Para Conocimiento de la Jefa del Area III, October 9, 2007




De Francesco, Virginia
Maiztegui, Cristina

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Similar to “8 octubre 2007 carta,” this three-page document is also written by Virginia De Francesco, also entitled “For the knowledge of the Boss of Area III” and also includes a short handwritten note and stamp at the end. The note and stamp are apparently by Dr. Cristina Maiztegui, “Boss of Area III, Environment and Sustainable Development, Defender of the People of the Nation.” This document references “act. 1678/07” and is marked “Buenos Aires, 9 de octubre de 2007” (October 9, 2007). The document begins by discussing an answer from the Provincial Ministry of Health which was analyzed by Dr. Karina Gómez Aguirre, and summarizes information from that answer. It then mentions Dr. Susana García of the Ministry of Health of the Nation, along with her contact information, who participated in studies done by INQA. García apparently had concerns about the environmental remediation work, concerns shared by the expert from Mexico Dr. Díaz-Barriga Martínez.

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