Planning Forum Volume 02

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Powell, Leilah

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The University of Texas School of Architecture



Table of Contents: At Home in Suburbia: Learning lessons from suburban Americans /by Mark Forsyth (p. 4) -- Citizen Participation: Residents and revitalization-historical context and current models /by Ruth Ellen Hardy (p. 8) -- Point / Counterpoint: Planners, developers, and architects discuss neotraditional design /by Ashley McLain (p. 22) -- Property Rights: A state and federal judicial context for recent Texas legislation /by Leilah Powell (p. 30) -- The Indian Village: A graphic tour of India's vernacular planning and architecture /by Sangram Kakulavaram (p. 38) -- A Tale of Twin Cities: The geographical morphology of Texas-Mexico border cities /by Scott Hounsel (p. 46) -- Gender Blindness: Women in Latin America struggle against bias in housing policy /by Mary Burns (p. 58) -- Valuing Value: What is lost when we define value as a quantity? /by Stephen Ross (p. 66) -- Compassionate Values: An ethical and intellectual approach to sustainable communities /by Robert Mugerauer (p. 72)

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