Pterodáctilo Blog June 2013



Contents –- June 10 -– Hundimiento Humano / by James -– The Octavio Paz Guide to Publishing Translation form India / by Roanne Kantor -- June 11 –- Entre libros, periódicos y estantes / by Adriana Pacheco -– June 12 – Rayuela / by Ignacio Carvajal –- June 15 -– Zombies vs. The Ángel de la Independencia / by Sam Cannon –- June 17 –- John Kerry en Casa Herrera / by Celia Cordeiro -– Sem violência! Police aggression in São Paulo / by Sam Cannon –- June 18 -- Melancolías Chilenas¿Víctor Jara en la Rolling Stones? / by James –- June 21 -- #Vemprarua: following the protest on Vine / by Sam Cannon -– Sports and politics on display again / by Brandon McCullers

LCSH Subject Headings
