Colorado River Diversion Project Reconnaissance Work to Establish Monitoring Stations in Matagorda Bay Near the Mouth of the Colorado River
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Fifteen monitoring stations were established in the eastern arm of Matagorda Bay, west of the Colorado River Delta, in the area where the river is to be diverted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (see fig. 1). All stations shown on figure 1 were located by triangulation, and their positions were recorded with respect to features existing on nautical chart 11319 or with respect to features located and plotted on the chart during the field survey. Twenty-foot sections of 2.5-inch PVC pipe were driven into the sediments at eight stations (see table 1) to mark selected deep-water and bay-center sites. The PVC pipes extend about 3 ft above the water. Six cedar posts, 2 inches in diameter by 6 ft long, were placed on land at strategic locations along the bayward side of Matagorda Peninsula. The locations of the posts were confirmed with reference to aerial photographs and were plotted on the nautical chart. The posts were used as reference markers to locate bay-margin sampling sites. The tops of the PVC pipes and fence posts were painted and flagged with orange fluorescent paint and tape. Because the sampling stations were also located by triangulation using more permanent navigation aids such as water tanks, radio antennas, houses, and bay markers, they can be relocated should the PVC pipes or cedar posts be removed.