Real-time analysis of wide-field sub-diffuse images of normal and cancerous skin tissue using an artificial neural network
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Sub-diffuse optical properties have the potential to serve as cancer biomarkers. Sub-diffuse spatial frequency domain imaging (sd-SFDI) can reveal wide-field heatmaps of these properties and has advantages over other imaging modalities. However, rendering optical property heatmaps from these images is currently too slow for this technology to be considered for real-time applications, such as image guided surgery. Moreover, the research on sub-diffuse optical properties and their utility for identifying cancerous tissue is limited. This dissertation demonstrates the rendering of sub-diffuse optical property heatmaps from experimental sd-SFDI images in real time and examines how these properties differ across normal and cancerous skin tissue subtypes. To achieve these results, a Monte Carlo model was developed with a novel phase function sampling method which enabled simulation of sd-SFDI spectra over the wide range of sub-diffuse optical properties found in biological tissue and calibration phantoms. Datasets simulated with this model were used to train an artificial neural network (ANN) machine learning model to predict sub-diffuse optical properties from sd-SFDI reflection spectra. The speed and accuracy of the ANN was tested on sd-SFDI images of tissue simulating phantoms. The ANN was then applied to sd-SFDI images of tissue samples taken from skin cancer patients to render optical property heatmaps of the samples. The sub-diffuse optical properties of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), adipose, and dermis regions within these samples, guided by co-registered and marked histology slides, were analyzed. The ANN accurately processed the sd-SFDI images and rendered optical property heatmaps from experimental data in real time. Quantitative differences were seen between the optical properties of the different tissue subtypes. These results bring the overall process of sd-SFDI a fundamental step closer to real-time speeds, advance the knowledge of sub-diffuse optical properties of biological tissue, and set a foundation for future real-time medical applications of sd-SFDI.