Communication using analog pulses having exponentially-shaped leading edges
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A first transmitter transmits symbols. The leading edge of each symbol has the form Djexp{αjt}, where Dj is real, where αj is selected from N possible values based on a current group of bits. The receiver has N filters whose transfer functions correspond respectively to the N possible values. The filter outputs are used to recover the group of bits. A second transmitter transmits an exponential symbol or a zero symbol depending on a current bit to be transmitted. The zero symbol has zero amplitude over the symbol period. The corresponding receiver applies threshold detection to estimate the transmitted bits. A third transmitter transmits a sequence of analog pulses with known interpulse time separation(s). The pulse sequence reflects from a moving object. A receiver captures the reflected pulse sequence. The interpulse separation(s) of the reflect pulse sequence is used to determine the radial velocity of the object.