First Stars XVI. HST/STIS Abundances Of Heavy Elements In The Uranium-Rich Metal-Poor Star CS 31082-001

dc.contributor.utaustinauthorSneden, Christopheren_US
dc.creatorMello, C. Siqueiraen_US
dc.creatorSpite, M.en_US
dc.creatorBarbuy, B.en_US
dc.creatorSpite, F.en_US
dc.creatorCaffau, E.en_US
dc.creatorHill, V.en_US
dc.creatorWanajo, S.en_US
dc.creatorPrimas, F.en_US
dc.creatorPlez, B.en_US
dc.creatorCayrel, R.en_US
dc.creatorAndersen, J.en_US
dc.creatorNordstrom, B.en_US
dc.creatorSneden, Christopheren_US
dc.creatorBeers, T. C.en_US
dc.creatorBonifacio, P.en_US
dc.creatorFrancois, P.en_US
dc.creatorMolaro, P.en_US
dc.description.abstractContext. The origin and site(s) of the r-process nucleosynthesis is(are) still not known with certainty, but complete, detailed r-element abundances off er our best clues. The few extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars with large r-element excesses allow us to study the r-process signatures in great detail, with minimal interference from later stages of Galactic evolution. CS 31082-001 is an outstanding example of the information that can be gathered from these exceptional stars. Aims. Here we aim to complement our previous abundance determinations for third-peak r-process elements with new and improved results for elements of the first and second r-process peaks from near-UV HST/STIS and optical UVES spectra. These results should provide new insight into the nucleosynthesis of the elements beyond iron. Methods. The spectra were analyzed by a consistent approach based on an OSMARCS LTE model atmosphere and the Turbospectrum spectrum synthesis code to derive abundances of heavy elements in CS 31082-001, and using updated oscillator strengths from the recent literature. Synthetic spectra were computed for all lines of the elements of interest to check for proper line intensities and possible blends in these crowded spectra. Our new abundances were combined with the best previous results to provide reliable mean abundances for the first and second-peak r-process elements. Results. We present new abundances for 23 neutron-capture elements, 6 of which - Ge, Mo, Lu, Ta, W, and Re - have not been reported before. This makes CS 31082-001 the most completely studied r-II star, with abundances for a total of 37 neutron-capture elements. We also present the first NLTE + 3D abundance of lead in this star, further constraining the nature of the r-process.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipCNRS (PNCG and PNPS)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipCarlsberg Foundationen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDanish Natural Science Research Councilen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipPhysics Frontier Center/Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) PHY 02-16783, PHY 08-22648en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUS National Science Foundationen_US
dc.identifier.citationMello, C. Siqueira, M. Spite, B. Barbuy, F. Spite, E. Caffau, V. Hill, S. Wanajo et al. >First stars-XVI. HST/STIS abundances of heavy elements in the uranium-rich metal-poor star CS 31082-001.> Astronomy & Astrophysics, Vol. 550 (Feb., 2013): A122.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofserialAstronomy & Astrophysicsen_US
dc.rightsAdministrative deposit of works to Texas ScholarWorks: This works author(s) is or was a University faculty member, student or staff member; this article is already available through open access or the publisher allows a PDF version of the article to be freely posted online. The library makes the deposit as a matter of fair use (for scholarly, educational, and research purposes), and to preserve the work and further secure public access to the works of the University.en_US
dc.subjectstars: abundancesen_US
dc.subjectstars: population iien_US
dc.subjectgalaxy: haloen_US
dc.subjectindividual: bps cs 31082-001en_US
dc.subjectlaboratory transition-probabilitiesen_US
dc.subjecttheoretical radiative lifetimesen_US
dc.subjectcore-collapse supernovaeen_US
dc.subjectearly galaxyen_US
dc.subjectprocess nucleosynthesisen_US
dc.subjectmodel atmospheresen_US
dc.subjectastronomy & astrophysicsen_US
dc.titleFirst Stars XVI. HST/STIS Abundances Of Heavy Elements In The Uranium-Rich Metal-Poor Star CS 31082-001en_US

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