Galveston Bay toxicity studies : October 1971-July 1972
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As a part of a composite study of Galveston Bay, a bay-estuarine environment, an interdisciplinary research program was conducted by several principal investigators of the University of Texas School of Engineering and the Marine Science Institute at Port Aransas. The purpose of this effort was to determine the water quality of relatively stable salinity/temperature areas representing five general locations in the Galveston Bay system. This endpoint was to be determined by analysis of the water during an annual series of samples by bioassay with several species of indigenous living organisms, through the analysis of BOD toxicity indicated during the previous Galveston Bay Study, an evaluation of the nursery ground, nutrient, nitrogen and primary productivity values, a study of bottom fauna and comparison with other data parameters of the total bay study that may be pertinent to the evaluation of water quality to the biological regime.
December 1, 1972