•SmMM tXTu r?rI 35s® JM ;,> >~, --srvVSi u* ^ 3 -^r'-i Student-New^ at Austin r--'wm S5fi»* «ss *«ra •>»£ •"" Vol. 74, P)ease Recycle This Newspaper -.••'-Li.-iS Austin, Texas, Tuesday, June 11 "^-Ten Cents-"" orteen-Rages -•-471-459} $3 JJCL SALZBUBG;..Austria • < UPIJ^Presi-said every hation in the world has astake , when he meets with Kreisky,Tuesday dentiVijcon arrivedin ttus-cold andrainy^ •inma1tita{nmgpeacein.the'Midd!e-East. morfling^^at^SchfcsKlesheim.Kreisky Austriancity^^ .-'^AWe trust that this jouro.ey will con-recently^isitM th'e Soviet Union. ~ * Jingtjp." "new journey far inLtfiataiea but "5 .T3uHrigs.fee flfgtit;^egi#;t<5Id.the press peace" to the Middle East, . ­ to^e£for all nations of theworldr'he-_ poolJthat^this .trip/ giveS Nixon the The President and his party, were tff said.-• -jnileage,record for foreign travel of tf.S. •W ' u-• -— — r . •--«»*^urgv•Nixon"will .chief executives By the time he returns m -~K ~ Klesheim Palace near Salzburg before . :head ftr Cairo 'where an anticipated to^ Washington he* will have "traveled leaving • Wednesday for a-week of" tumultuous "Welcome awaits him more than 137,000'miles on flights to 3Q goodwill—summit meetings in Egypt, . Wkinesday morning. He also will visit countries. ^audT Arabiai Syjia, Israel and-Jordan. • Jiddah,Saudi Arabia; Damascus, Syria; -ALTHOUGH AIDESsaid Monday mor-^ BEFORE^. LEAVING Washington • Tel Aviv. Israel; and"Amnion, Jordan, ning that Nixon woiflaTie lirdaily touch earlier in the 'day^.Nixon vcalfed his before returning-to Washington next with hischiefWatergate,lawyer, James , lSjOOO-myeirekahewjourfteyfofpeace. week. P. St. Clair, throu^out the trip, both "Wei^alize'that orje tripT^jljibt solve with-the SHff —Kreisky greeted -Nixon Haigand Ziegler.saiddurihg thetrip that differences that go.baek centuries (but) recollection that the President's visit to there would be no reactions' from the *~* . we belieye.a beg^ning 1^?trtrrnader-'—Moscowin 1972;ipromt)tedsb,succe^sful-Presidential party, to developments • •>' -he said in a brifef speech on the .White ly a lessenin£«of. tensions throughout the House lawn. "We belief" this trip, like" -world," and said "we hope you will be a . Salzburg's reaction to'the presidenUad"®«J?^r joui^ys we have token, -will pacemaker tor-peace in that part of the visit' was -low-key.. Local-.^tlewspapers contribute tO tfm lasting peace to which. .. ~^rtd" — thelrtiddleEatf—"mthistrip barely-mentlone^tf and •althoU^-Hhe ; we as Americans .are sp. deeply A brother and sister, Matthias,:,t4;ancf '' •arrival was shown live on felfevision few­ dedicatetl." •-. :' j \ -ChristineSchmidhuber,13,'presentedthe < persons turned out at the airport or on- This was Nixon's fourth visit to §alz-traditional*'bouquet of herbs." They had "• the streets'-. . burg and hissecond as President. Violent played Ihe same,role whenthe-ISixons ~ Vorm^r ;President Franklin D * demonstrations marngT-his stopover anived'two-years ago; -Roosevelt vi&tedGairo for a summit ' .5einw?;en^ute,J°^ssi®'andmore AFTER;SHAKING hands all around, conference in liMk-'Nixda-'noted that-'Ho toan"l;200 armed policemen ringed Salz-and tossing'off a glass of enzian, a li-; other American president has.visited the ; burg airport Monday to block any.repeti-queur made of the gentian alpine flower," *•' four.other countries on hisschedule, and tion. . . • '. „ ..\Nixgn' climbed IMW the LJtUClHJ "Said^e'trip would t'take u^ to a part of _ into presidentialBut no dernonstrations_ materialized. limousine.for the drive to Kfeisheiiri. i n« #] Xt* Ai L A. ll.? I.-1 *: _ . V BHBiiaMiil t-UH T«UpHo«i middle-aged. Austrians beneath umbrellas outside the gates. • Nazis-ruled Austria. PresI3erir>iixo^"iJrrchpOTty-qjr^i^etedrfey-Aosj^atv Ghancellor-BruaoJCreUky deep, fliat g(f^ack |n some case, inaAy "T hart._nQthing to do~~todav." said Aides'said'fdixpn worked in1 his cabiii years;and ih'some cases; jcentunes,"'he carpenter Pupert • SeicM-MuIlIer;, ^457" """Ihroughoul the night-froni rWashington..__ saM-SH'™* also realize^that a beEin­'.'and I wanted to:see the' President' Gen; Alexander.Haig, White House chief riing must be madel-' *7"^" ' of Stan, saia'Niyotr studied-his-briefing'-' Nixon's remarks -were^addressed to a ? before he loses his Job. „ v* •>»", emu »ua»» iio Mih»«in President ' Wnen the plane c-ahtti Lu befoiionsr»P '' drews-Air-Force Base. .. -^WASHINGTON (UPH -Defying war-.'within a week and "could lay the basis" tapes because they would-damagje him.* MIMItO • 4V« A t kn UaIW 1m , Ty|•: Jaings that he risked both impeachment--afJFHouse vdte"toTi"6ld"the"Pi^ident-in-— N»ff>n-r<^>}jprt-ujtfcuijj-clear therom carried him abroad on a inission he «> ai T -/Thursday's ^T^ATJAUCUS/ Republiedn-members^^niiiMjaill/nbit driw'-Siich a' line. I have Texan- j»oped would offset his-deepening of the pantf decided;to:write committeel^doii^s^'^-^i?^/' :s'to r.y • od ^-D &e p- doubles at home, the President: Chairman Peter W. Rodino a letter in-^S^'"' On Land Records . • Refused,to surrender 45 subpoenaed— : .• Throat" -Incorrectly sisting that John W. Dean HI, H.R.^ WASHINGTON , President it«'mniinh mv>wt8« < •—r By RICHARDJFLY wOpen7 Records Law.' rafapes-.on. post-Watereate conversations Haldeman,. Ehrlichman, (Charles .W.: . -Nixon argued Monday tliat hK claim's of identified Nejson 'and :.THE_ SECTION deals; With -the.[despite the House Judrciary_Com~" . Colson and others be called as witnesses—^executive privilegein the impeachment DAVE RISHER Wells as owner of _ prosedure for submitting material to the -^S'o^«!Il',ecommittee ends it impeach—v^-inquiry. "must* be" accepted wilRout* » the Texan Staff Writers . •-' attorney general for a ruling on whether its subpoenas -might constitute' ment-inquiry, The .Republicans said "adverse inference" ifthebasic concept ' My-O-My Club. The The University System law office it is infiiuded in the scope of the law. grounds for impeachment.'". Rodino .appeared reluctaftfci4e*call -of separation of powers in government is : story~. should decided Saturday to request an-opinion have; Carl ^ajd the attoniey general's OfficeTold "VrSr-Dist. Judge—Gerhkrd. witnesses-_ . V^to survive. . from Atty: Gen. John Hill onwhether the * would rube on tire information before tak- Gesell that he would not tura over all _ identiHed^Norman In the'courtroom, Gesell was exp'ected»%P^ "Nixon maintained that the judicial and UhiversityiTTjUst grant access to land ' ing jfurthfir action: '• ••-•.--t---­ . documents subpoenaed by the judge on to act soon on a; motion by Ehrljchman's legislative branches of government long — Wells ds owner of the lease-information. -T -'Thfrrinformation was denied to_Pea-. [-^behalf—of—John—D^-EHtliGhmanT—whO; 1 -attuiiiiy tu begm Luntemi3tTJroceeduigs;a3ji:'* yiuirtieviolate theme uivhcivil rights"'-"IFngnis "• ir THEihk.institution otof an impeach-"impeach- decidie-the validity: of -information re­ . rr,"' theUniversitywouldnotprovidefurther ^iS tepe shouldnothe turned over to a grand orDaniel-EHsberg's Psychiatrist byJ-^vnt inquiry against a President were .. -petrty* • •' •• •tjt^ted by Houston Rep. Joe^entony. information to Pentony', saying it would' jUty investigating sieged-White Hous_e .raiding.hjs^office. _ permittfflT^ov&rfde airrestraints# -"'—J VVU aVInVOJ * -Warmer to allinformation relating to the leaseof v . .• On-May 21;:^ntonyWIVUU^ requested access, take a truck to deliver it A^emptS_t.q use the Internal Revenue ..... Ehrlichman contends-he needs the, •• • separation of powers, this would spell , aiH^rman„» ™ia.t„« »A th=im.„.„. -pent0lyr ^sought Hju to obta5n a Sgylc.eJor , " memos-for-his-defenser-At-his-requestr—-/Ihe-in3'-of-the-doctrine-of"seraratlorri5f -Umversity-6wnfid4andsIto.private firms ritlof-manriainiis in court to obtain the ; j J -^IM(M-origmally^aid47i4Jninute£Lo£ QeselLsubpoenafidihem. ThroughJames / powers: it would be an open invifafinn fn Tuesday will be part-," The .University denied the/request, data:.'•... .the tape, which was first subpoenaed by D. St. Clair, his attorn6y~Mxwi said he '—~- • Tuluie Cbngresses-ttr-use-an-impwch-^- . prompting Pentony to a'sk 'Hill to seek ' 4y-r€ioudy with w< AT THAT TIME, discussions began. Cox surrendered ?4tpHibald and last still might not surrender them: ipent inquiry; however frivolously, as a • "conrt-'action-under-the-Ojsen-Recbrds _n_.hotwflpn.jhg lati* nffjrP atid^he-attorney Sjfe s> •November, was unrelated'to Watergate In hi's tetter to Rodino; Nixon said he, device t.o assert their "own supremacy • •er -temperatuf-es ' Law.: ' ^ -''i....— general to determine the Universitys? '^ut'on Friday Sirica said he was mTs-did hot-' ft'^nt.^ tQ .make-the* presidene. over;the .executive,;and -to reduce ex-* trough Wednesday. • ' The' issues raised, by the University, response. i|®| <'^^fcen and he would give the prosecutors "henceforth ;*ind '•forevermore subser? -. v ecutive confidentiality-toa nullity,-" Nix- „ ^ac'cotding to'.Mike.Quinn,-assistariv to the , ;®(at. portion of the tape* Southeasterly winds • -The University Monday ended the di» vlent!' to tiie^ther branches of.govern-'on safd. -• • . • _• - chancellor, are whether Pfen'tdw sub­ cussions with the decisioh.to submit at" «• jln each-ease, Nixon invoiced executive ment —. the courts'"and,C6hfress."™/~-~-2-. •The,-RresitlpRt defended his pos^i.on-ht" are'expected at 8 to 18 mitted a valid request under the open L Jeasfc the-two;^uestions fqr an attorney: « Klviiege, the doctrine that a President THE SUBPOENA sought 45 ppst-a-letter sent to Chairman Peter W-. m.p.h. 'The hlcfh tem­•. records law and whether the law gives general's ruling. . • ' "" •; • i rr^rightto keep certainx"" Watergate. taped conversations.-It/was - examine University files; ' Pentony and Erwin Tuesday'could not • -^nfTOntratjkguments-seereV.i— apppoyed Ma^^O-by^a_yoleof-3' mittee to explain why ho hariripfilripri r>nf -peratures for Tues-/i 7 Uncertain in the University'S fequest be-reached /for comment" on the new'gfg day _ is whether It will^^yrde' the' attorney developments:-.- -t.In the House, Rep. Robert McGIofy,R-tecomply^yith-any-further-subpoenasiiy-: should-reach^the — ... ..-• -• • -—. . jAlso approved at that^meeting "was a a-.member of the judiciary: corA-thepanel.'; ;general^_stafl,W|tl^the-jnjprmation for.. — Ho wever. Bill Aleshire,"a part-time-'-?• -strongly worded letter warning Nijcon -:— upper.80s-wfffT a ttijttee, said he was "expecting to'* iif^-"IHat his continuedllefimce^of'subpoenas—-Nixon ackn'nffsMfced"that atUrnpeaclP" review —.—^ 11 * -aid-'-4rf PetSony7~said IK6 University ^: {firoduce a resolution on the floor Tuesday -sainf^il; .jHlliuugU Umvciailjr crffmUls. refuged ,, • mem proce?dlri^"^)laces'a~great-strain "Tuesday night in "essentially is "following'the procedure-for impeachment evidence,-"might conr _ tjisi would direct Nixon to surrender £|1 ~ 'on our-constitutional system," but he ~ '-'=comment, Colin -^Garl,-^taff-legislative—that-they—should _havfi_followed two. .cstitute groundg'Tor impeachment;"- low 70s. T+te high . SP;tape§5ubpoeijaed by the committee so's urged the Congress to recognize a need 'assistant to HiUTsaid A conversation weeks ago." rT-~ _ . The committee warned it might draw Wednesday-should fee­ fiar. . , '"adverse from for self-restraint on its part to preserve --wUh^Iaw offlce director R^C^GibsonJn-_ r-• Erwin--has'-criticized' Aleshire in the. inferences"-Nixon's the tr^ditional balance of power-among • in the 90s. ' , dicated the University would request past as,'!hara$slng"'the University-in his' . --^uclCOgsnhitlmuagg^^^ ^ipoh­ behavior and conclude Ke was hiding this* lit*? .the thre6 branches of government:-mopimon^rsuant foSecUon 7 of Uie • WOrk on the requests. ~­~ , ByJteEJV McHAM ?!if# ~~ acre • Wfldihg tract.' ^recipttattBg^tiie——{(re~nhe projccrimd "additional-tax-revenues—-5 . ""Texan.Staff Writer ' • sity's study. • : but pointed out the city piust sup^fy-the *"•>• '•. r,i Austin iSTconsidering theannexation of Davidson .said there are a "multitude area with utilities serviceand police an"3 . r" 'the 4,000-acre Wilding tract in response­-.r of questions." dealing with the conflicting -fire-protection within three years after,to new plans of the project'sdevelopers.' , jurisdictions of-.the city and -the water -•annexation. • . The, developers. Southern Living and —df^rictjind^that the study should resolve ^7UNDER EXISTING city polic^, the .• Leisure*Inc;,:FHday.announced pjans to~ tliose questions; -­™ --city would al,so pay refund contracts to . include tiie project's land witliin~the­ , . ~ -a-"!" ANNEXATION by.the.water. diStrkt-*" Temporary the developers for the consotrubtion of |boundaries of adjoining Travis C(Hinty^==tpay.enab)e Wi!din^ to,fina"nce.construc­ utility lines." ° -M.Water Control and Improvement District .--tlsih'of its water and wastewater utilities ''To "my min'd that's-one thing that No. 17.-They termed the move "a very,-"at a final estimated cost of JH rnllfioiT Would-have to cleared up," said-Binder. eggiHve_Step" toward completion of the--.. Under Uiragreement with thedistnet, I RTF '•'If wegive them arefund contract we're —'^'-v-^Uilitaes construction for Wilding v?qu1«L right back wher^ we startefi "> progress^possiblyj -.«v . . as long as18 months, LUCthe Onion Board of Direc-£ " UO.. AU authorization tocreate aMunlSpal Utili--a ,v tniS! h4C/>nhrlHAi'Ai4 _ .i. • •i' • > ­ . what the-.options of the, fcitv are." Wijdirtg' ^tors has cohtoste(Lan extensive search foravailablespace.on campus to ^ „ ions - ~>iStriet^(^iUDT,. whieh-^would-baye Davidson .said ;the study 'would7 be' •^nouse the vj/flous activities. '•s • • • . • . -• that special benefit bonds will;fcfe issued; .enabled t.he development to issue ife own- x v^Ririr ' ' "prepared"as sooH^W^posSifiie-and toT^iir.e_lh^|820,000 outstanding bonded The board hoped to maintain'as many-offices and servicesas possible';': I *j&-• rM-'fh *—-» "'ft ** : .presented to Council * " utility construetlontbonds. --" « . triMilv; in a /tontrolfoA/J • • •" ... — • •• — sented to City Cpiincu of the disfriefr"""— ^ir-IUncoroorated into th^ water dWfirt i m * - -j indebtedness of-the district "" incorporatedinto tli^ water distort Reyn6las' -Donald.Ji r V|ce-Rresident • Jn other'words, the resTd^:or2;:^^oi^Kl^S^^ ,^and .? Mler f9r M0Utt!ern L,vlne* *, Adding will-pay the eurrent taxes of all •WcrSftSSa^^ and-Leisure;'said -comment co.ri Leisure, said he could Jiot •comment" < the residents in the district phis ti xes to -./Stewart ;said -the,.development would adequately -on tne possmiiity of amiexa- avalla-.tfeMJnjon-use^ - fhiance-their own utilities'. ,"1-® rmancg-thelr utilities^, —•' .ill IiI .mm .. ,11,.. ,v . 're_ally be. •mor.e cuntfolldd than hdd tho. ) bUlldingTwlflBlrOTOe SOl^Vwrdii^Uie Ulliv^i^rty Ph^rripn^ —f)7 rTiS g Wlth city 0fbGia^ A snpp'al AlM^—1 i'Tlr rtr'nn xl-wheiHthte]department of Radi^Kle^67pFflnrmove5^-the-^-;_/^^3S vacated^ " ^ T' ' -n, iT, i"ni' xaUon^^aaF niSTRtrr k nno nf ..,.h Tik new Communicatiofrrnirihipy.; 'ommunication eomnle* -* -. > ' I ^ -andbondsINodatejiasbeenset \ °r the * local governmental bodies within Travis uemotitit Demolition ot tliestniciure wai,idifeduleil this iuijiiTiei, to Hiake^way^ v,CountjLjt has authority-W biji!d;dams-' for a ?IS m i I a^tiniLthe possible cltyanhexa million atlditiDn"toithe-Oheiriistry -Buildings /l * •"": ^Coutfellman &db Binder said hehafd ??We-need ,, i gd'mufjlelpat^lttantjng,"and the • lalked~HJtiut ,"ltf^nly 'way;^.'Ihhaugh jifi-t!!.. tnomhoH thV first"WMiic vote JrictJ^atdrRevnolds', • --aridbefoVe'thearidbefote'ttiesecondsecond." --' tk" Travis-Bounty-Water-CbnS5Tanp*Tn *AintuXaHon-»haSvits^4d>iaa 2^17-approved -riisaid Binder. ,State -Highway ---ihugday-the­" t "1*T^ ~ i' . ' -Tc -A-is * t T-% —' i' i K. V u / * t­ »T * _»»• * VH, » ' v »v /''?•»_. , •* * J* ^ -v>"• --* i"7» --t(> WMSK I >2 HNHHHHH1 >*?y &3* .' v ^Ji'-C'v;^'!^ •i'i&'StSWrf-*VSri -l 'r '"'- •-$ 'T •K-vAi-. S^^KfSSBI 5§^ y£. —/ SfSfJtX"" "• frJ­ *s%pjg&v?rt esTexas'First Weekend Telethon toRm^Fu^r^fmSlateQndNationaLParjy Gas Cut By RODOLTX) RESENDEZ Party of Texas:" '! -r!6 TexaSrCiUeSAvith tJBS aft ^-responses reoorded .last t16'^0^ Uoi?mitlef;hGe°^e JR. The' telethon's1 theme this ' •filiates. month from Texans giving, bSda^sound baSSfcial BV WILLIAAtZElS -^-president of Lo-Vaca, said the Texan Staff Writer "year is. "Answer, America" and volunt^r sJo^rt for^l?e L . Sa,d T'ttha"MO," Central Tex&s utilities, "largeindustrial users, such as , . Briscoe said-he hopes,'this-their views .on the telethon ca^ds &ave bf*n i;E .Gov, feolplTBrfscbe"pledged, • and will--be -broadcast-live. Democratic -Partvflf Texas. ^»'P-u^e would be deprived of natg^l refineries, would have-a more ?i?gi§ 35 * will prom-ote.. gre-a-ter and this-type of politkdl'fund • isk: r".Monday thatl Texas from-fcos "Angeles :joyer-the "Thev have TipIup^ , ° „^e -gas in favor of large industrial—difficult time with.comi§rSion 4s>^. grassroots-Jiarticip'ation-Hi "the^ raising. • ethon 8 / Democrats will "'make an alU CBS network beginning at 9 revitalize" thn npmopratio--pr of $110,000. a • concerns: if-the~C4irtailment:-ULiuei oil than -the : state. /' :• ••.;.• ' -"If Was-proven last year •'font effort to guarantee the p.m."Saturday/and ending at? Partv on a iiatmnnl-ievoJ nnH-" r-.v * «. r »* V' ProP0?3'.by Lo-Yaca-Gather---San^Anton.io of flcials-also Gordon Wynne"" Jr., co-that, these special segments °" »* hSt °f is •--success of tire National p.m. Sunday (CDTl fo reaffirm C'n£iJL LM ^proved, an at-objected to the curtailment,*!^ cjiairman for the Texas were a great asset^to the-fgrd raising. efforWn Texas," mitrnent in Texas "to financial. a>ft cart7oTSSlgn,ng LorneV ^the Lower Colorado plan, citing the burgeoning^, ^|~^^^^^J^oad^Uun&_^the -longest political fund , Texas woutd be -Mo{x^ tlmp I'.yime sarir -rpform " * 29.?,?? v'' , •' • raising tplp^hnn in tp|pu.s-rrm— tn rrTrTTTi, ^ilvin Clnr-f itntr' ' prrtrrn ^ be to raise history _ : ; . '. .'segments be'broad--Demo^ratic .Party chainnan, • CO .•segfnents which.will be'broad-, Democratic >Party'chairman, 19 percent fupds for the Democratic Par-. ;,Proune' explained Sat'lhe categotj/J^nder"' Lo-Vaca's t :Tam-.^ergJ:elitijj»r^p«|jc^^i •propbsalf-wpuld--neetl an-ad^ .theiJityJ^hlit&rvice'Ksn^^''^ contnbuUons. m the political Lemmon, Grou'cho Marx, Texas segirients will be 10 & system,".Bri|coe slid. Victim ditional 2.5 million barrels of of-San Antonio, said thBfeityjS(|^ Briscoe added, that t«Or_, Unlike previous teleth«fi?,r^jfto'ora tJeriod f: allow electricarlitilities tin The Stereo Shop Is Haying for conversion to alternate^ ~M that they would be willing; io«^ acceptanerti&gencytime-;la®&| •The Corisumer-Action--Line is a wav for vou-to voice ­ proposal a ? your opinion of the Co-Op Jo us directly.'We want to _\?hile the supply " 1lT!ar-y^our:cohiplai»ys^-aujtj5esitioite^.jdeas and anything " •lasts, tjie Stereo flse that you want to say.'We'll listen.. All vbii haVS to-­ Shop is offering' r^sr^­ ^Q;k.dia[_478-*^136 ggd.SpK?K to ^guy named; Michael' o.u You're, looking " anytime during the: .stor^i'ours-. We rt: bere. to.serve you. sale on the i r for a new And if you don't feelllke •giving usa-call then.you can drop us a line. Mail them to Co-Op Action Line. 224#^ -apartment. :sptsiakers. . You fi'uadalupe, P.O~]3i^v,er Jo^U^-t'hyCo-Op duubii'l-mmrf— • wouldn't want to if vPU W)mplain, thal-V-fio»:_ m1 try jn improvc j^ey^'iee iasvjfor you. —•-• — "r_^ ,-miss out on' this bargain. Uttrouneciir 0w Mmt Fr«« flritaig liiUiirtdn t tfr ? J. toi «uk •SI PiRfeM rn. ... "Un.. MVittrCk«r|« UNIVERSITY Ultralinear sale i ' 5iv Call anytime during Wak'MHi . se -stdre hpurs CO-OP 1Q0 $99^95^ '$4&95. Consider ttte quiet: privacy­$129.95 $51.95 under the spreading oak i The University treaj^of^mir-jme^bedioijnl SlereoSbop2oo $159.95 $59,95 •aOBttmonts for t1B5-All JJ99.95_ $89,95 Bills Paid "23rd Sr@iradalupe-. 476-7211-J ; BankAmericard fir Open -till 9:30 p.no."^ One hour free parking with? : -Master Charge Palo Blanco -Thursday & Friday $2.00 purchase or more. . -Welcomed. 911 Blanco 472^1030 476-7210 (after 5:30) GET YOU EVICTED * "A€55L s Bur WHEN YOU CAN % I . SAVE $200 (.1 ON THIS.STEREO.. 4T-'S4A/JORTH iti '.y­ • 250 Watts of power " • AM:FM STEft^O -TUNER • IC/FET CIRCUITRY­ • _3-WAY 12-SPEAKER SYSTEM • GARRARD PRO TURNTABLE •re** AX7QQQJG^c&i/vcuvJi ^What a line! It ranks right up there with the clas­ _Nobod¥4»ak«s turntables like GABR'ARD anci tbitiT" sic scenes of:the mustachioed l^ain abandoning the 'never been a stereo system |ikeTTie-7U70Q07GA'R RARQrFulUang.^JB SUSPENSION speakers drrving —with Jhegpwpr ot a 250 WATT.amplifier The~aualitv isweet'young ds^sel tied to th<^-tracks and c^c^Sngy 's^Ba.*cfiod-by an outstanding ONE YEAR PTvfTrS7®" . .LABOR GUjARANTtErHUiiPY, because our stock -i^ ''Just sign, etc. •-•" ^ . Iim«ed. Th§ rtianufacturer'^2ijggesied list is S529 and at our^priceof just s299reafsh oiTterms^adabte-—^ i VThe differenceis, oneisa clas|j^ti^cffl^f|^ r —-.they won't be hate long f*AX7000/GARRARD -ONE VEAR. PARTR Ri LABOR GUARANTE&H •• -,i r >i."rvr«ni«oi LMOUn iiUAHf ^ You knbwliow it goes: ; 7 Si •~--i nfl nn* tli-vy*rifrnm rtawt •thA hiiih...: . Ov»ren:ge all she electronic component* lojhis stereo • J ^'&. 5',1'"f'""i" »>'!' Should a d.r«c° I You find a place you like .but, the landlord shoves a twQ-gp?rnpater con­ *» » 3>« T( n, I1J"*","w 5CCu' •»'«"" one (1) yej( (rpiffT .'JjJ'£o!tZZXcXrZ11 *' <•" <" 4p»"j -J ^ tract in your face. So it's 'sign the defedjand suffer -or move bn. Oh, tHS ag­ ony of it'all..? JM-* -, 1COMPONENTSflLE — But fear not. Tri-Towers North has a little somethirig we invented called -P-•» ^ the One Semester Contract. You aren't trapped into staying or losing your m£ZU«t>M^y i deposit if you move on after one semester. Arid we haven't raised our I-i; •M " ~ t i » » 5^ v prices spice 1969. . , , ' , " L. ? Turntables, il3^lf^rsJ^orth is two,ibid a-half blocks west of campus. 801 West S,c;%24th'"^ 4-76-7636. ­ 4," - •tn — 4Yb-/bdb. is 8, Tracks ^ ri'' k*r-'*-_ vy ^ ^ ^ ^ "« 1 *-*"^ i ^^ **~ ' • —1 •'**—x ? y"Vr & Ac ­ • 'twi# •— l ; •« —I J'SHSlw sssfia 3 44s -•i" p,« Kf w- J- Danger Moves North Police Guard 'Collaborator' LOS ANGELES (UFI ) Police MoJiday kept underobservation for her safe^a woman named by the remnants of the Symbionese Liberation Wemkend Tornadoes, Floods Kill 25 in 3 States By United Press International .-i;-..slowly swing into tipper.New.York State '. OkIa.,artd little Dhimright, Okla_., va persons were left homeless, more than -arfp_^as a collaborator who gave away the location of the hideout where" Q• .tVb .. The National Sever^ Storms Center in '' and New England. • --town of 3,000 iocated midway between 350 persons were injured, and damage -six SLA members died.7* —<-•­Kansas City said Monday the. next five TI16 National Weather Service issued a~t Tulsa and Oklahoma City However,, —was in. excess of $40 million Mary Carr, mother of the woman who rented a hoo&e to Donald "Cin^ days should end the danger of more killer -tornado watch -Monday for portions ofaferflore.tornadoes struck small towns ^hat­ o'-'-rS^g tornadoes. XorJaatteredr-Oklahoma, Kan-' western and north central Pennsylvania|fi^ rura1 areas throughout -central and-• states national disaster'"areas, making she hadTiot informed authorities. • -' •sas and Arkansas but thkt thedanger.will arid most ot-New York State. Jfceastern Qklahoma and rain of more than it «$ I them eligible for federal aid for cleanup then shift to -the upper.Midwest, Great Pearson warned that the. Tornados ||a foot produced^flash flooding'in Arkar^ In a tape recording to a Los Angeles radip'station last Frriday,:William­ g *f»'4 . and rebuilding. . . . -aLakes and New England areas:' Alley.states, from • Kansas southward^ ||sa>( particularly 'along :its southern -The first tornado ripped the roof frotjiffi HaeriS ;— along ^with Ratricia jlearst and his wife. Eipily "the Uiree SLA • '.'It's a long way-from being certain,-' into Texas, should not relax. -: < border-In-the city of El .Dorado.. a crowded nursing hottife in Dnimrighfysi survivors — said "The pigs wduld not have'located_flnr^eomradesTTsf but this is the period we are worrying-"Nature repeats he said;. herself," Fifteen people died in Oklahoma, six • ~ and then, cut :a mile-long, threeTblock«fei collabo^tor-naitied .MaryT^FF^d^HsBtcSed3oIthe_en£nlies.j,L _ • L abuulmost (for-Lhe UaUitiunal Tuin^do--'/'and by thc-cnfl nf thn WPft n.lturp rrmld——Hied TTmpnrt') nnr< fnnr worp rirnwnpft ..t . frirtepath fhmiigh fh» The-V A-Hjsgjstatesy," centerdirector Alle^j the sysm -MarketRallyContinues—. ' _ ,tcP" recharged. • Arkansas. -... next bad one struckEmporia,-destroying Pearson.-."But,-.if-we. can-get by about' The cities hardest hit by the tornadoes >-'In OkJahoi^a^fFted;;Cross-disaster-seF-^S~Si]]~t)ut-five of l03=traiiefliomes--ani»»=-YORK (AP) -The . ' ~ June 15 in-tjfts.area'of the country, we Saturday were Emporia, Kan.; Tulsa,-vices directot«tai Monahan said 1,617 _ wrecking-22:'businesses; st6eic market should^g-gfttliv -hook.-"-—­ «JWIr " ,-Egarson said Saturdgy'sslorro system -early-setback to carry its June Cfsr Supreme Court Actions rauy tnrough a sixtjiconsecutive nabobs and flash, floods, which -killed 25p Session Monday. ' -; -New-YortStock Exchange closing index " ~ ­injured over 350 and left'more than 2;000• The Dotc Jones average of 30­ homeless in three states was a "classic Market. ....upl8tSpts . industrials, which had backed •lnvdex........-..:, ...48.9$ Op 0,28.. pattern" that' begarti developing Friday. ­Killer tornadoes chewed through Ohio a down about 4.points during the-^rndustrjal ,.';.5'4i54 up 0.36 month before.-Well north -of traditional WASHINGTON (AP) -The Supreme ' learned of a witness onlythrough a state­Thurgood Marshall said a ruling tha't the ' morning," finished with a .5.95 fTransportation'. :...35.51 up 0.41 are^s. .Court has broadened the. power of ment which Tucker gave!police! testimony Was inadmissible, coming: Utility "... 30 45 up 0 04 gam at 859.67.. • ^prosecutors-to-use evidenca-indirentjy • .POLICE If AP not told Tucker, that he ^eas after.the crime was committed, Financei-«.-.-i.54.84 up 0 11­"Nature,is nowf flip-flopping on us and' obtained frohi defendants who were^ncrt had the right to have a lawyer,providetj "would severely handicap any attempt-Jhat left the'Dow with a gain ^ going back to -more conventional late fully informed of their rights^ ; free. Such a statement tp suspects isre­to retry the defendant.slij.vv-,of more than 65 points over, the spring-patterns,"-Pearson -said. That spelled trouble for northerners.-^ -. The court's W decision stemmed from quired by,.a 1966.decision of the Supreme last eight trading days «tnd at its -The. greatest likelihood of severe-• the.jQnvietion of Thomas Tucker. Pon-Court known as the Miranda .rulings • . highest -cl'o?e. in a little rro-e .Wfathn'r-.uall-shifi-Jn th'p I'lpppr Miriw>qt-tiac.'tMi^h., -on arapeTeharge. Tucker Tucker^was-arrestetfand:questioned _tHnri a 'mnnth • ^ and Gregt Lakes area through July, and r appeaLedon ground' that Se^ecjition telareJbe Mirandadepston,but histrial " came-after it. --; * Death— ;Jn other cases,-the court:fB|ll§§8iI.' re . ?. Ruled 8-1 that '.States' nfeed; :riot,. DALLAS iUPI) >-Dist.' Att^. Henry Wade said' Monday his. tiffice will'­proviHe teachers to ; private, church--.wait until completion of an autopsy on.LTVv Executive Virgil Dan Burngy' relatod'Schoolsto qualify-for federal aid ~ befor(rdecMng.wheth^r murder charges should be made against a DSflfas for teachers' salaries.:, * • •' : ­ -. ex-convict. . .. ^ : — • Upheld price ceiling regulations of * -• NORTH BRUNSWICK, N.J.-(UPI) — Names Athletic Head The chief exedUive of the-Boy Scout&iif... "We won't know whether it's murder or not until after the autopsy". ft' . -. . . -the Federal Pbwer Commission on yMg • By DAVlp SHAEPE 0. nopes 10; .. America announced a program Mointf&y Wade said; : -... • . "\V:vi hop^to keep-'Austm ariBe^tbp in school patural gas-from southern .LouisianaLa f> -< Th^~AusUtrSch6ol~66ard nahte^a^iew-athletic diSysion the government said wasirapffir---""""!? end cheating by ^ locaUscDutmg-^t-,-^ ccrijW^avev^ likely died'bf natural causes^W'e don't wanted -^ --nUUptir Hliv(vtnrjand^3ssist3nt-flirprlf)r Munson graduated fromthe University a "cohtinued natui-al gas"supply. tantjo ^^tinuea:natutargas.supplr. '.^^a^ lP^eet mewbershiplqu^si • ^ jmake^us^tionriifitll' we're^snre jiow He a'ied."' he said " Kj=— Monday nightand approved an across--. in-1-849. and began his career,by coaShing. -. Tb"^ regulations-contained -ineeri'tlyes-to Th&announ<^ment folli ed a^cepdrJ-tn .i-.i.-. for — raise oneyearat Guero)yTexas.iand:.one_year funnelnewgas reserves intoInterstate -CnicagoTribuner'' school administra.tive officials. at"i,ock6aftr pipeffnes" Cheating had conducted Charlie Mlinsori-jvas named repiacef, Muhson;cante to Au^tuun.1951 and he.• Ruled that a mefribers t« Athletic-Birectqr-—rnaMlpri^fni-two^warj; at RaTter Juniof hmirolls The Tribune receipts of lots, and gar- Travis'Raven, wlio'resighed-aftefcfeguyjP "Mgiii.Tcim:lin liiuved to McCallum age$i said -it$ investigation also, disclosed TconvictiKiTJf^a' nrisdenieanor charge,i^ High School men e property,-evert when -. ng 01 . Zstjwuting — \}U.a May. " . : coacfi' and head coach of the baseball competing, pubuely operated; lots, enjoy programs. "* " -The-boaftLalsn named the firsttwoman team tax exemptions and other-advantages. The newspaper quoted an ainidentified to the position of assistant athletic.diret^ ~ Noack. has: scouting'* officHSi^asrsaying padding' of *Tft tor. Ellie Noack", former instructor-co-development ofa girls-athleticprogram .Justice >eaKini -memiwr^Hipjk7»! k iji^-Prime—^yielda^nIy7abOTtl^7^11ioa::tonsttiisn: .has ^ in Ainitjn ' for the majority" th^/jtourt in._the .scope.;; . ... i-v Fptan^togeL ve^i fumftimi served in Austin for 12.years. Except fdr fenhjp, Noack said,. v .Michigan rape case, said Tucker's iir-Therh^p aIin pnpcutredduring wheat'tothe hunerv-poor has fwHen thp enme time.lasf year TIlV foV-y 'inn^»agp,-nnp th? have had no real athletic program the terrogations. showed "inadvertent dis-scoutmg's~Bjvpov^er "'76 H'Mjly 1'n'linnl ^I'lii iliili In 1.111 .i nf Thr nrvr prnhfipifipTlt r-"i&n> ro"orsk ^schools'. lal-gest, includes pnncipalsr.', -way boys ha-ive. had. —r^gafd" "f the prj?pff1i'raV rule's res--. Tributse said: CTB priogfam.folas' laariclled" >hoarding; and'-shady operatiups by ed an'unsuccessful year-old policy that t assistant principals,ldeansand classified -.t-. IN"THE/,1 however".. tablished. und?r""the~.Miranda'decision. in~1968 with the nf•ihfVernment a .LAST two years, persbnncl.^sucKi as : tniS"drivers -and • Austinhas^pickeduplwO sportsfor girlli" _ But Rehiiqin^t. said it did Mt Violate '" Scout membership bytwo million boys ., Theresult isexpecteq to tAiarge^ualtf . ^uiuiiopoly in wholesale wheat dealingc. secretaries. :Sig»ifu;anlly.. Tucker'seonstituynnalTight.not trihp ~ • • ,pf. W®-— imports.which thecountrvcan ill afford. • THer takeover failed largely because of excludes the-superintendent of schools, preparing to add a third, basketball: reauired to incriminate hiYnselir-" However, a~soontinffrspnkesman said, to fill mnro empty stnmarhg orivate dealers •wh'o'r>'c6&nived with Dr Jack Davidson, and j competition^ .the BSA had'beeri-concerned "for a year To head off black i riaricet storage ana office administrators. "Austin^girJs alsQ-are involved with the that, a defendant repeive a perfect trial, or orit: " in-some -wheat-.c fixed-price market and sell R under the; The ;supferintende.nt and -the. ad-; "Interscholastic lieague. v . only a fair one, it caiinot /eali^tically practices! producingstates haye-Jauhchedintensive table. «Tf--ministrators will .be considered, in :a ' Reared .in Port Arthur, Noack is a • Ald'en' F. Barber, Chief Scout.ex­campaigns iticluding farm seardies-aod SO.J]^'.fiOVERNAIENT--ra|sed its require lliat' policemen investigating ;different category. • graduate of the University. " serious crimes-make no-errors what­ecutive, stated: ; -\ • round-the-clock roadblocks to flush' out ' procurement price 10 weeks ago and art-THIS SALARY'.increase follows a Involved'ih athletics most of her life. soever,"Rehnquist wrote. ''The ri'ationaroffide 6f the3oy Scob^ of undeclared wheat. * nounced that the pri.yate traders woiild ..similar:incfease last week for teachers, -Noack taught, physical education before America, has -never condoned rtor en­AUTHQgLF^ES.in.Uttar Pradesh also be allowed.back into the,market places 1 librarians and counselors. vshe wa^ appointed as the coordinator of ^ Justice .Wiliia^'jO^Psitiglas,,-d.i$ien-couraged false membership repQi-tg" and arte offeringifertilizet^ahd tractor tiresat r. for this summer's wheat crop. • . : t ­The pay-increase will cost the school.ss,igphysi6al education. ting, said the -circumstances did not in-fact takes -immediate steps to m-, bargain prices "to 'enticfefarmers to bring ^ But -the new polity .also forced the district $600,070 As assistant-athletic director Noack mfeet cohstUiitionalstandards for pfotec-, , vestigateTeported instances. -;their crops, straight .to government'' " 'wholesalers to sell hair their tuijnoverto • As as'sistant athletic director since said she„hopes to continue working Urta Tuckef's. privilege -against self-_ rp "In some'oasesdisciplinary action has •procurement' agenfi'ies.' • .. '' -the government, at the fixed price, in 1961, Munson Said he has tried,to provide toward-a greater-athletic program.fbr incrimination. . • been taken/and in otliers-the investiga-. Nevertheless,-purchases for govern-. theory ensuring supplies for the siib­a—well-rounded-:aihletic program and:-„__girls,. JuSrtiCes ^William Srennaij-'and Z-tinn has not been coh(:luded. ~~-^—-, ment-subsidued fair pricQ.shops have; sidisied.shops.. .V. i 'r?,­ jf 8? iM t-r. 54 ft <4 HAVE WE GOT A ~*£ MEAL FOR YOU! -ADVENT /I at DoBie Center setecf /from a firlI. line salad '^| PIONEER bart-Three difforonf PHILIPS issms^mmrni W re entrees. Condiment bar --y® -unlimited-seconds,-wide , " r -selection~of^beyeragesr $627 and a plan.that best­ ki ^ 5 (Save $168) won fits" your needsr ^ ^ •'.•r;* *' i,i! . .'V? The best investment in stereo, gives the best sound for the moiiiay spent !A"d'o Concepts has the best sound availabtejn all price ranges — this system is no exception. "YOU CAN UVE WITH IIS TOO" 7w-«> «&'• tSu* %Xne speakeFs..gr'f_by Advent-Gdrporation. More than one reviewer has commente'd on their ­ in'sale at the front desk -incredible performance for the price.The bass is-easily thadeeoest in this price range, while the '>SS. • tweeter gives^ both smooth', and extended response*to the high|-frequehcies. ;. ' THe Pioneer SX-626 Afft/PM stereo receiver is a.perject.matctfior.the Ad»ent.speakers.The FM tuner is excellent -while thg amplifier pots out plenty of cfean. loviy ii&tdrti^n power to- UMonthly Plan" $32.00 drive the. Advents. The Pioneer SX-626 Ts a fine-^iWuerand-fine' match'for th)a system. se the.'punches like cash Wor;'dlnner/.2 for Itinch, • ^ V Meals^allMonth.Non-:^ Thef-Ph1lltp^GA^12^arnt^lejcoirrtbines the high performance of a "manual \player with the 1 for breakfast, 4 for specials. -v—Transferable. Five Days a Week. , .ability to shut off .ax the end 6f tFe record. It features ;elegant styling, a convenient cueing Gfladihr.ough May 14, 1.975»-Transferatjle , r1 • Breakfast, Luocfc-apdrOlnneB^n^--^Bvltfa^andz^oines^wUHra base and dust -oovecr-:„ •*—­ --We include a,ShUre M91Ep cartridge; its. QXcellent high-fr^qtrency resFKjnse domplim^nts the high,frequency response of the Pioneer arid Advents. • --. ' ­ T.h° intf'vMua^gpmi>gPentsJs S795TEut vou can buy th« RompratprRystrtm from ' Audio -Concepts for only $627. Come intO"Aud!otConce>pts~and-4!ste£Lto_what we thinkjs the & best value-in ^home music -systems, • • :v * v-A-a v ^ aisrsem 1" r-"A =2NiHSfc0UAOALUPr^ Furkrf1fr»*~|jt ~D«bi^ Oarage­ x MM M « LiberaImachik&s, -. i c |' * EDITORIALS *v i Rage 4 Tuesday? June 11, 1974 ists IMi ** -'.vW-W ^.".Jl* -TTO J* v«^\ *\asfaT<^" vi*« TO ^',>?:•«*\ -J,* *i;-* <4v-}*#&&?-i> ssiwilflpfillpil $$$$?••••• By F. TRUMAN RANDALL cestuous game of; cutthroattactic^*5 *' Machiavellian urges to. maximize-' When State Rep. Larry^ales decided * power gmnsrar^Tarelyrepressed-in to make a lunge ,for control .0$ theI1* politics. And when -tHis power machine leadership, only two elect® oMS^T -*"••'We haye moved and will, continue to promote increased security sur-nymphomania strikes down personyof-a.^-fiqes-were open to him; mayor of Austin veillance in.the dischargeofour responsibility to protect thestudents: like ideological species, a sophisticated ' andT3..S'. congressman.-Hisiriend--=Jfeff— from the form of cannibalism " Friedman-— was one of the £irstSJ||fis likely; to result. machine-elected officeholders and'had VjgW­ ~-^CfaancelioF-Gharies-A.-LeMaist!rp Fi'h ia .1.Q7T • f>psnite'snueals of, •already staked out a cfaim toMayorRtty^ Daily Texan request fora detailed budget breakdown to shoft exactly ; ,.v.irgin innocence,iheV T6utler*3"thronef —­^^-fidw_iy»fe^rveraity^seeks^to'halt ^the:'danger^ of drMffahng^ anri nthp* I " ll ""I I lilin il 1 % MB Mill h II II ill In I I his-ambitions _ rrimM." urac HonfciH Ktr»4hiy*~o>fnrna»--2-lrvi^i'-gWefari:aa"»eek: frhp TPvari " • .nn^~* in-J-:',,JB| -into a race apainsTfiiniHui i.mulmi Mm-? crimes".\gas_denied by^lhe;-attorney mach.in'e-, derstands the rufmgwhicii defmes inrFofft^Sciir^^rairil -'theihvesti^a'-manner more abrupt ,.. ^on yes-man, Jake Pickle A racp he than-its; business es^-§ '-4-» -;^,r. cbosfc'to make despite a public oriMon^^C^lj ti°n and detection of lcrifnes,'' as beiirg .withheidlrom public Inspection tabhshment-... -.i* --_L ~ poll hecommissioned lastfall whiehstirK^fc •' under tBe open Fecol'dis law. • ­ predecessor* fell r?~l i r-po^edly showed • _ We understand the University, police's determination to halt the flow of prey to the unfettered political id.,. -beatable in ^ voter identification. «®gm marijuana, especially, in small quantities and injflrmitories, fpc mari-Austin's young ambitious^Hberals seiz-'' ^oaiildKe a'ss^wjoi^fel-l ju^na'is a dangierouSv evil'drugr -.• . . . — ed upon thett. riSwly. acquired political1 nothing,less than Nixonian clout likeleaderless barbarians bringing-. • the liberal imichihe'-^;a-i^tti«^Spni«pi^ 'We understand the concerfowth other crinJeson-campus. We unders­ down the-walls of Rome, looting and posed of 8tudent8'.'y:biack8> '"blmmliajpK •tan&jhe expenditure of .$49.85 for two tear gas guns and five .cans of plundering themselves intq a'state of laljor-ites and young.attorn^s^ . Dermi-Medic-and the purchase of four polyguard riot shields f6r the UT-suicidal blpodletting. " machine ' El Paso gang at a Cost of $155.96 to fight the* other crimes: • -; A takeover of the power plants in this phenomenal-success in Just two Vears||pr . Funding;fbrthese expenditures comes fronvthe citizensof Texas, eitHej city of semi-open,"mindedness • HfrtingJwo members-of thfe City®oun-W-i m 'mindedness h^s been. evolving -since 1972. But it took last.' cil,. yiree'state legislators, aJ^taU^through theirAvailable University Fund, tax payments to thestate or tuj-:. , year's special State; Senate oWtirvnelection R*a»o; 'Sonato senator, a•fheijil'er of the State B(jffircl of®"k tion. We don't know all.of what is done with this money apdcannot legally triumph of a 27-year^ld machine^backed Education, -the sheriff and nurSlroasg^ i findout. And we 7don't" Understand this. ' V-** f p^litipal linknnwn nayp^ r.loyd Dpgeett lower echelon officeholders to ihspire'a power struggle forcontrol of But' Baleswas tooambitious for^tne'^f'. the,fragile coalition. r; members of the machine:-Many vwnfierf C: Austin's .Jtis, inone sense, the old spoils system •t in the coalition loathed his repute$$ex»f' f ^Old Wilding developers never dieand don't fade away yeryt.easiiy, at work again. Onty .there is no e'en-, ism While two female-officeh<3der£j»r«: tralized.authority around to dish out the' either. Austinites jubilant over the City Councils recent disapproval of 4'legedly wanted Bales beaten,"stitheiffeA:­ •political .goodips There_is.jio Mayor . could run against Pickle in two j^arsPj;^ the Wilding Project were stunned by news that the full-size development Daley to anoint candidates and smite by themost imoortantireason for-hiR^fefgft^i-—..^ may jet be ^uilt. That city officials are studying possible annftVatinn of • perpetration in office the enemies of . was thatBales was perceived Ss -i -Wi •kes tHe issue more seiiouis, hut wise use of city powers over "the people." • " ' issue' Candidate by voters tired ofjhn^*' ' —-land use could jtxake aifiexa 'off more desirable than a ^OOO^person sub-twANKf • fCMULZ —Js.a. resul^vthe, power-struggle peachment "dema'goguery. •_ becomes, a clash of personalities^nd^^^' The endorserhentTof" Pickle by-the? " Senate-halts military, use of beagles in .chemical war-egos, "not", of. issues oT' inherent AustinWomen'sPolfticalC^u^uswasoiS^—i • _urb If Wilding,were annexed; the city could ^one the land asjrchooses but philosophical differences.1 It is a ' of the trulylow points in the Bales cam^.'" ^ rAYQuld-also be required to pfpvidje. uUlity services -withlfrthree years.o.f experiments. (News item) -degeneration mto .an ideOtogirally-"in^-paign. rTo-put it succinctly, some Bales^ , ^ rani^xation;^How^ver;,jimited;-annexatlon-would--givp fHc.v>Tfy. ?nnin^ campaigners claim "the'women screwed -1 powers without ah obligation to furaisli utilities Sbrne desirable types of — us."ThiscQmment is inltseJfpotetitiaU^fc zoning.would include; . ; . sexist Since it is;• a perversion ofvithfB , of in%=^?=: —A^Residentiah Gnlv single-famriy units -would -be allowed-— no By JACK ANDERSON Mexican bank. When Pie FBl/begari to course between hiimans is intended to be -apartments or condominiums.. Why was the White House so concern-_ —• r -Town r alcp-Ry"oYtpn"riinf> : Features Syndicate check into this, it seemed to upset the ed-about the FBI.investigation of cash' pleasurable, except possibly for the inJX' ^ " ^"^.n^ar)py?>fTfl^nT^PtF^nf;^l^drthl WASHINGTON ­Wilding area, no building would-beallowed ttefr#i{B6ura speelaliJer^if" " havebegniinv from the CitV'Council. relationship -between resident seem to be. instead'o _ Nixon -and-tlie-'shahJoLIiah. 'Hiere have been The President's two thost trusted • "sorpwed * Create a new Zone: TTiis zone might .be restricted-to^dne house every And why aia Helms aer^e to tell the FBtv^r whispers, .all-vehemently Hpniod rawtea, H.R. Ilaldcman find John A case can De made that Hickle sup-'i i.that-the.,'Mexican-investigation ^could five acres,'for instance, or.to apopulation densityof one person every five the shah funneled money into the Nixon • Ehrlichman, use th^ Central porters packed the caucus ' -tried to ii'iuuCuig' jeopardize a CIA operation? j -acres, -. ' -^5 campaign bv wav of Mpy!™ " intelligence Agency to head off the FBI. which-the. endorsement was, made;. M We.-checked with Watergate in- Oy rjihgniries. including overseas calls' ~ Dlrfeetoi -Richard—Helms—and_his The, ajuiexafio'n devicecan be looked at two ways.; Perhapsit lySTjbsnq-— -— u --— • . _ r Tr ... . -unctiwho^.-iid thrv hnd riotrffrd However, it is known that manv hard "* % t° Tehran^GeneTO^BoimTHexi^ ^eputy^t—Gen3?£nieiL^altere, w ^ ?»»Parenthpldw^eityijied for Pickle,,Tor the city to ,'use ite-poLice power: to prevent devastation of the.Lakp jnd-other• faraway places, have got the£ summoned to the Wh,te House^ Tfi^ Uli».lm«n>y-tW^1ihftr)H.ff>erf Austin area. But it could also be a ploy to allow the Wilding rapists the Iranians-in a dither. were instructed to inform the FBI that of the Mexican-connection. But they had" the';State "Roard Education^-" of of picked-up hints^that something.,is.;still profits they have unreasonably anticipated, to the detriment of us all. If i the Mexican probe was. interfering with j Suddenly, we found Iranian officials*J -Ironicallyj-her Board of Eiducatian.di^ ^ . lurking' in the; background which has yet- this turns out to be the case, we should^enshrine a vial of relatively un-were expecting our calls beforewe made" the CIA's 'operations in Mexico.^ trict comprises the same geographicalS _tp be. revealed. "It is all very polliited Lake Austin -water iri'"ee learned^frorn, the lesson Wilding arid of .uppef Barton suddenly named iambassadar toIran. Yet vestiggtpr. ..-As most people aw'arSTof their surround Rogers,-telephonea us in the shah's -his predecessor in Tehran, Joseph (dings know, Bales lost to Pickle• py , C^reek and of countless,-qlean, and beautiful.places.'before is this: the None of this-proves, of course, that the' behalf. • * ... . iFarland, had. scarcely settled do^vn in * almost-three-toione. It was the first m* < shah's.money ever, reached the Nixon developers-will never stop as long as'there is another dime of profit to be He cautioned the lQb. Clearly^ thy President Wasn't us kindly;that we weref.» campaign.-But the intriguing jor defeaTRf the-liberal machineand the J»-* wrungjoutof the good earth. We can organize politically to stpp them OF chasing wild rumors. He called back--, drspleasedwithFarlana'sperformance. first time Uie coalition failed to coalesce relationship between the President,and w.e can kiss off the Hill Country and all the good things that differentiate twice, with more categorical denials. s For the President tried to placatehim by. : the^shah deserves closer exMftiniUon. . around'the so?called liberal candidate.Pp-Austin fr&m Houston and Dallas. Then his law firm followed up with a offering him his.choice of four other am-Footnote: As another piece of the puz-,. .. The most interestingsplit in the rants telegram, to United" Feature Syndicate-:1 . bassadorships; • ' _. ."'K'L' " ' - ;-,of the machine occurred In the Terry $sm zle, the shah announced last J[uly 25after whjehdistributes^our.column:-—:-~ Weeks-R'ub'ert Gill-Mike Renfro ^ AlthoughFariandrefused-to-speak-to-conferring with-the President at the -.. .. . . . The.story;We. were investigating was' WhfteHbusffthat Iran-'had struck an oil-^^^.spiintenzation^the liberal vote us for the record,: sources closeTt3"trim "implausibi& and totally-, baseless...,0' In the past, the Xlruversity has I6st itsquality professors to the quality deal with Ashland Oil. Ashland's presi-^ Is-• ­ ' told us. he was "greatly amazed'' and presi­._.'c?un'y_Judge7s^racer' the ;;tele'gram. charged. "We strongly Weeks and .Gill -cut their -poll dent, Orin.Atlfins, has confessed that his scEooIs:— the Boston Unjve^mes,:tl^Ya^%e ,ftolumbias..JVh6n that -urge: tot this sto^tStlie pubhsh^'^"'1iI'llr^iA 1' :f-stricken at being ;removed. He wisdom teeth together as'lieutenantiin firmillegally contributed $100,000in cor­ . happens, it doesn't hurt so badl^. story" ~not ?"Iy.felt-it,mightJjejmanteq?ret«L, theDoggett Senate race.BotharedevijiyiUas a blot on his cateer_but he was begin­rpo^te-funds't6theNixon campaign.-The as a 0 • But when the University loses^ leading professor to the'University of .-ttot thejshah-is so^^apaous to suppress. It ning to-enjoy-:the nv» assignment. His.'... donation, 'all in JlOO'. bills, was routed wo^pp)i^;.fUt^alS7wid-^gii^ief«ot4L . VCaUforrua,"at Santa Cruzi'Uiat is going' tootfar. • r-.•-* parted si'xmoi^h?ago whena formei;, the McGovern,Schoolt Rumorhas it departure was'so "«notioi)al," said our through an African subsidiary. election.winner; Renfro is just as UlgfauSf ttie Aati0I,'Sleading S0Ciir sources, that he was: moved to tears. Spokesmen for both the White House Z«vT-E1fU°' ' alfegSr^&ThaJrouShS.® : and-the oil company deny^reports that* • but a little more euphoncally nunded,^* psycholdgiBtsrteft Texas for-good olelJCSC fare unclear. Aronson said it dreds of thousands bf dollars to the Nixr' appointment ftlO-PpADIf1aH4 nAKMnn'ttii ntil "A runoff If H^lms amazed the President personally pITt Atkins and-"at", Renfro'a9 runoff-campaign attracted,fi was because "I. really like the place rinv^oing to." OtBefs^ay-itrwas-^ on campaign. uch dlverse Farland, it also tpok the State Depart. the sMh together at the Blair House,'2{it ,.supporters-as fontoeHtJ because "this place didn't excite him too much." Still others say it was T~~? '-The coni™ —^H^-surpri^Th^-haiirfliiig^f the where visiting dignitariesare ouartered.: •• ..University student ;body president deff -43 beca/seause likes to narou-a." , • "iZfm s'ffi"Hls-1 •'fhe AShlaOT'Wolt^nnm^td-m^r^^^^and Young American! for' OTWh associate Joe SpeaTionijLthat Atkin»vMg'T{.t'-Pr^gdom-(YAFJ ^Board membe IMtvyhgtever the rdasoh.-the Universityhas lostone of its top scholars. therefore, mgst.must be regarded with skep- ^n­ tidsm Thp Trani^n pmha«v fiofW " compefling reamtosendHeliiB to.Iran. in Washington during the shah'S visitsS;r-pWlahorn.-Jpnes, who wears hisrfdical-, 7A-studentu)aeenJFestinger~Anmson-was^vitaI-in-the-devfelopmentopme pf The Iranian, embassy flatly i. ^ left'credentials like a topless bilanf, is ivthe also a former member of the rtgralatiffHS cognitive dissonance theory;and he alsodid valuable researcBth/the field-[denied the storv.r th&White Housedenied it; Bill Rogersdeni^ it. And we^ertaisr of interpersonal -attraction. .... YAF. . --t Jy can't prove it. !Hw>-.TVf.nirn-Giir , He received the 1973 National Media Award for Books withTfls publica­ . But %re have-uncovered some curious ^gwas one of personalities. There tion, ""the .Social AninTal," and in 1970 he received thfe-Socio- Circumstances that are worth' relating!: %-i'real issues separating the two| Psychological Prizefrom the American Association foj; the Advancement _ turned on ^ach-other- First, we contacted another prominent simply...... , . , j^rScience. He.i's, as one member of the psychologj^departmentsaidr^ie­ -Iranian -who^quite-imlepefidently-tOld lis ^acleayers, each thinking itwas hi^ iftfi name^ i^clri .psyjcholQgy^''..^. r _ ^ -•>...... "t. •--• the same story. The money had~ been ^ gpw up in. the.ranks of thet.mao -s v -vlt would-te difficult, but not impqs^ible, tSblam>the through Mexico. But he. ^— How ironic that to beat-th6 esi iiliBifei aTE-zTdeparturg^lWe haven't had-tremendous raises-or benefits;'-' ^said Dr. ' admitted he was opposed, to thg. - te, ment cohservative politicalmafct^Mjil| liberals were forced tofuseacdalpoiioi; " -.Robert HelmreiCh, another outstanding professor of psychology. _ + sg^eir^ownao^ttef^-i8^s;bne ip: Th?n wq learned from Swiss-banking '^seriously considered leaving mvself. but ^decided Texas was?|he heist -r vWi.ld West' movi&, when the riurdia; sources, that the shah-had transferred : v -%after.all.. Fortunately, we can't frnfl-riiuch.to bltch-aboutT11- •. tims band together to.kill the mu^ier^rat;,; -more-tb"an_Il millinp'frnm his personal, .• The bitching/may not yet be in excess-by the psychology faculty, but j.-numbered^. accounts in' the ..— In.a ritual as-old sis Itself."tlife^iwegs s'^students^^sjapply it in large quantities if an adequate rppla^pmpni ic ycaiSchweizerische Bank-Geselshaft to the R ' .caimib^itetic'desire gone rainp^iitljHll; -s notiounfc:ReplacingAronson with a professor of comparable stature will,;|p?fn-°^fwx^my^exicpin Mexico Cir continue unab&ted. 'WfiicB^fiieai^t^i'be difficult, but it seems essential. •' " -, ^ ti^opto:miniiea liberals^^hadilS^^^Bpaft 4::-Tt-alsp struck us asan interesting coin­ 'Th^aepStment ~way_be-starting--to--slipf"'-said-one-psychology_ ^Iju^clL^^^theLNi -"-.C--i. >i.i, i" t. . ^ pirience-JhaL-other ; Nixon .campaign jligraduate student. "It's hard to tell now^Butif they don't get another big ^6^^^iiw.-6b«i>es-iitid takes-*hei||$rop! iduate harrf now. But ff bik • -imonev hpan iaimrf» money had been .laundered through 'Amateur! reefers awav. -^»A4^ai!ae..,.to.fliU Aronso^s place, then the department getting tooled * -'"around;It just won't be thedesired^lace any more.And that is forsure." -J7 I>r THE DAILY TEXAN X-. Will pk^^cm . V n' •' !•«•«*( Avftin S EDITOR ,-..A „.!..V.^......! -.-I . Buck^Harvey ^;i=By GEORGE F. WILL .:vthe Las Vegas and Reno areas.-That is " Recently -a recreation director at'a ^refused the bribeh MANAGING EDITOR ....BJ Hefner e19,74< The Washington Posjt.Company' £: why Millar isTouring the kitchens Of the casino, suffered a -sudden: spasm • of: ^ Shucks, says Snyde^'^ was-ju^t a:M>-^ ASSISTANT MANAGING EDITOR......: • LAS VEGAS, Nev.—Sometimes it is­ ..;. Lynne Brock. _ L&s Vegas "strip"-hotels. This,is the' publlc-spiritedness and'entered the race,® f second-CThy«sation.''!^^^lock-such; stiHjigrk when Maya"Miller,-58, Ukes" NEWS EDITOR.;. Nevada equivalent of shakingJiands-oi^v? PanTClark things in> Nevada! -ASSISTANT TO THE .EDITOR',. her fey morning swirh at her northern side the gate-of > the sausage facroiy in: -• His-last name is Miller, and Ms.. Dave Risher Nevada ranch. Then this wtfman with tlie Wisconsin. x ' Miller's supporters.beUeVe-his_sole pur-i ^ Indeed; Snvder.ah ethicist citNWnntan '•^•-'jr^rn-.TTTrr.-f.ijarryvamun * ;.LarryvSmith ^tanned,...weathered Western* Jook',: the ^ose is...to. sow„ confusion about naliies;, "subtlety,insists no bribehrasattempted,AMUSEMENTS EDITOR..VJ..-..^Defara Tnplett crinkly:c»ow's;feet around^ler-eyesrgoes.-There are about 120,000 Nevada ey think Ms. Miller is being takeiL 2ljust±oldMni hecouldmaki|50(J,000if' J1-' ^mpaignmg^^ ^ -Democrats. Less than ft),000 will vote in PHOTOGRAPHERS ». Stanley Farrar, Marlon Taylor. a Seriously, -in .a-traditional Nevadi -lhe jcould_help me with^a "license.Tfiferearf U' -*" a /• \ s , • -the Sept. ?.primary, If she gets 35,000 manner. J#1*' was no offer:Of a bribed.'. ^ -— >. •r.. t v -^ v i. f* , ~ <-"• •* : The"iferlboro'-'Lady' ls 'seeking, the ,• offer hrihp " " :'j-P-yf votes, shepj-obably will become the only :•Democratic;Senate nomination^ ' - McQuade womanin in tne Senate ; ;;(SheMW.w-valso rtiost«»wys: avoid«*V*« WW1Mbeing6 confused familiar? agreed, to' llM: i _ WII1UDCU . "We ,(Sound iTC ttglCCQ^lO . v: — Anne Marie Kilday, Richard Fly, Ken McHam -t •with ~ • vThiS morning fife^s-far-fipm jhorme, in I a^other Democratic woman politi-— stonewall. Thero was no cover-up-.''^ r^Her-viewsr_conforjn. tp" basic rwfiwn^3". Gwen Spain/Jose Flores. Charles Dean . a,.qwfee shop in a Casino hotelon theJLa's -eian Democratic liberalism. She doegiiH ' mnrtinp fnr thf»' dta»P lpoiolafurot -Lf-* ' Mevdu^xneleeungis tfraTaT1®" if Vegas.strip:;" All around" her; ' |tnow..why she mari^-thp 'Wh|tf ^onsi^ -• \ politician has shown" exemplars for--^!' *_breakfasters7are contentedly,"shoveling^: "enemres list,'^bufcshe'thanksyou, John-*^ '~ij—'r»— " —— ututitudjeUtjevandihe-Gall-nfjuiwio h„... SSAS=£=-- down silver-dolferpancakes and playing k*eno, - Dean, wherever vou are. " i . ~ • " If nominated Ms. Miller probably. will. ! f fie just refuses a bribe. Perhaps , , J05HyTEditors ..•.LJulieAleprando;"Dtwg-Bti! vyin, not just.because she is an agreeable^ Nevadans think It would be unreas'onahip Asked what senators*she admires, she 1 . Jeff Ne.wman.Jan Phippg^SUsan-Starnes u^uamoung pro intelligent wornan, but because to expect him to enforce the littte W Ithat makes attemDtedVbribeiy axrfatiP deUv(rJ Mitor or the wtlfcr ol Die inkleam) »re«K oucsuply —arahcnwlf&d adrerij',|0/ «B«iW be mad; I« TO? BviMlng . U»»e of Uie. (Inivenlty admlnlslntioA or (lie Board of „ mtdfiii.l.. ~ On.thfr-other hand, maybe candidate f. 3^IX) tf71.52i4) .aod.disj}Iayi»dyerti«iRg.in TSP.Ctuilding. chauffeured Jimpusiness for*senior (ex-J 4iH447Ma85I_ " .The federal government-owns 85 pef Senate nominalion fb former Go^. Paul1 Laxalt-wiir be indicted at. least in the rpn* nr-BH»^ww»«fa±il^L.uilii<»h it ligpg ffti-ecutive branch officials^,7 -•—\ LaJialt -' .-• &i¥^cpui;t of public opinion, for notreportine I Stnrtte; . Drtwtr D. UnivcraiD^UUpn. i^litlfn trn 'Bllnlinlni. .. dd >|fagB^^^.prgd«f-"-and Frtday-.ihftyiiph •: The; Daily Texan iuttfcrian to tK Mtodaled Press^> (TH^ Atomic'Energy Commission is the A few weeksago Laxalt admitted that . pourgeTLaxalt marinvoke-tiiriV XWlgr^cjs Int^tlow]*ntl PacidcAewi-SerYiCe The ; state!? -third largest .employer.) But the-~x, ""ake the United^States a land fit for -whfin_hfi_Jyas uTM-niTr,1 -T.Iih Vfnin Pin-trlnr--' I-rrportrHthf rrim "'in wroqipiAUgwi, except b^inlMy 4IUI eiurii ®rtC«S*C^QaEnalllDr-ft»nffrejr^nd-4W~'TiHfirt-.n*lly_. :@igffiL^5^tfaoseTm^it^8tnos^ Cj>rs away would oddsmaket^lmmv "Hie Greek" Snyder public offieKI -nte y J^ewspjper-A*iocl«Uon.' ~siL — "pffer^hlm.ffalflflTmillion'dollars^tf'he—z~ taxalt^woujd f^el-'rlghtJaMrame IrA? RecycUfititttlonifsr tiff ScUni Slrcttt. fllM N [Bunwt Hoif."u*e Aonto Boolev.nl & •1 would use hislnflffence'toget a gambling-—amblence-ot-toaav'S .Washr~rtni); p«rgW..»»eTt^tTtocT?'pr«t iabqraJgxl<^n>»^?t:Ked Ba-ANNE marie kilday . delegates to the Constitutional tion*defines the authority of encroach on freedom of the' birthday" to convqntipn presi-he introdyeed thecontrbver- v Saturday, ,...^Texan Stalf Writer - _2L! Convention completed ilebatff . the Legislature . to classify . press, and'freedom of speech deiiC Price Daniel jfrr.-whn sinl nm"ndnn nl. ,,i iti'liiuf :• Delegates to the Constitutional Convention defeated Mon­on the General Provisions Ar-^"Tsaus. to'regulate lenders and « TahipH a wtim -prant jsblqbratuj Uiy J^id birthday.verificatioh on the' vote. He the delegates: day an amendment whiqh would have given citizerfs "• Tabled a "newsperson ticle and began, consideration . to fix'maximum rafr" nf in llii 'T,< [lllntiirr niifhorifjr to Saturday. ... •• later told reporters that "initiative power." . \ •Shield'"' amendment, in­ of -spparatp onihnrtrnf.wf r—tiii'est,. Hep. Larry Bales of obligate state credit for Thn „rf. .>--1,.. ....J,.-• . • • . "• ivjtot.. ji'K' siau; .ticuii »ut But the festive mood of the . Daniel had ignored his re-troduced by Rep." J?mes ni^ • ^p.-Geigei:-yt—-offered asftew sections to the ' Austin said in a press release-providing housing' for the Saturday:session was hrnlcpn ' nupsts Vint *i«* c^-ifi Raster of. El Paso^-The: alias, was proposed to ciUzenS; the to initiate article ' : • •* •• • •p^davH.at rtf . , , Proposed to give citizens-the right to inmate article. '. . / ' ^Friday tliat the acioptjon of the "elderly, 105-49. g^305^.,::..,V.-;. wfienm^gates^eganvvoi^fi^ai^^o^ilihQn.TflfnM^ to-' . -laws by peUtiTOand.enactjhe jaws.gythe polls, indepgndgnt-........ Working Friday afternoon, section gives legislative ~ ­ Began consideration of -.. am^ndnients to the General -Qjfejige, Tom Sltieffer ofJ^ort protect newsper^dns^ff om be-—'—^ ly of the-Legislature the Geiger proposal^ substantially, and ,hcv-defeatthp' ^rnpnrirrtpnrhn IHp vnte to adopt. " Rep. B£tT BynurftofArnarillo introduced an amendment ^zf^mflg-Ht^iatiYC pdtitibns^bp .sigp"! by ?0 pprppnt of fhpregistered voters]in tte'rastgeneraV electTetfbeforesubmrs-­ sion in an initiative ele'ction.;:The-Bynum amendment.was ' adopted, 91-61 " —Sen.-Bill Meier, of: Euless sponsored''an amendment to ,/JRiake it unlawful for -signature*gatherers tS^pcrfW^T^ftctn^" v service for-fombpncTtirin > -- "-.,Rep ^,and ?^USton <*™?ceddelegates hat the nght to health care m Texas was a .necessary pd fun-damental right. Leland offered an anrmndment-. which w stated, "every resident of Texas shall hgye access to ade-^; quate.'comprehensive health care.1' Delegates adopt&l the « Leland amendment, and accepted it as:a new-section, 91-61,Leland'S amendment, received support from General (i. Provisions rhrfirmap Son Bob GammaEe of Houston. Gam*­linage said, ,rThis amendment, does not require"the Legislature to do one single thing,.but; it establishes a"con cept of-human rights as far as health.care is concerned/^" tc. gressionarredistricting wasTntrodficed by-ilcp. Doe Pentony-'fc --•,,. . . amendment, which requires the^.?/ ' .^'"SivTsion oFcSSfttfe^iffto^SiStife^^equalling^he ^umtier-of?^-^ '-•.'congressional seats. 'would apply following: the-1980, census: -' .{i Delegates a'dopted the Peritony amendment arid will con- c sider its addition as a neyv section Tuesday. r'T hrother action, tiip rnnvonitlgnivoted down an amendment -J proposed by Sen-WaiterMengden ofHpuston.l'tie Mengdeir^ amendnoeat joueht to put art ?U billion Ceilihg on:state spen­52 ' The convention also defeated proposals td give '.'access' to ,^pubUc infpTmatipn'' constitutional status and declined to a'dttpt ali ^iri>ii3fnenl,.,t.fl,;rtisqi>^if^fniTOeii-fnhhyi• -.'. . grants no special rights. or -"The 'BWan-^ririCTrdtirent, pF.ivileges but,guarantees .-. v "7"^ —.e--—-™ 94-85 ^delegates. ^privacy" section^lOtWS. Sen.­. The ameridment will, enter A.R. .'.'Babe" Schwartz of the new constitution .if .both tialveston spoke against the .... •; adopted, privacy. Willienter • the p.resemt .would allow the stafe and its Constitution. Jn. otjjer actions onHie General Provisions Article • • .'Fridav deleeates-• t AN AMENDMENT . PROVIDINGf guidelines.^ for cb'n-|# • Voted 132-22 to'adoot'^.u' ' " iT1 -u' "ON WfMJIB" T2U GUIOAIUK . THE^V^TGH! Omega digital. A synthoijc'i ruDyscreen covers Attc dial.,.press a button'to show die luminous hdiut': mimjles,-conlinue '———pressing bulion to show_ ; '"•i . -•••• seconds Tomorrow here today. —ui.lhjsl'tK'golc!4il)ed,waler­rcsistanl cace and maK.'hrng bracelet. ftUANDAU VIUACl STH IU8KCT R8 political subdivision? to "collect, maintain and. dis-1 seminate information for legi'timate governmental pur­poses.;"' Schwartz claimed, the THE FUTURE Waco had i"threatened me ~of inforrnation;^ -—-^1" . physically, cursed me and • Adopted.."121-12T a motion^ • Weekend Roundup called me names." . . to add a new section to --While.^Vick.was conferring . General 'Provisi'ons. entitled J"" reporters,' Daniel was : "Continuafion in.UtticeT' The •WicUon,' vutiitk L6 -keep tlje order to the" ..section,', introduced "by Sen,section/ 'aliv^ until debat'e trorfuced. by. Rep,.Larry -Vipk convention;-floor. He ordered Kin, Meier ot Euless, allows!Saturday Tbe ieCtion, whicfi of'Houston^ thfe sergeants at arms, to seat .. appointive officers of the:'allowed for .the establishment l Rep^^Wflffarn"' HratleV"of:^tate-te continue-their Unties—•of a central procurement which stated, "the right of Paducah, whowas.yelling into in office until thwrsucSessors­ •-* •* >t time on— voteid . 'yes" on a motion to brought hischair to him,"alfer . provide a deepwater port.tion delegates marked the .oc-.table. Heatley warned the sergeants "-',v. •" • —AMK Get into * ^ ' -*' KT\f ? -W® Saturday niqht whites! ^-•, • -"Tr^TZ-. . '.L^. .•.!«#...pi, I,,,, i • ; . -tt. .Mter ^wearing jeans all week, you. want to , . look extra special on.Saturday riightl So pop 7 \i bri.thesejbright co-Ordinales -in-Wihire?-for -/ j| yellow or ^laid. if. you prpf%r). §hown~short jaeketr $T3^ halter,-$9-.pants,_$lJ^JSO i copordinaling.shi'rts, skirts-in plaid- All sizes 5 to 13 J •a... s 2406 GUADALUPE ON-THE-DRAG Coo^-and eomfortable Navy ^rn-x^n.Vasr-Step up on White thin crepe base. A shoe r "4Sti. you don't want to miss! Yellow • -Gr§eiv Blue/ White % Check ife&biHfe .V In a variety of colors: Answer to Yesterday's Puzzle ACROSS 3 Communist id63131331 SCaHBB4 WasaWareol ^ 1 Recreation • 5 Cubic meter teas --8 Symbol lor — ORB 0SBE10QS Si3 B G«mBiQnplacAi__!tantalum '~'~ sofa BwasiH arara 11 Instantly Im-7-Noteolseals mi BBIia [§Q!3 SBia portent , ° S Anger 12 Antenna ' 9 IriallnB raajasi E3HBHQS 14 Compass „>10 Simpler acsnu BD3QB point -iv.vtl Commonplace BGSHCDI3B 0@G!121 16 -Profound -13 Allflhts HHHia rana Hiiiira 17 Heroine of • .* 16-Take a vote Reg. 14.00 HUH ISBraSH HCSQ •Lofienotin" 19r Ctiemlcatays 18 Employ "'"--21 flount) niso QBBQaaa on -,Jh.20 Penned 22 Consumed BBHHES nQasao 23-Metal 25 At no time aanHD HEanaa "24 Solar disk' 27 PreclpntoUs • ^ ma spirit 5?S9;9aoon­ 26 Man|s name ,-30 Lass cpolwd,"J38 lnsects 28 Man s 32 Muse of 46;,Rpa!^ed^fef 54 CiV'Hka.doye _ . . . .rss taller /. 'nickname 57 Faroe isiaHaai .28 Ona deloat­ed -36 Parch 47 Intertwine 58;Nfeaclabbf:) ><>31 Missives 37 Greek ftveno-49 Disturbance ,,33 Man's name "SS. Antlered S — animal -"88 Rastdretlon 0 39 ARSroacheS 42-Cor)lunetlon 43 FOfhtve •r;45Ghlelflod0l lu 48 -Happen liliMTr— ^>V V" & lor- uty, if inahln &•" '^""Number wable ^w .. ,x«i Breaksud ?£•*!< A*** • donly ; &3;Man'sname 'vi.iS-S? -v 11. i-55 SvmBolfor Save 3.10 aadollnlurrf ,ft56 Wealthy,. mi. Ijualnesa^ mi + •rtf® Uoops Hebrew wwa ^All over town DOWN *"-t OuicKty Ulntr, uy I'mltd SyMlttHSv lnfc sar-2 symtwuote fir Tuesday? ^v4->v^ > <" in s.^a _£*? *? 'Vwr 4^­ " ­ the SariiWitch shop •' in NCAA Track Poboy Special a rettl iiftontfafal jisre*"s Cqu^Qj^ TURKEY. POBue , i::. Special Good This Month Shop No.lrr-2821 SanJacintQ • t -• +•• -• Shop.No. 2—2604Guadalupe -Shop No..S—Dobie Mall, #5 •-••••"Mm — —T«*on Staff Photo by'Phfl Hubor Paul Curffirirngs Sprints for mile win.' !• •*£ DORM SIZE REFRIGERATORS ' -.-35 (PENGUIN JR'S.)_r"; This summer you-can enjoy the convenience ofouMarge 3;cubio foot refrigerator, whichnormally rents'for SZS/semest^r-.^foiv.the low..price of ^9/6 weeks or Mh12 weeksr Thesejowprices include free delivery and pick-up. 441-6706 ^BICYCLE w­ . -i " vagabond '/ vag a-bond, one by GITANE - \ v^ho wanders from -•»place to place, a viV • ' /^ .. •• -scamp, adj. To --/ ;; ^« w • -"wanHor wilh «• no fixed ' f , address • • J / V y^g 3-J50rjdT --(Royai Asporl) A 10-speed hand-cr."*"«d bicycle by GITANt. equipped with Simp/ex or -Huret dorailluers. racing saddlp, «ide pull lam brakes,steel •.ootterpd chainwhecl and cranks, etc.. • etc.. etc. with us! -^ t ic VAGABOND .z Suggested' SALE PRICE Our Regular List ' , by Price $^^00 i*25oo $119o» Oittine assembled • CASH OR CHECK ONLY {l WITH FREE CITY-WIDE PICKUP & DELIVERY ON REPAIRS, IT'S HARD TO BEAT OUR SERVICE • AFTER THE SALE, 4vi^­ .... -..ffj* & -^r fSk BIKE SHOPS r^jac 65. S/E l-905 E^?tV€RSlDr'bR. SHOP -CLASSIFIEDS THEY-WORK! _We makejand repair boots shoes belts leather*'.. The most points-Tennessee won in^an event, however, came in tjie 3iff00-meter steeplechase, in' wltfch Doug Brown and Ron Addison finished'-first and second, respectively. This gave-the Volunteers 18 "points, but a first: place finish in the 880­yard run, by .Willie Thomas was'needed to insure them of ,.-a team championship.' ' _ : By JUAN CAMPOS Texan Staff ;Wrtter A'.second., place; finish by Texas shotputter E>sna LeDuc was. the best any Southwest Conference school wutd do in last week's NCAA track, championships i.in Memorial; Stadium- Texas also was the highest ranking team from the SWC, finishing in a tie for 14th with. a total of l'ppoints -r-just .46 mpton^— Texai^al^pieke4-uptmost--.'as, a few turned in some ber-.: man field in the 120-yard higbMl Telinessee, • which dethroned . of its. points in one evenf by formances ''that liurdlesr-Charles-JPoster-IW^ ces just missed . rsix-'places. • North Carolina Cehtrai WCiiSfe fgur years. The UCLA Bruins Dolegiewicz'sv second and Mtler Paul Craig' finished ilie ..liigh-•httrdlca in a w fiflishedT^e meet • with. .56-fourth place finishes in'the seventh in the strong IZ-man aided 13.4-. Robmson was.thn^ points" \vriile''the •..Volunteers, "^horput?' ' ______ >ed in 13 9 • V 1 —ffVflnt with P time iTf 4-O4.0. ha^60,w ... -... LeDuc managed to heave Paul Cummfngs of BrJgfrani^s^otnr-Ben^^^^^HHi^SSrife <&Vl} more than'lO Youne won thj? eventin 4:01.1. t h* Innp jirW«FSjth a iumD'nF^^ relay for the^ixth yearma inches farther thFnTnsn5e^---^etratrtvorite Tony 'JMiHlffSif* «4XS^J Rowland had; a chance.to'jvin .previous Jtlirew jear^Wald^ of North Carolina was far short of his se&SonllK?" 'the meet-if triple jumper Dolegiewicz used a toss of 64-Cent/alj who firusheaThtrd'lH; "Best 2(RFClarence Taylor could /finish ,m for his fourth place finish 4r03T3 behind Curomings atld' 4 . " •second or better in his event. However.Jie could only better" Wi/son SVaigwa of Texas-El SMW'f Glen Derwin -plaee^; He could only manage fifth his previous best b/4% m-Paso/ • third m .the javelia withj^f.. -with-a jum^of 52-10i4.ii: more ^ches". Sturgal rjan a 46 8 m the 440-heave of 247-3 to give the SWGg? , than two feet short of his best, The" Texas rrtii«limSi "however, held upfMj Parks-' " enough 'for him to-finlsHfSI: Other members df the Tex? -seventh, just six inches shy^^f*' as-mile relay team-were Glen sixth place It&Ti* IP' Goss-<48,0), Ed WnghliiB.a) ' and Craig Brooks,(47.5). Adranko Pecar orBrigftanjf^f-­ Rudolph Griffith .vVon £ Young," who has a throw ofll| point, for Texas by finishing; 199-3-to-his credit, won thedls-?T-f-Hi' sixthin'tlie 880-yard run with' cus with' a .throw of 190-2#*! • 'a time of-jt'49 5. -.. \.'Even thojigh not all the Texas sprinter.Nate Robln-s^ • lionghOrhs won pointsfor Tex-son finished-eighth in an eight-W^, of the main reasons for the : -Texas' anchormanr Don -1*seconds' ^mpFown&iiisqiEeYiQusj^ Volunteers' first track title. ' Sturgal ran a respectable 46 6 Weightman" Jnn~McGoldric -bv almost 1.7 feet. Jones upset Steve Williamsof leg, but that wasnot enoughto went mur. the.discus final? in , The TCU-440-yard Sa'n Diego State Friday in the catch the UCLA Bruins, who fourth place, but could only team finisiied.fifth.mth a < 100-yard dash, winning -with a had a 45.5-second leg, from manage a tfirow'of 171-8 in the of 39.9 wlnd-aid^il 9.2" seconds. Williams also was timed in Gideon Picked All-America Cqpitbl Saddlery .A&M. Hacker, who batted .406 this year, was picked-:as the T6!<£Lavaca TrosiTnrTexas -478-931 and baseman on the elite ' squad. mm •> % r Lee*InnsbruckII "S-, Traditional. fine wale cdrduroy iri" the look of~today.--^tee Innsbruck-1l;-En­hanced by fading with each washing-, it has the feel of soft 100% cotjtjjn : Corduroy, andtthe-look of faded denim: Matching Lee Leen Jacket andvLee. Country Gentleman Shirt give you the final toiiCh-sensational. ° |ifer iee Innsbruck II M5­All Colors I tee ttfferrJacke^l 9 All^Color.s 4&> .3,/..v Lee Country Gehtl«mon Shirt 4»­Al| Colors AUSTIN tj *** '' r ^-2 * AND fJEAMS j>$ALE* Z?:i ; Texas -sOphomore-pitcher. Jm Gideon (19-2) headed the. ' SHEEP SKIN jouthwest Conference players lo"make thb "NCAA" Division . One.. All-America RU5S • ~~~Wsf--fr "$750 team selected Saturday by the' eauufui Colore » -­ -• American-Association~ .of~ -Gollege-Baseball;Coaches; -Joming^Gjdeon-oft^the-first­tpTlt" • lnti TlufKfr TrfiTcvn-; Rick -Bradley (JOT),--the^-sguad are-$aul Miller,'.Te -Longhorn catcher, was named A&M outfielder! to-the th to that positron jm the second team,' and Ricky Brockwa Warn' along with Texas Chris--?Pan.fAmenc3n shortstop, -tiqn first-baseman "Tommy also made the-third team.j Cram. . . 7 LongboFn third baseman "a^?„r "Keith^-i^qreland (^395pnvas given an honorable trtentlon lo --SSl'iJ? tage,' points Moreland" Uie All-Amei Iim iiidiu. wasrttie fiisl team' Uui^. team Other "players from Texas baseman last year, was teams to be named-to the defending champion CLOTHING m &atr* • • import* Wis • cjilKfiA£;£frv K•KiUa* USMC TpwHT, —M |Stifv COME TO SEBRING a7 " , BY ROY NATURAL YOU'RE.YOUNG, YOU'RE TUl^ED OU\ £^J?«T4Ri!ED OFF BY, STUFF.LIKE HAlJ TEASING, AND SITTING UNI HArftbRYfeRS. SEBRING BY ROY IS PLACE-F,QR YOU,r WHERE WITH-IJ HAIRCUTTERS DO YOUR KINO-OF HAM "WITHOUT SPRAYS', OR TEASING TWTtl ™-^-^Hg=GREAXEST MOST NATURA{ LOOKS GOING, CMOK'IN AND SEE FO YOURSELF. V„A /,« r}'* APPOINTMENT.ONtY-472-/Joo^^rk VV. 24th ~~~4 Ml •m at the UNION BOWLINQ-LANE8, 111.S a ThnrcHgy' r-Nlght Fun Clob. Just f'pr fun.'And for friends ^We'll ^Jielp you flna-4eammafejk Or make your own 4 per­ -$o _^j. 1 •» trf* pVjf^-J \ xp-<& -i; Vi^S1^ frit:^#^v^^rXi^ "^•ps >•' '•. Z s>''"&i r t,. *• ie . . By LARRYSMITH fourthfound will beonThiirs­finish their• game, but.the- Schoenhaus Texan Staff Writer , day, and Richard Wortham Kober, dh 5etfln,"H^U-Southern '•Illinois>Bellini, vs Results OMAHA — Texas All-(10-3). is expected to".pitchfor FWST ROUND gameat8p.m.had to be post-Helmer, lb America righthander,Jhm Gi-"-Texas fAlarnt ---.'Awv''' Hemsworfh poried untilSuriiJay, but it ^Sjpqwtroma-10, North*™ Gstorado 1 ssi'deon tied theNCAArecordfor Monday's gamewasTexas'- Costeilo —r— USCSTexa^a — . /ained Sunday and the two TOTALS 1 almost wins in a season set by from the first Inning. Left-Souffrerrv JWno/s 5, Seton Haft) ^ 1 played a0O;a.m. Monday ' • SCCOND BOUND # s -» Jm'Arizona.State's Larry.Gurain .fielder;JTerry Pyka led off I Northern Coioredo 4/-Hevvard i^?'-^-­ /"I dorj't think'they had any. , 1960 by winning his19th game with a singleand afteranout, 7 ^ • • choice butto play the game," ,Miami S/'oklshoma \ of the year, as the Horns third,;basernan1 Keith' PITCHING" Gustafspn said. "The field USC 5, Southern illtnois.3 .i •.­defeated Seton Hall, 12-2, Morelaiid then movedPykato T»*oi , Eliminated 'mm fmrrniimmt' tinrvarrt J waa-^layabler-and-you can't-7= ••Monday afternoon at second withanother hit.After -call a game if the field is in : Rosenblatt Stadium. an out„ by first -baseman IP H It EB M SO: good-Shapg." -: T-h&-Austin chapter of —• Since Texas lost,9-2, Burley and a walkto'catcher^ had to-Gideon-{wr W2) ;.7.1...1 3 • Every plajer in _ "the USC :Brown 'the Reef Cro^s is-seek-;. .the University -of Southern Rick • Btadleyv freshmefi 2 2 > 0^ ineup had at'least one of the ; S*»on " ring volunteer drivers CalllorniaSaturday night,the ueulerf-Ve-lder -Mickey eart's;15 hits,Thethree hits »o' trorisport cfUabifed r ~ winkeptthe HornsIn'the dou-ReichenbachWtthe(first pitch! y Rich Dauer set"a new .VVIP--H R EB M(SO. persons. privers may ffie ellnrtihatloh College World—ironHPirate-yrtchw=Charle&­stff NCAA dne-seaiso'n hit total of' Sertes, Seton-Hall", however,. -Puleo(7£)over.the370signin-; use Red Cross cars or Pufeorfl,,'7 -103;;-. waseliminated from thetour-' rightfield Zfryatr; 1 2 3-S their private vehicle's. -USCihadcome'intothetour-Lombard; Jiament^s^t was-defeated,5-• Aftfef Rtticlitmlmdi's.giand Byron Interested?" Call. 478­ 11/3 1 -namentwith mbreJosses than. o&Tri., ~~ < *1, Monday mqrtiihg^ by sl^m,the gamewas never 1601.­ anyotnertean[i,-19,,'bulrolluw­ He^r-~ Southert Ulin0is.-^T6xas-^0W—daubt.: riv •?•;. mgtheTexaS'victory arecon' 'will face Oklahoma," which TEXAS ADDED three,runs sidered: by many to; be the walk, bike.-or-bus suffered its first loss of-the m^the fourth onbadjpjaysand> favorites. "I.Jthink USC is Sanw/hergIrf Central touma'ment agai'o'st the -several mental errors by. Austin ahead ofaU'theteams."Seton m University of MiamiMonday...Seton'HallH[33-l{j-l M- Hall second-baseman Ted Thegame-will begin at5p-m. Withone-outand Bradleyon t" Blankmeyer said. .I'Jhey've , "4539 Guadalupe rew modem . .. ' -^ —UPI TelapHoio got a lot of sticks." Tuesday. Horn Coach Cliff first with a walk, Texasj,*-m *furnishirt^ -Sustafsonr-plans to start.' centerfielder David Reeves -David Reeves scopes for Tex'as against Seton Hall. / lefthafider Rick'Burley(12-0): hit a..playable pop foul.- convenient-to 9l Statistics landscaped.. tenRi5 • • downtown & the IN DEFEATING Seton; However,-the Pirate third .when^tfie second baseman While Sheppard missed the. championships, gave, the courtyards. . courts Urilveraty Hall,Gideonhad moretrouble-' .baseman lost,the"ball inThe:made'-an error-on ail easy playr hesaw all ofGideon he' * H *W­ sophomorejus second!oss of AB .with hiscontrol thanwith the sun, giving Reeves "another ground ballbyshortstop Blair •wanted to. "He's the best the.year when he faced'tfiem 'Pyka, If Pirate batters. In the-seven; chance at4he plate, peeves .Stouffer... .. , , pitcher,we'veseen all-year;" -_Saturday-iji^ht,. 1 • Stoutfen'is ­ ' • innings fie worked.Keallowed thenhit"adeepdrive4ocehter.—.ISelanfall's wojstjrroroc-hesaid."Hethrew90.percent .Moreland, 3b Gideon lasted 'only two­ . Burley> lb. .only;6ne hit butwalked seVelii -: which the centerfielder Ted cuf/^-in^the,"sixth-rwhen :fast Tialls accoRfinOd','OW~-IlliJrds^OT^Sff^inihg; as-.USC Bradfey^c­ including •four consecutive .Sc'ho.enhaus misjudged'.'Barlfey flew out.to deep left-•fchaf.ts ReichenbactL cL;:' managed five-hits and five Reeves;cf-V . battersin thefifthinning.Tftev Schoenhaus first camein and ,field.,Pyka,whohad been on GIDEON,hosyever,wasnot off Bali, rf^r.V •' •' ­ runs him. • ,-walks produced the only runs then went back, but ;by the" •-second basewhenthje^Jaall;was: happy with his performance. GlSean-p After the first inning, the Seton Hall of South Orange, \ime'he caught'.up :With-the .hit, "was between third -arid-"Whatever my-best pitch .Horns'only hope'aVSsthat the fowls'P --i. . home Whenif,was ranpht. To N.J.,scoreduntiltheninth-in: BaJLJEleeve's had doubled. was,it wasn't a strike." Gi­ game wtfUld'.lbeJrqined out.---­nlngwhenlheyproducedaruri Bradley attempted toscore avoid the double plaj\ Pyka -deoh said."My timing is.way And,it alttiost was.'. "1 5*'"1 Ho? ab "a^ H au on.twowalks _ Uie^play bntappeared „cut:across the infield. Rules and^-single-ofi oh tobe 'jbff-w In.the fourth inning with J)lorn relieverJii^y-Brow£-r5Ut:;>vhen therelay^otheplate -requirea.playeEtoJfluch-jhird happy abouttying the Spca»^lf-lt> <3 0-1 > ...Texas at bat,the rain, which ienVlsort-rf — jF"-Q— o ' "Gideon had gocjd stuff.^ arrived severalstepsaheadof before going back to secondl. "•had delayed the-'Start7of the Biankmeyef,2b r2 0 0 'Gustafson said.-Buthis ball-him.'J ^ _. m Buti'the Pirates.failed to The-.Texas-Oklahoma -Rosello, 2b I 0 •© ...game'.15. minutes, hegan to wasmovingsoWell.thatsome THE"CATCHER,however"; ."appeal the"play which would game-<^J)eheardat5 Cerone, c 3 0. 0 ^cgme.down_extremely_:hard.__ of the pitchesthat looked like" missed the tagand Texastook havegiven them the third out. ^ p.m. Tuesday on KOKE-^"traccompanying wind gusts of r.strikes ended-up as balls.-He a 5-Oiead. ' •Py.kalater--sco.red" on-. AM:il370h 4Q and 50f;m.pJh. and.a­^•had_a_coupleof wild streaks.-" "~ffighTfielder rortl Ball thai Moreland's two RRT siriglp ­ ~ temperature in the ToWSOsT THE I INSTITUTE OF LATIN AMERiCAihSTUDIES " towiii^^hgledinJKeeves'attersecon'cr^ Idn-frkncwfig" Tecord:''..he coritTnifed^Btit'-™ >.JHE^GAME_-Waspostponed • *^7raIly:^didn!_trknow~h Gideon will be available tor I'd^ -iike to. break-iF^lnTherd^^"Setpn—Hall -fol--2Trm.inuties but wasr;cir~~-SUMMER 'PROGRAM OF -championship game^'ZT .„ .. . i -tmued after.the raina.let'up.­after .the--game. "Our'team If he is to'breaK tnerecord; rhfi wiafehowevefVremains „Join'the Cd-Qp for ail your automotive manager said sora-ethihg Gideon may.have to faee USC ^d'arpFeblem asth63rblew in. onlu«, a ipur'pc about it. but he'was the -•again. TheTrojans, Who have -'ffbtfi centeTfield. '.*-'' Tuesday, Ju/te -11fh: HAN. MOSAIC Port>-1 o> rjqrt-,-;Kneeds -also motorcycle partsi, ^teieo. rone whocaught it." '" --*y. v -series of films,.slides, and lectures' deolii woniour*e"6WSggCittpeniational~ ' dealing ., With inliii A iiibikn't—largcst-HwBon.and —r Tires( paUaries -HveVyUiliitj but ya&l potenKsl world fow'er. Dr. Norm Potter. Aufomotive .Thursday, June 13th: ^MIthoel Conroy will gi»e o pre»ntotio*, 7"; -• . •———-— • on "Tlw Cmole tionomits of latin Ameritpn * " NEW HOUSING POUC Development."' -r--i-vv-;. Co-Operative Guqcjlaupe' ~Toesderyr-June-1-8*h:'--B^^,*N MOSAIC? Port II n a four i»rt v.inM ethodist StudtirFCtnter 5XTER HOUSE ' --series^dealing withi-BrouUDr. horm t*oner. 474.1524 sponsored by Students tor.Q Co-Operative Society 1103 W. 24iffi -Thur5dayT Jnna The Use of Multimedia in Bilingual and > .— . . •: Bicultural tducaion. Or. tlaint -Grayiittt: OCCUPANCY ONLY ~ j! Tuesday June-25th: MOSAIC:Tart III o( a lour part series-dealing wiHt Brazil."Dr. -",^1 'V' '' " Norm Potter. -•••*.. .• . •• • i vyfwir. ; -• Semj-Private.Rooms-as^Loy/lfe s60 . • • o • v. Le(Dr Shallcriy openyourhead. per mo. Thursday, June 27th: "f*0RIAS Ot UN MEX1CAN0. A documentarr mode with actual .. lAfltflBA fnlfAR ifllVlHA Haniran DAi»iiik?*ia A ^ _ . . .-•. t footage taken during the Mexican Revolution. The Mexican government has declared this film a 'tationat monument." --e-?. ~'^ If your, mind sedcs" _; ' Lu xu r ious Pri vateRoqms sioo .per mo: new noupsKment ...if •-..: a\V ..' Tuesday Julv 2nrl-?8.AZI.MAN. MOSAIC: The final presentation h. a four port series dealing -r» v«»r *'•«• yrith Brazili Dr. Nonn Potter. • you say''Fie!J!" to ihose -^ ^' ^ • Maid Service who insist that there are\ Wednesday, Julv 3rd-ARCHITECTURE DH MIDDLE-AMERICA. Professor Hugh PREHISI>ANIjC' HcMath wil present f slide show and lecture. ' "•»* some doors that man was Heated Swimming F^aqi * Refrigerators.*-lntercorh not meantto open.. if • Laundry Facilities • Vending Ma^hirfes • Tuesday "Julv 9ths;,i The Guerilla|Movement int&tin America: A Dramatitatlon^ preseniedlir Dr. -*. .visas Michael Coilov. yoDTToo have become" " • • tf#k v'• T~V gK^w.. . / • ...-T V -. -• -•• Study Areas ^ • Thursday; July "Tlth: * special, prpentotioB on opportunities'in Iptin America lor-teachers ond.. steadfa^y-convinced-tlop-JS Hr-Desk'Service • TV In Lobby " • -r> *": sh>dtntfHneKtwrngeand trffvel prpgnnns."Reprtsentntives from AMIGOS; the way to a person's head EXP IN.INTERNATIONA UVtNG; and 10NGH0RN TRAYEIERS willle att«n-­ '*Closeto Campus l'' ditig^ i , fX tkih is-through his nose, . thai ^ ^ Special PackftgQ Oeols(Boom at Dext>rr^Boardal^aditon) V ; ' perhaps you are indeed.ready4o-experience thet -^5 ^5 «Re23V(* <, ' x "e : I-c;-V. TIME AND.fLACE: AUtOF IHE AB0VE-WIU. TAKE'PIACE AT . . available as lowJas $T 45 3:30(t>.m. inBE^ (Business and Economics unique stimulation, invigoration and grarifitJatioffferoiily ' -. BldgJ.ISl. . * ^^^ovvac^pf/ttg^^^Confracfs^ Dr. Shatterly-'sS^ret SniffingSnuff can pro And there Waitone way lo findout. Heh. Heh. Heh. a --: lor U.T, Men and Women I EL n^^iiy^Secref^DHiin^imii^ HOUSING OFFICE 709 West 22nd St 478-9891 -478'8914 L. •jar f DEXTER^HQUSE Come -.Come Live . , Available in original OldeEnglish ,ant) m 7"WildSlrawbbiry flavours aTdrtigstor^rhead^opsandTliSillH!^^ Artother word for yoor UT vcccibuiciry: i'A ;V comprehensive yearbook of The Univer^ s sity of Texas at Austin featuring issues ^.oLt.h^ymriTivntving-fhp-f.ota1istoden{ex-T-; ,w;7_ perience. Requires only a mark on the-.;; " * ^ ' Optional FeeCard atFreshman registra­tion. (2) Any plant having fleshy stemsfe anB'/or branches with thorns instead of/ \ leaves. Requires little moisture^ and "? ^ heavy direct siinligfit. ~ Storf Your Cactus Garden Nowt -Reserve Your Copy of the ^ 1975&CACTUS WS AWMMtlftttM y«-*a ^ YEARBOOK wini«At by Marking Your OPTIONAL FEE,CARD Wfieri You Prereqister -^ ~ 11 '1 j |r~. x Youlwill be billed with your fees for the fall! y'p : "frfeSf »sf ^ « ttljr^ .V i DAILY-TEXyPaoB^^ —-*• I ". • -• ^ .. • '• y -"• /•>;.' y>, •--• ffrSn •*A-V> - fx Texas Fish Abundant USC's •3&, By MARILYN MARSHALL Ylie Colorado River lakes -Jersisjhad previously been 1 _*M?—' ~2 Texan Staff Writer '• includeLake. Austin,:thedisplaying tanks full of. trout ^V By LARRY SMITH However, he has regafitecThfS major with*a,>8GJ?A lI Won tied" the No. 3. ranked, team, * both,* I'll, took at. the money lie: rThe "sabj.ect of a. great lowest of-the'..l^es; .Lake at fairs across the state to _/ -Texan Staff Writer D.7 second speed jn the 1CK5-the state cKaftapionship ip Oklahoma., — , arid ralso tljfe'longevity-In American novel "Moby Dick"/-'Travis,-15 nfijes northvyest. ol promote his'brewerv. ^:V OMAHA' — When one con­yard dash and was able to wrestling in-two weight Even^Uiough Notre Dame-longevity, baseball has the and recently the cause of con-Austin, and Lake Buchanan. Like a newborn babv; a siders that th'e Umvet-sity of rush for mord than 1^000 yards categories, ran track,, was ."was picked No.-1. in. most «dge1.but I won't decide until —servationists. fishing, is .the largest of'ihe .lakes.' Catfish, recently caught fish needs to Southerjn California has-an 1973 although the U • foo£-quarterback on the football; sports poJJs, D.avis-dtsagrftsafter football season. *~_ ^ eldest.industryin-the Avorld.-' crappie. and largemouth bass .be.,pampered.,-Dtiring .rainy athletes like outfielder ball team tauf«n in&tj $encSui te^m and. was on the-baseball with -the-pollsters.-"Notre „ f Tfiere are more than-25,000 are cofAmon in the lakes; ; \veather at low.<'altitudeS,l'isK " .Anthony Davis,'iris ^asy-to -^ed-offensive line.-. U Tire species of fish; with"a variety Texas fishing received a perish;easily andshould be put understand why the Trojang^, -.iir »available^dardGentral''-Te)caj5-btwst-when -10,000 ra»nbowr-onjce.as.soon as possible. _ have won four consecutive/. "The team.-! was the onlyjSie to be Dame wasn't even in'the nir-While Davis wanre^tp tvotk •. fishermen. ^. v' *V trout were released into the "In highe'r.altitudes, the cool -national championships and •_me .physically .Jekas streams and rjvqrs •• iiuadalupe . ia,Jl966. Texas-dry aifTeduces hurruditv and have taken a step toward their ~ ^ld noriget V "aft abtindant With bass. c'artr~bTrsingssmen^R4&haril_L: therefore Jessens the chance, fifth title bv beating Texas: 9-Texas ve e.yfir suckers, eels" 'sunfish, crap-.. .WhiteSnd HarryJersigsawto .of^liecay. rnv~hot'antf~dry-^2, Saturdav night. _,_ back spasms, said. 'It. has do,^'. Da-vis ^aid.-.^'A psy;-­ fgst. round by,.the Baltlmoile ^lay^^^injt,''' said Davis,' .• -pe*son pies„_4)luegi!ls. and., catfjsh it the trout received the cold weather; fistriceep longer if .'When yon-come to the ;^et^~;Pp^^',,- ;o*riotes^Hbwei'er. hechoseii chiatrist told nie once that I • :'Being ftopd.-at seyjeral wl"':" ru-1'*' «-|"'>lv" r'rt' """1 <» • peopfe^ and' s^art thinkifjg "i several . m-'that s true. tj. ­ verV well,and*ai*e fundament. • payroll of teams in ...^• -^jusi as fisherman clean fish --plat, UDd?r pressure and be. about Anthtfny tJavis,]J • differently, they also'-prepare taliets.; 1:alsg--think.-the,wint.-. different, -saoi iifc-'.fiv.erlapmng-^ ^."Snows' to rhe is' ni'irp com-V * relaxgrff You 1iave to have] Along with lus poise and them diff^ren't^':WftVffver, as nmg tradition helps. If.we^"' schedules allowiatfiletes to , pctitibtt,'"'k ite. continued. .' n~ confidence in ytiur abihty.«r' confidence-DavisTi'as trenien-9-2, -pwple. say, we've haij'­ a rule.. herrihe; mackerels, play oiorS-400 stofckjar, stationery, ^atTmarjn, .. 476-0040 ' ' SAN ANTONI° • -Varhnr"i'f;(i 340 * •-^ — —--ami.Sun.riay. ahead of his.; Tyrell-Fprd AND 24VH anrl pf^yipg rarffc. finished a mere three-seconds teammate, Patrick Depailler of-France^ ahearl of. Bobby-Allison!s Add s'Halljtiark Father's"­-L»ay card and you will borough in;fihe;; lead iii the. Englishman -James, Hunt, B f 0n be.sure to' please onwss iA^N^CASHWEEKtrY^ piloting-Uie'onWAnstibns^A''^M^Sp-^ . |, . ~BlDodridsiiidpuiiors-Neede^ : The Crown Shops —; Men & Women' "' EARNL$10 WEEKLY, 5 Plaza fialcpnes • "5900 lyuadaiuper-r CASH PAYMENT FOR DONATION Studtman'5 Highland Mall_ ­ _ _Austin r%-. /A •—! —— • J > ­ Photo Service .. Blood Components/ Inc. i ~ : 222 Vjf, .'/& . 5324 Cameron-Rd.­ • in­ OPEM MON.& THVRS.8 AM to 7P.M. Jl-i TUES. & FRI.8 A.M. to 3 P.M. A RESUME' & .ip line CLOSED WED. & BAT. 4p9Wr6th_ IDENTIFICATION TYPE :r,-» —4ZZ^735 /PICTURES^ \y,i '•r "*•»*» days yl-Day * w features rf Quick,'Reliable Service - r'<*" SUMMER --X SIRLOIN/ dollar! I BACON PARKING r *• • .• -• STEAK US0A Owi<« Hwivy-f®*' Cuff's8ar-S ~ Kash-Karnc But 1 Pound Stictd : RENTALS l.1-The.-; ONE BTOCK-FRTTI -j-Boardboats' VCatkmaFanStrnr, |r **1.39 Daily __ UNION^;: .••Sloops '-Ii anoes ''" ,*Paddleboats Texan REGISTER NOW 25 FREE CRAOf A PUHTATI0N TURKEY HENS. $10 foinsrweelis SAVE 25% -ONE PER DAY AT EVERY STORE JUNE ifc THRU 22nd. {J ON DISCOUNT­ (NO PURCHASE NECESSARY -YOU VttD NOT 1't PRESENT AT DRAWING ^ TO WIN.) .PASS BOOKS i -—-|v i $20 for 12 weeks Kg ;>M HAPPV HOUR |Unclassifieds|v*j») ; . (2 'for 1 Soiling) FRANKS ™2=4-Weekdays-f--—t^Come by ^ Ctfdk&f/t BpMl«ssr Half 5 BAR-S HAMS of VfboU PtuM .s 10-12 Weekends '" TSP Biag. .Vj -fflkrttt. -V Call 474-1429 or . fioorrt 3.20Q "--f •: • ':$*• BUTTERffiltK Haircuts for people and plat* Jlllkrtsf Aw h-£~ ydur ICE CREAM V^GoUon :.U9* cometo \v t Mt»h:-Fri. 10 a.m. -6 p.m, . "irt \,pVnllaiiihed IIARGEEGGS „ . $l.'00 discount with-tliis ad •• '-2*f LARGE EGG! uyntiu* irr JWi 2204 San Antonio , Expires June 25 > MAYONNAISE tW 409 W. 14th , r ^ 476-4890 VIENNA SAUSAGE ST1.1.* 3FOR1.00 ^-Melissa, Mae/Mary, James ^ students oqly- WHOLEERE$li^JUSJK-49 TOWNLAKE j, n pre-paid . VIVA a-i5 -Una jafunds TRASH BAGS. St., SskAwAY 25th & Whitis FKOZ£N FQODS ^ 1800 i.LakesHore 442-9220 POUND CAKE Sad;:...:.. ...: m BREADED SHRIMP ^Xc... ~ 4 WASP ^ 4 5, ^ HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS of buying or a «! 69' MOTHBRUSHES ...2»>49 53' VANQUISH vitb BuH«r»fl5CopuJIv.-,;.;.33M . car, boat or camper? THESE PRICES GOOD AT AU STORES . fUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY "" NOW THERE'S A BETTER WAY! "t x~ 1 t BUYERS SELLERS HiiV (III .<| lion! tilf-OWIH'f PABST • Piitf i! ynuisi'll . . (we ~>i T -CANTALOUPES Cjn .nivise yon) J-itL-Seu* Tmbj g-.r ~ BlUE RIBBON Ply nn rnnmii'Ainfi'; w • Display it on on? hrml fe/'" seNd-J^lify nii(lf{)':iii,-|(i ftsla*—•w find ynu .1 tinyci - BEER : .tavifttarrep • Simply rent tlio spate lot Sl'j"^4 ^hti'i.s'.' hcjiii liui'c M.'tedmn <1 v " ^£-gtrU&ri'-+~i \ 7545 BURNETR0AC THE UNIVERSITY ' 2BlocksSouthof urn « t«v? IFF -K •>t> jeg MM •Qptfl 3fa.m io 7 E ?Z4,THE]pAILYTE: 3i_i 1 :r* iu..A Constifutionqjity of Laws Jested. By JOSE M. FLORES Nelson argued that while the tablishments on.-J4 other oc-ByjUCHARpFLY ^.operations, or specialized-equipment directly Texaa Staff Writel-act -may have been com-casions for.the same^purpose, Texan SlaffiVrljer ralatedtcrinve'stigationor detectionof-crime-i: 3S& While a verdict of . guilty mitted, it was at-the request Upon returning the guilty ' A.iTiajyr po'rHbh of the rta^uaraBed by'the^. 'exeept^ from disclosure/-" wasjssued Monday by Judge of agentHall,^who shouldhave : verdict. Judge Robertson 'University System police is exaropted" from. Such information on-an administrative level Rob R. Robertsoiu_aga)ns.t. beeBjjkesd^ •"-^ -.pointed. niiL_tliaf"t:rH'p" ii-n-" & %> public disclosure under 'the Texas Opert might not be excepted, he said. .. . . Austin, masseuse Paula "Chargingpne party andlio^constitiitionality'of laws was •—i'ftecords Act, Atty. Gdn. John Hill said in an Details of:specialized Equipment as wellas "Summer". Breeze .inS4h«^othef denies equal protec-not usually' tested in > -opinionreleSseiJPriday,,: / travel information whlcfi mlght=reveal Municipal 1 Court aljioy.-a.-tflion;under the law.to the municipaCcourts-where in Unive&ity^ffjcials.asked fortheopinionlast procedures or.patterns of undercover agents P ' chance of testihg^the-con-defendant. Since there Is no cases such ;as thi? one; tfte Stltutionality of the laws. •-•way4hat4toaima»ih^^h»y--'---PTi^^^i^nsiiie^.^'tf^Hr: ^ _ a]so wouiQ be excepted fram disclosure; Information concerning .leqiiipment against prostitution was af-=.tfon my clftnt ischarged with _'TmV.going to find you .-. > — Security DiVisibn, 3cnown as the System ^and normal travelfoi: administrative,JtEaining' :^ forded the-defsmJant.-'can be fairly enforced, the 'guilty.' With-.a; fine.of. up­;.poliqS,' :fpr an inquiry into undercover itolice and visiblefield-assignmer.ts should be(Jisclos-A packed] courtroom, its oc; laws -themselves are un-) wards!of•10» dollars you:may •• activity. . ; _ • • ed, the attorney general said. • • ' l -CMpants sometimes. sniggejv constitutional;w said Nelson. •. appeal,;Ifine .you hereby,"the ~ Tnm'uVHi.m . .._ ing„.listened to., the'prosecti-• Hail -said."that he.iad in-sum of; .102 dollars and fifty-: •"I'HKBULaaa:. Tnwd-4n—"Tliiiiiiri.iiii.tl.iafe the manual is clearly Within • the exception tum^ over iorrHilliforteyiew. 'ion fharne the_defendant'iyas filtrated massag'e: es-> cents,.'.'he said. A\ •pZ'Z'-i' provided (in a section of the law) for ai record ':A FULL DECISION'was nnstnnnori in iht» guilty because ja sexual act for 1^aint^ined for internaluselnmaitersrelating January,, while the attorney-general's ofiiee •rim money; haid heen perfprlfned..: r '-I' ttr/aw. enfojr-cementV,' Hill stated. reviewed atLopinion onth& release of informa- ndcrcover-agen£!Steye_HaU a 25% DISCOUNT Infqrmation in .the manual, of an adr tion by law enforcement agencies. -deseribed^he--Mt-as-?hahd-^ J —nunistrative nature shottldHS^sdosedrttarat-— manipulation of: his penis by ON.­ I »Hhe-defendant. ' I said the-.basic; administrative data he had ,public^inspection separate from, the"manual. Defense attorneys' Caror I DRY CLEANING & SHIFTS f reviewed couW be releasecl, including thean- 'and WITH THIS COUPON , THE-TEXAN also asked for various reports r WT, T* Oppenheimer Bobbie and evaluations of police at-componentiii-"uaJ policetheJsW en- I '4^.1' (Good thru 6/25) -• —'-^-1. / stitutions by. Systemp61ice. " • fortement cbde of ethics, administrative'per­ sonnel afid their salaries and jobdescriptions I DICKENS CLEANERS AND LAUNDRYi HHili--said,-however, that—pubiicityr-of^ —UH T»l«photo"Specific capabilities and deficiencies''of..' The inquiry into 'University.fuhdercpver ac-AIM Director Resigns I .7 ' . 29l"S~<5CTAD,AlJJPE | police might endanger law enforcement-. tivity was prompted by the discovSry fastlfall Classified i Dennis Banks, national executive director of the: Y'ears In-The Stijrie hocalion t--| In: rilling; on the request'for budget and .that an undercover narcotics agent who had- American IndianMovement (AIM! told a flenetal AtM : vouchfer jnformatioh.the attorney general said made-Several1 airests on campus Was stifl off jasMmbly^Aonday^^ajjreiigjie^ii^giMtj^^ : that "Information Which woiild revealspecific, the Uniyersity'payroll as a'patrolman. -• Pennies Mot wm By-KAT-CUNNINGHAM't do to ettd (he'shortage.""' -hidden^penriiesout of .the shoe Shortages aFe'a way tif life v.-The Treasury had con-box§St^pick|e 'jars and wine fo^A1ri)pcictans; these days, buU sidered minting an aluminum bottles and put them back in the Department of' the penny, but rhnart--idea is the castregisters-where-they'--(loitbiiL^ihdaat;Suixlmvri im 6BAHDFH1!? _ BandootheRiin ^7heEdgar WinterGroup UlCHttS»nxk»"SimcJowjt"• :~ Shimn'On PAUCMcCARTNEY is y<. Treai^iK^ecerttly announced ' ••'•Jdeadv^:: the spokesperson : belong. Otherwisev' -Someone • ; Al«>:HodiowfDiV''CtmrfnwHismvay ?*„.. ShdckTreatment ^thefirst'unshortager'—^-— said.—; ; •' — might ask -you to give.you a . • l-b(xft.,vvharaU$A.-" V * " *>cfucbng.'. Scomc^inddAntmalRiwsRtwv Mary Brooks, director of. Sjj-let's-get tiiQse 3ft billion coupon for ydiir^JthougHts."" . •:Maybe5ort>eOe»Vbul5ajll*y'N»me p the.SanFrancisco-Mint,'said penny, hoarders. haye_ caused what seems To ^e a shortaEe. ^FECIAL _bu_t a pennv sHortage does'iiotT ! i ^ •=? '* really exis ' m PIANO RENTAL Austin bariKs1Ziibwever, do* ' --m ot agixe with-rBrooks? j3months Austin National. Bank $85.00 reports the .lowest inventory Gordon Lightfoot. GrandFunk Paul McCartney Edgar Winter •=';! • " (iiKludBS 'detivery} pick-up, and tuninyj "Shinin" On" u "Shock Treatment" .of pennies in " the bank's "Sundowrt" . .. "" ;Q39 07 "Sand On TheRun" <397 n-" J Cqpitol"-' O 3­ history, 'and" City-National-"Jteprise . V Apple Epic Banfcfjow^ratlbns" pennies to jts_custfirners^ AMSTER MUSIC V Joe George, .assistant THEHOOPLE' cashier at City National,-said--^ inchidtno: -T^EGOIDWTAO^OLFLODOFFTEA ^Ausjin is notaffected as much -— — Capitolt Ih* J»ll 3n—1FUkil ^ lr/ Uie .penny—shortage- as— larger cities like Houston and ... "TJallas: because -'a'll the-big--^ city banks are getting as ' GREAT LP'S & TAPES - many pennies as we are from the Federal Reserve System, and their demand is greater;" * FROM THE MUSIC PEOPLE '-Spine stores in' the larger " : cities-have recently begungiv-• Columbia Peiradite And.Lunch" ing'coupons oc bubble gum in­"the Hoople" 'o97 stead of pennies for change.-Columbia -,5. O The ' Department, of the. Treasury wanfe Americans to BEGINNINGS )fy fun fa— 5.98 LIST LPs take all of their hoarded pen-^ ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND .nies to. the banks to get more ht h<{(s.l>»s T VH Nti **<«t Ri \n*l Rxhit CiMvkn MAS . pennies in'circulation. :A spokesperson at > the §ari - Francesco-Mint ^.said thfe response, to tKe appeal to br­ing out the hidden pennies has ea,. •4 rm . been-good, but if-the appeal faijs to jroduce enough pen­ • nie^to cover the'shortage, the V---'CMIEQIiy tECCkBL.' ­ Department, of.the Treasury has no idea as to what ifmight "Aliman Brothers"tS' Hterb AlpertBeginningt-'v • • c"Yoo.Smilp"Capritorn---—A&M " --. ­ . y'Boutique FajKioniV Afsb Avaifatrfe in 8 Track & Cassette-197 v?/For Meri and .Women \ (H i\cv.i()\i:s w " 1 • , -—«-'"pi"-r r 7-'; BODYHKAT 6.98 .LIST, r.. ' £98 LIST r 39 97 'virSjr­ — JU J Brownsville Station _QuincyJones "School Pun(s»" a„V K , , uBd3y.HedP -* Big Tree • 3 • 1'* 'am ^97 •51 W&x /AAYA -tAVACA-j * m1271 -• mfc ~fs*~ CALICO PRODUSTT6NS~~ ANOKOKEPRESENTS .dm Captain B«efheart Bill Wyman-. — — Diana Ross _ "Unconditionally . Rita Cooliclge ^VMonksy Grip" '*>97'''• "live" si' 1 og, Gu'&fanteed" i^ "WHoto Spring" Rolling Stone Recordi->S • Motown •''' *' " 197 .-Mfercury •• -•-' • J A&M V­ fejg «• &r- TbeLaStHeSc«t targe Selections oj Roclc, CountFy,Blues,Ciassics, A gif^certificate from1 the ; And Popular >0* Music-People ainbe \ised aib­2 The Cadeau has clbth^.s for the way % any of aut_66 stores coast^ M"-r 98 cottons,,J-s^irt 1 4 "P 'to.coast!. :*'^ dressing—long wrap-skirtsr^horts, V3? * ­r pan.tr and~topsr^Showiv an-em­broidered halter ol cotton fcom In^ Plus Spetial Guest dia, 8.00; a knit tank top, 9.00; a TheMusicPeople , HOf SAUCE Sal.^June 22nd Our expert salespeople f Texas Opry -ean help ypu find exaetly-2310 oie-^mmerfuJ—of »-, ,•> T House? grealr©oks„iat±^Cajeau tine right record or GUADALUPE two •perlormflfitteSA: tape ..we're MOM.vTHURSr-fO^1 ^:30 410:M SS -TJik In cnHuatt tor«Kli the MusicJBenple w %i". .-FRI. & SAT. 10-1(1 478-1674 Ayyibiblt attaints Soulh tttowo-l town t Rtiinldtf, InMT Stfnr Opry 2316 GUADALUPE • 9t00>5s30 . * _ V 88HIN0-W6-6AO6AU 1— • rt {••!<<•' >• !* > \ 'N ^ v 'fr^'Hrnr• ggr-^ . By MICHAEL ETCHISON and not jusbbecause there aren't many solo mamjolmisUffJl • . Texan Staff Writer these'days. 1 ] g|g :_For ?3.50 you coufd have bought a ticket to see Ry Cooder •His harsh, aljnost'H'icious attack (aided^y. theclub's es|g w „ •*„ . L /j"* • "* v , F1;-4 ./iV at CasfleXrpeK.-AcKTaTiffliple-of buckS fonlrlnkS'aiid a^tipTi --.--7-peeiany4inny^soundjystem_diiring_-the'first-set) kept tB '•H;­ You'd have saved a buckw two if you had bought one of his '< fes pulse going through the.most intricate lines. ThatTnotl albums and a six-pack, gone home and stretched out on the on a plunky instrument ljke a mandolin.-..--: -§S » VV«t 1LIVE NEW YORK ROCK -sofa. You probably would have had"! better time. This didn't always;work.On a rawhidesong like "Billy theNpU It's not that he's not a fine musician. Any of his albums KidJ' it ls.perfect;" the song is direct, cynicql. almost brutal ^Js| would proy'e otherwise. Even playing by himself, as he did • behind_its seeming-detachment:; On other songs, such' as:M last Friday and Saturday, he makes-more,music;than your ' several Sleepy John Estes tunes, it-worked less well'. The*';#! 'hi " average bans!,; and gqoimusic at that.It's just?-well, some -Esjps'records I've heard are^ttoh-mdn^sv-gdinp tJian'/a&jf?! FREE N.ITE ^l . performers-bring something special to a live performance, ni^dolin could ever be, even without Cboaer's inteiisity.,^^I DQORS OPEN: 8 HAPPY HOUR: 8-9 ' ' and sortie don't. " .'••'•• ~~ : — —— ASIA 'slide • guitarist. Cooder is unoaaalled in my ex-» 1 • IT DIDN'T .heljj that the ^tiQience at-both shows' Friday-•> penen'ce; Technically he's~i§ |o(^ ^anyonerl'v^ iieaxdl ^-j -"t'-i .•j-'i tvijii nl nf thr* Aiifitih tw law i^.; keepfflg all his left fingersjworicing,leading-witW the bulbous ~ recently: tvde; They know better than any perform'er_what; red-slide oif his liUle^nn^er.^t's thc^mottonal qiraHt.y.Uiat:~ V'r-K*. gfy914 N. 1AMAR 477-3783 .songs should be d^ne, arid they'reunloathe to let the world sets-him apart. For the fujUe rSgcT&f "Vigilante Man" or the — jknowit.Often, often. -SlL •; ^ resigneddespairof "How Can a Poor Man Stand Such Timt's sy *• Allthataade^toerewas-rauef>taeiigoyjin.4he-man-'iwQrk, j and Live," Cooder-s keening siide 'is perfect • V-He played guitaf Cboth straieht aninlidel and manriolin with ] It was appropfiate"alsoior'a5ong-whic'h.drewhii*ses.froi'h._ Village , ~ village a -skill and intensity that any musician should erivyrEv&y" some folk's in the back.of.^^toom. a merciless attack on -one of his mandolin instrumentals Was applguded,;in.fact, 'j preachers;called "You Shall." as ih "you'shall lrave-pife in-— —taxan-Staff Photo_by_Stonk*J«»rof.; riSr-i the sky, now don't notice when'I steal your fobd or bed your" '"*5-v , Ry. Cooder' wife.." 'When was the last time you heard" a sefious an­tichurch song in a night acliib.? -' • " the LARGEST Benefit Sehe^uJed •On all his instruments.-,Cooder, making things more in.­ PAINTING OFTHE teresting for everyone,«didn't Strum, in fact, didn't doany of •A guitar-toting tnief. would The J,W. Gallagher BenefitJ^pTHREE-MUSKETEERS^-.IN v —th^usual-tolky^hingSr-WhenJie-pj^ed^aBd_httdid_pick^he pever suspect'that his heist named for. tile stolen guitar, HELD OYER /*» Cinema THEWORLD!!! had lines against lines, top-and^boUoro, .with a clear har---would-result iir~a::3errr-Jeff --AVill^feature---4n--additioiii toi:^gi Uth WEEK 1 mbriic direction * 1 ' the " • . Probably the easiest'to hear • this-ojrwas^an:old calypso ' Walker, and friends will Milton--CaHroll, "Countrj ^ -> Walker" cooceart.' • Walker " Goiizd-' 'Band,^ 12:30'MATINEE song, "RooseveltinTrinidad.".Watchingwaseven'morefub^ assemble afc Castle Creek Sunshine^Billy~e:,;Billy Jim,g ONLY $1.00 MONi-FRI as'the fingers:running bass arid treble strings seemed toTe ^ Tuesdayvriight in an effort-to Baker and Frank Ziegej.* FEATURES AT ~ leading different-lives;—~ _. ' i: .... raise money, for ^member of 'Ticketsl'lfor p.m. .1 ^2:30 4:50 . UNFORTUNATELY, he's, not much'of a• singer. I can the Billy C. band yrhose hard-• benefit xwilt' be soid at the-^l 2:40 7:00 believe that he is effiotioriafly involved in much of what he earned: guitar was stolen door.: There-are no advance^ ytng-Saacers -Are Jw^realT'PSro^^^! sv.so S2.50 does, but ribne. of iticomes across, fit tjjdn't help that .the recently v ' --ticket sales.' ­ 2:4.0*4; 50 7:00*9;t$ OM .PBi audiences Friday night weresending nothing back tohim but applau£e.)-tte scRinds more or iess authentic. which is good a£j L:00 MATINEE tel©yisj<3o -ior_the .mostly p!der song^ he does,; biit his voice is bland."°SS°DOhJf Then there was poor Doug Gittirigs, second-billpd,4le is a __ • 6 30 p,m 24 Marcus Welby; ^.D.' 7 Hee Haw 34 Police Story marvelous-guitaris.t who has obvipusly; inyested a lpt of im-" 9 News , 9:30 p.m.24 l Dream of Jeannie ^ agination. eare and love inhis performance. He didin't:stand • •:.f * 9 Byline 3:01 1US 7:50 S2.30 COIO* 36 Eyowitncss flews •' * . p.m. -a chanceagainst,the boors in theaudience. Re'lookedas if he 7 p.m. 7 "24, 36Jj£&±-~^ were about to cry., and.! was with him... , 7^ ? The Best of drums and Bugles -<•" '^.rnsloKt ? 24 Happy-Days . •« .• 1(7v30 p.m. * " . 3ft Adam-12 . • .y v. • 7 Movie;*'"The-Anniversary/T suppose,; but as he said, "1,'ve.got feelings, too." iFyofsee-fi30-p.m. i i starrlftq Bctie Davis. WK6P~ 7 Hawaii Five-Q ** » 9 Firing Line him in a-sympathetic crowd,'.do so. Like Castle Creek, I -ABC. Ttjeafeff "Jocfgmenl: :The 24 W/de World of.Myffery "Night'-^ou'ldiQ.lie^tatejQ put. him stiige withr the"two ^•f^w>Cfturt^artlal ol ihe Ttger of' Train to Terror/-"-^MalayacGeooral-YamashJta." 36 Tonight Shov^ -2:00-^1^)0 :-6:30 ' T'''0 rop" him g''pPorting. David Bromberg and 46 fuetday Myslery Movie: "Black 4.-25 -.5Q..~»'lfaXASs HURRY skheio Mididie SJ TOMORHTOW 51-50 SHOWTIME Rwfton'hCator -'•PhnCsiyMciwM "USIDAY" •" oy« JfBL~ ^ INTERSTATE THEATRES r4AST AT TJHREE THEATRES 1F YOU'VE SEEN JT ONCE YOU'LL WANT.TO SEE IT ONCE AGAIN!! 3 DAYS VILLAGE AQUARIUS FEATURES'* 1:35-3:40-5:4?" VARSITY PARAMOUNT -W2-5UJ : f 7:50-9:55 CINEMA THEATER-*. 7 1 "J CONCPFiSS AVENUH FOUR THEATRE FOUR" Wi I . $1.2J Bmi 1 «!­ • BEPORT 9;40 • ' „ ' COtORB^OELUXE* BOX OfflCE OKNS-7MO LAST DAY g.'gfi . SHOW STARTS OUSK SmKfIArfiolf presents 'MADHOOSE'j ^ AT 8.-05 ONIY mm .MAiyUHEATRES- VINCENTPRICE •I motteritetupe...... flcanii ^.PETER C1ISM1N& FOX TWIN NOW! delightfully unique *757 AtKPMT IIVD. . VHE .; j^rROBEBT QUMRIT 1 I motion picturel CQCjft ftDiU>u i TONIGHT of love and WomEiMcsituByifatJ 12:30r2iis TRANSVTEXAS mimrcEx-TTT?* 3:55-5:35 suspense ihat could S1.2S HI J pim. OPEN 7i15-9:00 . . easily-become| 'ilrf. .. 3:00-4:45 l-.40-3:20-S^)0-i:40-BJO-HJrOO 1:00 aEJ 6:30-8:15 -ENsiassic. | FEATURES l2224Gu»iU«»Sl-W7U6< ' T0:00 PLUS-CO-HIT BARCJUN FILMED IN AUSTIN LOCAL CAST!*! • WTMEC & :JU5. " "tffFlfLMTHAT DARESTO ASK THE QUESTION-• I-^OL SEATS . 'lAST'MY CAM A TRAVELING MAGAZINE SALESMAN, jBARGAINMATS.EVERY PAY7TIL 1?3PP.M,»1.1S| ---TWO RMALE VAMWRIS/ A LONESOME-~­ ( STARTS TOMORROW j -COWBOY? SIX COLLEGE SWINGERS, A ~ ^jHFin,m«Rr 'toiSfefii J'OSITIVELY ENDS TIlOIS! .fJHNAGE MODEL, ONE DIRTY OLD MAN^I LOBlfrOBAHAM^: COiitoR 4 NEW ADMISSION PRICE** ^A GERMAHtSHEPHERD, THE "LEATHER > 7 Mel Brooks ROBERT ore) mlfl" . ADMITS ' $2.25 LADY", A HOT WATER BOTTLE; A ff :RgDFORDJ' FRRROUU XHIlDT»-ll),..~$1.D0 ' . CHItP (unJtn Ffw W/P ;,r? STEWARDESS^ A SINISTER INTRUD- mt X TH€ k DRIVEN BYLOVE—AND BA^K*ROB8IMl E^ A RUNAWAY HEARSE AND ~ju GRGRT-m -G^LF STATES PR|VE-t^ I V. A mmwr Commun*«tloo# company GRT/6V 4ll2:4$-3:30-6:15-9:00 >< m* 13 OTHER AVERAGE PEOPLE )-m 'Bh LAST 3 DAYS'' Cwwoa t-*. :1 ' : HMD TRUE LOVE & HAPPINESS? GULP STATS!55!v5fe MAGUS -EU.M •*!' • . GROUP ' ANS-*-TEXAS" SEXUAL •PlfESENTS fc710 E;.BiiyW>1f 444.2W8i Admitted REDUCED fniCES 3SJAR8U1Theatres !V • — BOX OEflCE OPENS MO f500 S PLEASANT VAltfyRO '-a. MON ihru SAT '~~,5H0W STARTS BUSK JUST OFF £AST ^VgfelDE DRIVE 444r32ZZ _ -TlLfil'M •' <# A HELL, UPS1DETTOWN, K JOURNEY TO THE EDGE' V ' mm ACADEMY AWAp0Sj,tf5,3i»' .J s ^y.% > OF TOIAORROW... FEATURES -a, # f WSEIDOW0nilRE ' ROBERTKEQFORD ^FEAJURES _ KNOWN TOHAVEMANV FRIENDS ­ .^12:50.; ' ——} color means* UFOW lNDIAN^iHEXIplNSrPaOft WHITES, ACuSselBWHUflM • ?! _ l -•:%$1*5.5 ANPimiE^COLO^pEOPLE. TifEsntMi " w mm iCOiOKi PIUS CO-HIT­ ---• «•!»# * 'iL FANTASTIC $1'5'5 VARSITY , , lABfRt? I 6 p.m. IRWIN AliDfSpiOAictai of j$J.50, -•*100 GUADALUPE STRECT FEATURES 'ill 6 p.rh,' tVLRYONE ENTERING FEATURES ^VOYAGE:; H THE THEATRF WH I PPCflVE? 12_ a5IIB* \AT LAST A FILM tHA71 ~-r-Nirw-Ailmtnlin-pifiriit-'-^ SPECIAL DEVII.it TO MEAS-? 4DlltTS^ .im,i ,m,. AU0HENCE UftE THE.iRjOWTiJ'tRSONAL CHilD (6-H) zv,T7T;v ­CHFlDr(|>rM#o^ 6) FREt W/P­ •BEDROOM PQ1 6NTIAL" '•'/> i-1 >'9_ f I* r"^. * - V v£->* > m mm?i •' "^L -.i, » — If '< ' • .-> &$£&3>t Ox*, •W ' -'­ minireviews u>i1 i? i­ "r:r" Mi. Wj (~ H 1 upi?-. jp^s-i km v 4^ H If:' 1^'i J Igjf^ TN 45 -'I f •Bargaining on the Drag Local arfists and craftsmen resume sales as University^, students return {far classes?"^ • Steak Dinner FLYING SAUCERS-ARE THEY REAL? FIND OUT.. :c E N T R U M ——BEAtURES 1-.30-3:0^-4:40-6:15-7:50-9:25.^ . AQUARIUS Unw ' VILLAGE NOW IHfcAl kfcb SHOWINTT FOUR FOUR IIIIBIGrS&CKEGK 1& 2 ^ & Guadalupe Second 'levol Dobie Malt 47-7-1324 ur Screen_1l I \\I t ** XV.'1.'! ;'v!v.'r ., ^ 4' \ r ,»• g »ny r>f hlg fp>llf>w officersconsidered h ttTemostdcUTgerousman^live..,^., -an hcMiesticop. ^ c_' ja|' 1*• L.*^ -A PARAMOUNT RELEASE ,-x ;-"M OIMO DC LAUREIVTIIS 1 ..presents • » -" LPACINq"SERPlCa! ... • LASTLOAX, 141 }%^ ' " rrr^ ^ A'\ * 1 -*135 M . \T ^ si. jWhere mere you in*62? UlUCASmMUB/IWPOKCOTloai/rttoH.AUIIIVMSHl PICIUItE .ICdlKICOHW a Midnight Movies 7 Days A Week onjae/oose LASt^ DAfl H i12:1-5 $1.25 ^-MR WITH BRUCEL£E :$1.2S WIDNIGHT tmfVC*7ll£k OOUWEreATOSr GtER©T3XCRSC8l?^frHER~ACftMM¥-ROlEs|' D. H. LAWR PLUS! s^OMIN IN LOVE V,. _,~3 '•:» -' • By PAUL BEDTELi-y > •" , 7". 7 "YOU'D THINK • they .would at least streak through •j -t "'•-j * • '' Texan {Staff Writer*-" '" " :theater," I< overheard someone saying.'''-.: ' Austin may not btf HoHy*voopL, and the Texas Theat/e not ex-? , "Hi! " Todd enthusiastically greeted me.-'^ want:yoirto meet aetly Grauman's Chinese,-but there was.^a fectain kind of kinky.; my new discovery,•Cohnie Taylor.Sh^s going to starInrby iiextr •e^citemeat Friday night on the_J)»gr^sproducer/dirccter movie, which will be rated 'R'. amd called.'ThejCreep!' ^Before Derek Torfdand rcembers^&NttE^cast of his ~I eould ask Taylor just what she would-be doing"in 'TheCr TheCreep.' -U.S-A/^ made^jsefSCfiahappearance atrthe-8 pim.-screening. she andljje others scurried off into,thrilleater to"w.atch "Fan­: InjjiOfrtJlariceof Hollywood trayitionjlaiblack limousiHe puH^| tasies." •• ^ ;v":' '•/ . up, in front of the-tjieater, th'e stars, stepped out and thtf I Away ffom the ballyhoo iri the lobby, Todd spoke eagerly and cameras clicked. Sighs of disappointment couldbeheard from.; earnestly, of his^interest in movies. "I first began, making_the.crowdas it became apparent that everyone was.fully dress­promotional, films mthe-arrried:faFces•"explainedthe28-year­ ed * . -v • • •• -.• old San Antonio native. "Aiid.opw, working on ldw-biidget films -like -:Fantasies'_ airows Jlfie' i'oom for experimentation and ' Jeaniin^." . .• TODD'ADMITS that for most unestablished directors. theX-Roberts atSt. Ed's ."rated "skin nick-: is the easiest kmd ol f: "With a cou­t»s"'Three Men on n-Horse". Saturday.' with niatihegs at ple of successful films under your belt, -it becomes easier opens_June 17, kicking off ttie-i 2)30 p.m.' Friday and Satur-raise moriey for-subsequent, more serious ones,'' he explained. .... 'The Prppn" will hp..a nal-giicnphgo film " . summer season with a:tWo-ing: performances-and $3 for-:~—As-worn-otrt a.s ttie'skm'-Tirck ppnrp ha?; hgrvomp TnHri wac Week .run. PernelT KOberts,. matinees. '1he play will" run clever enough never to let "Fantasies'"take itself-seriously < the ­ the" through-june 29. ---first deadly sin among skin-flicks), and.the movie does.contain "Bonanza" television series, The Mary Moody'Northen some originally funny moments..'' Wil^star in the role of Patsy, Theatre box office is open "Fantasies" best gimmick, andjhe ope which has made it • the"'brawny .and somewhat, from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily: sfell (the film broke attendance records in Lubbock — and I sup­ .dull-witted gang leader. .Reservations can be made by pose that says something — although' I'm not sure what)ris the • Performances for the open1 ,calling 444-2621, extension 260, .""Erotic Sehsory Profile'^ testwhich the audience' takes at.the; ing production will be at 8.30 or "444-8398. -> "• beginning,pf the movie. .^ p.m: nightly Monday-tftroUglr To explain the test would be to spbit-pletunrSufficeit tosay­thatnf you take the whole thing as the'put^>n1I*s"meant to be, this little test can be a real'howler. (Blue books,'incidentally,' Film Program afl^usebm are not necessary.) LSguna Gloria Art "Museum six programs inelude fantasy. for children to be shown free edy and contemporary life- this summer. The films have study. Several-early-films of been selected to proyidje .the Chariid Chaplin also are. iii-. -Childrercof.Austm^tKe-oppoT^~" cludedThp-prngrams-willbe—' 2533fGUADAlUPE — —­ 'rttmrty-to-^iL^ftinTs-presen^-• jIIUWII ThursdayrJune^O ^nd -­ : ,ting an unlimited range of 27; also, July "11, 18 and ?5.__ Hank's Famous ,cultural,experiences. . -. -Each" program will be ap­_ The films.selected for the proximately 90 minutes long. — .Chicken Fried Steak; 2 pes. Meat,.FTenth Fries, • Cole' Slaw, Hot Itolls $ Butter yillage 5-9.p.m: only . , . . " —~Tfteq. $1,8S_ Lema Twin -our^i "2700 W6ST AfclD^RSON LANE 451-8353 ^ HELD w "IfioMenfhod OVER! jot 11TH WEEK! i Peier'Dogddnovich;;' -Newyod^^ogozine . THE" LIVE! m J2JQ-AL00. SI:50 9:15 . RfDUCtD PRICES MOW-FRI Tit 5 PJ*. , HURRY, SEE IT TODAY! -THE MOST SUCaSSFUL'EScltPE ADVENTURE OF JSlX TIME. HELD OVER! ; ^Monday -Joae 17 -8 p'm; '' AUSTIN MUNICI^L JUmTORIUM ST" J6/s5^54' & TICKBTS.NOW ON SALE ' "•> fiLlt. %,v ^\RAYMOND'$DRUGSNo.1& 1 . -_ frotfi Concerts'Wesr ' JAM Productions RONALD NEAMEf: J TOlflRBY DELUXE: WRMIMES­ TURC1 TIMES1— 1:20-3:30-5:40-7:50-10:00' PfflTAMOUNT jAquarius 4 SHOWWWN Dl SODTHSIDB; Dl BOX.OFHCE OPEN 8:06 SHOW STARTS Af DUSK -"•I. I p esTRjwr HW PIZZA Miice nm i t | •• * J | "PEOPLE PLEASIN' PIZZA' i-i f \ ' t.v) * ' • • r U f§i J- •' i • w r. • . 'r-^ ! r n m, -t 4. • * '• ^ h :k ii F® f . jJ* ' .... •>' i; * J\ FOR \ -i •f'Hlli' i:p\ (M m ' ./ -v [ "ff, ft *r * I I [r-Buy A jPizza— -"//u-e miss OPERATION MADBALL with -Ernie Koyacls and Jack Lemmati tonight, at 9 i Get One Free! on the Union Patio,-it s all over between us." ^ CUP AND SAVE-i -Cinema Under the ' Cvery Ti/es.da^ night at % for free, on.the WORTHt>NE FREEHPIZZA? 1 ' J Union Potior, S--|With Purchase of June 11 OPERATION MADBAU ~ V f*St& • Junt^B DUM^O 1j |Another of Same u Jmw 25 UK MOMMY --Wr. • Size and Price, f v Jul* i"TCM0tF«ID~lO5miO Htll U«. Jldyil AND MR. WYHfpJ 8&* July 9 THf HUNCHBACK OF NOtRE DAME^v |" rtorVqlitT On—~ luly 16 HOR5KIATHERS , • -__ ••Mi ts Take-Out Orders July M Toppre-^V^.;.;, ; .. . > July it SAHARA­ . ,H1*' . i v/.T"' A­ -• AluoiHTHt OMPtRS —« -} ISTtfWAt'S UP: TIBtB iiir?rsr?^~==g~=*­.AvTb ilWiil"""'—— BBirsiRPOirrBtvr mm op" -v'--" ' "V" ' " • • -•• -V rl® ^Operation Mddball' Pauline.Kael terms this farce concerning the "perennial war of" enlisted men and officers" one of the "handful of films worth seeing ...' from the-entire Hollywood output in Lemmon, Ernie kovacsand'Mickey Roone'y. At 9 p.m. Tues­day on the Union Patio; free admission. -,!«^= *T.be Last Picture Show' This -fine..sensitive adaptation of the Larrv^MpMnrtry noveF concerning sm'ali-town-Texas. 1951, placed director Peler Bogdanovich'in the'public eye. Academy Awards went to Cloris' Leachman and Ben Johnson • for their supporting roles in-the. l^JHi^Atj7-.aliOil51p.m, Wednesday tir the. iatre-' Digna Ross' portrayal of the lateBilhe Holiday earned her a 197? Dsrar nnmlnafirin YShP Ingt in Liza Minnelli of "Cabaret.") 0irector Sidn'ey J: Furre_.takes-all the cliches "oT/tJie^t^bi^lreartbrealrdram'aHahd-whips them-up intoan-finjoyable.emotional wallow. At 7 and 9.30 p:rrr.Thursday'ih' the Union Theatre. -. • . : '~r * —p.B. •< :l FOODS TO 60L TTJ I otei-iifibY.'' THEMHERE! SANDWICHES ROAST BEEF • CORNED BEEF . SWISS CHEESE PASTRAMI « SALAMI BAKED.HAM ft And-THE FAMOUS "HFPCI — J • -,v. UtUCHES HAM • CRAB MUSHROOM CABBAGE ROLLS + -"r" ­ " BARBECUED PORK RIBS • BARBECUED CHICKEN BARBECUED BEEF ^ -.; WITH.I ! POTATO SALAD • BEANS W> AVQCABO SOUP ._. 'CHEESECAKES, --"BROWNIES-^ -ANtr <* I "\ THE COMMON MARKET ' PERICtES CR'ISS, PROPRIEIOR i 1 £_ *• 1 J lv CAL14Z2-1900 4 ^ fitk art«X> jy. TuesdayT !iunerif, 1974 THE-DAILV TEXAN^Fage fiasi IMN ! 'JS #: LSIN$< m&m m / iS^^fsft:. Mfc»$ gr. -ii $&¥*& •".-*i ',£•/Vr vVf.-A'?'* * -' * f%?X?nv,' t' , S. El'-v: ' n. . ^ ::,I-•F.'AV.'.IIU.W FOR SALE FURN. AFARTS, M FURN. APARTS. •FURN. APARTS. •FURN. APARTS. ROOMS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES IS.wQrd-mtnimurrf—k -••• = • Eachwerd one time . *>....**• JO >^.u .. •_t^£a_ Misc.-For. Sale raagwswfcawsv $100--$110 -"HARTFORD PLACE Wks. session. OhUy'rfceld servlcet ccjKvEach word 5-9 times Each word 10 o»more times .: • U5£P 3?5PEED Ross v g'irrs^lcycle. Call -S-BLOCKS---ynii ii' i—^. 'Z. . —. liAS Uai-lff\r?t1405 Hartforg l»T»rf-'>AV»10ARoadr26M390,!U«rgeJucrM iirnn t,„ ROOMMATE NEEDEQ, bedroom tral air. Roffigeralors. hot plates allow Studentrate-each h*ne <%•?..;, •477-4020. '• • * -WEST OF CAMPUS K'A t f one ^Pjtetfaeo: ed--Two blocks from campus. Co-Ed. J) UAAAAC K t£O •ft'Sncd laJroom and 'etHc-4eftfey-= U bills 447-17 apartmep/s shag carpct; -full­1 col. x J in4h dne time .:.rr. cablc..&as..vyater furnished. RED OAK*, "xnchenriiuret atmosphere^ just oft En-EL CAMP(5>19T2 "NO t priv:rtoi; x.l incft~2--9 ilniev. .2l04.--$4n-6abrieL SWSummerRales-. .field Rd Convenient to UT. Capilol Shut-'-ROOMMATE: to;.share^great Classified Dtspiay. BEDROOMS? New semi-eificYehcles. Shag cartel. CA/CH, paid, J5Q,-476-3467. • rooms. *35.-Double S27.50., RATE5^_F_AL1. 1 •l col. x 1Inch ten or more times.12J7 We caflitoyr minindormf yoo cancall It • -477-5514 • 476-7916 * ^He-bus SUMMER apartment. Call 44l»7lt>. 6Q0 p:m fiu*1*0^ 4S9.7436. 477-8486:. L5ASINQ:home. Great for budget-minded students fully cable, " who wahVprivacy. Yourchoice of burnt, carpeted; dl&«"• JsMAPg TUP PF^IT on-unlmMtLSaaih'1 -SPECIAL -SUAWAHR.IAJE S.I BERST^; T.HE GOOD FOO.D drang$, chocotate brown or green shag posal, water; gas^swioimlng;.. Austin hom6.Seciuded.backyard, creek, : «• OCAOUNC SCHfOUlC you'll find. 1 block campus. Qulet, c<^l. .'Ttitviaii Tnon Monday 10:00 fc.*n. : withbrfgh. wallcoverings,Patios. Poofs,.; pool,, furnished. Walk/ng dis­ ,1 entertalninpl clean, CQmforiabie. Singie riJom?/ STORES W«dn**4ay Ttf»an Tvctdoy... HkOO o.m. • cabana*;.On shuttle route, minutes from Resfionsible females only,-s75'tl5fl.44L­ tance to UT. No children or. ^ . NEW' ? s75/monih. ABP, maid servlce. -Alfij;-! Thutiday T«aon W*dn«utoy.. tO?OOa.m. • ^he University an'd.oowntowh. Efli.clen-2108 SAN GABRIEL. Private and Large . • 5691, 472-8920. ~ ' •' r:r bedroom ^iparthniont sl25/month.''^>5' . . W: «lh & Baylor • 53rd &. Ave. F ;cies-h 2,'"and 3 bdrs. also available. 1 BR Apt., Full Kitchen. AC, Furnished, pets. 610.West 30th. 477^8858.. fmtey Tnon Hwrytof. , TO-00 a m. . 29th&'Peaf1 * EFRIGIEMCrESv West 20lh. 453^4082 for appolntm.dnt.^7" . Surowfer^rtite*. •. \y-',i. "Water and Gas Paid, Summer Rate 4 SHARE LUXURIOUS secluded hou*e,SI20. own room'S9Q plus bills. Near 2222 and CLOSE TO'CAMPUS 1906 SAN GABRIEL. Finished rboi, .Juicy sweet watermelon,)"!®*?* 16.' save-- Baicones. Tom/ Vvonne. 451-6137,; . %rn~n-top»*>+*.JH • -lb . Private.-entrance, bath,. refrlgerat< \ •' Freshpeach4s<2Sc.Ib. AH»«ms subjecFi $100 SHUTTLE BUS ^ ^FMIPFFY-FEMALE ROQAAMAXEJINANJED^. water cooled fan. 575 to 580. Ope,n. 4 "reasonable limits... .2220 WiTlowcreek Drive . . • •• • to share beautiful J-V bnlt. Jn fourplex. ' \ 'In. th« «v««it ol *rrert mod* in on '4«^7S7 2408 LONOVIEW.1 and 2 BR T BK HURN Swimming pool# beautifully Unique apartment-vrtttrprfvateterrace •>qd**ttnmaMn1,imrfiffdmt* ttotkm mutt bi'. Apartments. Furnished,* AC,-Covered NlCEHOOSE, very closenear Hemp s,d:-Cb" gtfM oith« pObbton"ec* mMnvbl« lw Parking, Poor. 1 BR -S135.2 BR • S160. Tanglewood;-furnished double>or-sty.AiS&Ajaganv WM, ,UU1C, sl "Bfele Pratetiq'.luiMie^.'with hquie* 2^ graduate students. 172.-50, LOW STUDENT RATES' ~ M .5165.r.OfLShuitje bus "route, dishwasher,«-. 452 1801 r% •> ' ' (6 blocks from campus)®* MALE 5WARE 3 bedroom-l^:bath ' ' .LADIES: ROO^A withkltchen'prWHoi Alt bills pald. AC, on bus llne..926-r' 15 word minimum each day ;..;V ;75 ^Prodvct or-sponsored distributorships..... • -di»fwfcaV-ee?ikaT Qaj| A4.34IU or.come -a7rr--pbot.by game roomily. UQQ Manager Apt. 106 ' no 1201 Tinnlrf'-- 7'"' lehse, deposit. 837-0304. .Each additional word each day* .05 David Stewart. 478-2618 , Ford Road, Aptnn;Turn.East o/f lH35vi^ No Answer At Above Call . 1 col. x 1 inch each day..........J$2:37 *am 451-7901 : 1 BR FURN , •353-4364 _ ; -SHORT \yALK TOWER: Larje ".Unclassified*" 1 lifted days ;.$l-00 ": FURN. .!• •../•-; APARTS. . • • • .-1 ^9 E. fttversideOriVe. . .. • T 2 BLOCKS UT) 1 LanfTbedroom apart­; share-larg COUPLEOR-GRAOUAT€iSTUDENTto -am to" ldirwr»5 UBp. Utilities paid. E.OIU5RAqUAT&5TUDENTtO irgo.houM'near H#ncocK-C«nlj6'i^^2^yfJ^-*?|)^ 190TN«eqes^­ • IPreftoid. No Refunds}'. ment,. CA/CHi tarpeted, dishwasher bft .to shuttle bus.Call 453-5135. ^ 476-8683,.Wit -Timbers Apts. ' Atcessib); Students. must show Auditor's cable, laundry^ covered parkfng. SI28 WAtK CAMPUS. Furnished rtfom. receipts and'pay »n advance^.prlvate '1 BEDROOM -$130.00 • ___________ blg fehced yard. Bike .to campus. S70. «..npa i-mmrori n»rklnn n« h.x AUSTIN 2 BEDROOM -S190.00 SHORT .WAUK TOWERT Old 213- Friday.. /bedroom, apartment, .windows 2402 Rio Grande (rear). Gall Jo>in, 47:i , 5125.00 ALL BILLS PAID -fx'* for plants. 5240. 476-3462,-476-8683-1902-1904 FEMALE ROOMMATE needed. Rlver~'"". . 1 Bedcoom Furnished' V . • 6 BLOCKS CAMPUS ' ' .Nueces. A 1 Your•time is valuable-1 POOL, SHUTTLE )9US ROUTE-;-? • HHJS. Apts. M2.50 mo. 451-5346, Diana. ; 575 ROOM AVAILABLE .IRMTtedla! WALK TO CLASS ROOMMATE FURNISHED fF Private batli," kitchen prlviTrees, FOR SALE Our service,is free TARRYTOWfr.i-Bedroom; M»tur* GRADUATE STUDENT wants-mature NEEDED Bills Raid. 47M524, 453-3537, " -person to shire 2 bedroom apartment, * LONGWAVEN" 476^3467 ' 2408 Leon Bedroom, --^ -----­ . PARAGON -ggj^-WS^-Recorded dctcriptjnn iT?. s^nH hil'\pdld.Call Bill:5-6 p.m. 472­ Auto -For Sale ARTS. El Cid Apts. <77-5662 HABITAT HUNTERS 453-4883 •"SUMMER-:RATES#.NOW! Six blocks ' Ing Shuttle Bus Corner ed/-Porsche cooler, mechanical dis-—. A-FREE apartment locafers service ; bedroom Sl30v Efficiency SH0. AC •belhgi-Share ^ bedroonulVi bath with -I960VW wC^doWvaa-Reoefttly overH507^«=rr^ PROPERTIES" Shuttle Bus Corner— ROOMMATE NEEDED^ prefer human >453-! -tr^v'fri FM tt^rm |T7;iaw. -located.ln the>lower levdl of Qoble M6H. waIMn me. Enfield area oh shuttle* '^fcilis or- carpet, dishwasher, disposal, ROOM 3 BLOCKS, from campUS.-BlU^ ;^HabiJalHWQtersJias_lisHngs on over 15,- best offer. 26drSnfleld; No. 10?., Call -S650, •WA^tC. iUNIvggSlj^V^ 2 LATQH closeti:-32ndjndJnterregional.j477-OQlO ••W--Call pald.-a\d. s50/month.ISO/month; Deposit -required. 2809"**" emphULP.ark. 474-4101. -—^woekdans -v800'rgnted'imit8T=fof-summ6fzaf«t^a<^-— •Susan*;«8^0898.-:r::i:v " v'.j:^-^...:Hemr ^onieT?yor-phonerngwianthteke.-fldvan-— 4db«r;sedan: Validwarranty. 1400miles.t *' (8t>u,0trt #•«#• AC Sanelear tacpeled, , •v.tage of. the-wly-no hiiJMUWelhWl llf^. -MMy«*-.OASMER'.'AjfQn»«i."AM/F -— • — — • i dr»pet. frostlessfefrfa new.sfqve<;.parK"r 472-4175 .apartment huntlhg. Lower level Dobie school, sfudy-ar.ea,. carpeted. ^lspp^al, many. wTod^yjrtJ' V«ii vl.".Ofadwfrfe-^ -inq Nnchlldri>n.Nop#is:Nqmotteihan2~---weekends—^— 'Mall, Suite 8 A rBR FURN preferreo? Doro'thy, 478-1068 or leave ROGM & BOARD i' cable TV,-sun ,deck, CA/CH/ laundry, —^ r-phune'-*7<»BM— message wlfh Sharon, 471-1668. ' FORD CllSTO^ 1967, .six cylinders, occupants. Seniors, graduates, or facul- 'jshuttle, ^reat .location, ABP, summer • manualstrans. S400. Good condltion."fior "-••Call> •ty-Water/gas furnlshed. llSO/monthly.-rat^28T2^uSe^tr«72^^~~^:—— BELLSON. OORM tor Men Excellent 478-9125-. ho'fnSrCWked:'"m^»ls;--Afr-condlHoned» -. <72-3349. ; . . ~QUIE1 NEtaHSORHOOD^^enced- El Dorado472T4893 Apts. .KENRAY , Shuttle-Bus Corner LOCA-riON-LOCATtON-LOCATION. yard. Furnished;Darkroom space. Near ­*1968 DODGE VANv.New paint-aAd tires Luxurious 2-2. Block Law School, L.B.J. shuttle, shopping. $65. utilities, deposit. ma?d4 swimming pool. WiJI tike couples1 T -A/ary oiwt mi^h*nir>t nin^jtlon: SI400 APARTMENTS ..Library, St. David's. Pool, sundeck, Michael, 453-9793. .. ... 474 v tor the summer. 2610 Rlc Grande 5680. Calj 476-3340.between8am-5 30pm Weekdays.;47J-1784. Marilyn,,;—. SOUTH shag, cable, $200, bills paid, Gr^at Oak . 2122-Hancock Dr . HOUSEMATE neeifed, 1968 VOLKSWAG'ON. good COndltiOfU. IREA ON' "SHORE: -ROOM AND .80ARD .$137 6 weeks t HIGHLAND MALL ; Apartments. <77»33^8t? , ' ' two bedrooms. »Above.Pease Park. Qulefnelohborhood. . " ino. 4J4-»ioi M»«t InAmcrlfana Tti.»lr» wntklnfl Hk- .Shuttle. Ubgl, UN,.^75^ 47tf-6lS^.5.ue ^^^J^ja^ne^e^^Ramthorn AS SISL JUNE FREEsumrhersublet."Largeone 7SHUTTCE tance to-Nofth-Loop Shopping Center.- -APARTMENTS lBr. Furn. apartmenf, VWMItt, CAACH; oeoroom ALL PROOF 10W50 lubricant protects HJge V& 2 bedrooms*fv/rn.;or unfum. . and Luby's.' One halfblock from shuttle Alt Bills Paid dishwasher, poQl.-^l50>-ABR.:-442-0815 gasoline-engines, for 50,000 miles with large walk-Ins, beautiful landscap­and Austin transit. 2 bedroom v BELLSON OORM,^ Excellent home ' • • -... ­ evenings.;-' . cooked meals. Moals by wetk or month fAami townhouses^-extra, large. Two bedroom -Sbetwewv^U.cAaLnfles.441-5174/ • : ing. From S>54 ABP. MOO Relnll. 452- FURN. DUPLEXES ~v"1 4 '•* 1 > 2610-Rio Grand*: Call 474 5680 ;3202r-*72-4l62. Barxy_GlliJnbWater Com- flatSf, one and two fcaths, CA/CH, dis-La Canada Apts. or 47«r^H* -< pany. . Efficiency, L 2, and >» $105 -$U5. 1 -Bedroom apartment,pool, iiiterurtmtr riean: enoltw^-. -_ ' hwasher, disposal dSSTftrooor garbage - .471-16?^ very-near.-UT, carpeted paneredi -AC, LARGE QUIET BURNISHED 2-1, gintfi owner. SI 150. Phort$"H fwmr—service^f-desired/ -V--. .447-4849 washatena irrcomplex. 5eeowners, Apr. — apartment i,•or^caN ^724408* x.478-3885/ stop: Perfect for 4 students. 4175/mo. No I * . perfect, origins i pirh.ip -apar SJiuttle'Bus Corner ~wstep-& ga$ pan. rHemohUt: CA/CHi Washer^drvift-. iun-aeek-&hit«tlw . ,113 or call 451:4848. Offer the soTtUTion LOST & FOUND '64 RAMBLER STANDARD,"air#"raSIoT-­ - yourJiousing. eucceUent condition, fires good. 20 mpg. $139". EFFICIENCIES $100 . : .2 BLOCKS CAMPUS. 1-2 bedrooms. 702 * J350. 44V-35825 • • 1 Bedrooms:., The South Shore's central location. T •'.^-RAR-MOR.TR) hedr&f^m CAiCUl CASH. REWARD; Male Irish Setter 1 BEDROOM S135.00 Shag-Paneling - provides easy access to U.T. * Grand^elephone,GR8-A938.. • --;v.;-y«rd::5»35-bi|l* paW. 452-4012." . -$oulh Auslln. 471-1833?rEvenLn9Sr-444>; ir I'ti 1969 CORVETTE; AM/FM/ air, 427, . . .Giant walk-ins -Balconies 2 BEDROOM $175.00 • Come.by and see our new efficiency and $105 {W81; Answers to-Blrkin; .-clean, $2975 or older car in trade. Take .. Spanish furnishings Dishwasher, disposal, fiTSIocks rbedroom apartments on the banks of LARGE 2 BEDRC20M; Z^lbIHT all bills- paid. Oir shuttle, large poolrm blocks. • .Up balance. 474-4444, 474*1041.; 444-8118! -2423 Town Lake Circle . . 472-4162 1 campus, extra nice luxuryfv Town carpeting^ Lake. accent Completewall,-modern wtth -shagfur>.. I.Bedroom ' from Ut Law* School. 32rt Red River. FURN. HOUSES ' 'HOST white paws, CATi:Ltfrfle neck. 33rdmale/'andmostlyGuadalupe^'-gray; • -VEGA *7) Hatchback standards radio,' , 9 Bacry GHIIngwater. Company apartments. > niture, plui anIndividual deck overlook--Tanglewood North 477-2104. - 45i-58WsjierRewar(l -new tires, -Inspected. 46J0OO miles,-25 ' ; log the water. • '• ^ -: . " 1020 B. 45th -. 452-0060 Sublease 1 bedroom June*August,-$160 eyeglasses between SanGabrltfi4.ava(i)i: ­ mpg., tune upVbaJiery. $1300.477-1403.' 474-1712 ' FR.EE JUNE .JIENT. Nb depdsiti^ LOST.-G'old wlrenm tinted prescription '63 VW, body ruff/runs good.Good tires,-'<• 2919 West, Ave. From-Sl45 -all bills paid- HERMIT'S HUT IN-AZALEA GARDEN ;.-ShuttleBusCorner H0U5E .ON..GOO'S. GREEN ACRE * and 16th-23rd. $10 reward, 476-3987. S375 or best offer.Xalt 441-2534; Leave ARMS ABP. Call Rlverhlth>Apartnrients, " 300 East Riverside Drive 7797:— -POR REFINED COUPLE message. ' .-APTS • ' --OLD MAIN • ' 444-3337 TWO EXCEPTIONAL HOUSES. 1 for L6FJEMPTY GRfe^N Samsonlte suit-'/ APARTMENTS UT SHUTTLE Route,nlee-eUWrncy, single man or.woman .desiring'priVAcy-case -801 East 30th Street opposft*. 3121 Speedway V 477-3210 • —fumishecLucypeted, separate, kitchen. and t for inice couple; Available tn most Dobbs House $5 00 Reward. Mary, <76* Motorcyd.es -For Sale Why waste time Oft a city bus? Walk to • AC/ iummer rate -:m5i>tus-efeetr4€i*y ell##..areas fEhffehJ Roa^jnd Alpine 9403;. :... vc Summer Sates,' covered park-" cjais. -Unique efficiency, and one ^ For.rnof'e information«453-4952t>r dome Heighfs7~WiPREE K) 3;^—1——''•-'"d&i paid: Nopet$rM3friuu<21fl2d6. 476-0920, MARK XX THE $130 washer/dryerlac»ntresj''swimmlng>}ol^ -A8P. Central Air and heat, ;^"^Antilles Apts. JUNE FIRSTsOdly $25 deposit Stereo-for Sale APTS.-, 472-4838. *• •• I "• * REWARD; LOST Small Springer-' • cable TV; no pets. Resident-manager* BLACKSTONE^ I r Spaniel. Black/white Female. Tags;..>: -• 474-5347. 3001 Duval,-Apartment-No. 203. . NIKOiy FB5 compartment case, black •N'' 2204472-5320EnfieldRd Name: Chelsea. Call 476-7397 (8-S)/4w ^ leather, mln) condition, 575. Call 471-* S64.50/rtionth 6W3. \ t 474-432? ­ fv i«— t • 1T82. • • •' Special Student Rate Apartment living block from Campus, *;•. Shuttle Bus Front Door ' ' -• -••-*. ' individual applicants matched with REWARD for Sears Forecast, l&fiiiftr&aj . SONY HP-155, turntable-Amplifier com-i.BR S120 • 2 BR S140 , compatible roommates • WAl-K TO SCHOOL, newly remodeled lypewriter. Taken.from 2103 Nucccs NORTH.OF HIGHLAND MALL. »!W. blnatton Used three months, lm-" fe'v., ;• Dishwasher 2910 Red River 476-5631 ! ; EFFfCIENCIES • -SI . eHictencles,. $)19.50 PUJS blecfriclty and-. -Central'AC, dishwasher, carpet,1000, war>k>jy^distance to. UT ^ampus.'-$)05 Ii-Gafrard Zero.100 turntable. AUyours for .disposal, stove, refrigerator; 451-7937.""MiJents; no pels or children. Qu|et (or $120 monlh.-,476^)153after"six. SERVICES ^«sonable^900rC^K^P8-10097 ---­— ,— , • • • ..those who are serious and want tostudy, BR Furn WALKING DISTANCE. TO UT.' Paved ^l>TAH-SPEAKERS4iIkeij^^ 3-wa^T 3815 uadalupe -bedrooms; furnished, -pool^ AC, waikino -weekdays Resident manager 452-4^44.. fronf.and back;-Carport par Jos, fenced . HELP WANTED CAVALIER APTS.: 3fl7 Easf/3tst 2 Phone "472-620T, /jfthn LUdlOm before 5 ­ system, list $140" eachi a$Kinjjr$175 for 7^0=^ r- Tanglewood West > "• ' ' 'Sh"uitle~4 BlksV-distance toT1TrrAlR^»ST>ald,TSummer^*,*fter-5-and weektffi^i^.^^ . -^ --—^472-9614- arq.^PlusQverby. bills: For appointment, 472­ t^pjiid or best offer. 45V3823 after 5 -.-PIOv GINNY'SS $140 and up: Calf 472-7611. FLORAL . fiiE^G.NER. Experienced ­ -Shuttle BusCorner f VS4-3953 ' — 452-509a«J^!l only. npedso ~ >iAM/FM STEREO, built-in 8-tmck; COLORFUL !BEQROOM. Shao, dis-sDDiyr^PayJ:c6mm»nsurare COPYING ith<"" c* Park ¥our Car and-Walk To School!-"" -FrSm $115plus electricity.121-1 West 8thl iSERVl'C^S • < r.4"J>hono Complete with <4 speaker*, jFirst -' hwasfter, obzy community. Near shuttle. with ability 3/7*5717 for-appointment. EXCELLENT TYPIST. Mu*t--tywr70 Oilllngwatei'Company. ' • ­ -' /(oU Biandoh 474-1107, 472-4162, Barry vwpftv: Frexlble. hours. ARpry-tj, 36-A •, DobierMall. 472-8936:-• w^r • FOR_,SALpk Pioneer SR-202 " . r LARGE18r2 Bedr^omfurnishedand un:.. , Jleverberation amplifier, S65; Colorful Shag Carpet '.wltfius Ineight *S-•;» $115 -~ furnished. Shag/wet bart prfvafe.club SEfctrFfcOWERSrMake $30-560'working— • ^ Thursday, fxb a-newJIst Is S140. CSC Monitor" Central Air "great UniversilV-complexes ' S ;• tropmsr on shuttle. 1 bedrpom from *4 peacoful days a week 42 Dobie MaTl ^76-9'71 jSspeaker.s, 3 feet high,2-12 inch ^Bedroom HI4930 ABP: 2 bedroom $169.50 A8P. iday afternoons.' Saturday, Sunday alU Pool. • ~ 454-0835, 476-2633/ Barry Gillingwater . day. Top corhrrViMion. Paid dally,.476* •* Free Parking V;woofers,: 2 tweeters rand a Shuttle Bus 3 BIKs" Paid., Company. 3060r453-l50tr453-276i: ^ • 10«p.m. M-F ".^ • m'wJrange, tremendous power; 7 .. :.4S LEON -5> aBUlLD;rYOUR OWN independfTSt EXCELLENT SUMMER RATES-on. • and Clarity of sound, 590 each.- ST**" THRfeE GREAT BUILDINGS Buckingham Square spacious one and rwo 'business wlththe secant largestnational bedroom 476-7111 ext 281. apartments. Fall rates reasonable. Call 441-5174 corporation In direct sales 454-9475 • RETREAT 711W. 32nd" BABY^ITtEft WANTEP lor girl 5, boy8„ M-F. Prefer hours 9 4, but flexible*' VW REPAIR­ PEPPER TREE Pets-For^Sale --M,-i !r 454-4917-470-2404. -Quant^wotk al reasonable prices: .-.rWiSMOOTH' FOX TERRIER pupplsi. SH«_ APTS. -W=SU.. ELVE_GREAT BUILDINGS TRAVEL can 9IVD .you-bettor service frohiour SUMMER EMPLOYMENT STcycle ^ Dam both AK^C Chgmplons. 385-4839.. , , ^QQ G ^ shop at 1003 Sage .Bnush^Free diagi Security Co. Seekingpeople Interestedin* 459r0058 ' »held compression checks, and estlma IS DRIVING THROUGH PHOENIX toL.A. Tune-.up on standard VW *10.50 100?°'TO 526500 Wish^ someone to shareMfrivliUKsnd-Room • parts. 836-3171. Please try us. Over: -Homes *-For,-Sole.: -' MOVE IN' TODAYI $120 . . . . JU:00. • - travelMg expenses, Can, be Tnsle or Engine & Supply. . . 47M739. ; ^ •­ »STUDENTS -NEED^vnice furnlshejj -r-female-937-1528. • v-v:--house with lots of frees,.wirtSciws, & a""--.. Efficiencies, 1 Br, XLarge 2 Br 1 -^flreplace?"4*TJ359t7^ 1 BR Furn •WANTED .SHOE SALESMAN fo'work' ABORTION ALTERNATIVE.!.Pregrral Call Our Office " - full,time at Hol-'s Bootery on theWDreo SUMMER^EALU and distressed? Help Is as neac as vc Apply in'person. ** RESERVATIONS._ , Ms3 aaark iv^PTS. UNF. HOUSES ' ~ r* telephone Pro Llje Advocates..510 Wi 26th. W 41M .-parage Sale -For Sale Upper C/assmen choiceselection 1and 2 PdL I2207 Leon-: =472-8941 -Speedway^ bedroom units, nicelyfurnlshedi walk to 'CALIFORNIA OR BUST.'Garage Sale . Full anil part tij^e*,waltpesuwaitert' CATERING .iofc3.4.*aUc.a"asJj3S>..R campus; from $130 Jo $165 plus electric!­ • " • Monday. »ntiT everythlng goes. Fur-fy:i907-San Gabriel 2802,Whim^Ma.ld. PdL I I, 2200 Ljebn 472-894^ 477-1685 Bus help, kitchen-hetpj.barfthflftrs, bar fltiesti the finest mTtl-slan-Cutslira. aittrrp m^h^n-wWre, plants, many un-SHUTTLE BUSCORNERS porlcnced cheliwalters. 47fr-303l help Apply in person Sat^/8/7440'30till ^oono^mer ra,«. not shown 453-.. PdL III. 2200 SaH Gab>fel Jefferson. 454^)17, usuai itemsrjiWfcvnr' 472-894V FACULTY;" 5 00 Sun 6/9/74 l2<00 liLtS:00 $2 00 per » .tpour.­ENFIELD AREA. Two Jbedroom with '' 304 E. 34th 476-9279 -~~STAFF-: i extra. t TheiSreat-G^tsby UNCLASSIFIED Misc. /.from 1 every $152extra, Furnished or unfurnished West » R >ino \AI O-74-U • • , ROOM for. tamlly^wlth>tamlly^wlthc-• 2700WOS14 nrl.AAndersonm— LaneinThet •— VHlaoe PLENTY* OF plus electricity 807 .O"1T ll>-4Uo W.* o7Tn ^54-0824 $110 , teenagers and/or horses and dogs For** , chAnnlftn V Lynn. Barry oilllngwafercompany 477- ,. ^Center TOP CASH PRICES paitffor dTamo^s, 4 Lynn; BorrydllfngwaleriCompany. _ _ A-gri»A 1 > }r^:'vTAiease-attractive unfurnished home Weight, lifting set, cheap.153-8014 ' IS. old gold. Capitol Diamond Shop, 4018.N. -7794, 472-4162.-. ,".L'' PT 11 f/2704 Salado 4t7-275?-;,-i . 1 Bedroom ;r^^^sido-'cityand 20 minutes from.Unlversfi'J*W" acres with, trees, wlidUowers, • •' 66RamblerGoodBostCrfler. 476-8946; NEAR CAMPUS. Efficiency apartment PT IV;502 W. 35th ->.L. ' •: *l^imostiy fenced. HOuse'.hos central heat riisK 'SCHWtmrSopM Suui iM^-Gootf shana, *99 5ft AflR_2?Q7-0 San Gabnel. $100 472-8941 . -and -two baths,' • •; .. \ . 'remand air, three bedfooms, baths, > : Frets Kittens. 47^-9312. ABP, 908-G west"»th. Barham VritAt-' R-ATLMARK / •Must sell $95.;478 5995 — study^panellcd living-room with grcat. : .<£0+ AP Het M6-9M5: . • HI y, 404 W. 3bth 472-9253-^— stonft firet>H>ce, modero; kitchen> utility.•jJtUj ..Afghan.pups/AKCR«s,-452,63011. • . "HP-35 CALCULATOR, room, screefreTTTackpOfth. "Mapgrn;* .:•• *190. .1941 screefreTTTackpofth. ~Miflieni,' , • Chevelie, $700. Schwlnn Varsity 10-speed ' APTS? kflly/equfpped. tw»o:/bedroofr) air con­•J Rpom-»50"ABP frat 477"-4?»1, 478-58M :"~PER;hour^— vv bike. $50. Bflefose. $S. Call 477-8107 or -ditioned mobileborte orvbackof-^ot. Yo 476^312 may sublet mobile home if/you wish. Morning, afteitrtdonor evening • '.Gjrl s.io speed ^lke.;sSo'. ^4-559t ' •THE:BEST'VALUE IN TOWN— Available August 1.:-Appointment only: work.Adv.r.P ersonrfel'-Sales,-. V~ ANTIQUE Call 454 9901 '70S W. 34th •»;«,! y* SALE Queen ' Artnp-table* ,L 44< -7222 " ' ,-M SailBoelitrtlffer. S600., 472-4672 'rlw-s-' -chairj, massive mahogany "bookcase, , , ^ 454-6294 sofa, chair, other-Items. 255-2369 aft«r.5.-. • Sherwood 8900A Rec. 447-4074 Nts"^* r' -i;--• p.m., • SUMMER SUBLET: 2»04J=rench:PI., 3J -N BR.^FURN: -WALKtN& DISTANCE UT., ^bedrooms-, 7bafhs, unfurnished, JunelO' YOUR AIR FC RQE has openinos .Need double slee watef.bcd/44|-i146­USED TYPEWRITERS. Manuals from bills .p%i225.442*8171. i 1ng;ond nort-flylngt..lf*ck jylth-your'AIr Force Need female rmmate. cheap. 476-7831.S145-S150. 3011 WhitiSi No -103; : RR 620;.Stoye and.Kefrigerator, WIN ac-repifeenlatlve, SSCT .Ed Hudglns, for. Srj.» SAILBOAT. New if «6o» venture ihlorrtiollon-wltboulDbllgJllonJusfcoll Piano nijed )un1ng?-4'41-44te'p-/ comodafe fabr adutts: Call 444*9557.-:?r'>- L';VTii'7,,WM|r»»."MWM»-ww"«aiwn. rfusi can v Mueu iuning^Mi-«4V2-• Cruiser.. Assume nom.'-Lovr'flq ; •after?'5"Mon:-Friday; Affen 'Q-< • . * WWfir yrr,ft Staff Sargent Hudglns, • J . IALL BILL'S _ t.'^ Available now. 475-5851,-47^-120»-ttA RHl>m Mii DrACiaii till. ,M B]nelte Bdfm set ProsierMi>a442.B0fi?fc>i:-'^­ aV" 'o^^d^Jrtwers Only l \jgw \7 2-SR FUR-N.rJi 5120 LEARN TP PWAY Guitar.Beginner and . HELP WANTED : advanced.O^ew Thompson. 478-2079. LBR FURNISHED^ . ^dupLBX^ '-V* NEW EXECUTIVE D&K; walnut wltb. 'TA n& " r King Size Bed.COOnH iBdrm/2 Baltt,'cM/CH, •urxjplacei® .shste type-top, locklng flle-drawer, paid-, ! srpe,v"11 S450, serppr $375,454-8896. ^ -r> Pool -Dishwasher W ' ila.°.<:o, " ,v-ri r* «IIc i o;i-:iyrotysfcvSPP'"i.$nvttie bos tet:vice, T -$60 474-4597/474-4405.-' ' 1 APTS. /Mature graduate.student-or person torb wuTnarrp^ LONDON SQUARE. 3914 A>VES>.; i *453-1084' afhasSist9liffh'ousempth€r.. AppfyCin own J901 Wii-LOW GREEK DR. v!4oo. i-OWN-OTCE^emefeE UNF, APARTS. U-.handwr4'tin^^YmjclrepIv„w11l-^e ^ 7=7=^ OtlSK bOK ^XEUR:OEi:lS; 404.E»»t39t^Matu^; . || UC TOr 30^® ­— -ir*?"ipetal with'composition^ lepjj<)''* 5282; _jede$tM fype-wlfh'rietter-siteiUle-""•Shagcarpeting ancf^ swimming pool don'tjBqdto a^ ^partment • -Bux-D-4^ r^grawer-'-ilSO^ncIugferm^tchlnQ-swlvetT GREGORY APTS-. targ* -spaclouv. ElAustin/ Texas787J2I ¥-r_WlndS0r,gr'callJ«t4-Ii22!i --' ~ ,9 honrfe. "-** «- ^ZAiistm/LT-eXja^ 78732; ^^iJ^ge1^rvtc^:aftefc^j^^AseiwWJ^us: •Jv 1 fv rIV^r-ZS ~ '—r •< -Tr • ft .. . „ • 2= n>,„ Pag?l^5rJUJ974TTj^l3AI^TEXAN_:i^« 'u \L ^rj -r~ i mr ^^•­ 'W**M*,ill****M-1—h * —*T —.-• | rk wjjninvolve'«y BYRAN BRUMLEY THp it. of Pe°P'e use,this building. The' . str^ra^ehabilitatTon. "A lot of-the^ The temporary loss of the Umopr, closing of the graft center will affect mnn*>v will be invisible " to Hagler said. '', • i next failf::' mXg'aSd eating a "h"-^ «* ^ster^Why doo'tS^d^heTe^ ced 1.1" <: -, '-• Building as a place has produced a sense of regret among many members of the Univer-:-"1 know a lot of people who ept sity community. -__ . . /{here," said Gail Pioetz, an education: ~ ">senior7 "rdon'trthink-it needs-that Although most students~expressed some degree of.bitterness at the deci­much renovation-I -think they need' another Union,on campus. It should -''—one first?:They're building aH these * x»-v -vi .. ;1 ",new buildings like.'Rusty' down the -Frank Fleming, student body presi-, street. There're a lot of people you dentgndarnember of.the building use-.--don't. see-anywhere'else: I come for advisory?committee .'lnwlv^-in.th^-^ffee-Detwem-'CikS^^ie said " decision to close,-bemoaned-the tim--' -' -•-• . «­ ~ J-- 1 f' • _ . i. sion .to close the building for.16 to -2Q months; most criticism wasrjiild, and­.'-few seemed Inclined to Uke'dctiuii— have been built a long time ago."­'•'I; think -it's a compliment that ~-llkii:e's au much foneern-ovof the­.union Building cidSWg^^ said .Corky rPnnvatm!?^w?!rE?rth0 need f0li Hagler, executive assistant to the :--3^rTm:RB^tot;We\aii^«Ehavfejrenovation. Robert George, a junior director of the Union. ' ' tbe money and the opportunity tow Ti|,k " " " thinlr we'll have a first rtesQ iuunn .when we're finished," Kieffiing said. b0t^ny_ni8i0£1jaid, "1 ctoirt-thmint— ' n e e ^ s a t t t h a t T t R a t ' s a n a w f u l l o n g S h e indicated that the occupants of time to cloie4t;.-If iUs going to take ,that much time, they're probably gQ­jng to-spend too much money on it." the building regretted the -closing .as"a surprise. No one is sorrier than . vttie-Unidn itself. It bec-aiwe a much Janet -Brooks, an art seniors-bigger project because the building is questioned .the fa'tfe of Union in a lot worse .shape tAan we programs4 -. V : .'thoughts. tJBXgii Jenovation^4^6 ne^y_0-f the WNbA MAY.'a Plan ll seriior, also • renovations. , .v ^ lamenteds;the loss ;of .a gathering "I would be the last one to want the P^ce. "It's a goW mee.Ong place, not president's ntt'.™ *1**^ only for clubs but friends. I.gfiess vnii • --rOuld mOot'Dpnpip in thp llhrary >•• .{-. • •""•.x -J-7­| ''I find .two years a little bard to -t.afce, ;biif light jiuvv;. I'|„: concerned-­%ith;where;Student Goveriurient will ' rtfeiirflB^intwriwr^T^ -.the students will have in terms-of our-; prograrflg. in terms of acceSsityiity to our.d^fi'ces,"'jR'achtJi'Bohmfalk,' sehtof V;.secretary ­.resigned to the closing;j>ut generally skeptical."I.guess 'they have ,tp do it -"Sometime-, •' Dennis Hickey,, a senior '• -government "major-, said."I rcan't take the bowling course I wanted to-at-, the Student Government offnifes-said ' — Michelob Beer 20* a mug • $1.00 pitcher with the; purthose .of any sandwkh, pi^za, or meal -•—-Hivf Fnlif fimtni'l'if Inrnrt Pnlnmrtrrr / on. rriday and Saturduy niyhli:.-j. Featuring 13 varieties of hot sandwiches, served on'72'inches of hot French Bread. AhOf-tberbesten^izzar Italian-fojod,.andJ5hisfi .Kabqb. Si>Jl-.-I|iurs.r11_:0(> afn jQ V oni ^ ^ Fri. & Sot.' 11:00 om to 2:00 om 472-3034 T,fjg Mm,fMIt * T*g. m -Wffl - I-"5r® ip'Satvrday -——The Texas Union will-offer ~ its first7ri(iay rrtip"_r^to—the" -Stonewall-Peach Jamboree Saturday. The festival will : -begih with, a-rodee-Friday­; night and will-feature-""a" parade, -a .beauty contest, • a , peach-show, auction, street danCe and barbecue Saturday. -avaiiable-'"eaGhh"week in a The-tfip-wtH-^jegin-aW-prtn^ yafiety-of . topics-including and return about 1 a.m. The; study -reading, concentratipn, cost, ,$6.S0 for studenls^ facul-creative time use and listen^. -ty-ancU,st^wamL,58.50, for_ing ajd-flotetaking,. : ^ " 0thers-^lneiud6s;¥us^fare—' — -RA"SS^alKalaffer..^ walk^in­Regislt-ation for the-hours and self-paqed instruct Stonewall; trip Is ff a.m. to 5 tioji from 10. a;m.--through 4 . w~. M-f-SP-" it MISCELLANEOUS GET.HIGH ON HOT Alf? rife p.m. through-Friday in Union , p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Building 342. Spaces are-Friday and 1-.through 4 p.m. available' on a first-come, -Tuesday and Thursday. . <­first-served basis, ahd an; For more-information call' -application .forml must be 471-3614 or go by Jester A332.-S / completed; For-more infor-. . ' miehnos­y mation, call .471-4721 or^go by Union Buildirig. 342 for a brochure. , ZEaHHonZZEI trdductory lesson-$5. Ground school, classes now formlno: -472-8805 . NEUSON~S' -O tF-TS:-...Z«H>i IndianI«wetrv;-Alric«n and Mexican Imports:46)2 Soutn Congrrii. *44-3*1,1.-Closed 'Classes Begun MOVINr.7 MY-TflCKUP eiin mAke thegoing lot easier, lom'iL'o uliu ( iueKet~and Mme Cravey Jatk aboih cha'ng­""irifrToterot men andmvomen:—--—.ijeyyMAW'aorrwrrt^-meet-gt » p;ni..-Wednesday Vn lHg~CattTOiic^fadent­• Center )p pJan' summer • aSTIVttt^F­and welcome new members. " TENNIS AWYQNB? Great teacher, lowrate*. -Group-lndivldcMl-BeQinnliui* FREE KITTENS need good hordes. One-Canco, one»fluffy orange. Pleasecall 477­TYPING Just North of 27th Guadalupe­ut sAnmo oubwH| meet at 7 p.m. Tiies­~—Tfnyth Cpntftr |' (or the first .general meeting aind new member summer orlentatWin..UNIVCXStTY VETERANS;ASSOOATIOH. willmeet at 7:30 p.m. TyeWay in UnionBuilding amor y general, rqeettn? SHAKEY'S 2915 Guadalupe I'rrmtUi KENNETH THREADGILL-r.. 1 TONIGHT THRU SATURDAY 5,lC Serving your favorite Beer and Wine . •' ^ Coofera, Sangria, and 21 vaKefieS'of P/inisv^-f^;­476-4394 „2915 Guadalupe TONIGHT V * VJ W 1 GALLAGHERT; BEN|FIT: ' featuring i> JERRYr JEFFWAtKER 60)120-BAND CeORTRK ilUMSHWE Ymf JJfljl BAKfR ^gpR?t)PW^Tr6;eO­$2.qp fCOVfR AT THE DOOR Daily Specials TUESDAY ONLY;! m Like to team pjng".J> new Texas Uniori Droaram desianaH tn acauaint you with the> state'.3 varied — " ~ -• ---^— excursions td^specia/ eveflts and festivals in^Centra! Texas. T o ' r e g i s t e r , ~ c c " -------_ ^ weekday. Spaces are available oh a first-Come, first-served basis arid you must complete an application ,form and pay the total fee to be •guaranteed ^plalieLMoney 'cannot be. refunded un/nec tho trip, is cancelled or the minimum enrolfnseat is hat reached. You donotneed *"**> be a stllii&ht'tn rnrjictor .~ ' • . . .^or [ information,' cdil 47T-4721 Or.pick up b brochure in Union • r Day Trips _ "" June 15: Stonewstt-POTch Jamboree & Rodeo — Jurte 16: Dallas Summer Musical "I Do! I Do!" June 29; LuRnc| Watermelon Thump -July 4: Kerrville" Ragtime Festival ' July 4: Round Top Independence Day Celebration ; July .13: Tombstone.tubbing Trip ' . 1 M.B.A.Typing MulMflthtng. Binding""" .w-iTTh'e Corhpf^te^j-ofessiona'/ --FULL-TlMlf TypingService RESUMES SUPPORT THE PRESCHOOL July 2.0: A. Night in Old Fredericksburgt-Jyly 21: Daiias SummerMusical "Man'of La Mancha" July 2^:. Fossil Collecting Trip . ,; ? August-2.-.San Anfonio/s Fiesfa Noche del Rro -- ; with or.withoutpidures.2-V9Y Sei^yre^ -. 472-3210 and 472-7677 -• ... 7707 HcmtlftiH Park . LEARNING PROGRAM 1501 East 12th Street LIVE ENTERTAINMENT FEATURING ^August \0; Winedale" arid Shakespeare !,.» August 11:: Dallas Summer Musical "No, No, Nanette" CHR1STENSON 474-1031 " ASSOCIATES " -A TYPING SERVICE Specializing in 5i—Theses and dissertations •'-'Law briefs . _I -r; i—Term paper? and reports Prompt, Professional ­..... . Service ---453-81Ot" • ";Pick-HjpjServlce Available Report*,Theses;Resumes'LettersAil university-end -tvping"" E * n » J> business workRLast-Mlnute^Servlce "•Y W jIw Open 9-9 Moh-Th & SERVICE Wr"s"-> a survival program of We-the People Organization ; Anthony Spears, ChairpersonSponsored by Campus £tiends of »the Youth Institute yi.j. THE BUCKET 2^rd ond PIARl" " ""T a, r' f UIIU IliN ACROSS FROM HARDlH NORTH-4HRS-. FREE PARKING : % »>.in the United States Highway system East-West • roads are marked-'by EVEN numbers and North-South • -by PDD numbers.?. '472-8936 —-30A DobieCenter if. 'Ii 2'M iV' 3^© . NEAT,,ACCURATE and Prompt typing.­. 60 cents per page. Theses 75 tents. Call447 ?737. , DISSERTATIONS, theses, reports, and[?:&; la* 0r(.ef«;. experienced Typist,T«rrYWv»n::2507-Brldl« PslhT-L-orrBliieBcftdy. '472-471S;-'• STARK TYPING. Experienced theses'.'*dissertation?/ PR-s^.etc.'Printing andBinding, Specialty Technical. CharleneStark, -4S3 S210 HOLLEY.'S;TYPING SERVICE; Acom^plele service -from typing through bin­dlrtg; Available until 10 p.m.'Experfenc^-"i fflin allfields. Near campusv'lAOl Mohte_Drivp^476 30ir_ FRANCES WOODS TY.RNO-SERVICET Experienced, Law, Theses, Disftr-.tations, Manuscrlpts< 4S3*609Q. : FORKING PROBLEM? m r* r 1974 SUMMER AMi iTir MA0YC SMALLWOOO Typing, Lni? minute, overnight, avahabte. jTermpapers, theses/ ^dlssertatioos, letiers.MasterCharge;: flankAmerfcard. 8M»^t pm or 442-8545 ^ MINNIE t.:HAMMBTT--Typing i7­Dupllcatlng Servlce. Jfheses. dUier—Wt(on$; • papers of aH: kinds, resumes, •• Free, refreshments, 442-7008/ 44M^5.*r;;r -•JV ' BOBBYE DELAF-lELO. IBM Seleclrlc, :.":;^ ..i:.tplca/ellte, 25 year$ experience/ books^' d4sserfa*ion», t^esev# teports.'fFTlijrv.• >v SOLUTIONS. J--,' iI^iQographln^-^^IU. • ViRGiNfA SCHNEIDERvDiversifiedServices.-GratfuateondOndergrMroMfr'1 fLECTRI 4 fr * J» ft x Manuals $9° mo? 3 mos. for $20 „ ........ PORTABLES $12.50 mo. 3. m6s -:foi> $30. -ELfCTRK COMPACTS $15 mo. A 'v. ' . 3 mo. for $35. .'" ^ ' .OFFICE ELECTRICS $22>. mo. J ;OR 3 MONTHS FOR $52.50 ADDERSCALCULATORS " ~lvr Yni(i~nfg °n n/\Y OF STUDENT-will be pu&lished this month/ Vkl'l contain thousonds of names/ locol ad-||p;S5p| ; dresses and phone numbers, plg^Ke school brft^v-w s college and classification' of«pch;student. Ihe^ ^Directory will be inserted int\the fuH circula-. Hop of The Daily ;Texar> o>} the daV df " NOWThatYouKnow... I 472-3210 andi-472-J677 —2Z0ajfemtih»l Parlt* ~ r- WW 0€*« Whitls S ZOlli-Street o -" - , ^watcff for>it lat6r this^month! .. —--~--.-J.-v-' SSiyr -.SI"W *• LX^ ^«4 -'.r? ; 4f.- %* • Mg:: mm* z'iT'i m mm­ gr-r"rrrz ."V;; .Every prospective track-star. needs a tool place to warm up.";"'­ mm W&rWSft3BiSB3SS3il t -l*--«^| j» /' * -v-* * "* ,>.Jn^an age of team sports, track and field ^ "• ' athletes are.ail oddity:-__ ;. 7 %£L~ ~'jWhile emphasis in football, basket-flftV.t' ­ i.v *•" * -^~^6aill, baseball and hockey4gon uOoidination ^ ,-T'. '""betWeefrh-teammembersrihe sixiiligtrFat -~~" -L_ the 53rd NCAA Track and Field "Cham-s ? ; pionship at Memorial Stadium-was on the » „ .Individual i ^Even in the 440; and mile-relay races, not winning dfipendson one pe'rsonr A dropped is batori or a poor leg of a race Vvill defeat the & entire team „ ^ , • j. In the shorter races, the difference between a winning and a friediocre tyme is* -only-a fraction-of-a-second­ mr- VrM.* The strain of competition' showed~onlhe~~ %7 ^ athletes',, faces. In longer races, the ^ -mnnmaUJEElrs. wprp qlgrt distorted bv-the --­ they wej^e intended. The,athletes who competed.at the NCAA . meet are'the best the nation's colleges have 'U IP" offer. Some, such-as North Carolina raraSgsfr • -HUBER Mi ' M r , * -O^j 33 >0* I " t ?1­ " ' Mlle winner Paul Cummlngs MsiHdu^ passIng up ft natlonal television £ Pete Farmjexhibits h|ls own,kind of grace on the way tp a win fti the hammer thr^w.?_ s , , . W "^Jrjv#%•,^;'F ^ V.iVj'! mgz*** • J"#5! '' _ 'i - Y r ^ Iy-Xr|C w ^ i _ record --he's still t^besfTrTtKe ard dash fiottbeing counted asa world I * 5 J^j^4^sasij,^asii^ j<:-£cz^< \'U v ^'(&?!> i-> _;Page Jj}_Tl T •*» \ - •^=C saasJKs l­ »->*„•«W*M­