P. W. McTaddeft CIGARS AND TOBACCOS Jiilliai'd-iinil |'uol, Pai'li'i' Oj.pn AJ1 th Drugs and ... ' ^'EU11 ,. ' '. Congress Avenue. " • . 'Phone oq& Stationery t. , V Full Line of .Stniir-nc.ry." T*«:i!.lilij^Tsl- Books ami: Xi'Ws. ... -.-. •... . under Ihejiuspices.,o! JJhe Students' Association of the 'University -of Texas ,T~W O S 1J ORES — 1612 Lavaca.and cor. Quad. 23rd­ A Weekly '• Newspaper^" •AU'SJIN, TEXAS, • WEDNESDAY/""FEBRUARY 24, Volume 4.-Number 17 1' nslnncir ^l,ou n, W liv ih,. suirioi^nt upper was degeneratiuj; int«» :f tan-f. and >aid ^THE FIT, if it. •me t'rum a thati if the • I'onjircMoual voinrdv. ,e»»n­I'roshuiaii. Bq. consistent. tilrues aui[ drift*'into a rt'mtinutiu-<.-per­. -•-•r' ^-.VtTEXAS INDEPENDENCE DAY WILL formance, c«uigfessm»*n will n » lon^i r be A VALUABLE ITEM OF NEWS •Aiuonu tlip"itianv Irtier^ tliat tlie e.jj-I—BE CELEBpAT ED-NEXT . -At:atr->nu»Ti l^nt—wiM-dsipiMt'. Mr. Sht pp.nd i i We Want to Talk THAT" WAS OVERLOOKED AND W'E'EK. turial. >tal) n't Texan received. hist {developed, to the niemineut ft' Ttic ! • ,A WAIL FROM THE FRESH-' 1 • ' t AM'fk^-nune atkacied our attention so jHoit?»e. -iti -a-colk»i|\ty -Vith Mr. ('andlet1, j MAN RANKS. MMii li ;t-the. above, "J iivre is tv breath •' tliat the latter ha»l reeeixed a |'vM|Ue>t ' "t' tlie -|iriniMinje about it and the-sound: from a liian for a Jiat for himself and; EVERYBODY YtLl! "t ;i|rass fur it is so very hi'5 -wife. .Mr. ('oehran Uh*m.. Mo. I ^aid-j FEW INCIDENTAL'COKMENTS Jias allorded ho much merri-"' la' received a let ter'from otic of hi< eon--' , •. "T) 1 I-•" •"— iiuMit I'M-the.-,eilitor ''that we can with *tituents a few mouths ago askriji^: fnrj There will be a great e\.lebratjon in. to yc.u. We know A Terrible Accident. ... ilillieuhy ..control our laughter long piatiu Mr.. t'oehran i a for his daughter. ' we can save you Kiii'tor Tlie . 'J'ranr:--. $5„.to $15 per suit ^vrot'^KV^k 1 )iat ho was ven..-_sojjy t]u>tJ Dear h-ir: I wish'to call your sixit*n-•ouitneilt. 1'hat day'will be Marrh 2. Must what over your total he eo^uhl. not gratify him. but lie, was/ tailor's price and . , lion lu siiim^hing—rhm . W>u—tailed to. —T^v wi-iiacrnrl—rmirlrn-Tt say. for^-itri -ttt •Hte—nniti-»iiit-y—Hrtd-^CTTrW^m qiu» vou Tailor ' .-,J'U!iIuh'"> U.'« ;lasl. i*Mie «'f your ,|tii jicr. ** « Avrirk'iiown fact, that the liialc cuii-j have, been unable to ascertain. fc>oiiie-rt4lowuu of.'pjtfiims.; ]Ipvveyer. lir'.siiii'lJ Made suits at lit* , tle,^ ifany,; morel "'""7 TVrlin(is you art* .nut ;i<h*. Hartholiit. beinu'tli(r oiVly l\e|»Ub-.f b'ulv said s<»HietVing about. Texas inde-' .tha'n' .'"Hand­t i l l iliy-yft«,•*'>•• i^H-tHl" tliem i*-t in';"l*i t'ent'>t*. treshest, swelMieadest*' liean fnuhMhe ^tii-le. eouhl ,yej\ ajl Itho.'l cost. The j>eiiden<-e t.lio.othej* day, but. .'we didn'tmuu l • -i — fte»/v—sprmg vsuit^— -\\e .• ' .—. .v-. .One day ht^t_\\eck a I"ni\'*«r—il \* ->M i:uy> tliat" .we have ever ^o.iite-ii^' Ilear all-lus_rtamvrk-s; -»ii wi ha\v--iieeiVrplimuii;'hv Jee«-nod'j| ings are-.very;.ele* ~fi tilltc.H-t—W-U-S—\U­ r;ain-i-k-i-fi e --1i\t;,r nttiubei" at you i.,!t welv 'tr as It is 11;11o\\ aih1ti—-UiVNi'-f-^^-ilay^r-|"| — gar>t. and corripriso-­ unable to-,onie att^'ntiiin.'."<^iitxk a uunibeV fur jiiamw, aiul n<»w lie. r* receiving fmii* j1 r spuns., Cassimercs gr^at-exhibitiun of -vU.uiL^sijtuebod-\t._hju lic*n on aie ,-Uil'. dreauun^.-And it -is tinu-i. , ' ' : , ' • -\ hout'i and s^'iigs and erie-And . all \Vit.li. tbu^ks unfore-ceij.t despondency. h\< r a re-rt-.UM*.},•CiMrt.B.ii; ? ha t t he grea.t -ula joi of you werc s.,. . a4» . .. .* itln-i bej-an>e manv vern^ ago"tlie great-. T killed tiie tea.nl.­ ,a> as teaus;-of t in-,;l't.t^cdv'/ *• Iinme^ h-aririiig. th.at ah'ii ''iii'e l>ids —-niero • in-J . -, w I <»he 5-^, tdi itely upon. t Ih* deaVk-;*.-f t he V--4-UiiiL-.._iui4_iiiui-Ut v\-v. . A!id:_iii»\Oidu--i . 4. ... -l4^ . W'ho doometl il t "die? . . ' ., * i , -i wn.-'. andnt .ri""nT on^lrt-i-n-brftree,. -We Wright & ;tju 1)CU>: \\-ll -« Mil Vi\t>| the city. uinii-l»,r Jyou-vto ??uppo.-e that., vbu-could ! Instructors --ait!.: "\V« i havi1 been told that there wa* some lit -1 Jand -'•la--uian-of hi^ fair co-ed.';ni-rii. ; I Hill SUI J»iiv(V;.. T!:iVj-voir did Ill it r«>b Ut U|»|M'r . ...--iMuii "! in-kiii (lave it. the objection 'to the "prueeediffg. on the!" "jM'ili-o}' -it.. ..If M';.J y.Y ..iijji] u* a little W'l.y you, wouldn't even, in1' popular at! ... .. • , , * 'We' doonu'd it to die. .... 1 , • (part otMhe Mexican g»»venumnt. but in niore dilfccnt _Jn \onr sen;i'«;}t-UV">"r nr\i>• an. okt tnaeK eoiivOm.ion. J he c fjjil it-'didn t.-antount to ' lniudi. -It \Y4h»"11ie t he-immr-4u-r ?~~ =3=-Sou wouhl ImVi i'Vt t c|-With, you .balkier, now .and then —but. •• , , ' . . ' . ' _— —'-V--/T^ , olilv >er.Vecl to.JUilktii-ii^ .,_.-f£aid:-tUe-Htudcnt.'.­ iil.,. A i t \ 4 iyU . \vhy \v*-.. wliv ? . Mctlunks an -^­ "The fifeulty"'\\'oiildil^. ~ v WKI.L. answer-b: "ihnler. Lnwncv* o\t»r;iJ/' . . , .w , i ... • * " 1 w1re>t.' lor some historian has 'writ t<*u the'l VJ1 be .the mourner.?,^Kx. • 'i;iie iir^* voniiiiiini daiiee*. i:ermatis-ea?-v mark!" > . r lt • ,, . ..• . * . . eatioii-u_a-r • . • storv of .the Alamo and han .lacmt,o. (•••iveil by tin-fMliturinI. hoard of tlvf."' »ve -reaitv -fur "ci.-! 4-, /. . . «, , " , • : ,, . ' i .vji«! ti'it reminds us-that this dav on Tf\rtii si-VI-XM! #'dj>'ys ii^-o.. "AN were'at t inir Oil a right good^mm in the last few ^ i , ' » *-i , , 1 r\\ lii..ti will next • :11' • • " * i w hich wowe vi lli . .duaJ" n.ext wee''\vee brst, astonished. th<-n -ui |>i i-ei{.#aii'J tin-; bnes \oiir remarks,. And that, is nist 1... . , ,v -.. 1 I"-• * --, -• ,i I exas lihb'peiidenee Dav. -. . vou W'e.r • '"^•Hjlly di'sjjusted. -, W'e ucie astoni«.hed tol.^u*the reason .wewe arc calling you down. We.r. . ' , „ , So all the stmlents tand wr. wwh.espe-." 4li>vl^ tliat such'a \;iluable item of news 1 ^'el sorry for. you poor litUe-fledgliitgs, .I?1''11 "'* Av,,ie featll^ fn.m your jtarentaT fr.ciWt of the t^ipitol^^j^wg at o'clocis NEW SPRING HATS tt il .at lite iril'ire ot—ihi> nh.li.r 'liesls/ to speak-; but wp nmrnly w^llt vm the .iiioiHiiig -nf. March Then "at "eonsidevation. "Ktjstly, we were disgust-: -tt'll vmi: -tr\' to-lly .until your T~~<* .9:30-a parade wifl staj^Jxtfu-tlifc Ujiiver- Tlie j sTTyaiHT .aoUm, ' mU^iofiAVnig^i laiitu.duvtfJoiied —U*in'il. i4nii.kui. vtmr^ pHEta ~r>f' th«' abrr\7,~Hirt"tT'r-?i-nuebiTl<'^^his «'pi<-"* 'elves pr(«minc.ntuutil "you JUIVA waitirtg for you.*"-' We've planned tie. The Texan "begs-leave, to/t-hauk jro.uti more feathers. for. y.bu with th« swellest array follows: I. Hrn-is l|and: of Hats you evtr laid~eyer on. tJ hint for his ^ugge.-tion and f" liitn j !•?. < aiinon^i---V tf a £c\v things. \\4<> arc tVot^eeking^dvl -' On Kicks. lli. I'Veshmen Acadeiiis.; 'vice as to how* to mil thi p:i.per. ( . rub-, criticisms' .are. of thre»* STETSON HATS # • M.V. V'reshmen lvngineers. .• far >ye have managed • ii. sue^ssfuiLv.i w i-e and' projM.u foolish and, • <* Y. Sophonior<» Acadenis. >. •; Here in all the correct shapes 22. AVlt-lifHi't—f'h-e— oi: malicious. As'iiios't ofllie and colors. Blackt -brown and ~VI~:.1niTTlof T*ITW157 Mintr iir.tlie solids fr'iun peartr -Soft Hats, .$4-, $4.56; $5,16 SIcon-. . '— ^: i, . . >11. Sophomore Kngineers and. $6.50. Black and brown Der* npRtart«nii(l we believe that .we can tmue'to do so.* in corfl,'Jn«ion. ^'^dertt h(My against the post-oMic^ bies, $4. jM£ vi n. -Junior^ Aeadems. : state .that each member of lite Texan bnw;' ennie iinderX^*' second class;-_{of VICTOR JAY & CO.'S London JT IX.: .lunior Kngiiicera. -J\.; styles." Thtf-'yv(jtiB?cst of £gbby siall" is .at present engaged in a diji^eiit i _c"'ir-e; ii<> one AMtuhl-itUlempt-the third X, JScnior Academe -~ Hats in brown, pearl andHslack ^i?arch endeavorinir to ascertain some ; ••h'1--* and tfie ^kickers ivri^-iiU'iipable of soft Hats, $5. X-Ft Senior i^a-ws. J _ »*• facts \yifl\;lreganVto the tragedy._ .And"'1''' l'lii^i. .it has Ifeen tin-% XII. Senior Kngineers. *' we hope! in, our next i-sne -to -be .'able".!.".!.^* to.reply to them., but the foH(Tf\ying XIII. Post Graduates^ " . I . • IMPERIAL $3 HATS tt to publish a-full arciiiint of the-affair -luay aJh*viate the anxiety of tht»st\ xThe above mentioned glorious army-ot % •giving" the name-ttf. the deceased and all t gytie coiiiplaint busipiers*. The . Hats that set the fashion, st^w^t warriors; will guard the cannon, sold exclusively by us, chown in The\detai]s of tlie traged\. . ! 'l-he.f;<'Vefiimeut allows the small sum all the. prevailing, colors, blacky ilc which wi|l^ be drawn by the following ,• • • "• — |'.of.-'Ijfty cents (.">0c) jier day for carrying pearl andtnd brown. piighty canitojteyrs; , , > \ Kditor of The Te\anfl . j .the mail 'o :thc . I'niversity. This rate Nowt Marshall. W. J. -.X'pwell, 13. C, . Dear S|r r _ 1n.; tlio_ -i*\*ue.of The, i^.So Kiuall..that they ciin only'afford Koberts. (Jrgiiin, -Gliarltori, Thrasher, rloxaii there apj>e'ared an' editorial that ( t^e.-a(lmit, for t h is oirM c is ,\Vnder a dual responsibility' frriritr-Tjf (he iii«fn,>btaMhig,;^M,r:,^oe^B.­ "sake or argument, that we are green— -no one <:^e being < on^idered eligible llatchett. who has been chosen as chiet 'should "\ve be blamed? It would not bo to 1he. ollifo; , ­eaniionf-ei'.; will proceed to maiiiptilate —our fault-r but father-our ^misfortune.. r .\iy—prrvat<-a rraugen>etvt-:W:it h -t-he-post-­the Wig gun. In this/arduous and ditli-3E3S: As a matter of fact, you upper classmen master at the co-op/; the•f the eo-t±p; arid in turn the eo-op'pays Xf. Frazier, who have been sel^ieted as .yon better examples of xybat a" college Iwenty-iive cents an hotir.tp the clerks, Cottrell & Leonard .assistant aijiiiotwert*. After a salute ot an^f»n44^,-we-^v(in4i^a^fe=^rd^iE j-lt—evHtent, jliflt if more tlfsin a CeT7" "twority.-one vf;iui«, lin/i -'lif-v-H llTivl, (•v-fry-PERCY—DiJP^WH I TAKE^,-Southern—M-anagerr• * our obnoxious wfiys long ago. ' "0 ve tain niimber of • hours is required-that -tioilv..-giI l-'-go,-to-the AuditSriiuii,_ivJicrc„ ' hard hearts, ye -cruel men of Rome,' thc~*o-op TosesJ-arid tr'Tias" l>een estT" Kpv.>ut vfhatu at tbic ^»n|;oii. y^uld -r>f Stationery, but tlgs is the only bene-. T i ' c• *. ' Leland Stanford, Georgetown and Smith. \ . lmve iicrved any sane person to writx»-tit; it is to the itudents1 aari?i# of some fevered be to jinve the'mail Tirottght more resru­ imagination.' Probably, as some'one-in ONE GRADE ONLY. THE ARTISTIC-HIGHE8T the corridors said, the cause for its pub-larlv'.' It in'ore.money can l>e obtained It app,ears from the reports tlm. m RELIABLE ^cation is 4hat some Freshniayi-has de-front the'Ooverriment,-.all right;., if not, pre-»s that in discussing'.t-he agficijjtural ,we niust-make the besf'of .what:we have. bill in the -House 011 Februa*J* 5, Mr. fair od. 1 The, C Texan is the mouth--'In conclusion,; just t.o .appease • a few Sheppanf .1 C f.ongrf-Ks A \ytniic'. ^is the yoyth that'WHS-the rmost verdant Austin, Texas. haM to .wait for his turn at; th'<: village untried seeds. • He Jcad-a ieiter, from —r~hTtnself 1*1) /post.-q'ffice^vjndow a constituent who asked him, to send' ••• -"in higf ,freshman elass'^'ho tqkes upon i#S—' -ef^ \'~ ,< ' t ;-"ii ... .U-.£vf-i^. --ZfZ~'~°r XJJ-F T FL3C-A-N— Also ikjay Sopli and' Junior years as. tiie Orange Publishing Gonipanj-, the ™HERE AND THERE -When v .aiid tyjje' to the '.lilue of .'Voiir electric 'light is an aggravation >1500 has been installed. As practical «'rs. .' Clothing.... • j for under ita!daa«ling'globe she will not. 'schools of journalism" these three col­ Subscriptloni ijrU o. • peii* yen}-. .11 ; . • iY„..'Single'copy i . — 5c hear . /("oliimbfa-I*niver. A. Frank. firtston Kti.^tace Alphorisc I>boidhait. . • leor^ia's paper siys^prospects are fnie fur a winning ba-el>all teaiii._ School of C'ajjfornia includes such enii-An1 $18.00 fine cheviot ..""VJfcuSlness Managers—G. Wright suit at.;. $8.50 neiit, historians as F. Ttirner' of Wis­and J. M. X£wsbm.. * , Are curios in clothing witchcraft. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED. consin, A. C. Coolidge of Harvard, Ber- Tiie income-from the University of -trolo.i^i'vlo—is-^HiO.ooO ji'jr aniiuin. .;' liaul Moses and II. Morse "Stephens of That tjig -stock 'of Harris1 Bros.' clothirig--4a''oiit of the ordinary. ONE ^ORD MORE. He atfuts njon^ with, a porieoek stride, California. * .­ To be out of the ordinary it -iliiuittin^-}]ier--vr JJis pip^ is ii ?V ilcrrree is nbVv "required' for must have been bought under If tlnue ever was a time, wlion \yp extraordinary conditions. We­ genuineDteer^ciiauin and he takes jrreat admission to t'olinnliia I'niversity, Mrs. K. AV. Harrison, wife ,'of" the thought so, we at least, else . wanted to..see a newspaper, it is now. .pleasure in s?nokintr it when the ".JuK "P andso on, was rimrsi-Hint-hir hiis is a i'i:im-i;r'r .for hinu corps in..-the I'iuversity of Nebraska, . ert • ^lorris. the"great."financier "of 'the is the .tiiiie wdieti it if*:now-i-.—And now wliil'h clearly sl».»s Tl.r.'f |,„ -•won­—this—bnih-uijiiiliUini • of things-should be ilerfullv smart. He brags about, how Kansas has -an-anaeil football' games $8.50 rem<-11if> shows a total.'registration of 1431 stii­present.;-want that newnpaper rack poor I'lV.sJiman, amf. his-manner is c\ Tiie -Vamlerbilt .,llnstler7"siifpe'nded"f°r f'6 IDOH-Oi as compared with put -buck in tlrr MfriiPjrs "and we want eeedin^ly patroniziiljV:' whenever.'' lie lronii iVecuilier" to Feb ' Jast year. is' a; gain of 4S. publication " 17 • ' Tliis it done ratheir quickly. . sjii'aks |o one of..the siiuabs.* Uv:.u. on niar\' 4. ^ ' -1>-•, .Vs is the casj; at: Vale tliere* is "a marked , Suppose Ave #row*r'retvospeelive for a intimate"teriiis with tlio 'l'resideiit• iini! increa-e in the nu.mber of scientific stu moment, Whyisjt that wejmve h<\ye"r all Hie ine7tiIieis' of the" '.?• strange that it. liTis we always know iiim liv that peacock to be'used in e*tabiisjfin'<* tjie Alice Free: year—most of which is in'tluTjlinior and ne\er beei^ thought necessary to move strut, that swecj, sieiileil pipe, .and that niiiu traveling fellowship. sophoniore classes. ..There are 3S0 frefhr. that r.n k until a few weeks ajjo. There lial.it II I I riirl of the lip anil t ha t sneer, incii. 10S s|)ecials, and 114 graduate stu'-' can be no sensible reason®fo justify su<*h 'lint Iii.ire'e.-[H.cially by that all-wi~i' e\- .dents. Tlic-imnilicr of faculty menibeVs Did Y"U_: Know That Haylor s endowment, has been reci>ntlv nil aehon. and we nnlfesi-tatinjjlv.allinn I'f^k'SLllUjui &!<<;.--Willi U hf>7~r\Miy; ;jni*rease(P7»y nf 'Avhh'li •!'V)iii -i),~ .iVlld instrui'tors is 10!t. n«'ntufh. AVeiifiXloid that the librarian lie's just a-. poor ileluiled Siiphiiiiiuie— Itoekefelh'.r jnesented $10,000. . wishes to keep a file of the pn^erg.AVell, •oni^desy-'ee above a I'reshmini. . ,;TO DR.'SCHOCH. ­ \\hv *.- one r But the H2$ odor —' \ ^ii^sTj^r play.' ""Three Hats.*'­ will jruuliTate. tJiem to sueh a decree Will^pg 'round it still.*." i i\ lint docs it stand "foi-r Is it nil il­ that-they will not be worthv of . filing. FURNITURE CO. 1 And, l>eside«, -are these newspaper^ for lustration of what the University is do­' .ITitrry. A. (larrietd. son of hit Prcsi­ilt'H t (i:irjicltl. ha_s tn'en •a* Wv-»?*Tnri,;', .. the students to read, Cbvi^jian I niver^iuy^-A(M-Ran) has un­j-:' .', • ' '. —Ex. it the most .reasonable prices. paper together. -lie: sides, you eotild »rt; a paper without •m fifjp:• them-elves in—tiie . styg'iari •li-J'lakeu ' to vat^et.^I^.oon by dune 1st, '-./JlS-U^wV-fl^ -ft nan:0(1 Ignatius, th.it ha »-^it*rrtufure .pi<\\ ailed' \vtrr. TiVeA in"1fV'arre,t quite spacious; The eiiwillmenT in PolYimbia -Vniver- Cor. of 16th and Lavaca tUR a card LT1 vintr the name of the„pa>ir'1l,<' i'lriiap^ if i< WhenJie-went .to a danci},^^"/ :V ^ -\ sity . cjciliisive of the affiliated, colleges. . ficn. Mtat lHg wlws'n .it was. tjtken.. out f -..intenfjed to warn off all . - JJe. always^ wore ' -. li.ti'ffa a n.l Ti-;(r-!icrs, has rn.ich^ilt^3S37 pants. '••' < ' yhen It mil be returned aiul tiniUjy^^' ^ ^ niv tntcnil fo inine'lieie just like ^Biit-np in-the garret—good gracious? • the light hoii>e warns the ship from U.. The increased .e.urollnient;of Il.i jileilgmg a "in self to 'return' same. Hut: • now you have to do-all'this, to'giM a j locks. IJut ill that case it. woukTbo in-1• . *• i : . " •» _the Freshman class at Yale seems due ' br«>ak"«n the cold gray i'ocky, ane to t he withdrawal fif the Greek require­ S. E. RDSENGREN ment. • • • Ittoke, broke, briike. that's the matter If ym Hiii'thy juid )ertrnei|' giinf lemejit u' . several."other • 1 -7 "vFITli" life." T" 413.Congress Ave. Both Phones 451,llfi—iiTP-an-itiwivriTvd7-iit tli'esi and ..iV] Ml hori;se\ .n-..t....i ii'... ii....... ~tl*iug^ jlll •tlits. school -w4io-are-so~iles|yoyiB~fir°"jii'oteciI?ig papers are afraid to leave that rack it -lioidd Ue-^rtiL-^ut: -.Rock it-tout/ f'lie fi|ee. Mandolin ami Ranjo clubs .-, ' ' • » --Ex. • in the corridors, wiry not have ;r_ue\v's- 'knock it ojit^slioot it outi'just as you" at ^ ale have'"given the University thir­Undertaker-. Little Willie stood on the railroad track. • paper rack -somewhere iii the library. like, birt^.fnr *11i* sake, of sutfering }iu-teen scholarships to;-be used for-needy " • and stmlen'ts..- "He never Heard the engine squeal. •Or at-least b>> consistent and renujye ina;iil'y, put -it out somehow. It cer-' •: ,Enbalmer * See the engineer coming 6ack,. • that inagn7.ine -rack?' ' ' ~ . -; -+jiiiilv docs no good. Perhaps, when the , Wiping Willie otV the wheels Co-eds aT^XMcliigan University make : AVe intend to do everything itwlmr whither get/* warmer, students can r. Fine Carriages to Hire. ­ •study. Ik iiciiiIi its brilliancy. However, fViTt.-of their;expenses b.v taking care of -|>o\\er to get that'rack retunieif \Vi- There w as-a young girl of Bordeaux this is"not so babies, wrfiting ..it)tend to I'l'tltiim -the powers that lie. probable, the best thijig on the table, sewing and Who had a young count for a beaux, doing clerical work. ... •to intervene in oiit behalf. Anil if this to do. is to put it out. To paraphrase, She-said.I will buy . STUDENTS PATRONIZE • sfails, it will onl\ Villain -for the stu; what old sir William once sijid, we may It* you don't come too lniy,"'' "See hmv far that "Southwestern.-University has «lee arid" dent body of tly>/University of Ti>xas to wt'll exclaim: tiitle. My papa will, give me the deauv. gh>lH> -casts Us lifeht! .So shines a :Mandoiin .clubs this year. Their first CHAS. G. WUKASH.'express its iittrr con!cnipt and absolute ' • ' • " G: S. ?; condemnation of iin action that is at Iirttiglitj deed in thu good little world." appearance was ft gi-eat. success, and met Xext. • • with so much eflcourji^ement that they Successor to Aug. Weilbacher. "nec piI lful aiid iiiipurdonable . . aic coniiiileriiig-ji fjip over tiie SUte. ,,~When you desire the choicest 3^-,Tobaccos, Candies, Nuts, ^LETTEg. feTHEvtrREATTPICWIjC. sr^- •-Cigars. ' ; ° • GEO. W,. PATTERSON T)i. lleni\ Van D> ke, the.eminent di- W liile aw av on his recent u ip • t" .^.-4t-o:'it|^."B|iv^{'ng_'t<)-j^ny.-nn,'U1|ir > '!"y thft, writer -and-;faFineetoro>rr]gngHi»li professor, recently said that a University • \\ ashingtou. President IVather .received fels oii April 21st and, everybody will i>*^mnrHap'-Imye a ^nod >ime~TTliis picmE'is'i'o be i~""BQ£e®SB*S^3Sd^ES*r' tip.to its privileges! < pened to lie very 'much in. need of some the greatest tiling of its kind that, lias, '• . ' .stutr. so the entire stall' decided oil -a ever, been given in the liistoTyTof the I>r. Margaret E. Malhy is the first G.A.BERNEK Ibold mine. We met ill a secluded spot University. It will far surpass anv. U NDER TAKER woman to hold a professorship at Colum­ of the liiiiin building ioiie plliee' that thing.;that. ever liapjiened when we use bia. She Jias been recently elected Pro-<• . ~' ­ 'jMrs. Kirby'.has never -found), and cov-* j lessor of Physjcs .at • IlarriariT., tiie |cred our faces witli dark masks. We IVrh'apS' some of voir have never heefi| Woman's aniiex to Coltinibia. • ' ' •/" Photographer hail heard something. nbi>u.t the "Gre'aV to Umdjvjj-Par-k.i AVell. if this be. true: THOMAS & KOOCK iA\hite— l.urht—-tlmt.— In-tits;• np^n the. -vim don't want U' lilisj thlA epii.n-riTiiiTy' i'riirotfp." and Jig-dmr-4)>»t-U«-l>riHkt>^ \\iiitli will >.».h he a (Tonled ynu.I-njiila's ''.•Tow|iii ..PuittCTr; .islitor of thfe ;3te.w Austin Jewelry and Loan Co. • . • would dazzle lis. we dei-iiled to wear Park is .themost l>eavvtiful place in the ^ ork \Norld,."has set aside .the income Students' Trade tlie masts.-7flien we 'stealthily stole .Jivorhl. -There are. babbling brooks, i V5' -SlT.">.000 for tiie 'Sta'blishmerit at . 519 Congress Avenue. Solicited... . . shady Confidential Loans on I u|ioii Hie Saik'tyai. broke down-the^Uior. nooks, hiihien-seats fiist lai'giS! '''irn;,ril ColU^ge of three, .fellowships in liound and gngge.1 Mr, tlireV ( fl ljone coupU', and of his ilaughter'Lucilie Pulitzer. WATCHES, DIAMONDS ICND brief struggle, setuui-.l a iiuntber ot" tiie a. I'haperOne?), plenty.-ot; boats/the. . .•.» . JEWELRY. letters and beat a hasty -retreat. We prettiest river you ewr:"s;iw. and a fine'j-;C.oaefi Yost of Michigan,'sp,Mids sixteen The Austin were uqfortunate, However, for' "there Mar^.'drtneinjr paviliolu On the squaiv! a ;day^^ with his men diirinii the -iej'tar--•f— Lauda s I'ark^w-^kHply "portion , season; liad-fhem ,. t'h'e1! fo>"^ "of' publication. However it beai"s C.arileii ol' Eden: that got lo"st and fell|to execute, as inany avr sixty-three dilTer­the htstix' of ii'litfli' gi-m, so w( aire glad into 'Texas: -hist thing of it. fellows.J ent plays; Xo wonder it lias been the The £,lite atoritim " to publish it. moonlight ni.s^t. dancing 'pa'vHlinnr'bwitaJ7a).ight.r aiid invincible host ,.f Vost. Mv l>ear Unole Trexy j^--. on. the. oh: tell it to .is i"''-'.'.'"t_" ^ ' on.-tiie-river, oh. Bilbt,'!Rjibe! it. r.. us. 1 ' ' " _ : -Zlmmermaii & Bell, I wisji to make a lew n-i irk- •\V.tH we •all go together?:. .Well.,rather:i:" Tiie..Syracuse Daily Orange; the st 11­ ^ '_*•!.«* Aboiit. tlte situation, . Vi s We" will have siu-h n time «s we never Nearest Up-lo-dale Barber Proprietors. ilenripublication of Syracuse University, I've S|K>nt the last week of my life; hud Ix-forft -.-Jt' will put -the, proudesi is flow being pm'nted: iiwa shop .owned Shop to the OrtiYersity -t tu sihmt. nieditation. -T- unnais i«t the olJ.dam devotees, and Ben High Grade Tailoring and operated Iwstudents. Syracj^? is -AH thni' ni.v .Fn'shtiian. year J* Ifui'ites to blush. J ^ .jrs:'" Cleaning and Repairing ~ '''HvtfR'^e'-"ly^tgift'lii'crea-tion •' plant. Brown and Columbia have shops ' ; ! -w-^: On. Varsity's i-ntranct' steps ' : ' The Diulv '.Ottiifortilnn-lias n snb-sorip-eontroijed-by students. The, -printiiig' S. A.Glaser Special attention given Ladies. W®; : I spent long hours m admiratiun. tion list of -923. • ^ plant is^owne's• «ra«a.teors" get : •*'. rT':'-v 'Found ,'lfis medicine! Wiry, what YmnJ^rlave lo-f^un right off have you been giving my child! There's . -To r..li a eigwctttf. -110 medicine in tlie cupboard." . ^ \ "Oli.-yes^f hrve is, nnipi." It's \Vrltten DRI H. F. STERZING, '"Ciiilsc the .-sopiioftHnvs '11 got •you, 011 to verify-her statement..shf! If went to the cupboard itml-'produced a . * PhyslMiiri and Surgeon. "' • The Shumate Dollar Razor 'You . botjtle labeled "Kid Reviver." LAUNDRY . , "The razor without a pull." In office day and. night. Over Sold throughout" the. world. " A' Don't • ' Chiles-Drug-Store. Both 'phones Watch Launch pifrtv^ 471. A Does the . -.Exchanged and no v>, Out! IVhiek cloud. questions asked if ^ nig hug (not allowed) ') nijt satisfactory by • Best Work s—i; -Shumate 1 lie wrote a love-sick mote toiler, MDUII out —-'r Razor | Company. .. ""Ami.thus.it ran in jkarFT -Folks stare- DR. HOM£R HILL, 106' West Sixth St. "('nly 'yes' can Ilea1 the breaches \Yrong girl Physician and Surgeon. . Both Phones. ^ our love's made in mv heart." --i1 Bovs;swear.^—Ex. Office over5 Chiles' Drug Store. TEAGAROEM & SHUMATE Residence, 2007 Whltls Avenue. —Distributers. ACSTKS*T~ office, 66, old 'phone, ft A moral clearly teaches; And hiS^ivas the reddest of, toes's; WilJ) trembling hands he opened it In inanhood he clung to his bottle J, A. JACKSON And read^Mend yoiir own: breeclies.-•And lii.s « the reddest.of noses.r-Ex. -— —ViiMeton Tigfir. . The Recruit. DR. H. E. BAXTER. Uo to my im nor, ilHary-mftn-wlio-souglit-for. YAlBlfornerOrlig Store MONEY ' : Oentlai. said;_ raw recruits. i LOANED ON EVERYTHING. And she knew that I knew-that her Northwest corner Sixth arid "Will you enlist!" he said to her. -ingress Avenue. 'Phone, 277, New ard second hand ' goods of all Cor. Seventh St. and Congress' Ave.. father'was dead-: She jaisediher-eyes inlSweet dsmiir, 5 rings.. : • kinds. Best -place to borrow money. And she know that:1 knew'the gay.life "If I may wear the boots." " Best place to spend it. he had led:. ;—Wake Forest Student. And she knew that I knew -what" ^he w7int whoil~sirc said, ' 1 • . --: ­ 8S lie who"courts and~runS~away • "Go:.to my father." DR. W. N. LESUEUR, Shall live to^court another day; ' —Albion Collejre Pleaid. EXCLUSIVE OPTICIAN.. But h^ who weds nnd courts girls still LONE STAR ICE CO. Shall ^e-l info court; agnffSt h'lr Will. The College Ilell. to the Di,,i0S_^l1 —Selected. :--­ H TTnlll. ' [>04 Congress Avenue. BOTH PHONES F.very morning 1 brin^ thcp Krp,.shincn, A~niaid on Fifth avenue wore a smart Which at daybreak I liitve waked. tofjue, J Kvery eve 1 call to supper, A -lovely silk dress, and a pretty fiir 246 Specialists*in L'ensfes for the Eye* —-Which the poorest -cooks have baked, cloque. . Plash Light Photography Knowest tf;ou-what-the-,mighty A ... Endorsed/ay all the Leading People. seniors,' .— -. T * ,, , ' O, where are your new tilingsf"-her Ixuid and haughtily would sav? | f_. , . , New Phor\e 885; 709 Congress" Ave. — —£-s_' * I . friends next day spoque, . Oil. thou slialt dream ofTTthe night long , . ,* . -L 'Why. my rent was due and!put .them What you've eaten here bv dav. : in soque."^' •-r '—-L^-­ ICE ELLIOTT, A youth went forth to serenade- Ifts face was pale, his Visage aad, Mr. and IVIra The lady lie loved best, • ltis look >'as hard and stony. And by her house at .evening "Is grim-death near?" I said to him. Fine Stationery W hen the stin had gone, tp rest,. COAL —! ' , " . "Xo, no, I've ltjBtTny pony." High Grade—No! High Priced Hewnrbled until-daylight, And would have waj-liled more, Tennis Goods Little crowds of Sopu'n^^re,But morning light disclosed a sign Little ]>airs of shears, Varsity Pennants Atnkethe.Tohnny-Freshmcn Slmlfn with boding fears. WOOD '. "'J'o ujM>n.-ihr .(hujr.---' Photographers' "From tVin >«ew or1?°Tinies. • . —The Cento. "Every one knows of the college stu­ Austin, ,T*xa*. 2.1 !&. ALL UNIVERSITY TEXT dent who -when'lie' wits, "hard up," sent ~ - 246 „ . i . . home a set of -verses 1» which the gov­ , V -Fat man," - B14 dongreis Avanu*. .. . ... BOOKS AT car! .. ernor rieplied-in"lHml. The son' penned: BOTH PHONES . . • 1lie. rose is l.-d, ^-" ' v .. Flat man, Journsay't Old ^tand. . The violet blue, . .-Motor? Far!. THE CO-OP • ''-Send in'e fifty ' • P. i). Q. There was once a maiden named Clare, LONE STAR ICE CO. We AreTReady for You This vjas t.lie reply. ' ^ -WtiTi kept'a fat rat in her hair; —— The rose is red -fiut her pct,.a Small cat, . ' ^._]And sdrmctimcs Did tackle that rat, " Do off Til send, you fifty, And the poor girl now uses pumped air. not put having .your.. titting . 1 don't 1hi .-_ —Punch jBowI. made for Cactus photo on account of cloudy weather, as wo can maka your "Dear Father—Once v.ou said, 'Mv son, —-i-• QUICK DECISION. -- vl To manhood you haw grown; negative as well on a cloudy day aa Slake" others trust you, trust yourself, The-SUCC.-MKFU1 I'ITHOII L)ori the when the sun shines. ^ ItlKlit 1'lilnic and Don It Plr»t._ And learn to stand alone!' ; Houston and Texas Central -Impetuous sometimes Now, father, soon I graduate, J S -p(M)|>l<'>, are wrong, but And thpse who long have shown impetuotis people are not „ .• ... . .. . nhvuys-wrong. Tills is a truism, but Ho^wen thcv trust me,, want^heirjax,. a-twta,, bp-repoattol occasional.­And I can stand a loan."—Ex. ly it censes to be litviiliti^Katid is look- THE CITY ed o%lty the cnsuul .roadcr as a daring =4. •*s*i4B v-»V? Writteh to a Freshman 1500 years ago. < 'flic wijfld is old and thou art young; thev itMS. ydw. rt*X"­ 'ge^luiw -ittllB if W • W. R. SMITH, C. P. & T. A. but inukf sure that tlie right' turning *• world.is large and. thou are small; BANK ig itian'Avbo rushes"Ccase7atom.of ii lnistnrnt's-spanr to"liold: away 'witlioiit'sjsanirir"a^raoinent-to -tliyself_an_AlMn-Ail! Photte565 406 West at tin; signposts who loses Ills Business of the Faculty. liiMiiikali 'oif^ajil.'AWu;-i!k^aSE&1 W^ThuTTI!»^^ ... -—M. S. U. Independent. iin. iiijiiloget.ic look ufpni his face; he. it andtheStudents of the~ la who gives, to iuii»etu.osily n l)ad University Solicited.... naim" Jiitcl <;aiises"foifi"folool: tijioii it. She-.fondly kissed the' little face she ns M I'.el'el-tive trait.-'"' loved; . " Most of. tlie tn;:il Ihing.^ lutvc been Then in bed she. placed the tiny form, doi'io liy lmpotuous pnopli. while the ;)nd to her husband tenderly. vslte said;­ oyiTiMiiiJo'iis li:: lict'ii luiili-iiig up "Turn on the heat so Fido" can-keep WlrnrttiT^-'tTh'rrrtitorr iiiiiiitsr^hfrff ai 11, (IERIFS A BOOM "V,'-|j<> twwv cuii-w,rfnr'm%lUiH tu«k Hfl. does not. ultimately, bring about the best remits to a community. -n Uike jio nc­ -Mihvaukce.Journal. i»U'.J MEN'S OUTFITTER tis ;ir»-in .i firvor <»nd­tion ol".Texas. 1 : _ ! He said, "I've brought, some roses," in*: nf'HsiniilsJuurrnt nt. tlx? "fact CLOTHING MADE , -WHY? Her answer seemed irrelevant, fhiit rliK;:s<»T fv» occurs. Wlmh Wfliise only recentl-have the pul :ic nt. Inrpe realized the oppor­•It-was.-"Mow. cold: your nose is." It. tton. Melons and ' itII .kinds of feed stuffs flfe-bel.*?g pnH in«r il.'i v, Whist scr\'';ii'i_:K Men's Fine Shoes i ii-itilv -of tlio ludooi­ raised in abundance, surpassing the expectations of the most sanguine. A country abounding fn su.n usouues (tned and nroVen), together And mother jroos • a-tutc-^arnl tactful Kiwi of r.KXllVss-r i WOMl.l be tiscful. with the • —.ml _ _ .. sho: 1 Mt j r» * i i f t it i't'tc"i.iitt» know. 1610 LAVACA STREET LOW PRICE Ibon father bi^Uvan.1 wmda his weary 'l ';»r mil vt.mms : 1st) llMIfl -tlh'lllM'iVttK w ay u>-c L -t, hj.t f,.r t! who rr.ost rapid crovth, arid thai is what is of jands, can r.ot help enjoying .nre i»r happening in the Pan-Handli?. Ami loaves the ^irl to (hirkncss» and In: tl.osjtV CUt^ s« nic t»| 1Uf» DljQHt W. A. BURKE . to mo. —Ex. "The Denver Road" • - ^ U f u,t. . UUOHS lolkn Hi­ lillli.' m fuilU: at- ha. nn «nlp dally a low -te homc-seckers Jlckst which allows you stop­cvers at nearty aU points: thus ;U,„ you in,.™ -be In a drnikmp woll • J)IH v M\t ! t1,! Practical Plumbing and That, the plumbers built her, M ( I P ->i I 11tf one1 who various section, ot the ApeIlt ro'rt wouh, Te^,,. Electrical Work Aunt Eliza fell. ! t 'iMIL". t>lll ll()C3 ...L For Pamphlets and full information. tlu» n:.j>i i! i i ^ \i. P. Uulue. Wv must buya. filter. Bothi Phonea 299. 714 Congrats Av*> — • * -/ »•— £ t J * THF . T EXAM sasj -enssiSferS llr'AaMHT *fM»"«Se^ltei®wt.TrB*^-|fm^S^.'^aigia3w^3F:&*'baneii i«f/a».| _ f'Tfcese Tiltr ijfcalTC to: ss. jro'wtf K«ii ti*X * j.i Tbae ws^DCTOi'idiea'jottcbsii ADOPTED FEB. TOTH, 1904 THEJXTHEXAECTL %iei • BBfrUi-fi. . "S ForS17.50 bssr: a gwi"""-"?ait. ,=o" dieap. ss^bo-st. • RETICLE IX—D'TIES OF THE . •• Xttw».y *iaiD it ti« , ____^__rfrgaBSfiV Fafoy-tt •J£u4i-J*^teSBaTfc*» raf»rPB«s/ • &" i^,>z.V.uit'dijca^ia • &5»i' aw-» obj-of date or. avjfiisfit s2 ai4;:l>--aK^ SI9.00. S1S.• t/j stif-piy * Teii?: . -iOsaH aas «2ty u> sw ^ fji_ ~<&3°.. ;ii-;. Gi&yu*!g rc.ar Ii von should. •amr:-siw-~A — ­mtseten oS "tint -rtivtr'filj i-: e/D&&et* . bocila. etatikiiBfrT.' JtUJetie jaodt.1 d>e^jagca-^aw- '..ijjMiia •"jjiiip.Ky ! gaf--<«£ ifeqsp Mea's. -w^. *l5.0f»-'all. go at one firic«;: uui sjiKiiiiir tfet k'WeS xdsarzie rrsttss . &i !agWBBW-'lt • imiB-­bie jurxnt wjs»»»a! niti"'prA i£*i>W.:-oJ^tK®s..: ABTICtk HI.---HEifBEEr«HIP ' * "S<" '-*sy'-'. u^:' N>*v«V'." i 'IVic^.'.K boliqisvs.: lopk foftBtir 'prices.-and-S12.50._ H^aa23 txpbin T»rotj-«f »V»*' wAgt; KL&ia~'"i—-• • *" ~'fuk 'i>s-j35i»~ M-'i R;­ of »k rB,,Mrr d T«« ^ the ^B^rv ^ur^. aSa ri«a be — iiutTa »• ,»bo-irnii^, ^ ^seacasie^ST ig J »gp 1W ^fc{ Saaetr; ^b"'-'n'Jru, i:,< ^,.„.^ -v ^ -d»riiiBa T itai>tj|Ufa' t«r. ^«^.) iaodll aul fcB ^aitsmtr if* -Ol jsl !!«&• list J ' _bersh;p is Mbjt.X W. tir /«ifa»«Ug f^tt -f j»uon»s * JOtB J. MemW^.p . «» oily 553 <*«*>'i of ihe t'>-'.t^' Pre*i-': 'i iVsUfiinatKio"'c*f ' belrfecn 10 aod to April. ' ] r-!»"41' iBv..!•„ -(^'<4 :: i ,,r"Mv Th«4 TV%»ri • 2 MfDsl»crfc>ht|i ^t'lret aulomaticallj ^ .-^ ?$>* T*^ ^' sf. *fi •**r«11 r of.Tf x&*. • ...... .-* *-A-r-4ti*ir.-r J#.'T*»*5i.4 tHf "'" tLt ' ' "" " " npon tbf 1 July rwrxt siiit »c THE NEW DRISKILL j-Utiiver^itjv ti>er quwitwn <»f me iv~ juzjkij fsr fL ^ P^rrA^l. paa of m("ml*-ri>l*»f., • . . . . . 4 >S«Dl^r„:.„T, UU at'.t}i« un,*M tt,t K^T/i s&tt f^nUtifr Tb/'" hokWr VJ wit. Best Fajt«!it<-e«.;fer Banquets.. __ Stu.de.nts.* Work, a Specialty.— ~WUi«L_J-AT/-M . -SB* At thi annua, wp^t tag Recept'cn Paricr*. Both PKc^es 444. . January ^ art.He I\ .. '. {V^ «>r <•«.« ^..Ur -Vi-1*4» " -taai --T.rSriiia.iivt.. I v -V3 ttTifhn* KS<*AU•'OnthJUH: . COME AND SEE PLLiSE GIVE USA TRIAL 5ri, mixr-iiip htid mi w W ^»i3 «^3;"« . i efr.~pifelcgfc— V*. —. 'S.~*T'LAVTC'/JiJii... ,:• 'T^^i cnutle_lht-_hf>!ikr_ti> pazticipau -in-tbti — afSnnatife • * '»? 1UK Trtr ise pro-r. lermA ——1 — '"n%$ Ti3-» ,yr»— ilitl.' fefef 6. Upon p<»>d cau*p ni*mix'r&kj{> mar It v^i>f.u,*t--T-ftfioum. J.T4ST;. L fcl ^i! OLi^:. W-a* lfc.?^32l JHU. -^int t: X^ii bf cameled .it any tline Uy. A t*o-thixdii; to.aHd/^^ ^ jffsx* iztc ssr^r?--1 is Vote a/ the Board of Directors. |u> U*e wiiLrt: iit.iaak, ^ STUDENTS GOINC TO THE UNIVERSITY. OR GOING T„0 v* rii i^r«. kis«„ i'ii.ur-*frlZ for .'future'] ri^^yid t*t Use1 ***4;/* t \A\-.y^ THEIR HOM&S WILL FIHD THE-1 AinKKKI\ -MEETINfrS.. ic ti*#-L i«r.. Aaot^r. i&2Qg *IH>*' TI.ere W a., anriw.1 m^SiBiT ofl »n^" w"'>*•* »«'>'»­ =«i«^ ^i,st «"n>-n rr,a.L pn» UjWf4 tl.p *<*•,. ti at a co»%eni«i>t 'in b-' tbe.Pr^^t l» ti,. ; .----. HL • INTERNATIONAL & GREAT NORTHERNR.R., -• • »of tin I'r<-'>!')W)V th* Trusui'v^r thall t?rai^ -«*.t *•'»'-» mac. K t to^„ Austin on the ihirii Wi--nTi.--'n , thtll ulttC'i -••••! •l»liml««ll»|-ii-.lmJil»l. num. ifti^A'i'ii'ii.ni!!!" "tlikeWancf""infprmation at city -:A uj'fi* i-i r'-ani J.#»; iiitiisf-iie* air«tM--Ult tfM" li'i-V. i-a tit- It »hall IA-the •JhU.i tcf " -(». )<;J t:.in <-;-ei • t#jr.'f t ,ic iM * his-522 CONGRESS AVENUE, RED FRONT. CORNER 6th St. 1 to <;all fitlwr' in«:t)in|{» w^enevtr. ppti wm |wmmitt^ »h*H m?«rt ujon-rail . 'A j !J *il?i ber* of flic Himety. "JfH« Hoard of 'l8-tli* (l^tail« ;t*«-.*t«fcj?3c.hfSayi.f^; LOCAL. _-...—. Xliv C,I,\t-flli)i„' t./irnriiUt'-f •lull f-!«^V tiom-fl tii ilo v> liv one U-ntti of th^-rm-iii Ij I'rc* stsali ;ii)mi :. -»eet4ii|{«-rt-H--nhaH-Mw aii'i 'ir-ri.J-'-tlif-' fl(-rk-in ^Uie"? ' 1 JWtiJsiot.*;;-PWfV;' "E. ARTICLE V.—IWRKCropS. I.To/.---V;»r ..Arthur. !.<•(«-.i.f-. •The Hoard of wiiiiVof '* >ta«,e--"Ui*1 riiB'.fuinii'>if .Kiiti:tkin.,..left The Delmonico vCafe hv th<; I'r^i')iu* ainmnu* «TiJi^ "1 li'.t: , tiK-i <-;..r>--'/ut.,ii-.<-it'j'M Kall> f,^uritv. of the-l.mvrrsity of Texas; Oirt-e men)-of .the-H^rks. shaij V* fixed bv tb.*-Pr*"«i-rf J«t' for hoi!'?* last Fridav to n.iuik n'itii bertt of the-stall of instruction of the dent, MihjfHit .to.", the • appr«'-»y?U 'ilrtr.-.r^it&ig j^rtiKc^' "f -lift -w.ni.Bjr. and. i: THE WORD ''MOB," Main 1'iiiverHity; one from t*afh of the , Jk»urd of I>irW-tor^. ,./• •.--*• w iii-niallyv to.tdiive -titt f< r IVpiirLmi-ntM of Arts, I-i-*. aiirt Kti^i-' AKTICi.K Xlli. KKBATK. . ; low It. WorL«-tl JtM H'af Into tk* . Herring; six htuUr-ntf of the University The net profits of Uie ^Socitty during.' :• E-celUli Laneaage.-. ) hi-tv.i.«|>iii,-;... V v 'X-.;!-a: ' . . . '•.'• , • ­ •who inuKt. lildo l«s jriwrnliprfl of the So- the year previous *hall I#'-f^tfmated t«y ; The \yoiM -i:..->!.'-.-i< an abbreviation. \\ i:!i Mi-"! -^kin Ar:;"• OPERA HOUSE •cietyj twtrfrom eacii--of. the Oepartinent* the President alxnit May '4<>-' whi«j.h-i-ti It is noili!jiif:Xiiif .-i £ra?rnent:of.'the full i»lf Mil'}1 Mi-L-ttirft Siiul 'of Shcriiian, .1? Laiin. , vu/srus"— "the of .Art*, Tjtw. and -»AaH. <*? • vowimin'vn.\f\ ' t».:thr­ i'i MI t Hi-t ra1-j'r-The foflhwing \ outi' }a~ tK-feto. mwiiiFitt-•: i-;r?t the noun 1Aiiru i.i•: vi. T£KUft'E t>F (jrfl^l|Kg,ai,v !>< w.„».. re-nlly... iniriat<-{ ^irito the u:j-i";r"]»[>.-<]. "Mob.ile." com-; -OK THR-DIRKCTOltS. -:.itiiu-.. 'j'iie.Hf. ni t jiriiftt^ ^hall \t*' ,r v^j("r;il,*^ Friday Night, i-*if'^<-ifa.^'ii;.^-.^i-t^;t-,-Vit'T^l' ^Htv: J!i^" Virainia!cut 0"'.v~i Wi:r;;ifrf)/' VBy swlft .it was fit Director*-Bhall.bc eiceted annually; j ii» |iar.t ehall .bi; divided Hmong the giem-':^.,|r1;^. —Feb. 26­"stte -UtttcmBUMBUiin »ligB"-be"elccttd''tn "&iW'Twro"of-'a rebate. This di-X'*t,»riL-h«.-:'Kinh:'::ten-n^.,.f -r-.«-r„ •> .* j wliariv-. , : TVO.' 1., > iJ >[-.-.-tutor --ii!n .advice of the ; ,in- ,home WaR the scene! words, rthi.-h he fours wifl.in time be "ARTICLE VII.—DUTIES' OK THE DI.-j president. " Andrew Robson |"f fij7eiation«. ivhere a'delightful repaij.t'j Ioo!ie<] iijiuii av.'jiart. uf; -the speech. is?; RECTORS. ' I Tlii'.-total ainoiint set apart by the Di­ jv ;is ijin-ad iVnliriiirf the dclifrhted mcrn-_Thi f«; bm-ii;;vv U-.'n tl>r-ri a iioUJi.d'ha minor def'n-Ices of. tin-|m;ijy. of r>tl r i ~ -pewef—neewiwy for the uumlm-C . and • iju. iii'i-nilji-i-Arncle Illi in pro* tohjpjtf.AvlHuiiev-aif's} its iiK-reasiug Mse-{ BiipecYimoii Of the busineiif!-of the S0-j portion to tlie ;uni.>uin:-t purchased li-y a n d p o i n t e d t o t ' -: ? h j t -r ^ . • -i . i -cietjv-—, '." j llir-m -hiring ttif-jic-.riwl'i oi niehibcr^ip. ' -,-pIP \S e»levaii X'irl--the growing* dc^eiierai-v 'of the lap- The lioard of'IhrerHorfi^hall holTreg-'»This in pavablf? upon demand ati^#^:. .,.; gua^e. 11u v 'h-..^s.i ii»i foriii stoutly U».think aLTiin rif earthlv thirm , | ; ' * ; | \ iney pra v • . held it* Kr!J,r,,d";iihl . fears-11:1 i t-iIt-t-n re- year, and »httll tdt'et one of iU atudeut subject to appropriate regulations pre* j • «« putientrp to wait -fiivf flli/iil I :.i In-"v;;jr'i.jri tlj(.ri)U«ij­ piemtKrrH J^efretrtry for a term of. one geribtf-iiVii?Ve >'-;i:it .There enniullv in June u J'lH.'nideht and Treas-.' cietv or of its 'cessation -froiii business by \\ h»*n i )ieiir*l her >ay to him. A Dramatization of Winston Church­ is. .1;!.;i| :if:3f. conveys, ill's Famous Novel of the Same Name, urer for the HocH.-ty, and. Mhall-flx tbe voluntary itct or otherwise,;-its-niet.-ai-• Jimniie^ I wi.-f^ "that v •u would havf-dctinir--;-i-.»:t i.i n p iriinthir sort by Edward E.1 Rose. H&lurieB of theMC oMiriaN;-These »ala> ­ " sets shall bi-Ctitne the property of The tjT I vvish vou« would..behave.' -E.\r flf l ilacs ' ii". -V " • • . -* ...' . ;^SW?''" . Vi-'--7.r rios Hhall not be iih, .large as_ inir^pond.>+Ul)ive„ily of Texas; tne in^Hie th^'reol ; ; .V': ," •-•. ' ' '' '.''•V ••••.• •'•' ' ' '--'*' THE PRODUCTION. — ing services reecne m "i-dmai:y-liusmei»«^ t;ri^be. ;u!ic