Implementation of a state hydrologic information system

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Jantzen, Tyler Landis, 1981-

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As part of its goal to "unite the nation's water information, to make it universally accessible and useful, and to provide access to the data sources," (CUAHSI, 2007) the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) has developed a Hydrologic Information System (HIS). An HIS is a tool that provides such uniform access to multiple sources of hydrologic data within a geospatial context, as described in CUAHSI's goal. While the CUAHSI HIS provides access to hydrologic data on a national scale, the need for access to statewide, regional and local hydrologic data has also been recognized. This thesis provides a background for hydrologic information technology, outlines the framework from which a statewide HIS should be created, and describes the Texas HIS prototype created in cooperation with the Texas Natural Resources Information System (TNRIS).



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