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Item 2002 Water Quality Inventory - Sources of Pollution for Water Bodies Not Meeting Water Quality Standards(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2002) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem 2002 Water Quality Inventory - Sources of Pollution for Water Bodies with Concerns for Use Attainment(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2002) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem 2002 Water Quality Inventory - Sources of Pollution for Water Bodies with Water Quality Concerns(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2002) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem 2002 Water Quality Inventory Stream Flow Types and Information Used to Determine the Dissolved Oxygen Criteria(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2002) Texas National Resource Conservation CommissionItem 2004 Texas 303(d) List (May 13, 2005)(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2005) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem 2006 Texas Water Quality Inventory - Sources of Impairment and Concerns(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2007) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem 2006 Texas Water Quality Inventory Water Bodies Evaluated (June 27, 2007)(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2007) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem 2006 Texas Water Quality Inventory Water Bodies with Concerns for Use Attainment and Screening Levels (June 27, 2007).(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2007) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem 2008 Texas Water Quality Inventory - Sources of Impairments and Concerns(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2008) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem 2008 Texas Water Quality Inventory Water Bodies Evaluated (March 19, 2008)(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2008) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem 2008 Texas Water Quality Inventory Water Bodies with Concerns for Use Attainment and Screening Levels (March 19, 2008)(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2008) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem 2010 Texas Water Quality Inventory Water Bodies Evaluated(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2010) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem Annual Flow and Run-Off of Some Texas Streams(University of Texas at Austin, 1915-01-01) Taylor, T.U.Item Assessment Summary(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2007) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem Executive Summary(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2011) Texas Commission on Environmental QualityItem Flood Stages and Discharges For Small Streams in Texas: Compilation of Data through September 1970(U.S. Geological Survey, 1972) Schroeder, E.E.Research Study No. 4-5-65-85, "Hydrologic Investigation of Small Drainage Areas in Texas," is a cooperative program between the Texas Highway Department and the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey. This program, which began in September 1964, is financed by funds made available for research by the Texas Highway Department and the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. This report is the sixth in a series of interim reports that describe the objectives, planning, instrumentation, progress, and status of the project. The report includes data collected during the 1970 water year. The objective of the program is to obtain basic hydrologic data that may be used to define the magnitude and frequency of floods for drainage areas of less than 20 square miles. When sufficient data have been obtained, a magnitude and frequency analysis of floods for streams of less than 20 square miles will be prepared. These data will supplement those used by Patterson (1963). To accomplish the objective, a network of 151 crest-stage partial-record gages was established. These gages are distributed throughout the State to sample all hydrologic areas and flood-frequency regions as defined by Patterson (1963} and to obtain a representative sample of physical characteristics. Information for unusual peak discharges at ungaged sites is obtained as the opportunity arises. The planning of this program is directed toward providing a useful regional flood-frequency relation for small streams as soon as the necessary data are collected. Recognizing that an annual-flood series distribution will be used, rainfall-runoff simulation techniques are being tested for possible use in extending records of annual peaks. These techniques should afford useable relations sooner than would be possible by using routine techniques such as the "index-flood method."Item Flood Stages and Discharges For Small Streams in Texas: Compilation of Data through September 1971(U.S. Geological Survey, 1973) Schroeder, E.E.Research Study No. 4-5-65-85, "Hydrologic Investigation of Small Drainage Areas in Texas," is a cooperative program between the Texas Highway Department and the U.S. Geological Survey. This program, which began in September 1964, is financed by funds made available for research by the Texas Highway Department and the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. This report is the seventh in a series of interim reports that describe the objectives, planning, instrumentation, progress, and status of the project. The report includes data collected during the 1971 water year. The objective of the program is to obtain basic hydrologic data that may be used to define the magnitude and frequency of floods for drainage areas of less than 20 square miles. When sufficient data have been obtained, a magnitude and frequency analysis of floods for streams of less than 20 square miles will be prepared. These data will supplement those used by Patterson (1963). To accomplish the objective, a network of 150 crest-stage partial-record gages was established. These gages are distributed throughout the State to sample all hydrologic areas and flood-frequency regions as defined by Patterson (1963) and to obtain a representative sample of physical characteristics. Information for unusual peak discharges at ungaged sites is obtained as the opportunity arises. The planning of this program is directed toward providing a useful regional flood-frequency relation for small streams as soon as the necessary data are collected. Recognizing that an annual-flood series distribution will be used, rainfall-runoff simulation techniques are being tested for possible use in extending records of annual peaks. These techniques should afford usable relations sooner than would be possible by using routine techniques such as the "index-flood methodItem Flood Stages and Discharges For Small Streams in Texas: For the Period October 1, 1967, to September 30, 1968(U.S. Geological Survey, 1971) Schroeder, E.E.Research Study No. 4-5-65-85, "Hydrologic Investigation of Small Drainage Areas in Texas , " is a cooperative program between the Texas Highway Department and the Water Resources Division of the U.S. Geological Survey. This program, which began in September 1964, is financed by funds made available for research by the Texas Highway Department and the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration. This report is the fourth in a series of interim reports that describe the objectives, planning of the project, the instrumentation, the progress and status of the project, and the data collected during the year. The objective of the program is to obtain basic hydrologic data that may be used to define the magnitude and frequency of floods for drainage areas of less than 20 square miles. When sufficient data have been obtained, a magnitude and frequency analysis of floods for streams of less than 20 square miles will be prepared. These data will supplement those used by Patterson (1963). To accomplish the objective, a network of 151 partial-record crest-stage gages was established. These gages are distributed throughout the State to sample all hydrologic areas and flood-frequency regions as defined by Patterson (1963), and to obtain a representative sample of all physical characteristics. Information for peak discharges at miscellaneous sites is obtained as the need arises. The present flood-frequency analysis (index-flood method) requires a minimum of 10 years of annual peak-discharge data to satisfy the requirements of statistical methods. About 10 years of peak-discharge data are required to sample the variations associated with a minor climatic cycle.Item Floods in Texas Magnitude and Frequency of Peak Flows(U.S. Geological Survey, 1963) Patterson, James L.This report outlines methods by which the magnitude and frequency of expected floods for most streams in Texas may be predicted. Peak discharge data from gaging stations have been used to define flood-frequency curves applicable to the State. Composite frequency curves were drawn showing the relation of mean annual floods to floods having recurrence intervals from 1.2 to 50 years. Other curves express the relation of the mean annual flood to contributing drainage area. By combining data from the two types of curves, flood-frequency curves may be drawn for streams in Texas not materially affected by regulation or diversion. The curves should not be extrapolated beyond the range defined by base data. In general, very large stream in the State do not lend themselves to regional analysis; therefore, they are given special treatment in this report. A tabulation of peak gage heights and discharges for most gaging stations in the State having as many as 5 years of record are included. In general, the tabulations include all peaks above a selected base discharge. For some stations only annual peaks are shown.Item Guidance for Assessing Texas Surface and Finished Drinking Water Quality Data, 2002(Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, 2002) Texas National Resource Conservation Commission