Statistical Process Control For Solid Freeform Fabrication Processes
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Statistical prpcess control (SPC) has not been widely used for solid freeform fabrication (SFF) pr~cesses, primarily due to the wide diversity ofgeometries in builds. In addition, typical parts created on SFF platforms are not ofsimple, nor easy-to- measure geometries, which fVrther complicates the application ofSPC. A study is currently in progress to establisq a method to apply SPC to SFF. Three SPC test parts were studied to determine the addedIbuild cost and accuracy improvement when SPC is applied to stereolithography. In this study, SPC was applied to X & Y shrinkage, and line-widthcompensation facto~s over a period oftime. IfSPC can be effectively applied, it will alert the operator to othe~seunnoticed system changes before valuable build-time is lost.