(Vol. 02, 1999-12) Studies in the Genus Dyschoriste (Acanthaceae): L. Plants of Northern Mexico, Texas to Arizona
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A systematic treatment of Dyschoriste (Acanthaceae) of northern Mexico, Arizona, and Texas is provided. The taxa show few unique characteristics; taxonomy is largely based on differences in vestiture and growth habit; intergradation is widespread. Five species are recognized: (1) D. schiedeana with four intergrading varieties, var. schiedeana, var. cinerascens, var. decumbens, and var. prostrata, of central-northern Mexico north to trans-Pecos Texas and Arizona; (2) D. linearisvar. linearis and var. sanpatriciensis of Texas; ( 3) D. crenulata, of the Big Bend area and southmost Texas and adjacent Mexico; ( 4) D. poliodes var. poliodes, var. obispoensis, and var. glabra; and (5) D. greenmanii ofNuevo Le6n and Tamaulipas. Keys and descriptions are provided.