The initial and sustaining leadership actions taken by the transformational leadership group in the development of the Dallas Achieves! transformational theory of action framework
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Given the prominence of the transformational theory of action in major urban educational reform efforts, this study intends to describe and analyze the initial and sustaining leadership actions taken by the superintendent and his leadership team, the board of trustees and the Dallas Achieves! Commission in the development of the Dallas Achieves! transformational theory of action framework. Specifically, this study seeks to encourage the research community to discover, understand, and gain insight concerning the Dallas Achieves! transformational theory of action. The study utilized the constructs of Bolman and Deal’s (2003) Reframing Organizations: Artistry, Choice and Leadership four frames for “making sense” of organizations as the analytical tool for the description of initial and sustaining leadership actions taken to develop the Dallas Achieves! transformational theory of action framework. This analytical framework guided the data collection, categorization, and emergent themes. The answers to the research questions posed in this study emanated from the analysis of the data. The findings indicate the superintendent and his leadership team, the board of trustees, and the Dallas Achieves! Commission utilized specific leadership actions in the development of the Dallas Achieves! transformational theory of action framework. Ultimately, the findings of this study provide information for researchers and those who design, enact and implement transformational theories of action.