, a secondary heat treat.rJ1ent is necessary to realize the high temperatute properties of the materials. This paper will focus mainly on the mechanical properties of the composite bodies. In particular, the influence of particle size, powder mix composition, laser parameters and secondary heat treat.rJ1ent on density, strength and dimensional stability of the final product will be discussed.