Intersections: Women's and Gender Studies in Review across Disciplines

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Intersections: Women's and Gender Studies in Review across Disciplines was an interdisciplinary graduate student publication committed to promoting the interdisciplinary research of women's and gender issues.

In 2002, graduate students from the Center for Women’s and Gender Studies (CWGS) and the English Department nurtured an idea for a book review with campus-wide contributions. From this came Women’s and Gender Studies in Review across Disciplines, a 44-page journal of book reviews covering literature, gender studies, American studies, history, and sociology.

The initial publication sparked an incredible interest and momentum across The University of Texas at Austin. To sustain this interest and to further interdisciplinary participation and conversation, the editors envisioned a publication with feminist scholars from all across campus.

To facilitate this cross-campus project, the journal migrated to CWGS. Since 2003, this location has enabled myriad students with a research interest in women’s and gender issues to share ownership of the journal and to further develop a vital exchange of ideas and texts. The journal thus takes place as part of the work of CWGS to build community among graduate students and to enable us to educate each other about the perspectives of our diverse fields.

In our third issue (2004-2005), editors expanded the previous review format to include reviews, poetry, essays, an interview, a section on women in the academy that has appeared in all issues and a photo and written retrospective on the Washington, D.C. March for Women’s Lives. This also marked our first themed issue, Wonder Women.

Each year our staff work to expand our feminist-centered conversation and establish the journal as a recognized and respected publication within its field. To facilitate this recognition, we changed our name to Intersections: Women’s and Gender Studies in Review across Disciplines. Our commitment to a truly interdisciplinary publication has never wavered: our editorship is made up of graduate students from across disciplines at the University of Texas at Austin. Libraries are offering the journal as part of their collection while professors are incorporating it into their syllabi. The journal’s growth is proving both exciting and exponential.


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 7 of 7
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    Intersections: Women's and Gender Studies in Review across Disciplines
    (2011) University of Texas at Austin
    Table of Contents: INTRODUCTION / by Lisa L. Moore (p. 9-10) -- POETRY -- Lynching, 1896, Jefferson, LA (Crime: Miscegenation: Living w/ White "Husband") / by Chanel Clarke (p. 11-12) -- ARTICLES -- Graduate Student Mothers of Color: The Intersectionality between Graduate Student, Motherhood and Women of Color in Higher Education / by Reyna Anaya (p. 13-31) -- Female in the Military: A Case Study of Invisibility and Betrayal / by Luana Bessa and Annie Farmer (p. 32-47) -- Containment and Resistance: Girls' Writing in the Juvenile Justice System / by Katherine Charek Briggs (p. 48-66) -- Troubled Discourses Among University Students: A Student-Driven Gender Project in Turkey / by Antonia Mandry (p. 67-90) -- Picturing 'Naked Life': Bodies at the Margins in the Photography of Parminder Sekhon / by Lauran E. Whitworth (p. 91-123) -- POETRY -- Africa Stone: Challenge in the World's Strongest Man Competition / by Chanel Clarke (p. 123) -- BOOK REVIEWS -- Gender Circuits: Bodies and Identities in a Technological Age by Eve Shapiro / reviewed by Catherine Coleman (p. 124-126) -- Gender and Decolonization in the Congo: The Legacy of Patrice Lumumba by Karen Bouwer / reviewed by Tosin Abiodun (p. 127-130) -- Reality Bites Back: The Troubling Truth about Guilty Pleasure TV by Jennifer L. Pozner / reviewed by Virgina Hernandez (p. 131-134) -- POETRY -- For Phyllis / by Chanel Clarke (p. 135) -- CONTRIBUTORS (p. 136-139) -- CALL FOR PAPERS (p. 140)
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    Intersections: Women's and Gender Studies in Review across Disciplines
    (2010) University of Texas at Austin
    Table of Contents: INTRODUCTION -- Introduction / by Jacqueline Angel (p. 10-13) -- ARTICLES -- Warriors and Survivors: Constructing the Gendered Cancer Patient as Hero / by Kathryn Burrows (p. 14-36) -- Gendered Discourses & Fat Bodies: “Healthy” Reshaping on The Biggest Loser / by Sarah Murray (p. 37-57) -- Does this Make me Look Fat?: The Answer’s not in Black and White / by Alena Singleton (p. 58-82) -- Negotiating Sexual Authority: Iranian Women and Their Subversive Discourse of Birth Control / by Tahereh Aghdasifar (p. 83-102) -- Educating African Sexuality: Processes of Gendering in Sexual Health Messages Films, The Case of Yellow Card / by Allison McGuffie (p. 103-133) -- BOOK REVIEW -- Development with a Body: Sexuality, Human Rights and Development by A. Cornwall, S. Corrêa, & S. Jolly (Eds.) / by Joy Learman (p. 134-136) -- CREATIVE PIECES -- Distortion / by Angela Finley (p. 137) -- I’m Cautious / by Nathaniel Weber (p. 138-139) -- Hysteria / by Kimberly Dolan (p. 140) – CONTRIBUTORS (p. 141-143) – CALL FOR PAPERS (p. 144)
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    Women's and Gender Studies in Review across Disciplines
    (2005) University of Texas at Austin
    Table of Contents: REVIEWS -- Wonder Woman: The Complete First Season produced by Stanley Ralph Ross and Douglas S. Cramer, starring Lynda Carter (DVD) / by Audra Rouse (p. 6-9) -- Locas: The Maggie and Hopey Stories by Jaime Hernandez / by Alex Barron (p. 9-10) -- The Global Political Economy of Sex: Desire, Violence and Insecurity by Anna M. Agathangelou / by K. Leigh Hamm Forell (p. 10-11) -- Wonder Women: Feminisms and Superheroes by Lillian S. Robinson / by Lisa Avery (p. 11-12) -- ESSAYS -- Her Real Revolution: Performative Feminist Interventions in Rap Music's Lyrical Misogyny / by Alison M. Perry (p. 13-18) -- Discovering the Wonders of Women: Conversations about the Journal in the WGS Workshop / by K. Leigh Hamm Forell, Valerie Little, and Amy Vetter (p. 19) -- "Mãe Preta"-Trauma and Empowerment in the Lives of One Community of Black Brazilian Women / by Celeste Henery (p. 20-26) -- Midwifery: The Right Choice for Mothers and Babies / by Emily Blosser (p. 27-34) -- Thirty Years as a Common Woman (a critical memoir to be read as a conversation) / by Kristen Hogan (p. 35-38) -- Unlikely Activists: Rural Wonder Women Working for Social Justice / by Sara Struckman (p. 39-43) -- Educators for Change: Promoting Dialogue and Action in Communities / by Amy Vetter and Melissa Forbis (p. 44-45) -- TRIBUTE -- Gloria Anzaldúa / by Collaboration by Lilia Rosas and Melissa Forbis (p. 46-47) -- IN EVERY ISSUE -- Wonder Girls: Transforming Feminism, Expanding Girls' Cultures / by Mary Kearney (p. 48-49) -- LAST LOOK -- Weird Sisters / by Susan Todd (p. 52)
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    Intersections: Women's and Gender Studies in Review across Disciplines
    (2006) University of Texas at Austin
    Table of Contents: ESSAYS -- Men as Students in Women's Studies / by Kyle Brillante (p. 7-13) -- A Woman Needs Two Countries / by Elisabeth Sharp McKetta (p. 14) -- Narratives of Everyday Resistance and Politics of Feminist Self-Representation in Faima Mernissi's Dreams of Trespass / by Nandini Dhar (p. 15-33) -- Prosecuting Juveniles: Gender Bias in Juvenile and Criminal Courts / by Meredith G.F. Worthen (p. 34-45) -- Thirty / by Elisabeth Sharp McKetta (p. 46) -- Rapunzel / by Elisabeth Sharp McKetta (p. 46) -- The Way North: A Documentary about Maghrebi Immigrant Women in Marseille, France / by Shara K. Lange and Thuy-Van Vu (p. 47-59) -- BOOK REVIEWS -- Gloria González-López, Erotic Journeys: Mexican Immigrants and their Sex Lives / by Chauntelle Anne Tibbals (p. 60-62) -- Maureen Sullivan, The Family of Woman: Lesbian Mothers, their Children, and the Undoing of Gender / by Corinne E. Reczek (p. 62-64) -- COMMUNITY CORNER -- A Doorway Instead of a Wall: The Gender and Sexuality Center and Feminist Community at UT / by Lisa L. Moore (p. 65-66) -- There is No Superwoman: Myths, Realities and Women Politicians / by Sherri Greenberg (p. 67-70) -- Contributors (p. 71) -- Last Look / by Rebecca Moody (p. 72-73)
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    Intersections: Women's and Gender Studies in Review across Disciplines
    (2007) University of Texas at Austin
    Table of Contents: ARTICLES -- Repairing a Schism in Feminism: Toward a Broader Understanding of Gender Discrimination / by Catherine Connell (p. 13-19) -- Feminist Research and Representations of Gendered Service Workers: Examining Resistance, Agency, and Positionality / by Katherine Eva Maich (p. 20-28) -- "You're Not a Veteran, You're a Girl": Gendered Martial Citizenship and Women Veterans of the United States Armed Forces / by Stephanie Volkoff Green (p. 29-36) -- Government Knows Best?: The Paternalistic Past and Present of Warfare / by Megan Reid (p. 37-43) -- African Women and Missionary Writings: Nineteenth-Century Boloki Women of the Congo in John H. Weeks' Among Congo Cannibals (1913) / by Naminata Diabate (p. 44-52) -- Reinterpreting Islamic Law: The Current Debate on the Zina Ordinance in Pakistan and Its Implications for Women / by Kritika Argawal (p. 53-59) -- POEMS AND ARTWORK -- From the Terrace of the Elmina / by Nandini Dhar (p. 60) -- Burden / by Kate Antosik Parsons (p. 61) -- Like a hotdog I hold you in the palm of my hand / by Kate Antosik Parsons (p. 62) -- Flowers II/III: Tranquility / by Tiffany Mylinh Duong (p. 62) -- Revenge of Clytaemnestra / by Kate Antosik Parsons (p. 63) -- Muse / by Kate Antosik Parsons (p. 63) -- Free-Flowing Woman / by Tiffany Mylinh Duong (p. 64) -- The Night They Broke It In Two / by Nandini Dhar (p. 65) -- BOOK REVIEWS -- Mounira M. Charrad, States and Women's Rights: The Making of Postcolonial Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco / by Nicole Angotti (p. 66-67) -- Lillian Faderman and Stuart Timmons, Gay L.A.: A History of Sexual Outlaws, Power Politics, and Lipstick Lesbians / by Carly Kocurek (p. 68-69) -- COMMUNITY CORNER -- "It Won't go Away": Surviving a Feminist Consciousness in Post-Socialist Romania / by Petruţa Teampău (p. 70-75) -- A New Prospect for Female Muslim Leadership: Dr. Ingrid Mattson / by Katelyn Downing (p. 76-81) -- Who's your Real Audience? Bridging the Gap Between Academic Feminism and Political Activism / by Penny Anthon Green (p. 82-84) -- Contributors (p. 85-86)
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    Intersections: Women's and Gender Studies in Review across Disciplines
    (2008) University of Texas at Austin
    Table of Contents: ARTICLES -- Political Rights: A Brief Look at the Kuwaiti Women's Movement / by Dana Al-Ebrahim (p. 11-22) -- Mapping Inclusion: Social Groups and Subcultures within New York City's Queer Commercial Sex Landscape / by Heather Wollin (p. 23-34) -- Queer Liberalism, Women's Equality, and the Patrolling of "Domestic" Boundaries in the United States / by Jessica Johnson (p. 35-47) -- Lose the Radicals, Wear a Suit, and Meet Me in the Rose Garden: A Critique of the Human Rights Campaign's Gay Agenda / by Jane B. Meek (p. 48-57) -- Violent Frontiers: Women's Rights, Intimate Partner Violence, and the State in Ecuador / by Karin Friederic (p. 58-75) -- Examining the Politics of Education: A Critical Analysis of the French Ban on the Hijab in Public Schools / by Katherine Cumings Mansfield (p. 76-88) -- Conversations Across the Bosphorus: The Poetics and Politics of Depicting Other Women / by Hikmet Kocamaner (p. 89-100) -- The Canonization of Gilman's "Lost Utopias" / by Devon Wallace (p. 101-110) -- Shattering the Final Glass Ceiling: Gender, Politics and the Campaign for Presidency / by Beth A. Latshaw (p. 111-124) -- ARTWORK -- La Hija del Dictador / by Nicky Arscott (p. 72) -- Red Lined Nude / by Tiffany Mylinh Duong (p. 73) -- Lying Figure / By Tiffany Mylinh Duong (p. 74) -- Insomnia / by Arthur Christian Abello (p. 74) -- Resting Woman / by Tiffany Mylinh Duong (p. 75) -- BOOK REVIEWS -- Pedagogies of Crossing: Meditations on Feminism, Sexual Politics, Memory and the Sacred / by Elyshia Aseltine (p. 125-127) -- Rethinking Madam President: Are we Ready for a Woman in the White House? / by Emily A. Neff-Sharum (p. 128-129) -- Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics / by Kimberly Campanello (p. 130-132) -- FACULTY PIECE -- Gender Politics and Academia / by Pascale R. Bos (p. 133-135) -- Contributors (p. 136-138) -- Call for Papers (p. 139)
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    Intersections: Women's and Gender Studies in Review across Disciplines
    (2009) University of Texas at Austin
    Table of Contents: Introduction / by Christine Williams (p. 13-14) -- Self as Diasporic Body: Hung Liu's Self-Portrait Resident Alien / by Dong Li Isbister (p. 15-25) -- Brass Chicks and Drummer Girls: Performing Gender within the University Marching Band / by Kimberly Marshall (p. 26-39) -- Revealing and Revolting: Homosexual and Transgender Panic in Two Australian Films / by Joanna McIntyre (p. 40-52) -- White Power, White Desire: Racialized Consumption in Nineteenth-Century Spanish Orientalist Painting / by Michelle Pauken (p. 53-66) -- Queering Passing: An Exploration of Passing among GLBQ Individuals / by Rachel Verni (p. 67-81) -- The Politics of Space: Sexual Subjectivity and the College Dorm / by Kevin Duong (p. 82-94) -- Artwork / by Ulises García (p. 95-97) -- Artwork / by Cristal García (p. 98-99) -- Artwork / by Thryn Albin (p. 100-103) -- Contributors (p. 104-105) -- Call for Papers (p. 106)