Report : Brown Tide Symposium and Workshop : 15-16 July 1991
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The 'brown tide' bloom of an aberrant Chrysophyte sp. phytoplankter occurred for more than 18 months and extended into both upper (cover map) and lower Laguna Madre, Texas. Great concern for the Laguna Madre ecosystem was shown during the brown tide event by local, state and regional groups, but little previous knowledge was available about this unusual phytoplankton bloom. Since field data had been collected by an ongoing UTMSI field program in the Laguna, it was felt that a workshop format meeting should be convened with national and international experts to discuss the data and results on brown tide and other unusual phytoplankton blooms. A relatively quick response was needed as planning for the workshop started in May 1991 for a meeting date in July, with support supplied by the Gulf of Mexico Program of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (Grant No. X 006242-01-0), The Resource Protection Division of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and The University of Texas Marine Science Institute. This report includes the agenda, abstracts of presentations and summary of findings by the workshop participants. The participants also strongly agreed that long term research support was necessary to further understand the brown tide bloom and its effects. To that end, a resolution was drafted and unanimously approved by all the workshop participants.
September 1991