Final Report for the Texas Low-Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority:Preliminary Geologic and Hydrologic Studies of Selected Areas in Culberson and Hudpseth Counties, Texas


In December 1985, the Bureau of Economic Geology (BEG) was tasked by the Texas Low-level Radioactive Waste Disposal Authority to conduct a preliminary study of the geology and hydrology of sites being considered for the construction of a low-level radioactive waste repository. The potential sites are located in Culberson and Hudspeth Counties, Texas.

The potential host rocks under consideration for the repository include the Permian evaporites in Culberson County and the Cenozoic gravels and silty clays of the Hueco Bolson in Hudspeth County. The repository is intended to be constructed within the unsaturated zone.

The geologic investigations aim to provide data for evaluating the general geologic framework of the proposed sites. Additionally, they provide site-specific data for evaluating the physical and structural characteristics of the units, as well as for understanding active geomorphic processes.


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