Application of Solid Freeform Fabrication Processes for Injection Molding Low Production Quantities: Process Parameters and Ejection Force Requirements for SLS Inserts
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Kinsella, M.E.
Lilly, B.W.
Bhagavatula, N.
Cooper, K.G.
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Studies are underway for the application of solid freeform fabrication processes for mold inserts to be used in thermoplastic injection molding of low quantities of parts. This work initially compares a laser sintered insert (LaserForm™ ST-100) with a steel insert. Models and experiments determine process parameters, including molding latitude, and ejection force requirements. Ejection force predictions are based on work by Menges, using values for elastic modulus determined from tensile tests at ejection temperatures. Similar studies are planned for stereolithography inserts (SL 5170).