A retrospective and prospective survey of time-use research




Bhat, Chandra R.
Koppelman, Frank S.

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The central basis of the activity-based approach to travel demand modeling is that individuals' activity-travel patterns are a result of their time-use decisions within a continuous time domain. This paper reviews earlier theoretical and empirical research in the time-use area, emphasizing the need to examine activities in the context or setting in which they occur. The review indicates the substantial progress made in the past five years and identifies some possible reasons for this sudden spurt and rejuvenation in the field. The paper concludes that the field of time-use and its relevance to activity-travel modeling has gone substantially past the "tip of the iceberg", though it certainly still has a good part of the "iceberg" to uncover. Important future areas of research are identified and discussed.


At the time of publication C.R. Bhat was at the University of Texas at Austin; and F.S. Koppelman was at Northwestern University.

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Bhat, C.R., and F.S. Koppelman (1999), "A Retrospective and Prospective Survey of Time-Use Research", Transportation, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 119-139.