Dolph Briscoe Center for American History

Permanent URI for this community

The Dolph Briscoe Center for American History is committed to the long-term preservation of its born-digital resources. The Briscoe Center's digital preservation initiatives support the Center's overall mission by collecting, creating, preserving, and making available born-digital resources, resulting in a diverse collection of authentic digital evidence of Texas and U.S. history. The Briscoe Center has partnered with Texas ScholarWorks in order to maintain the same quality of care and attention to the Center's born-digital resources as has been provided in the long tradition of the Center's analog holdings.

Unless the collection donor or rights holder has explicitly granted permission to provide online access to their born-digital content, the Center restricts access to this content to the Center's reading room in Austin, TX, where it can be accessed free of charge.

Guidance on how to cite the Briscoe Center's born-digital resources can be accessed here. In addition, the URLs associated with the Center's resources on TSW may also be used in researcher's citations.
