Three-dimensional Alumina Photonic Bandgap Structures: Numerical Simulation and Fabrication by Fused Deposition of Multimaterials
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Chen, Y.
Bartzos, D.
Liang, S.
Lu, Y.
Jafari, M.
Langrana, N.A.
Pilleux, M.E.
Allahverdi, M.
Danforth, S.C.
Safari, A.
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Three-dimensional photonic bandgap (PBG) structures using alumina (Al2O3) as the high permittivity material were modeled and fabricated. A finite element method and a realtime electromagnetic wave propagation software were used to simulate and design the layered PBG structures for their use in the microwave frequency range. The modeling obtained a 3-D photonic bandgap in the 16-23 GHz range. Fused deposition of multimaterials (FDMM) technology was then used to manufacture PBG structures. FDMM provides a computercontrolled process to generate 3-D structures, allowing high fabrication flexibility and efficiency. These PBG structures are potential candidates for applications in advanced communication systems.