Preparation for Business at The University of Texas Professional education for young men and women who want to prepare themselves for careers in busi­ness is the aim of the College of Business Adminis­tration at The University of Texas, which seeks to graduate people who will be effective employees or employers and constructive civic leaders. Professional education is more than just voca­tional training where the emphasis is on details. If you will be satisfied to concern yourself with the everyday routines of business, you should attend a business college or simply get a job in business. To be a professional administrator you should postpone the learning of details until you begin your career and ac­quire first (a) some specific skills such as accounting, analyzing statistics, writing letters and reports, getting along with people, and making sales; (b) the basic knowledge of business practices and procedures and the capacity to apply it in reaching business decisions; and . ( c) professional training in some specialized area of business, such as accounting, finance, management, marketing, or transportation. In addition you need knowledge and understand­ing of the social and physical environments in which business operates. To help you prepare for a career in business, the College of Business Administration of The University of Texas offers you (a) capable and understanding professors and research men; (b) classrooms, libraries, laboratories, and other facilities essential to effective learning; ( c) visiting lecturers from, and field trips to, the business communities of the state; ( d) the opportunity to associate with other young men and women who have the same goal that you do; and (e) the privilege of being a part of the exciting and stimulating atmosphere of a large uni­versity campus with all of its varied and interesting activities. ID Business Administration ~onrses of Study • Accoullting. All business executives must have an All students who enter the College of Business Administration begin their studies with courses basic to an understand­Personnel Management, The demand for special· understanding of accounting methods and he able to ists capable of dealing with important questions of ing of business and the world in which it operates. These include a natural science, economics, English, mathematics, labor policy and personnel procedure have led to the students major in this field to prepare for professional make use of accounting records and reports. Many employment by industry and other organizations of government, history, speech, and accounting. In the junior year you begin to follow one of the degree programs trained personnel specialists. positions as industrial or public accountants. described below, but you also are required to take another group of general business courses: business law, business Advertising. Manufacturers, retailers, service or­Prelaw. This program permits the student to enter writing, finance, management, marketing, and statistics. During your final year you complete your professional training ganizations of all kinds, magazines, newspapers, radio the law school after his third year in the University and television stations, and advertising agencies have and yet obtain both the B.B.A. and LL.B. degrees. A under the degree plan you have selected. a growing need for men and women trained in this knowledge of business is highly advantageous to the area. attorney in today's society. Banking and Finance. This program is designed Real Estate and Insurance. Most of the wealth for those who seek employment in commercial, invest· Choose the Degree Program That Fits Your Interest of the United States is in the form of real property. ment, or savings banks, savings and loan associations, Consequently, employment opportunities in real estate brokerage houses, or the finance departments of brokerage, property management, appraisal, land de· corporations or governmental agencies. Federal, State, and Municipal Service. More International Trade and Latin American Stu­velopment, construction, and related indu&tries are dies. The need of expanding trade beyond national than ever before governmental offices are offering attractive and plentiful. Business Statistics. The man or woman who can boundaries as both a profit opportunity and a sound excellent positions to men and women who not only collect, analyze, and interpret statistics is sought after national policy is increasingly recognized by business Resources and Industries. Every business firmexcell in administration but have studied courses for positions in market analysis, budgetary control, needs people with a knowledge of resources. In addi­executives. Men and women are needed who havein such fields as economics, government, engineering, production control, cost and price analysis, business tion, those who seek professional positions in civil followed this specialized program of study. and law. forecasting, and the control of quality of manufac· service, economic research, and college teaching may tured products. find this program exactly suited to their needs. Commercial Teaching. The man or woman who General Business. A student who has an individ­Restaurant Management. A program which com­would like to teach will find that those who can teach ual vocational goal-or one who is uncertain about bines the skills and understanding needed for man· commercial subjects are particularly needed by high his area of specialization-may build his own pro· Life Insurance. Interest on the part of private agement with the technical knowledge required for schools and junior colleges. gram about this core of courses which makes him companies, labor unions, and governmental agencies operation of a restaurant is provided. Apprentice work familiar with all the important functions of business. in life insurance, retirement plans, and social security during summer vacation is an essential part of the Cotton Marketing. In an area where cotton-grow­has steadily increased. Whether you are interested program. ing is such a dominant activity men who know how in a career in the office or in the field, this course to bring it to market effectively are much in demand. Hotel Administration. Increasingly the Southwest 1>f study will meet your need. Retailing. There are more retailers than any other is becoming a convention and tourist area. The Texas type of business enterprise. Opportunities exist both Engineering Route to Business. The industriali­Hotel Association co·operated in the arrangement of for operating one's own business or joining with azation of Texas and the Southwest has increased the this program, which combines selected college courses large integrated company. The department store field opportunities for men who combine a basic knowl­with summer employment in hotels. offers especially attractive positions for qualifiededge of science and engineering with ability in busi­Marketing and Sales Administration. More women as well as for men. business graduates go into selling than any other ness administration. Industrial management and technical selling positions await such persons. Transportation. Courses offered are designed to Factory Production and Control. Industry also Industrial Management. A program designed to one field because goods must be sold or production prepare students to obtain employment with (a) needs men skilled in accounting, statistics and man­ provide young men and women with the background will cease. Salesmen need assistance and direction railroads, bus or truck lines, airlines, or water car­agement in the controller's department. 'A selected tions in industry or for management of their own provides the background for either inside or outside riers; (b) industrial concerns as traffic managers; or course of study may be followed. businesses. sales work. (c) governmental regulatory agencies. they need for rapid advancement to supervisory posi­from sales managers and their staffs. This program What the College of Business Administration Offers You Faculty. In selecting a school you should, first of all, con­American Association of Collegiate Schools of Business. sider its faculty. It is the teachers who will do the most to Facilities. The College of Business Administration is direct and assist your efforts to acquire a professional educa­housed in Waggener Hall. This is a modern structure con­ tion. The faculty in business of The University of Texas taining faculty offices, classrooms, and laboratories for consists of about seventy men and women who have ad­accounting, statistics, and secretarial classes. The labora­vanced degrees from leading universities throughout the tories are equipped with modern business machines. nation and the world. They bring to you the best of the Libraries. The Mirabeau B. Lamar Library is housed in thought of students of commerce everywhere. Most of your spacious quarters in the Main Building. Over one million teachers will be people who have had experience in business volumes are now included in its stacks. In the Business and and/ or in governmental administration. They know because Social Science Reading Room are placed current business of what they have done, as well as what they have read. magazines and books. You are free to browse at any time. Many are actively engaged in consultation and research Bureau of Business Research. The Bureau of Business and can keep you abreast of the latest developments. Research collects, analyzes, and publishes business and Prestige. The College of Business Administration of The economic data for the use of businessmen and students who University of Texas is one of only seventy such colleges in have specific research assignments. It also provides some the United States which are recognized members of the part-time employment for students. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS Location. The University buildings stand on a height the activities normally associated with campus life are found above the city of Austin, and the tower can be seen for miles at The University of Texas. The Cultural Entertainment around. Many of the buildings are new, making the campus Committee brings to the campus each year performances by a particularly beautiful one. Austin is a pleasant city in world-renowned artists. which to live and offers excellent opportunities for swim­ming, boating, hunting, fishing, and other out-of-door recrea­Housing is available in dormitories, fraternity and sorority tion. The climate is mild and sunny for a large part of the houses, co-operative houses, and approved private residences. year. Student Life. Life at the University is not all study and For Further Information: work. There are approximately 240 student organizations on the campus. Some are professional; others purely social; On admission requirements, courses, degree plans, still others relate to interesting extracurricular activities scholarships available write to: such as dramatics. Those of you who enjoy athletic events Registrar and Dean of Admissions will find almost every kind of intercollegiate sport at Texas. The University of ,Texas The intramural program enables you to participate in Austin 12, Texas athletics. Plays, musical events, dancing, singing, and all A Career in Business A W'aits Yon You do not need to travel far in Texas or the Southwest to see why this area is rapidly becoming one of the leading industrial and commercial sections of the country. New factories are springing up amid the forests, cotton fields, and grazing lands, and along the Gulf coast. The skylines of our cities change overnight almost, as new buildings are built-buildings wl:_iich house the offices of new companies and new branches of established firms which are opened to serve the growing population of the region. \'""-""'--.IL-li-J,..JL..:Ji__;,~ You can find your life work in this vast development if you have the kind of education that business leaders expect the young men and women they hire to have. . • . if you are properly trained! THE UNIVERSITY OF ;rEXAS PUBLICATION NO. 5310 MAY 15, 1953 l'ubli•hed b1 the Universit1 twice a month. Entered a1 1econd-cla1• "'alter on March 12, 1913, at the Po6t Office in Au.tin, Te""1, under the Act of Au1rut 24, 1912. THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS College of Business Administration Austin 12, Texas A CAREER IN BUSINESS AWAITS YOU!