Spanish in Texas Project

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Spanish is not a foreign language in Texas. Many Texans speak Spanish on a regular basis at home, at work, and with friends and neighbors. What makes Spanish spoken in Texas different from the Spanish spoken in other parts of the world is that most Spanish-speaking Texans also speak English. The purpose of the Spanish in Texas project is to profile Spanish as it is spoken throughout Texas today and to provide open learning tools that allow students, teachers, and the general public to explore Spanish language variation. A central goal of the project is to encourage users to view local varieties of Spanish and their speakers as important resources for learning about language and culture. The project directors are Barbara E. Bullock and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio. __ El propósito de este proyecto es retratar el español tal y como lo es hablado en Tejas hoy y proveer herramientas de una enseñanza abierta que permiten estudiantes, maestros, y el publico general explorar la variación de la lengua española. Una de las metas centrales de este proyecto es animar los usuarios a ver las variedades locales del español y sus hablantes como fuentes importantes para el aprendizaje de lengua y cultura. Los directores del proyecto son Barbara E. Bullock y Almeida Jacqueline Toribio.


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