Current Work

dc.creatorMoore, Arthur Cotton
dc.descriptionArchitectural projects and/or sites mentioned: Royal Crescent (John Wood, 1767-1775) (Bath, United Kingdom) ; Lexington Market (1782) (Baltimore, Maryland) ; White House (James Hoban and Charles Follen McKim, 1792) (Washington, D.C.) ; United States Capitol (Benjamin Henry Latrobe and Charles Bulfinch and Thomas Ustick Walter, 1793/1868) (Washington, D.C.) ; Washington National Monument (Robert Mills, 1845-1852/1879-1884) (Washington, D.C.) ; Cairo Hotel (Thomas Franklin Schneider and Arthur Cotton Moore, 1893/1974) (Washington, D.C.) ; Phillips Gallery (Hornblower & Marshall and McKim, Mead & White and Wyeth and King and Arthur Cotton Moore, 1896/1907/1912/1920/1960/1983) (Washington, D.C.) ; Old Post Office (Willoughby J. Edbrooke and Arthur Cotton Moore, 1899/1983) (Washington, D.C.) ; Star Carpet Works (Arthur Cotton Moore, 1930/1977) (Washington, D.C.) ; Lancaster Mall (Victor Gruen, 1966) (Lancaster, Pennsylvania) ; Rockville Mall (Geddes Brecher Qualls Cunningham: Architects, 1966-1971) (Rockville, Maryland) ; Canal Square (Arthur Cotton Moore, 1968) (Washington, D.C.) ; Hubert H. Humphrey Federal Building (Marcel Breuer, 1976) (Washington, D.C.) ; The Foundry (Arthur Cotton Moore, 1977) (Washington, D.C.) ; Foxhall Crescents (Arthur Cotton Moore, 1978) (Washington, D.C.) ; CFC Square (Arthur Cotton Moore, 1978) (Washington, D.C.) ; Canal Square (Arthur Cotton Moore, 1978) (Schenectady, New York) ; Baltimore Gardens (Arthur Cotton Moore, 1978) (Baltimore, Maryland) ; Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration Plaza (Arthur Cotton Moore, 1978) (New York, New York)en_US
dc.description.abstractAudio files are EID restricted. Individuals without an EID should send an email request to
dc.description.departmentUT Librariesen_US
dc.identifier.citationUniversity of Texas at Austin School of Architecture archives, Alexander Architectural Archives, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austinen
dc.relation.ispartofSchool of Architecture Event Recordingsen_US
dc.sourceUniversity of Texas at Austin School of Architecture archives
dc.source.locationAlexander Architectural Archives, University of Texas Libraries, The University of Texas at Austin
dc.subjectAdaptive reuseen_US
dc.subjectFactory buildingsen_US
dc.subjectHistoric preservationen_US
dc.subjectReal estate developersen_US
dc.subjectShopping centersen_US
dc.subjectUrban renewalen_US
dc.subjectLearning from Las Vegasen_US
dc.subjectEisenman, Peter, 1932-en_US
dc.subjectGruen, Victor, 1903-1980en_US
dc.subjectJohnson, Philip, 1906-2005en_US
dc.subjectMoore, Arthur Cotton, 1935-en_US
dc.subjectNietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900en_US
dc.subjectPierce, Webb, 1921-1991en_US
dc.subjectRockefeller, Nelson A. (Nelson Aldrich), 1908-1979en_US
dc.subjectWood, John, -1782en_US
dc.subjectBusy Bee Auto Repair Shopen_US
dc.subjectMcDonald's Corporationen_US
dc.subjectPerkins & Willen_US
dc.subjectStar Carpet Worksen_US
dc.subjectUnited States. General Services Administrationen_US
dc.subjectBaltimore (Md.)‏en_US
dc.subjectBedford-Stuyvesant (New York, N.Y.)en_US
dc.subjectErie Canal (N.Y.)en_US
dc.subjectGeorgetown (Washington, D.C.)en_US
dc.subjectHouston (Tex.)en_US
dc.subjectLancaster (Pa.)en_US
dc.subjectLas Vegas (Nev.)‏en_US
dc.subjectMall, The (Washington, D.C.)en_US
dc.subjectPortmeirion (Wales)en_US
dc.subjectRockville (Md.)en_US
dc.subjectSchenectady (N.Y.)en_US
dc.subjectWashington (D.C.)‏en_US
dc.titleCurrent Worken_US
dc.typeAudio recordingen_US

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