A Matter of Degrees: Practices to Pathways
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Table of Contents: It's Time to Redesign (p. 2) -- From Practices to Pathways (p. 3) -- Pathways: Fewer Choices and Inescapable Engagement (p. 4) -- The High-Impact Practices (p. 4) -- High-Impact Practices Improve Student Outcomes (p. 5) -- Methodology (p. 6) -- OUTCOME 1: Completion of at Least One Developmental Education Course With a Grade of C or Better (p. 9) -- OUTCOME 2: Completion of at Least One Gatekeeper Course With a Grade of C or Better (p. 18) -- OUTCOME 3: Persistence (Fall-to-Spring and Fall-to-Fall (p. 23) -- Participation in Multiple Structured Group Learning Experiences (p. 26) -- Higher Engagement, Higher Graduation Rates (p. 27) -- Campus Conversations: What Questions Do These Findings Raise? (p. 28) -- Colleges in Action (p. 29) -- Redesigning the Student Experience (p. 34) -- Key Design Features of Pathways (p. 34) -- Pathway Design Resources for Colleges (p. 35) -- Center National Advisory Board (p. 36) -- Technical Advisory Board (p. 36)