1998 Annual Report - Year One: Geo-Environmental Characterization of the Delta del Orinoco, Venezuela


The 1998 Annual Report for the project "Geo-Environmental Characterization of the Delta del Orinoco" describes the first year of work by the Bureau of Economic Geology (Bureau) at The University of Texas at Austin. The five-year project is funded by the Coordinación Desarrollo Económico de Oriente (DAO) of Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. (PDVSA). PDVSA/DAO is supporting this work in the Orinoco Delta so that development of hydrocarbon resources and other projects for the benefit of the people of Venezuela can proceed with a minimum of adverse impacts in this ecologically diverse and sensitive area. Key to this effort is establishing an accessible baseline of environmental data and developing an understanding of the physical and biological dynamics of the delta system. This information is essential for anticipating the consequences of natural and human-induced changes in the environment of the Delta.

The Bureau's role is to conduct technical studies, support collateral investigations by Venezuelan participants, assist DAO with technical coordination and program development, integrate the results of the various studies for public dissemination, and facilitate other technology transfer and institutional strengthening activities. Much was accomplished during 1998. Working concert with DAO, Bureau personnel assisted in the definition of related environmental studies, met with Venezuelan project participants to share initial results and coordinate planned activities, conducted joint field studies to collect data and observations, and helped DAO obtain international support for the investigations. Many of the issues encountered during 1998, such as many aspects of field logistics, were successfully resolved so that studies in subsequent phases of the project can proceed efficiently.


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