Understanding Migration: Curriculum Resources for the Classroom

Permanent URI for this collectionhttps://hdl.handle.net/2152/24541

Understanding Migration was conceived in response to numerous requests from educators and curriculum specialists concerning the presentation and discussion of issues related to human migration in the social studies classroom. What are the reasons that large groups of people have found themselves moving from place to place? What effects does this movement have? And most importantly, how can such a fluid and nebulous concept be presented in a classroom in an easy-to-follow manner with clear lesson objectives and outcomes? Regional case studies were chosen to address these, and other, essential questions. Where possible, we have used primary source documents to present the information in each case study.


Revised Edition Publication Date: December 2011 This unit contains copyrighted material, which remains the property of the individual copyright holders. Permission is granted to reproduce this unit for classroom use only. Please do not redistribute this unit without prior permission.