Automatic Generation of Strong, Light, Multi-Functional Structures from FEA Output
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Cook, D.
Knier, B.
Gervasi, V.
Stahl, D.
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University of Texas at Austin
An automated process is being developed that will generate a minimal-mass lattice structure that is fabrication-ready for a selected solid-freeform-fabrication (SFF) process. The results of a standard, structural, finite-element analysis (FEA) are processed to define the selection, alignment and sizing of unit lattice elements, such that a minimal-mass structure can be defined. This process will allow for considerations of structural performance (e.g. safety factor), multiple loads, as well as process parameters (e.g. materials and min./max. sizes). Further development would lead to the definitions of composites and multi-functionality, as well as high-performance-computing (HPC) capabilities.