Finite element analysis of Eccentrically Braced Frame shear links with reduced web sections

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Alp, Yucel

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This thesis presents the results of a finite element study of the behavior of the shear links with reduced web sections subjected to cyclic and monotonic loading protocols, for use in seismic-resistant steel Eccentrically Braced Frames (EBFs). The capacity design philosophy for EBFs relies on the principle that the link, where inelastic deformation is intended to occur in an earthquake, must be the weakest element in the frame. One approach to satisfying capacity design requirements of EBFs is to decrease the strength of the links. Removing some portion of the link web is one method to reduce the shear capacity of the link. Twenty-one finite element models were analyzed under cyclic and monotonic loading protocols. Finite element models were based on a W18x40 shear link, without web holes, tested in an actual experiment. Modeling techniques and material definitions were validated using the same experimental findings. The finite element shear link models with various hole patterns, locations, and percent web removal were then analyzed to investigate the effect of removing material from the web on the behavior of the shear link in terms of strength and rotation capacity. This study suggests that shear links with reduced web sections provide a potentially viable method to reduce link shear strength.


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