'the toatcWew J<* •#a« wonthelr third dk» AA track and field charaploft. tet of Ado!] liminarjr ttipSaturday, tfc* -tg^ua f*t.f InteracirolasticLeagueW^ Buddy Ted * off the 'ville, wJ«r> „> Childress letwd his atiffert competition in amowture-looae ' i} ./£ w-i .tethSAAs > AY f*vf' ' Ti r trick ahd *brisk head wind as her*aaW*y with histhird A pair trf Houston schools,San jacintoa] •• -A field 6i _ victories In thelOO. and 220, posting; uhctisto: second and third, respectively, with 34 and JJMf/l* points. event in whicfrthe lowest e would iut itfl0.fl&and21.&fii, Thoufh competition-was keen and ever enjoyable to the *te record. Four jiu v,era were wm..j»»uy 1 n ; riiji V'l I , V. r •>£ 1*»SF3 ^S3S> MPanif I i 1 &&(¥'•> faliwing Sfudtnii? Ss I r t f 119g • 0 ally ,!^T fu S,o u t % u W5 i ^ V jr i *" Jf »*/ Mm$ ,VOL 51 JS^i&4fPric* 5 c™* AUSTIN''TBITAS11 ciJKinAY kiAY i"52jyw:|IM'# : «*» CI M«v AUillN, IcaA2», SUNDAY, MAJ : rii.iii"iiiiMirri1ir<>nirii'i':riif r iiVT>ni iitfi, lUii in*r rtt.irftimwrtf 4-,¥ajWrrtmin-i--'>J(i ijrir • --if-ir-I-1' i 'r i -—r' P" -r' ii nn i"n i r. i\i i .n.. .1.1.1 ii.,.i, iiilrillj . f # r *4 H ^ ft* n f .. . ,v,*.*« To By BILL MdREYNOLDS "We fet the cream of the mathe­water/made 1,450 pdints. This is ,'J Intwaeholwrtle btmgn*, HS2, matical brains in the state," Mr. approximately ' 100 points over waf » auceess, That is th« opinio# Dickerson said; "however, I be^/twit made in any previous year at Policy 'CommlH^Jg »f aio«t;3i»l» and wera a state mee^,'? Mr. Kreisle said. _ -omi-m lieve more inducement by rnmpxa^ —Report It'-Topic jadtcd. •; This year only 48 of the 152 „ Varsity Carnival Queen Saturdaynight, v How many paople—mainly atu-in|r more eligible students competed in Of Monday %£i Janet W»a chosen from eleven nominees by poxmUtr vote of a encourage Slide Bule competition. daata—poured into Austin for th« state contests is still a question ed students," he continued. First ^ In reference to ready "writing, A siseable. raise in .salaries of University attidenta attending the carnival. She js'a mgmher place, winders i^xhumber sense Mrs. Alice Cooke, assistant pro­University teachers has been pro­ I xur^t. But a gfoess is that approxi-of Delta Gamma. The four hiembers of the Queen's coytft jfee now,receive scholarships. " • fessor of English, said that the posed by the state policy commit­I >Kat«ly 1600 were entered in the Eleanor Greer, Pi Beta Phi N?at McGinn, Alpha 0hl Omega; tee of the College Clatsroom -conteirta, and in addition, tfie Uni-In the slide rule contest, Mr, content was not' so good as ina Leonard -Kreisle; assistant profes-past years. However, it was better Teacher# Association. ' Gina Nichols, Chi Omega} And Ann Robinett, Kappa Alpha •«rsity incited-faiarh school seniors sor' of •-mechanical engineering, in form and subject matter she , The proposed new scale %as Tii­ ,and their sponsors fro^n all onr Theta eluded hi a report to the: Univer­ the state, raising the anoffieial said scores were on a higher said. bracket than in previous years. For results of IL competition see sity unit of the association'Friday total to about 4,100. . ­ "Out of a poqpible 1,500 points, pages 2-and 8, sports; page 6, by Dr. Wendell Gordon, president. Nellie Was Never. Like Competition results were ^ot a atudy, of Billy Ben Berryhttl from Glade-Based on instruc­ tabulated into sections of the state drama; and other winner*, page 8. This" won first place in/the tional salaries made in 40 selected- Denial Building ,0* Into OTer-all dinners. "How­« ». H fraternity show division* colleges and universities in 1951­ ever, in the combined Journallno m 52, the recommendation suggests Tci-Delt« with their "Devil's ^ '••ompetitions, Paschal of Pert Worth (Conference AA), Fort the following salary schedule as m^Dreams'*, took first' place hori-1| an average: professors, $6,856; Exercises Set jStoetton. (Conference A), and associate professors, $5,154; as­% /'tS ors in the sorority show divi­ Spring Branch of Houston (Con­sistant professors, f4,426; and in­sion.'" m ference 3) won first places as tha structors, $8,627. i Hart to Spoak at Zeta Tau Alpha's "Hell's Belles"• ;>lhMt ^ representative schools , in In Texas Precints This would be an Coromony Tuotday increase-of or Ladies From Hades" was sec-^17 per cent, 12 per cent, 12 per cities. vIit Dallas county»,lie got ond place winner in the sorority The moet "ffifet"'%ith ilnr> usual .cent, and 7 per cent, respectively. Ground breaking exercises for •# Kniiut •«>! »»«««»•* Democrats in Texas like to play ' '7 delegates to Taft's 7; in Harris The University of -Texas.Dental division. Third ^place<1vas,7ja'f jki«, A provision is.made for an addi­ the and ^he PriHy'i nSSye>iatSirii5Sw|^^ inty-fHoustonythecountwas tional category of distinguished Branch building in Houston are-between Kappa's 119 precincts fOr lke—4 for Taft. AOPi's. The AOPi's won the toSs ;>ome field events into Saturday cr«» ^n^ professors not subject to the re­Tuesday at-11 a.m. and the cup for/their "OstiNite." -t play. A broken chain on the Com-As Oe first result of Saturday s _ It appeared tiuit next •• week's gular scale. , Chancellor James P; Hart is the ^ modore Perry stranded 231visit. county conventions were'going An automatic salary increase of main speaker, ' The Kappa show waa "Maia­ jng journalism students at Green Shivers, leader of the Democrat s be stormy sessions as a large $150 for those who, have not •Photo ba V«ictM A $4,816,911 contract foil the scenes." , it}' \ : »res untU 2 a.m. Saturday. number of "bolts'* and. rump* reached the top of their brackets, •AMID REBEL YELLS, JAN^T LEE accepts her rose—not Mohair-—* building was: awarded by the . The 'Phi Psi'a, laat 'ye^i^fbrst-, 'I Speech judges were impretsed meetings were being apsported .by andean* average of $100 per fac-bouquet a&^he now Yoriiiy Carpival Quean from Dean Jack HoU Boanl of . Regetrts^ £'jitliaj^ast place winner,remained onithe win-|M ?by the debater*. "The students both parties. ulty member per year distributed! meeting; The new»truetu*«^4(rhich Trier's list ms they took-second place .<4 l^nd. Members of the" Pueen'i afe\Efeandr Greer, Pat Mc­Eisenhofrlr's^packers' showed Vwert very finished in their der Gov. .Shivers said thatfths.pre­on ..t&* merit.Jbssis.is.included. includes unique' features of de-In the' fraternity-show.' dtvtoion:;nI; strong g*atird»t stretigth cinct results show a r#tum of his Ml"ir&erro? Deife Samma, with the "Phi Psi Varieties.^ > lr sliwry. and.I was surprised at tite The University unit of the asso-sign, will be built in the Texas 'insight some of them'had into. .. At -12 p.m. Saturday, S79 pre­party to Jeffersonian principles. ciation will meet Mondarat 4 pan. vvHh .their Cor\federai» caps, wefe right—oven .Qrant saluted this.v Medical Center where* new build­The' Dekes, sponsors of Rose cincts were supporting international affairs," said Mr*; > Ike, Taft in Garrison Hall*1 to discuss the -tee.-The Oueen wat^eiocfod by popular vote of attending student*. ing for the University's M.D. An­Mohair for. VC Queeh, were third had ,128, Gen. MacArthur carried :Orov«r Fuchs, assistant professor report and other miscellaneous derson Hospital for Cancer Re­place winners with "No Hay, the lef speech;"at that age When completed, the new build­Four trophies were awarded for iV&sirfci " with other things, sueff as sports, that 768'Democratic precinct con­Other parts of the > policy com ing wtll permit the Dental Branch the first and second place conces­--rather than .matters of good clt-ventions had voted pro-Shivers mittee report include the recom­to enlarge its enterning class of sion winners in both the sorority Senior Week Ends isenship,'* ha continued, Mr. (uninstrueted delegations), and mendation that profeMion^l mem­students. It will broaden the scope and fraternity divisions. Phi Gam­ ..ffuetiit judged the Conference B 94 'voted for instructed delega­bers of the Library staff be given of its postgraduate:draining' pro-; ma Delta's Fiji 'Bandit won first and one Conference A debating tions. Wallet-siee cards listing blood full facultjr^^ status, and that the gram for practicing dentins, and with the Beta Orchid Wheel In type and RH factor are being '.-'eoateet#.;' Henry Zweifei, nominal head of Legislature be urgekl° to make* establish-a hralning program for Second._ . _ , At mailed this week to the 909 Uni­ Mrs. Matjorre Parker, special the GOP in Texas and Taft's man­necessary adjustments in the allo­dental hygienists. versity donors in thtf* February Sorority winners for concessions instructor in speech, who helped ager,.J^r«, didn't' carry his own Cross blood drive. cation of funds for salaries. will play games and. swim. Them went to Alpha Delta Pi for Pink Red . Senior Week activities will end judge titf SxtemporaneoUs Spoak». precinct, in Fort Worth. He and The policy committee recom-; Collect, blood type is neces-Thursday.with. a picnic at Zilker will ba the traditional.barbecue Lemonade and second to the Delta ing contest and the debates, stated his followers bolted the meeting mends that the legislative budget Gam Medicine Show. arid set up a rump convention. sary hi-giving transfusions. be drawn up in general terms to Park. John.A."McCurdy, executive supper.. , • > .. Brazilian Author thai tiie extemporaneous speakers "Mr. Formal," the, fallow whj» Miss Opal Leonard, executive allow the boards and administra­After^supper Robert Lee Bob­ "showed more skill in organist? Fagati Dickson,'leader of the secretary of • the' fi*-Sttadents' As­looks best in • formal outfit, waa director of the Red Cross in Travis tion* freedom in the ruse of funds bitt of San ^.ntonio, pfesidelnt of Ion, platform poise, flueney,. and Loyal Democrats, also bolted his sociation,:said Saturday that all Jeif Davis of Sigma Nu frater­ County, urged vthose "who will re­within the broad categories as the Ex-Students' Association, and ;;/vocal»skilV*-i preciact convention here in Austin to the nity. He was selecteid from photo^ Here for 3 Ms ceive the cards: "Keip your card itemised by the Legislature. > ' r seniors are b0' guests, of Chancellor James P. Hart, will Miss Jo Ann' JwckiTrson, who when 8hiversf supporters' carried graphs taken at tryouts. He was »ith you to save time in case of association. ' ;V , .speak.' Mped her father jodge the oum-the first few votes., Dickson *et Pan-American culture and lit­given a complete "After Six" for­ an acciaent. If a transfusion is ^ Tuesday and Wednesday booths A period of Informal dancing I her sense' contest, believes the up a rival convention, too. Rush Moody Tokos Oath erature will be discussed by mal dinner outfit and six other needed, there will be no delay in will end the picnic, v ^ will, be.se^_ up at six places oft the Alceu Amoroso Lima, director of [s^apers were much better than they Eisenhower ws« piling up big gifts. Members of his team wera^| finding the correct blood type." haveheen the previousthree years. majorities in some'of the larger AtBanquot Monday ' campus to take reservjitions for cultural affairs of the Pan-Ameri­give# University mugs from .thai th$,picnic, and hftnd out pamphlets Graaham Take* R«t«arck Job can Union . and noted Brasilian University Co-Op. Sponsors of thai Rush Moody. newly elected stu­and programs of Senior Week ac­Author, when he visitjs the Uni­contest Reynolds-Penland, 41// % % Applied Math Officos dent president-will take office at tivities.; They will bet set up by Mary K; Gfesham, M. J. '61^ versity Monday and Tuesday. The were r/7 1'^ / / Hutchins Brothers,-and the Tog*^ the inaugural' banquet for stu­the service organizations ; and a has taken a job as technical writer m Movod to Bonodict Halt discussions will be a series of three gery -« ; VUhat LjoeS KJtu U4ere dent*government officers Monday liaison committee headed by As­for the engineering mechanics lectures. p . All concessions and shows closed ^ The Department of. Applied at < p.m. at the Home Economics semblyman A1 Quinn. Seniors may lab of the Southwest Research . Dr. ^inja will speak on Brasil­at 11:i& p.m. At that time the ^ ^ Mathematics and Astronomy Tea Room. ^ also fill out" enrdllmetii cairds 'for Institute in Sair Antonio. mSanday 4-—Panhellenie ; Council, Alpha ian history at-41 a.m. Monday in crowds gathered at the VC stand " ?moyed its headquarters into Bem#-People participating in student the Ex-Students' Association at Since her graduationdn August, Garrison Hall ltfO. This is a te­ 9^0—Foreign students to Broad-Delta Pi house. to watch the presentations. With % ~ cast story of "Anderson Meets 4—Paul Robinson ill organ recit­dict Hall Thursday, Classes have government and memb'ers -of the the booths. ' f -•, she has been working with the gular class, meeting, but other the eleven Queen candidates seat-"^; ^tiie W«rIcf," KTBC. al, Music Recial Hall. been in the new building since faculty and administration have Buses will-take guests to Zilker University News Service. While persons are invited. ed on the stage, Harry Webb, VC; % 10—South Central Texas Club to 4—Dr. A, A. Lima, to speak 'on the start of the present semester. been invited. Park from .St. Peter's gate at 3:30 in school Miss Gresham was night The cultural activities of the co-chairman, started ^things^off by^ Dr. C. M, Cleveland, departmen­President T. S. Painter Union wilt be the , . meet at Littlefield Fountain to ^'Cultural Activities of the Pan w ill and 4 :30 p.m. Thursday. society editory on .the Texan and Pah-American presenting ''Mr. Formal" and gt*id|jf go to N^w Braunfels. ',Americfin Union/' Barker »His-tal chairman* will occupy Room speak, and the Phi Gam 'Ramblers The senior engineers have .chal-Theta Sigma Phi • president. She topic of the speech at 5 p,m. Mon ing a pair of cowljoy chaps to^­11-—Rabbi Bertram Klausner to " tory Center. -v&V,. 219, and the Student Aid Room will provide musical entertain lenged the senior law students to received her BS in home econom-day in the lounge of the Barker the. University's grounds supervis#^"' speak to -Unitarian Fellowship will be in Room 221. ment. ^ a game of softball.^Other groupsics from the University in 1943. .Texas History Center. or Bill Le^t. ­ 4—College Claiwrooriii Teaehers '••yjvon "Personal Responsibilities of Association, Garrison Hall 1. .At 8 p.m. Tuesday Dr. Limit Webb' introduced Ann McNei|^0 ; Religiorw. Liberals," downtown 4—Dr. Glen S. Rabideaus to give Powor Show will ^ give * publie lecture-on co-chairman, who gave Jack Holfv^; ' K':TWCA.-' . • .-plant lecture, Experimental Sci­mmmmK •f-"t Brazilian literature in the lounge land, dean of men, a gift of a suitf^ 11—rNewman CTub. Texas' Thea-ence Building 228. of the Texas History Center. case in behalf of all' those parti*!b|­4t45—Mrs. Horton Smith to ad-cipating in Varsity Carnival. DeanC k dress Campus League of Worn Holland made the presentations of? fUtd Fountain to go on picnic. eh Voters, Texas Union. UT Studtnt to Bogiti trophies donated by .the University &—Hewman Club leaves Annex to 5—Deadline for Curtain Club KNOW Nows Program Co-Op. pfm ineers ' go to City.Park. ^banquet tickets, drama offiee, A series of weekly news com­The "Most Money Made" will be presented Monday. * l-7r-6amiui sv: Pby:Beta,.y^c^uc, '^-MLB. By ROB PIERCE hits hut lost in final judging. the Main Engineering' "Building of engineering principles each mentaries and analysis Vill, begin ^The Deke's pantomime, S—Bible student, Lutheran Stu Electrical and Cfiemical Engin­Architecture's exhibit was a patio climaxed four, hours of ex­Sunday at 12:30 p.m. on station J counted 40 per cent in judging. -Texan: staff picnickers leave Hay, The Private Ojo," was a mut^vf dent Center. ^ t.;, eering and the Army ROTC took< sprawling model of a 4m*ll 'city. hibiting. After, an address by C. KNOW. E. H. (Whitey) Camp­ jurnaliam Building for ;€^ty *—A Cappella Choir, Music Build top honors in the Power Show It ropreseo|ed a year-long study Read Cranberry, assistant to the ]Organization and layout bell, sacred music student«-of the der mystery. The "ojo" knew "th^js » ing 200. , • judging Friday night of-how. San Benito; Rio Grand* Chancellor, Engineering Dean W. valued at 20 per cent. W._ J. University, is the commentator, murderer couldn't have been Rossi-1 • 8—DSF to leave University Pres­e-i-Student Assembly dinner, town, could be modernised. J R. Woolrich announced t h.e McKune,faculty ^advisor,, of the A veteran of War II, who "doesn't need a gun to makeT! ; : -jphe electrical engineers' micro­World byterian Church ifor Bastrop Hojne Economics Tea House. A materials Ifb arranged Civfl men 'drop dead." The dialogut wave demonstration, which involv­awards. Ben B-Ewing, steering judging committee, said Saturday Campbell published, a weekly • -See ACACIA, Pagf,4^;"" 8^80—Professor Harwell H. Har-ed tricjky handling of new high-Engineering's demonstoation, of committee chairman, was-master that the; j^adjinft; system vised in; newspaper in northern Illinois. 8—Phi Alpha Delta picnic, £ity :ypv to addrees Sphinx, Chinese frequency radio and television strength -testa of -materials such ,of ; ceremonies. The Longhorn final selection gave the three win­He moved to Henderson, Texas,Park. Kitchep. , signals won first place. As a min­as concrete* Band perforihed^ twice. ners.twelve, nine,' and eight hours in 1948 and has been active in a®4;^0—Lois 2f glass tubes carry milk rapidly improving ^Saturday at the ing crowd sises is widely ac­Btylna Law Honor Council Head ^Mathematics," she'7—Gars l^ive Newman Annex for .7^80—^Frae movie, "Mr. ;Deeds to the -pail under^iearth. sion in the Chemistry Building Health Center. cepted, pegged last night's at Robert Boyldn, mid-law student, Her friend then asked, woyiafMsr # ~ A model panwama of the In-, during tha Power, Show Friday I|r«. F.-E. Binkley and Darrell 12,960. This tops thf,1951 became chaiman of .the fioaor Von or s are • <*[ ' night, v-, ! • *1 cho* ihird place for Cooper, both -of Austiti, were mate by,4,096. Council in a.run-off election"held to apeak to the Army ROTC. A tilted Wrd • meived third tre*ted , f«r minor burns and , More than , a hundred displays, Friday. Boykin, juniojr'from Mid­ tudent.art group-intweeted in , forining about SO feat long-portrayed var-degree burns on her face, chest, released. " . t , along the twisting, well-marked land and a member of Phi Alpha f^^i»lilne o^; ti^e f And. Music Buil and* hands, was released after ; Apparentlysome misstep in pre­rout«. They ranged frora sideshow Delta, law fraternity, recetved iceu Amoroso Lima' to The School of Arehitectur^iutd treatment at the Student Health paring s demonstration caused the trickery to ultratechnical arrange-total of 161 votes as compared to KV6C, the Civil Engineering Department Center. Ag Student's'Hams r -rtS* r 3*h\ rr:tVs4»-.^r-,. Aftr. i&3Six£&I ^ r -fcr s l"iA ** ? 4 ftTifri ''^Ti mmm -fiasl wi *» Ky., May in front of the 1ftother tbrae-yee^ -HiO Gsiir beeked by the oM ^oroughbred# whan he. pletei the m8e ^ulkjigs e«k )|«ttlMdtar: DcAjr eembinatioB near record time. of them won running Hie aeeond horse-^nBil if ^ elastic. ^ „.rr ot Charles % fUtt'l It waa the fifth triumph in the Stable. Broe Man, owned derby both, for Calumet Farm W. Abbott, finished third. mM Jockey Eddie Arcaro, and the A roaring, crowd, estimate at', •fariit.tyr BeiAiilonesi 110M0 persons, saw HSU • far oOwpfr ^oimer,,, Jodwy -w travel the derby eoania is S.akliK­% AWkrJ wS * trainer can match this record. " ulee o»» and 3-5th Seconds, :e»e at Rice. eton's 20.0 in Friday's prelimin-The fleet Hill Gail, favorite fifth stares'! than the fnek ,Brenham High School utilised A dark-horse low hurdler, Eldon setdope arie* tied with three others' times from the'"start, waa two lengths Amonett^ > from Haskell, showed ,in the new event, Jack,Frost of * pair of lads named Xiel Landua to Mterally run f#ay with the fine form la cruising the 180-yard Conference B division of the state Sweeny beat Huddleston. in theand James Pefers jto the fullest ex­ timbers in 20 flat, finalein tent Saturday and walked, away setting a new Mgfc»l«l!04>! the£p»i« gO.^i Class record (ibis is the first year Harold GrifS of Liberty broke with clear possession of the Class Hidings tfie J for the event) and tying the state the confevenee B 440-yard dash A title of the University Inter' abilitiee ,/wt Kenneth Hall and standard, now also held by Bi Geoi^ tahttoa ^ ?«& Bend mark by 4 «f;a second. Griffin scholastic track meet. Iraan, Her ON THE Huddleston, Bob county lads from the'Houston raft a 5ooa_ Stricklaiul. MmitDm, two places in three events. Sal­ jured a foot and discus-thrower .and Waldos HUL Kiaia# Star; 8~tla bo­ , Summaries mon won the broad jump and tweon Harb«rt Blahop. Ca^r Bayou, um UlLRecords Wallace Dahmann had to be snb Tbomaa JOrake, <2«ato*. Wiaaar'a stitdted. _ Frit vault) 1—-Jmbm. 8il*b««; Z-~tic 220-yard dash and Hall the 100. 12-2. ; fiimp ifi NEW STATE RECORDS R*fasta; >—(tt») Clrr«Uad, CUco; Hall Waa aeewwrf m Dtacoa tfcraw. t-.anix8i.TWy, lfat^ Homer florgstedte and Peters Qmr, Ktiufioi aad iMtioni, eradr; —Doyla Chriatii»«, Biab^; *—John " 440-yard ralayi Ray of Corpus Christ set record of 42.7. Old re-(tlO Hanlainir. CAoyotii Watklai, De. and both boya were on the re­O'DoaaelL Alplao: 4r-.WoHar Boako. the Brenham , cord of 42.9 held jointly byAustin, 1948, andOdessa, I960. ran great lege on eaitsr: DaMoA. Kaafmaa; StaU, London; cord-breaking s 440-yard Sugar Karnea City; 6—LcsHo Bobba, Gaorga team but were unable to make up Kir, Ro*eo*; %nd M«Nalr, Httmhi f 1 r4 W t kr IM-yard lew baHlwt (new event) Four men had iiine* of 20.0 for 12-1 (N»w tttoti; olA iMtfd li*l% by Land relay quartet. Ernest Tre-Woat; 8—W, I* Cktaeay. Waoo Stata fofr the large deficit, and their Homa. Winaar'a throw: 144-1%. new record.' They are: Billy Huddleston, Iraan; Bob Herod, ivino andJ.B.Kachinskipreceded 120-yard hlgk hurdlaat 1—Auatla Pal­ school finished fourth. •nU Jumpt 1^-Bahttnn, MiiMkM; mar, 8«bulaabnrg; 2—Kaa&atb Faaaoa, S' Brownsville; Weldon Holley, Odessa; Eldon Amonett, Haakell. S~~Oarets, Oaorrvtowii; S—Sti»al, Alrih'r Hall and Salmon, to click, off a O'Bonnell: 3—B1U Haddloaton, Iraan; 4 «v4 ffA " NEW CONFERENCE AA RECORDS Phillips pushed Jacksonville all 4—(Hi) P«e«k, Atvin; Maynard, Cote* 48,5 iand'break tile old Conference —Bobby Roberaoo, Vallay Mflla; S—Bar­ :|^wh: 1—Kooneth Hall. Sua­ i»ns—•BaaUord. Stitmrwd; 4 f-X' Bread, fampt Ronald Beatjford,Galena Plirk, setreeord of 28-1. finitely decide the race. ar Land % 2—Georga Solmoa. Sugar Load; —-Bnftja,: Bolls#( S—Stanford, Pranch Katy'e Billy Mcllroy establish­8-i-BBly Huddlaaton, Iraan; 4—Baaalo Old. mark waa 22*-ed new .Conference records in MeFeron, Induatrlal (Vandarbttt); tlimit 1114 a Jokaaon^ Grandvlew; —Lavfeca;fi^Snaad, tw- 8~t>arraU Robblna, Friom; 4~A4«)b«rt , >oth W I960. • but missed. The old Class A mark alUndi S^-KaHmMif Cuaro. Diataaeai 82-by heaving the platter 144 feet, Bartok, Fort HocSS; S—Lao Netia, Black­ |M IMIld relaysJacksonville;>•#§» clocked in 8:27*9 to break their own was 12-1%, and the state record 1% inches. The old record was waU (Marfa); 6—Ronald BUU, White lMHrard kifb lrardlaai 1—$Mar.' An- «ff. Timor$0,6. , record of-3:28.4, act last year. V v-: is 18-1H, being posted in 1988 di«n j 2—Taanlaoa, Hamilton > 8—Bmith, set in 1948 by Douglas Whiter of _ SiMt-ffuts 1^-BffIy Mcllroy, Katy; t-> toUcuctrlUy Burrus, CAtiyon, threw 158-8,torb«^t fM ChriatUn, Biahop; 8-~Glann Dworaeiyk. ' ^•, HO-jrifiJ low hurdlast Atiionettset record. . i .. third in the high jump, which was lOO-ranl 4aaht 1—Laadoa, Braaham; Falla City; 8—Jimmy Banton, ualoa 1—Hafpart, Kobatowa: »—Shook, Danvar Mcllroy successfully defended (Brownfiald). Winaar'a ttoDts 88-7 %. >fc. CONFERENCE A RECORD TIED won by Rosenberg's Bobby Apple-City j 4—BAhmsn, Jtttlaaho*; 6—Sulli­his shot put crown by setting a ISO-yard law hur^aai In—Jack Froat, 9k|0-yard «bu»b* Jaitfes Peters of Brenham ran $0.8 to tie mark set whiterand Phillips' Billy McDonald* van, Aranar City j Brooka, QUmar. new record of 50 feet, VA-inches. SwttUty; 2—BBl HuddlMtoa, Iraan j 2— Timai 10.S. by Cfc*rlea Gjtry of Stanifordlastyear. .• -at g-im •••••• . M. K. Clark, Rochoatar; 4—Auatla Pal. 440-jMjri Maafct 1-~P«tati. Branham: The old record was 49-8H by merr Sehulonbunt; 8 -Kenneth Fannon; ir^r~ new conference b records .M • Tall Ksay "Burrus of Canyon 3~CI«naata. Jaakionvllla; 8—~Ro»«nb«rg, ODonnall; 8—Harold Boanlsg, Kamaa Scotty Linney of Refugio in I960. La Oranfa; 4--MaxwuSr, Kenneth Di.eo«» Mcllroy threw 144-1% to break record of l«6-6 1/8 held throw made last year by Jim Sam* Stamford,.1It1). Uall. Gaorga Salmon); «-~OoU«d; ISO-rare law fcurdta*: ** to win either hurdles race, Olton; 4—-Sort t—Amonatt, ing Hood; 8—Troup; by Douglas White of Bloomirigton, 1948.' ueison, now a Texas freshman. Haakall: t—Maysard, Colorado City; 8— although he established a -new Valley MUla. Tlmo; 48^. ^ ' ';P#1» Vaultt Charles Hall, Karnes City jumped.12-2 to break record Burrus also tied for third in the Spaar,•:Andrews: 4—-flmitb. Mlneola: 8-— SSO-yard rua« l—Peto 8»rd«Hoh. Pa Gibaoa, Walllncton; 8—BlHii, Andrirwa.-etate and conference record lacioa; 2—-Roger Nanny, Rochester; I— , of -12 feet, set by Bobby McBrid# of Refugio, 1961. , high jump. Tima 20.0. (Maw r'aeord, naw avant). Earl Mavea, Hobba IfRotan); 4-—Joe .Bill Hot. yrxl 44d->yavd daahi Harold Griffin of liberty ran 50.5 to break record Peters proved his buildup as 440-yard ralayi 1—Branbafo (Modrxa-Carter, Pyote; 6—E. R.. Vkack. Tldahav­ iawakl, Bor((t*dte, Landua, Patera); 2j— ert; 8—Roaa H«ll, Xiadala. Time: 2^0.7. set'by Franklin Gibson ofB Rising Star in 1950 o.f.80;6. one of the best schoolboy quar< Wallinston; 8—Robatown; 4—Ennia:' 8 BO-ytH daabt 1—Georga Salmoa, flog 440-yard valayt Sugar Land ran 43.6 to break record of 44.1 set by termilers in the state with a 60.8 —"Aldlna (Houatoa); 8—Stamford. Ttua: ^Murol Schedule 44.1. . . 3—Adalbert ^artak. Fort Hood; 4—BUly tyirt 1951. Mr*, time in 'the 440, a clocking that esO-yard runt 1-—Rayna, Easla Pass; Halo, Troufr) 8—-AHan Jaak, Colfada " I60-yfcrd lew hurdlee'i 'Set by Huddlfcston. yed the mark "'set in 1951 by. 2-r-Nawaoma, MOUt Varaon; .8-—Dwltgina, Eugona Koaorek. Potb. Time: 88.0. Pbilllpi; 4—Gary, Sn'ydar; I—Johnaotv M0MDAY Mila rant 1—MaWia I4«lit. Valley Hulaahoa; 8—8o*«», Monahaai. Tlma; Swiaamhi^jwallaiinarlaa Milla; .2—.Joo Campoa, Bertram; 2HI2.1. Jamaa Clydo Wlthara, Buna; 320-yard daaki 1—.-Laadua, Branham: 2 Fratarnity''divialaa Pool. Farwell; 5—Bruce Brown. Ovartoa TVVm —Halpart, Rob*town; I—Tanaoka, La .... . Madlay ralay . 8—DoaSld Foraythe, Liadaia* Tlaio Grange; ~ 4—^-Smith, Waotahachia; R— t h««ti, 4 qualify.: 4 :S4.f, 1 Puekatt, Hooki; A—Alctandar, Philllpa. /. 300 (wt fraa atyla Mils ralayi 1—Lfbarty (Jimmy Crifta, 'I Tina: >2.8.' 4 haatt, 1 Qualify. Sam Rlwoj^ Lloyd Bflliagalay, Harold 4^ , I .• Mlla ,runir_1—Torra«v Boling; Ttppi, .. . 100 loot fcraaat atrolra Griffia); 2^—Karnea City; 8—Trent; PhiUipi; 8—Loiano, BaavUla: 4-^John-4 haota. S qualify. Georsa Waatf l—Troup; I—White Poor. •on, Kalaahoe; 8—Woodi, Bnala; 8— 100 foot baalc atroka Timo: 8:82.8. i'1 1 \ ' , Whitwall, Saguin. Tlma: 4:88.4. 4 haata,42 qualify. Hlrt jumpi 1—Johnny Whatlay, tow r u t * ^ v High Jump: 1—(tie) Applawhlta, Ro»-.100 foot frao atyla iarille; Z-S-4—tia between Charlea ShU­ ffh*| snbarg^and McDonald, Phillipa; 8—(tla) 4 haata, 1qualify. > era. Angleton; Charlea Hall, Karnaa City Barru*. Canyoa; Nolan, Iowa.Park; Mc-400 foot rolay and Ellaa Gomes,' Sugar Land t 8-8—tia Brlda/Rafoglo: Jamci. Sllahee; and Har-2 haati. 4 qttallfy. between Jimmy Wyebe, Iredell s ; and. vill Fratr. Haiglit: l-UH. AUothar dlvlaiona aompata in Altai*, Benny Clark, O'Donnel; WiU(a«n "GUstravT REMEMBER ;; \ v., Mila ralayi 1—ackiopvllla < (Habarla, Tkuraday. May 8. Le»eretta Chapel. Wlnnar'a' jump: 8-1 ft. y*' Claarar, Ro»», Claftianta); 2—Phillipa", S —Marcadaa; 4—Brenham; 8~Stamford; 8—Arlington. Tlma: 8 ^7.9. (Naw raeord, pi. MONCf old raeord, 8:28.4, by Jaekionville. 1961>. DOWN Dallas Ttxans Sign Toth \ •'­ •., - is To ]52 GiM Contrail ^ I * I "V-r :DALLASr«ay^t laa Texans announced Saturdaythat Zollie toth, fullback, had signed his 1952 pro grid contract with the ^exans. He is 28. Toth will be playing his third season of pro football. He joinedthe New York yanks' in 1950 after earning four grid letters at Louisiana State University. The m Yank's franchise was obtained by Dallas. . those jgjggg 41 DOWM The Red Cross ft! WiWlY ­ «- Water Safety 1% *'P" s ^ e\ fy&il ; $5.95. ky­ ,y,--rr5 JSSSi ^ ft-1' will bo tawalil from May i to The 8th is just Jarman Canvas LeisuaIs 3-4, May 9tk at th* Gragery Gyat ,2**' A You can really let your foot go in blissful barefoot poal. The first mooting «• May comfort and hate more fun In the nm-Vith a colorful pair *L* 5tb wiU b* held at vtbe Deep • ^ nm w m of Jarman Canvss LeisuaU* This casual style is d^rigned Eddy swimming poal. All othar ^ of,washable fabric weave welted to a soft, flexible crepe' J xt'W class maatiags will ba kald at Mf 1 >rvi '< ^ solo—it's smart a • • it*i terrificI Come in, try-a pair, , Iks Gragory Gyas jiaol. Us m rr i *>1^ ^ -clasaaa will sittt from. 7 p.m. h \ {*4* w'w •2 WfCNLY '>€\a tm 10 p.m. aa^h night: iS^II • aft-sSr Asy patron 10 yaare ell «r ""3S^PMS8 alder'who has a Had Crasa fAHV, Swimming Lifa Saviag Carti-DRAG a ficata-la aligibla ta'taka the ma®. "*• f i's:" caarao. TWa coaraa wiO ba »• * ;-*2Z£bflCbf Mfcc. Harris 'Bartaa. Far Additional infomatioO, call pe t ft «»i f t a 1 \inw > fr *"t^ r>x<1 WtlS^ M •V?-^ 1 1 jujvii.y fi»u"f Mi •pwWP 1 f1^ i-*•-"&?* ijt ^* -f?* -v "***•} ^ t *• 9* r^j * ^y> -» ^ , "" "-*N » ">' *• ?f t-klSfi* C&1A JS 'v jd Cafe* mm® X?vy-r (4SK ^•(s^'1' *£jj£_ jj'ssys.' BUXHA1X •We-only..three jrwns*.#h»' only • ito>uatiitt other tin* that Linker had any _ Bojrd Linker'* trus­trouble worth mentioning waft in . By ORLAND SIMS •ojpener; ,17 .. ^ ty right arm and Franklin Keller's th* ninth ,s*nsa. JBayier touched y—Sptra y f pitcher*' duel • turned into arun-^ and Baylor's tspatrick ten<tMF"/*iag$ea, and time' RBJ's in Casey Wise, Keller,-and Maury ih thescokiitg. * •, ^t^-glw^^—••— five trip*-to the plate easily gave Lloyd. -^ Tei** added' five more unnec-JOE TANNER the-*-Coftf-Menisa^ Mii Keller top place" in slogging hon­eessary runs^-two in the eighth Childress Holley Lead mmm v$b* Shorthorns got tJttee rant ors for the day. and three in the ninth. A pair of into right fi&d.;Rbyce Botta, Bi^ in th*. third.on a double by Bed -Eighteen Texas bingles brought BMiin errors figured in the eighth-tist outfielder, almostmisjudged it, upsetRob^town'a 4<»fending;jftltt Matthews, two angles, a sacrifice, tnparade of thre«J}aylor hurl-inning^ri^^,5M'^«^®':: and had to leap higfr in. the ,»ir Broncos to Third CrdWrt and a hit batter. Two more count­ ers, eacbol whop wa*u ninth, i€,'^as fdhg hi^s at the last S«cond> to grab "it tand ers w$re annexed by the Yearling -— ­ rapped, a* his predecessor. Bob (Continued from Page 1> whole pfoiyr laps^tcr stey^among that did the trick, Joe Tanner end the game., * ',|f v in the fourth inning on a triple tripled one on, and:Travis doublMtitleti^ytookin; BmIf* started. . the mound mark in the AA finals. He ltfd by the leaders, then quickened Ws with Aside froiql some control trouble by Wise, a single by KeUsr, two the Cobsi jerked ia the two yards before tripping' on the small strides to kick in ahead of Eckett hit a ba*ses*empty home in the.third inning, reliefer Rober -Aftsp 4»m.es, walks and a Baylor error. Tens ^ig „ after seven TexM sixth Kurdle; Odessa's Hojley won leader Hulen.Hale of Marshall, run. son pitched good-ball After the RMt%>­ got two unearned and one earnec d trippW/acrbss tlie for another share of the record. Rivas' time was a good 4:32.8. " Scarborough. plSyed, an impor­four-run fourth, he • held^/tKe senqatefci.in. tlie. finL ^und^e ngn in the sixth on another pair ikie Evans, Be«go** re-tant,part in winning his own game, Bruins scoreless, and pounded out of' Cub bobbles. Two singles anl Ronald Beauford of Galena An equally good performance Park set the only other AA re­was Beaumont's. Dale. Spence batting inJour runs on a.pair of a single-and a double to spark defendtngc^anipion, asjfhe.'lc choice for andhadlittle batter fielderV accounted hit*.. ,1 > ? the sputtering Steer attack. , ' j ^ - Wi .^florw^'upi&iA .Tayaa'-finat two tallies in th* cord as lie broad jumped 23-1 to 1:59.2 triumph in th«& 880, Defen'sivety, litt3e Jimmy *ba'n Tanner, who hit itoo jtnples in Charles 60^6^ of Phsrr. . eighth. healJtime.in two-lan races in the power. Southpaw Dick Melugin set by John Cavileer of Austin in Pace turned in two sparkliny^de. thej>pen.e^and aj>air of singles in A jjmior 'fn high schdol' and past two state meets. came nearer to1 quelling the Tex The next scheduled' game of the fensive plays from his third base the abbreviated .seconH contest, '*y i. ivv' •" 1. •*IMIQt^^Wal , 1$49. * ^ ^ter'llifelrted' Shorthorns is Tuesday afternoon filsewhere on the field; Don Wil­position. Ployed-ahnd a*, attack than the other two With Childress,»• Holley and tied with Roy Kelly for being most Bmin towers, buthealso got his at -3 o'clock; with the Austin High other Odessans placing in or win­son of Sari J&cinto (Houston) and : In the follow-up, seven-inning consistent hitter. Kelly alap mai^ tantalising-drop shots on the baf­SSSF& WlM Jack Webb of North Sid4 (Port raps .Maroons. ning 11 of the 14 evenfs, fSndom contest, the Steers were barely aged twp hits in each game.,., , fled OoWon.«^^t4Wi|lfr' RaymondviUe^Bmten' * * Worth") were throwing" their able to get moving against Isen­Despite 'Ills' "t^i&niTefifftic' linker's only weak inmng' was settled to cheering individual per-Ecker>'s home run-in the first the initial frame where he allowed SHORTHORNS (1*) weight around with convincing berg until the seventh. In the last game was th? only; one of.the dou-stresks,'.S^Hihidt' played far more •«-«b h former* rather tiian teams. authority. The burlies took Jackson atld Mildred%iajbtirn r p0. • • two consistently than did r Gordon who the Bear Gabs to coupletwo dou-Btttnux, Jk >',.4113X1 -The mile run was a particular frame) • five hits and la walk com­bleheader. ' t Pyote, ^-1, 6-4.'for,the daufc Ueaeh, Sbr -i ' 1 • .1 1 0 6 turns beating each other in the bined to get Isenberg in a little w«s oBviouslyi dlsheartenbd after gfjfcjgnyles. ia walk: and a JongwMi.rf JiVl 0 0 __ crovrd-pleaser.'Tiny-Louis Riv'as of weight events, Webb upsetting The split gives Texas as 8-3 re titl#.* troubJe-^-four runs' worth. .* the Brst set. > fielder's choice "to prodaee Bay-Snow, St> 1 0 IB cord in Conference play, and Wi««, •• *i° bAS?h!^rV '65^ th,5,8 With the score closed to 9-b and makes Baylor's mark .read 0-0. RolUn Russell a^nd Rob Middle At(i«a Btti SMU, 9-6 -Kitthnri, • year, in the shot with a 68-3H two on with two out, first basemaii ton of Robert' LS^ successfully Keller, lb S ummor its toss.' TCU has moved into second, place «l defended their AA boys^ doubles DALLAS, May 8 (ff)—The Tex-Lloyd, If Paul Mohr stabbed a sharp liner by virtue of beating Rice twice m W»t«on, Jf Wilson then edged Webb in: the' title' withoWt the 'loss.-of a set by * AJkM Aggies downed the Barkatt, ef 120-yerd high hurdle*i 1—A. J. discus with a wirfning 147 toss. this week end. The Frogs have a blasting Rilfy iAstihurn?and 'Malvin .... ®-Miller, el Hudson, Palestine; 2-—J. D. Mit­CONFERENCE STANDINGS 6;* "cord,, and jire rl%. gimmes CHObSE FROM THESE * UNKER, p Their'performances earned them their chell, Orange; 3-^Kenneih.Dickeyi w. 1. pet.,' -|b behind. --f-J­ a tie for third place in individual twofcgame series with the Ponies. Toteto. CUBS 44(3)IS 1117 11 Galena Park; 4—Weldon Holley, scoring with 18 points apiece.. Texas 8 3 .727 Clark' Field will be< the scene The Baytown tsndsm, coached ANDMANT^OtC The MustsngswonFriday 11-1. McGm, 2»r Qdessa; 5«—W. F. Howard, Wood-Most convincing victories were TCU 6 4 \eoo;.1% of a crucial two-game series this by former .Texas netter Leo La-m^st row Wilson; 6—Bryant Stone, Baylor! 8 5'j,.646 2 Week between the two main ex­ Ov*rby, ef: by Childress in the sprints. He Borde, found themselves in a lob Eli Jordon, *41 Ctrmd, ia JapanV •' Hut;, lb Kerrville.' Time: 14.7 ' . A&M 4 8 .400 3tt tenders—Texas and TCU. Games Dylcmati, •• finished 8-yards ahead of a fait bing duel with the Bast Texans Capt Eli G. Jordon, a '41 UT 100-yard daaht 1—Joe Child­Rice arfc slated Friday and Saturday at XeJtttnrer If field in the 100 and , syme Seven 7 .22 6 graduate, is with the 2,143rd Air Ik ress^ Odessa; 2—Jerry Hall, Pales­* 3 p.m. each day. — yards to the fore of 220 runners. Weather Wing in Japan. He is Saitki rf . tine; 8—J. B. Cutbirth^eLamar; TEXAS (it) * -(S//7® WntM, • . His third straight sprint triumphs* heiping to provide meteorological SKAOX, » 4—Larry Schwarts, Forest of Dal-ah TEXAS (f)_ Texas Golfers Vie Mbi, 9 : in «s irisny years yews duplicated P«e«, gb r; ab r a* a * 6—Alvin Tow«ry, Sk< « 3 l information for air and ground Malaein, p>-. las; rrienden, Austin; the record of Jefferson's (Sari An­^ 4 S Pace, 2b 2 .2 o GntKim. Ik 6—Bill Sanfo'rd, El Paso. Time: Kelly, rf ^ 1 0 Towery, 2b 1 0 10 forces arotind the world. A veter. tonio)' Charlie Parker in 1942-T«nn«r. •» '' •. 1 « Oden, 2b?rf s 3 0-0 an of th^ lagt war, .Jordon holds . TtoUlt • •••••• 8 10 S4 10 flat. 1943-1944* Mohr.-lb » ! 1 1« ft Kelly, rf-cf -4 1-1 J> Spradlin, a ^ 4 o s n o Tanner, sa 8 » a « the Distinguiahed Flying Cross ' Seen by inning* 440-jr»rd daihjl—Barnes Hill, ° Au'stiA .Monday. nes, Victoria; ft-^Jay Whitlock, BAYLOR (S) Verdine, p* 0 0 0 0 Sunset, Harold Allcorn, Odessa, •br fc • Roberaon.p % 2 2 1 « The match wiA AAM at the local Ray. ol Corpus; 6—Jack Ludwickj Davli, ii . . 1 2 S Muny .course the Steers Alton Pressler, Popfc Arthur, and 8 1 w|ll bf Kawton, 2b 2 28 8 IS 11 Tmlor^M Austin. Time 60.6 4 *4 * Totala i I • Roy Stegall at 6-9*4. faball, e ' 4 X a n BAYLOR (9) last competition^ be^orS 'the SWC180-jrard low hwrdUis: 1—Wel-Discus ' throws 1—Don Wilson, SulllTan, cf . 1 s ab r > ,-po. a meet in DallSs Friday and Satur* Bmii, lb .L 4 Davit; aa 8 2 1-1 don Holley, Odessa; 2—J. D. Mit» AIR FORCE San Jacinto; 2—Jack Webb, North Oathrla, lb 0 Newton, 2b 2 2 2 2 day (May 9-10)1 -4 chell, • Orange; 3-—Dick Gravett, Wlllongbbr, If 0 Sullivan, ef v Side; 3—Jerry Hall, .Palestine; 4 William*. Sb 8 2 2 1 The Aggies aided^the LongRay of Corpus; 4—Jerry Mann, —Billy Harville, Odessa; 6-—War­» labcll, 8 2 11 0 horns Tuesday .(Apr. 29), when Iianbarc, rf 1 Benee, elb 8 0 8 0 Austin; •'6—7Ruben Gorisales,-Mc-ren Tuckness, Amarillo; 0-^-Gary Boran, rf 0 Williama, 8b 84 11 1 • th«y split their match with. Bay­ Allen;6—Jimmy Patterson,' Wichi­Matthews, BrSckehridge of San .7itipatrtek, f 0 Willoufhby, If 10 0 OilflditB, p 0 Boren> rf • 4" • 1 1 lor while SMU-*was ,losiMr one of ta Falls,. Time: 20 flat (New state Antonio. Distance: li7-;feetf^ Kaid, p I Iaebberv, p l 0 0. 1 : six to Arkansas. SMU ai^d. AAM and class record, new event Ties '1 ' Broad Jump; 1—Roriald^eau-iL Total* 39 * 11 27 10 4 Totala U B 10 21 7 0 were the only>tpMns left with a # Buy-now.and tale 3er 4 monrfus t« mark set by Bob Herod, Browns­ford, Galena Park; 2—-Raymond TEXAS . 200 00(10) 028—17 TEXAS _..00l 000 4—{ 000 _ chSnce to overtake the Longhorns fAYLOK 101 001— 8 BAYLOR 414 000 x— ville in preliminaries). Vickery, Galena Park; 3—Jimmy and the Tuesdi*yJre*ults lead the 440-yard relay1 1-—Ray of Corr Perry, Adamson of Dallas; 4— t^tle for Texiw andv gave tower -pus (Adolph Yanes, Bobby Wend-Weldon Holley, Odessa• 6---Dick land, Dick Bowen, Buddy Tedder).; Bowen, Ray of Corjius; 8—'Ron­ •-Country'*fmett fabrics by Schwab, Sunset's Jim Powell 2—Odessa; 3—-Austin; 4—Lamar nie White, Arlington Heights. Rice'' win% lie,La^M^(otnfiT last of Houston; 5—Paiestine; 6—• Distance: 23-1% (New Class AA competition and went down before i-" Forest of Dallas. Time: 42(7 (New record;' old record of 22-6%' set • Moth proofed. the Texasgolfers, on state, and Class AA. record; old by Cavileer of Austin in 1949.) •r%y ^ a Monday (April 28). ,The Steer record of 42.9. set by Austin in 880-yard runs 1—Dale Spence, linksters are the third University id48 and Odessa in 1960.) Beaumpnt; 2—David Weaver, Har-Wiry, , brownskinned Jimmy Johnny, with his early golf train­ • Approved by Army, Navy and Air team, this tspring' to win ,team 220-yard • dasht . ,.1—Childress, lingen; 3—Max Royalty, Freeport; Powell, an ali-conference basket­ing. Johnny won Sunset letters ^ ^1?|l T titles. The swimming' and tennis .. Poreo for fit, fabric end style. Odessa; Duschamp, Pasadena; 3-— 4—Dorinie Gilliland; 6—Antonio ball player for Sunset High of in basketball and golf during the Domed cryitatv^ teams • captured,^conference Cutbirth,, Lamar; 4-— Leondus Villarreal,.. Brownsville; .6—Bob Dallas, carved out a 36 hole total-year of 1948, and Jimmy, used to An IxtltiSf ns.w crowns earlier, , f0'' Elf n watchconveys Fry, Brownwood; 6-—Bill San-Byrd, Amarillo. Time: 1:69.2. of 144 to -win the Class AA state caddy for him on practice rounds. your bstt wishes '39" • Prieod from ford, El Paso; 6—Alvin Frieden, Oaa mil* runs 1—Louis Rivas, championship golf tournament by It wasn't long, though, before the m perfectly. Agiftthat HjeweftAustin. Time:"21.8 ' .'W-.;--Bowie of El Paso; %—Hulen Hal^, four, strokes. -pupil was excelling the faster* wiUbtrametnbered Ixflinuw band Mile relayt 1—Odessa (Wiley Marshall; 3-—Doyle Bowman," Wi­Second place ended in a dead­From th^n oj}, ifc;\ wis practice^ long after ths, special octasion. Burk, David Grover,. Rodger Gerg-chita Falls; 4—Leslie Larson, lock between Hal McCommas of practice, practice for Jimmy, who M 77.00 up gren, Troy Moody); 2—Lee of North Dallas; 6-—Mario Garcia, Dallas' Woodrow Wilson an'd'Jobn frequently visits the fairways for Baytdwni Wic^ita Falls; 4—Cro­Miller of Corpus; 6—Robert Er-Garrett of Lamar (Houston;) Mc­* round before school. It paid off NATIONAL LEAGUE sier-Teen of 'fjallas; 6-—-Browns-win, Jefferson of San Antonio. Commas; wbtt?>a playoff to take with the state championship Sat­ville; 5—El Paso. Time: 3:27.8. ^meUiiK ^—ir—v-XiUi.:\-the runner-up slot. urday. ' W L FCT. CB Shot Pit) 1-^Jack Webb, North Powell, competing individually Lamar Hiigh'a well-matched New York v ' 10 4 14^ — Side of Ft Worth; 2^-Don WU-Beaumont, 12 feet; 2-3-4—Steve since his Bison teammates lost the foursome took the team honors Brooklyn,; ^f< 9 4 ... • son, San Jacinto of Houston; 3— Sims, Lamar; Elton Faulkner, San regional crown to Woodrow Wil­:witjt;.an;;^a»gregati; score of ^18 Chicago " 11 5" .688' T Orville Trask, San' Jacinto; Benito, Pat Keoughan, Weather-son, trudged through Friday's to edge Woodrow Wilson. Cincinnati % 10 6 .625 1 Walter Cooley, Odessa; 6?—Ri­folrd, all 11 feet; 6-6—Hyatt, downpour to register a one-under-The Class A singles chase pro­St.-Louis -' 8 8 .600 Sorwood cf chard Prahm; Big Spring; 6—Bill Abilene, £homas, Abilime^ozkno^ 4>ar 10 at Municipal Course. He vided the tightest fight of the PWladelphitf%> 8 9-1.375 5P Prewitt Jefferson of San-^Antonio. Alice, Pdlen, Norj^rDallas, Gabr Tollowed up with ;a 74 Saturday to Boston 6-11^ .353 5H two-day tourney. Jim Boyd of Distance: 53-3^. MEN'S SHOP riel, El Paso, Trickey, Abilerii^ ill out his winning totals LampasSS and Stamford's Charle* Pittsburgh 3 15 ,16T^9.;; HighJumpt 1—tie between Smith, Austin, Novey, Paschal, The slender Bison links ace, 156, but Boyd won an extra-hole Marion Abilene, Cummings Lamar, Roberts, Har-the crown AMER1CAN•IXAfcm* * 2S48 Suadakipe Wione 2-2300 Truitt, Billy who won on hi# third Vaden both had 36 hole scores o-~ Byrd,. Gladewater, and Hinry; landale, Patmor, Jefferson, all 11 try, practically cut his teeth on a playoff to cop the cup, par. gb v . W ' " ' tie feet, '• • niblick. He was winning tourna­Waxahachie's Mike York wa: toston 12 .800 —r J7 imti. * ­"T*" ments around Dallas at the ripe only one stroke behind.with 157; • 't. Lbuis 3 „9 .60Q old age of 12, and was a high' good for third place. . , . ) •'leveland ; ' 10 .688 Otlm '57" SENIORS '52 and [53 school tournament medalist at 15. Richard Trevine from Ph:; Jhicago . 7 .467, aciKS Smjit blKk tfiatp^ He is reportedly hovering between Tree wan the Class B title With * 'aishington-v, 6 7 • .462 Expansion biotfi ORDER YOUR RING NOW FOR EARLY JUNE DELIVERY As law As SMU and North Texas State for 156, two srokes ahead of tear 2W Yosk . V-' 6 8^.429 WKB wci.«». TM;; his college choice. mate Darrell Tiner. Bob White o. tiladelphia; .368 *49n Powell credits his brother, Tomball was third with 162. : Jetroit m-si 10 DRY WASH SERVICE : • c«5 : •ntir«: bundl«r, washed st«rll« ctoan, completely dried*and neatly folded for the (Sigma Nu) amazingly low cost of .7c lb. Minimum Charge 25c tidy Elgui Corugs mi" •** DuriPoww Mtinspflng UAvnrin WAY z 9e"*d y^r drjr^ileaaing with year laundry tad gat Austin '71" Tornt T»tf Laundry'* caarantMd aad intured U-SAN-O Moth PiWmI CUaains at NO EXTRA COST te you, HERE'S THE JUDGES* CHOICE, and a right handsomt Hi one it is!But if the truth wert to get out^eve'ry * Mdic^Mk who tiiraed infta nn "Aftef Six" Berkntan « Senior Rings are best quality, deep die cat in hard whrts formal coat during "IryouU" had the 10k golyMiw f* all wka eaNNd lfce «a«Mt ' Hutcnlnt Brothtrs, ft«ynolds>P«nIandf On the Drag-2268 Tiilotson College, US Office of Xdveattoa higher Chief Merlyn McLaughlin,! Epom Yerki £. F. XNttap. 4U pages. accord from h^torians. and eontempotftriea for their col-ers. %>«,- lift afternoon session Will be Air Ii Wash­ iwatded ft Fylbright education division director, iHtt .The courage and "individual In his preface, the aotbor tells laboratien by osing fheir papers ftijf* WW iRftdtl captttl a talk about Civil Air Patrol units ingtok,1X tJ. Seti*t ftfr stotdy JaBngland be-hf chiefspsakar and consultant at Bravery *f Texsa heroes .haw that titer* baa.been no previous and bibliographic*! sources. Ranger*at 28* seven to SMWataeli gitinteg September 9. Currently the University's. conference for Friday's senion will be » talk been made Jtnown to even the fall-length study «f Hays, al­-tn Ok wrnr,'i'pktttfc of 9*ys years yonngef ti»«S Ma'ftttceftweii' dn ieaV* from his teaching duties, junior college administrators and by Utjf W. Barjb^ield, executive briefest visitors to the Lone Star though many brief biographical has beeh drawn in the miflttte de­His fflngagements Witii the Indians iilr. Kirk is working on his doe-board members May 8-J0i secretary of Texas Association of States Bonham, Hteston, Crock­sketches hai^e ^appeared* X& erik scription of his camp Me, Indian were Tictorious and bloody, fo'the «*'#' it> jfewnweat at the WW-Public Colleges, and ft p«sel dis-ett, Travis-~all great names— dfrlM of true lndian fighters. Be' The meeting is sponsored by ther ||^-«ussl«tt have been was equally saensSfnl agsfwsi tfamr-* f's't ?'SH University and the Texas Public 2&v > Falbritfht awards, granted, in* Satarday fiom 9 to 12 a.m. Dr. toriee and biographies. Junior College Association. Dr. nually-by the 08 government, J. W. Reynolds; profsssor of jun­Colonel Jack Hays Aow makes can War. Tom Spencer* president of Blinn givfcAmerican# «ti opportunity to College* Brenhajfc, is association (Continued from Page 1) ior college education at the Uni­his bid for the recognition, given Hays itS"ft'-M, M-ymrftpdy and lecture abroad. president. Loy Harsfield of Austin with • Mexican twist closed by versity, will elosa tiM conference to other Texas heroes, Reviews News wortetg in new born conanmitieft 'f'-Mr. Kirk's award is, for a year calling on with a of the jonlor 8oldier, surveyor, Ranger, in IteWMi, ftnd is executive secretory. audience participation discussion ex-Tennessee 54f study at the London School in the singing'of "Six-foot-nine," college board and the edueationai plorer, and officer were *H occtt-California as well as Texss. IaBM .The conference will emphasise TT^ of Economics a "n d political Boss's campaign song that had the program. , patiens «$ this spectacular Indian so many of his contemporaries, he J •the relationship of junior college Science. erowd yelling for her when she was not content to ait stud waUSh Mr. Kirk" hasbeen ft wambar board tnembeM to administrators, was not ineluded in the presenta­the cottntry that lui had helped the public and the college itself. |£J shut* ifof. 8a is an honor grad­Delegates will be entertftined at The Chi Phi's third blackout Doadlino Tuosday 'A' Students Make elusive adventure every explorer , of :the Tillotsott College faculty tion of Queen candidates. ' Editorial AppHcantf' ^. Np Jalekrf4)clesm develop. Ever searching thft siffl uate" of Howard University in ft banquet Thursday at 7:80 p.w brought in musical numbers vary, "'•i, seeks, he pushed on to Califonda _ Washington. D. C., and won a in the East Boom of the Austin big from the three Chi's doing , Applicants ' for three1 1962-83 after Texas began itii growth. §>: Ford Foundation award for study Hotel. Dr. C. C. CoWtrt, consult* "Return from teredo" to dance appointive offices in Texas Sta Highest Incomes But -JO ANN DlCKEHSOirat the University last year. ant in junior college edacation, routines by Texanne Charmion dent Publications have until Tues­ODESSA—CITY OF DRXAjMS. •of easy-going ranchen that chang­V, "> V'*'-> " : will give « reception Friday at Woodland. day 8 p.m. to file. THEY WJENT TO COLEGE. By Bjr • Velaia , Barret. mkI: , .Masai ed overnight^ with the coming of home, 809 EriMt Haveaiaaa aad: Patricia AncUnon MmI$ World 8 pun. at his Park The Phi Psl's Issued tags call-Applicants may pick up forms oil* into ft lusty, ruthless boom He Colls It W;^ Avenue. , , j v , , Salter West. New Yoflct Har- On KTBC Today. ling for "Oebauer for President" from Harrell Lee, editorial direct towa that asked no quarter and eeart; Brace. 277 page*. $4. rifuV~' Five foreign students who par-" RegS^t^m for the conferen«« ! when they presented -the Phi Psi jr**Tx In Jonrnatism Buildlnf 108. "Odessa—City of Dreams" gave none. -It's Longest. Novel IXHUdpated in "Anderson Meets the will be from 9 to 9:80 tun. Thurs­Varieties. " The -forms must Tie" returned with doea the bfrpk; make worthy have been interesting only to sta< World" last''week end will das-day in the metsanine of the Aus­'•We dare you to dare us," said a photostat aggrades througfilast phamplet to lure newc^ers to mention of the struggle for water, dents of sociology is very muchtin HoteL Following a greeting T>y the Chi Omega sign for'their pie- K^'eribe their experiences and im-semester. the sprawling. Sat city oa High­the battle for commerce, or the enlivened by ti»"e clever and witty tfj-pressions of the project on KTBC President .T. S. Painter, B. W. throwing concession. The Gamma The offices yet to be filled are way 80. The Jbook'is pleasant, bat crusades for clean, city govern­WACO, May Madison f/ty Sunday at 9 '-30 a.m. Musgraves, executive junior «oV> Phi's offeredtestimonials for their managing editor of the Daily Tex­presentation of Mr. Hairemann, an it falls short of touching the ment that were an integral part Cooper calls the 2,000-pege novel «x-editor of Time magazine. |£iCy "Anderson* Meets the World" water taffy. The Alpha Gam's sold an, associate editor and mftnftg-heartthrob of the self-styled "inir-of Odessa's growth.' • . he spent eleven years writiag in Sociologist West interpreted the 5»^,' was designed to acquaint the in* Meetiag Pmii UT NAACP Mea. out of candied apples. ing editor of the Ranger. ; « wyLo cox sewecy just plain "Ug." acle of the prairies." vresults of a Survey of its readers pj^ temational students with Ameri-The new fleld^-the parking lot *UgS' he grunted every time he ''ja, can ruraHife. Herbert L. Wright/.yoath sec­in back , of the men's dorms—• Physiology' of taken by Time in 1947. Autiiors Vehna Barret^ coonty went into his little office on the Announcer Paul Bolton will in­retary of the National:Association proved to be ideal for the '62 Var­Dr. Glenn S. RabidaftO, associ -Among the old gtads under 80 librarian, and Mrs. liaaei QUven! third -floor of hie big home in years of age the. average income pioneer wife, have packed the Waco and skinned his shin-on the m, terview Hameed Al-Qaysi, Iraq; for the Advancement of Colored sity Carnival. Space allotted shows ate professor of botany# will with whimsical stories of Bernays Stresses page; #p, Lelia Cacho^a, Philippines; Karl People, -will meet attbe Univer­was larger than in the pftst, but speak Monday at * o'clock on is considerably higher than the trunk where he kept his manu-, highest average income earned by^Odessa's first settlers. Legends isf Lochmaier, ; Germany; Andrew sity Y wth students interested in every show was packed for each "The Physiology of Flower Initi­script, or bumped his head oa the the population as a whole. such a the naming of Odessa for Olesjuk, Ukraine; and Charles forming a college chapter pfthe performariceandlong lines, stood the Experimental Sci­lintel or tore his -panta oimk n«U* ation" in Bosses' Duty ; Odessa, Russia, by railw^y-baild­ -®|Bamks^ofAustralia. v NAACP hero Monday at 8 p.ra. in front of many doors. ence Building .223, Despite -the number of co-eds ^'So I just-called it *?&?>" he who seem to Mb in school working ing immigrants who envisioned a: explains. , J...*,,' ^'Public Relations," by Edward for their Mrs., the happy hunting future wheat mecca are the most He's letting Houg^iton-MilF^s, • -Iss If Bernays^ public relations con­ commendable pact of the*'book. -•••mm . M ground isn't what its cracked up Boston publishers, pick out anfV sultant, has irecently been pnb­ to be* Only 18 out of every 100 • Two sections of pictures, from nams they want for "Ug"—"They IMied by the University of Okla­ women in the US are unmarried< modern and pr«-oil Odessa, fur­know more about. those things • homa Press. but 81 out of every 100 college nish » welcome collection for than 1do^' Publishbg date on. the f>-A fn his discussion of labor-msn­ women ftre unattached* Odessans. -I, book is October 22. It is the ** I* Politically* 88 per cent of the Excluded are: ihe behind-the-/ agemeiit adjustments, Mr. Ber­longest American novel evergraduates consider themselves Re­scenes stories of » one-hone town nays says tiiat both labor and published.publicans, 26 per: cent Democrats, management have a responsibility The people at Houghton-Mifflin the public welfare to^ ensure and 86 per cent Independent. As to told Cooper they weren't,going to they.grojr older, grads tend to .be­R«prinf of *36 Classic effective aind prosperous function cut a single word of the 898,000 come more conservative.' ReinforcoEarli«r Work of the American system. in the book. That makes,it twiceThe authors classify students . " „• • "The only guarantee of indus-ss long as "Gone.With the Wind." as "Greasy Grinds" who studied THE PLOWERtNG OF NEW trisl peiee b for management and It cost Coopnr |8.40 just to tard and made mostly A's but did ENGLAND. By Va» Wyek labor alike to ftpply the science of mail the manuscript to Boston. It little elser *BlgljMeiL f^ih$J^entieth century.ties; and "Those Who Just Sat Mr. Brooks began in 1982. Sub­dence." list year he beani Houghtoi­ •; ::"'vi'yyy -- Thwre" not distingushing them­sequent volumes have reinforced Ml#flln offers fellowshhw for firstselves either in grades or in ac­the significance, of the earlier CortiM • Paper* • Gi*«n'Texas novels and decided to wy his luck.tivities. work, and the student will be glad|Two publications4 on .Juan N. He sent the company about,; 80)^The greasy grinds come out on of this opportunity to place Brooks Cortina, .controvei*ial figure in pages of manuscript. They swd top with a median income of $6<-beside Parrington on his shelf Texas history, -were recently giv­it and'tsked for the whole thing. *w > % 5X 141, All-around students come American thongbt and writing. en 'to the Texas Collection in Cooper, a 57-year-old bachelor, next and BMOC's third and^'Those This is a. completely reset and Barker History Center by Jose attended Waco public schools and Who Just ftftt,There" come out electrotyped edition in the neat-Tonias Canales and Charles W. majored in English, at tfie Univer­ poorest. format of Everyman's Library*. •' Goldfinch, both of Brownsville. sity.of Texas. r DON'T fy tf hy top. 1%: m GOING ON VACATION . ; -Talc* Tht Summtr Toxan .with you --Only $1.00 all lumm«r 1 or $.75 for six wtfkt. —i-rr , ............ • ... -,i .. :r.. . f >. ' .>•* J •'''•• U ' ' 'V • • • • ''''' SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS ^ Don** Forgtfr to Chtck Th# Summor Toxan oh Your Auditor's Receipt. • Books-the answer to your shopping problem! The Summer Texan Will Be Delivered- To all subscribers between 19th aiul 27th Streets and FiaiON i HUMOR Speedway to Rio Grande; ; f 4 • *• J * ^ w To ail dormitories — delivered directly to your room if ' The Crown of Glory ^1..™ Agmt S. Turnb.1 How lo TilMt ine^nfte • la-iefMiiM WNflVIIMII 7;?3 TEXAN cannot be left in yovr box. My Couiin fUche) _ baphno Du Maurier Through Charlie's Back Door Emily Kimbrouah To any house outsjde the delivery zone that has afJeast The Cetno Mutiny ...— Herbart WouV I And Claudia DiUon Andenon fe,/ 10 subscriptions. ^ ''.4.^.^ Windom's Way ... Jamas R. Ullman Jumping JupHar Ernettine Gilbreath Carey N#w Yofk*r TKe Marry Month of May Nalia Gardner White ^ Anniversary Album », C A\;4: , The Summer Texan Will Be Mailed­ ^ * • Anywhere outside of Austin for the same rate as stated ^ J. :> -Ati ^ v. i above. /0;-. (v1 ?K-^ *" '"KIW. INTEREST , , ;• ^: NON FICTION U. 1 Vf? • Anywhere inside Austin for an additional 50c mailing fee. .# X The Library «f Great Painters.. Great M**terf»ecaS|I Live Again Means, Frineess of Romania Renoir, Van Gogh, *nd Others Elizabeth the Queen .: M. Crawford The Nwprdhws KUa Volumas 7 and • if InJeurnalism Building 108. 'rfc i*~ ^ •Duveen 5. H, Sahrmaii^ The Joy wt Cooking ^ 'O.V. >U ^ A Man Called Peter .... Catherine Marshal Cross Word Punia andCrosties Boob Subscribe Tot The Summer Texan"Now—Room 108 Journalism Bld«r K $\ t 9 < Botwell in Holland „ ........... (1763-1764} Ed. P< and Pr IOr Mail this coupon to Box T, University Statjon t Ate « t }" , *r ^ ^fip^ NAMEl.. STREET. ADDRESS wstw • K>-' ''*;•••"" ^ X *' * > f WN M CT^nP|5^Bse,B£&^' * ^4 x-­ . JtsH ** 1 sassii.. O ^ Wn-, ' "•'i 5 ^ g man on Timvampin tin University's new tmigb program ^tataraatioaal SI -**2^!tud^f^oco^to***t «5t£[^-TSr™*for nate this arrangement wouig • ^*aw^r1^ TOifbjrajia -^m, • ' ^-^Ica^frtatneM? campus honoraries wooldnt lik *s ^•skV.. ran^jl"®»f«Sio? John Jewkes ®£*'i Stem* •Iter the basic pattern, even ona laritu 4j4T though lt ia probable that several. , f* XTniverfity put it this are voluntarily tutoring. in the course of * Fortune Mag*& their ,«fa 'faukamp m,­ ISI sine article about socialism's ef* 5iSMi€ It la qbvious that some fleld* £**; •^^JQim'fiia Assembly*^ketf to fiv«'&®"| do not readily, permit tutoring. ^ctt in-Englandi*|bl^—I. ptpfoHa^ 3 Campus Cheat five mors years of Hfe, It* Architecture and art are two grob-"I pay' freauen#^sf&'ifW"«^ ^ould b» ^^iiulfli«Sie' Bid not reach its goal, the drive was fair-;> ables,, sad. there are U.S., and . undoubtedly acted in the long-range best ly successful. It must be considered that' -fbly others.fp|:"**'f Wth my interist of theaveragestudent. Paid tutoirts are doing a thriving -and buoyancy, the goal of $8,000 was astronomical, and It has been substantially shown on this "Uh—oh#-here they come 6uf on the field now»~-gues$ we've business in many fields. It la un> uncomfortable-feeling, that eom^ #WFICIAI. that anything near that figure could be L . got about the most offensive teem in the country^' <°v >> \„»-fortunate, though, thata r«g' thinr is'happening* > fn America*: ri bur of itndentn fStiYTtTfTi'il the society /which is familiar to tae is excerptfrom ferred for twobig reasons: price—«ny price, however ^1.Charities are bstter evaluated when :; In thefuture, aow that student govern­looks imposing to a broke ment has seriously^ and thoroughly That U why honoraries as a group "Ttiere seem to be in American' "W* are peaking.-eur-.pw*«*E# afcaroiacMdtfve. Jtr; \ ­ Candidates fay **,****** as being fajlureecolleges ihsse^ays many^^tea^hew"; philosophically, butvit ls,<»«M^ 2. Frequent, Irksome individual-drives studied charity, on the campus, the.Cam­ in public service. < &-^ ^-who speak of the virtue^ of-a^'sesame"tiw.aQotment progiMSSi t-­ are riiminated. pus Chest should leavelittle tobe desired. Tutoring as a club enterprise centrally planned' econorty with en-equity program unlegs th* (without*pay) might give a lot j»£, the -stSrryeyed' enthusfssto; " ' " " -"*»*«*<«***> ... . .... . .....ai. ,. msn*« tofc With IBS Prices? students a break' when they need', the almost touching*innocence re-> they permit the agency to rela^ Can JIL jj,A Jli wap By JO ANN DICKERSON Drag because, of the inconven* it mo^t. It is something any hon^ garding the realities (of economic and allow market determination Despite the perennial rumors ience to the student. orary would do well to consider.-life and, brgsnlsation which were' •ft percentage,of•-feufer'period, to the contrary, very few facts -Bill, Wright assemblyman who. ' LADY DRIVER so apparent in" British universities tracking military return ad 1 * Asked why-she ran a red ltghtlv have been'brought forth this year " bought material for Perry Davis. —"»•" between the wars; There are^to jurtments.!'f Tbm "something for nothing*4 philoso­often the taxpayer fails to realize that a showing that the Texas Book presidentiSl candidate, said on if, end plowed into a train, a Ybungt' ^be found in many American.mid-"Th^i kWll phy concerning federal aid is thoroughly town, Ohio, lady driver, said: "J*1 dollar received from the federal govern­Store, has been too high on its few items they found prices lower -die-class' families**talk of ttfe sii-• cpomprqportionattfy. and ^ln,tt#finai4 misleading^'-" ^ > ^ didn't want to stop in that neigh-" preme virtue of economic equality ket> prices for campaign at other-places. _ ment is his dollar which the federal gov­ material in ^ the spring election. "But," he continued, "i think borhood after dark." and signs of * sense of guilt that titative -framework with marginal As aptfy put by the Missouri Public CREWCUT TOUPEE v' ernment either has taken, or sooner or Cesare Galli, candidate for the problem was alleviated a great they frs'»ot as poor Sf some qualitative reallocations to fori Expenditure Survey:"Much of the rapid For then who like that young others—wMch\ is-'reminiscept^trf president, said he had done some deal' by the qualifying phrase that malise'the .jwoeW^.foi^tiiecittil5: later will take,from him." " growth in federal aid programs results comparing of prices with pritning permitted candidates to buy at look, a crewcut toupee is on the' conversations and ^attitudes «f ther refining and implemeatin# ef market. Also, false hair in small Or, to put it another way what the gov­firms in town and even, coinci­other places than tiie Texsr Book many JEtritish middle-class families i our objectives." ^ ^ patches:—just right for-covering as they fell under the sway of i Whei#» dental^, in Houston. ' ernment giveth, the government shfall Store." 1 ' • '' "All the firms I contacted," Julie Lockine'n, successful can­ such aid is something for nothing. Too also taketh away. Galli explained, "said they eould didate for Cactus editor, said, "I not begin to do the job I wanted couldn't say anything about com­ on my posters for the prices I had parative prices since I just bought NftwiBrteft l *+r from the, Texas Book Store. In ordinary poster paper." fact, .one man said, it was-a real. Sarah jisne Weeks/ Cactus can* tnn Steal".'* " Vr—' In retard to the printing situa­comment on prices, because, "of Court Restrains HST tion, Sidney 8iegel, assemblyman course, better quality is availsble ... PoorCov«rag«! As for the facts-of the s(ory: holding down hoses; You made working oh the committee' to in­at other stores, but then the price f * rTir^hand mention whetaoevw ef'tba i-­ A gwupTof us were onTO THB EDITOR; * vestigate prices before the cam­range is different."' paign said one printer (on the, , "Prices don't really jnatter," (This is » «opy of a letter-sent, compare eventa' ln the 'course of1 mendoua fire fighting aid to the Austin Statesman express­the ftfe. The pliTeX"^^ ^ UT ^ In Steel Wage Hike ; Drag wouldn't take the work. */ Ed Notestine, campaign manager the"fropt ing the reaction of a group at• • " af the liquor store ^ So letfcbe falfc^Wt are Hemphill's offered to take the for Ken Gompertz, Texan editor* not .was broken students to its handling of jits fire-:en t^ **daring i»h-" ing .you, to excusev the actSbn^s «f < job at^d send out the printing, but ial candidate, said, "since every­ . mtk» Awmaiatat?r§m bill wUeb. would haVe givgn duction by one-third, or about story Thursday morning.) '/ rauders" grabbing' for its con The Supreme Court in a the prices they offered were high­one does buy at the: Texas Book- the statee S7% per cent of one million barrels daily. Yo,ijr front page story of Thurso -tents, by a i|re hose manned 4ng-their cause, but we.are jnereiy.. swift and unanimous rebuff "Unless is er Store." . .:v.i:w ;. by one ell Kve^ues from oil and gas a settlement than what TBS had," Miss day last, •* recount of the fire firoinan who iwas doing asking; jrau to give "both sidfs of to President Truman, Satur­ . Siegel said. Candidates seldom buy maten- in lends beneath the marginal. reached, Taxes oil output Just off university campus, was his job with the aid of five or six every" important* * question,*1 It day,; iuanlmously blocked his seas. ^ 'r; •: probably will bo reduced bjr The Texas Book Store is desig­als at any other place Except not only badly reported but also s students. When qjrowds of/'daf-would be greatly appreciate#, Mb plsns to give «50,000 CIO oae-half by tbo iniddla of noxt nated by the Student Assembly as TBS; this shows the stare does in specially you . poorly edited. For it was not Only ing marauders" were busy binder-on this campus**1 if steelworkers a pay raise, wthe place where candidates must fact have a mondftty. Candidates The preleafeod K o r•a a wook," *ald a major oil axOca- * slap in the face to those stu* ring the fire fighting efforts, there would give a little more considera­ i : The President, in an ex-as keep their expense accounts, are free to buy St other stores, traordinaiy White House ses­ true* Ulk»—^Mdleek*d tivo in Hoattoa. materials be else­but they are hindered in that they dents who took no part in the ;were dozens of others on deck to ? tion to this fine old jouxnaJWHS may bought tight as ever—seemed Satur­Oil purchasers in Houston At one high point of wle. r ^ %(•* looting but also in poor taste be­help, the sion Saturday forenoon, had where,"but the purcheser must be must find a member of t&e public­ issued a virtual ultimatum to day to be headed toward a said that the West Texas-accompanied by a designated ity committee to go with them if cause it fed the already sordid ap*; blase. When firemen .retreated , , SHEBBOU. km£ breakdown. ... New Mexico oil producing petites of those citizens of Austin'' JOHN CONNOLLY, steel industry leaders. He member of the Publicity Commit­they wish to buy something that from the heat, fome^twenty stu­, ' y« It apfMirently'^rss Ja ques*; area will be the hardest hit who have an ignorant and unfair dents came forward 'to salvage ' R. I. MORGAN told them and Union, chiefi* tee of the Election Commission. is not available at TBS. at first, while the Southwest the Jioses P. M. CLAYTON tioa of which side would be opinion of Universiy students. The steaming ^>«ndoned'' tains to sit down and negotir Miss Siegel added that she -and But this is not the fault of the Texas area will be the least W. L. CROI minds a* ate a wage settle^|ent "now" the first to announce ttat the few odd cases of liqgot that were ; (Editor's Jiotai tho story la cutback, there apparently is ing such con^otative as as we can get ready."; tions have been fruitless. out of the question to go off the election rules. - phrases stolen, there is probably only an Thnrsday'a Austin Aworicnn, ; The .nine justices ordered r" ;. -Wj V.-.. • no immediate danger Of a "the daring youths" and " a young infitoitesimal > number of students" morning paper, was ovo« saore or* 'gasoline shortage except pos­ to Secretary of Commerce Saw­* . This wwk'i oil strike ap- marauder" implied to be Univer­partaking it tonight The vest of' ronaoas and dbrogatwry the p*ara to-hsve hit hardest at sibly in some localities remote yer, whom Truman had put in sity student*. Can" it be a trace the teeming crowd, perhaps 2,000 University. In Friday'* An«fiia|<> the district. charge of tbie seised industry, the production of high-octane from refining of Hearst commercialism on your students, were merely curious on­howovor, aftar tkor»a(h ckocldnf, However, the supply of avia­ te make no ehange hi wages aviation gasoline, the kind tciai( l^Joticei part? Are you trying to assures lookers who could "be found at •tho American fan a ntnch1 more, motorists can't use. tion gasoline is limited, and 4tesworking conditions unless the people of this tity that the. any,fire scene in the country. For acenrato acconnt of UfUrersl^r the output has been drastical­ I£ has' led to a deei^en by University is. educating monsters? evfery looter. we saw six students students' part in tha #traJ> ^ ­ '«Mna^Kment/<4r?eee. '.. ly curtailed. '' The Supreme Court voted, the tJS.Air.;to reduce lie Rational Supplr Cempanr will in-: Apartment ircrmistion to nndtrfcii­ training fii^ite to stretch lts l» *Jven onlr at the dlaer*-view, rridsr. Mar'*, in B. Hall 11f, < T^,::t«r*eview. the legal row wte women tV reeruit salesmen, BBA graduates, en­ stocks of fuel iSrther. The' '..Britain's prida of tho air,' Mon-*f the Dean of Women's Offlee. THE DAILY PRODUCE April 8, .jfco avert a threatened tho *laok jatlinar comet, Permieeloit not conildere^ unlet* gineers, aad persopnei mans(ement.T TEXAN RESULTS ix atoike. Meantime, government order involves an eeUmated unueual efrfunttUne^p e{ the itudent'a CLASSIFIED -ADS rolled to a stop in Johaline*-need are preiented. • The intellieene'e "Division, Wsshington. control over tfe* industry con­ 12,000 pilots at 40 US bases. D. C., will interview., men and women. . buft?, South' Africa, Saturday, DOROTHY GEBAUEH Thursday. Mar 8. in Wagsenw Hall US, tinues. : • Olin Culbenon, chairman just 23 hours and 38 minutes Dean of Women for clerical workers, typists, and •tenof-Coaehing 0 For Rant Wantad of the .Texas Kailroad Com­ rephers to work in Washinsrton and over-r 40. K:?m oUt of London, 6,724 miles °'l Compeny will inter-sees, ROOKS and FURNISHED apartments. i -Tli. "Tiitolaads"1 iafridatlmi mission, the state's oil regu-n and FRENCH TUTORING, translation^edults-"Will J914A and 17. * JOE D. FARRAR. Director Hopkins, Guadalupe aiwy. \fk-"#ss^e';.iW'::woaS4'si. "7. JuWor eofineere In-. children classes. Phona f-2211. HIGHEST I;AU> fM' SiiS ?•'?*}•,H>11 Student Employment Bureaa PRICES still is pending before Con-lationg ageney, said gasoline commercial tereated in sammer Joke. 1708 Colorado. Phone <-6ZS7 or 6S-0SZ0. mm's clothing. vtmUi a! first jetliner • Khaki greesional conferees, who stocks In Texas now aggre­ COACHING IN SPANISH. Ezperieneed shoes, and boots. Also fornitorn fHght, ' ' -r-^- , C.' J. Garland, superintendent of -' • University. 2-8852. LARGE COOL BEDROOM, study room. > 6-6014. ­ teaeher.Near mlseeUaaeoua artielee. expect to meet early next gate 24 million barrels, two Elapsed flying time for the i«^Interview ttontfTiieedmy ry T**^In °* B.To*Hall 1 Worth117 will schools, Kagle Pass, will ha in the aiScM «rivatf hath, entrance. Men, (iris or for Teacher Placement Service, on. Tues-.: couple." Summer. rates. home. week fa ahether attempt to million more than at this supervisory trainees and secretaries. „ of -Private SLSS'* journey, computed, by British day, May. «, for the purpose of inter-Ap^cfknent for R«nt 2001 Aabine. 8-80«t|. iron but differences between time m 19S1. Texas also has viewinr registrants who are interesUd in 3 Overseas Airways "Corpora­Brsnlff Airwajrs will Interview Thurs-his positions. FOR/ MALE STUDENTS, Afr * Typing R0OM3 House sind Senate bills. 90 million baxTals of crude oil APARTMENT FOR male stadeats. Clean m tion in London,-was 17 hours HOB GRAV. Director eonditieined. Clean, cOmforM>1e, Good comfortable. IJt House conferees.have, in storage. atj increase of sev­Teacher Placement.Servipa , , "and Porter service." You porter eerviee. Sehoen.• ~ BoUaa. 1700/(30*. and 16 minutes. The average will like it here. Sehoen House, 17(19 .Con­ Sress. 8-7097. TYPING —. Neat work. Pick up servlca, yielded to the Senate on one en million since a year ago. gress. 8-7097. . :/ • • speed was about 390 miles an 2-9606 ~ t~4t68. big point, agreeing to. elimi-Oil men estimate the oil hour. Daily Texan Crossword ^uzzle LARGE COOL bedreom, study room.-nri- NICE EFFICIENCY atfartmant.. Also bed­ aate a provision of the House pfcrike^iacutttngTexasoilpro- in. private home. 906 W-• vate bath,--'entrance. Meni (Iris, a* TYTiNG-~aec eapeMenced. Phoaa < room 2tnd. .. * - couple. Summer rates.^Privste b&fneT -6-8680, eve! Phona t-8806. Two> bedroom apartment ''\>-;^bROSS'l: DOWN 1001 Sabine. 8^806#.--f -­ $5. Title of Governor Allan Shiver* has available .for summer. . 1. Dullpain 1. ngto* appoiatod Jack Ro»», 47-year-respect •• ROOMS FOR MALE students. Air-condi­ 8. Identical ' • the Alps 1J. Netwotk GARAGE APARTMENT, two men. New. tioned. Clean, comfortable. Good porter old lawyer f r o m Edinburg, S. Egg-white Tocfoy's cool, tile batb, shower, -Venetians. 4n-service. Sehoen House, 1709 -Congress. IS Y*ARS EXPBBIENCE. Theses. «U-, 2. Asoiiof 19. The Orient .5s^jrtsiry:-of '.stste.;' nersprjnc*. Available June I. 2066 Sa­87-097. . a sertstions, ate. 6-4747 evenings. -^ 10. Mischievous 7 Adam 21 Streetcar Af^swtr Is bine. ISO .each, bil|s . paid-2-1048 *ft*r Ross is to succeed John Ben . trick 3. Female (Eng.) 6:30. ;:-teachers or students. Ail>cdndi-EXPERIENCED:"THESE8, eta. Onl*a*»r« Ikt lMi Tm i tf Tou, k ' MEN — |«UitM ta AMth H «lw Sbepperd, who designed effec-12. Think red deer 22. Iferrid ;r Inthe" .tioned, single or double, tub and show­sity neighborhood. Mre analitete APARTMENT FOR MALE STUDENTS. ers, private home. Mrs. BrooVs. 1900 Rio py ,tiye Wednesday, to run for 15. Cleanse > -4. Before 23. Fate Clsssifiecf Clean, air-eondltioncd and comfortable. G?ande.-< •' ' " •fswHf':K*». attorney general.; Ross had, ^ of soap :. b. Small twig 25. Grown ' Porter sirvice. You will like It here. TYPE YOUR THESES, manuscripts. *ta& Ad* Sehoen House. 1709 Congress. 8-7097. AIR-CONDlTlONED rooms, with or with, Mrs. Oatee. 6-8810. N«w> CS-X47I) served as the assistant secre-14. Breeze S. Dry 26.Stores out .board. One; block from university. tary of state for"the last year. U.Man's ' 7. Equipwith 27rUnfledg««J Brunette Student House, 1908 Wichita, TYPING—-Theses, manuscripts, OSftwtel ottieu nickname For Sab jphone 2-4131, etc. Telephone 6*6118. Shepperd announced for men 28. Mother 16. Fieh -8. Flag " ' (affection­ RUSH ORDERS. S64 E. ioth St. Phoaa ;, ^lt »tt «t «ht Past OSIm «* attorney-general several 35. A row TAPE RECORDER, excellent condition. 17. Indefinite 6-8272. -? -k' aaatia, Toas. ami*'h litillUrak S. we^ks ago. " *. " • 9. British ate) 36. Smoke . " Sellinc fer H price. -Phone 2-9(70. Sarvfcas* ASSOCIATED _ article daisy 29. Super­37. Sacred bull TYPING DON® in toy home. Takatowr • 18. Peruke 11. Small CENTURY Seamaid runabout. "Perfect HAIR CUTS .7Sa 61.8646 ¥> Tha Aeaoctarfed Preas ie exeiiMivaty bOeatfon o( abundance (Egypt.) shape, Charles Folwell, 7*487! or Stacy**'Barber 8hop • 2(03 ' IS MMSmicko OrfiM to tt or . this naaa- 19. Ovum -A . anehor 30. Ceremonies : 89. Awing THESES. DISSERTATIONS, aatf weai iteou of epoo arfsrtn pahttshed hereia. Ricbte M 20. Lower • (naut.) \ af another 32. Rice field 40. Flowed HIPPLE RADIO and TV Service —*uari m«tie). Piotation. Coerhlng lira. Pat* 23. Narrow anteed not to go oyer 96 withy tan. «aSt|. 61-JSiJ. > l« Statlanat JiMrtSba roadway tost and Found exceptions, telephone .2-6180. «SNA^AMNEW«NNMMM«N<>MPAIMMNWIMMAIMIOTMI«#W#!J x THESES TROUBLES? Trouble 24. Steal LOST silver identification bracelet. In­staad; Call anytime^ 2-6887.; -^ Maw Taek. H.T. Patricia Ellen Abbeys 28. Lettuce scribed Sutsnne and Barney. Sentimen­ tal valcte. If found ' return to Laura FULL-TIME TYPIST. Neat uttk, Thomas Saxon Arnold,. Vir­26. Tax Seeker. SRD, t-9191. trie machine. Mill. ginia May Barkley, Robert (8het Is.) LOST ereglssses in brown leather, esse. TYPING, dictation, pickup service, Jewjsll Berry, Henry. O. Bur* 28. Substance Case also; contained ;m a'JMki Managing Editor bist your apartments' now tor lU«aUI>J \4 -BRAD BYEKS Let us save r«u (Sl Mr'nioatti iHl Charles Ellis Lenter, Har­sufflx June 1st rentals summer on room and board. For fur STAFF FOR THIS ISSUE old.Ify, Gordon Taft Lyons, 85. Bss^ue-Uke Call Stan Cohen, <-2111 for prompt CLVJri CJMf-iH tafwqamtion. investigate courteous attention. TLOK. Day E4i«or C0X. .cap lMt tn Antonio (close to campus). PkO«« :.'S6k'A&fVCnt-> Ni^it 8dtt0*^I NEWLIN Noriega, Frank R. Perry. Jes^-\ •• SWINDELL AGENCY 8-S7UV,. t8.Crossbarred: 111 * Realtors ; Assistant Night:E4i|or se Jbat Rhodes, William Rue-• . . Cloth-i^HK^l^^ is ^Night BejKn^e^ selVElaine/Foye Smith, Sam >: 40. Monetary aid, Waytead FOdier BesiU Souttiwell, Dayid Ray unit 3B Copyreadcrs .... Anna Chaipbers, Dorothy Campbell (India)' Sports EdJ&of ;, Bob Halford ham, Martha fwt$ Stephen^ •"! 41.Furalshed Mi«*p«8erir, Jeff Hancock WifiHam Itnunons^. with asole Milton witha sc w Clouriss f. Taylor, ~0ecil <%r—^j^^-FiaStUy JS T-• i— nr-ii TAi rjtwiimai Weejdi^r, Barbara Ann Wei# 43. Circumspect i. Headland •I m#: III(RIII'YRPIIIIAIPIIFFLIIIFTIJI|IY\RII^ NBIA MM £*03}* ,£?> £8 **r * S'-UmS iff als End Fiii , . , 4, . * '-"irf s"1#-ns •#-> "V v tee An MtHfttnUfJumxi etrinfcffcft-brilHanea andtottaTpoeaibilitiM e€ PsulHindemith wrote Ks' •mow; imh *Sj»r uctian tion, flat* and plane, wiirjofn fa tba Ante are en iha program. «nd¥ta»»^ JflVr l|HI)NIIUIIIi "Night 8olfloquy/*eoaH^ (and Frank Luksa, 3W»* a concert at 4:30 p.m. Sunday in Bach'a "Sonata In B minor," Mra. Banke will posed i>M Johnnie Tbawley and Baeital Hall by Low Banke, Lols Zabel ~ written Sot flate, w&Hm a by Chopin, the "Nocturne, Opns In Ciss* jfc "The Heiress," pro-Adams, both of Jacksonville, and w a a m * 1 9 S « , P i b c d a * ^ ­ pianiat^ ana W*Uar Coleman>m, HiBut. tdttttefe ser; a-^uMdMir l>« ^ Twp aoI» iterlidffor tor* but contains all .titrae tarn*. won raanjr statewide musieal fom--altegna University ex-student, placed Sec­ pehrweQr, and tta oreheatras, including the NBG. tation of^The Undercurrent'' The outotanding a*tor and ac­sonatas fdr fltate and 'piano, and The program thto kM$Tfcf«ra petitiona, including the 1947 T». B. from. |ha' ^snaacto" ly Mr. Coleman studied flute ; ond. Third went to'Schulenburg r^*Ctaatf/A-" i 'rf*r ^lli-Class (Houston) , was' awarded honor­Chromchak, Schulenburg; Calmen Admission to the recital, ipss­ able Mention, in Claim B for their Floeck, . Spring Branch < High sored by the College of Fine Arts. ^-r' performance of "Fog on' the School; apd Mary Garrett, Marfa* FaenS^r lteettal Sarfta, ia ftw. $-*4 Valley.''' In Cfasr A this award Honorable mention award* went WM went to "Lost Victory" presented * to Don l * TW JANE FROMAN St#ty High School went the Class A directed Mrs. FredBucking- is equal to the finest to ba feuatf by outstandingactor award while Jo in any college or university hi " "Parking violations during^ tha^ Ann McBjride, of Curio High, re* ham. It's a relief to see It is different; it la tfeoiiiht pro­imperceptible vestiges of a. plot file UnHed StatM, said Seymour. day are decreasing greatly," sakt ceived: the outstanding actress shown once more. in an "art" voking; and aaide from ita theme are 18-count 'em-18 good old FogpV cluOraMm v«< eadgbit Cati Stromquist, chief traffla and title. movie house—the Texas theater. —ia there truth, or what is truth musical favorites whose diventity commlttee and aariatant prolesi^r security officer. Ha explained that Others in the Class A All-Star —ita photography can rank with is calculated to warn the hearts af art* only one-car baa been, impounded. Bing's Met to Be Instead* of th« cheap re-runs Cast *rere Tommy Riggs, Fqjtt the best of oar black-and-white of every paying member of your An Aniluri exhibit .of tbe Da-in the daytima in the laat six-Stockton; Nelda Peoples/Jackson. which have -plagued its screen for camera work and its acting-can household, and whose overwhelm­partment of .Art, it 4Ufpt*j» 9$fa£. •eaks.^ ' , ' * sonre time, the Novy theater j^re our most able emoters a run ~y In Dallas May 9-11 ing number could Veil make a itrgs, sculpture, and^drawinjga*done ' About twelve ears have beefe? 3 Students Win $500 • ihanaged to bring, "Lavendar Hill for their money. strong man bianch f.im.art.gjbM|eadniftttf dia paat>yanv impounded at night ia the teat Mobf last week, "Rashomon." thia , Few eeats are left for tha four And yet despite the unadorned prostration. Critlas have pra»e|i the shoivtiwo weeks,' however, MMritk KORY CALHOVJ National Art Contest week, and "Bicycle Thief" to fin- here and -there highlyT Mr. Fogel said. , . „ opera performances'' to be given and simple. acting^ story, direct­Scattered Since last October IS, when in*»". 9b—. -plai- 'ish out the month and the semes­ Three. University students have in' Dallas by Rudolph Bing's. "new ing, photography, ad infinitum# amongst the lavish aeta are some To be shown through May to, ppera over insupe^da odds "'TW'Hiaral deaig&^snd sculpture w i f a-^«n atRome, j; in the Slate Fair.Auditdnum< The entrepeneurs claim that just.to "do her bit for ouFtfough-exhibit which stresses creative iqueen—and the other earthy char SHORTHAND , Then entrants worked in jUsams . Friday evening Verdi's "Aida" high prices have kept good new, boys." Predominant in titif folksy and fimeUonaf values in art, was actera byrteric through woods and of four—architect^ landscape ar­with Robert Merrill, Blanche The-film#regu- supporting cast are frankfurters-done in eollabo^ation with the rain storm in four versions of chitect,. painter* and sculptor. Uni-bom, Zinka Milanov, and Nornian ,lar v pricea^lv P^' a and-sauerkraut Thelma Ritter School of Architecture. It in­IN 6 WEEKS murder. la the plot worthy of the •ereity winners are Gordon Smith; Scott will be fl^ven. It is staged icy-—aoon•' after release; they'd a benevolent and philosophical cludes; models of buildings ineor< theme? Ia the aeting worthy of architecture plana; Cecil Casebier, by New Yprk director, .Margaret rather wait until prices drop and nurse,•"and simple but sexy Rory porating nlurals and sculpture as N* tahk Wm AlC*. far mm mhmuhis m*r& the plot? Is the plot worthy of MMI CM fwiM. DAY, CVK.1 paintihga and murals; and: James Webster. ^ then show the picture* later. Per­ Calhoun of th^ tousled black niop, pnrt^of tileir detign, '•«ft ipaiwiihhKw mmmoHiytmmm filming? Green, sculpture. -Mozart's "Co#i fin Tutte',' haps the $1.80 they charged down- as Jane's flyer-saviour-husband. In ihe graphic division^ Holo­Cww. Ofctii II." The drawings are -of a music ("Women Are Like That") and towy to see-the "Greatest Show'.' After you aee "Rashomon," Yes," here's a star-studded ex­graphs, etchings, dry prints, andlibrary* to b# erected in a com­Puccini's >"La Boheirte" are tinted will belp provide a continued run youll-have many unanswered travaganza that the whole family other prints are'being shown. H-^Maz/fiiAiV/ny munity near,St. Louis. for Saturday .production^ evening of "the best at the earliest" on questions. . Whether you reach "from eight to 80," can ignore. lii^rationai,^ ad-paying job. Sunday matinee. With her will be for its difference in style'and magazines. ways mystified us-—in attitdde of blinding 90"ifiinutes: "The great­ Kurt Baum aad Nadine Conner* story. * Of conne, for the people who *iToa can learn "Speedwriting," mind, in literature, in art, in mu­ est musical of all time."—-surely, .tba m Oder n, nationaHy-lmown sic, in politics, in w»y of life. ^-KEK GOMPERTZ an undereatimaiionof ita quality; think art is strictly landseapea shorthand in only six. weekst at, IN PERSON Most. of us are probably seeing ' *' And at regular prices, tool • and portraits, these aire also in­Durham's Business College, in. their first Japanese picture. Hav­Susan Hayward, as a female « —MURRAY FISHER cluded.--Austin. Wadmtday, May 7 ing no v previous standard on Larry Parka-Al Jolson,-in the -The exhibit will.)>e opei\ frora jSpeedwiiflM^ k-entirelyun-\ latest 9 to 5 daily except Sunday. whichbase any decision—it is Paramount'a technicoior^d like the old-shorthand methods. Grqnb«riy Htodi Crtw hardly practical to use our own musical orgy, "A Song In My "Speedwriting" uses the ABC's— moviei—*it'sA impossible to ,siy~ Heart;" will: continub to romp Qn UT Radio Show it just turns your longhand inte whether the film is good or bad. courageously through tKt minutes shorthand. -1. A special committee to-study 'of undistinguished, if colorful, the possibility of the University-Durham's Is axchisivaly author-; celluloid to a triumphant Widlny iaed to teach, "Speedwriting" ia , V&if Our sponsored radio progr»Wtt_to,.dis­ conclusion of her gloirioui on Aaatiifc. ,.1,^ ^: v < COLOR CARTOON * NEWS v|emigate information on the cur­ week maratiton. rent state of knowledge In fields DAY AND EVEf^INdT CLASSES |RAINBOW : The substantial, titian-locked of learning was appointed recent­PRIVATE Visit or write Durham's at 600A' Hayward, In her tear-eoaked por­ Lavaca -— or ly by President T. S. Psinter. Street telephone II Varsityf ROOM trayal of singer Jane Frdman's The men appointed were C. R. DANCI 8-S446 for fuH information. Small T-Borie $1.00 eulogy-worthy return frdm death Granberry, chairman and Dr. LESSONS E^urham's is the only business WilliAM ContSnuoitt Farfeirmanea Large T-Bon« $1.25 bed to microphone, battles vainly Gordon Whaley; Dr. William college in Austin bearing the ap­ but valiantly to overcome her Shive; J. Neils Thompson; Dr. J^ iiENSIBlY PRICEbi proval of the State Department oi LUNDIOAN Louis Armstrong natural interpretative limitations, Education; it is also fully accre­ 'T. Lonsdale; Dr. T. A. Rousae, AT .» .Aad HUD mm All ttara FREE ENTERTAINMENT and emerges somewhat tfee worse ; dited by the American Association j and Olin E. Hinkle. for wear. of Commercial Colleges. DOORS OI>KN 10i«S KM. FRI.—SAT—SUN. •aSwB' Vmms-ttm»0 -CREATOR OF THE HITSi In addition to these virtually • A Xlu T« lidll A OnuiOI I~ N«gro Combo 4 Now Officers Inftalltd - 1 Ckt Idwu — Bkwh Of Y*u , lt'« Ail la TK* GMH 4-8:30 p.m. 4 By a Cappollq Choir Privata Partial by New officers of ths A Csppella DORIS MILLER AUDITORIUM • Choice Steab RoinriM Stract Retervatiort-r-PHone 8-3984 Choir were inaugurated in a ban­EL ^ j • Sandwiches quet at the Hitehinf Post isfter sim . ia>ae a-*. lludtM $t.so S*cti«a last Sunday's concert. % JACINTO INN CHARRor :mCM TicVato Mi C»-Op; Wm. ChsrlM Mu«- Jim Wsllace is the president for |ct Mull* Co. E. 16th & San Jacinto / Everyone talks i|bout shrimp 1962-53. Other officers are Bob­ Win ?;"«• ­ boats but relatively few talk about bie Nixon, vice-president; Steve Show 2 JMlli "Proto-Indo-European Ph oh «w Smith, treasurer; and Bunny MEXICAN FOOD " VAN JOHNSON !ogy."^, p Jones, secretary. x (( RtfTHftC(OMAN t*# utoiniilMtin International interest is being A meeting will' Se: held Mon­OfINi Daily \ I ajn^l ajn. . ^ IRSTPBATVftE voiced, however, by a select group ^ ^:Satr5 ira.rn.-2 a.m. 912 Rad River 8-7735 INVITATION" JEAN PETERS of scholars working in this lan­day at-5 p.m. in Musie Building 200 to plan a picnic. guage field because of a Univer­ sity Press publication of that title. Its author is Dr. Winfred P. TP V II 4% # -^m£>J0s0OOkS» Lehmann, Germanic languages FOR TYPICAL CHINESE FOOD professor. Nmwiy D*corat§d TEXASajiftwift^ Indo-Euro]iean is tiie parent ofOar Aatbentie Chinese Cuisine«pt%. most languages spoken in Europe ThaJBest Mexican Food, wry! aaelnaively, by skilled Chinese A JAPANESE PICTURE WITH ENGLISH SUBTITLES ehefa. ' ' and. America today, including itn Fait, Courteous Sarvica English. R«fin«4 'Chep Saey HtM ACAMMT AWABD (MFmignFllmi Lingo-detectives have discover­ -;R«*m fmr Parliee-.-'^ ed that the Indo-European ST RSIT'0k .am CONCREM starting nnrtih of the Ci --PbMia a-?e4l OfledamoJWA about 2,000 BC, sprea^kihrough­ out the world, becomllig its rulers. 504 EAST AVE. ; ^ Why were-theyjable to make auch Phona 74)253 areat stndM^T>r. Lehmann and other schoiars bope to findvout. CHIEF*/, [I ^ H.C. ^ifO Willjqip Gammon Insurance TELEPHONEa-1710 TEUEPHONEa-esU SPECIALIZING N n-0> \ 1 " • ^ » :v.-:'v .•" • •. _ • .;x-' • 8Srl * ''Phon^jCall From • Catering • Steaks ^Brings You... LOVE NEST'; Midway Barber Shop William Lua !• Salads Mifckall Jun« Hav. Wintarjk Midway Beauty Shop PI Sea .Foods Plua Aloddin Anc^ Prlrtc ^ • Rooms For Private^Parfiir University Drug Store Trr«M Pawar £ Registered Pharmacist «a. Oaty ' t- Hit Lamp" r Oram **1 «• * V i \* . . Patricia Madiaa IS! ttHSr SJHOW 7:>0 PJ4. Tarrytown Restaurant i On the Drag ^^ Guodafupe at 23rd FIRST SHOW T:90 P.M. ?-• IA*1"' ^ ( xt 2421 Exposition ~ Pf.on.M651 i\u* &** t J* -ifr? i 5 v, ^ & 1 Memo +0 young men and women^ -'-v TING? !' f'C ~ Jf* %v FEATURE STARTS AT T PJK. feature starts at t *Mt m ., Austin • » At Goodfriends lef ut move or store your' furniture • "AN AMERICAN^ "CROSSWINDS" ' .'-" ft -14 T "S^-—if fc H. (WHITEV) CAMPBE r IN .PARIS" ^ hIf#id personal effect* ..Vf., ...r-j. J ,r-.. Wk-4 Laaiia ' ,We/ era Interested In capable young men and woman who. • *• -f VvCIVIC LEADER.'...PUBLIC SPEAKER _ —Ala u > s "THE VANISHING cofisidarifg or era intarasfad in a^j-atailin^f career. A-i-Cratin^p^Shippingir^ PackingINE FEATURE WRITER /-Mi 'GUNPLAY witfeVkV WESTERNERM* \}uhl^r ax'acutiva postttoos^sfe open for'you ragsrdle&s of •3% MMtaHala RADIO COMMENTATOR _ ^J£:. y ; WMMla naadaiffi ;.••*f:C • .'" lANp CO. <•*&•"%?<; 12:30 ! ^J^YOUNG DANIEL piql>S(Ml lor frM ° ' BOONE" «n«tys|i of the week'i new* in review ""19 Eo*» (^cite ot Nintfi Jmw CIIUM i*'-t'gSSjgeMli •i Ainb Naliml Vaa 'L^asff* V;F ^ isfei »ms. MM *«$&-•fas* * 38-\^ %l «• # ^£*P:£ '-r 'Si'i':^^ esy»MMynMi d&s&t. W4'&?~ ^eas. efi t e A* n 0, asm. dial «t -majerfrovt Saa -Ai*:,.- ri» wtn'rf teaio, waa named MoafcOtrt»t*nd«; pi«i|d«it£ of C#v wr tD Ky l' L tag Girt fo theCnivwsityFriday < i ? v>| h> £&X*4 w flight tt tk» ciimaa of guiag^Oirtv • |p^*r AL-WARD"-^ • -SiiSt&S cwemoslM. »»-,.»» / !|;g|; BptrU^KHm • .m fit* tome!eeimaeBeeMent j*6»-jFirstrin-cpmmand «f .8«uthwisl, j ma ltm«i^i low hurdlers" and aeeond-in*«om*. {!>•,. )/" mand-to>be .of the Univars&y fto>. v Other''kfitfrtf took piafe# onthestepa of »• • , •|inal;?^ year are ^Shirley Van Wormer, tr"i IfanT Btrilding. New presidents of dent body would be av»kin-d«ep ' "Tears'arid Goodbytt'V description of Ralph Perioiw your. vice-president: Pat Sinet, secre­ women's organisationswere intro­ May ll will head duced and< scholarships tuf Texanfs man of the weak. . -ittiiMr * Probing further, you will find' • rt«Wtet»;. pMMIIPMU m-'. ^•!&**«&v a young man with heart and am*­%kal<^^«e^dth*nrtun| bition dhweted at baeoming afi or*7 TheUnlTwItyUilwCli.Vw dained minister of the Pr«sby^r<«i Jlentifl'tiift^i fer Iter contributions to the earn* hondr the senior * women with a poa. A motobef of Orange Jackets, ian ; garden party, at the home of JVptiera, AtyheLambde Delta, and Campus His conneetion and 'work with* President and'Mfs./T. S. Paintcar,campus ch^urch organisations waa X4t|M ff Women Voters,"afceie 108 West Twenty-Seventh Street » form» iq^«fd»«»;«W«or a* one .of the prime reasons ho en- at a' Wednesday from 4 until 8 p.m. littlefield Dormitory.' She «n«4 terea the recent student election LM|«ID( Won on the Faculty Evaluation and in which he, won the vice»presS<> -The following will be hostesses: MesdanRM Charles F. Arrowood1 Honor* Day Committees and b»» jdent'r , m "I thought that t6mft of thi chairman, E. B. Atwood, W. H. longs to Alpha Delt# Pi sorority, Bretlioger, Thelma Bollman, Car­ .Reagan litosry Soelotjr. Saii An^ people who h 9 d worked with toirf* Club, CanterburyCfab, jind church groups should branch out,": los Castaneda, C.JL. Cline, W. T, Conkliiv Newton Edwards, J. P. he says. "I think their leadership tferCaetiwataffi I*at Sunday **• Gerinan, L. D. Haskew, M. S. 3 would be of benefit and that'stu-: appeared as, Texan-Girl of .the dent government is .a good place; Karmacy, Ralph E. Lane,. B. F. 8:80-11—Alpha " in '"%**&-, <*'M- Lathrop, E. Karl McGinnis, H. A. .. ttaaw of Wonjen Dorothy Go* to serve.". • bunch for Thet^ Chi, Newsom, R. M. Roberts, C. A baner announced the'~»warua Park/'I^e^Austtn; .. " .* tecture Building 105 to elect new7:8.0 ' Evening Prayer" alkd Ser­ ^fcholarships and awards for both 8:80 and 11 -a.m.—Holy Com* in anything he attempts 4:30<10^-Deit» Tan.. officers. Refreshments will . be mon. .; • v~':':"7r7".'; For instance take track, wherein '• boat purfy^'„I*ke« lWk' RALPH PERSON served after a mdvie js ftjhown. KM FIRST ENGLISH LUTHERAN his name is boldest hereabouts.r$r CHURCH Cinder performers are touchy tion the remairid^r-of the year. ~ ditionv, it will be * "race." 1 Thru May 10th The WeellMwifeiv WesTeV G^O^'XIbraiy'^Vtt^ jl a.m.—"Spiritual Security for athletes whdse performances may This season he has been beaten Although he has participated Foundation drama group, will pre­ our Families"—Dr. Lewis P, be off-balanced by, the slightest twice. One was a nisrrow edging only in trjack at the University, With Gift from UT &t sent" "This Night Shall Pais^ as Speaker, minister.; • •".j : physical hangnail.. by A&M's Bobby Ragsdale, whom he was somewhat of an all-around at-the Charles B. Beunid,. who '-H-! their • spring production Ralph was in a mid*term auto he had beaten every time they met athlete «t' Karnes City High UNIVERSITY BAPTIST Wesley Foundation ;Sunday, ceived his niaster of htt».;'de|^ee}. CHURCH : ricHdent which threw his condi­previously./ The other was .to School! He lettered three years in 6:30 p.m. ; in geology at the Univertity, ljiaa;l/,. 8:45 a.m.—Sunday School adult tioning schedule completely out of Southern California's Jack Davis, football, three in track, two in The cast will include 1 Harry donated i a. nui^ber. /of t»liu^>lei < '/ jkilter. Yet, he made up for lost national A publications of the Ameri<»n As-..|;,; Jared A. Walker, Wing Chap fair enough to win from the re* He wants another crack at Da* all-around boy, and vice-president sociation of Petroleum Geologists, ^ 1ijij-^San Marcos Air Force gion'rf inest college hurdlers.— vis. feellne that under bettert con. of the senior class. All this,, plus Sphinx, architectural social the ITnited States Geological Su*.^ Base. club, wiff bnlfi Uji ijfnnyi. Monday veV. and the Bureau of EsPWttBfo Self-denial and will to win wil) vaTedrcUniaii. ^ \~ ^ ^ 8_p.m«---Sermon by. Deaii\J. .. labor for any individual's success. : In the l948 state meet, he won •»t p,m. .in,the Chinese, Kit-[Geology "at the Univ Mc(Jorrd, dean of Austin Prfci* Those traits^ plus a hoarder's Two Guests Speak from Val Joe Walker, now of byterian Theological Seminary, ex- SMU, in ttie share of naturaV ability, may low..hurdles,UNIVERSITY CHRISTIAN plain^Ralph's enviable success on To Methodists placed second to him in the high's. X CHURCH the cinder iMieft ' The University Methodist T'was then Coach JLittlefield re­11 a.m.—-"Brotherhood Begins at »F6r two years he has bean ofie Church will hsWe tWo guest preach­vealed the many advantages of on the drag Home"—Dr. John Barclay, min of the nation's top hurdlers and ers this Sunday^.? Forty Acres to athletes-^and stu­1»•« , *Vance, minister. spread over 220 yards of track. Wesley Foundation, will speak at to join several young people in 20% Less Sale 7,530 a.m.—"What is Religion?"— He was unbeaten last season be­the 7:30 service. Full music pro­studying European problems. This the Rev. Charles Walton, as­fore he pulled a muscle in the grams are planned for both ser­guy will beat you one way or an­sociate pastor. ": v f Katisas Relays and was out of ac-vices. ' , v-" . ,v: other. /r^" PATTERNS ARE CHOSEN BY MORE AND MORE WOMEN Permanently Pleated NYLON TRICOTi SLIP Atppje penasnent pWm| ewJ to a alim silbevetto iastyiMnjjwB^i Pearls, the ever wonderful ubvi» wwimQ vim gift—two and three strand by dainty nylon lace. Richelieu ...3.95 up.., She/always needs Hanes Pink «r Wiiti. seamless hoisery—three beautiful pair in pur new special gift box. ;..-- > }*UMf-tpirite4 OmmU ^tltrnb^'f*m»tul»r tkt'tr frtfhaw • DAMASK ROSE* i* ro«*Btk, r»chly-c«rved frei^' the first MM. * -. ­ • STANTON HALL* hai Uviibjire-Vktortsa W eattu ." charm. ^ ^ 's&vtm m • MANSION HOUSE* is rtckly modeled. *0^m :.L 'V' LASTING SPRING* i* refreihiagly youag-ia-t^rit#ik * all for 4.95»..-for with delicate nnfeldiag.buds. 6Piece Place Settinga start at $27.50 Fed, Tatf.IntiL the extra special v flift, Rhythm's nylon tricot Jaey slipi only 5.95. ON THE DR ••auAUtif *gift \ wrapped free! 2236 Ouadqluftf Am " ^ > t % x^ri'l-y f-:-• t A1* Vi'i'V-W­ illMH toWflii>|> S*¥!»?«i?gStt^ie!U£*Wi^ m*m*+ m jg t • * * — ^ Thorn* Jefferson $e>^SSSESSS A tt"#; fw&d—Ytonne Smith, M"U",TW t«u»-< (Tescarkaha) MTW»®«-«­ !£&3*8* , XimsaW, ghernftn. * t'vi-/--£-; cJ.A.*« , Plrrt—Bo bb> it Second— Travis ^ ,?> Joy»aiM*#tgon^iWaeo,ov*r Boles, Amsrillo Third—Davis 1 Pr ^ B*rb«*~* ''JKastepf '**d Nancy , Garber, Texas (Texarkana). _ A*stfn«:i Paso}. Ai'' :/• '£• BOYS:Knmqr Dottea' andLott GIRLS: Pint—Patsy Alexander, . _ Ed 'Rogers, Denton, orot David NewLotfdon Second—Lou Adsh M Bwwnw^^^ltoid >8ag«r-?Wtt. William* Jlarble Falls Third- V 4' ' 1 Ann Grace Parker, Ywkpb , ­Cenfareaee.A BOYS: First—Danny 4 Medina, GIRLS: Hilda Mote ,an<1.<*^Juldni Texas City Junior High Second ?"f , Neill, Hillcrest {Dallas}, over -*J«rry , Gregory, Comanche , Myrni Loy Q«astand Mary Ixm Third—Billy Bob Lasater, ntr^y, Y«wm.'; .. • « Shamrock. -^-7^ 3dY»i Jaek Taylor and Shwiss CalifB ^ ,j *' V-D«iwi«* Lampasas, over 'Alan GIRLS: First—Mary Jane Droit, Bell,and FlarttYeakley, Hill-< Bloomington Second—Juanice 'Vmwk (D«Hm). ',. J,1 }:rr-:: Pettigrew, Liberty (Texarkana)twifirwi B (Boyi-W GW*) Third—Wanda Cordan, Ozona. Tynt Hardy and Billy Scott, BOYS: First—W»yn« Jor4Mtn, Ma> * Sonori, overJody XiridWy and bank Second—Max, Olsen^ Al­Wanda O'Rear,-La Feria. pine Thir4rr|it*?oW Dtt5c«, Com* DECLAMATION ^ iorfc. *-"*$*>v j -t« % , ,, -CaafereaeeAA EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEECH GIRLS: yirtt-Carolyn R*.d, , ,, CMfwnei AA GJRLS: Firrt—Marilyn Bortn, AUSTIN* -' Wtcktta Fslia Second^-Carolyft WELDING Hi^hbotham, Ameriilo Third— *RADIATOR Sara Woodfin. Atirtlw (El'Paift) works r -»ra«rM€=­.Allen Seeond—Ronald Calhoan, IMW.Mfclt El Pe«o T h i r d—Wendell riL^ifu Hmrtmt •prtr? ' < > ~> _ II #"ffwrettr ftnjUMr MmIm M + bBrtiltillim # Ctil>1l • lny «r ftrat II . W# hev* NercltiM if dl^qrfN AUSTIN NOVELTY CO. eeo w. in* ' fh. e^MT EjFUMOL i' llao, you'll be happy and if. tteved to know that AUUd Van jf ' MOTH P CTION Liiut eervioe le available to you right here in town. Aa agenti for : Mtti y*w MOMIf Allitd—the world's foremost long-dietance moving organise­ liion—we are equipped to handle ovary detail of your moving, promptly end t/fieuntly. » , loe«l owb t«Bpor«ry «r mtim­ »«at It our medornwaraheai*. Call M for Mt^atimate .. :^V*-" adMiiiteiMtiM, o \DHurium.*, BURTON'S ROBERDEAU > LAUNDRY Van & Sforagt Co. f^te-4* 3,4p*i,m c ^ # Hearne, Amn^WWJ^J Heighte(8an Antonto) Ttoi­ff^-t > ,!f; Comtoromo* A ~ t^'1 Jo Eli* Weetmoreland, Piles* (SIRLS: F^rst—Joanna Copeland, County initotfO J Winssbwo Second-4jos« Mont-^ puUwmtk l ^ >, iralari Sewakd—J®«. :.jBk»hw% gmnery(. Maleeh0e TfcttMS# ftart—Mildred Brow4 Uvalde HtusSk-' l^ |e«». MtAmmrt*, AlpMlXfay 19dr0«fBeti9 ftMUfw mi Lang, Cuero. -Second—Danita Oiler, \ N ew .Norman nuiTiWL cdrsmEA9p«i» BOTS: First—Kea Oldham, HiU-, JUtrin Sevk* Caafwaau AA ereet-(Dallas) Second—Ray^ Mod, Snyder.--''VV: tMb^totk w -mmtk lii|-CbarleaAdl^,PasdaI mond Raasa, Os*r« -ThUd itf W&tfZCbuaSo Mam&r M v WoatanSf^iiiM ^Caafe»»aee B '% \Mm Antral) Sc^dP^ClMi * JNraer Btry- : Stockton Third—^Webb Sowden, ond—Jean Sbaw, Rankin TWrd Third-^ugene Dixon, Aistin] ClRLS: Jlrst—Lois Hamilton, La les, Snyder Foorth—Webb Sow^-o —Cmnla TMala,. Odessa i, PbSllpi Itft&^-A&a —LaVerne Sneed, Dw fnrk." <13 fottHh^Nonnut ; Feria Second—Margaret Hay- dan, Hfiler^it (Dallas) Siftfc# • Boay* Btaape^ ft Iflg NUMBER SENSE ftee, Comfort Third—get* Ana ='• -• " k-tt > Ceafercnae B Caetia^ Hibbs, Quitmatt;- JSrst—Drueella BisnMinrTi Vlrs^-I(«wrie« Bryionf^'la.-I^iv BOYS: J1r*t—Wentworth Eaton, ..C—fayeaea1-A'^pm, >x v.iowni Seeond—Barbs:ra KMtt$| .Cd«« OMr^ Z» *»o King, Commerce^ Sai- Dayton Second—Joe DaM Ross, " Branch (Houston) Second , *Mhfe?%jnl_4«aftSckw«^:gaper* TMrd—Mika Waller, hyiai /|a >>JM 'Hnuoa-; ' Jeair-^irtiwrta, jfeelRdMiS^r -Mi ¥dH> JEi&reab • B^MOeiOkers V^mr th— Quitman. Third—Jerry Lemish, Spring Fourth—Wttb Snowden, Bu«(hbor% Yorktown Itf^h—&^; C^neyFoturtli—jTctn WMNliwm#' READY WRITERS Branch (Houston) Fourth— -V. J«*y ^tMnish, Sarins Brudh* • firstr-MebiMl .Tueker^ ^BttnttNritla filth' Bawy Barbara Knott, Frenship (Wolf^Second-^Joe Cooper ,Decatur '"fi&ijiimaie CMipball, ford) Fifth—Sandra Shirader, Third—Marivn Kuehner, Teylor enridge JirtUXEDOS . -• /• 'Cufiwie B ^ - HaztiSddp . Second—Kaney Campbell, U-,j; HEADLINE WRITING > RENT Firet—Crair Boyd, Woodson ^ l^aeh (Honrtoh) f8ee«md—' BOdgase, aqpr (Houston) f AB-Bfaee Second—^Delroy York, Gran* -%ny5l«misi^ ^Rinf'^rMdht Mi Third--Jo|in Carlisle, Hender­ bury Third-—Dorothy Schwarts, First—Charles Adler, Paschal (Ft, ; (llonjiloii) ?liic , Second—Jease Chipman, Liber­ -'Jiefc"lX-" " 1 " " "v" " Thiwjt—Sammy McMilliam, Ty- ton Second—Jean Woodrum, •&&«*** ; -.J,. ty Third—Bob Duncan, Alpine, 1,500 Fifrttslittad Huntsville-Thfod—Nancy «Boy­ ?< n%-f t-i JOURNALISM les, Snyder Fourth — Marilyn ml wmiz v­ Coiif>fiiici A' In Naw UT Catalog . Firtfc—Mildred Brown, Urslde ^ s/?-* Beat Schools Moore S&ton Tiftb—H^r*y Cl IJ,f j* The Visual lnstruction Bnreau Second—Gladys Bedford, Win. Confereaea AA 1952 catalogue is out. Hart, L* Marque^ -. , . ...... v ;" ^ ...... .... ^ j tere ^ Third — Frances Dean, First—Paschal (Fort Worth) "He-> Coaforence B ond—Amsrillo Third—Laniar • Much larger, it lists more thkn First—j^ames Hartfield, Spring^Comnuinehc. (Houston). 1,500 informational and educa­ oolens Home! • Conference-B tional motion pictures. A descrip­ First—Elaine Avers, Katy Second . ......,-...rr Contwrmneo. A --r EXPRESS BUS SERVICE tion of e*ch JUih, igrade level, and v ...—Nell Hames, White Oak First—Fort Stockton /Second— , r, ., pri<;e is listed. ~ v^y. jfLongview) Third —Roeemarie Huntsville Third—Snyder. to HOUSTON The Bureau serves mora than 1 Harrison, • Katy. Conference B 4 Hours ^;|,|Ci«2.ril5 1,000 off-eampus organisations *t SHORTHAND Fiirst-rSpring Branch (Houston) -'S+ora ffom af KaRy Smith Caaners * nominal cost, and . nearly all Coaferenca AA Seeond—Schulenburf Third— Knrvill* Ifa, Co. of the-University departments First—Talka Harber, Abilene See* Yorktown. . , • Ill t l«H> lor Aa summar and pay «niy 3% free of charge. end—Betty Jo Hartnei, Alamo Beet IndhridaaU ia Jearaalim «fvaluat!en naxf faR. TYPEWRITER SPECIALISTS Reddick Library Established '' ~ y' C011 Do th« Job tatar' " ..V fham from al dama9a At the Interpcholsstie Levae a circulating one. The primary •V We Pick Up ^ » >i I nil , ,T ?4t®Press C. . the members, voted to establish those schools ^hich are beginning a DeWFtt Red1, '• chairman. • . ^ .< " • aiid journalism professors he new Reddick library will be d to donate, if possible. l^th and Nuacat 1 j, 11 it. • f-'' ,, $M£..ZUJ. w v & ,SlaRaWSsi ' \ «»€xcelU h{ \" \ ^^1# W / ACTUALLY MADE OUT OF HANKERCHIEF OiOTH Comfort-seeking man hava been henkaring fer }utf sMil •n idaat hot-waather sporfsMrf for yearsTT. and highly skilled in such maHers, is first fo deVelop "it. 6 -l r v ' ^ $10.00 •4* J rf X. J 1 -r~v r ; t0$" >\ ^ */ «*&*> Ay,' ^ijjk , Vrfv O /v WW/ r V.-'. -... HUGGER Jk.^" -j^a. ^ > / m 'M. SLACK > VcY * • ' s ' \ -r: -il8