Decoding a communication signal that contains analog pulses with exponentially-shaped leading edges

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Robert H. Flake

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United States Patent and Trademark Office


A receiver for decoding a communication signal is disclosed. The receiver includes an input port and a filter. The input port receives the communication signal from a communication medium. The communication signal comprises a sequence of symbols. Each symbol of the symbol sequence is an analog pulse that has a leading edge of exponential shape. The exponential shape has an exponential growth parameter value that has been selected from values α0 and α1, which are distinct positive values. For each symbol of the symbol sequence, the exponential growth parameter value for the leading edge of the symbol has been selected based on a corresponding bit from a stream of information bits. The filter receives the communication signal from the input port and filters the communication signal to obtain an output signal. The transfer function of the filter has one or more zeros at α0.



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