Generative naming in Spanish-English bilingual speakers
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This study evaluated generative naming in Spanish English bilingual adults with three specific objectives: 1) to compare the total number of items generated by Spanish-English speakers in each language in the categories of food, clothes, and animals. 2) to examine the relationship between language proficiency levels on the translational equivalents in each category and across categories , and 3) to evaluate the relationship between the categories and the number of translational equivalents. Thirty-seven Spanish-English bilingual adult speakers were given 60 seconds to name as many items as possible in Spanish and English in three categories (food, clothes, and animals). Results reveal that participants generated more items in English than in Spanish for all categories. They produced the least number of items in the clothes category in both languages, but significantly more items for clothes and animals in English. Participants generated the least number of translational equivalents in the food category in both languages. Additionally, there was a negative effect of translational equivalents in the food category and proficiency levels. Finally, results indicate that participants generated significantly less translational equivalents for food than for clothes and animals, suggesting that balanced bilinguals will produce more unique items in highly salient categories. Future studies may consider using more sensitive language proficiency measure, as well as categories that are equally salient in both of the cultures of Spanish-English bilingual speakers.