Crèvecoeur's "Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans l'état de New York"




Adams, Percy G.

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The present study of Crèvecoeur and his last and little known book is an outgrowth of an interest in Crèvecoeur's English writings, an interest which was created in a class in American Literature conducted by Professor Theodore Hornberger. Finding that Howard C. Rice, in his Le cultivateur americain, had exhausted the possibilities of research in either the English or French versions of Letters from an American farmer, I was led to investigate Crèvecoeur's Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie et dans l'etat de New York, which was published in France ten years after the author's last period of residence in America. Astounded at the lack of critical material on a book written by a once popular author, and encouraged by Professor Hornberger, I have attempted to study the backgrounds of the Voyage as a travel book, to compare it with Crèvecoeur's other writings, and to evaluate it as history, geography, natural science, and literature

