Obtaining Practical Information on the Geology of Texas

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Caran, S. Christopher
McBride, Mary W.

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Information, like gold, is where you find it. Geological information is no exception, but in Texas such data are often readily at hand. The state has one of the highest concentrations of practicing geologists per capita in the United States; and Texans in general are very conscious of the importance of fossil fuels, earth materials, and land and water resources in the state's economy, history, and quality of life. But where does one turn for specific geological information?

Fortunately, there are many sources of information on the geology of Texas, including:

  1. State agencies
  2. Federal agencies
  3. Colleges and universities
  4. Geological (and related) societies
  5. Museums and nature centers
  6. Oil, mining, and consulting companies
  7. Public schools
  8. Public libraries

These organizations can often provide published information, films, lectures, and professional advice to persons requiring particular information as well as those who simply have a sincere interest in the geosciences. Most of the state and federal agencies, colleges and universities, and geological societies that engage in studies of the geology of Texas are listed in the accompanying appendices (A, B, C, and D), along with their addresses, telephone numbers, and summary statements of their areas of involvement or expertise.



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